The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News: Off Grid Smiles and Russia in the Mediterranean Sea

Episode Date: April 15, 2024

No Grid Survival Projects

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. You're playing back the stability. The perennials are playing tricks, PBN family. It's Monday, new week. What a day it's going to be today. We have Arthur Bradley on, prolific prepper, fiction author. We're going to talk EMP with him. That's something of his bag of tricks. He's got a line of really cool EMP protection products too.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Less EMP cloth-based, more sort of like EMP shield stuff. So we're going to have him on Preppers Live tonight Talk EMP, fitting time, you know But the perennials are popping up And they're doing their thing And one of the things that people who raise perennial edible food Which you got to raise perennial edible food You come to realize that perennial edibles play tricks on you this is what they
Starting point is 00:01:28 like to do they like to play tricks on you and they'll pop up in places you weren't expecting and our jerusalem artichoke bed exploded this year that's going to be great but i was out by the strawberries today talking to my wife on the phone. And I noticed that even the strawberries have decided to grow outside of their little area that we put them in. And I've told you this before, the perennials are going to take over my yard. You know, I'm going to step out of the way. I'm going to step out of the way. I'm going to get out of their way. I'm not that dumb.
Starting point is 00:02:12 In other words, if the strawberries continue to grow out of their bed and take over the whole left side of my fenced-in garden area, then we have a lot of strawberries and less garden area for that kind of, for the annual type stuff. But staring down at those little white flowers, looking at the, you know, the strawberry that's
Starting point is 00:02:37 starting to form at the center, I started thinking to myself, you know, if the world, if you had no phone, if you had no internet, if you had no phone, if you had no internet, if you had no television, if you had no radio, how happy would you be? Honestly, you wake up, you do your morning routine, you know what I mean? Whatever it is, you do whatever, you know, for for me i walk out back i go see the what's happening in the garden you know the the bush beans popped today which is always a good feeling and i'm doing them in pots this year i did them in pots years ago they were so good they did so good so we're doing them in pots again this we'll do pole too but i like the bush
Starting point is 00:03:24 beans they're pretty prolific I'm looking around at all this stuff You know what I mean The world is greening Coming to life And I'm thinking to myself The only reason I'm stressed out right now
Starting point is 00:03:35 Is because of news From halfway around the world And if I was ignorant to it Then I'd just be joy then I'd just be joyous. I'd just be joyous. Now, you know, it's true, ignorance is bliss, but ignorance can get you killed too. So the reality is, until the Luddite cult destroys the power grids all over the world and forces us back into only tribal and regional conflict with spears.
Starting point is 00:04:12 This is the world in which we must live, folks. I guess what I'm getting at is don't miss the beauty in the run-up to World War III. Chances are you've done a lot of work and now's one of those times where you can say look at it all look at it all coming to life look at the seedlings sprouting look at the perennials coming back look at the trees blooming right look at all this stuff look at the greenhouse look at the solar panel look at whatever it is that you've done look at the chickens. Look at the solar panel. Look at whatever it is that you've done. Look at the chickens clucking. Actually, the chickens are angry at me right now.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I haven't let them out yet this morning. They're like, what's going on here? But just be aware of it all, you know? Be aware of it all. Because it may not be nice like this all the time. You might not be wanting to walk outside in the near future. Who knows? I spent a significant amount of time this morning working on the new 100 Essential Books for Surviving Doomsday.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I talked about it briefly, but it's going to be an e-book. I'll just tell you exactly but it's going to be an e-book. I'll just tell you exactly what it's going to be. It's going to be an e-book with hopefully 100 books that I think every prepper should have. I'm getting some recommendations from elsewhere as well. It's going to be an e-book that I, unlike the Nuclear War Prepared, Not Scared, this is going to be an e-book designed to enlighten those who get it, but also gather email addresses to help build the network.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Truth. Honesty. Every book will be affiliate-linked, so it will make a little money for us as well. So it's part and parcel education and enlightenment and part and parcel marketing and money making. I tell you that why because I've always been transparent with you and I want you to understand my motivations. I've always been very clear about my motivations here at PBN.
Starting point is 00:06:26 motivations. I've always been very clear about my motivations here at PBN, you know? I bought this thing, um, not because I thought it would be my ticket to, you know, becoming a millionaire, but largely because, uh, I wanted my friend's shows to go on and my own show to go on. And I knew that I, being a writer, a freelance writer, was one of the only people capable of doing what I've done with the network. That was the reality of it, you know? And we've since made it into a profitable podcast network. And a lot of that, like I said, I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that you guys trust me
Starting point is 00:07:11 and you trust me because of the fact that when I do a thing, I'll tell you why I'm doing it. You know? I'll tell you why I'm doing it and what the overall motivations are. I'm not trying to pull the wool. I'm not saying, I'm creating this book from my heart of hearts to give unto you. Yeah, I mean, that's part of it. I've got a lot of great books.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I want to share them with you. You know, there's a lot of great books out there written by amazing people that you should have on your bookshelf in case we are in an off-grid situation. You know, but business is business, baby. So now that we got that out of the way, I'm about a day or two. We're going to talk about terrible news, don't worry, but let's talk about some cool stuff. Can we talk about some cool stuff? I've given you a great guest tonight, perennial updates, all kinds of fun stuff. We'll get to the Russian hypersonic missiles, don't worry. But first, what I'd like to talk about is the world of Ready.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Because I think I'm about five days out. I think by the weekend, best case scenario, the world of Ready could be on bookshelves digitally, which is pretty cool. It's our first endeavor into children's books geared towards preparedness, and I promise you, you've never seen anything like it, okay? I promise you, you've never seen anything like it, okay? There's nothing out there like it, and it's going to be great. It's going to be absolutely great. The characters are astounding.
Starting point is 00:09:00 The environments, the members, the PBN members have seen the environments. I've shared some artwork on the back end with the members. I just really got lucky and met a really great illustrator, and she has, she's fallen in love with the project. So, and not only has she fallen in love with the project, but she gets it. She gets the vision. She understands that the fantastic world, the fantastic other dimension world known as the world of ready. And it's crazy inhabitants who are there to teach kids all about preparedness, you know. And this is essential, you know, this is an essential mission. Again, it's also business, but understand and you got to understand it has to be business because
Starting point is 00:09:47 i'm not rich you know what i mean things have to make money or they go away if i were a millionaire billionaire whatever then yeah i'll do all kinds of cool charity stuff for the betterment of society but i can't better society if i can't pay mortgage. You know what I mean? I can't better society from the refrigerator box out back of a manufacturing center where I live with my family now because I was so charitable with my time and my effort. You guys know the deal. Everybody's got to work and make money. But you're going to get to meet Uda But you're going to get to meet Uda.
Starting point is 00:10:26 You're going to get to meet Uda. You're going to get to meet Kit in this book. You're going to get to meet these characters and see what they do. And you're going to get to meet the children who are, quite frankly, terrified about the approaching wildfires that they overhear their parents talking about one night. the approaching wildfires that they overhear their parents talking about one night. And to put that anxiety at rest, Uta gives them something to do. Imagine that action, right?
Starting point is 00:10:59 The anxiety, the first time I ever really heard about Uta, the Uta loop, which is what his name is derived from, or the first time I ever heard about it and it really stuck was from Pastor Joe Fox over at Viking Preparedness. And I like the concept. I've talked to you guys about the concept before. Observe, orient, decide, act. You can look at the whole of America, and it's only going to get worse.
Starting point is 00:11:22 You can look at anxiety. You can look at depression in this country. You can look at the effect that so many choices have on our society. You can look at the effect that all the freedoms fundamentally have on a people. All the voyeuristic hours spent looking at other people's lives and other people's decisions and other people's options and what that has done. And now with the chaos in the world, what that has done is we are trapped in the first two stages of the OODA loop. Observe, orient, decide, act. observe, orient, decide, act, right? For the most part, when it comes to relationships, when it comes to career, when it comes to education, when it comes to having kids,
Starting point is 00:12:17 most people, man, seem to be stuck in the observe and orient, observe and orient, observe, orient, observe, orient, observe, orient. When you are scrolling through your phone, that's what you're doing. You're observing culture and trying to orient on what makes sense for you to make a decision. Right? You watch people, man. They observe, orient, observe, orient, observe. They so rarely decide. And then when they decide, they so rarely act.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Right? So we're stuck. We're stuck in observe and orient and that's why uh uda made so much sense to me as a character because you know observe orient decide act it's what it's not only it not only helps i'm sorry it not only works but it's also what helps it's what helps you through the anxiety of a moment like this, right? Let's get into One Threat, One Solution. Let's get it out of the way. met another wonderful website on the internet just another wonderful website on the internet you know years ago i said i'm not putting any ads on my websites. You know, I don't care what the sponsors want. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:13:48 We're not going to have Google ads because Google hates us anyway. I'm not going to put ads on my website. I cannot tell. I don't know, you know, how I would feel. I don't think if I had an extra $30,000 in the bank from Google AdWords or something like that, not that we would have even made that much money, but let's just say, right, that I had that extra money. I still think I would feel shitty because when I go on a website like just to read a story about Russia, and there's videos and ads on both sides and breaking news at the bottom and notifications at the bottom right and then ads built into the article.
Starting point is 00:14:30 And it's like embarrassing, you know? Russia moved supersonic missile warship to Middle East after Iran attack on Israel. This I hadn't heard a lot about. I don't know if you did, right? After Iran attack on Israel. This I hadn't heard a lot about. I don't know if you did. Right. Russia's called for restraint from both Iran and Israel as a wider war in the Middle East becomes a real possibility.
Starting point is 00:15:02 So Iran, I mean, Russia's trying to say, look, we're going to pretend like the world cares about our diplomacy at the moment. Russia has sent a Navy frigate, Marshal Shapochnikov, armed with Kinsel supersonic missiles into the Mediterranean Sea via the Suez Canal just hours after Iran attacked Israel with hundreds of missiles and drones. The Kremlin confirmed the ship's presence in the area,
Starting point is 00:15:24 adding that it will continue to perform the tasks assigned to it under the expedition plan. So they've rolled up, Russia's rolled up in the Mediterranean with hypersonic missiles. Dmitry Peskov, the troublemaker, says, Right now, it's very important to everyone to maintain restraint in order not to lead to a complete destabilization of the situation in the region, which does not exactly shine with stability and predictability. What? You know, they've been there.
Starting point is 00:15:58 They know what the deal is in the Middle East. Why are they, you know, no one should be making assumptions that anything but war is going to happen in this area. This is what this area is. We also want to address the Iranian threat to launch a significant, to launch a significant, they're threatening to launch a significant attack in Israel. That's what Joe Biden said before the attack. As I told Prime Minister Mianar, our commitment to Israel's security against these threats from Iran
Starting point is 00:16:32 and its proxies is ironclad. And you know what? The U.S. showed up, blew out 100 drones or something out of the sky and missiles. This is happening. You know what I mean? I got off the phone with my wife this morning and I said, pray for peace in your free time today, you know? I mean, how bad, it can go bad fast, you know what I'm saying? It can go fast. I mean, it can go bad fast. Do you know what I'm saying? It can go fast. I mean, it can go bad fast. Don't forget, Iran's got hypersonic missiles, too.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Iran shut down Israel with a cyber attack. You know? I mean, they... Never underestimate your enemy. Do you know what I'm saying? Never underestimate... I've heard a lot of people talking about how ineffective that little attack was. And don't for a second think maybe it was ineffective for a reason or that it wasn't, you know. So for you, what's it mean? One threat, one solution,
Starting point is 00:17:40 right? World War III on the horizon, possibly, maybe. What's that mean? That means the cost of everything goes up, right? Cost of everything goes up. Hopefully your vigilance goes up. It means that the budget will be busted out again by Congress. They'll love it. They'll put a war bill together. They won't vote on a war. They won't actually go to war with anyone. They'll vote on war bills that are 16,000 pages long and everybody gets a handshake and some pocket money. But what's it mean to you?
Starting point is 00:18:22 War equals off-grid. War equals off-grid war equals off-grid I've been telling you for I don't know how many years now war equals off-grid do you have off-grid survival projects yet? if you don't have
Starting point is 00:18:37 off-grid survival projects or something similar on your bookshelf please prioritize this okay I'll put the link in the description
Starting point is 00:18:44 please prioritize this your life could I'll put the link in the description. Please prioritize this. Your life could be off-grid a lot quicker than you think. If war comes, cyber attack will come to the United States. Whether it's Iran, whether it's Russia, whether it's China, cyber attack will come to the United States in a way that finally will affect people en masse. It's already here, and in some that finally will affect people in mass. It's already here. And in some ways it is affecting people in mass. It's in the pharmaceuticals lately, right? We've seen it. But if they shut the power down for a week, two weeks, a month, forever, that's it. It's over then. You don't hear me anymore. You don't hear anybody on the PBN anymore
Starting point is 00:19:27 unless you bought our archives. I stopped pushing that, but we can sell you archives. We can sell you a little USB with the PBN archives on it. It's not a bad call. Probably a good idea to have. on it. It's not a bad call. Probably a good idea to have. But, you know, books are a thing too, right? Books make sense. So what it means to you is war equals off-grid. What it means to you is it's clear now. The path to stability, the path back to stability is self-sufficiency. You know? One thing I would say is lingering health, dental, wellness, whatever issues, I would highly recommend you get on that in the ASAP. I mean highly recommend.
Starting point is 00:20:28 If you've got a nagging pain, if you've got a surgery, if you've got a thing, if you've got something you need to get in and maybe do a round of massage, just something that needs healing, whatever it is, don't push it off. Get that stuff. It's like you want your vehicle to be in the best shape possible, right? That's what you want right now. So you need to get into that.
Starting point is 00:20:54 You need to get into that frame of mind. You need to take care of those things. You need to write that maintenance down and get it taken care of, period. Or else you're going to regret it. Period. Or else you're going to regret it. You don't want to have... You don't want to need a root canal when the world has been off-grid for two weeks.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Okay? That, you don't want. You don't want that. So take advantage of the gifts of our modern society now while you can, but be prepared to survive without them should that situation come. You know? Yeah, I think that's pretty much it. I think that's pretty much it for One Threat, One Solution.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I want to talk to you guys. What did I want to talk to you guys about? I had an SHTF chef lined up in my head. And what happened to it? It disappeared. Oh, Naukis. Naukis. I wanted to talk to you about Naukis.
Starting point is 00:21:59 How many people are familiar? Anybody? Does anybody know Naukis? Where in the hell is the long pork audio that's okay shtf chef let's do it folks looks like there's some turbulence up ahead to continue found us we are the prepper broadcasting network Broadcasting Network. Act as stability.
Starting point is 00:22:31 The potatoey pasta. The filling potatoey pasta. I don't know how many of you have potatoes in the ground yet. Sweet potatoes. You can do it with both. The gnocchi is one of my favorites. It really is. Yesterday when I visited my mother and father, she had on a pot of gnocchi soup, chicken, carrots, gnocchis, peas, corn, no, just peas.
Starting point is 00:22:58 And I was reminded about them things, man. I'd forgot about them. Lately, I've been eating a lot of straight-up spaghetti, garlic, red chili flake, good shaved Parmesan cheese on top. It's been delicious, wonderful. And today, in my head, I started thinking about back when I used to make potato gnocchi weekly. It was a very posh thing in the restaurants I was working with to make these handmade, hand-rolled potato gnocchi, and it's easy. Something just exploded. Did you hear that? I'm not sure what that was, PBN family. But something legitimately just exploded. Let's hope it's one and done.
Starting point is 00:23:53 I am going to end the broadcast and go see what the hell that was. It wasn't super close. There is several highways my way, so I need to go check and see if neighbors are all right. Because I have no idea what that was, but it was pretty loud. I don't know if you heard it or not. We will reconvene, okay?
Starting point is 00:24:18 My dogs are out back, too. They probably just had a heart attack. Don't worry, I'll check in and let you know everything's okay. But got to go see what the hell that was. All right. Talk to you soon, folks. See ya. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down
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