The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News December 20th 2023

Episode Date: December 20, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It is the one and only PBN Daily News, your path back to stability. What is going on? We are, oh man, that Christmas day is, it is just breathing down the back of my neck. Well, really what it does put me under a complete and total hypnosis. As it does. Each and every year. I hope you guys enjoy the holiday season. Half as much as I do. Because. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:32 I just let it take me over. Like a. A trio of sirens at sea. Just pull me into the jagged rocks. Santa Claus. I'm here. Let's do this. So.
Starting point is 00:00:54 2023. claws, I'm here. Let's do this. So, 2023 is largely at its end. You know, we lose sight of that during this holiday season, but we're just two weeks away, really, from the end of the year. One of the most important things that I'll do is buy a new monthly planner. And I know that sounds funny, but the weekly planner for me is the MVP of my life, truly. This little book here next to me, it's the whole reason for everything. It's a reason for every podcast you hear on this network, every sponsor we have, everything it's the whole reason um because i'm a nut case and all my thoughts are everywhere and as much as i want to do the right things and i want to do the things that need to get done today i also want to start writing three new books make six new graphics uh do you know, all kinds of whatever moves me. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:01:48 I am not, just so you can understand, I am not some sort of disciplined or naturally disciplined, well-organized person to whom running a business and, well, running more than one business is just easy, right? And just comes naturally. No, no, no, no. I'm just an artist, largely. You know what I mean? Like, largely, that's it. But with the help of my planner and with the help of, you know, understanding business from years and years of working at it, I'm able to do these kind of things, you know? What will guide your preparedness through 2024?
Starting point is 00:02:37 You know, what is your planning? What is your method of planning? Now, for me, I use the same thing every year. I encourage all the members here at Prepper Broadcasting to use the same thing also. And again, this year we'll go over it. This year we'll look at it. The annual preparedness master schedule, we'll look at it over again as a video. I will extol the virtues of the Annual Preparedness Master Schedule, and that's all I can do for you, largely, you know.
Starting point is 00:03:16 What I've created, because look, you may do a decent job with your month-to-month or your week-to-week preparedness goals, or you may do a great job. I know you may have a better system, but I know for many people out there, there are things left on the table. There are things forgotten. 365 days go by, a year goes by, and you're thinking to yourself, I think I could have done more. Chances are you could have done more. You probably could have done more. And it's not like the fault of anything other than the sheer fact that you just didn't have it organized enough. Now, look, you go to, you'll see the annual preparedness master schedule there, but you have to be a member. It just is what it is.
Starting point is 00:04:08 It's just part of the deal. If you sign up for a year right now, we're doing a Santa promo code. Sign up for a full year, which is normally $60. Use the code Santa. It takes $ dollars off now for 365 days you have the support of the prepper broadcasting network and a variety of what i don't want to go into it tons of stuff look go to look at everything on that membership website okay this is just one offering and it is every single week for every single month of 2024.
Starting point is 00:04:46 That's how this spreadsheet is laid out, and it's completely, you know, you can make it your own. I have headings in mind like community. What am I doing the first week of January for community? I have drills. I have first aid, family drills, right? We're going to do fire drills, shelter-in-place drills, comms and contact drills, bug-out drills. And again, to do fire drills, shelter-in-place drills, comms and contact drills, bug-out drills.
Starting point is 00:05:06 And again, you don't do a shelter-in-place drill, that's fine. You change it out, whatever you want to do. First aid is a heading on mine also. Master kit inventory, ancillary kits inventory, medical info updates, medications, and you know what I need to put in here? I need to add, well, I'm not going to do it right now. But see, there are things that I modify every year.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Like one of the things that we need to get better at is the first aid training in the house with the kids now that they're older. I got fitness. I got fitness tests. I got targeted training goals, right? I got food production in here. What is food production? I don't feel like i use this one very often garden seeding soil enrichment garden hardware inventory this this setup that you
Starting point is 00:05:52 see right here is exactly the way that you'll get it so you'll be able to kind of see oh you know what else we have we have this great setup and you can modify it any way you want, that Dane D. set up for us. And it's the firearm subheading. So it shows you kind of the rifles, the firearms, and the ammunition. And it even gives you sort of a buying layout, how to buy the firearms, what time of the year to buy them. Not that it's better for price, but just as a layout. Like, okay, March 1, G glock 17 something along those lines and then we have monthly purchases for uh ammo 22 9 millimeter 12 gauge month to month different ammo purchases this document is awesome do Do you understand?
Starting point is 00:06:48 QC of your bags, tools and tool inventory, trainings, water resources. Listen. This wasn't designed for preppers. It was designed to sort of dominate in a food service industry
Starting point is 00:07:04 that was really tough and we were audited a lot. So we had to capture the full year and everything that needed to be done in that year in one master schedule. And I mutated it into a preparedness tool that every prepper should use. Maybe I should sell it, I don't know. For now, the only way you get your hands on it
Starting point is 00:07:21 is if you're a member here at PBN. Believe me when I tell you, it is worth every penny at $50 for 365 days, okay? And what I mentioned yesterday in my daily audio cache was gift it. Gift it. Even if you're a member and you have it, or even if you don't want it yourself because you're in a good spot, your brother, your sister. I've had people give it to their brothers here. I have several brothers who are PBN members of PBN listeners.
Starting point is 00:07:53 You understand? Or PBN listeners' brothers who are members, if that's a better way to put it. Now's the time, man. You know? Now's the time. There's a reason we say your path back to stability on PBN Daily News. And the reason we say your path back to stability is because it's crazy out there. How crazy, you say? One threat, one solution. Let's talk.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Let's talk. All right. Civil unrest, societal collapse, citizen actions brief, the national summary. We're going to go over just a few hot we're going to go over the high level madness. All right. That's all I want to do. Just the civil unrest sort of stuff, because you need to understand what's happening in cities. And it's not it's not isolated. OK, it's all over. And until we get this pro-Palestinian BLM connection, this tie here that's happening between basically pro-Palestinian and Gaza supporting doofuses and Black Lives Matter doofuses, until we get that broken up, this is just going to continue to get worse all year long. And like I told you, the moment that they say, and the nominee for the Republicans is,
Starting point is 00:09:15 it's going to get way worse. And we talked about, actually that was membership. I may have to expand on that. Members, if you would give me your blessing, I think I need to take that membership piece of content we did on civil unrest action and bring it to light in 2024 for everybody. Because it's just getting out of hand. BLM protests police shooting of armed suspect in Alabama.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Armed suspect. Woman tries to burn down Martin Luther King Jr. birth home, stopped by retired police. Now this one, you have to understand the details because this was a black lady. In Atlanta, Georgia, two former police officers observed a black female dousing gasoline on the birth home of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. in an apparent attempt to set fire to the house. and Martin Luther King Jr. in an apparent attempt to set fire to the house. This is an interesting story, man. The officers detained the suspect.
Starting point is 00:10:13 It's unsure if the woman dressed in all black was attempting to set the house on fire and flee in hopes of stoking racial division. But that would be the implication if the house was burned down and the suspect was not found. That's dark. I mean, just think about how dark that is for a minute. just think about how dark that is for a minute. Just think about how dark that is for a minute. Anybody, first of all, anybody who could wrap their mind around this idea of, I'm going to burn down Martin Luther King Jr.'s birth home. For what? Right? And then wrap your head around being someone who literally, life was totally, well, life might even exist because of that man.
Starting point is 00:10:55 That's dark, man. That means that person was motivated by some dark, dark things. And I think, you know, PBN family, I'm going to be honest with you, I think there are a lot of people motivated by chaos right now. I think there are a lot of people completely and totally motivated by the Joker. You know what I mean? But by that mentality, by the burn it all down mentality, by the anarchy mentality, it's danger. I know it sounds cool. You know, it sounds real cool. I'm an anarchist, I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Yeah, I bet. Sure you are. Wait till the grocery stores are empty. Wait till you're hungry, Mr. Anarchy. Pro-Palestinians replace U.S. flag with Palestinians flag at the Golden Gate Bridge. Deportation. Treason deportation. Pretty simple. You know, until we start to handle these things the way they should be handled, it's just going to be hell on earth, right? You took the American flag down off a national monument and
Starting point is 00:11:58 put another country's flag up. Deportation. Sorry. I hope you had a good run. I hope you had a lot of fun. I hope your protest buddies come out to support you, but you know, you're going to go to Gaza now. You're going to go support the cause and see how much they love you. Um, street takeover, teens and pro-Palestinians disrupt traffic, block LAX and vandalize businesses in California and Pennsylvania. Jewish persons targeted in California and Ohio. Biden administration protests against Israel outside the White House. So the Biden administration louts out front of the White House protesting. Anti-government overreach activists use IED
Starting point is 00:12:46 to destroy counter gas vehicle cameras in the UK. Yeah. I've got a Christmas message for you all that we need to scream from the balconies of the theater. Because, you know, prep all you want. We need more than that. Do you know what I mean? Just what it is. We need more than that.
Starting point is 00:13:15 We do. We truly need more. And I don't know how we're going to get there right now. I do know that, you know, if I had to give you one piece of advice right now, you better take a good hard look at the world around you, the community, the neighborhood around you, and understand, like, is this the place? Because if this ain't the place, it's time to move on. It's time to get moving, right? And then dial in that Preparedness Master schedule this year, man.
Starting point is 00:13:50 I'm telling you. I mean, you can build that schedule out to be a 365-day preparation list for civil unrest, which is largely going to be the thing that inconveniences you more than anything else in the year 2024. Now, it can get a lot crazier than inconvenience, but that's what I'm thinking. Let's move on to the SHTF chef, shall we? We talked rude last time, didn't we? You wouldn't know it, but I'm pretty much just winging this PBN Daily News.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Why do I have the Holy Bible in my hand? Let's talk puff pastry. Let me stretch real quick. Holy God, I've been up for hours. I don't know why that was such a nice one. Let's talk puff pastry, okay? There was a time when puff pastry was super expensive, and if you're unfamiliar with it, it's the type of dough that you put in the oven. And guess what happens when you bake it at a high temperature? It puffs up. It gets real flaky. And the way that works is there are, the process of making puffed pastry, I'll talk about it real quick, is first starts with a simple dough.
Starting point is 00:15:03 And then butter layered in the dough. And then the butter is folded and the dough is folded and consistently rolled and folded and rolled and folded until you wind up with layers of butter and layers of dough. Right?
Starting point is 00:15:18 And there's a specific way to fold the dough. And the steam from the butter and the flavor from the butter make it puff and make it delicious Right? Now you can buy this stuff for cheap In almost any grocery store freezer section And the cool thing about puff pastry
Starting point is 00:15:37 And I encourage you to use it at your holiday parties Or Christmas dinner or something this year Is it's a vehicle for anything It's a vehicle for almost anything. You can cut out circles of puff pastry and bake it all off, then cut the middle out and fill the middle with whipped cream, top it with cocoa, and eat it. Delicious, right?
Starting point is 00:16:01 Or you can take the same shape, fill it with some kind of a delicious lamb stew or something like that with rosemary, and serve that up warm on a plate with some sauce over top of it, and it's awesome. You can braid it with cinnamon and sugar. You can make giant rectangles out of it and fill it up with some kind of delicious filling and then slice it up and serve it that way it's uh you can top you know you can take a baking dish and fill it with a stew like maybe a pot pie something along those lines fill it up top it with the uh puff pastry and boom it's the quickest sort of it's the quickest sort of pot pie you can make
Starting point is 00:16:46 you can do the same thing in a couple months for your uh shepherd's pie i'm not your shepherd's pie i'm sorry your guinness pie it's a really versatile thing um people get real crazy with it it's probably one of the it's probably one of the quickest and easiest desserts that you can have on hand. You know, like slice, bake, bake it off in some kind of shape. Oh, you know, it's another great thing to do with it. I was actually, um, written up in the Philadelphia Inquirer when I was a chef about just this dish. We would take braised short ribs, shred it, stuff them into a square of puff pastry and fold it over and then crimp the edges so it was like a triangle. And we called it a short rib turnover
Starting point is 00:17:37 and I served it with like a celery root slaw on top. Awesome. Absolutely awesome dish. So play around. Play around with puff pastry this year, okay? No words today. No words today. We're just going to move on to the end of the show. I do appreciate you guys and thank you for all your support. It is PBN Daily News, your path back to stability, folks. I hope you're enjoying this holiday season.

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