The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News December 6th 2023 KERRY: NO TO COAL!

Episode Date: December 6, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Gather round, green room, what is up? PBN Daily News, the 6th of December. Winter weather forecast for the nation. Are you ready for winter or not? We have, uh, we got all kind of good stuff today. What pasta recipe, huh? What's more wintery, holiday wonderful than homemade pasta with some kind of rich, creamy, or tomato and beefy bolognese? We got it all today. It's PBN Daily News, your path back to stability.
Starting point is 00:00:40 This is my green room presentation to the unbelievable Prepper Broadcasting Network audience That has delivered us To this point In our history It is both beautiful And terrifying It is a beautiful disaster Let's go with that
Starting point is 00:00:58 Let's go with the 311 jingle From back in the day I read an article about youngsters jingle from back in the day. I read an article about youngsters, youngsters prepping. Civil war can happen at any moment, they said. Maybe I'll read the article on I Am Liberty tonight. I Am Liberty will be a pre-recorded show tonight,
Starting point is 00:01:20 but it's going to be an epic show. I'm really going to be pulling my chef tricks out of the hat because we're going to do a tasting menu of 2024 a tasting menu of what we have to prepare for in 2024 okay you're going to really enjoy this show particularly if you like food and that kind of thing and and comedy okay it's gonna be good speaking of comedy you got to listen to the rising republic yesterday it was unbelievable show l douglas hogan did a great job he also brought some incredible uh sort of truth-based comedians to the forefront in clips that are just hilarious and make you feel really good about the world
Starting point is 00:02:10 in days that are as dark as can be. So without further ado, let's get this show on the road. It's PBN Daily News. Thank you for joining me in the green room. Well, scratch the intro. How's that sound? Should we do the intro anyway?
Starting point is 00:02:36 Let's do it anyway. I totally jumped to the wrong thing. All right. How's that? Better? Intro done. What you're looking at behind me is the forecast winter cometh. Okay, winter cometh, and I want you to pay attention to this figure.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Now, well, in all clarity, I have seen this guy put stuff up that was completely wrong. Pardon me while I play on my phone. I want to bring up the live stream just to see if we got people in chat why is my face dissolving while i look at my phone it's a warning all right there we go now we're in business okay got it where you at on this map? Winter will come. Are you ready? If what holds true, sorry, over here, huge snowstorms, worst of winter, if all that holds true, you got work to do. That's a lot. Huge snowstorms almost covering the entirety of New York State and Pennsylvania. My state, Virginia, is split right down the middle with huge snowstorms in the worst of winter. It's cold as hell in the Midwest.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Pretty normal. Polar vortex is going almost to the mid-range of the nation of this, of, of, uh, middle America, it's going to bring some serious cold. I mean, what, what's the game plan? You know, don't wait. I grew up in Philly, right? Outside of Philly. And you know what happened every year? Every year, there were lines for salt and lines for shovels and lines for everything that people needed to be prepared. You couldn't get oil delivered in time. Because nobody, even though everyone knew every year we get snow, every year we get like at least the snow that ruins the roads and or shuts down things.
Starting point is 00:04:40 And we got a shovel and then every year. And every year people would be unprepared so now's the time we've talked about backup heat we've talked about all kinds of different things that you can use to prepare yourself for for uh the winter you know if you go to the the link in the description i guess it's down here in this one um We got all kinds of helpful links in there. We got our off-grid projects book available in there that teaches you all kinds of stuff that will help you through the winter. We have our Point Zero Energy sponsor page.
Starting point is 00:05:18 I mean, I got it right next to me right now. The Titan. The Titan is here. It's waiting. Should the power go out, we turn it on and we power it up. We're not running anything on it right now, actually. Typically, we're running our live stream, but this is in place of the live stream. No matter what we think, no matter what we posit could happen in the future with economy, with war, with everything, winter's every year.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Okay? So you shouldn't be unprepared for winter and totally prepared for World War III. In fact, I'd argue that those two things are impossible. Okay? Let's bring up a doozy on one threat, one salute. Brought to you by the Gray Man Brief. You can get your own briefing, daily briefing. Go check out their website. In November, President Biden said that coal power plants, quote, all across America would be closed. Under the administration's climate agenda this month, the U.S. Special Envoy for the Climate.
Starting point is 00:06:42 What a nightmare. the climate what a nightmare special envoy for the climate john kerry announced that the copd 28 it's called the cop 28 i added that i added a letter because i can't breathe when i think about it uh climate change summit that the u.s would stop building new unabated coal power plants and replace them with winds and solar plants. The administration is currently using tax credits and regulations to make the operation of coal power plants non-profitable. No more energy is what the slide says, okay? No more cheap energy, too. The Institute for Energy economics and finance also reported
Starting point is 00:07:26 that 173 coal plants were closed by 2030 interesting date and 54 more by 2040 current plans of the biden administration are set to phase out coal power by 2035 this you know this kind of stuff really does drive me absolutely insane because it is cheap energy everything is cheap energy everything everything you see love do hear the people you love everything that you love liberal conservative republican democrat doesn't matter. Every single thing that you love about this world, cheap energy. Everything. It's everything. Everything. Cheap energy. Everything. Your house is built because of cheap energy. The materials that were brought in so your home could be built. I mean, people be like, nature. Now, what about nature is not made from cheap energy? No, it's not. You're right.
Starting point is 00:08:25 But how do you go see nature? Most people don't live right outside. Oh, look, nature, beautiful. Giant peaks, right? Waterfalls out my back window. No, people don't live like that. Most people get into a car or they take a flight or they get on a bus and they go to nature. And how come they can afford that?
Starting point is 00:08:48 Oh, yeah, they can afford that because of dangerous, terrible, choking, gagging the planet fossil fuels. Coal that generates cheap electricity so you can recharge your phone to hop on Twitter and talk about how bad coal is. No more energy. That's their goal. I'm not saying that's going to happen. I don't really think that that's going to happen. But you need to take precautions in case it does, okay? And it may not happen completely,
Starting point is 00:09:29 but we may see, like we have already, sort of the reverberations of idiots in office and the reverberations of a game plan like this, right? We may see that. And what are you going to do when you do see that so so what a prepper's mind does is says we need an on-grid off-grid balance right we need on-grid capabilities and off-grid capability this is just a common man stuff if you live off-grid you don't need to watch this part of the show
Starting point is 00:10:04 it's pointless for you right who cares you're already off-grid, you don't need to watch this part of the show. It's pointless for you, right? Who cares? You're already off-grid. Don't say, just get off-grid. Look, there's a lot of people in the world. There's a lot of people who listen to this podcast and watch these videos, and it's not everybody lives in an off-grid cabin. They likely wouldn't watch if they did, right? The on-grid, off-grid balance, it's the answer. No Grid Survival Projects is the book to get it done. It's a $38 investment. Hard copy, get the hard copy.
Starting point is 00:10:39 On-grid, off-grid, right? A lot of good an e-book is going to do you if you can't open your phone or your computer up because there's no electricity. It's a $38 investment with shipping. I think it's $10 or something. And there's like 70 plus projects. I did a bunch of them in the book myself. Water filters, PVC hand water pumps, hydroponics, water saving systems in the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:11:02 I mean, the reason I promote this book is because I wrote a lot of it. I can vouch for it. I can tell you it's good stuff, right? It's stuff that I use all the time. So you need an on-grid, off-grid plan. You need your current plan, your on-grid plan you already have. What's life like when you're on the grid? Oh, we got webcam lights.
Starting point is 00:11:27 We got big lights over there. We got computers. We got everything plugged in. Everything's gravy, baby. And then you also need an off-grid plan. You need a balance of your on-grid and off-grid capabilities so that if the government truly decides, why don't we just nosedive all electricity and then live on like two hours of electricity a day while China burns coal in amounts that you can't even fathom
Starting point is 00:11:54 and smiles and uses that cheap coal energy to build weapons that will eventually destroy either Taiwan or Europe or America or all. We'll just be sitting here like looking up at the sky going what a good what a good job we're doing for the world you're on grid off grid balance okay go to the link tree in the description pbn link tree scroll down you'll see it no grid projects you'll see all kinds of stuff in there too i mean that's just our link tree. It's the only link in the description. I figured out a way. You know what? I don't have to put anything else in the description. Just put the link tree in there. Go check it all out. There's answers there. I don't know what else to do for you. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:12:38 I can't see you. I can't grab you by the ears and drag you over to the right things to do. can't grab you by the ears and drag you over to the right things to do it's not even legal okay let's move on let's move on uh part of my on-grid off-grid plan is uh always having where we at always having things in my kitchen because i always tell you cooking, nope, wrong one, cooking is incredibly valuable, right? Knowing how to cook is top three skills for preppers, top three skills for homesteaders, top three skills for humans. Humans. Why would you be a human and not know how to cook? Why would you be a human and not know how to cook? Explain this to me. You are the type of a creature that has evolved to use fire to cook food.
Starting point is 00:13:36 You're the type of a creature that eats at least three times a day. Why would you not become an expert in that? Why? Not to mention, there's no pressure to do it. There's no pressure not to do it. There's no pressure whatsoever. You can only have success. Really, you can only have success. If you make a mistake, you just do on a day-to-day basis because you have to do it three times a day so you have an option of i can do it i can eat crap three times a day and depend on other people to cook for me or uh whatever restaurant i want to go to and get my wallet absolutely raped for shit service and food, or I can cook for myself
Starting point is 00:14:26 and have exactly what I want the way that I want it, when I want it, control costs, right? If you made a steak dinner tonight for everybody in your family, and you costed it out, and then you went to a steak dinner with everybody in your family, you wouldn't even believe how much cheaper it is when you cook for yourself okay okay tirade over learn how to cook please today we're talking about homemade pasta which is one of the easiest things you can make what i would recommend right off the top and i may put an amazon link below you don't need one, though, really.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Do you need a link to find a hand-cranked pasta machine? No. Do I need the affiliate money that six of you will give me when you buy a pasta machine? Not really. You need a hand-cranked pasta machine. But my KitchenAid has a pasta attachment. Okay, on-grid, off-grid balance, remember? You see, if you have stored semolina flour, even if you have stored white flour, you can do it with white flour.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Semolina is just better. It's finer and it's better, okay? If you have flour and you have hens, you have pasta. It's that simple. Do you understand how valuable that is? This is why I always go crazy about chickens, chickens, chickens, chickens. You see, people don't know how to cook. They don't know what goes into making food. When I pick up an egg, it's like picking up a telescope that I look through and see a fractal world of recipes and foods that can all be born of, not a telescope, a kaleidoscope,
Starting point is 00:16:08 that can all be born of this one humble, little, perfect little food. It's the power of the egg. If you have flour stored and you have eggs from your backyard hens, you have pasta, amongst many, many other things. backyard hens, you have pasta amongst many, many other things. The reason I say backyard hens is because the quality of your pasta depends on the quality of your eggs. Okay. If you want nice, rich pasta, use 12 egg yolks, four cups semolina flour. Okay. If you're tight on eggs, you don't want to, you don't want to use 12, use 6. But you're going to have a much more nutritious pasta if you use 12 egg yolks to 4 cups of semolina flour.
Starting point is 00:16:52 And it's richer and tastier, in my opinion. Not everybody does this. I like to take the good extra virgin olive oil. I like to glug, glug, glug a few times into my 4 cups of semolina flour. We love extra virgin olive oil in our house. And I don't mind if my pasta tastes like it because I'm going to put it on top of everything I make that involves pasta. The process itself is cake.
Starting point is 00:17:17 I mean, it really is. Everyone should know how to manage dough. The management of dough is an essential skill in cooking. It doesn't matter what kind. It's just your relationship with dough, your relationship with mixing ingredients, right? You have dry ingredients, you have wet ingredients. When they start to mix, you watch what's happening. Oh God, look at this. What's happening now? It's a big mess. Oh, it's getting sort of stodgy and sticky. Oh, I can get my hands into it now. It's kind of becoming something. Dump it out onto the table.
Starting point is 00:17:47 This is not a contest to see who can knead the longest, right? You don't want to over-knead your dough. You're really just going to knead pasta dough until it goes from being sort of a mixy mess to an elastic, smooth dough. And once it's smooth like that, wrap it in some plastic wrap. You can hit it with another coverage of olive oil if you like. Wrap it in plastic wrap, put it in the fridge,
Starting point is 00:18:16 and rest for at least 30 minutes. And then your pasta machine comes in. Your pasta machine is the next vital step. I mean, you don't need one. You could do it with a, I've done it before with a rolling pin, but the pasta machine is so good. And all it is is a hand crank slot, basically, two metal rollers that are run by a hand crank,
Starting point is 00:18:42 and you take, you know, roll out your dough a little bit and then you use the hand crank to sort of crank that pasta through and those rollers get wider or tighter right wider or what's the other word i'm looking for yeah i guess it is wider or tighter the space between those rollers grows or shrinks based on the knob and how you turn it. So as you're making your pasta, you start, obviously start at the widest setting, run your pasta through a couple of times, then decrease, decrease, decrease until you get it as thin as you want. And some of those pasta makers, like the one I have, have attachments that you can put on, still hand crank,
Starting point is 00:19:23 and then you can run that little beautiful sheet of pasta that you made through to make fettuccine, to make spaghetti. Look, it's easy, man. All it is is practice. It's very easy. Make your own pasta, okay? Pasta with a delicious, you know, you make a fettuccine with a delicious cream sauce
Starting point is 00:19:46 uh like an alfredo style sauce something like that or a mushroom cream sauce maybe with a little truffle oil in it at the end that when it's cold as hell out that's what you want you want to come home and have a dish like something hearty and wonderful. Oh, my goodness. Or a lasagna, right? Take those big sheets of pasta that you made, and you just use them like a sheet like lasagna. Like an easier lasagna. Take the whole sheet. Boom. Lay it at the bottom of the pan.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Roll out another sheet. Whole sheet. Boom. You know, your fillings in between. It's not as hard as you think, okay? I'm telling you right now. it's not as hard as you think, okay? I'm telling you right now.
Starting point is 00:20:27 You need to focus on these cooking skills because this is what you need to survive. You're going to eat three times a day. You're going to put all this food up and be like, I don't know, I thought we could just have steamed rice again, honey. And then she's going to kill you in your sleep. I'm just kidding. Okay, I need this one. I think one of our old hosts, Jay Ferg, posted in our chat room about...
Starting point is 00:20:50 Well, let's bring it up. What the hell? If you're going to do it, do it right, right? Where is it at? I'll read it exactly as she posted it because it did inspire me. Give me one second while I play with my phone on live stream for a minute. Nothing's better than that. Christian warrior training. Oh, this was from Chin. I'm sorry. This is from Chin.
Starting point is 00:21:22 This message resonated with me this morning. How about you? It's from Neil Maxwell, and it says, the danger is that Satan is dimming our light so slowly that darkness seems normal. I had a weird day yesterday, you know what I mean? I had one of those days where the darkness was around a little more than I like. And so I went to the kettlebells for Christ to see what today's was, because I haven't done it yet. It's only, what, 9.30? Wow, it's only 9.30. The day is young, potential, rife. And I wanted to do today's, and today's is Matthew 33, which is kind of perfect for these days.
Starting point is 00:22:01 And it says, But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you. And they're asking about what shall we eat? What shall we drink? And it goes on to say, therefore, do not worry
Starting point is 00:22:13 about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. And then we move into Matthew 7, which is just as powerful.
Starting point is 00:22:24 And it says in quotes from Jesus, Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged. And with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? This is the street this is the street agitation right now in this country the street agitation right now in this
Starting point is 00:22:50 country is a a one-way judgment machine that is just getting more more and more and more desperate and more and more violent to prove their point to pass their judgment in a make-believe manner that they are doing something good and righteous by destroying another person or another institution or other people, right? To somehow rectify an imaginary historical balance sheet where nobody ever gets hurt or in their head by hurting someone else in order to undo the hurt of the past that was levied upon people that may or may not look like those who are getting hurt. Bad plan. If your plan is to go somewhere and burn something, you probably have a bad plan, in the words of Dave Jones, the NBC guy,
Starting point is 00:23:51 or in the style of Dave Jones, the NBC guy. They need God, man. And that's a weird thing for a guy like me to say. I just want you to know that. I'm not, if it's your first time watching or listening, I'm not the type of guy who goes in that direction, right? All the time. It's not something I lean on.
Starting point is 00:24:13 It's not something I do on air all the time. But you get into the Bible and you understand that it was created so that you could navigate out of these dark holes that you're in. And this nation is in a dark hole that is one-way judgment. Plank in the eye, sawdust in the brother's eye. I mean, it's all in there. It's black and white. It's not there to imprison you. It's there to free you. You don't want to be that thing. You do not want to be the person that levies harsh judgment on others 24-7. And it couldn't be more true. The harsher the judge you are to those around you, the harsher the judge you are to yourself. You create an ideal in your head, right? Every one of these people out in
Starting point is 00:25:08 the streets have created this ideal in their head, and that's that you're supposed to come through this life without ever saying the wrong words, without ever doing the wrong things, without ever upsetting anyone, right? And you're supposed to live this way perpetually, even as the world changes, and you're supposed to rect this way perpetually, even as the world changes, and you're supposed to rectify the dirty deeds of the past and somehow not be a part of the past, but also fix the past by destroying the present. And then you go home and you cry about it because you know that your life is being wasted. Your life is being wasted in the streets when you could be making a real difference, all right?
Starting point is 00:25:48 Get off the streets with the signs. These are not the times for that, man. You could do much better things with your time, you know? Right? Like, there are way better ways. This this world right now is wasting its time with so many dumb issues. You know, we have to fight in Congress about. About guys in girls lockers room locker rooms like that's a fight that's happening in Congress right now. talking to the biggest bunch of dunces I've ever seen in my whole life, trying to explain there's a six-foot-four swimmer with his penis out getting changed in my locker room with me and the rest of my team, and we feel very uncomfortable. And to have the dunces up there look at them like, oh, that's pretty transphobic of you.
Starting point is 00:26:45 This is what we're wasting our time on. You guys have a good day. Get prepared for winter, man. Don't be like, oh my what the hell? It's cold again. I'll talk to you guys soon. The I Am Liberty show will be on tonight. We got a special Patriot Power Hour.
Starting point is 00:27:03 I will be live. Dave Jones will be live. Episode 250 a special Patriot Power Hour. I will be live. Dave Jones will be live. Episode 250 of the Patriot Power Hour. Don't miss it., okay? This is PBN Daily News, your path back to stability. Thank you.

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