The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News: CONDOLENCES!?!

Episode Date: May 21, 2024

No Grid Survival Projects Test Strips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to P.B.N. Your path back to stability. Good Tuesday morning, PBN family. What is up? It's PBN Daily News. James Walton here. Your path back to stability. I've got questions this morning, man. I've got the biggest question of them all. What is the United States government doing in issuing condolences to Iran for the death of their president? The Biden administration issued condolences following the reported death of Iran's president. What?
Starting point is 00:01:09 Why? The people in the streets aren't even weeping over this. People in the streets of Iran. This guy was a monster. You know, I think they've lost touch completely. I think that killing off of a few political dissidents in the lifelong imprisonment and, you know, the destruction of the Iranian culture through murdering people, expressing themselves. I think all that really fits into Biden's narrative. I guess it does. I guess it's just kind of like, well, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:52 the ends justify the means, right? We're over here. We're over here dealing with my political enemy in the court system. This guy was a monster. Iran has been led by a man For a very long time Who And his successor And predecessor rather Who have long called for your death Let's just get right to the heart of the matter
Starting point is 00:02:21 These people have long called for your death and the death of your family. How does the leader of the free world or the administration say, well, condolences, you know, sorry, sorry about your loss. No, we're not sorry about your loss. Actually, you have gained something in Iran, and I hope the people are able to hold on to it. I hope the people are able to make something happen. I don't know, this is crazy to me. You know, if they killed Donald Trump, which I'm still not sure they won't,
Starting point is 00:03:03 if they killed Donald Trump, do you think we'd get condolences from Joe Biden? Do you think the Biden administration would give condolences? I said a couple years ago, if they murdered Trump on live television, prime time, the people still wouldn't do anything. And I feel that way now more than ever. And a lot of that has to do with networking, you know? In the battle of, what? In the battle of community, the conservatives have, like, no network.
Starting point is 00:03:43 You know what I mean? The left wing, they put posters up on the street like it's a 1990s garage band show. They put posters up on the street and get thousands of people to come. They put them on Twitter and whatever. We don't have anything like that. We like to joke about it. We like to say things like, well, that's because we work, man. We got to work.
Starting point is 00:04:05 That's stupid, right? I mean, I get it. Go to work. Take care of your job. But at the same time, it's like, this is your nation. This is your future. This is your kid's future, right? This is the future of man's freedom.
Starting point is 00:04:20 If free man, if the idea that man should be free dies in America, believe you me, it's over, baby. It's over. Who's going to carry that torch? Who's going to carry that torch? Which generation of kids is going to grow up in France, in the UK, in Australia and say, oh, yeah, let me hop that area aircraft carrier or that C-130 and fly across the world to die in the most pitiful hellscapes on the planet for freedom. No problem. I'm there. Never forget the sacrifice that the young men and women make from America that go into the military.
Starting point is 00:05:05 I know of nations where the people themselves won't even serve to protect their own nation. Maria, Dave Jones' wife, told me that the boys in Romania have no, they don't want to serve. There's no, they don't want to go in the military for what? So it's not, you know, you get used to being American. You get used to certain things that just happen. You know, and you think it's like that everywhere. It ain't like that everywhere. It ain't like that everywhere, folks.
Starting point is 00:05:35 That's all there is to it. I don't want this to go too long, so let's get right into it. I've got a great interview to do after this. I'm conducting with someone who, well, I'm conducting with one of our members who started a Fortitude Ranch location, and we're going to try to help him get that thing up and running. Filled up. Maxed out.
Starting point is 00:05:57 It's in a good location. One Threat, One Solution, folks. Let's get to it. This coming to you from the Gray Man Brief. Cybersecurity infrastructure still, still happening, PB pbn family no grid survival projects the link is in the description below get the book put it on the shelf please stop wasting time it's 40 bucks okay it's 40 bucks put the book on the shelf and then when these things keep coming across and across and across you don't have to go like oh my god there's a lot of water management a lot of emergency water prep on may 20th the environmental protection agency epa issued i just gave you one solution
Starting point is 00:07:00 one threat not one threat one one solution. The Environmental Protection Agency issued an enforcement alert warning. I don't even know what that means. What are they going to do? How are they going to enforce? Quote, threats to and attacks on the nation's water system have increased in frequency and severity to a point where additional action is critical. Remember what I was talking about yesterday, members, in my video about the October 7th redux? This is what I mean. These things never happened, and they're happening all the time. The alert discusses the steps being taken by the EPA, CISA, and the FBI to ensure that cybersecurity and resilience of the water and wastewater systems. Recent EPA inspections revealed that the majority, listen, the majority, 70% plus of water system inspectors do not fully comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act and that some of those systems have critical cybersecurity vulnerabilities, the National Security Council has asked each state to draft an action plan by late June to address significant vulnerabilities.
Starting point is 00:08:17 You know, this is what we're approaching, folks. The quality of water is probably worth measuring. A prep that I keep on hand are water tests, you know, water test strips. You can buy them. They're like 15 bucks a box at Amazon. Maybe I'll link down below to the ones that I have. They're cheap, man. They're cheap. And I'm telling you right now, particularly if you're on public water, but even if you're on well water, we don't know what's going on underground. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:52 Like, if we start getting earthquake, oh, by the way, the solar storm triggered a massive earthquake in Italy. Let me give you the details, because this is a thing you have to understand. Remember I was telling you about the quartz? Seismic storm hits Italy super volcano with the strongest quake in 40 years. I'm not going to go into detail in it because it's going to take us off path, but I just want you to understand the correlation between big magnetic stuff, big CME EMP stuff,
Starting point is 00:09:33 and earthquakes that follow. I mean, it is a thing. Sarah's talked about it for a long time at the Changing Earth podcast on Sundays, here on the Prepper Broadcasting Network. But, you know, it's real. It is what it is. But we're fast approaching a time, folks, where lots of people are going to say,
Starting point is 00:09:52 oh, I'm never going to drink the water from the tap ever again. We're not even going to use it. We might come to a time where, you know, things like the kitchen sink is gone or the kitchen sink tethered to an off-grid water system is gone. I'm sorry, tethered to a grid, on-grid water system is gone. Do you know what I mean? it's really not incredibly complex to stack rain barrels sideways up the side of your house and collect enough water to deal with pretty much all your tap water needs. You run that water through a hot water heater, and, I mean, you can do a lot of things, man. You can plumb a house with this off-grid water that you collect
Starting point is 00:10:46 from the sky and then maybe keep tap water for cleaning and things like that but the idea of soaking ourselves in tap water the idea of drinking tap water if we cannot trust you know we're fast approaching a time where our trust for the tap water could really be bad. I mean, a lot of people already don't drink it. A lot of people already run it through a filter. I myself don't necessarily drink it all the time. I run it through a filter also. But we're fast approaching a time where people ain't even going to use it. If people start dying, if people start falling ill, if people start developing heinous rashes because some kind of formula is off
Starting point is 00:11:32 and has been affected for chemicals in, chemicals out during the cleaning process, then that's a problem. It's a massive problem, right? You know, that's a problem. It's a massive problem, right? In the book, No Grid Survival Projects, there are countless. Let's grab it. Let's have a look.
Starting point is 00:11:55 There are countless projects around water, okay? I myself created one of the first projects in the book. Actually, the first section of the book is projects related to water. DIY sink to save water. How to build a rainwater catchment system, how to build a water tank for long-term storage, how to build your own water filter. Oh, that's a great one. Everybody should know how to do that. I did that one too. How to make a hand pump. I also did that one. How to make drinkable water out of air. I did not do this project, but I did do a project similar that I videotaped and showed you guys. How to purify or desalinate water.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Building a DIY solar still. This is all pages 9 through 32, as soon as you get into this book. And there's other water-based projects, too. Get your water system right, man. into this book and there's other water-based projects too get your get your prepare i get your water system right man you know or at least have the see this is why i always harp on the book because if you're in a situation now where you're like i'm on a well everything's good you know whatever or i live in an area where the water's quality is really good. Have the book. Then if the lights go out, if electricity goes out,
Starting point is 00:13:08 I just got an email from someone that was sent to me from the Forward Observer all about just how bad the power systems are in the country. Now, I don't know if that's 100% true, but I do know that blackouts and all that kind of stuff are happening. And under Joe Biden, he wants us to produce less and less reliable electricity. He wants the kind of electricity that you wake up and you say a prayer to God and then flip the light switch. You know what I'm saying? That's what he's after. All right. I don't want this to run too long, so let's get into SHTF Chef.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Let's do it. Now that is a delicious cut of long pork. I want to talk about hard-boiled eggs. We're coming to the time of year, beach body time. I don't know. Maybe you're looking to get in shape. Maybe you're having trouble with snacking. Hard-boiled eggs in the fridge, peeled or not, depending on your preference,
Starting point is 00:14:21 are the answer to a lot of problems, man. They really are. They are an answer to a lot of problems, man. They really are. They are an answer to a lot of problems, dude, because that's a snack, and that's a snack that is unlike most snacks that you grab for in a day. I mean, truly. When you reach for a hard-boiled egg, you're getting immense nutrition, brain nutrition, healthy fat nutrition, incredible stuff, okay? You have to have these kinds of snacks at arm's length to make the right decisions,
Starting point is 00:14:55 the right health decisions. If you walk out to the kitchen and you're like, man, I want a little snack between lunch and dinner, and you open up the pantry and you got Doritos and Oreos and, I don't know, other snack foods like that that you can't resist. Me particularly, I'm partial to a salt and vinegar chip lately, you know. A salt and vinegar chip is the type of thing that I can sit down with and be like, whoops, where'd that whole bag go? So to create the perfect hard-boiled egg or eggs, right, you start with cold water and a pot large enough to hold as many eggs as you want to do. And you cover those eggs with water, okay? You know, maybe by a couple inches, something like that.
Starting point is 00:15:42 It doesn't have to be crazy. And you bring that water to a boil, okay? This requires some attention because as soon as that water comes to a boil, you turn it off, all right? So eggs in the pot, water to cover by a couple inches. Bring to a boil uncovered. Take it off the heat immediately as it boils. Put a lid on it.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Set a timer for 10 minutes. So basically you bring the eggs to a boil, take them off the heat, cover them, set a timer 10 minutes. When that timer goes off, your eggs are done. Your eggs are finished. You can cool them. You can put them under cold water, whatever you want to do, however you do it. Let them, take them out, let them air cool, however you want to do it. They will cook more if you let them air cool, that's for sure, but they won't be getting the kind of heat that'll turn your yolks blue and give them that, you know, undesirable look. If you like, you know, the yolk a little like mid-well, medium even, you can cut it down to eight minutes. And then you keep these things
Starting point is 00:16:56 around, man. You keep these things around. You can do amazing things with salt, okay? You can do incredible things with salt with hard-boiled eggs to turn the hard-boiled egg into not just something you're eating for nutrition but something that you're in love with eating. You know, you can do a red, what's it called? Like a cayenne pepper and smoked paprika salt, right? Mix those three things together, you know, maybe like two parts salt to one part spices, right? Smoked paprika and cayenne and mix them together and then mix the same amount of salt in. Sprinkle that on your egg and um-num-num, right? You can do, you want to get fancy, you can do a truffle salt.
Starting point is 00:17:46 You want to get fancy but don't want to spend truffle money, you can do like a porcini mushroom salt, something like that. You can do a lemon pepper seasoning, whatever. Herbs de Provence and salt, not bad A little chewy with the herbs But dried herbs are not something I'd like to put on hard-boiled eggs But any kind of powdery curry Like a curry salt you could do
Starting point is 00:18:15 I mean, really, it's up to the type of things that you like You can get into it any way you want You could do like a cumin and chili powder And sugar and salt sort of mix, boom, on top of the egg, sprinkle, sprinkle. You can get as wild as you want and you can turn those eggs into something incredible. You know what I'm saying? You can turn them into something amazing that you really enjoy eating. And again, packing yourself with nutrition. The older you get, guys, you're going to struggle to meet your protein dietary needs. Not the amount that the government tells you you need, but the amount that your body actually needs, right? It's like probably over one gram per pound of body weight per day, which is a lot, right?
Starting point is 00:19:07 If you're a 150-pound guy, you know, 150 grams or more protein you need a day to maintain your muscles. And you have to maintain your muscles. It's not a question. This is stuff that's coming out now, and I don't want to turn this into a nutrition bit, but in the very near future, you're going to start seeing a lot of things about health and longevity tied to lean muscle mass and strength. Like, give it time, okay? Take my word for it now.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Get your protein. Lift your weights because this is going to be a telltale sign. I'm telling you. So let's not do words today. I'm at 20 minutes already. I don't like to kill you guys with long, long podcasts. It has been PBN Daily News. Get the book, No Grid Survival Projects. Prepare for these attacksacks on Our Water Grid. Don't be silly. Have it in the chamber. Okay? I'll talk to you soon.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid Commander, and I'm holding The Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, M.D. In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You'll learn about assessment and stabilization. You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. Look, 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the Prepper's Medical Handbook today at
Starting point is 00:20:50 Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy.

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