The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News December 5th 2023

Episode Date: December 4, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome in PBN Daily News, your path back to stability. It's James Walton here with the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Monday, we have survived another weekend in America and around the world somehow. Well, at least if you're listening to this, you survived. I have an incredible civil unrest update that's going to take your breath away. You may have read some of it. You probably haven't read all of it. Our One Threat, One Solution segment is daunting, to say the least.
Starting point is 00:00:39 We're going back to Prepper Fit today for our preparedness. I know, I know, you guys. What do you want? We are in our, what, fourth day now of Kettlebells in Christ. You may not be into it. You may think to yourself, what's the deal? Day four, what are we doing? 20 hip hinges, 25 deadlifts, 50 swings.
Starting point is 00:01:07 In those 50 swings, you're going to knock out in five sets of 10 if you have to. If you're good at kettlebells, do two sets of 25. That's what I do, but it's tough if you've got a decent-sized kettlebell. Two sets of 25, though, you know, it's well within reason. I said five sets of 10 swings because I want people to get the thing down, get the technique down, get the whole kettlebell thing down because it's, you know, it could be a bit dangerous. What they really stand to do for you, though,
Starting point is 00:01:37 is offer you a gym right in your house anytime you want. Oh, I can't make it to the gym. I've heard all the excuses when it comes to fitness. Oh, today's a great one, man. I wish I did the recording today. I had something to do mid-morning into the afternoon. And I missed some of the—so every single day we have an attribution from the Word. Okay, and today's all about Jesus. And today's is John 8-7, which is
Starting point is 00:02:07 probably one of my favorites. And it is so important this day and age. Do you know what I mean? I mean, there may be no better biblical verse for this day and age, in the age of the pro-Palestinian rioters, the BLM, the Antifa, and even the conservative right war hawks, and even some people on our side of things too, they could use this. Everybody could use it, some more than others. But the people who are trying to topple the society could really use it. The people who are trying to stone to death Western civilization, even though they are Western civilization, even though the only reason they exist is Western civilization,
Starting point is 00:02:51 they could use it. So John 8 says, So when they continued asking him, he raised himself up and said to them, quote, he who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first. You may have heard this verse. you let him throw a stone at her first you may have heard this verse let he who is he who is without sin cast the first stone like they're stoning to death an adulterer they want to and jesus says oh yeah go ahead be my guest whoever is without sin you throw the first stone and man people need to wrap their head around that level of judgment so bad right now. I mean, they need that.
Starting point is 00:03:30 How do you reach out to people like that? How do you get to people like this? You know what I mean? Our little goal is to get you fit, throw around a kettlebell. As the weeks go on, the workouts are going to get a little harder. bell. As the weeks go on, the workouts are going to get a little harder. And also to have you convene with the creator or at least the word, because it's December, man, put your cross on, even if you're out there, you know, in the periphery, out there in the perimeter. Now's the time to draw into God, you know, now is the time. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:04 I can't make you do anything All I can do is tell you the path Back to stability That's my job You know what I mean? One threat, one solution Let's do it Brought to you by the Gray Man Brief
Starting point is 00:04:21 Civil unrest, societal collapse Citizen actions brief. This is a national summary. And there's some wild things. What's happening, particularly in cities right now, is kind of getting to a next level point. It's the next iteration of what happened in 2020. It's the BLM all over again. And I can tell you right now, this pro-Palestinian thing, this pro-Palestinian
Starting point is 00:04:52 thing is going to get so out of control the nearer we get to elections. I want you to understand that. You see those Palestinian flags, understand what this is. This is going to get worse and worse and more and more deadly. Unless we clamp down on it hard and fast, and I don't see that happening yet. Pro-Palestinian sets self on fire at Israel consulate in Georgia. Jewish teacher trapped. Okay, let's go down and talk to that one. I'll give you the overview actually first. Jewish teacher trapped in school as students riot in New York. Customers at restaurant in Washington slash New York surrounded by Antifa pro-Palestinian rioters. Officers in New York assaulted by pro-Palestinians as fires set and tree lighting disputed. See that?
Starting point is 00:05:42 You can't have that. That's where you have to bring the clubs out. BLM activists, because that's a direct attack on Christianity. Oh, freedom of religion. Shut up. It's a direct attack on Christianity. And that's what this nation is, like it or not. Not only is that what this nation is, that's how this world has come to be what it is.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Look at Iran 1950. 1930s Iran. Head scarves were banned. Face coverings banned. Okay? 1979, when the Islamic monsters came back into power Headscarves back on, face coverings back on What side do you want to be on here?
Starting point is 00:06:32 What are you fighting for? These pro-Palestinian idiots in the streets They're the deepest form of idiot I mean, they really are the useful idiot It's wild to watch it all happening again. It's 1920 all over again. BLM activists who posed as MAGA on January 6th convicted on all accounts. BLM activists who posed as MAGA on January 6th convicted on all accounts. You were not going to hear that anywhere else. In Vermont, a white man targeted and shot three Palestinians. Okay, that's sort of the, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:12 the preface. In Atlanta, pro-Palestinian activists doused with gasoline set themselves on fire outside the Israel consulate. And the cop, the poor cop, right, who tried to get in there and prevent this guy from setting himself on fire or gal, I don't know who it was. I can't believe it. It's hard for me to even wrap my head around it. Got burnt too and hospitalized trying to save the life of this loser. You know, what can we expect of police? If I hear anybody else talk about how evil the police are, I just don't know if I can take it anymore. In Queens, New York, a high school teacher, who is Jewish, shared support for Israel and was forced to barricade herself in a locked school office. Students attempted to break into the office, vandalized the building, and
Starting point is 00:08:02 carried Palestinian flags. 20 plusplus. 20-plus. New York Police Department officers responded. After two hours, the riot was dispersed. Yeah, we better get better at that. This is funny. In New York City, Times Square. See, this is really bad, man. This is really bad.
Starting point is 00:08:24 I mean, this is as bad as it gets. The restaurant was shut down separately in Manhattan. Pro-Palestinian rioters chanted while lighting fires in roadways to burn Israeli flags. New York PD officers attempted to disperse the crowd near the AMNH Museum while the mob chanted NYPD, KKK, IDF. They are all the same. Separately, 3,000-plus pro-Palestinian, mostly Muslim, clashed with New York Police Department at a Christmas tree lighting event. Seven-plus were arrested, four-plus officers injured. Seven arrested, four officers injured.
Starting point is 00:08:58 That doesn't look— That doesn't sound like a winning ratio there, NYPD. Listen, it's here, okay? I told you three years ago now. No, two years ago now. SHTF is here. It's been here. The slogging, it's not the Hollywood collapse, okay? It's a slow and slogging collapse of society. The attack from the Muslims who went into hiding for a very short period of time has returned. They found allies within the characterless caricatures in the streets. Do you hear me? The characterless caricatures in the streets. You hear me? The characterless caricatures in the streets. Dr. Martin Luther King said we should judge people on the content of their character.
Starting point is 00:09:53 You see, these people, they have zero character. What is character? One of the attributes or features that make up, and here's the important part. Distinguish an individual. Now, if you get lock horns with one of these left wing idiots, one of these woke pro-Palestinian doofuses, you're going to find out that they have almost no distinguishable features. You can ask each one of them a question and they'll give you the exact same answer. Right. I mean, that's really how it goes. Because they have no character. They are also people who cast stones and don't worry about sin of their own.
Starting point is 00:10:43 They pass judgment and do not judge themselves. This is the bottom of the barrel. They have foisted upon us the worst of society. That's just what's happened. So what's the solution? Well, I told you before, one of the biggest things and most important things that you need to do is decide if where you're at is where you need to be. In other words, if it continues in the direction that it's going, are you in a place where you should be?
Starting point is 00:11:10 Are you in the place where you want to weather this storm? If you're not, the very first order of business for you is to get to a place that is safer, to get to a place where the police actually do their job, to get to a place where crowds can be controlled. You know, there's something happening in New York right now. Do you know what's happening in New York? This is not anything that's being reported.
Starting point is 00:11:32 This is just something that's clicking in my own head that you need to understand. You see, we only have so much time to think about things in a day. So when we think about the police being overwhelmed by a mob, right, or the police being overwhelmed, we think of it as a singular event, the day when the police fell, right? That's what we think. What you have to realize about this collapse that we're living through right now is that it's not about singular events. You're watching a police department disintegrate at the same time as be overwhelmed by riot after riot after riot after riot. That's exactly what you're seeing. And until the people of New York stand up, until the people of New York do something drastic, like, I don't know, maybe try a Republican candidate, just try one. Then, you know, this is going to be their life. You don't want to be in
Starting point is 00:12:37 a place like this. Do you know what I mean? So my one solution for many threats, but they're all really the same civil unrest threat that's going to just get worse and worse as 2024 goes on. Worse and worse. You've got to understand, if you have a Christmas tree in your house right now, if your house is decorated for Christmas, these people hate you. They will set you on fire if given the opportunity. Do you get that? This is not a game anymore. This isn't people outside like, they need to pass gay marriage. This is bullshit. This is the real deal. The Middle East is here and it's in your backyard, maybe. And you need to sit down and think about What that means for you and yours Okay
Starting point is 00:13:26 I don't want to go into the crusades But Could be coming We could see The American crusades In this nation I'm telling you right now You know the one thing that people
Starting point is 00:13:44 Constantly do Particularly conservatives and things of that nature, is we tend to overestimate the enemy. And that's a good strategy, I think. You know, we tend to overestimate the enemy. I don't even want to see this day because it would be terrible. But I am starting to envision and have envisioned a day where, you know what, that maybe the police do finish. Maybe the police do tap out with all this chaos. And then, well, then you see the majority take matters into their own hands. And I don't mean the white majority. I mean the Christian majority. If we're going to have a Christian-Muslim civil war in the United States
Starting point is 00:14:25 of America over Palestine, I just hope they're ready. So, one threat, one solution. Be where you need to be, man. If you got to go, then you got to go. The other thing I'd say is join something. Anything. If you have no buddies, if you have no group, if you have no clan, if you have no tribe, if you have no network within your state, join anything at this point. You don't have to find a prepper group anymore. It's over. You don't even have to worry about it. Back in five, ten years ago, that's what you had to do.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Join anything. Because the chaos is resounding so much everywhere that everybody's worried. So just join something. Join a group. Build a small group in your own community and have the people near you engaged. They don't have to be engaged on how to put rice in five-gallon buckets. You just need people around you to sit and go, did you hear that? Guy sent himself on fire in Atlanta? That's all you need. That's all you need, man. Okay. Can we switch from this? Can we make a, can I make a dramatic U-turn from setting yourself on fire to eating cheese? that possible well that's my job at shtf chef
Starting point is 00:15:49 today okay my job my duty at shtf today as we move into this segment of the pbn daily news is to talk food um and we're going to talk food that needs no preparation fundamentally but it does require some accoutrement it does require some thingsoutrement. It does require some things. Why talk about cheese at a time like this? I'm going to say this over and over again, but you have to understand if people are going to glue their hands to the ground, set themselves on fire out in the streets, you have to remain civilized to some degree. You have to understand that living well is the best revenge, and you have to live a good life. That's what our side does. Don't you get it? We live a good life,
Starting point is 00:16:33 and we show that to generations. We have entered a generational battle, or maybe we've always been in a generational battle. The interesting thing about the pro-Palestinian LGBTQ combo is that there's no future for one side of that group. In other words, if it's radicalized Muslims that are attacking people in New York, that's a generational threat. That's a legitimate generational threat, right? Because they have big families. When they're young, they say, you know, stab the Christian in the back, kill the Jew. I'm talking about, listen,
Starting point is 00:17:17 I know not all Muslims are like, I'm not doing the caveat anymore. Whatever. Do I have to do the caveat for you to understand the nuance of life? Do the fine print, not all Muslims are bad. Some Muslims don't blow people up. Some Muslims aren't raised to kill the infidel. I'm not doing it anymore. Content of character, individual, right? I don't need to explain to you that some muslims are good you already know that you've met muslims like i've met muslims you go that guy's cool yeah he's a normal guy
Starting point is 00:17:52 but because there are normal guys out there who are muslim doesn't mean that there aren't any monsters out there and we're just meeting them this is this is our first date with the muslim monsters in our nation we just just the first date we're it's just This is our first date with the Muslim monsters in our nation It's just the first date It's just like any other nation you've seen it have Remember France? Just India? You've seen it all This is the first date we're just meeting
Starting point is 00:18:14 We haven't even tucked in yet We haven't held hands Just you wait It's going to get a lot hotter The problem is the useful idiots aren't going to have children they don't even believe in children
Starting point is 00:18:34 a lot of them are going to be if this transgender movement grows and grows you're talking about people who are incapable of having children and the way that these battles are fought is generationally I raise my kids with American flags in the dining room, with Second Amendment clocks, with George Washington pictures on the wall, crossing the Delaware River so that every day they wake up and go, Jesus, what a great nation we live in. You know what I mean? They raise their kids differently. There are no kids on
Starting point is 00:19:07 the other side. So in 50 years, it's over. There's no way to continue that movement. Back to cheese. No, but honestly, Living Well is the best revenge. We're moving into the holiday season. We all, as preppers, we should have a relationship with good aged cheese. Because wax-covered wheels of cheese last probably indefinitely in the right temperatures. You understand? Like cold, cool even, temperatures. Giant wheels of waxed Gouda. I mean, you can take regular old milk,
Starting point is 00:19:53 add vinegar or add lemon juice, and you'll separate the curds from the whey, and you could start making a soft cheese just like that. I mean, cheese making is not that hard. But what's more important is that cheeses are designed to sit around and fester and get delicious and gross. Right? They're designed, some of them, to be covered in mold and to get real delicious and creamy inside. And I want to throw some at you that I want you to try. Okay? and I want to throw some at you that I want you to try, okay?
Starting point is 00:20:33 One of the ones that I want you to try is a really aged cheddar for the holiday season. I'm talking years. I'm talking this cheddar should look something like a Parmesan cheese rather than that. Well, it doesn't matter, actually. I don't have to get too down in the depths. Try cheeses that are covered in wax, first and foremost. Try soft cheeses that are, you know, like goat cheese and boursin cheese, those soft cheeses. Try them.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Spend. This is what you should spend on your cheese, okay? I'll just tell you right now. Because you can go crazy with cheese. You can buy cheap cheese, which is, you know, I mean, you can just tell. And then there's a middle ground where you can really get great cheese. And I'd say that middle ground is between $15 and $25. You know, for a small wheel of a good quality brie or,
Starting point is 00:21:39 and when I say small, I mean like maybe the roundness of a coffee mug, something like that, or maybe a little bigger, right? For $25, $16 to $25, you can get a high quality cheese, taste it and say to yourself, this is good. I like this. Or this sucks. I'll never have it again. A good aged Gouda wrapped in the wax. I mean, you're talking about a food that if you really do enjoy it, you can buy a massive wheel of Gouda cheese and store it in your root cellar, under your house, whatever you want, in metal trash cans buried underground. Stack them, and it'll be there. You know? Barring lava flow, it'll be there. Wow, this is going long.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Where are we at? 20 minutes, 22 minutes. So try a good blue cheese. You know, try a good $15 wedge, $12 for a nice big wedge of blue cheese. Okay? Get into some stuff. And then you need some things. So if you're going to have blue cheese, then you need some things. So if you're going to have blue cheese, then you need good honey.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Blue cheese and honey is the perfect match. It's really an unbelievable match. You're going to need crostini. What's crostini? Very simple. You're going to need to take your old bread, your old baguettes, cut it into slices, you know, like quarters or whatever. Not quarters.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Like rounds. Rounds, basically. If you've got a baguette loaf, slice it down into rounds. If you're baking your own bread in like a rectangular bread pan, cut it into length, quarter lengths first, and then cut those down into small squares. Lay it out on a sheet pan olive oil on top salt put it in a 300 degree oven for like 10 12 minutes and or you can do in 350 it doesn't have to be you know 300
Starting point is 00:23:35 degrees um and you're making toast you're making glorified olive oil and salt toast and then you're going to spread that delicious creamy cheese on your olive oil toast. And then you're going to open a Cabernet Sauvignon. And you're going to eat. Okay? You're going to enjoy the pinnacle of food. You're going to remember what Western civilization has wrought. Okay? what Western civilization has wrought.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Okay? Let's get into words, because I've got a big, long thing to read you as well. So eat cheese. Move from the chaos. Eat cheese. Read the Christmas hook. Okay?
Starting point is 00:24:22 Let's round out this day, man. Mom got us some Scrapple from the sale. So this book I wrote in 2018. It's called The Christmas Hook, and it is a storybook. It's a Christmas storybook that is, I don't know, 300? Not even. 112 pages. It's a short read, 25 chapters. Jamie Jones, he said without concern for the women sleeping upstairs.
Starting point is 00:24:50 They're catching Alabama bass, and they are using the same plastic minnow that we use. This was an open invitation. Jamie and his father watched fishing shows in the early morning until after breakfast. Around 9 a.m., things started to heat up in terms of Saturday morning cartoons. The conversation would dim, and Jamie's father would trade the remote control for a fishing magazine. Mom got us some scrapple from the sale, his father chided, knowing his son was hungry. The best, Jamie replied. And it was true. And it was a fact that even some natives of the area couldn't quite understand. How could an amalgamation of pig innards, hearts, and livers, cornmeal, and pork fat
Starting point is 00:25:28 formed into a loaf that is then sliced and fried hard, even be graded on a better, best scale? Well, those who got it just got it when it came to Scrapple. Jamie and his father got it. They ate it with eggs and a little ketchup. As the bass were hauled in on the television and the rye toast dipped in runny egg yolks, Jamie looked over his living room in wonder.
Starting point is 00:25:52 It was a few days till Christmas, and the house was decorated with all his favorite things. The bookshelves were festooned with ceramics, a snowman that had old garlands stuck to him, a ceramic tea-like candle holder in the shape of a fireplace, and a little mouse in a knit cap laid before it. There was also a ceramic tree on a side table that had plastic lights on all the colors
Starting point is 00:26:15 that could be inserted into small holes in the tree. A single light bulb inside the tree gave the colored lights all their brilliance. There were several snow globes, some were plastic and cheap, while others were glass and impressive. He loved them all. The nutcrackers filled the spaces between the ceramics and the snow globes. Jamie loved the nutcrackers. They were the closest thing to action figures Jamie was going to get till Christmas morning. Look, if you're into that sort of thing, the Christmas hook is what it's all about. If you grew up in the 90s, if you raised children in the
Starting point is 00:26:52 90s, the Christmas hook is a story about the 90s Christmas, you know, and with a little mystical element, a little horror, a little suspense. If you're into that kind of thing, you know what? It's not in our links down below. I got to put that in the PBN links. It'll be in the link when this comes out, okay? That's it, guys. I do appreciate you. It's getting wild out there. I hope you're doing things. I hope you're not just listening and going off and whatever, wasting your time. All right. I'll talk to you soon. It's PBN Daily News, your path back to stability.

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