The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News November 20th 2023

Episode Date: November 20, 2023

@PBNLinks | LinktreeThe Ultimate Preppers Black Friday Catalog 2023 by James Walton - Issuu...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Green Room, gather round for the morning meeting here on Monday. What's up? We got a big PBN Daily News today. I hope you heard Stephen Menking's triumphant return. It's a big weekend for news. Hostages might be let go. Cease fires. Argentinian right-wing populist magician has been elected. Right-wing populist magician has been elected. We'll see how that goes. I don't know. Last I checked in the news, they said like 140% inflation there right now.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Yikes. Don't worry. It could be coming to a theater near you. Let's just get it going. Let's get it going today. It's a holiday weekend. I don't want to dawdle. I've, uh... I think it's... Yeah. Let's get it going today. It's a holiday weekend. I don't want to dawdle. I've, uh... I think, yeah, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:00:48 PBN Daily News. Let's get it rolling. Thank you for joining us on this short green room this morning. We're going to touch on some really cool things today. I hope you enjoy it. Welcome in, everyone. welcome in everyone rumble pbn daily news your path back to stability thank you for joining us podcast audience thank you for hanging with us as well before we get too far afield we need to talk about something we need to talk about the Ultimate Prepper's Black Friday catalog. You have your copy, right? Have you leafed through the Ultimate Prepper's Black Friday catalog yet?
Starting point is 00:01:31 If you have not, you're missing out on tremendous things, in all honesty. Now, the reality is, if you're not on the mailing list, well am i talking about this thing's linked right here it's linked either in the podcast notes or it's linked right here down in the uh the video notes it's 20 pages emp protection great discounts on the uh let's talk about some of the big discounts and then we'll move on into the show we got great discounts on the emp shield we've got all the nuclear war preparedness gas masks filters hazmats body armor all through mirror safety in the book we've got with their under the barrel flamethrower a lot of people have clicked on that surprisingly i mean not surprisingly uh what do we got? We got all of our hosts' incredible books. We've got great courses
Starting point is 00:02:30 and information from Dave Jones, the NBC guy. We've got free books. Actually, starting Wednesday, my book, The Christmas Hook, will be free. But you see this little number here, Nuclear War Prepared, Not Scared? That's free in the book right now we've got the incredible off-grid projects book what else we've got backup antibiotics we got solar generators on discount it's awesome the ultimate preppers black friday catalog check it out check out the link we got so much cool stuff all right let's get to the show sorry had to tell you very proud of it very excited it exists let's talk preservation let's talk food preservation because it is the most leftover time of the year you're gonna have them you're gonna have leftovers you're gonna have turkeys you're gonna have all kinds of stuff. And dehydration, freeze-drying, canning, whatever it is, freezing, salting, curing, you know, all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Now is the time, if you haven't tried these things, to start doing them. I'll give you one. I'll give you a super easy one. Okay? If you want one mission in terms of canning, let's go with canning. Obviously, you're going to have leftover produce leftover stuff you can freeze dry it dehydrate it whatever you want to do with that stuff pickle it look into it okay i'm not giving you recipes for all of it i can't hold your hand through everything all right but uh sorry but uh what i do want you
Starting point is 00:04:04 to consider is this You see that beautiful bird behind me We're all going to have that thing We're all going to have meat left over Unless you're eating a tofurkey And if you're eating a tofurkey You're probably on the wrong channel anyway And we're listening to the wrong podcast
Starting point is 00:04:18 And I pity you as well So You take that turkey meat And you turn it into turkey noodle soup okay delicious turkey noodle soup throw your leftover corn in there your leftover stuffing in there yes i said stuffing in your soup leftover stuffing in there you know and make yours thicken the broth make yourself a night make the broth from the roasted turkey bones all of of that is irrelevant. Can that turkey soup. Okay? Find yourself a good recipe.
Starting point is 00:04:48 You need a canning recipe to know how long to can things and at what pressure and all that kind of stuff. What temperature. Temperature? You don't need temperature. Time.
Starting point is 00:04:57 That's what you need. Anyway. So, can up some turkey soup. Put it in the pantry and know that you know what no matter what happens we got turkey soup preservation okay let's move on to one threat one solution i gotta grab my all right folks one threat one solution we got got from our friends at the Gray Man Brief. We've got censorship and privacy brief.
Starting point is 00:05:30 House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Federal Government. You know that's a thing, right? Says DHS used claims of disinformation to censor citizens. Look, tons of people that I know are being censored. They took one of my son's videos down the other day. Yesterday. On a video game. I mean, YouTube's out of control.
Starting point is 00:05:56 They're totally out of control. There's no reason to do business with them. If you're into finding out what the truth may or may not be. If you want to go on there and watch funny videos or learn something DIY, it's kind of cool for that, but just understand, whatever their Nazi algorithm is, it is totally out of control. House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Federal Government. New York governor announces increased monitoring on social media.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Nikki Haley came out and said, you know know what we need to verify everybody on social media meta allows for ads to allege 2020 election was rigged fcc adopts package giving government wait is that right meta allows for ads to allege 2020 election was quote rigged i'll have to look into that fcc adopts uh you know the if you haven't heard about the fcc issue we're gonna get into that that's that's this news down here this terrible news fcc countering digital inequality you should be scared where's it at i want to see what meta has to saya's letting us post. There's no way.
Starting point is 00:07:07 I got so much trouble. Meta Facebook Instagram will continue a 2022 policy change that allows for political advertisements to challenge the results of the 2020 elections and permit words such as rigged or stolen. Meta. Dude, I'm a VR junkie. Okay. Pl plain and simple if zuckerberg goes the way of musk i'd be one happy guy if if if the intrepid commander shows up on on vr headset advertisements i'm just kidding um but that's a good sign you know it's a good sign that we're allowed to have that opinion because look advertising cash is advertising cash in meta's
Starting point is 00:07:51 pocket and whether or not and here's the thing about advertising if it does good everybody's happy if the public says screw your ad we know that the 2020 election was just right on. It was just perfect. Then nobody buys your products anyway, and you lose. See, the market handles these things. This is what I don't understand about all this censorship. The market will handle it. And actually, that's exactly where we're going to go.
Starting point is 00:08:20 So, yeah, the Department of Homeland Security. No, where's the FCC one? So, yeah, the Department of Homeland Security. No, where's the FCC one? The FCC has adopted a new rules package to regulate the Internet to allegedly counter digital inequities. Digital. It's not enough inequities in the world to complain about. Now we need to worry about the digital world.
Starting point is 00:08:44 The FCC, you know, this never occurred to me till this very moment. Digital currencies are a thing. In-game currencies are a thing. In-metaverse currencies are a thing, right? When are we going to see the first digital, not digital currency, not like that. You got to understand what I'm talking talking about i'm talking about fake life currency video game currency right when are we going to see the first welfare check that includes
Starting point is 00:09:11 currencies for video games currencies for social programs within the metaverse wow i just never even thought about it until now but that's got to come see because when the government says inequities that's when people start getting checks cut right and that's how it works it's an inequality it's just another means of cutting your money up into smaller pieces handing it off to other people and other organizations the fcc claims that the digital divide puts us at an economic disadvantage as a country and disproportionately affects communities of color, low-income areas, and rural areas. The rules allow the FCC to determine how the telecommunications industry, internet service
Starting point is 00:09:54 providers price their services, how they issue discounts, where they market services, they can run a credit check on customers, and where, if they can run a credit check on customers, that's funny, and where a new infrastructure is built this is how you destroy an industry i mean if you want to if you want to figure out how to destroy an industry let the government let the government have at it that's all so one threat one solution what's the answer uh the answer is pretty straightforward guys and it is seek freedom only exists in the private sector and it grows and shrinks with demand i don't know you tell me what's wrong about that statement that's not from anybody it's just popped into my head while i was thinking
Starting point is 00:10:38 about this issue right freedom doesn't exist in the government's hands no way not a shred of it right it only exists in the private sector and it grows and shrinks with demand when people are fat and happy freedom shrinks when people are hungry and and looking around and worried that's when freedom grows what you have to do is you have to seek out within the private sector and develop your world on the Internet. What is your world on the Internet going to look like? And sometimes it's as easy as going from YouTube to Rumble. Sometimes it's easy as changing where you hang out with your digital brotherhood and sisterhood. Years ago, we got kicked off of Discord.
Starting point is 00:11:25 We still don't know why. We areign you know what i mean we i mean really there's not next to nothing threatening about the prepper broadcasting network if you can't handle a man's opinion or a woman's opinion like a full-grown adult's opinion or if you can't handle their distaste for a certain lifestyle or cultural norm, then yeah, PBN can be really annoying maybe. But we want everybody to be prepared to survive the world that we have to live in now, might have to live in in the future. We also want people to get back to the core of what we are as humans. This is your path back to stability. I mean, that's the whole deal here. Like, we don't set out every day to do things that will incite problems in the
Starting point is 00:12:19 country. In fact, if I had my way, probably the first thing i would do is make sure that every household in america has chickens with a yard at least look out for that guy that guy right there he's a problem chickens you know so seek out the things that you need talk to people who know about tech we have a great uh guy in the network network who hips us to all kinds of tech. If you're interested, then come join our chat room in Element, and you'll get to see sort of a disconnected and encrypted and decentralized chat platform, forum platform, that allows you to talk to people that are not just in your close group of
Starting point is 00:13:07 friends, but are in your greater internet brotherhood that maybe you don't want to be texting back and forth every day, but you'd like to hear from them regularly. You know what I mean? It's up to you, man. You know, it's really all up to you. So let's talk about brining turkeys real quick huh so as far as i'm concerned the turkey brine is absolutely essential okay like brining the turkey is absolutely essential it's a largely a 24-hour process i may brine my turkey this year but something I've done in the past, and because my family is so in love with crispy and delicious turkey skin, I think this year, because I have a mammoth in the fridge right now. It's a mammoth. You know what I mean? It's enormous. It's way more than we'll ever eat, but whatever. Remember the first slide?
Starting point is 00:14:01 It's way more than we'll ever eat. But whatever. Remember the first slide? Remember what I said in the first slide? So it doesn't matter to me, right? Having leftovers is the best thing that could happen. Plus, I also love to make those. I love to go get a good crusty roll.
Starting point is 00:14:22 And I like to put cranberry sauce, which I make here. Maybe I'll give you my cranberry sauce which i make here we'll talk maybe i'll give you my cranberry sauce recipe tomorrow um i love to take that i love to take some cold stuffing i love to take some shredded turkey meat from the day before i like to put that on a roll i like to maybe make a little olive oil mayonnaise you know how to make mayonnaise, don't you? Of course you do. Because you're cooking from scratch, like I always tell you to, right? You're learning how to cook food. You're learning how to prepare things from scratch so that you can say, oh, this mayonnaise?
Starting point is 00:14:56 Yeah, this mayonnaise is an egg yolk from my chicken coop. It's good quality olive oil, and it's vinegar and salt. And I like to take that good mayonnaise and i like to smear it on that crusty roll man and have myself a delicious one of those cold sandwiches that like i've almost choked to death on because i eat them without chewing enough and they get lodged because it's all cold stodgy dry turkey stuffing and bread and it gets lodged in your esophagus and your body's like what are you trying to do to me here dude and you're like well this could be it this might be the last thanksgiving eventually it works its way down thank it's Thanks to the salivary amylase, right?
Starting point is 00:15:46 So anyway, if you don't have a giant five-gallon bucket in a place or a giant pot in a place to store a turkey in the cold in a liquid brine, then you can dry brine or dry rub your turkey for 24 hours. And here's a simple one, okay?
Starting point is 00:16:05 This is a simple one. Three tablespoons kosher salt. One and a half teaspoons of whatever mix of flavorings and seasonings you want, but make sure they're dry, right? Thyme, sage. Well, actually, I'll add fresh. I do like dried sage, but I'll be doing fresh thyme and fresh rosemary. Three-quarter teaspoon of ground black pepper.
Starting point is 00:16:30 And then, you know, a 14 to 16 pound thawed whole turkey, whatever you got. Not kosher or pre-salted, whatever. Doesn't matter. Whatever you got going on. So for me, I'll double this recipe. I'll do six tablespoons. got going on so for me i'll double this recipe i'll do six tablespoons i'll do three teaspoons and uh you know a tablespoon and a half or whatever it is a lot of black pepper let's go with that and i may and in my dry rub um i may add other things as well you know i may rub maybe
Starting point is 00:17:01 some ground garlic something like that but this is a good base recipe for a 14 to 16 pound turkey. I don't know what size you guys cook, but just double it if necessary. Or if you really want to season it up, double it. It's an incredible, incredible way to do it. 24 hours, it draws a lot of liquid out of the bird too. And I think you really wind up with an awesome crispy skin. And an awesome salty bird. You may even want to take some of it and put it under the skin.
Starting point is 00:17:32 You know? Season the inside of the turkey. Season the outside of it. All that kind of stuff with your dry brine. Because the brine gets everywhere. That's what you want. I think that's it. SHTFChef.
Starting point is 00:17:44 I hope you have a great Thanksgiving turkey, man. You know? Maybe we'll talk cookie-turking tip. Cookie-turking tips. That's impressive. How about turkey-cooking tips? All right. SHTF, let's move on to the words segment and wrap this up.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Wrap-a-this-up. Wrap-a-this-up. shtf let's move on to the word segment and wrap this up wrap it up wrap it up nuptial sleep nuptial sleep tonight today this morning nuptial sleep by probably no easily my favorite poet of all time why why nuptial sleep why a little why a little lovey-dovey sonnet sonnet what is that 6a from the house of life dante gabriel rosetti one of my heroes not sure why he's my hero not really a great guy but just behind the pen and behind the paintbrush an absolute an absolute madman we're gonna gather families together i hope your family is together you know i hope you are going to be gathered with family i want to read nuptial sleep because marriage is important to me okay it's an important thing sustaining marriage is is vital to not just you know your little household but to the society at
Starting point is 00:19:06 large just is what it is do you know what i mean this is the way that families come to be it was i'll tell you real quick two three years ago i was sitting down here fire going stockings lined christmas tree up you know, all that kind of visual. And I remember sitting there having the realization that when you have a divorce, when you go through divorce, you explode the world that you've known. You know, like picture the earth blowing up, right? Like your little world, your family, your kids, all your memories, everything that you do every year with Christmas and so on. When you and the wife or you and the husband split up,
Starting point is 00:19:51 that world explodes and it can never come back. It never can come back. I'm not saying that your situation is not such that you should have a divorce or shouldn't. I'm just saying these are the stakes. You know what I mean? These are the stakes. There's a world that you've created. It's the sit down on the couch, dad's arm around mom, open some gifts, talk about Christmas, watch movies, eat cookies, make cookies, smile, fight, argue, play games, all that kind of stuff. argue play games all that kind of stuff and the moment that that divorce happens that world explodes and it can never exist again it can never exist again because the damage that it's going to do even if the parents get back together eventually it's you know.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Let's read nuptial sleep. We're doing like five, six lines. All right. So bear with me. Sleep sank them lower than the tide of dreams and their dreams watched them sink and slid away. Slowly, their souls swam up again through gleams of watered light and dull drowned waves of day till from some wonder of new woods and streams he woke and wondered more for there she lay nuptial sleep ladies and gentlemen Dante Gabriel Rossetti i don't know maybe you get it maybe you don't some
Starting point is 00:21:27 of you will get it some of you will not all i can say is uh you better appreciate her if you got her okay enjoy her this holiday season i'll talk to you guys soon all right it's pbn daily news your path back to stability. There is a path back, okay? Believe you me. Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid Commander, and I'm holding The Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, M.D. In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You'll learn about assessment and stabilization.
Starting point is 00:22:20 You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. Look, 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the Prepper's Medical Handbook today at Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy.

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