The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News: If you do business in the kings court...

Episode Date: August 20, 2024

My Food Storage picks!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome Welcome in everybody. We're back on Rumble. What's up? PBN News. PBN Daily News. Back on Rumble, of course, with my unstoppable and utterly relentless podcast audience. Welcome in, guys. What's up? We had a tremendous show last night. Those of you on the PBN side of things, you know the whole fasting thing. Sorry, Rumble. I left you guys completely out of that.
Starting point is 00:01:02 I stepped away from Rumble for a little while. I don't know. I have no excuse. Just did. just did just happens it's how i do things sorry you know what i mean it's a cool platform i dig it you don't get me wrong um but my heart is here behind the microphone guys the video is cool but you know i don't know it is what it is today i wanted to harp on something that, a lesson that I learned a long time ago. I was kind of inspired by numerous people really getting their hands slapped and the continual hand slapping that will happen on larger platforms. I've seen in the last few days, for a number of different reasons, content creators, subject matter experts. I hate those two words, content creators and subject matter experts. People on Instagram, people on YouTube,
Starting point is 00:02:02 getting their hands slapped for numerous things by the platforms, you know, people tell, uh, or them losing the ability to post, losing the ability, you know, getting warnings, all that kind of stuff that happens. And, uh, it just, it spurred in me the old lesson I learned back in 2019, 2020, something like that. I don't remember exactly when it was. I think it was 2020. I think it was 2020. If you do business in the king's court, then you must do business by the king's rules. And that is the risk.
Starting point is 00:02:43 And when we set up the Prepper Broadcasting Network membership, that's exactly why we did it the way we did it. We were on Patreon. Now, as far as I know, my bet on Patreon actually was a bad one because I don't know that they, I don't know, though. I haven't paid any attention. I don't know that they silence people at Patreon. Maybe, maybe not. History is always writing itself, though.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Morning, Jay Ferg. What's up? So we decided back in 2020, you know, like the safest route for us to go because what we value here, guys, is talking about the truth, man. You know? Especially when it stings. Especially when it stings. when it stings like that we like that i think america likes that you know what i mean i think america in general likes that i have to
Starting point is 00:03:33 imagine anybody watching anything spending their time listening or watching to anything they want to hear the uncomfortable truths of the fact or else why do why do it? You know what I mean? Why do it at all? Why even have the conversation? This is why barstool conversations are so fun, or drunken conversations around the fire are so fun, because all of a sudden, you know, the steam from the pressure cooker gets let off a little bit, and you can start saying things that you wouldn't normally say, right? But I don't know. It became abundantly clear to me that doing business on certain platforms would come with certain risks and in those risks I wasn't really interested in taking on. And it's a lesson that you have to understand going forward also. Not just from the perspective of someone who wants to make videos and be on YouTube, but from the perspective of someone who might watch it.
Starting point is 00:04:31 And go on there and expect to find the right kind of people. Like you'll never find... Well, that's not true. I'm on a bunch of different interviews and... But whatever. bunch of different interviews and and but whatever you wouldn't go there and find a hub for the prepper broadcasting network that features all our shows and videos of all our hosts and all that kind of we wouldn't invest in youtube the the sparse youtube presence that we have is largely because of an auto-publish feature on Spreaker. You know what I mean? And it's, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Anymore, it feels like you have to get away from that censorship. You know what I mean? And I don't mean just as somebody who makes a living off of making podcasts or videos. But I mean in general. I mean, actually, if I'm 100% honest with you, each and every one of you needs to sit down and write out a list of what it is you consume in a day and probably have it at least. That's really what people need. Now, for a guy who runs a podcast network and several other things that require your attention to be successful, you know, basically suicide to say what I'm saying. But what, you know, if not the truth, then what? The truth of the matter for most people,
Starting point is 00:06:03 and I said this years ago, is that we're burnt out by 10 o'clock. We're mentally burnt out by 10 o'clock from the amount of just sheer stimulation. You know, I have, I mean, you could just look at your email and see how many, I don't know if yours is like mine. I have probably five to ten entities emailing me news every day. I don't mean people. I mean like news branches, you know, like Ground News, The Blaze, Epic Times, like places like this that are just hitting me with this wall of what they think I should know. And then I ask my poor little brain to deal with all of that. That's too much, dude. That's too much. How do you know it's too much? Because, you know, this morning I I woke up, and my son was popped up 6 a.m.
Starting point is 00:07:10 His alarm, he set his alarm, he woke up 6 a.m. It was his first day to school. He got up, came downstairs, ate breakfast, you know, the whole thing. And, you know, he's grown up so much it's crazy to watch but i'm going through this sort of morning routine and i don't know about you but i try to burn certain things into my mind having to do with kids you know and i realized like this and it's not that i had the realization this morning but i was just in that sort of moment where it was like, these are the things we should commit our mind space to. Like there is limited amount of space in the brain, right?
Starting point is 00:07:52 And every day and every – and you can't remember everything anyway. But watching him and everything this morning was like, these are the things we commit. It's just like diet. It's the same thing. You know, I always had this hypothesis about diet that it's not the bad food that you eat. It's that the bad food takes the place of the good food. So in other words, you know, it's not that carbohydrates are necessarily bad. Of course not. They're energy, right?
Starting point is 00:08:27 are necessarily bad, of course not, they're energy, right? But if you eat 50% of your meal in carbohydrates, then what are you leaving out because you're getting full? You know what I mean? You're leaving out high nutrient-dense vegetables, maybe you don't eat as much meat, whatever the thing is. Same thing with your brain. The same sort of concept, right? It's not that watching YouTube videos and listening to podcasts and reading news and all that stuff is impossible for you to deal with. We'd all be dead. We'd all be nuts. And there are a lot of nuts people out there nowadays, but we'd all be nuts if too much news drove us crazy. It does drive some people crazy. But then we leave out space for the things that matter. You know what I mean? We we leave out space for the things that matter.
Starting point is 00:09:06 You know what I mean? We leave out that space for the things that matter and the people that matter. And, you know, that's the reality, folks. That's the reality. Do we want to do a one threat, one solution today? There is something I want to talk to you about. And I'm not sure. I don't have my phone here
Starting point is 00:09:25 because when I put my phone here, people ring it off the hook. Yeah, this is it. Found it. But I don't think I can read this article from the Wall Street Journal. Are you guys going to charge me? Guess what?
Starting point is 00:09:41 If you want to read our article, we're going to charge you money and then we're going to throw 16 videos and 17 pop-ups at you as soon as you log on. Oh, you're a paying member. Here's 30 pop-ups. Enjoy yourself. All right, let's talk about ports in the fall and strike.
Starting point is 00:10:02 It's nerve-wracking. From Carl B. One threat, one solution. Okay? I have no idea how to pronounce this. Maersk? Maersk? Maersk? M-A-E-R-S-K. If you see the name, you know it.
Starting point is 00:10:29 To limit Canada-bound cargo ahead of possible railwork stoppage. So the fall, I'll give you the real quick, and then if I see anything, I haven't read this article. I was just trying to find the details from what Carl B. told me yesterday. Fundamentally, there's a stoppage of work in the fall that's being kind of threatened by the lovely unions, the unions that love all of us so much. They love it when they're able to say to the American people, you do it and we're going to, if we don't get more money, we're going to starve you. The economic repercussions of rail work stoppage of this magnitude would be devastating locally and given the interconnectivity consequently impact the movement of goods in the United States and beyond. Last year, a roughly two-week strike involving more than 7,000 workers at British Columbia ports disrupted shipping operations across the Pacific Northwest. Authorities estimate the strike affected shipments totaling $10 billion Canadian dollars, or the equivalent $7.3 billion, and reduced Canada's economic output by $1 billion.
Starting point is 00:11:55 So the rail work stoppage is what we're concerned about. It's supposed to kick off in fall. I have the exact quote right here that I got from the article yesterday. I copied and pasted because i was going to talk it talk it i was going to talk it on preppers live so maersk warrants customers of possible u.s port strike october 1st okay quote should a general work stoppage occur on the u.s gulf and east coasts work stoppage occur on the U.S. Gulf and East Coasts. Major, right? Even a one-week shutdown could take four to six weeks to recover from with significant backlogs, delays, compounding with each passing day.
Starting point is 00:12:36 You know, this is... When you commit to a segment like One Threat, One Solution, you find yourself harping on a lot of the same stuff all the time. My fundamental motivation in terms of overall prepping and preparedness right now is for everyone in the listening audience to be building on a three-month par level, a three-month emergency par level of supplies and food. Never before in the history, not even in 2020, of PBN have I given people like a hard and fast par level, like preppers should have X.
Starting point is 00:13:17 It's not even preppers. Americans should have X and anybody else in the world that wants to weather any kind of storm because the storms are growing. You know, while you're being distracted by this dream that the hurricanes and those types of storms are getting worse and more frequent, right? Why are they telling you those storms are the ones that are growing? The storm that's actually growing is the storm of disruption in your life. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:13:48 And I don't see how that doesn't continue to happen. I don't see how you don't find yourself in a position where continually you're seeing situations like this, situations like, well, what will unfold when our current president-ish, vice president, makes her way into office if that happens? And we have true Marxism in the United States where the shopping—I mean, you remember Obamacare, right? You remember how well that went. If we get a Kamala care of the grocery stores, right? Kamala care of the grocery stores
Starting point is 00:14:29 would be like COVID. Remember going in during COVID, the height of COVID, and you walk into a grocery store and be like, where's all the food at? It's coming. And like I said, the things that disrupt are the things that are being worked into our life right now. They're the things that should concern you. You know what I mean? They're the things that should radically concern you, and you should mark that three-month parlo. Sit down and do your calculations. If you want to knock it out fast, seriously, if you want to knock it out fast,
Starting point is 00:15:03 the best resource that I have, let me give you the exact name of it. I'm going to go to our membership website, PBM? Okay. This is a very simple one sheet, and it's called Food Storage Calories Per 5-Gallon Bucket. It's exactly what it is. And I give you a list. Now, this is a members-only resource, so you've got to sign up to use it. Right next to it, though, is our free Nuclear War Prepared, Not Scared book you can get. This is right as soon as you go to But the food storage calories per five-gallon bucket list,
Starting point is 00:15:48 I'm not allowed to view it. That's the best. The best is when you go on your own membership website that you own, and they're like, what's your password, buddy? Trying to break in? So we did, here's a, I'll give you this right off the top. This is a little this is a little bonus off of this article. I don't even remember writing this, but I wrote it. math. Remember the food storage rule of three for four. So there's a 6-8-8-1 rule. Nope, that's not right. 6-8-8-6 rule for water purification. We'll talk about that another time. And another food storage rule, the three for four. The three for four is slick.
Starting point is 00:16:41 When you write, you write so much. You create so much shit nowadays that you can't remember the cool shit that you create. It's so stupid. It's just a, it's like, you know, it's like the compacted layers of soil, you know what I mean? And you just completely forget like, oh, this is the food storage era. And down here was the... So the three for four rule is great. Burn this into your head. Three million calories feeds a family of four for one year. Bingo. Three million calories feeds a family of four for one year.
Starting point is 00:17:15 I mean, that's all that kind of stuff. And how much calories a five-gallon bucket of each is so that you can very quickly, you know, if you want to do three million calories and feed the family for a year, you can calculate that up and see what that looks like in terms of buckets. If you want to do like I said and get a three-month par level done and get it done real fast, then you can use that sheet for that too. Again, that's Sign up for the membership. You'll get access to that if that's something you want to do. I don't know why anyone wouldn't do it right now if you're like sitting there with with anxiety, like, what am I, you know, how do I, what am I and how do I go to All right. I got the Instagram crew, Jay Fergie probably included, who would like to hear from
Starting point is 00:18:21 me today. So I'm not going to go on much longer. I do want to read to you. I bought this deck. We went to see the samurai at the VMFA. It's a samurai exhibit there. It's real samurai armor. Samurai sword, samurai horse armor. This whole backlog of, like,
Starting point is 00:18:48 samurais coming to town, like, up on these sort of little hills, and the horse and the samurai armor on top of the horse, and he really gave you this kind of, like, what the hell it must have been like, because the samurais would, they'd create, not only was their armor badass, but they'd also create armor that made their, that's so sweet, that made their horses look like dragons you know what i mean so you have this and remember no tv no youtube no cell phone right you're living like in your hut and fire and stories that your
Starting point is 00:19:19 mom tells you in your brain and look up in the sky and see you know all this hercules and then all of a sudden this alien thing comes with wajisakis and and samurai swords and the crazy hat with the you know with the horns coming off of the thing and he's on top of this beast that has dragon fire coming out of its nose and dragon eyes looking at you. And you know, maybe they knew it's a horse. Maybe they didn't. From a distance, you're probably very confused. No optics. Didn't put the thermals on to see the samurai coming back in the day. And I remember sitting there with the kids looking up the hill at this fake hill that was in the museum at the samurai.
Starting point is 00:20:00 And thinking to myself, what? Wow. That must have been so wild, you know? But anyway, I joke and call my son Musashi. Well, somewhat of a joke. He has a really great mind for figuring out the way, you know what I mean? His mind is very strategic. He's really good at figuring out how to win. So I always joke with him, and to boost his confidence and all that kind of stuff, I call him Musashi from time to time.
Starting point is 00:20:33 So I bought him the Book of Five Rings because it was there, and it came with this deck of cool cards from the Book of Five Rings. So to end the show, I thought I'd read you a little Musashi because it's interesting. Musashi said to hold down a pillow.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Quote to hold down a pillow. Means, let's see if I can do a teleprompter. Means not allowing the enemy's head to rise. You must always be able to lead the enemy about. The important thing in strategy is to suppress the enemy's useful actions. But allow his useless actions. It's very Sun Tzu. You read through the Book of Five Rings,
Starting point is 00:21:09 you realize it's very Sun Tzu. It is what it is. All right, folks. I'm out of here. I do appreciate you. Listen to the incredible shows, PBN all weekend. Don't miss Reliance.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Amazing this week. And I'll see you maybe in a few days. Talk to you soon. Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid Commander, and I'm holding the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, MD. In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You'll learn about assessment and stabilization. You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home look 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in america get the prepper's medical handbook today
Starting point is 00:22:15 at again that's the prepper's medical handbook by william w forgy

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