The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News November 29th 2023 CYBERWAR

Episode Date: November 29, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Gather round team, it is time for the PBN Daily News Green Room. What is up? Wednesday. I didn't do nothing yesterday for PBN News. I didn't even hop on and podcast. I don't got excuses. It was busy. I was rocking. Things are rocking. On all fronts for me, not just PBN. I bought land. And I'm going to talk to you about it tonight on the I Am Liberty show. I bought land for a number of reasons. I'm very excited. Raw land and purchasing and selling go back a long way with me. Story I probably never really told you guys. And I'll tell it on tonight's show.
Starting point is 00:00:56 It's cold as all hell here. I think it's about, when we woke up, when I woke up, it was about 23 degrees and it dropped down to about 19. I don't know who you are or where you live, but that's cold, okay? I don't care. I know there's people out there that are like, I wear shorts in that weather. Good job. I saw a kid who was like 8 today in shorts and 19 degrees. I know people do it.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Here's how I break down cold. If you can die in an hour, you know, if you're not clothed properly, that's cold enough, right? That's, that's cold enough. And I think around 19 degrees, you'd be in pretty bad shape if you were in the middle of the woods with the wrong clothes on. You might have two, three hours, something like that. Cold enough for me. clothes on you might have two three hours something like that cold enough for me are you prepared for the winter are you prepared for an exceptionally cold winter power outage so on and so forth we're going to talk about hacking we're going to talk about hacking the water supply
Starting point is 00:01:58 today we are also going to talk about fitness we've got something really cool coming in december brought to you by the members and the listeners and i don't know this is what i love anymore i love when people hit me with ideas or desires from the pbn audience and then we turn them into something awesome i gotta write poetry down on the to-do list for today because there's just, you know, it's that time of year, man. Ideas peak this time of year for me and it becomes almost hell. It becomes almost a hell. Something about this time of year, just the creativity just starts. just the creativity just starts it's like i'm a mutant and i have a mutant power where i can take in creativity but i can't exert it quick enough and there's like a point where i'm over i will be overwhelmed and explode but hey man listen it a good life. There's no doubt about it.
Starting point is 00:03:06 It's a good life. Living well is the best revenge. Let's get into PBN Daily News. It will be a pre-recorded I Am Liberty show tonight. I'm going to record it, actually, as soon as I get off with this. And, yeah. Enjoy yourself. It's hump day.
Starting point is 00:03:31 what is up everybody pbn daily news back with a video the video's a lot it's way easier to do this in podcast form but uh i figured we'd get together we'd do a video shot of it today's prepping topic prepper fitness everybody hates it nobody loves it well maybe not nobody but oh yeah we have entered the phase of the wreath coffee cup i have uh several different cups that i drink my wonderful coffee out of in the morning throughout the holiday season. Because I'm crazy, man. I'm a crazy person. Real quick before we get into this prep or fit and health business, I do want to let you know,
Starting point is 00:04:17 the more that you let go of the way people want you to be, right, or the way society wants you to be, and the more you can find a way to make a living doing what you want to be doing without having to appease people or anything like that, the crazier you become. Because you start to... It's not even that you start to live for yourself.
Starting point is 00:04:43 It's just that you stop living for each other. I donate more money now, not because I make more money than I ever have. I donate more money now. I have more time to be of service to people now more than I ever had before. And I am of service to people more now than ever before. So separating myself from that world, that sort of working world, go-along-to-get-along world, hasn't made me more selfish. It's just made me less—less of me is built on the idea that I have to do things to appease people. So sometimes that means, like write something really profound or you do a really
Starting point is 00:05:26 profound podcast on the subject. And sometimes that means, you know, I think I'm going to start drinking coffee out of a different coffee mug every other week during the holidays. Because you don't care. You do what the fuck you want to do. You know what I mean? So, Prepper Fit Kettlebell Introduction. We're going to do a video kettlebell introduction tomorrow. No, the 1st of December. Okay, we're going to do a 30-day kettlebell program. The program itself is going to be open to all, but we're going to be doing some video content for our members. And that kettlebell content is going to be called Kettlebells in Christ for December. And that's exactly what it's going to be.
Starting point is 00:06:15 It's going to be a kettlebell workout. And Matthew, Luke, you know, something out of there, a little quote from each, maybe a little discussion. I can't do the discussion through a PDF or a JPEG, you know, schedule. But if you're a member, then at least once a week we're going to do the workout together and then we're going to do the discussion together. Kettlebells in Christ, man. No better time to celebrate it than the month of December.
Starting point is 00:06:43 You listeners, you incredible listeners, you incredible members said, hey, let's get back into the kettlebells. We used to do, we have, I don't know, probably 10 videos of kettlebell content already on our membership website. So if you're into that kind of thing, or if you want to get into that kind of thing. The kettlebell is a monster. I mean, I've been using them for probably 12 13 years now they're about as old as my son in my life um and I'm still marvel you know I'll work out at the gym and and get a
Starting point is 00:07:16 decent workout in and a lot of times I'll finish out I'll go grab like a 62 pound kettlebell and do swings and then like a 40 pound kettlebell and do some windmills just to finish it out. You can never do enough core and you can never get enough endurance training. So I'll do like 20, 25 swings and then do the windmill on either side, usually 8 to 10 on each side. Windmills are tough. And I'm always amazed, you know know what a great burnout it is and i look at those kettlebells and then i turn around and i look at the gym and like the myriad of weights and machines and builds and setups and cables and and i'll be like man if i had if i had like a hundred ish pound kettlebell maybe over a hundred pound kettlebell a 60 pound kettlebell 40 pound kettlebell maybe even like a
Starting point is 00:08:17 25 pound kettlebell or something you're good you i mean if you know what you're doing you're good. I mean, if you know what you're doing, you're as good as gold. I mean, unless you want to do like high squats or like serious, serious deadlifts or something like that, like you could do everything with that if you know what you're doing. If you want to learn how to do what you should be doing,
Starting point is 00:08:38 then you may want to join our membership site, okay? The link down below, the link tree link will take you to all that kind of stuff. So it's time. threat one solution all right let me get the uh special patented intel device the moment i pick it up it will vibrate there's no doubt about it the hackers are inside of it i'm sure uh so what are we talking about man we're talking about supply chain today brought to you by the gray man brief field notes cyber security in al aliquippa pa i grew up in pa i have no idea where that is. The Iranian-backed hacking group Cyber Avengers.
Starting point is 00:09:29 No lie. The E in Avengers is number three. Cyber, you see it down here in the. Has claimed responsibility for cyber attack on Ali Quipa Municipal Water Authority. The breach enabled the group to gain control of booster station software. Authorities have advised that water remains safe to drink. The software used is reportedly developed
Starting point is 00:09:51 by an Israeli-owned firm. The group said every equipment made in Israel is Cyber Avengers' legal target. Debrief. The group has made 10-plus successful cyber attacks on infrastructure
Starting point is 00:10:04 in recent weeks, all targeting Israel or software created by Israel. Anti-Israel groups and governments are continuing both physical attacks, violent protests, and cyberattacks against Israel-linked targets. This is and will continue to disrupt supply chain and infrastructure, as well as influence political backings of Israel. I lost my place. The impact is not just in the Middle East. Thousands plus of U.S. government entities have used software or equipment made by Israel. Supplies that are bound for the U.S. are also affected by vessel attacks.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Supply chain. What do you need? What do you need from your supply chain? What do you need to build into your supply chain? What do you need? That's the question. And now, it's the alternative everything mentality. That's all we're talking about here is the alternative everything mentality. Now's the time for you to build that. What's that look like for you? Where do the things that you need come from now? Write it down on a sheet of paper. It's easy.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Sit down right now. Where's the eggs come from? Where's the milk? Where's the power? Where's the water, right? And then next to that, you write what's your second option? What's your third option? You can apply PACE.
Starting point is 00:11:27 You can apply primary, alternate, contingency, emergency to all of those things. But you need to have alternatives, okay? Supply chain is disrupted, will be disrupted, has been disrupted. It just is what it is. And supply chain isn't just the 18 wheelers. It's vessels that are being taken over. It's products that we can't get. It's issues in China. China's going through some weird stuff right now. They're going through some stuff that looks a lot like 2019 all over again, except this time it's affecting children. I don't think it's something like that, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:08 I could be wrong. They still make everything. It doesn't matter how much we badmouth each other. They still make everything. We still buy everything from them. If they go down, our supply chain goes down seriously. What are you going to do about that? What are you going to do about that what are you gonna do about that let's move on shtf
Starting point is 00:12:29 chef i'm gonna disappear and we will talk uh spice mixes spice mixes today man you know like i said there's an evolution in all things that we do you know what i mean we do things with food we change the way we store food hopefully you have a deep or pantry. Hopefully you store long-term food storage. One of the best ways to sort of change your mindset on how you buy and store food is to start buying six ounce containers of spices, you know, rather than one ounce at a time. This is also incumbent on you using them, right? So here's a cool way to use them. And it's also a cool way to, you know, to make dinner happen or make lunch happen or whatever it is quickly and easily without a lot of thought. Those one ounce, old one ounce spice containers that you have, you know, the old container, the little container with the top that screws off or the white top that closes that used to hold all of your Italian seasoning or used to hold all of your chili powder. You can use those. You can tape over them with masking tape or duct tape, and then you can write on that duct tape and you can build out seasoning mixes that are absolutely awesome.
Starting point is 00:13:48 seasoning mixes that are absolutely awesome okay and give you the ability to say today we're gonna do uh our smoked paprika chicken because it's quick and it's easy and i dust it with this and i throw it in the oven and boom right um coffee chili rub one of my favorites this spice mix you just mix all this stuff up in a bowl. And I've got it in sort of descending order because the quantities are hard to do. It would have filled up this whole page if I gave you... I'm giving you ideas, okay? These things need to taste the way you want them to taste.
Starting point is 00:14:17 But I'm giving you kind of in descending order of how I would build them if I were making the spice mixes myself, right? So I would use the majority of this coffee chili rub would be chili powder. And it's your call. You want to do an ancho chili, you want to do a chipotle chili, whatever you want to do. You could do a standard chili powder.
Starting point is 00:14:36 It doesn't matter. Chili powder, that's the largest amount. Ground garlic, next largest, right? Cumin, next largest. Then get yourself a good coffee. I recommend Disaster Coffee. You can get that at That goes in next.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Salt and sugar. The least amount of item that you put in is sugar. But don't leave the sugar out. You may also find that you like more sugar in your chili rub, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. You know, a Swedish coffee chili rub on a tuna steak, you know, grill that tuna, sear that tuna to medium rare. It's really nice. I mean, it's a really nice thing. Great on beef as well. Great on steak, you know what I mean mean great on a good roast
Starting point is 00:15:26 in the oven good on pork too i mean what ain't good on pork but anyway um so you know that's your coffee chili spice mix mix it all up in a big bowl put it into containers and then instead of being like oh i want to make a chili rub you just say oh chili rub's ready boom deploy i think a really good sort of italian style uh seasoning spice mix is important to have around this is a great one this like great on chicken great on like pork loin pork chops great to throw on old bread that's getting old and just turn it into garlic bread butter olive oil this mix on the under the broiler for you know until it's brown and looks good and done garlic salt not garlic powder this time you want garlic salt okay because you want that seasoning
Starting point is 00:16:22 you want that salt garlic salt that that's the base of it all. Into that, you're going to stir in, you know, Italian seasoning, maybe half as much as you have the salt. And then, you know, maybe a sprinkling of the red chili flake, depending on how you and your family like heat. You know, do it based on heat. And this little mix is another easy one easy to have around you know it's great this mix to dump it right in when you're making your homemade marinara dump some
Starting point is 00:16:49 of this right in there boom finally um not many people are familiar with smoked paprika it's actually smoked i missed the d smoked paprika smoked paprika is unbelievable seasoning that adds natural smoky flavor to your food. Um, you add a Chipotle powder to that, like a Chipotle chili powder with the smoked paprika. Now you got two smoky chilies, two smoky peppers. Um, and to that, you stir in some seasoned salt to give it good, good flavor balance. Seasoned salt, by the way, mostly salt and sugar. Um, good flavor balance. Seasoned salt, by the way, mostly salt and sugar. Give you that good flavor balance with the heat and the smoke. And man, that's good on almost everything. All right. So wrapping it up, SHTF Chef Spice Mixes, man. I'm always going to push you into that kitchen. I want you cooking. I want you cooking. It's very important. You've got to
Starting point is 00:17:45 get your handle on preparing food from scratch because that helps your alternative supply chain concerns. It's just better. It's just a better way to do the business. It's time to break out words. It's time to do words. We're doing words from the Bible today. We're doing words about the very battle that we're facing today. And then we're out here okay it's off to uh the i am liberty show wednesday's a powerhouse too here by the way it's an absolute monster you get herbal medicine for preppers at the prepper broadcasting network you get um the patriot power, unbelievable news show, news blitz, breakdown, Ben the Breaker, the Banks' future, Dan. And then, of course, you get the I Am Liberty show on at 9 p.m. tonight. So enjoy it. Enjoy it. But today, but now, we're digging into the word, Deuteronomy 30, 19 and 20.
Starting point is 00:18:41 We're digging into the word. Deuteronomy 30, 19 and 20. This is the battle. This is the battle right now. You look at the left. You look at the right. You look at the conservatives. You look at the liberals.
Starting point is 00:18:53 You look at the Republicans. You look at the Democrats. You look at Argentina. You look at Ireland. You look at America. You look at London. You look at England. You look at Europe. This is the battle.
Starting point is 00:19:01 You look at the wars. You look at abortion. You look at the medical establishment. You look at the... I mean, this is the battle you look at the wars you look at abortion you look at the medical establishment you look at the i mean this is the battle and god says it so succinctly it's it's impossible not to read aloud this day i call the heavens and the earth as witness against you that i have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. I mean, that one line is everything to me. Because every day I wake up and it feels like that.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Right? You've set before me life and death, blessings and curses. blessings and curses now choose life so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God listen to his voice and hold fast to him for the Lord is your life
Starting point is 00:19:57 and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers Abraham, Isaac and he who wrestles with God, Jacob. This is it, man. There are things in this great book. There are things in this book, which I inherited from my son last year, by the way. year by the way um they you need it see the reality is you need it and when you see someone who is racked by life this is what they're missing it's exactly what they're and it sounds so horrible you have to understand i ran from this kind of talk and this kind of stuff my whole life
Starting point is 00:20:45 because i would hate and maybe it was because of a lack of understanding of it is we need to get better at understanding that's why i read it to you first you need something solid underfoot like i'm married and established professionally and my wife is a powerhouse and my kids are wonderful and healthy and you know we've built a fortified life for ourselves and living that way I have anxiety you know what I mean about things who doesn't I'm an empath man so what what I do when I have anxiety, I think like, what about the people who aren't at all set up?
Starting point is 00:21:29 What about the single people? What about the single women out there who are looking across the landscape at the murderers and the killers and the evil that is just growing up all around us and going like, what kind of chance do I have to find somebody that, you know
Starting point is 00:21:45 there are directions in this thing there's reasoning in this thing there are pieces of advice in the bible that puts so much of your life at ease you know vengeance is mine saith the lord puts so much of your life at ease. You know? Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord. Only some of you out there who have violent tendencies that they hold back like two giant bulls on reins can understand the value of reading a line like that. Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord. And I don't want to go into it.
Starting point is 00:22:29 If you know, you know. If you understand, then you understand the power in a line like that. It's just an example of what exists in that book. And the reason it's so powerful is because it's all cyclical, man. This whole human experience is cyclical. It just is cyclical.
Starting point is 00:22:46 I mean, look 100 years ago. If you don't think we human beings are just creatures of the wheel, this cycle that we live on, right, that we work on. I don't know if it's every 100 or so years, every 200, 500, but it's cyclical, man. years every 200 500 but it's cyclical man and the reason that the bible is so powerful is because the answer to those cyclical problems are already written down they're already written down you don't have to reinvent anything you're reading bible i used to work with a chinese lady who would always tell me jim you go go home, you're reading Bible.
Starting point is 00:23:27 And she would tell me that. And I kind of sounded like South American with that accent. But that's what she used to tell me. There's power in there, man. There's power in there if you're willing to let it empower you. If you can shake the cynicism, if you can shake the cynicism if you can shake the uh the literalism of everything if you like the literalism of the bible then enjoy that part of it too you know guy ritchie said something interesting about
Starting point is 00:23:57 when he was making king arthur he said people are going to glean what they what they want to glean when they're ready to glean what they're ready to glean. He was talking about from the movie, being a very deep story, you know, the sword and the stone and all that, and just that, you know, that's the relationship you have with the Bible. You know what I mean? You can take it to the psychological, you could take it to the literal, you could take it to the psychological you could take it to the literal you could take it to the heavenly and the spiritual i think it's best to do look at it with through as many lenses as possible for me but choose life pbn family okay the death cults are around us we see them we watch them and it's tempting you know it's tempting it's tempting to say know it's tempting. It's tempting to say, I want bad people dead.
Starting point is 00:24:46 I want those bad people... The, uh... You know, the decree's pretty clear. Choose life. And vengeance shall be the Lord's. Otherwise, you're liable to drive yourself crazy and do something that you'll regret forever. Think on it. I bought some land. I'm going to tell you about it. All right. Don't miss the I Am Liberty show tonight. I'll talk to you guys soon. It is PBN Daily News,
Starting point is 00:25:20 your path back to stability. I'll see you. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments? is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your preppper mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase.

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