The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News: 50 MUST READ Books to Survive Doomsday

Episode Date: July 12, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, welcome to the podcast. Present your vaccine passport. Enter your social credit score. And be sure you have enough remaining carbon credits to enjoy today's show. Be me and family. Your garden is the resistance Good day, folk It's Friday
Starting point is 00:00:30 It's a rainy Friday Just lovely The end of the week Rain I don't know, there's something about it The writer in me loves a sodden, you know, sapphire morning. I really do. I love it.
Starting point is 00:00:47 It's great. It is a day for writing. I don't have a ton of writing to do today. More emailing and begging and pleading than anything else. A, I got big news, okay? I was woken up this morning early, too early, before 4 a.m. By myself more than anything else. My inability to go back to sleep.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Which led me to the computer screen in the thunderstorm and the rain falling. And I took that time, rather than rolling around in my bed like a lot of people do, asking themselves why they can't fall asleep, worrying about the rent, worrying about the spouse, worrying about the, you know, whatever. And turned it into productivity, baby. So, what I have for you, some of you, not all of you,
Starting point is 00:01:50 some of you, not all of you, 50 must-read books to survive doomsday. 50 must-read books to survive doomsday will go out to our email list this weekend. If you are on the email list, you get the book. It's free. It's a PDF. It's a list of 50 incredible books, man. I mean, I didn't put it all together myself. In all transparency, there's some books that I need to buy from this, particularly the ones from Rick Austin I'd never heard of that I need to buy.
Starting point is 00:02:27 But if I had to rebuild my prep or library, these are the books that I'd start with, you know, start to finish. It's broken up in several categories. If you're a member, it's going to be available at as a membership post this morning. Probably, you know, I'll have it up as soon as I finish this podcast. If you're in Element and you're a member, you already have access to it. This is why I tell you guys, if you're members in particular, you have to join Element. And everyone else who's on the email list, you'll get yours also. Going forward, well, not going forward. Probably by next week, if you sign up for the email list, you're going to get this book.
Starting point is 00:03:10 And it's going to be kind of our welcome to the email list. But members get everything early. And that's just how it works. The members get it first. When I'm creating the new kids' books, they get to see the animations first. They get the books first. They get access to everything first. And why is that?
Starting point is 00:03:33 PBN family, say it with me. They pay the bills. That's why. Yeah, they pay the bills. They keep the lights on so that many of you out there who are not members, who don't want to be members, who can't afford to be members, whatever your situation is, it doesn't matter to me. afford to be met, whatever your situation is. It doesn't matter to me. So you guys can show up every day and get free podcasts. It's pretty cool. It's pretty cool. Free podcasts, all that kind of stuff. 15 different people's opinions and so on and so forth at a time like this. So 50 must-read books to survive doomsday was created, I don't know, I started working on it probably three, four months ago. And as it started to come together, it was like a snowball. You know what I mean? It just got bigger and better.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Actually, it started as 100 books. And I could have done 100 books for sure. But I whittled it down to 50. Primarily nonfiction. I was was gonna add a fiction section i think what i'm gonna do instead is release another a part two that'll be strictly fiction you know the problem with the fiction was almost everyone at pbn has a fiction title one or more right so um it was like i can't add like my fiction title and i did add aidan tate zombie choices to the list but that was under the family books there's four four family picks but i felt like if i started adding fiction i gotta add everybody from PBN's fiction because they're all great, man. You know?
Starting point is 00:05:08 So I think we're going to do a separate fiction edition. That's the big story today. You know? I don't even know that I want to go down the path of the anti-terrorism brief and so on and so forth. That one threat, one solution. We probably should, though. It's kind of what we do, right? So it's not great news. It's pretty annoying. One threat, one solution. Let's do it. Anonymous U.S. soldiers.
Starting point is 00:05:54 This brought to us by the Gray Man Brief, by the way. Anonymous soldiers. Sorry, I had a missed call there from the wife. I thought it was from last night. I thought it was from last night. I thought it was from now. Anonymous U.S. soldiers who were present during a class at Fort Liberty, formerly Fort Bragg, until they realized that Fort Bragg was racist and terrorist and monstrous. North Carolina shared an image of a PowerPoint presentation
Starting point is 00:06:21 that listed pro-life organizations as quote-unquote terrorist groups. The presentation was given by the Directorate of Emergency Services under the United States Army Installation Management Command. Operation Rescue and the National Right to Life Organizations were specifically mentioned as terror group C image. You guys can't see the image, but I can see the image. I didn't actually look at the image. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Terrorist groups. Let's see what else they have. This is on X. It looks like the image itself by a guy named AtSamosaur. S-A-M-O-S-A-U-R. You know what? I'll just retweet it out so you can see it from mine. And repost.
Starting point is 00:07:25 And a repost. Operation Rescue, Pro-Life, Oppose Roe v. Wade, Types of Advocacy, Demonstrations and Protests, Mass Demonstrations, Life Chain, The Rescue, The Truth Display, Picketing, Counseling, Sidewalk, Crisis Center, you know, bombings of clinics and attempted murders. This, well, you know what it is. You know what it is. They also included a screenshot of a license plate with I'm for it, which is a plate many pro-life citizens put on their car, which implies normal citizens are terrorists if they display this plate. They did the same thing. Look, they did the same thing a year ago two years ago to
Starting point is 00:08:06 people with like numerous types of accoutrement that I have literally at arm's length you know Revolutionary War
Starting point is 00:08:17 uh memorabilia the Gadsden flag the they even did it to the dude from Fieldcraft Survival. They said that his, what was his thing called? American Insurgency or something like that.
Starting point is 00:08:30 I forget. That's not right, I don't think. They took a big group of stuff. The Punisher symbol. I mean, I got this stuff everywhere. Like a Punisher light-up thing on my desk. I got multiple Revolutionary War items around me. Ooh, thunder.
Starting point is 00:08:51 I keep in my dining room by the dinner table. I keep the Betsy Ross flag hung. You couldn't even get a meal down in my dining room if you were like a super lib. There's a cross hanging up there. See, even worse, there's a cross hanging up there, and the wood itself is from Israel. And the sand is from Israel. And then there's a Betsy Ross flag hanging next to that. They wouldn't be able to get a bite down, and I'm a chef.
Starting point is 00:09:28 They wouldn't be able to stomach a dinner at my house. Anyway, all fun and games. Look, what's the one threat, one solution here? Persecution. First of all, if you're Christian, you are persecuted. You will be persecuted. One of the great things that Aiden Tate ever said to me, you remember the last American Aiden Tate,
Starting point is 00:09:50 he said to me that he'd been hearing, you know, sort of in his mind's ear or his mind's eye, you thought you'd be safe following me. Something to that effect. You thought you'd be safe worshiping me. You thought you'd be safe following me. You thought following me would Something to that effect. You thought you'd be safe worshiping me. You thought you'd be safe following me.
Starting point is 00:10:08 You thought following me would be safe. As though they were words spoken from Jesus, you know. So you've got to remember, you know, this is almost a sign.
Starting point is 00:10:23 These are signs that you are on the right path. Now persecution is a sign. These are signs that you are on the right path. Now, persecution is a sign that you're on the right path. I don't take that. I used to get nervous about this. I used to get worked up about this. Oh, I can't believe it. Now it's just fundamentally, and I would like for you to handle it this way, like it's a ho-hum. It's a ho-hum. Now, it's not a ho-hum for the people who have been thrown in jail, and we should probably raise money for them and all that kind of stuff,
Starting point is 00:10:51 because that's important. But again, you know, this is the whole point with the Roe v. Wade situation. This is the whole point with the Roe v. Wade and the Supreme Court. When it's a federal issue, you have to address it with the military. If it's a states' rights issue, then people can disseminate themselves amidst the states they belong based on their beliefs. I can't afford to move.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Okay, I get that. Do you know what I mean? What if there was a lava pit opened up under your house? You'd figure something out, right? So, yeah. For me, these sweeping sort of characteristics, these caricatures that they build and say, if he has this logo and that flag
Starting point is 00:11:49 and this bumper sticker and that, you know, whatever. I mean, I was driving by, what was it? Punch? No, I can't remember what it was. It was a direct violent action bumper sticker from about fascists. Something along the lines of, you know, like punch a fascist in the head or something like that. Dead fascists welcome.
Starting point is 00:12:15 I don't know what it was. Something along those lines. No mention of that whatsoever. You know what I mean? It's all a bunch of nonsense. Get with your people. Be with your people. Have a network of your people. Okay? But more important than anything, do never be shaken from your beliefs by these weaklings. That's what's most important Never be shaken From your beliefs And whatever the hell it is
Starting point is 00:12:48 You want to wear, do, say, hang Fly, whatever By these weaklings Who create power points You know what I mean? Never The only victory they can have Is if they change the way
Starting point is 00:13:04 You live your daily life That's the only victory they can have Oh if they change the way you live your daily life. That's the only victory they can have. Oh, I'm not going to that abortion protest. No, no, no. They'll come and get me. They come and get you. You become a gigantic story. You become a gigantic motivating force.
Starting point is 00:13:23 And you'll likely get out and get a book deal. You know what I mean? Let them lock you up. You're telling me that these guys that are locked up for January 6th ain't going to get out and one of them's not going to get a million dollar book deal to take my time in solitary confinement for, what do they call it? Not trespassing. It was something else. It was even lesser than that, right? My time in solitary for visiting the Capitol building. You know, these are tired and worn out tactics. 1984 style tactics, whatever.
Starting point is 00:14:02 We've all seen it. We all see it, what's coming. We all know and understand what you're trying to do. It's not working. There's more people than ever cluing in. There's more people than ever, you know, seeing what's going on. On the subject of not being able to keep a meal down, though,
Starting point is 00:14:22 is the most disgusting display to date from the mainstream media, their complete turn on Joe Biden and the faux surprise, the fake surprise that they're feigning all of a sudden that he's old. I mean, can you believe it? Like, oh, he's just gotten too old.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Oh, man, let's write jokes about him. Let's do the whole thing. He's so old, man. Joe Biden is old. He's all of a sudden old. He's all of a sudden old and inept. We never knew it. But the debate really opened our eyes.
Starting point is 00:15:02 It just happened overnight. Before the debate, he was the best president of all time. And now all of a sudden he's old, decrepit, and the cryptkeeper. We need to get him out of there. It's irresponsible for his family to let him. Literally echoing the words of conservatives from two, three years ago. All of a sudden, it's so gross. There's no integrity over there, PBN. There's no integrity. All right, folks, I'm not going long today. I do appreciate you. If you want to get the 50 must-read books to survive doomsday today and you're not a member, go to and sign up because the post will be available to members in probably 15, 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:15:51 It's already in Element. If you've got patience, you know, you can wait, and eventually it'll go out to everyone who's on the newsletter. So sign up for the newsletter, yada, yada, yada. Yeah, do those things. Become a member. Support the network, man. Some great people here doing great things. You know, we want this network to last forever. The archive forever. Forever. We were watching Sandlot the other night. I don't know. I think that's it for me. Carl B. up later. Don't miss him.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Always an awesome show with Carl B. Enjoy your weekend, PBN family. If I don't talk to you, great shows. It's the Prepper Broadcasting Network. And I am the Intrepid Commander. Who wants free ammo? Our new sponsor,, is a truly automated, set-it-and-forget-it ammo purchasing program.
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