The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News November 14th 2023 Get Chickens!

Episode Date: November 14, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments? is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prepper mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase. Good day, PBN family. What is up? We are in the green room of PBN Daily News. I got the old gingerbread cup. I keep a staggered set of coffee mugs,
Starting point is 00:00:42 particularly for this time of year because because I'm a crazy person. Don't you understand? When it comes to Christmas, it's a thing. So, you're going to get a great interview today from Ben Tippman, Dr. Ben Tippman of the Wellness Company. For you members, you heard this interview already, but it will be in podcast form for the delight of the PBN audience. It's an absolutely wild interview. I mean, it's just crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:21 The people from the Wellness Company are completely and totally off limits on Instagram. They have an Instagram, but it's like doing business with them is like doing business with Hamas. Which is really sad because they are absolute rock stars over at the wellness company. For real. I mean, they are. That's just what they are. I'd highly recommend you check out their emergency medical kits. You can go to slash PBN and see their membership offerings.
Starting point is 00:01:51 They do great supplements. And more importantly than everything that they offer, more important than all the good that they offer that you can spend your money on, they get it. They get it. They get us. They get it. They get us. They get COVID. They get the vaccination. They get big pharma. They know what the truth is.
Starting point is 00:02:12 And they operate on those principles. Okay. That's all. That's all. No Rising Republic this week. L. Douglas Hogan is going to be off. No big deal. So we're just wrapping up PBN Daily News,
Starting point is 00:02:29 and then you're going to get that podcast later with Dr. Tippman, and that will be your Tuesday here at PBN, man. I hope you guys enjoy it. Look, very soon I worked on the Black Friday catalog, the Ultimate Preppers Black Friday catalog it's called this year, and there's some great Friday catalog, it's called this year. And there's some great people returning, some new additions in there. Yeah, man. It's awesome, okay?
Starting point is 00:02:54 It's an awesome time to leaf through that catalog. I'm not 100% sure how I'm going to give it over. I gave it over last year, I think, in some kind of PDF format. I'd like to give it over in some kind of flickable magazine style format, but we'll see what we can figure out. Okay. I'd say Friday, probably Friday, Monday, something along those lines. All right. But I'll let you know. Maybe we'll just send it out with a new, nah, we won't send it out with the newsletter. just send it out with the new now we won't send it out with the newsletter newsletters too packed we'll send it out as a standalone okay um we got a lot to talk about folks you know very simple stuff today on pbn daily news in terms of preparedness you know we have to oversimplify the world's
Starting point is 00:03:38 getting so complex the only thing you can do is simplify and uh that's what we're going to do today. All right. So without further ado, let's get to it. PBN Daily News. What is up, Rumble? PBN family, how are you? what is up rumble pbn family how are you thanks for joining us for another episode of pbn daily news our prep topic up front guys this is going to be a short and sweet kind of show just so you know our prep prep topic right up front is pretty straightforward man why don't you have chickens yet if you're watching this and you're saying to yourself, you know, I'm really worried about the future. Why don't you have these things clocking around in the backyard? Chickens are the best answer
Starting point is 00:04:35 for backyard protein for all. You see, now the lizards, the people who run the world, we affectionately call them the lizards, okay? I don't know how you feel about it. It doesn't really matter to me all that much how you feel about it, but that's what it is. We affectionately call them the lizards and we do so because, uh, they operate in a, in a different mentality than we, why they would love to see you eat.
Starting point is 00:05:02 I'm just cutting my head off like crazy here. Let me lower the seat a little bit. On the fly videography. We didn't get it done in the green room. It's becoming a hallmark here at PBN Daily News. So they'd rather you eat crickets. Well, guess what? These guys eat crickets. That's what they like to eat. That's what they should eat. And they're in your backyard and they cluck around and of all the prepping things that i've done in my life keeping chickens is probably the easiest it literally is probably the easiest thing and it's easily the easiest and the most beneficial easily eggs every day eggs every day doesn't matter what happens in israel eggs every day doesn't matter what happens in ukraine washington dc doesn't matter so long as you have feed eggs every day and even if you
Starting point is 00:05:51 don't have feed if you let you know you could see the environment that they're in here there's they're inside of a cage ours free roam they eat whatever the hell they want they're kicking leaves up they're running around they're doing whatever they're going in the old gardens they're so easy man and if you're telling me that we can't have chickens because uh we're not allowed the city won't let us the county won't let us the whatever stop being defeated please stop being the world is in chaos the streets of of America are in chaos right now. We, though there is much corruption, the governing body is people who live around you at the state and local level, pretty much at the local level, right?
Starting point is 00:06:34 That's where this kind of proposition is going to make its way, chickens. Go talk to them. Gather up a group of people who want chickens. It doesn't just have to be preppers and right winger crazies like you you can change things man and this is an easy one this is an easy one that you can get a lot of people on board with and why why not
Starting point is 00:07:01 you talk about these lavish dreams of homesteading on 20 30 acres and when i get there i'm gonna have pigs and chickens and chickens you're gonna have chickens tomorrow you know get to it man please take something make make something a little less to worry about you know what i mean let's do one thread one solution all right folks this is the perfect example of what i'm talking about la arson on on i-10 all right los angeles i-10, all right, Los Angeles, I-10, pallets. Well, let's talk about it this way. It is arson. A suspected arson fire has led to the indefinite closure of certain points and parts of I-10.
Starting point is 00:07:59 I don't think I brought my phone over here to do the full breakdown on that but essentially all you need to know is that somebody did this on purpose think about it was it hamas was it some foreign actor was it some chinese was it some it was one of them damn chinese. Was it Antifa? Was it a climate lunatic who was thinking, I'll show them, we'll get cars off the road, we'll burn the whole highway out. Look, it was arson. Okay? Here's the issue.
Starting point is 00:08:36 The issue is, we don't know who did it. We don't know who did it. Moreover, does it matter? The whodunit is much less important right now than how you will deal with it. We've watched factories and manufacturing and food factories and food storage and farms and so on and train derailments. I mean, this year has been one great big terrorist attack and we're supposed to believe that it was all just circumstantial whoops just just happens like this every year what do you mean every year there's apocalyptic sulfuric was it what was it
Starting point is 00:09:24 ammoninated i don't remember exactly what was in the air in Ohio, but every year we have those post-apocalyptic clouds that we burn off over people's houses. You can lose your mind over figuring out which enemy within is doing the attacking. Or you could take the FBI route and just say it's the white supremacist, the most dangerous threat to the United States of America, the far-right government extremists. Worry less about whodunit. You can spend your time doing some reading,
Starting point is 00:10:02 but worry less about whodunit. Worry more about how you're gonna deal with it should you be in a situation like this your main route to work is compromised the world's not come to an end but your main route to work is compromised you need to get to work you need to go around now you need to you know inconvenience we have to we have to recognize that we're living in a life where inconvenience is going to be rife and uh we just got to deal with it we just got to figure out ways around it and then maybe disconnect from it so that we're a little more immune you know what i mean let's move on what I gotta get better at that
Starting point is 00:10:48 SHTF chef this is a quick one this is a quick and easy one okay but it's a phenomenal one and it's one that can change your cooking game I don't know if it's necessarily as much an SHTF tip as it is a chefy kind of tip
Starting point is 00:11:04 you ever make compound butters you know what a compound butter is compound butter is when you take warm butter and whip it with other delicious things that's what it is so you got to figure out first and foremost, what are you going for? Compounding flavors are, they can run the gamut with butter. You know, compound butters can be made sweet and dessert-like to be spread on bread and other sweets. Cinnamon sugar compound butter delicious right apple cinnamon compound butter pumpkin spice compound butter you could do like a holiday compound butter where you put a bunch of those sort of you know a bunch of those nutmegs and cinnamons and
Starting point is 00:12:07 all those kinds of spices that that really i'm thinking of one right now the reason i'm fumbling my words is because i can't all spice and all spice in there all those kinds of things and get yourself a really you know delectable but you could also take it to a more savory, right? Like one of the best compound butters you can make is a garlic thyme compound butter, minced garlic, minced thyme, fold it into your butter, put it in a jar, put it in a bowl, put it in something small. You can even roll compound butters in like wax paper or a plastic wrap, and then just cut off knobs of this stuff and add it to things you know if you have a good compound butter let's say you have like a let's say you take a two sticks of softened butter and you take a lemon and you use a grater and and or microplane, which is the right tool to use.
Starting point is 00:13:05 And you take some of the delicious zest off of that lemon, right? And you drop that into your compound butter. And then you take some minced garlic, fine as you can mince it, right? And then you take some rosemary, really fine slice on the rosemary, okay? And maybe take some fresh cracked pepper and then you whip all that together in a compound butter and you roll it up in wax paper so that it's like a nice tube you know what i mean put it in the fridge leave it there date it so you know when you made it um and then you say oh you know what it's Tuesday night. I need to make a quick dinner.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Okay. And you grab some chicken breasts out of the fridge. And then you slice some coins of this compound butter off and put a couple coins over each chicken breast. Toss it in the oven. Salt. It's going to be unbelievable. Truly.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Or you could do the same thing with vegetables. Do the same thing with vegetables do the same thing with potatoes whatever compound butters are everything man they go as crazy as your mind can go curry powder whatever you want you could chop truffles up and throw it in there if you want it's all up to you man the compound butters are awesome the shtf questions I have for you, do you know how to make butter from cream? And do you know even where to get cream? Like if you can't go buy a nice carton of cream, do you know where to get it? Do you know where to get raw milk?
Starting point is 00:14:37 Do you have any connections with local farmers, farmers markets in the area, those types of things? If not, it's probably worth considering. That's SHTF for today. Make up a compound butter, put it on your turkey. That's what I want you to do. Make up a good compound butter, put that thing on your turkey. Today we're reading from Alfred Tennyson, The Lotus Eaters. This is from a book called Victorian Po poetry that i took out of the library
Starting point is 00:15:08 when i was in seventh eighth grade and i never gave it back not my library my school but my middle school library i read the dante gabriel rosetti section and i said i don't know if i can give this back and then it got eaten and chewed up a little bit by, no, actually, that was after the fact. Never gave it back. I don't know. It is what it, I don't think it was missed, but it's such a good read. Albert Tennyson, we don't have to go over it. We're a little too far into the show anyway but i'm reading you from the second stanza of uh i'm sorry this is from the coric song my fault this is not from the lotus eaters yes it is yeah this is from the coric song within the lotus eaters let me make sure yeah i thought so sorry hey what happened i thought i hit pause
Starting point is 00:16:08 i guess we ought to let alfred get his due right all right so this is a lot about what we are dealing with today i mean it's a lot about the struggles of the time and he asked the question why are we weighed upon with heaviness maybe to whom much is given much is required i don't know why are we weighed upon with heaviness and utterly consumed with sharp distress while all things else have rest from the weariness all things have rest why should we toil alone we only toil who are the first of things and make perpetual moan still from one sorrow to another throne
Starting point is 00:16:55 nor ever fold our wings and cease from wanderings nor steep our brows in slumbers holy balm nor hearken what the inner spirit sings there is no joy but calm that's what the inner spirit sings why should we only toil the roof and crown of things it's beautiful there's no answer there's no incredible poetic solution i mean there may be later down the line i haven't read the lotus eaters in totality um but i'm in love with that section you know why
Starting point is 00:17:32 is it that the human being be weighed upon by such heaviness all the time like why do we in in the way that the you know i can look out my window right here and now and i could find something that's just having a blast you know like a squirrel up in this hickory just chomping away a bird looking around singing you know what i mean how they do all things have rest why should we toil alone i don't have the solution this is not'm reading. I'm not here to bring you the answer. I'm just reading to you from the great minds of our time, mostly the great Western minds of our time who have been largely abolished. It is an interesting way to look at life though,
Starting point is 00:18:21 because it's a reminder. Let see tennyson when was he born i should finish but i'm whatever we're gonna do it we might as well do it right it's a reminder because tennyson is no young uh minnow born 1809 to 1892 you know so a man born in 1809 1892 has that kind of a mind frame. And it's important to understand that in that time, those questions were asked. Why? Why does the human toil so? Constantly. We never find rest. We never find slumber, right, in the holy bark. Do times ever change for mankind?
Starting point is 00:19:04 Or is it just a consequence of this is it a consequence of the big brain that that that forces us into these complex situations where you know the cardinal can sit on the post of my fence and look around for 10 minutes with no aim whatsoever. Have a good day, guys. No, for real. I'm calling it. It's going to be a great interview on the Prepper Broadcasting Network tonight. Don't miss it.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Thank you for everything. We'll talk soon. Thank you.

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