The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News January 23rd 2024 2A in the NEWS!

Episode Date: January 23, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to P.B.N. You're paying back the stability. What is up, PBN family? You're listening to PBN Daily News. It's your path back to stability on a Tuesday. We have the rising republic incoming. Our man L. Douglas Hogan will be with you Probably in the noon hour Barring me getting distracted
Starting point is 00:00:51 Great show Awesome collection of the documentary Died Suddenly on his show Last week, this week, listen to it Listen to it while you still can. I've got hydroponics on my mind. I've got seed starting on my mind. The rock wool is approaching. I hope you guys are in the same vein with what you've been thinking about, what you've been considering. Now's the time. Now's the time. Our January, one of the things,
Starting point is 00:01:26 one of the to-dos on our January routine as it comes to a close, for those of you who didn't participate, tsk, tsk. For those of you who didn't participate, one of the things was a family planning of the garden. You know, sit down with the family. You know, in food storage, you do store what you eat. And in the garden, you do grow what other people say to grow, right? But what you really should do is treat your garden the same way you treat your food storage.
Starting point is 00:01:59 What do you want to eat? That's what we do. What do you want to eat? Everything I grow, I so rarely grow anything out of the ordinary. I grow the things that, well, it's twofold. I grow the things that my kids know and love. I grow things that my family can pluck and eat. Because I think pluck eating, I think foraging in the backyard, right, is, if you're going to have an annual garden, it might as well be forageable, right? Like, you ought to have an annual garden, it might as well be forageable, right? Like you ought to be able to walk out there when you're running around. That's my favorite. Kids running around out back in the nice weather. Maybe we're having a catch, maybe they're running with the dogs, whatever. And then, you know, they run over to the cherry
Starting point is 00:02:39 tomato bush pluck. They run over to the pole bean pluck. Do you know what I mean? I mean, that's magic to me. That's what it's all about. So that's where my head is. It's time. It's time to get the grow lights. It's time to get the rock wool. It's time to, we're going to do hydroponics in the house this year, just as a measure of playing around and seeing what really can be achieved, you know, out of the sunlight and all that. I had some struggles last year with sunlight and things like that. It is what it is. So let's get into it, okay? Let's get into it.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I've got new One Threat, One Solution sound. We're doing a heavy 2A update today. Let me turn my sound down because, you know, the moment you press record on a situation like this, people will start to message and message. You know, it goes crazy. It's like if you build it, they will come sort of concept. But anyway, let's get into it. One threat, one solution, folks. From our friends, the Gray Man Brief, Second Amendment Brief National Summary.
Starting point is 00:04:06 A lot. A lot of stuff going on in the Second Amendment world, man. Really cool. Sig Sauer. I don't know if this is the best use of their efforts, but it's pretty cool. Sig Sauer is reportedly offering refunds to distributors and dealers in the event the federal government increases regulations against stabilizer braces. I mean, it's a good gesture. It's better than nothing, right? Though our mentality as a constitutional republic with a Second Amendment should not be,
Starting point is 00:04:46 please give me a refund for my scary assault rifle. Thank you. Or my stabilizing brace. Thank you. But I can understand where Sig Sauer is coming from. I think it's a decent gesture. I don't know how many real two-way advocates are going to go for the stabilizing brace. And, you know, I also wonder, the cynic in me wonders, it says the move by Sig Sauer is legitimately beneficial.
Starting point is 00:05:11 It allows retailers to buy braces to sell to customers without fear of losses if the legal status changes. I often wonder, you know, the cynical side of me anyways thinks, did the government subsidize their cost? Sig Sauer and the government are, you know, they're pretty tight.
Starting point is 00:05:24 They are all in the military right now. I'm pretty sure the sidearm and the standard issue rifle are Sig for the military. Anyway, after the U.S. Department of Commerce provided only vague responses to limited questions to Congress concerning its 90-day pause on exporting licenses for civilian firearms and ammunition, Congress has threatened to issue a subpoena unless the department produces documents explaining and justifying the export ban. On January 27th, the department is object to renew and lengthen the ban. In Idaho, lawmakers have introduced a bill that would allow school staff teachers to carry concealed firearm in the immediate control IOT to respond to an active shooter threat.
Starting point is 00:06:07 To obtain the enhanced permit, the law would require staff to take an eight-hour gun course to pass a background check, including fingerprinting among other guidelines. It's taken all these years for people to figure out that we should start putting, we should start arming the staff who will be shot to death by active shooters and give them a little agency, right? I see so many things about love teachers, pay teachers, honor teachers, increase the pay, increase the benefits, you know, thank a teacher. It doesn't matter how much money you make, if some dude comes in there, some lunatic, with a firearm and starts shooting kids and shooting teachers you don't have a way of protecting yourself it's crazy it's crazy to me
Starting point is 00:06:52 that the gaps in the the hyperbolic left are so wild the gaps in thinking you know what i mean like how you can go from love teachers, respect teachers, boost the pay of teachers, protect teachers. But and then when it comes down to like actual protection. But it's a rubber meets the road mentality, right? That's what their whole mentality is. It's like it looks good on paper, but in reality, not so much. Right. We saw that with how much the left loves the children. Right. It's like, oh, we take care of the kids and the kids and the minorities and the minorities and the kids and the minorities and the minorities and the kids. And then you see the actual rubber meets the road on the wave of illegal immigration. And you see, oh, who's suffering? Oh, it's the kids and the minorities.
Starting point is 00:07:38 How about that? And we'll continue to see that, by the way. Now, my wonderful state, which has been hijacked, you know, the beautiful state of Virginia has been completely hijacked by lunatics, largely because of Yankees like myself moving south and voting Democrat. what it is. So what I'm looking at, again, this is like every four years for me. Every four years for me, I'm sitting in Virginia looking around going like, this was, I live in the capital of the Confederacy, which is always funny to think about. And I'm looking around like four new, four new bills proposed by the House Public Safety Committee. We're concerned about public safety here in Richmond. I mean, here in Virginia, we're concerned about public safety.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Yeah, sure you are. That's why there's not a damn mention in any of these bills about handguns, right? Have you done any research? I got HB-2. I got HB-173. I got HB-466. I got HB2, I got HB173, I got HB466, I got HB1424. We want to ban assault weapons, semi-automatic firearms with common attachments, and or 20-plus round mags and magazines holding more than 10 rounds. I got HB173, makes it unlawful to possess unserialized firearms slash parts. HB466 will decrease reciprocity of out-of-state concealed carry permits by adding additional standards.
Starting point is 00:09:09 I don't know what, you know. What's the data on that? HB 466, decrease reciprocity of out-of-state concealed carry permits. people conceal carry in the state of richmond virginia that are out of state or passing through the state that are on the books as having murdered people shot people even shot themselves like what how how many can i count it on one hand this is public safety committee though okay We're very concerned about the public's safety. Do you know what I mean? Safety of the public.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Public safety, you know? Safety of the public. We'll see how much the Public Safety Committee gives a shit as the year goes on here in Virginia. Well, they are almost ripped down the gates at the White House, you know? I know that's D.C., different thing, but... HB 1424 would implement a permit-to-purchase scheme. Permit-to-purchase scheme.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Ooh, that's a lovely one. Yeah, can I have some permits? I'll hang my permits on the wall. Ahead of votes, 200-plus anti-gun activists rallied in support of the gun control bills. Right, they got 200 paid morons out there to go like, oh, we got to stop gun violence in Virginia. We have to stop the gun violence in minority communities.
Starting point is 00:10:34 We have to stop the gun violence in schools. Take my guns then. That's the answer. Take my guns. Take Dave Jones' guns. Take all the Virginians' guns then. That's the answer. Take my guns, take Dave Jones' guns, take all the Virginians' guns away, who keep them locked up, who train with them, and all of the above. Take all the responsible gun owners' guns away.
Starting point is 00:10:57 That's what you want to do, House Public Safety Committee. Take all the legal gun owners' guns away, and then the public really will be safe. Then the schools will really be safe. Make sure that every monster in the United States and beyond, particularly those filtering up from the South right now, right? Make sure every monster knows nobody has any real weapons in the U.S. anyway. We've banned them all. We've banned them all.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Anybody who ever had a real weapon is out of luck. And he's permitted, we can go find him. Get in the database, hack the database, we go find everybody who has any real firearms because they're all permitted and that, that, that, that, that. We're already so ignorant to throw signs up on buildings like bullseyes that say, this is a gun-free space. There are no guns in here. Could you imagine a society so completely inept, a society so completely inept that they would stick a sign on a building full of children,
Starting point is 00:12:08 stick a sign on a hospital, right? Like primary targets for lunatics and say, hey, if you come in here, nobody can stop you. There's no one in the building that can stop you. If you want to come in here and shoot people, blow shit up, stab people, there's nobody in here that can stop you. There's a sign right out front that says it. Come on in. There's a bullseye. Says the House Public Safety Committee. I'm sure the House Public Safety Committee had a hand in writing up those signs.
Starting point is 00:12:44 They probably stared at those signs and said, look, we're going to change the face of public safety by taking a metal sign with a gun on it and an X through it. No one will ever, ever fathom walking into this building because it has a gun with a line through it. That's, I mean, immediately stops all crime. Signs with a thing with a line through it, you know, like no smoking, no drinking, no murdering, no raping. Why don't we have no raping signs up everywhere? I think that'd be a good move too. That's the next. House, Virginia House Public Safety Committee. Where are the no raping signs up everywhere? I think that'd be a good move, too. That's the next. Virginia House Public Safety Committee, where are the no raping signs? We need some of them. I didn't understand the battle for freedom is perennial, right? I didn't understand.
Starting point is 00:13:50 But now it's very clear. This is what it takes to be free. There's a certain slice of the population who are idiots, and they can easily be cajoled and convinced into doing something as stupid as taking weapons away from law-abiding citizens, defunding police, then looking around and going, What is going on with the world? I can't figure out what's going crazy around here. In Pennsylvania, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the state cannot ban 18- to 20-year-olds from carrying a firearm during a state of emergency. Oh, brilliant.
Starting point is 00:14:26 I mean, it's great, don't get me wrong, but it's just amazing that someone sat up there and took 18 to 20-year-olds and said, you can't protect yourself in an emergency. What makes you think we'd allow you to have a Second Amendment right in a state of emergency? In Maryland, do we even need to talk about Maryland? In Maryland, they melted all the guns down, right? In Maryland, they liquefied all the firearms and made a giant statue of Barack Obama. No, I'm kidding. The Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will allow a rare full-court Democrat-controlled hearing on multiple gun control bills, including an assault weapons ban, Maryland's a nightmare. I mean, Maryland is one of those places that if I lived, I think I probably would leave.
Starting point is 00:15:18 I think I might leave. I don't know. It just seems like it's impossible to win there Anything The public is lost No SHTF chef today guys I didn't prepare I do apologize But I do want to read you a little something
Starting point is 00:15:37 Because that's a lot of heavy news And you can get yourself down and down I encourage you to listen to Preppers Live last night With Jason Nelson from and understand that you don't know what you don't know, okay? And that goes for the good as well as the bad, as well as the unknown. In a matter of two weeks, I met this guy named Jason Nelson.
Starting point is 00:16:01 I seen what he's doing and I understood his mission and just like that, you know, you're suddenly introduced to another one of these people who has tremendous solutions. Tremendous solutions in the world, you know, and are working hard to good people. So many good people doing amazing things. And are working hard. Good people. So many good people doing amazing things. Which brings me to a little hope.
Starting point is 00:16:32 And a little stratagem for you at the end of the show today. From Sun Tzu's The Art of War. I always read from The Art of War here. And I always read it at home. And I dog ear the pages and I highlight things. Not because I want to go to war. We're already at war, by the way. Like, don't kid yourself. You have no idea.
Starting point is 00:16:50 You either know or you don't know. But never forget, never think for a second that every move that's happening on our American soil is a matter of asymmetric warfare. All these political idiots, asymmetric warfare. The rush of illegal aliens across the border, asymmetric warfare. All these political idiots, asymmetric warfare. The rush of illegal aliens across the border, asymmetric warfare. The cultural battle, all of it, all of the above. It's all warfare. It's really just as simple as who are the people who want freedom
Starting point is 00:17:17 and who are the people that want to stifle freedom? And the people that want to stifle freedom have to be overcome, period. So how do you do that? How do we find victory? Well, Sun Tzu says, Thus we may know that there are five essentials for victory. Number one, he will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight. Number two, he will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces.
Starting point is 00:17:46 This is important. He will win those, he will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks. Now that's what's happening on our side in a very big way. He will win the people, the freedom loving people all across the world are animated by the same spirit, and that spirit is free will, freedom. I don't want rich idiots making all the rules about what I can eat, drink, how I can live, how many babies I can make. He will win who prepared himself. I'm sorry. Let me rephrase that. I got a little excited. I'm sorry. Let me rephrase that. I got a little excited. He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.
Starting point is 00:18:33 I hope all of you can understand that. He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign. Victory lies in the knowledge of these five points The art of war, PBN family Sun Tzu I hope you enjoyed today's edition of PBN Daily News Thank you so much For all the support Share this thing
Starting point is 00:18:56 Share around the Prepper Broadcasting Network Dig deep into what we're doing Keep your eyes out for the February routine That will be available to everyone. Okay? Do these routines, man. I am telling you, you will see improvements the same month. I'm speaking from experience, okay? I'll talk to you guys soon. It's PBN News, your path back to stability. Looks like there's some turbulence up ahead. It's a good thing you found us.
Starting point is 00:19:32 We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Your path. Act as stability.

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