The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News: Drastic Measures

Episode Date: July 18, 2024

@PBNLinks | LinktreeNo Grid Survival Projects (

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to P.B.N. You're paying back the stability. Elon, what is going on with my freaking X account, man? Why can't I get this thing to link up with Rumble? If anybody knows, send me a comment or a message or an email or something. Drastic measures. Drastic measures, PBN family. Drastic measures. We are watching all sides take drastic measures.
Starting point is 00:00:58 When the regular people think about things like drastic measures, about things like drastic measures during COVID and during 2020 election season and George Floyd and drastic measures and nuclear war in Ukraine and all this stuff. There is an air of drastic measures. There was a group that I talk about all the time called By Any Means Necessary, There's a group that I talk about all the time called By Any Means Necessary. And they were hell-bent on a lot of political things, a lot of bad political things. And it's just a really, really uncomfortable situation when you start recognizing the fact that people are taking drastic measures. People around you are taking drastic measures, right? People in high places. Regular people get nervous. Of course, that's because you yourself are not taking drastic measures. Now, that can be nerve-wracking, post-assassination attempt to tell people to take drastic measures.
Starting point is 00:02:07 But I don't mean anything having to do with revolt in the 1776 sense. Nothing like that. You don't need to start fires anywhere but your own backyard. You don't need to buy high-powered rifles unless you love high-powered rifles. Most of you out there probably already own high-powered rifles, I have to imagine. But as we watch the Democrat Party take drastic measures, the Republican Party, you know, everybody seems to be in this drastic moment. Where you find your power is in making your own drastic plans, doing your own crazy and
Starting point is 00:02:58 wild things to better prepare yourself and your family. You know, what can you run off of solar power? Solar power is a bit of an investment, right? Solar power, depending on how you do it, is a bit of an investment. But you can piece things together these days. You can piece things together. You can slowly build out a system. You can build a very small system that powers a handful of things.
Starting point is 00:03:29 You can build out a very small system that powers nothing until the lights go out. You know? My personal solar unit is from Point Zero Energy, and they do a great job. I mean, I've been using this thing for it's right down here the actual unit itself is right down here it's heavy as hell it's all metal it's not a plastic thing from china it's from here the uh solar panels are from vietnam it Is what it is. And it's. It's. A layer. You know.
Starting point is 00:04:09 In drastic times. Average people need to make drastic decisions. You know. Have to take drastic actions too. Because I think those of us who spend. You know all of our time just. Following. The herd.
Starting point is 00:04:29 We get beaten down by the fact that everyone is making moves. Everyone is taking, you know, drastic plans. And I'm just kind of doing the same things I've been doing since 2019. I think that breeds anxiety. I think that makes people crazy. I think that breeds anxiety. I think that makes people crazy. It's not just up to political leadership and world governance and nation states to take drastic measures. It's up to you to walk into waters that are deep and that you're unfamiliar with and to do new things that scare you and that make people ask questions what has happened to that guy what has happened to her what is with her and the chickens now what is with this quail thing they got going on how come they cut half of their yard down to the sod or remove the sod and and and laid wood chips
Starting point is 00:05:27 across the entire thing to start your own back to eden garden why do they have pear trees whoa just realized i had a vivid dream about pear trees last night totally forgot all about it until i said that see we were out late last night, bass fishing, me and my two sons. And my youngest was hungry. And we were foraging, because it's that time of the year, black raspberry. I mean, blackberry, rather. And they were everywhere, and they were delicious. And they were high, you know, probably eight feet tall bushes, and I was trying to reach up and pull down the goods for them, so then I wound up dreaming about pear trees and pulling down ripe pears. Interesting. When you start to take drastic measures, when you start to fill your life full of these weird
Starting point is 00:06:23 things, see, I've been a weirdo my whole life. Always weird. Always a weirdo. Always passionate into something weird. You know what I mean? Way too deep into it. It doesn't affect me at all. You know what I mean? I will one day come, you know, it's my wife. We've been together so long. She's unfazed by it. You know, I could tell her we're going to keep wolves, and she'd probably be like, well, we can't because we have kids. If they're not going to bite the kids, then it's okay. You know what I mean? But if I told her, like, I think I want to keep wolves,
Starting point is 00:06:57 she wouldn't be like, why? What? You know what I mean? She'd be like, okay, well, let's walk through the safety precautions and, you know, is it legal and all that kind of stuff. But I wouldn't be like, oh, what's wrong with them? There's no like midlife crisis for me. I'll never have a midlife crisis because I'm always doing wacky, drastic things, you know. We personally, we're on the cusp of, see, we're on the cusp of quail and tilapia. We're going to end the summer with the quail and tilapia injection into our own little urban homestead.
Starting point is 00:07:37 It just is what it is, you know. I have a book linked in the show notes, No Grid Survival Projects. Many of you already know about it. Many of you have heard about it a million times. But it's all drastic measures. It's just that. It's just that. It's all sort of drastic measure type stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Now, you think about drastic measures and you get a little nervous, right? Like, what is all this about? Sorry, I just kicked the camera. I repositioned the camera so that every time I touch my desk, it doesn't rattle. And then, of course, I kick it. But there's tons of builds in that book. That book is about building things off for off-grid living or on-grid, off-grid balance, you know. To many in the world who are stuck in limbo, you know, in the limbo of this is what's happening in the real world, this is what's happening in the, you know, sort of the realm of influence and I'm stuck in between, those projects will seem very drastic to people in limbo. You decide to build a windmill from scratch, which there's directions how to do that.
Starting point is 00:08:53 It'll seem very drastic. You know what I mean? You dig up your tomatoes and replace them with an herbal garden, a wild medicinal herbal garden. Then people will probably say that's kind of drastic, doing some drastic things. It's changing, though. It's definitely changing. A lot more people open to these ideas, these things that we as preppers have done for a very long time.
Starting point is 00:09:18 One of the coolest things about my people is that we're preppers. I mean, we're preppers, and we don't care. We don't care about the word prepper. We don't get all nervous about, well, you know, it's kind of just what I did and where I'm from. You just did these things. Everybody's got like a prepper excuse nowadays. Because being a prepper seems like a drastic measure. What are you doing? They'll explain it away. Well, you can prepare, but really you should just prepare for hurricanes. No, you should prepare for a moment in history when America's at war all over the world to some degree or another.
Starting point is 00:10:09 to some degree or another. The leadership of the nation is DEI-based or, at the tip top, a guy who's dying of COVID-19 at the moment. And guess what? Things are real close to going totally off the rails. That's why you'd be a prepper. Great. Thunderstorm comes, knocks the power out. You're prepared for that because you be a prepper. Great. Thunderstorm comes, knocks the power out. You're prepared for that because you're a prepper. But being a prepper is not only about this idea of like, just, just, you know, be real delicate with the public. I'm just doing this because we have hurricanes, you know, and hurricane season comes around and things get crazy.
Starting point is 00:10:42 No, man. Read the signs. See what's happening. See the drastic actions being taken all over the world. Case in point. Case in point on our One Threat, One Solution today. You won't even believe it Oh no, there's even more Ah, well, we'll see I don't want to get into that right now We got economy news and such. We're on the subject of drastic measures today, and I'm telling you that it's up to you to take your own drastic measures. At times like these, it doesn't mean dangerous.
Starting point is 00:11:37 It doesn't mean violent. It doesn't mean anything like that. It means doing things out of the ordinary to preserve and protect your family and to live a good damned life. In Germany, they're taking some drastic measures. It's very unnerving. I mean, I know it's Germany and I know their storied past, but some of the things that they're scared about in Germany are things that are unfolding thanks to the left wing in this country on campuses all over the nation. In Germany, the courts have ruled that the country's domestic intelligence agency can continue to classify the quote-unquote far-right
Starting point is 00:12:17 alternative for Germany, the AFD party, as an extremist threat, allowing for continued surveillance. The designation blocks members of the political party from owning firearms. A couple challenged the legality of banning supporters of the largest conservative party in Germany from owning firearms, and the court upheld the decision and will allow the government to continue the ban. That is so pregnant, it's unbelievable Hitler took the guns to persecute the Jews and the Germans Because conscripting people and putting them in a position where you better murder and torture Or else you'll die Pretty bad
Starting point is 00:13:04 Not that they were complicit, the Germans Or else you'll die pretty bad. Not that they were complicit, the Germans, but taking the guns away from people to do terrible things in the name of the Nazi movement is very interesting when you fast forward 80 years and say, we're going to take away your guns to assure that you never become Nazis. The ruling confirms that the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution can monitor the party, which has been accused of pursuing goals that are anti-democratic. This decision attempts to justify government overreach by citing subjective concerns about the AFD's impact on Germany's democratic order. We must protect democracy at all costs. You have to understand these things are possible, man. This is what out-of-control government does. Thomas Paine, what did Thomas Paine say?
Starting point is 00:14:05 It's our job. What's up, Jay Ferg no i'm late you're not late i'm late thank you for joining me um it it's it's the people's job to keep tyrannical government at bay you know i don't know exactly what the quote is but but it's something along those lines. It's part of your duty as a citizen. It says nowhere in the Constitution and none of the founding fathers ever said, it is your job as a citizen to make sure the government cares for you from cradle to grave and takes care of you and assures your safety. Right? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Keyword, pursuit. Doesn't always work out the way you want it to work out. So, you know, in many ways, what Germany's gone through, what that party has gone through, and I don't know. I don't know what the makeup is. I have no idea. what that party has gone through. And I don't know. I don't know what the makeup is.
Starting point is 00:15:04 I have no idea. What I don't like is the similarity between where they've arrived at and where we are heading. Because imagine what would happen if the Secret Service screwed up so bad the way that they did with Trump and it was Biden who was shot. Imagine if it was Biden who was shot.
Starting point is 00:15:25 That's right, human stardust, welcome in. The pursuit of happiness, not the guarantee. Imagine if it was Joe Biden who was shot. Imagine if it was an old man like Joe Biden who was shot and killed by an AR-15, toted by a right-wing extremist in the United States, nationalist, MAGA-y, red-hat-wearing monster. You don't think that decisions and discussions just like those being had and exacted in Germany wouldn't happen? You don't believe that drastic measures would be taken in order to make sure that we get this MAGA infection out of the country. We have to put this fire out. So that's the situation, folks. You've got to take heed when you read things like that happening in other countries, other
Starting point is 00:16:19 countries that we are an ally with. Germany is, you know, Germany is an amazing place. And to imagine the government colluding and saying that this one political party will be surveilled, they don't have a Second Amendment, but they will have their guns, they won't be allowed to buy guns, it's bananas. They're guns. They won't be allowed to buy guns. It's bananas. But what it's a reminder of is that you're never that far from tyranny. So rather than sit around and shiver about it all constantly, oh, they're coming.
Starting point is 00:17:09 They're coming to take my guns and take my Bibles and whatever else, my survival food. It is time for you to take control and to take your own drastic measures, whatever that looks like for you. It should all be under the umbrella of self-reliance and independence. It should all fall into several buckets, right? Long-term food storage or food production at home, water sourcing at home. These two things alone, rain barrels, whatever it is, the identification of creeks, the digging of wells, the water catchment by any means necessary, gives you so much autonomy in chaos. You know there's going to be chaos in the U.S. in November, right? Jay Fergie says, prepare plain and simple in chat.
Starting point is 00:17:54 That's it. You know there's going to be chaos in this country. The best thing you can do, unless, I mean, if you have on top of a hill, you have a bug out location sitting on top of a hill loaded up with everything you need so you can drive there and stay there from November till January. If you don't have that, then you need to transform your home into your survival headquarters. Do you know what I mean? That's what your goal has to be right now. And guess what?
Starting point is 00:18:21 You even have a time frame. now. And guess what? You even have a time frame. You can even wrap your head around the fact that most likely the worst of it will be from the time that Donald Trump potentially becomes, or gets elected in November, to the time when he gets put into office in January, right? So now you have a time window. You say, if I can stay isolated or minimally involved in the chaos around me for those three months, if I have that much food, 2,000 calories per person per day, three months, figure it out, do the math, right? If I have that much water per person per day, right? I say two to three gallons per person per day, three months. It's a lot of water. It's a lot of water until you start putting 55-gallon rain barrels out the front of your
Starting point is 00:19:10 house, outside of your house, until you find that creek in the woods, until you find that spring that's, you know, close by, whatever. Until you identify those water sources, it's a lot of water. You got to do these things. That's all there is to it. You know, how's home security? What's the first aid situation in your home looking like? We have incredible first aid resources, podcasts at The Prepper's Medical Handbook, our longest sponsor,
Starting point is 00:19:39 is the most affordable and most effective first aid resource you can put on your bookshelf. The Prepper's Medical Handbook by William Forge. You know, an evacuation plan, right? Backup power. What are your backup power options? Let's say that out of anger in the midst of December, some left-wing lunatic group like Antifa decides they're going to start shooting holes in electrical substations all over your region and your power's out and your heat's off.
Starting point is 00:20:19 How do you heat your home? What ways do you heat your home? Is your heat pump your one and only heat source? Do you know how to manage a kerosene heater? Do you have a wood burning fireplace and firewood? I mean, really, if you're going to be splitting wood and trying to season it real quick, like you're out of time, basically, right? You're pretty much out of time. What is it? July? Well, you've got a little bit of time. I mean, better to have it than not. So, you know, these are the things you have to prepare for. You have to take your own drastic measures, not in chaos, but you have to take your own drastic measures in the ways that you prepare. And then, you know, once you
Starting point is 00:21:06 build sort of a base of preparedness, then you can begin to infect the people around you, you know? So in other words, man, it's been crazy, or man, it's going to be crazy. I have, you know, neighbors to either side of me. I'd like it if they were prepared for the crazy too. side of me. I'd like it if they were prepared for the crazy too. That's it. You form your alliances slowly, but surely everybody understands now it's not, it's not 2015 anymore. You know what I mean? We're not, we're not over here trying to, trying to find a way to explain the fact that the half white, half black president has made it hard to live in America or makes us nervous. So we're preparing and you should prepare too. And then people are looking at you going, I think you're a racist. You know
Starting point is 00:21:49 what I mean? Those days are over, man. Those days are over. Everybody knows. Nobody trusts the government. You know what I mean? And now's the perfect time to build those alliances, to build those allies, those close-by allies, you know? And I think that the best way to do it is, again, to take drastic measures in your own life and to let people in to see. And I know that's op-sec, you know, blasphemy, but we're talking about your neighbors. Get to know them. I'm not saying knock up on their door and say, hey, come see all my guns. But give them a peek. Give them a peek.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Give them a dozen eggs. Give them food out of the garden. Give them some weird perennial stuff. Hey, you want to plant these things? They grow. They come back every year. They're a food producer. Do you want some?
Starting point is 00:22:46 Got to make those inroads, folks. And last but not least, and this is the hardest part of it all, you have to be prepared to forgive. It's the hardest part of it all for some people. You have to be prepared to forgive. for some people. You have to be prepared to forgive. You have to be prepared to stand face to face with that neighbor who had the Biden-Harris sign all year in the mask, who decides to shed the sign and shed the mask for the right path. And you have to let them in. You know what I mean? You have to let them in. You have to forgive and you have to say, all right, well, on to better days. We've all made mistakes, right?
Starting point is 00:23:29 That's the way it goes. Because there's two routes. We forgive or we will forever fight. We already know who's right and who's wrong. Do you know what I mean? We already know who's right and who's wrong. You know what I mean? So there's no point in describing and explaining and throwing it in people's face.
Starting point is 00:23:53 I told you Biden was too old. I told you the masks didn't work. You have to get away from being right no matter what. You know what I mean? You have to get away from being right, putting being right at the top of the pillar. Because that'll never solve anything. You'll just go home alone and sit there with your cell phone
Starting point is 00:24:14 and tell Twitter you were right. You know? I was right again today. Cool. You'll go to your grave as the one who was right. Alone. You know what I mean? All right. Let's wrap this up. Let's wrap this up with an Ernest Hemingway line. How about that? An Ernest Hemingway line that I think sums up the importance of drastic measures. In the way that I want to explain them.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Okay. Ernest said every man's life ends the same way. It's only the details of how he lived and how he died. That distinguish one man from another. Thanks for joining me today folks. PBN family I do appreciate you. Onward and upward, it's Thursday night. We've got great shows.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Make sure you listen to the Patriot Power Hour from last night and all of the above. You know what I mean? It's PBN. You guys know the deal. Should be a newsletter coming out later today
Starting point is 00:25:24 focusing on... I don't know what it's focusing on. It might be out today or tomorrow, actually. It's 1030 already. Big day ahead of me. Big day ahead of me. I appreciate you guys. Support our great sponsors, man. What else can I say, you know?
Starting point is 00:25:43 You guys are the best. Talk soon. Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid Commander, and I'm holding The Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, M.D. In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You'll learn about assessment and stabilization. You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation,
Starting point is 00:26:11 and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. Look, 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the Prepper's Medical Handbook today at Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy.

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