The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News March 18th 2024: Feeding Demons and Feeding Yourself
Episode Date: March 18, 2024
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Your path back to stability. Let's start this Monday off, PBN family, with, uh...
Well, I have to give my honor to God.
I have to give my honor to God for another week, another chance to be me,
another day to wake up and see spring sunrise.
Hop behind this microphone and do what it is that I love to do and get to do.
Over the weekend, we're going to get a little interdimensional this morning.
Over the weekend, I had, every night for those of you who don't know, I do a gratitude
prayer. All right, and it's just, that's just what it is. Some of you have done it with me. Some of
you have done it on your own. We have, I think it was on Monday, or on February's preparedness
routine, our monthly routine, Calm Within Chaos from February,
I'm pretty sure the gratitude prayer was on there.
And largely, it's just a listing of the things that you're grateful for in life.
And when you try to write a list of the things you're grateful for in life,
you can tell where your mental state is based on the size of the list.
tell where your mental state is based on the size of the list. You can tell how well you understand your true wealth based on the size of that list, right? A gratitude, a true list
of things that you're grateful for is infinite. It's infinite. You know, if you're like my
dog, my cat, my mom, like you've got work to do, okay? You've got work to do, and I would recommend
long bouts of time in the outdoors during sunrise and sunset as my prescription to you.
So, I'm laying in bed, filled with gratitude and happiness, overwhelmed in all honesty.
And I start saying to myself over and over again,
you need to honor God.
I need to honor God.
I need to do exactly what I just did here and now
and not be afraid to do it and not be ashamed to do it
and not tie it to...
You see, I used to hear people say, give tie it to you see i used to hear people say
give i will give my honor to give all honor to god i used to hear people say that and i would be like
i'd be like ick that seems fake that seems like you're putting on a show um and a lot of that sort
of divine showmanship is what's kept me so nervous to talk about God on the air.
Because it gives me such a weird feeling.
And I realize that, with the help of others, that, you know, who am I to judge another man's faith, truly?
What I know about myself and my life is I sit here on the launch pad.
I walked into my office today and I said, this is like the launch pad.
This is where all of it launches every Monday and through the week.
The ideas, the creations, the podcasts, the writings, everything.
And I realized, you know, this whole life for me has been such a journey.
Like, the least I can do is give honor to God.
God has been reaching out to me for years and years and years,
even when I would turn away from him and mock and scorn and so on and so forth, you know.
And a lot of times, the things that bring us to God are not God, but almost the opposite.
And that's what I want to talk to you about, the opposite, this morning.
Because as I was laying there, half in and out of sleep, when you do a gratitude prayer,
basically an unending prayer that takes you to bed every night,
prayer that takes you to bed every night, you get really intimately involved in the space between your subconscious and, you know, your real mind.
Because you'll dip in there while you're still thinking a little.
You'll still be listing and thanks God for this and that and the other thing, and then
all of a sudden you're like, oh, I'm going, I'm going.
You become aware of it, right?
Like rather than put on the television up to 1,000 and white noise and stuff
to just sort of hum you off to bed,
you get more intimately involved in the stages of falling asleep.
And as I was saying to him, this has never happened to me before in all my years of falling asleep. And as I was saying to him, this has never happened to me before in all
my years of falling asleep. I was repeating in my head, you have to give honor to God. I have to
honor God. Maybe I should do it. Whenever I have the chance, I should do it. You know,
and that kind of stuff. I have to honor i have to honor god and out of my subconscious mind
or out of somewhere a demon and when i say a demon i mean the things that i struggle with in life
like the things that really challenge me and challenge my way of life, the behaviors that I have to improve, came flying in. I did not think these
things in. I did not wish these things in. My mind wasn't even straying in a way that it might invite
these things in. You know, I'm a space cadet, man. I've been an ADHD type of person, right? So, and I'm also
very, you know, imaginative. But this was all very different. And it was all very different
because it was complete, total surprise. Like, I was focused on this wonderful feeling of being in
bed, laying in bed, warm bed warm you know all the things
that go along with that and i was saying to myself i need to honor god i need to honor god and this
demon came flying into my head man so intrusively and that the vision, which I can't, I won't share the whole details of it because it's personal and it's mine.
But the vision of this thing even looked as though it were flying in.
You know what I mean? Like fast.
Like you could see the effects of how quickly this thing flew in.
I never had anything,
I never experienced anything like that,
that felt like a direct attack
on my relationship with God.
I've never experienced anything remotely close to that,
where I was clearly connected
and clearly in this realization phase and this sort of
epiphany phase, you know what I mean, tethered in tightly to divinity. And then out of the left
field comes this attack. And it came in the form of, you know, the things that I struggle with,
which is so crazy. Like it wasn't a horned demon, you things that I struggle with. Which is so crazy.
Like it wasn't a horned demon.
You know what I mean?
It came in the form of the sins that I battle with.
And I just, I can't represent how crazy and how wild that is.
I can't explain it enough.
But I remember like opening my eyes and going like okay like if you ever needed verification if you ever needed verification
that there's a war happening in a way that you don't realize in a realm that we don't understand
in a dimension that we aren't allowed in yet.
I've never seen anything like that.
I've never experienced anything like that.
But something came hurtling in to stop me from this
I have to honor God loop that I was on.
Now, in 2023, I had a pretty good feeling that demons were a thing
I had a pretty strong feeling like
There's so much evil in the world
There's so much lying in the world
That there has to be an outward influence
And you look through history
And you see humanity go through these ups and downs
And commit these tremendous, terrible atrocities.
And you come to realize, man, that maybe their energy,
I think it has to be energetic.
I think it has to be some kind of an energy.
But the difference now and sort of what I want to talk about today
are the seven deadly sins.
There's no doubt that when you look at some of the things on the list of the seven deadly sins that you get into certain modes, certain routines where you're avoiding those things really well.
Gluttony, sloth, right?
And what happens?
See, I want you to, instead of thinking of them as the seven deadly sins,
I think what they really are are the seven feeding sins.
I think that these sins are what feed the demons.
I wish I could hear myself right now when I was 20, 19, 18.
I would be dying laughing at myself, shaking my head.
I really do.
Think about it, though.
I'm going to walk you through this.
The seven feeding sins, okay?
I learned from a different source, not a Christian source,
that where you focus your time and your energy is what grows, right?
And I believe that.
I believe, I've seen that in action, right?
I think when you focus your time and your energy on the seven deadly sins,
or on sin in general, that you're feeding the enemy.
You're feeding the demons.
And I don't know if the demons are separate of you or if they are in you at all times.
See, that's what I don't know.
I don't know if they're out there and they're like,
oh, this one's putting off a lot of energy.
Let's feed on him a little.
Or if it's sort of a right shoulder, left shoulder.
You know, angel on one side, devil on the other type of thing.
And you never really get rid of any of it. You can just feed one side or the other.
But what I do know is you can feed these behaviors. You can feed this whole demonic feeling.
And you do it by falling into the trap of these seven deadly sins.
And you can do the opposite too, and that's kind of what verifies it for me.
When you work out, I have a challenge for you, okay?
If you're not doing the March routine or if you, whatever, I have a challenge for you.
If you intermittent fast for three days in a row, maybe 10 hours a
day, your time, your eating window is like eight to 10 hours a day. So you eat within an eight hour
window and you don't eat anything for the rest of the time. And now you're going to sleep through a
lot of that too. So it's not such a big deal. But if you do that for three days and you exact that
willpower, and then if you work out those three days, pretty hard, you work out those three days and you exact that willpower. And then if you work out those three days,
pretty hard, you work out those three days, you do the fast those three days,
and maybe, you know, like avoid your phone or I don't know, something like that.
The first day, you're going to be like, that was rough. The second day, you're going to be like,
that wasn't so bad. And I feel really good. By the third day, you're going to be like, that wasn't so bad, and I feel really good. By the
third day, you're going to be like, I'm on a roll. And those things are going to shrink.
The desire to eat when you shouldn't, you know, all those desires begin to shrink because the
demon can't feed. You're starving the demon. You're going to starve one side or the other.
Do you understand?
The seven deadly sins are actually the seven feeding sins.
When you spend time, sinful time, sinful time on sinful time,
the demon grows, man.
The power of the demon grows.
And it gets to the point where you see a lot of people,
and you hear a lot of people even admit to it. I can't work out today. I'm too tired. I, I,
this, I, you know, the excuses come. I just want to eat a little. I'm eating because I'm bored.
I got a problem with eating. I got this problem. I got that problem, you know.
I can't settle down. I need a different woman
every night. Right? You see these seven deadly sins prop up constantly in people's lives and
drive them into deep depression, and they can't get out from under them. And they can't get out
from under them because they're not starving them. They won't do what's necessary to starve them.
They're not starving them.
They won't do what's necessary to starve them.
But you can feel it both ways.
You can feel it.
Through the holidays, man, I am a glutton through the holidays.
Through the holidays, I eat.
I spend too much money on food.
I eat too much.
And you can feel it.
You eat too much, and then you're like, you know, we'll go with some eating and some drinking. Let's have some wine. Let's drink, you know, and I don't even drink that much,
but it's still, you can feel these behaviors, you know. You can feel your willpower losing.
See, your willpower is God, man. That's what it is. That's the strength, and you can grow that
strength, and the way you grow that strength is through the suck.
That's how you grow the willpower.
But if you have the willpower,
everything in life becomes easier.
You'll be better at almost everything.
So the next time you're caught up in sin, man,
you have to understand what it is.
I don't know.
It could very well be that you wake up at the pearly gates one day and they say,
well, you sinned too much and, you know, you've got to pay for it.
Or it could very well be that this is the warning.
The warning is you cannot feed the demons.
And when enough people feed the demons and fall into sin and say,
a whole society begins to say,
oh, that's just the writings of man, those seven deadly sins.
Don't worry about it. Be yourself.
Be overweight and unhealthy. It's fine.
Oh, just eat whatever you want to eat.
Love yourself. Love the body you're in.
Oh, you can go out and have promiscuous sex with whoever you want.
It doesn't matter.
It's just your physical body.
There's nothing to it.
When you start to convince a society that the seven feeding sins don't matter,
you start to convince them that they can roil around in sin like this,
in pride and so on,
then, yeah, guess what?
A whole society, a whole world can begin to feed their demons
and feed and feed and they grow and grow and grow
until you see so much heinous shit happening all over the world that you're where we're at right now.
And you're going, how can so much stuff be happening?
How can wars be breaking out everywhere?
How can people at the highest levels of society want nothing more than control?
Feeding, feeding, feeding, feeding, right?
The very idea that you could tell people that cows are killing the planet,
like Zuckerberg, and then decide that you're going to start your own little cow co-op
for you and you only, and you're going to feed your cows macadamia nuts only so they taste
just superb. Feeding, feeding, feeding. Feeding the ego, feeding pride, right? Feeding greed.
And the demons get bigger and stronger and more influential.
get bigger and stronger and more influential.
And the opposite happens too, right?
See, this is why it's so important to destroy the family.
Because the family, man, when you have a family,
you fundamentally are forced to make decisions that are separate of sin, right?
It's very interesting, guys. I'm going on 20 minutes over demons. There's something happening out there in the energetic world, and it's a battle.
And it's a battle that I've been on both sides of. It's a battle that you've been on both sides of. And if you think that this eating and greed and lust and so on and sloth and all of these things, if you think that there are no repercussions, if you think that what I'm saying is totally crazy, I just would tell you, you should look at the statistics of depression and suicide in the nation, in the world, and so on and so forth.
You should look at the people who avoid those seven deadly sins, build willpower, right, take control of their lives,
and just put those statistics up against the people who have bought into the lie, bought into the demon, the demonic lie of do what you want, man.
Satanism, what is it? What do they call it when you worship Satan?
I can't even think about it. But when you worship Satan, man, it's just about being yourself, man.
It's not about the devil. It's about being yourself, you know? It's about loving yourself.
It's about being comfortable in your own skin and doing the things that you want without anybody
getting in your way, man.
That's what it's all about.
It's not about the devil and demons.
Maybe you're not drilling down deep enough.
Maybe it's all about that.
Maybe we all have a demon.
And we can starve it or we can feed it.
Which one are you doing?
Let's get into One Threat, One Solution.
Food, food, food, PBN family.
Retail stores closing, food prices going up, cattle, beef prices to rise. We're going to go through several things all sort of tailored around food and food access.
That's the one threat today, okay?
This from our friends at the Gray Man Brief.
Check it out.
Multi-price point and dollar retailers to close.
Beef prices to rise as U.S. cattle inventories reach 70-year low.
Banana price to rise.
Shipping corridors disrupted in Panama and the Middle East
as the Houthis begin to target African roots,
which is very interesting to me, right?
In the battle to support Palestine,
the Houthis have now decided to target African roots,
not because they're barbaric pirates looking for any opportunity
to either steal and pillage or kill Jews,
but it's because they're in a holy war
and their god has told them to destroy the shipping all over the world. steal and pillage or kill Jews, but it's because they're in a holy war,
and their god has told them to destroy the shipping all over the world.
Family Dollar announces the closure of 600 stores in 2024,
followed by 370 more in the years to follow.
Mismanagement, inflation, the inability to compete have all been cited as reasons for closures.
Now, you might read this and say, whatever, you know, like,
so I won't be able to go get my cheap Halloween decoration, add-ons or whatever.
The family dollars and the dollar trees and all that dollar generals,
they were put in rural communities and they were put in urban communities as places for people to
get food supermarkets big supermarkets they don't build a lot in those kinds of areas
you know they're out here in the suburbs family doll these dollar-esque models moved in and said
yeah we'll sell some frozen foods and stuff like that and some shelf-stable foods so people can come in here and shop in rural areas. So that's going, I mean, you're
talking about almost a thousand locations in the years to come. 2024, 600 locations. That 600
places are going to lose their dollar, their family dollar that might be their supermarket.
Which, I mean, look, when you really wrap your head around it, the question is not what's
going to happen to those people.
The question is, should we be buying our food from the dollar store?
Should we be in a situation where we're buying the food that actually that our body is made
of, right?
We're literally making our body out of dollar store food.
Should we be doing that?
Should we be doing that where we can buy chicken feed for $15, right?
You can buy chicken feed, 50-pound bag, 15 bucks. You can buy corn, whole corn, feed corn for like 12 bucks a bag, 11 bucks a bag, 50 pounds.
So you got 100 pounds of animal feed.
And then if nothing else, you've got the best, most nutritious eggs you could ever eat anywhere.
These are not hard.
This is not climbing Mount Everest.
You know what I mean?
You take some chickens and you take a garden
and maybe like a hydroponic system indoors,
and you can do just all kinds.
Going into this season, you can do all kinds.
You don't even need, I mean.
The American Farm Bureau Federation reports
that the U.S. cattle inventories are at their lowest points since 1951.
This is all by design, guys.
Like, you think that Texas' Smokehouse Creek fire was something that happened by accident, really?
You think that we spent the better part of four years or whatever it was being like,
I want a methane from the cows.
The lizards up there,
Go check out the merch,
If you've got a problem with the lizards like I do,
I mean, yeah,
If you think Texas' Smokehouse Creek fire was an accident, you're insane.
Now, I'm not saying it was Bill Gates down there with kindling.
But I'm saying the minions that these people and their ideologies create, yeah, most likely the largest in history.
But they'll tell you it was climate change.
And I think we need to start looking at things.
When people cry climate, the boy who cried climate change.
Oh, my God, that's so good. The boy who cried climate change. Wow.
When you hear the boy who cried climate change, you have to wrap your head around the fact that
there's a good chance that it was the boy who set the fire. You know what I mean? It just may have been the climate ecological lunatics that set the fires.
Rising temperatures, which increase the spread of Fusarium wilt TR4 disease,
along with increased fertilized prices, pose an enormous threat to the supply of bananas.
The availability of banana is not expected to have an observable decline, but prices are expected to increase.
This is interesting how this happens, right?
Well, they'll be bananas.
It's going to cost a lot more.
Disruptions at trade corridors.
So the Panama and Suez Canal disruptions continue to persist while threatening the transportation of grain, oil, and consumer goods.
Houthi forces conduct attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden,
have announced additional campaigns against the cargo industry,
saying they intend to ban the sailing of ships connected to Israel,
even through the Indian Ocean and South Africa via the Cape of Good Hope.
Smash! Smash! What are we doing? Smash. We should have a vote. We should have a, what's it
called? I can't think of the word. A ballot initiative around the entire nation right now.
Ballot initiative. Simple. Simple ballot initiative vote. I don't
care if they have to give kids the day off school. They love it. School sucks anyway.
Ballot initiative all around, right? Smash or not the Hooties. It's all the ballot will say.
Ballot will say Hooties on top. Smash or pass.
Smash or pass on the Hootie Rebels.
And then you just, don't tell me, like, you think the Hootie Rebels are so dug in somewhere and well hidden and so well equipped and well funded and well trained that our military and satellites and CIA, don't know where, I don't know where they're at.
Where are the hoodies spaced out of?
I'd love to destroy them.
No, you just say, dude, we bombed your asses already.
And we said, chill out, okay?
People need to get the goods.
America polices the waters.
It doesn't matter what the Europeans say say it doesn't matter what anybody says it's like that scene in fantastic mr fox when christopherson beats up the uh badger the gopher
or whatever he is the groundhog because he was picking right? Ash, the gopher's like,
your dad sucks, and we don't like him. Now smear this mud on, now eat this mud or whatever. He's
like, I'm not going to eat mud. And Kristofferson beats this guy up for picking on Ash, his cousin.
And Ash says, I can fight my own battles. And Kristofferson says, no, you can't.
So I don't want to hear the world. I don't want to listen to the world. You can can fight my own battles. And Kristofferson says, no, you can't. So I don't
want to hear the world. I don't want to listen to the world. You can't fight your own battles,
okay? Or else I wouldn't have to sit here and go, oh, the Houthis are going to target more ships.
I would say, good on you. You're up for smashing those Houthi rebels. Way to go.
So smash, that's all. This is not a problem. If you have lunatic pirates, this is an old problem.
Riding around the sea, oh, you're not going to deliver this oil.
Oh, okay.
Okay, sure.
Battleships, whatever you need.
Get out there, predator drones.
Where are the predator drones at?
You see a pirate ship approaching an oil tanker.
It gets a hellfire missile.
What's the problem?
And then you go in with the best and the brightest,
or you go in with the Air Force or whatever it is,
and you incinerate, right?
And you make the name Hootie disappear before your very eyes for my next trick.
While each mention of possible disruption or shortages alone do not definitively require immediate preparedness action.
No, we don't need to read that part. That's my job.
Thank you for the Gray Man Briefing, the heads up on what's happening all around the world.
Sign up, man. It's like a dollar or something. I don't know what it is, the Gray Man briefing, the heads up on what's happening all around the world. Sign up, man.
It's like a dollar or something.
I don't know what it is, the Gray Man briefing.
What you really need to sign up for is Collapse Survivor app, though.
You have to try that out, man.
In the app store everywhere, Collapse Survivor.
Go check it out.
The new scenario is starting, I think, today.
I'm jumping in there. I'm trying to survive. I've been shut out. The new scenario is starting, I think, today. I'm jumping in there. I'm trying to survive. I've
been shut out. I've died every scenario so far. Me. Get in there. See if you can do better than me.
Let me know. If I get enough PBN folks over there doing these scenarios, I want to do a massive
podcast with many listeners and just discuss the scenarios because they're so much fun.
And where you get hung up, you learn so much, okay?
Collapse Survivor app.
Go get it.
You get a 30-day free trial.
You can run the scenario two-day.
And then it's like $10 for the year.
Dollar a month.
$1 a month.
Come on.
$1 a month?
Come hang out.
You know what I mean?
All right.
So, food.
Self-reliance independence.
What can we say about food?
I mean, I look out in my backyard right now.
I haven't planted anything yet.
I have not planted one thing.
And I see a lot of food. I see a lot of wild food. I see some pissed off chickens that are like,
dude, you're going to let us out of the coop today? Or what's the deal? I see strawberries.
I see raspberries popping up. I see walking onions popping up. I see kiwi starting its way, giving me some.
And then I look out into the area that is not part of my yard,
but is the woods that we own.
And there's food popping up out there.
I see a may apple popping up.
I see plantain trees starting to leave.
This has to be a focal point of your life. And not only, like, you have to understand, growing your own food and harvesting your own food from the wild and raising animals
and things like that, this is not solely about I'm scared of the hooties disrupting the food supply.
disrupting the food supply. This is a good life. This is what a good life is. This is what the kind of life is that you need to show the rest of the world. Like you have to show the rest of the world
this kind of a life so that they can go, wow, I can do that too in my little backyard. Do you understand? Before I was a prepper,
I was watching Jamie Oliver, a chef, somebody I wanted to be. I was watching him, and he moved
to the country in England, got a lot of money, wrote some books, successful TV shows, you know,
the whole thing, made some money, and created the life that he wanted to live out there in the countryside. And when it was time to cook lunch, he would go out
back into these massive gardens of lettuces and herbs, and he would go see his pigs and chickens,
and I didn't even know what a prepper was. And I looked at that guy, and I said, that's the life,
man. That's the life you want to live, right? You want to grow your own. You want to have big,
giant heirloom tomatoes in the backyard. you want to have fresh basil in the backyard
it's not about this is why we say it's lifestyle prepping is lifestyle prepping is also the great
common ground for all people you know you only any any person you run into you can say
they probably have a grandmom
Or a great grandmom who had a garden
They have a grandmom or a great grandmom
Who did some things
From a self-reliant perspective
And the life they're living now
They're looking back and going
I wish I learned those things from grandma
I wish I could do those things a great grandmom used to tell me about
Or my mom used to tell me that great grandmom used to do
Do you understand me? Food production, gardening, foraging, animal husbandry.
None of this stuff is really that hard, particularly if you stick with birds
and rabbits. You stick with birds and rabbits, man.
It's, God, it's very hands-off.
But you got to do it.
It's not about me telling you what it is.
It's about me figuring out how to make you do it.
If nothing else, get a bunch of planters,
fill them with good compost,
grow bush beans, tomatoes, whatever.
Just give it a go.
Produce your own.
Grow some herbs.
You know, you want to upgrade your cooking.
Like if you're into cooking or you're new to cooking
or you've been cooking and you're bored with what you cook,
Herbs change everything.
Fresh herbs, not the dried stuff.
You put fresh basil, you put fresh thyme,
you put fresh chervil, you put fresh tarragon, you put fresh herbs, flat leaf parsley into containers and
grow them and start adding them to your food, it changes everything. So without further ado,
let's get into the SHTF Chef. Now that is a delicious cut of long pork.
Man, that's a nice beat.
Voice mod, I appreciate you. Thanks.
So what I wanted to talk about today was a foraging salad.
Because here in Virginia, we're at that point. Over the weekend, I had my son running around
looking for wishes in the field, in a field. And he was eating dandelion heads, and he was eating
dandelion leaves. And, you know, asking me questions about them and all that kind of stuff. Can I
eat these? Can I eat that? I always tell, you know, don't eat nothing if I'm not around to
show you until you feel good about it. Um, but now's the time. Now is the time. It's a, it's,
you know, if you really want to make a spring foraged salad or the better way to do it
is to buy salad from somewhere, or unless you're growing
your own, and then sort of amend it with wild edibles, right? You look out your window right
now, most places you're going to see dandelions. You're going to see the telltale yellow.
What you don't know probably is that those dandelion leaves are already in the spring mix you bought this week.
Those young dandelion leaves are the best.
That's the best of the best.
You don't really want to eat them by themselves because they're pretty bitter.
But mixed in, they're great.
You can harvest the entire dandelion plant from the root up and use it all. You can use the heads in salads if you want. You can use the heads
in bread making. You can use the leaves in salads. You can use the roots, they say, as a coffee
substitute. I'm not big on substitutes for coffee, so. Garlic mustard, one of my favorites. I don't even know if it's up here yet. I haven't
seen any of it. I got to go down to the river. Garlic mustard is this crazy little
pointed leaf, not pointed. That's the wrong word. Toothed. The leaves are toothed. They got small
little white flowers on them and it's just a delicious flavor. It's a
bitter, another sort of bitter green. And you got to understand these things are so good for you,
man. I mean, they're outrageously good for you. Uh, chickweed everywhere. Chickweed's everywhere
by now. Lamb's quarters. I haven't seen them yet, but I haven't looked. Uh, plantains in your
backyard, front yard,
right now. Go trim it while it's small. See, the reason I'm doing this now is because everything's
young, everything's small, and that's when you want to amend salads with it. That's when you
want to take your dead nettle. You see purple dead nettle around. You see it. That one you
might need to look at. What's good about it is if you see it, you know it. It's got a heart-shaped, tiny
little heart-shaped leaf on a long stalk and these really crazy-looking purple flowers. I was looking
at dead nettle with my son over the weekend just to show him how crazy the flower looks. It's tiny.
It's a tiny flower, but if you look at it up close, you're like, wow, what a crazy-ass flower.
You got your yellow docks. I got yellow up up at the top of my hill all over the
place right yellow dock the leaves you can't eat too much of raw but it's good really good cooked
the stems you can eat raw the roots are are a bitter tonic you can make with them a bitter tea
highly medicinal burdock i mean i'm not even even getting into things that aren't in my neck of the woods,
but ferns, morel mushrooms, all this stuff is popping up.
Oh, if you could find miner's lettuce too, that's in the California area.
It's high in vitamin C.
Japanese knotweed's a very interesting one.
That's a very interesting little one.
It's massive.
It can go, I forget how quickly it grows, but it's a lot.
It's like centimeters per day, right?
And it's strong.
It grows strong.
But when you get those baby shoots, those baby shoots taste almost,
to me, they taste exactly like rhubarb
they have the same
rhubarb kind of thing
taste rather
so you know
it's just a lot of stuff man
there's a lot of stuff that you can throw into salads
right now curly dock
bird did I say bird dock already
I haven't seen any yarrow yet
wild asparagus if you're in that area
um if you have never foraged before and you're saying what the hell is this guy talking about
like it's time it's time to get into this stuff if you really do want to become a forager
i'd highly recommend you go to and look at Become a
Forager down at the bottom, our master class, because you'll be out in the woods. You take
that master class. You'll be out in the woods. You'll have all the tools that you need,
and you'll be following the process from start to finish, man.
So, one threat, one solution. SHTFChef, make yourself a little amended salad with wild edibles.
Oh, I didn't even mention violets.
Violets are out there like crazy too.
Get yourself some handfuls of violet flowers.
Throw them into your salad, man.
You can do the leaves too.
The leaves are like not my favorite.
But the flowers make the salad look really good and they add some of their own flavor make yourself a little mixed green salad amended with wild
foods that are available right now in spring dress it with something bright dress it with a nice
bright lemon vinaigrette you know what i mean lots of nice lemon maybe a little bit of sugar
in the vinaigrette and dress those bitter greens up with that and you'll be just like wow this is
great serve it now now it's these things are delicate so if you're going to serve it with a
meat like a grilled salmon or a grilled chicken or a grilled shrimp kebab right really good with
a grilled shrimp kebab um put the meat on the side. Put
the hot meat on the side or else you're going to wilt down your wild edibles. Did I do enough,
class? Did I give you enough 40 minutes this morning on a Monday? I think I'm finished.
I don't have anything to read. I'm not going to pick out anything to read. We're just going to call it quits today, all right?
Do me a favor.
Get the Collapse Survivor app, all right?
We're looking to build the community over there
and get people on board and into these scenarios.
They're fun, man.
They're fun, all right?
I'll talk to you guys later tonight.
We have Dr. Jen Vandewater on tonight. I should
have mentioned this at the head of the show. The People's Pharmacist. Now, I've interviewed her
already and ruined the whole interview. She's unbelievable. She's right on point. She's right
on time. And you're going to love her. Tonight, Preppers Live. The People's Pharmacist. Don't miss it.
All right?
I'll talk to you guys soon.
See ya.
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