The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News December 15th, 2023
Episode Date: December 15, 2023@PBNLinks | Linktree...
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Welcome to PBN Daily News, your path back to stability.
Thank you for joining me on this Friday.
I'm a little off today.
Got hit with a little fever last night.
Needed a little ibuprofen, you know, that whole thing.
One of those early Christmas gifts that we all receive from our children
when they come home and climb all over us and are happy as hell
because they're done with school, and then they transfer one of those,
you know, one of those booger-picking, hands-in-the-mouth-and-sort- and sort of viral infections.
Hey, it's all part of the deal.
Dave Jones, the NBC guy, is going through it.
He's going through it constantly.
You know, the whole family emerged from the mountain into private school,
and now they're just building immunity up, just building back immunity.
It's a good thing, really.
But it is interesting because it does remind you,
like, if you isolate, man, it will have an effect, you know?
It's so weird.
I guess we are meant to be together, you and I,
and all the rest of the lunatics.
We're meant to rub elbows and pick boogers together.
Welcoming, guys.
I'm a little loopy today.
We got some stuff to talk about.
This is going to be a weird one, okay, right off the top.
And it wasn't because I'm sick.
I was going to do it in video format yesterday.
And I just didn't do it.
I didn't do anything daily yesterday not even a
podcast but luckily luckily it was thursday so i had the tremendous team of dane d and uh the tool
man to come up and make it a it's an insane day here at the prepper Broadcasting Network. You know, we had five times August
on with Tim
last night. And Dainty doing his
tactical firearms
madman, mad
scientist material as usual.
Prep news today.
Prep news today's
a well, it's more of a gift than anything else.
We are going to talk about a topic that is a little more unnerving
and one that you probably should prepare for.
One that, you know, our gray man brief, one threat, one solution news.
Now I'm going to take a decidedly aggressive stance on that
story this one on the other hand is is essentially a gift okay here at the prepper broadcasting
network the the sort of base from which pbn daily news is launched we We have something. We have our website,
Then we also have another website,
And the website was created for our unbelievable membership base
that really pays for the Prepper Broadcasting Network to exist.
And in return, they get incredible stuff.
In return, they get incredible stuff.
And to be honest with you,
we're just scratching the surface over at PBN Family
with what we are possible of giving our membership group.
It's a lot, but it's, you know... you go to, the first thing
that'll greet you on your cell phone, and now is the time, man. Now is the time. Annual Preparedness
Master Schedule. If you're one of those people that's into prepping, just getting into prepping,
has been into prepping, and is like, how do I keep up with all this stuff?
I created the annual preparedness master schedule from a master schedule I used in another line of work, and I built it for that reason exactly. 52 weeks, several different things to do within those
weeks, and yeah, get it all done. I was under rigorous inspection in the food safety
industry. And the only way I could keep up with all those inspections and trainings and so on was
this master schedule. This is one thing. The membership at PBN Family, it's pretty robust now.
It's pretty outrageous, actually, for the amount
of money we charge for it. It really is nearly everything you need information-wise to get where
you need to go from a preparedness standpoint. So what I got for you is a discount on our
membership for the year.
So if you sign up for a year membership and you use the promo code SANTA,
then you get that membership for $50.
That's a year, $50.
I really can't do any better than that for you.
Every year I say to myself, I'm not doing any discounts on the membership. And then, I don't know, I get around
this time, around about the halfway through the month, I want to throw everybody a bone because,
I don't know, I feel the season. I feel the season. So the Ultimate Preppers Group Calorie
Homestead Spreadsheet is, if you're going to be self-sufficient through food, animals,
If you're going to be self-sufficient through food, animals, homesteading, so on and so forth, you need this.
This is outrageous.
Not only is it outrageous, if you're going to be adding people to your group post-collapse, this thing is unbelievable.
It's a very simple, easy-to-use spreadsheet that breaks down exactly how much food you need,
how many chickens you need, how many goats you need, how many cows you need,
whatever you want to do, how many pigs, how much feed, right?
Everything, broken down.
And I didn't even put this thing together.
This was put together by a massive operation, a nationwide operation called Fortitude Ranch to make sure they have enough food for all the people there.
Yeah, those are the first two things that are waiting for you over there at the membership website.
We do massive amounts of membership content, podcasts, videos. Today I posted a podcast, which I think is maybe one of the most important I've ever done.
And it is on the concept of not having anyone.
It's called No People, How to Prepare in 2024.
So you have no allies, you have no mag, you have no group, you have nothing. It's
just you and your family. It's not the end of all things, right? You can still up that value.
And you'll hear all about that in today's podcast over at the membership side at
that in today's podcast over at the membership side at We also have our Prepper Fit and Health series. We have several series over there. Now, I'll be honest with you. Some
of these series I haven't hit in a while. I need to get on that. The Prepper Fit and Health series
I haven't hit in a while because we've been dominating the fitness world with our monthly
sort of undertakings. We're halfway through Kettlebells in Christ right
now, and that's been a hell of a lot of fun. Basic kettlebell workouts with scripture to follow.
And I need to do it. I need to do my commitment this week is today to do a Prepper Fit and Health video.
I'm sorry, to do a Kettlebells in Christ video for the members so I can discuss the scripture with them.
I don't even know what it is.
Like I said, half my evening was in the bed yesterday.
I'm not feeling well.
But there's a ton of stuff in Prepper Fit and Health, man.
How to use kettlebells, different types of workouts,
all kinds of talk about fitness and health.
You know, it's a big deal.
Bushcraft for Preppers, you know, essential wilderness survival talk,
you know, good stuff, video, a lot of video.
The Cubicle Escape Plan Podcast,
it's a 20-plus episode entrepreneurship podcast
if you're into that sort of thing.
Hammer Talk is our backyard blacksmithing series.
The Bugout, from start to finish, we have a six-episode,
hour-long special in The Bugout.
This is not designed to make you feel all cushy and mushy
about being able to bug out, okay?
This is designed to make...
This series is almost designed to make you think
of every other possible thing you could do besides bug out.
Because I don't sell bug out bags.
I don't sell bug out bag tools.
I don't sell GPS stuff.
I don't sell anything regarding that.
What I wanted when I created this series almost two years ago
for our Patreon, back when we had a Patreon,
was I wanted people to really think this shit through. I wanted them to really think this
thing through before they found themselves in the middle of the woods in November with cold,
muddy shoes, kids crying, wives screaming, and then realize we made a critical error.
Do you understand?
There's a lot that goes into it.
I think people who just take off out into the woods the moment things get hairy.
If you don't do the right amount of planning and so on, it could get bad.
We got a massive list of member discounts for our members as well.
I need to add something.
I don't feel like we've...
Oh, I can't even get in and look at them.
I'm not signed in on my phone.
Some of the biggest names out there doing it right now.
We got Wolverine Tough Bottles.
We've got...
What's the Bear Independent?
I'm off today.
I'm sorry.
The brain is... It feels like my brain's in like a? I'm off today. I'm sorry. The brain is...
It feels like my brain's in like a vice.
Refuge Medical.
We got Refuge Medical discounts in there.
We've got...
Well, let me see.
I'll bring it up and talk to it.
Talk about it for a minute.
Yeah, this was one of the best moves we ever made
creating this membership only website really
it was it's nice to have this standalone thing for you guys i know there are many of you out
there listening or like ah i already got my membership so this ain't doing me any good but
okay we got uh oh members get all our courses free 100 savings power film solar discount codes disaster coffee
discount codes ultimate survival essentials discount 10 off wolverine tough bottles bulk
munitions uh ammo discount five percent off not huge but uh we got a great 3v gear discount 10
off green evative discounts through d Dave Jones. Fortitude Ranch discount.
That's huge.
I got to talk about that more.
10% off memberships at Fortitude Ranch.
Look, if you want a real legitimate bug out location in the very worst case scenario,
you need to look into Fortitude Ranch.
And then, you know, if you're a member, you need to use that 10% off discount.
So we've also got courses for our members.
And I know many of you members out there haven't taken advantage of these courses.
You really should.
Strategic Relocation for Suburban Survival.
That was our first one we ever created.
Becoming a Forager Today.
Becoming a forager.
Not reading books about foraging.
Not looking at plants and saying, oh, I know what that is.
But becoming a forager.
That's a huge course.
I'm very proud of that one.
21st Century Home Security with Dave Jones, the NBC guy, another incredible course where
you get to, you know, get sort of my side and my take on the five Ds of defense and
several other things.
But you also get to take, you know, get Dave's take.
And Dave Jones, the NBC guy, is a guy who basically,
after 9-11, was sent over to the Middle East to go,
all right, tell us what we need to fix on security with all these bases.
Who do you want to do security talk with, right?
So, you know, I don't want to beat this thing to death, but I just want you to
understand what a resource it is and what a discount it is. And well, you know, it's normally
60 bucks with the discount code Santa. Use the code Santa at checkout. You'll get it for 50 bucks.
And I think at 60 bucks, it's already probably the best deal in prepping there is from an information and content standpoint right um get into it man take this thing seriously
this is 2024 we're days away we're days away from 2024 they're they're almost every day when i do my
research and stuff for shows there's a group of people standing in front of traffic now.
Ceasefire, ceasefire, ceasefire.
In America.
Like, we're a sovereign nation.
Israel's a sovereign nation.
Chill out.
I got a bad feeling about these pro-Palestinian supporters.
I think they're going to morph into more of a...
These coalitions are built to come out in numbers for any cause they see, right?
What do you think is going to happen if the Republican Party says, yes, our nominee this year is Donald Trump?
What do you think is going to happen?
What do you think is going to happen if he's on the ballot?
What do you think is going to happen at voting areas, right, if he's on the ballot? What do you think is going to happen if he's on the ballot? What do you think is going to happen at voting areas, right, if he's on the ballot?
What do you think is going to happen if he wins?
What do you think 2024 is going to be, man?
For people who are prepared and who are smart and who are tuned in,
you're going to live your life.
How do I know that?
I was talking to my son the other day.
I'm sorry for rambling. I'm coming to life finally.
The ibuprofen's kicking in. The coffee's kicking in. I still got a headache, but
I was talking to my son the other day, right? My little one, little eight-year-old Jake.
And I was saying to him, you know, 2020 was kind of an awesome year for us.
And you throw that thinking back on like 2020 was hell.
We, because of the nature of what I do for a living, and because I also have an amazing woman that I've spent most of my life with.
And that's an understatement. Wow. What a woman. Anyway, because of that,
we had a great time in 2020. When the world was like, whatever you do, don't go to Florida.
Florida is the epicenter of the virus. We were on a plane to Legoland because it was like $35 to get there or something.
It was outrageously cheap.
Nobody was flying, you know what I mean?
And what is that?
You know what I mean?
That's understanding risk, where risk really exists and where it doesn't exist.
And that's about as perfect a segue as I can do for our—
but we did a bunch of that stuff that year.
A bunch of people were terrified over things,
and there were things to be terrified of in 2020,
but they were terrified mostly about the wrong things,
and we took full advantage of that and had a great year,
and I'm pretty sure we'll do similar things in 2024,
and I want you and yours to be in that boat.
I don't want you and yours to be huddled up in the
corner terrified, right? Now let's get into it. One Threat, One Solution news brought to you by
the Gray Man Briefing. All right, Field Notes National Security, the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and National Counterterrorism Center issued a public service announcement.
I'm going to be cynical about this one, I told you.
A public service announcement, yeah, yeah.
Holiday attacks, heightened threat of lone wolf violence.
Now, that right there is a misnomer in and of itself. But on December 12th, warning of a heightened threat of lone actor violence targeting large public gatherings throughout the winter,
including holiday-related faith-based New Year's Eve and First Amendment-protected events related to the Hamas-Israel conflict.
Seems interesting, right?
Large public gatherings throughout the winter,
including holiday-related faith-based New Year's Eve.
No, no, no, no, no.
The PSA advised since the Hamas attack on Israel October 7th,
various foreign terrorist media organizations have called for lone-actor attacks in the United States.
Racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists
have also increased calls for violence.
The FBI alert further read, we also have observed an increase in hoax bomb
and active shooter threats targeting synagogues across the United States, likely intended to
disrupt services, intimidate congregants. So look, I can go on. It's a great report
from the Gray Man Brief. I do appreciate you out there if you're listening.
from the Gray Man Brief.
I do appreciate you out there if you're listening.
You know, a lot of people would tell you this.
Don't go into big crowds.
Go into big crowds armed.
Keep your head on a swivel, yada, yada, yada, right?
That old line.
I hate that advice personally.
You know, the advice that I can't gather together in a big crowd of Americans is
is life
so dear or peace
so sweet
to be purchased at the price of
chains and slavery?
It's the beginning of my show.
Okay? Think about it.
If you're 100% committed to hiding in your house because you're scared that some radical might do something out in a big crowd of people so you're going to spend the rest of your life tucked away, hidden, in a bomb shelter, right?
Patrick Henry explained the ill-fated outcomes of that 300 years ago.
So what I would say to you is the best prep that you can do is to enjoy your holiday season.
Now, hopefully you're not going out there, you know, completely helpless and soft-bodied. I hope you know how to conduct
yourself in a crowd. But at the end of the day, you know, that doesn't work. That whole mentality,
it just doesn't work. So I'd recommend telling those lone actors. Why can't they identify people?
actors. Why can't they identify people? They're radical Muslims. They're radical Muslim Jewish genocide supporters. That's what they are. That's what it is. What are you talking about?
If you're walking in a ceasefire for Gaza while rockets are still flying into Israel, what are you really supporting, right?
Remember, PBN family, living well, especially if you're Christian in a moment like this,
living well truly is the best revenge.
There is no greater revenge than that.
To have the tree lit up and the star twinkling atop it in presence
and the mantle hung with stockings, the house lit up with lights.
This joyous moment reminds these people who practice only hate and death who's really winning.
Let's move on.
We're talking Rue today on SHTF Chef.
Oh, yes, the roux.
We might have to do this again in video form.
Well, maybe not.
I don't know how many people know that.
I know my man Phil Rabelais down there in Louisiana knows all about the roux.
The roux is an interesting thing.
It's actually one of the first things I ever learned cooking.
My mother taught me about the roux. Because what is the roux? The roux is the ultimate thickening agent.
And when you become really good at making roux, it can become a bit of a flavoring agent too.
You know, it is just the mixture of flour and butter over heat. Melt the butter butter add the flour stir it up watch it bubble and what you
create is this little sand colored stodgy mix that is used to thicken soups
and sauces and that those kinds of things essential this time of year you
know the delicious pot pie the chicken and dumplings you know all that kind of
stuff that you got to have it you got got to have a roux to make that stuff possible, you know.
Add warm liquids to temper the roux. So when you make it, right, I think it's one to two,
something like that. That's probably what I would say. In other words,
uh, one part flour, two parts butter, however you want to do it.
One tablespoon of butter to two tablespoons.
I'm sorry, one tablespoon of flour to two tablespoons butter, something like that.
Melt the butter, add the flour, stir it up.
You don't have to cook it very long.
The longer you cook a roux, the darker it gets, the nuttier the flavor gets,
and the less thickening capacity it has. So most of
the time I don't cook them. I make what's like a blonde roux, they call it. And then
the only thing that we're going to talk about other than that is when you add a roux to
a sauce or vice versa. You've got to be careful because you can cook the flour in your roux into little
tiny balls in your sauce. And then you have dumplings instead of a thickened sauce, right?
So it helps to take whatever you're thickening off the heat. Just calm that heat down a little
bit. And then you can take a ladle full of that soup or that sauce, drop it into your roux. And then the
roux itself will thicken. You'll see that whole thing start to thicken. And it'll also
bring the temperature up a little bit so it's not so shocked and congeal. And then you add
the roux to the... And remember, add a little at a time.
The best cooking advice I think I was ever given was given to me by my high school vocational teacher.
And he said to me,
you can always add, but you can never take away.
You get it?
That works with roux and thickening.
That works with salt.
That works with sugar,
all that kind of stuff.
You can always add a little more
if you taste it and it ain't right.
But if you taste it and it's over-salty
or it's over-sweetened or it's over-thickened,
now you got a problem.
It's not a problem you can't fix, but it's a problem.
All right, practice your roux, PBN fam.
Cooking, essential.
The final, yeah, this is the final.
The final is a toughie, but it's a reminder,
and it's a perfect reminder for this time of year, okay?
In words, today we're not reading from the Christmas hook,
even though I have been lately,
and even though today we are supposed to read a Christmas story.
Yes, on the 15th, we're supposed to read a Christmas story. Yes, on the 15th we're supposed to read a Christmas story.
That's our objective today at my house.
Instead we're going to read 1 Peter 4.12.
Because I want you to understand a concept that Aidan Tate taught me.
Or brought to my attention some six months ago now.
I don't know.
1 Peter 4.12 says,
Suffering for being a Christian, dear friends,
do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you,
as though something strange were happening to you.
So what, what, suffering for being a Christian?
I forget exactly how Aidan phrased it to me,
but he said it as almost as if he heard it from Christ himself,
and it was, oh, you thought, oh, you thought following me would be easy. Or no, oh oh you thought following me would be easy
or no oh you thought following me would be safe
I just want you to think about that
as we go through this holiday season
as we watch the
streets of America sort of
fracture a little bit more
with the Jews over here and the Christians
over here and the Muslims over here and the Muslims over there
and then the useful idiots intermingled.
It's not supposed to be easy.
That's why living well is the best revenge.
But remember that this journey with Christ is never supposed to be easy.
And in fact, us shaving off the pointed edges of Christianity probably through the 70s,
80s, 90s, 2000s is why it was so comfortable and why we're in the predicament that we're in,
right? All right, folks, this is it. PBN Daily News, Your path back to stability. I'll talk to you guys next week, at least in this capacity.
All right.
Stay tuned to the Prepper Broadcasting Network for Mission Sal kicking off tomorrow morning.
See you.