The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News 5th 2023 Cyber Attack UK Nuke Plant

Episode Date: December 5, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Where's my team? Gather round. PBN Green Room. We are doing a special live PBN Daily News today. I need you all on your best behavior. Santa is watching. Oh, the only thing I'm missing right now is a coffee, coffee, coffee. What is up, man? Hey. Uh. It's all about a taste of 24 for me right now. That's all that it's about. A taste of 24. A taste of 2024. You look around the world right now,
Starting point is 00:00:31 the conditions, the situations, anarchy in the nation, war outside the nation. I don't want to go down the list because we're about to do it in the show anyway. This is a taste of 2024. Act accordingly. Do you understand according there are enemies within there are many many enemies within band together with the people near to you okay but this is real this is not a drill this is happening i don't want to bring this news to you for the next 365 days of my life if we have that many to communicate.
Starting point is 00:01:11 I want to give you a much greater hope and a much greater understanding of what it is that you can do. I think primarily to focus on your bug-in operation is probably your number one focus as a prepper right now. I see youngsters, young people are becoming preppers now as they look out on the landscape and say, man, we're screwed. We're screwed. 2024 is coming. We're screwed. How do we plug into them? How do we plug in? How do we get in contact? The whole nation is turning into preppers because now they have no choice. And now is the time to connect, to communicate, to intertwine, start a meetup group, whatever it is you got to do.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Do you know what I mean? That's really, frankly, all we can do. We have to have each other. really frankly, all we can do. We have to have each other. We have to trust each other. Because our trust in everything else is dissolving. And remember, it's always going to feel like there are more of them than there are of us because you never make the news. I never make the news. Your neighbor with the genius kid never makes the news. It doesn't happen. The only people that make the news are the anarchists, the lunatics, and so forth. And that just is what it is.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Okay? Form your groups. Form your communities in the ASAP. If you are... Well, I went over this already. So it is what it is we're gonna do we got a great show for you today okay we got a great show for you today i need a high level what i need for you is a high level thought thought train on the various preparedness undertakings that you should be taking on
Starting point is 00:03:09 right now you know things like the alternative everything things like the on-grid off-grid balance things like community you know i think that more the average American can be exponentially more prepared than they are. And it's not a wild stretch. You know what I mean? It's not like, oh, my God, I need to this, I need to that. So I don't know, man. I can tell you this much. We're going to get the ball rolling.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Got a big day today. It's Tuesday. All right. L. Douglas Hogan will be on again. He's got a great show for us today talking about his title is hilarious. Let me see if I can find it real quick to make you laugh. Oh, where are we at? Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:03:59 I might be on the Patriot Power Hour tomorrow night as well, it looks like. So check that out. That just came through the wire. There we go. No, I didn't get it through there. Crap. Oh, well, no big deal. It's going to be a great show. It should be right down through here. Bear with me. Bear with me. Oh, come on. COVID comedy and plastic straws with L. Douglas Hogan on The Rising Republic. That will be up later today. That is our Tuesday show. If you haven't listened to The Rising Republic yet, man, Hogan's got a great voice.
Starting point is 00:04:35 He's got a great concept. He's got a great background. He's a lot of fun, man, and he's an incredible addition to PBN. So I'll be on Patriot Power Hour tomorrow night. Also, listen up to this one. It's a little off the kilter, but it's something I'm testing today, and I may bring it to your attention soon. I may not.
Starting point is 00:04:56 It all comes down to what it tastes like today. There is a textured vegetable protein, small company, sending me samples to try. There are reasons why I want to try them that have everything to do with preparedness. That's all I'm going to say about it for now. I'm very interested. They come highly regarded. And I think we can do a lot of really cool things if it turns out to be the product that I think it is. If it doesn't turn out to be the product that I think it is, you'll never hear about it, which is why I don't want to mention them.
Starting point is 00:05:35 But there could be some opportunity here. I'm not quite sure yet. Got to test it out. Got to see what it looks like. Got to see how it works. it out. Got to see what it looks like. Got to see how it works. And we might be able to bolster protein levels in homemade food storage, okay, which is really what the guiding principle is here with this. Because it's one thing to be able to put up carbs long term. It's a whole other thing entirely to be able to put up protein, quality protein, right? Long-term food storage style, harder, harder to do. Need a
Starting point is 00:06:07 freeze dryer, need a this, need a that. I'm trying to find a solution for you here because I do believe that the bugging is going to be very, very important to many, to many in the very near future, okay? So the more you can put up, the more nutrition you can put up, the better off you are. To many. To many. In the very near future. So the more you can put up, the more nutrition you can put up, the better off you are. That's how this goes. All right, folks. Thank you so much, Green Room team, my podcast audience. I love you.
Starting point is 00:06:38 I never get enough of you. I thank you for the success we've had here at the Prepper Broadcasting Network. And it is now time for us to go live. what is up everybody pbn daily news is live thank you for joining us just checking the rumble channel to make sure all is well gotta turn the light down my face is starting to go t1000 glad to be with you the volume is up too loud over here. We got to shut it down. I had a green room meeting here. Hey, first of all, Rumble, thank you so much, man. 400. No, I'm sorry, 341 subscribers. I do appreciate that. It doesn't sound like a ton, but it's a big deal for a guy like me and a network like us, the Prepper Broadcasting Network. We are your path back to stability. If you're looking to figure out what the hell has gone wrong with my world
Starting point is 00:07:50 and how do I get it back to normal, we have 15 hosts that work on that every single week. We do politics. We do current events. We do that kind of stuff too in our shows. But the heart of it is preparedness, prepping, preppers. We are preppers. We're not afraid to be preppers.
Starting point is 00:08:08 We're not looking for words to hide what we are to be more palatable to the community online and the younger generations or the older generation. We don't give a shit, okay? We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. We are your path back to stability. Take it or leave it okay today i want to talk about the taste of 24 i want to talk about what's happening in the world here and now and i want to talk about the taste of 2024 um because this is what you're getting all the wildness that's happening the attack on tree lighting ceremonies the pushing over of the
Starting point is 00:08:44 of the Rockefeller Center tree, or I can't remember exactly the tree, the attacks on our culture, the attacks on our daily life, the attacks on our infrastructure, the attacks on our soldiers, the attacks constantly and consistently, largely by enemies within, by the way, is a taste of what's to come in 2024. You're getting like a moose boosh right before the new year, okay? And then it's all hell breaks loose. And I'm telling you right now, if Donald Trump, whose son-in-law wrote, what was it, the Abraham Accords, and is a Jew himself,
Starting point is 00:09:23 if Trump winds up back on the ballot, you see this behind me? Sorry, behind me? Behind me for the podcast audience is a car torched. Off-grid heat. Off-grid heat solutions. I'm just telling you that this is the reality of what's going on. It's the reality of what is going on.
Starting point is 00:09:50 And it's not just happening here. Let's do one threat, one solution, okay? This is a wild one, man. UK plant. The UK plant, nuclear power plant in Cumbria, off the coast of Cumbria, Britain. The government themselves are not stating that there's been an issue. The leadership of the nuclear power plant
Starting point is 00:10:20 is not saying that there's an issue. But there are several sources within and without that not saying that there's an issue but there are several sources within and without that are saying that hacks like this have been happening since 2015 have been covered up by the senior you know leadership of the nuclear power plant and this is a place where all kinds of nuclear waste is dumped from nuclear power generation. This is a place that, you know, is being hit by Chinese and Russian hackers. That's the alleged situation. Why do I bring this up?
Starting point is 00:10:54 You think I bring this up to scare you about nuclear power and radiological disaster and cyber Chernobyl. That's not necessarily the reason. The reason I bring something like this up is because you have a source that has a story right you have a story that fits a narrative and then you have officials my favorite officials who are giving you an entirely different story and while this could be a big problem, if there are Chinese and Russian hackers that have breached the UK nuclear power plant off the coast of Cumbria, I think it's
Starting point is 00:11:31 called, I can't remember the name of it. Look it up. If you put in UK nuke plant cyber attack, it'll come up in Google. It's not a story that's hidden or anything like that, okay? The reason I bring it up is very simple. Uh, it's up to you now in terms of Intel, right? It's up to you to substantiate the Intel that you get. And this is a very big practice, man. This is a huge practice for you. It's good practice for you because what do you think you're going to have to do once the grid goes down? When the world falls apart, what do you think you're going to have to do then? Do you think every word that comes from every person's mouth in your neighborhood, community, group, mag, whatever, is going to be 100% accurate?
Starting point is 00:12:17 I don't need headphones on. Why do I have these on? I like to hear myself talk. It's true. You can't be a podcaster and hate your voice. I'll put it that way at least. So you got to be able to corroborate. You got to be able to substantiate what the hell is going on. It's your job to navigate the world of information and content now.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Really the best way to do this? I mean, you can get all wrapped around the axles about the uk power plant thing and and perhaps you should if you're worried about nuclear um biological and chemical warfare issues i'd highly recommend you join the pbn family the membership here. We have access to a great presentation for all of our members. Actually, you get it at sign-up from a 25-plus-year veteran of the Army who taught nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare. He'll tell you everything you need, everything you need to worry about. We also have a free book at our website, You go there.
Starting point is 00:13:22 As soon as you show up, it's right there. It's called nuclear war prepared not scared it's not to collect emails it's a 100 free book because who out there is telling you how to prepare for nuclear war every day war is encroaching on our lives who's out there is fema showing up with videos about how to build a survival shelter how to deal with nuclear fallout how to do all these things of course not we wrote a book on it it's not long it's like 20 plus pages all the information i don't know if you want to get prepared do it if you want to watch news that makes you scared then you know i hope you enjoy being scared because
Starting point is 00:14:03 it's going to be a scary son of a bitch all through 2024. All right. So substantiate your information. Build yourself a network of people. One of the things you hear all the time when I'm podcasting or podcasting or doing rumble videos is and things are going off in the background and all that kind of stuff. And my whole group of hosts, and sometimes it's our listeners too, are all talking about this news, and they're all adding into this pot what's going on and what they know and what they know to be true. And from that culmination of information, you can start to generate something that is almost extinct this day and age.
Starting point is 00:14:45 You can generate your own opinion based on the facts. And you can use a little bit of your instinct as well. These are forgotten superpowers of humanity. Character, integrity, instinct, opinion personal personal opinion not one you get from like you know talk radio or some fox news for heaven's sake it's up to you a lot of a lot of the theme is going to be it's up to you going forward okay it's just just is what it is it's the truth it's the reality. Let's do SHTF Chef, huh? Let's have some fun. I think we've done enough here today with frightening you. I need a picture instead of a video in the background, don't I? I think I do. Hey, thanks to
Starting point is 00:15:37 the four folks that are joining us live. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I did this specifically to see what our live showing would look like. I don't know if it's something I'm going to do on a regular basis. In the meantime, let's talk about creaming sugar. Sugar, by the way, white sugar, which has been demonized by everyone, white sugar, right? White sugar, the thing that kills all Americans, the thing that kills everyone, is responsible for diabetes, the most dangerous thing on the planet, white sugar, right? Not fentanyl coming across an open wide border, but sugar cane, pulverized, reduced, granulated, and highly caloric that will sit on your shelf for eternity, by the way. I mean, you don't store white sugar because the media tells you
Starting point is 00:16:25 it's going to kill you and give you diabetes. Yeah, maybe if you do nothing physical and eat spoonfuls of it. But if you've got flour, sugar, baking powder, and maybe some hens out back that can lay eggs, powdered milk, you can make all kinds of food in your house, man. All kinds of food. We're being a little festive today and talking about creaming sugar. Okay. Creaming sugar is a technique that you got to know this time of year. You got to know it. I mean, you should know it, period, because it's the basis for a lot of things like cookies and eggs i mean i'm sorry cookies and cakes and uh why cookies and cakes are not giant steaks cooked on a tread treadigard grill i know like men only eat grilled venison now grilled medium rare only meat with meat on, cooked in tallow.
Starting point is 00:17:26 I like good food, man. I believe that eating good food is essential to living well. And I believe that living well is the best revenge. And creaming sugar, in my opinion, I was doing it just two days ago with my son Sunday, my youngest son. It's an essential. And what is it? Well, it's just the process of taking some sort of fat, usually butter, getting it around room temperature,
Starting point is 00:17:57 and then mixing it with granulated white demonic sugar. And then you whip these two together either by hook or by crook, either by your arm or some kind of machine. And what starts to happen is as you whip the butter and as you whip the sugar together, it gets light, it gets airy, it gets beautiful. You could eat it just on its own. It probably would be terrible for you, but you could eat it just on its own because it's so tasty. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:18:24 It's one of the funnest parts of making cookies the best christmas cookie technique you could could have okay now the secret that i learned last year is even better than butter because when i was a chef i was fully aware of the fact that the pig was the most effective and most incredible culinary unit of all. There's no other animal like it, right? And now, as the SHTF chef, I have given over to the same exact principle once again, that the pig is the king. It's the king. There's no animal out there like it. There's no animal out there with the type of utility, with the flavor, with the fat built in. I mean, it is the ultimate survival animal. There's nothing that even comes close.
Starting point is 00:19:13 You know, you could tell me about chickens. I got them. You could tell me about goats. I know people who've had them. You know what I mean? Rabbits, all that kind of stuff. It's all good stuff. Pigs take the cake. You grow them to be a damn near as big as a small cow they're filled with delicious leaf fat like oh my god last year because we dave jones the nbc guy and i the guy who wrote the book i told you about the beginning of the stream um got together got some piglets got a half a pig, split a pig right down the middle. I mean physically split it with a sawzall. And took that thing home and carved it up and rendered all the lard down.
Starting point is 00:19:56 And when I made Christmas cookies last year, I creamed the sugar with lard. And it was the best. It was the best Christmas cookies I ever made in my whole life, which is saying a lot, okay? Store sugar, okay? The reason you store long-term food storage is because you're worried about starvation. You're worried about not having enough calories, right? That's what you're worried about. Store sugar. It'll last forever.
Starting point is 00:20:26 People will want it. And it's an incredible freaking utility, man. I mean, it just is what it is. And if you can learn to cream sugar, well, now you're really doing work, okay? So for words, listen, we're probably going to do a lot of Christmas content. Turn the broadcast off if you don't like it, okay? It not that big a deal this thing is what i like to do okay um we're not always going to read from my book this is my book the christmas hook you should have a copy of this book it's not it doesn't it's not actually see-through how does a green screen make yellow see-through it kind of looks cool anyway uh yeah like i said if you don't like it turn turn the broadcast off but this is a big part of our life here and you know
Starting point is 00:21:12 why christmas should be a big part of your life all christmas in its hallmarky uh what's the word everybody likes consumerist sort of ways because that's american culture and if we don't stand with american culture then pro palestinian protesters are going to knock down christmas trees for the rest of your life set christmas trees on fire for the rest of your life until they're ready and have enough power to set you on fire and you'll say well i didn't want to support that consumerist. It's not even Jesus' real birthday, you know. Shut the fuck up. Let's read. Jamie Walsh, the youngest of the family,
Starting point is 00:21:53 knew he was living in a town where money was tight and people were fighting to get by. Still, he couldn't help but marvel at the sense of community and how every home was lit for the holiday or every home rather was lit for the holiday in his head he could hear conversations just like the ones he would sneak and listen to at the top of the steps in his own home parents soothing each other and assuring themselves they would figure out how to provide a special christmas meal and pay the heavy electric bill for all these damned lights and decorations jamie ran his fingers over his pale forehead and through his brown hair. He noticed the snowman at the corner of Maple and Chestnut Street first.
Starting point is 00:22:31 This was a time before yards were dominated by giant inflatable decorations. No, these were hard plastic figures that were lit by one internal clear bulb. Blow molds, baby. They're making a comeback, too, by the way. The snowman wore green earmuffs, green gloves a black snow covered top hat he also wore a red and white striped scarf and in his hands there was a large candy cane that matched the scarf a mere group of lines were arranged simply to create a grin a small nose and two squinting eyes. The first home on Chestnut Street had a large Santa face hung on the door. While some homes were hung with wreaths, many also featured the jolly old elf. He was always the same.
Starting point is 00:23:14 There were no arguments about his waistline and how many cookies or milk it really took to get him all around the world on that fateful night. Instead, he was just plain fat. His rotund, rosy cheeks often featured painted on blush and his nose was red as your favorite drunken uncle's blue blue eyes he always wore a hat and his massive beard usually made up half of his head he was the elf described in the poem a visit from saint nicholas or the more popular title, Twas the Night Before Christmas. The Christmas hook, folks! If you want a new book to read, if you want to explain what your
Starting point is 00:23:52 childhood was like to your children, if you're like my age, late 30s, then that's a book about a 90s row home Christmas in southeastern pennsylvania outside of philadelphia you know and a lot of books a lot of great books dickens you know amazing author when it comes to christmas books a lot of great books out there to read to your children but they're from an era long forgotten you know but there's still magic i mean the christmas christmas carol is we read it every year we watch it every year it's it's a great book great book. This is a 90s Christmas, and there's some—we'll get into it. We'll read more of it. We'll talk about what the Christmas hook is and the nightmares that come from it
Starting point is 00:24:34 and the sort of strange mystery behind this weird treasure that these kids find on their Christmas break and how it follows them and affects them all, and each child has their own sort of struggle. And yeah, it's my favorite book to date that I've ever written, in all honesty. And I've written quite a few. All right, it's time to go. I appreciate you all.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Thank you so much for the views. Thanks for everybody live joining us here on Rumble. I appreciate it. Pretty decent number. We may do these live going forward. I'm not sure. Maybe not every day, though. Maybe we'll do live Wednesday or something.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Wednesday's not a bad day for it. Don't you love when I just plan and fix and do all this kind of stuff when I'm in the middle of a broadcast? It's very professional. We're in a very professional operation here. Talk to you guys soon. It's PBN Daily News, okay? Your path back to stability. We'll see you tomorrow. Every year at Prepper Camp, I talk to Steve from This is a guy who's been prepping since before Y2K.
Starting point is 00:25:49 is his favorite stuff. It's one prepper's curated experience, and let me tell you, it's awesome. You want an exothermic underbarrel UBF flamethrower? You want a two-way satellite communicator? And a long-standing friend of the Prepper Broadcasting Network and the next generation Wolverine Tough bottles, the best bottles on the planet for water storage, water carrying. Find them at

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