The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News Februaruy 26th 2024: Lizards Selling; Ham in Hay

Episode Date: February 26, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBM. You're playing back the stability. Good day, PBN family. What a day here in Richmond, Virginia. Beautiful. Beautiful. I'm ready to get outside and wrap this day. I just want to talk to all my people. It is my birthday.
Starting point is 00:00:43 I sent out a newsletter this morning. Sign up for the newsletter at Talk to all my people. It is my birthday. I sent out a newsletter this morning. Sign up for the newsletter at, and you'll get the election preparedness campaign on a weekly basis, preparing for the chaos of the elections, which seems to be, frankly, unavoidable. But I sent it out with my birthday request, which is rare. I'm not a guy who really likes to ask for help. It's a weakness of mine, in all honesty. But I did ask that folks out there take their time to subscribe to the podcast wherever they listen.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I mentioned iTunes. But take the time to subscribe and commit in that way. It makes a big difference for us. Leave a review, a positive review. We've got nearly 80 reviews. The majority of them are five-star reviews, but for some reason, iTunes has posted our very worst reviews on our page. You go to our page, and you see two one-star reviews and a three-star review, so maybe we need more five-stars. I don't know, but it's all going to help. And finally, share the podcast with people.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Share it around. Share it with groups, so on and so forth. Let them know, you know, there's a bunch of differing opinions here on how to prepare, when to prepare, why to prepare, whatever. And a bunch of other stuff too. You know, good content.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Something, you know, we only have so much time in a day, right? And there's only so much time left to prepare as far as I can tell. So, uh, without further ado, I don't want to be here on all day. Let's get into One Threat, One Solution, because I have something that is a little unnerving. Billionaires are selling off investments, including stock shares in their own businesses. You're about to hear a massive collection of lizards who are up to no good, sounds like to me.
Starting point is 00:02:57 This from the Gray Man Brief, our One Threat, One Solution. Bezos sold $6 billion. Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon, sold $6 billion in Amazon stocks. That's a lot of scratch, PBN family. $6 billion. Warren Buffett sold a percentage of his Apple stocks. Gates sold 3%. Bill Gates sold 3% of his Microsoft stocks. Mark Zuckerberg sold $0.5 billion, half a billion dollars of Facebook stocks.
Starting point is 00:03:25 What the hell's going on? Will we rally, rally, rally forever? Will the stock market rally, rally, rally around the family with a pocket full of shells? I don't, I, you know, when the big money, when the lizard money does stuff like that, you better pay attention. You better understand that things are changing.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Maybe it's not collapse. Maybe it's not economic downturn. I think it probably is. One threat, one solution is about one big problem and one solution. Put your money into something that has value no matter what. Okay? That'd be my one solution. Go to I mean, look at the prices of land to i mean look at the prices of land
Starting point is 00:04:08 at honestly you know you you can look at land as this is the place i want to bug out but you can also look at land as a long-term investment and it's an investment that is epic because until they start shooting people into the stars to live on Mars, which I think we're very, very, very, very far away from that, until we start landing on the moon and making houses or on the Mars and making houses in large amounts, the price of land is always going to go up. It's always going to go up. Land can be had over there for so cheap it's almost embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I will probably buy more land from this year But land can be had over there for so cheap it's almost embarrassing. I will probably buy more land from this year because of that. It's all about finances and see how things go. I want to buy the land outright. I don't want a payment plan. But they do incredibly affordable payment plans, not through banks, through them. Everyone's accepted. You don't have to use
Starting point is 00:05:06 You can buy land wherever you want. All I'm saying is put your money in something that is tangible, something that is valuable, something that will have value whether or not the lizards tank the stock market or not. You follow me? Get those deeds. They mean something. They hold value.
Starting point is 00:05:27 And also think about entrepreneurship. If you're a member, you should listen to the Cubicle Escape Plan podcast. If you're not a member, you should join today. Because if you use the promo code ICBDAY for my birthday, Intrepid Commander birthday, ICBDAY, just today only, you can get $10 off an annual membership. So you're dropping $50 for the whole year. I'm telling you right now, it's the best $50 you'll spend on prepping all year. The amount of networking capabilities, information, videos, courses, spreadsheets. As I always say, the introductory email I send you is worth 50 bucks,
Starting point is 00:06:10 in my opinion. What you get access to from that introductory email is worth it. Easy. The free book is worth it. So yeah, the billionaires are selling off everything. What are you doing? Are you adding value in your backyard? Are you adding value through food production? Are you adding value through skills? You working on any skills? Are you joining our routines, monthly routines? February's still going. We've got a few more days left in February. I'm already working on Monday's preparedness and fitness routine. I'm sorry, not Mondays, Marches. Got to be here. You got to do these things.
Starting point is 00:06:49 You know, you have to do the thing. You just have to do it. You don't want to talk about it. I was listening to Chris Williams from Modern Wisdom, which I really love. And he has this, I don't know if he made it up or if one of his buddies made it up, but it's thinking about the thing is not doing the thing. Talking about doing the thing is not doing the thing. Talking to your friends about how you will be
Starting point is 00:07:09 doing the thing is not doing the thing. Only doing the thing is doing the thing. That's what our routines are about. Our routines are about forcing you to do the thing, forcing you to do the dry fire training, forcing you to do the push-ups, forcing you to do the spiritual learning or whatever else we decide to do, forcing you to do the QC, the quality control on your preps. I mean, that's what they're about, daily, weekly, monthly. Okay? Join us. Join us. You know, I forgot all about the routines.
Starting point is 00:07:42 For the cost of sign-up, if you truly put your best effort in on these routines, I'm telling you right now, the value of that is uncanny. I mean, we're in March. We've done two members-only routines and one public routine. We will do many. Some of them will be public. Some of them will be members. what you get just in the value of the members only routines If you put in the work Will make $50 look like a laughing stock I mean what would you give To be
Starting point is 00:08:15 Stronger in three months Stronger in six months Lose 15 pounds in You know six Three months Six months Whatever You do the routines It's just Yeah I don't know in six months, lose 15 pounds in, you know, six, three months, six months, whatever.
Starting point is 00:08:32 You do the routines. It's just, yeah. So take some action folks. Cause I'm telling you right now, the, uh, the lizards are moving money for a reason. All right. So let's get into the SHTF chef today. I've got a great one for you. It's a cooking method that I've never even done before. It comes from a book that I'd highly recommend. The book, it's called The Whole Beast, Nose to Tail Eating by Fergus Henderson. And he has some of the most interesting recipes for often avoided parts of animals that I think every prepper should have. Every prepper should have this book. You should know how to cook brains.
Starting point is 00:09:07 You should know how to cook kidneys. You should know how to cook livers. And if you don't know how, then you should have this book, man. We are going to do page 65. Ham cooked in hay. No, you heard me right. Ham in hay. This will feed 12 people, though. If you are fewer, what better than to have some leftover in the fridge? You're going to need a big bundle of organic hay. You want to make sure that the hay is safe to eat. You're not going to eat the hay, but you don't want there to be chemicals and dirt all over it.
Starting point is 00:09:42 like chemicals, dirt all over it. 10 juniper berries, 14 black peppercorns, 10 cloves, 6 bay leaves, 1 whole fresh leg of pork with the bone in, brined for 12 to 14 days, but not yet smoked. Now, for those of you who have been members, you might remember a process like this, but it was salting rather than brining. In a big pot, make a base of hay.
Starting point is 00:10:05 You need a pot big enough to hold the entire leg of pork. Okay, so you need a big pot. In a big pot, make a base of hay. Sprinkle on your spices and bay leaves and lay the ham in the nest. Cover with more hay around and on top. Cover the whole thing with water. Bring it to a boil, then drop it quickly to a gentle simmer. Cook for three and a half to four and a half hours until it's nice and tender
Starting point is 00:10:32 all the way through. You got to remove the hay. You can't eat the hay, but after that, the ham is finished. Delicious. You know, this is what I'm talking about. This is kind of fun, but I'm sure it's delicious. But you got to know these things. You got to know how to prepare food, guys. There's no getting around it. The SHTF Chef is not about swanky butter sauces. It's about you understanding cookery. All right, in honor of our routines, let's get into words. We're going to read some Proverbs, okay? Let's read some Proverbs. We're coming down to the end of Proverbs and moving into Ecclesiastes, which is great. Maybe we'll read some Ecclesiastes. No, I don't think we're going to do Bible next month, but let's get into Proverbs. Looks like there's some turbulence up ahead. It's a good thing you found us.
Starting point is 00:11:30 We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Your path, act as stability. Do not exploit the poor because they are poor, and do not crush the needy in court, for the Lord will take up their case and will exact life for life. That's bad news for the people who run New York City, I think. What do you think? The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender. Whoever sows injustice reaps calamity, and the rod they wield in fury will be broken. That's interesting. When you sit to dine with a ruler, note well what is before you, Wow. That's a good one.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Put a knife to your throat if you get gluttonous. Oh, man, the foibles of society, right? And the dangers of comfort and convenience. All right, PBN family, I'm going to go enjoy the rest of my birthday. I hope you guys enjoy yourselves today too. I'm going to talk to Instagram. I may even hop on later. I'm not going to do a Preppers Live tonight,
Starting point is 00:13:11 but I might hop on later and do what I want for my birthday from a societal sense. Some laws, some rules, some regulations, some morality, some so on and so forth, okay? For the fun of it. If I don't, I'll throw up a rerun. But enjoy the day, huh? No matter what's going on out there in the world, it is one beautiful day. All right? I'll talk to you guys soon. See ya. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments.
Starting point is 00:13:45 is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prep or mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase.

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