The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News: 4th Amendment under Attack, Privacy, and Preservation

Episode Date: April 10, 2024

Join us LIVE tonight 9pm Eastern for I AM Liberty Call into the show 804-767-7171

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to P.B.N. Your path back to stability. Man, this has been a fun ride, PBN family. Hump day. Already the 10th of April. Oh my God, the 10th of April. Can you believe that? I started thinking my son is like a month and a few weeks away from the end of school. And I'm like, what happened to the beginning of this year?
Starting point is 00:00:52 Wild. The time doth fly. Okay? The clock is not your friend, PBN family. Take advantage of what you have while you have it. Because I don't understand. You know, it seems the earth revolves
Starting point is 00:01:12 faster and faster the older you get. But I thank you. Thank you all right up front because when my time comes and I'm stretched across the old gurney, I'll know thanks to you guys, thanks to my wife, thanks to my children, my family,
Starting point is 00:01:36 my close friends, my dogs, that I've made the most of this time, even up until now. I've made the most of this time, even up until now. It's not uncommon for me to talk to my own mother and tell her that, you know, it's been a great life. And if I were to pass away, surprisingly, first of all, it wouldn't be suicide. So check the DOJ. side. So check the DOJ. But beyond that, beyond that, I don't know. I don't got many complaints. Do you know what I'm saying? Not a whole lot of complaints on the personal level. It's good to say those things to your mother too, by the way. Well, I imagine it is. I've never heard it from my own children because they're young yet. But I got to imagine it's probably, especially in a time like this,
Starting point is 00:02:30 it has to be pretty nice for an older child to call you up and say, you know, it's been a great life. I almost can't think of a better sort of thing to hear from your kid, right? Because at the end of the day, you know, you thrust them into this thing. Take it or leave it. So tonight we're going to talk about a different kind of preservation on the I Am Liberty show. And it's a preservation of things over food. A consideration of what should be, what could be, what, you know, in the face of losing everything or in the face of losing grips with society
Starting point is 00:03:10 or even in the face of just continuing in the direction that we're continuing in, which is a migration to digital everything. You know, how long do you think it's going to be before people forego laptops for VR headsets or smaller VR glasses that allow a superimposed keyboard on a table
Starting point is 00:03:39 and you type directly on the table? Because once you're working, see, I love VR. You guys know it. I love it. I think it's way better than playing video games. For many, many reasons. And we're just scratching the surface. It's going to be so fun.
Starting point is 00:04:01 But once you give way to... Once you start explaining away the necessity for tangible things, well, those tangible things are going to go away, man. Case in point, bring out a photo album. You know what I mean? Pull out a photo album from 2022 onward. You probably don't even own one. From 2022 onward, you probably don't even own one. Whereas growing up, we had multitudes of photo albums when I was eight years old, nine years old.
Starting point is 00:04:33 It's happening. Remember the age of the DVD collection. The DVD collection was like, if you had a good DVD collection, man, you were like a superhero. So, the way I see the future, like right now on my desk, I have this beautiful compass that my wife had made for me. I've got a pilot pen that was given to me by Chin as a Christmas gift, actually. I think it was a Christmas gift. Chin gifts me stuff, man. He's such a great dude. I've got a Goku on my desk with me. I've got several books, pens, of course, the notebook that is my guiding light. And, you know, I zoom out further and I
Starting point is 00:05:24 have other accoutrementments, acoustic guitar, a picture of George Washington crossing the Delaware River. And once the necessity for these sort of tangible things goes away, there's going to be no need anymore. You know, once you can convince a generation that, look, your consumerist mentality is bad for the world and bad for the environment and bad for you, you can have the room you want. You can not only have some things in your workspace that you like. You can have everything. You can have things you couldn't even fathom. You know, you could have a black hole in the corner of the room that you work in.
Starting point is 00:06:07 But you got to put the glasses on. Do you know what I mean? It's here. This is not foreshadowing. This is not like, wow, this is profound. This is here already. These technologies are already here. What I want to talk about tonight is what do we preserve?
Starting point is 00:06:28 In the face of sheer total disaster, destruction, world war, whatever. Or in the face of just the din of technological advance. Because there are things worth preserving besides dehydrated strawberries. You know what I mean? There's family things. There's also contributions to the world by great people that are worth preserving and not just saying, well, we'll see what happens, whatever. You know, I got every book ever written on my phone.
Starting point is 00:07:04 That's good enough. Wow, this is big. I can't read all that. I was going to read something I got from a PBN host. I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into, but it looks to be a bit too much. Instead, we're going to get into a very interesting attack on the fourth amendment in today's one threat one solution i don't know about you guys, but the moment I read the word bulk warrant, bulk search warrant, I think Second Amendment infraction.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Those two things. And the other thing I think about are like the bills that Congress passes every other day. Bulk search warrant should be abolished because the Department of the DOJ served a bulk search warrant ordering Google to release personal information, including name, account name, IP address, home address, phone number, and viewer activity of YouTube users who viewed specific YouTube videos.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Publicly available tutorials on mapping with drones. So that's what people were looking for. Publicly available tutorials on mapping with drones. Now, I don't know what happens to your brain when you hear certain information. But when I hear this information, What happens to your brain when you hear certain information? But when I hear this information, it leads me right to the story of the drones buzzing the Air Force Base for months. Right? Are they trying to find out who was doing that?
Starting point is 00:08:58 Or is there something much worse happening behind the scenes? Who knows? Between January 1st and January 8th, 2023, the STOP project, the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, commented on the recently unsealed court documents that revealed the surveillance efforts saying searching thousands, an estimate 160,000 innocent people, to look for one suspect violate the Fourth Amendment. This is real. One of the things worth preserving is privacy, I think, in this day and age. And do you want to know? You're not going to like this because fun, encrypted technology makes you feel like Batman. But I have to tell you the truth, man. There is no privacy in the future in anything digital, and you just have to understand that.
Starting point is 00:09:57 It's a wrap, okay? There is no privacy in the digital landscape anymore going forward. No one can stop hackers. Remember that when you have your initial consult for your Neuralink. There's no stopping hackers. Hackers are always five steps ahead of security. You see it every day. I mean, every day now you see it.
Starting point is 00:10:23 This is a fundamental of the digital age no one is ever stopping hackers it's never going to happen ai doesn't matter the moment ai is used to stop hackers hackers are going to use ai to stop that ai don't you understand they're always going to be ahead of the game the biggest line of bullshit they can give you is that we can provide you with security for your website, for your digital whatever, and it'll be safe. So it's just a matter of how much risk you're willing to take, you know? But more importantly than even that is the concept of sort of digital privacy in the face of the government because there are constitutional protections. Now, what we need more than anything in this country
Starting point is 00:11:12 is an advocacy group for the Constitution with real teeth. That's what we need. We need an advocacy group for the Constitution with daggers for teeth and claws, adamantium, you know, Wolverine claws. And when stuff like this happens, these committees just have to be attacked to the very limits of what they can take, or else you have no constitution anyway. What's the point, right? If you can get a bulk search warrant over 160,000 people and look at everything they've ever done online in an attempt to find people mapping with drones, what's the point? Why can't I get a bulk search warrant to look for a gunman and confiscate everybody's guns?
Starting point is 00:12:09 Right? Or at least come in your house and make sure that your guns are stored safely and properly. Why can't I get a bulk search warrant for that? No teeth, no enforcement, can't do anything. Most importantly, what I want you to think about, though, is the concept of having no privacy. You know, that's the reality. So as your digital realm expands, you just have to understand that's the risk. And open yourself up to the amount of risk that you're willing to take.
Starting point is 00:12:39 You know? And that's the best you can do. So, uh... And, you know, obviously the DOJ Needs to be Deflated Dehydrated in and of itself Into a semblance of what it used to be What else
Starting point is 00:12:59 What else should we talk about pestos today I don't think we're going to talk about pestos today Because we have children at home And one of them just wandered downstairs So I think I'm going to read to you Dante Gabriel Rossetti Just a little line, a short line And then we're going to carry on
Starting point is 00:13:16 Before I go though I do want you to know Join us in the live chat tonight at 9pm And We'll be taking calls on the preservation, a different kind of preservation. We'll be taking phone calls. You join us in the live chat room. Just go to, live chat in the nav bar.
Starting point is 00:13:41 You can join us in Element. And I'll give out the number. Give us a ring. Listen to the show live and give us a ring. Tell us about some of the things that you're doing to preserve what's important to you in the face of our sort of total digital rendering of life, absolute destruction of privacy by the DOJ and many others, and whatever else could come along. All right? So I'm going to leave you with this, because this is one of my favorites.
Starting point is 00:14:18 As many men are poets in their youth, but for one sweet-strung soul the wires prolong, even through all change, the indomitable song. But for one sweet-strung soul the wires prolong, Even through all change the indomitable song. So in likewise the envenomed years, Whose tooth-rends shower over grace with ruin, Void of Ruth, upon this beauty's power Shall wreak no wrong. Genius and Beauty by Dante Gabriel Rossetti the drunken, drug-addled
Starting point is 00:14:48 Italian Brit master painter and poet and all-around lunatic enjoy your day PBN family I'll see you later tonight and support the sponsors give them some
Starting point is 00:15:07 love pbn family come in i need your help i need backup the collapse survivor app has killed me off two times now the current simulation i'm trapped in is almost too believable. You will also get real-life threat alerts from Fortitude Ranch and have the option to manage your entire prepper inventory. Go to the App Store, download the Collapse Survivor app, and be prepared to test
Starting point is 00:15:38 your might.

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