The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News: Poland OKs Ukrainian Attack Inside Russia
Episode Date: May 29, 2024BECOME A MEMBER TODAY www.pbnfamily.com
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Remember, I'm your friend.
You're listening to PBN.
Your path back to stability. Oh, PBN family.
You ever have those doubting moments?
I should say beware of comfort and convenience.
You better beware of overthinking things.
Good God almighty.
If I could get all the time back that I'd spent overthinking things, you wouldn't believe.
How'd you like my AI assistant?
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Get used to it.
Get used to having somebody telling you what you should and shouldn't listen to,
what you can and cannot listen to.
Get ready to be manipulated into believing that what you're watching
is actually what you want to be watching.
It's wild out there, PBN family.
There's no doubt about it.
I want you to understand you're being flooded, right?
Like an engine.
Literally. shut down.
Your faculties to care are being flooded.
And it's intentional.
It has to be intentional.
There's no way it couldn't be intentional.
There's so much happening.
There's so much going on.
There's so much, you know, it's almost like if you don't have a five-year head start on prepping, I don't even know how you could deal with it all.
I don't know how you could deal with it all. That doesn't mean you shouldn't start in the ASAP.
You know, it doesn't mean you shouldn't get your ass in gear today. If you're new,
I'm gonna, look,, become a member as soon as you're done listening., sign up for membership. You will get hit with a tidal wave. I'll tell you what,
if you sign up for the PBN membership at, and I send you the introductory email, which I do personally to every member. And you email me back and say, I'm new.
I'm just getting started.
I don't know what the hell to do.
I'll schedule like a 15-minute call with you on the house.
This is not a marketing ploy.
This is not me trying to figure out like, you know, a way to get more members. That stuff works and happens on its own. This is me looking out at the landscape and saying to
myself, holy God, the southern border. The story I'm going to tell you about Poland, you might have
read it already. I don't know. You know, World War III in Europe, China surrounding the island of Taiwan, the Middle East, you know,
natural disasters in the United States of America right now, tornadoes in particular, out of control,
recovery, recovery, recovery, debt, the crushing economy, the death of the U.S. dollar,
not even to begin talking about the absolute traitorous king in the White House and his administration
who has weaponized the law and weaponized the Justice Department to take out people just like you and me,
to try to eliminate his political opponent.
It's bananas. Pro-Palestinian riots and protests all over the country.
Right here in Richmond, Virginia, they just stood. Youngkin showed up, Governor Youngkin.
God bless the man. I can't even imagine what Virginia would be,
particularly my area of Virginia would be without Youngkin.
With Wreck-It Ralph Northam in office, I was about to be put in jail.
Literally they were ready to throw me in jail over an AR-15.
So that's my commitment, okay?
If you're new, if you're looking out on this landscape of like,
it reminds me of what the average person must be seeing
is that scene in Take Shelter.
You ever watch that movie Take Shelter?
You should watch it with Michael Shannon, great actor.
Well, you know what?
I can't even tell you that because that's a bit of a spoiler.
Watch the movie.
Go to
Sign up for your membership.
You sign up for a year.
I'll send you an introductory email.
It's $60 to sign up.
If you get back to me from that introductory email, tell me you're brand new,
you don't know what to do, you know, then we'll talk. We'll literally talk, you and me, on the
phone, you know. Get a burner phone if you're nervous, whatever. But we'll talk. We'll put a
quick plan together for you based on, you know, where you're at and that kind of stuff.
for you based on, you know, where you're at and that kind of stuff.
And, you know, this just is what it is, okay?
It is what I can't stand the idea of afraid Americans trying to get by,
trying to live life, trying to do all the things in life that are so hard that have nothing to do with the chaos that's been wrought upon us.
that have nothing to do with the chaos that's been wrought upon us.
And, yeah, man, that's my commitment to you.
Okay, spread the word too.
You know people, new people, tell them I can get you on the phone with this guy and, you know, I'll do the best I can.
You know, if we get a big influx, I'll have to set up a schedule
and stuff like that, whatever it is.
But, you know, some things are worthwhile.
Some things are so worthwhile, it just is what it is.
For those of you out there who are well along, I know many of you.
You guys, you know, populate the ranks of PBN and Element.
You know, a lot of you out there, well-equipped, well-prepared for this moment in time.
You're the whirlwind.
You are the whirlwind.
I don't know if you understand that, but you're the whirlwind.
What I mean by that is when you're out there in the world,
I see, I don't want to, I never know, like, who I can talk about and who I can't talk about,
so I'll just talk about the group of the PBN listeners and members who are out there doing
stuff. But this goes to the host, too. The host of the whirlwind as well.
We have to press the enemy
with our
Our abilities.
Our successes.
You know what I mean?
We have to press the enemy
by showing the people
what they're capable of. You have the people what they're capable of.
You know, you have no idea what you're capable of. And when I say capable of, you might think,
oh, enemy, capability, this guy's talking violence. No, I'm talking independence.
You see, the wildfire of self-sufficiency, the wildfire of preparedness and homesteading and off-grid living and all these kinds of things has caught.
I mean, it's caught.
It's an unstoppable inferno at this point.
They have sown the wind.
They sowed the wind in 2020.
They put you in a locker and told you, cover your face and don't come outside and don't touch people.
And they sowed the wind.
And now we have to make sure that they reap the whirlwind.
Do you understand?
We have to make sure that these tyrants in office and these people who can't get their head out of their ass
or the mask off their face, that they reap the whirlwind. That doesn't mean violence. Trust me, I see the populations of
people in this country and others in Europe in particular, and I am starting to not understand
how we deal with this problem without violence. And I'm talking the problem of literal enemies and defiant people who are completely uninterested in joining the ranks of civil society.
It's getting to a point where I can't even envision a future that is not going to be just heart-wrenching and gut-wrenching.
You know, if not for the citizens of the United States, for the very people who have made
it here or who have come here with nefarious intent.
Now, who cares what the hell happens to them?
But there's a lot of people here who made it here and took a deep sigh, even though
it was illegal.
And everybody's going to wind up getting lumped in.
You know, best case scenario, they all get lumped in by a government organization that flies them out of here.
Worst case scenario, they start getting lumped into groups and taken care of by vigilantes.
Yeah, I mean, what do you think is going to happen?
What do you think is going to happen? What do you think is going to happen?
You think there's going to be prayer sessions of people rolling carpets out to pray to Mecca on I-95,
and everybody's just going to go, that's just fine.
No, it's not going to go that way.
And living conditions are going to go, that's just fine. No, it's not going to go that way.
And living conditions are going to change.
They are currently changing.
You keep the American fat and happy, he'll sit at home and play PlayStation.
If you push him into a corner and take away all his goodies,
then there's going to be violence.
We can be a stopgap to that by empowering people and reminding them.
Like the Hopi elder said, we are the ones we've been waiting for.
We are the ones we've been waiting for. And we have to be. We have to be the ones that we've been waiting for.
And we have to be.
We have to be the ones that we've been waiting for in this time.
What on earth?
Ryan Reynolds, shut your mouth.
God almighty.
I'm trying to read an article to you, and I got Ryan Reynolds in some pop-up ad
hollering at me.
I'm a little mint mobile.
I'm Deadpool.
I don't know the guy, obviously.
He's probably fun.
Ukraine gets green light to strike inside Russia from NATO ally.
So everything I just talked about, all the things that are going on in Europe,
all the things that people are struggling with in the West, in the world at large,
and Poland has given Ukraine the green light to use weapons supplied by Warsaw to strike targets inside the nation of Russia.
Now, some of you out there are going to go, well, what the hell are they supposed to do, dude?
They're being, they've been taken over.
You know, it's not even their being, they've been.
In an interview with Poland's radio Zet, I'm going to do my best here.
In an interview with Poland's radio Zet, I'm going to do my best here.
Cezary Tomczyk, the deputy defense minister, said Warsaw does not apply any restrictions when it comes to the use of Polish weapons by Ukrainians.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned Ukraine against using long-range weapons provided by NATO members to strike his country. He said on Tuesday that doing so could trigger a global
Remember, weapons come from Poland.
They're given to Ukraine.
Ukraine uses them to strike targets in Russia.
Russia says supply lines of these weapons have to be stopped because we're getting bombed or
whatever you know he's got two two choices we stop our invasion and pull out or we attack Poland
and attacking Poland is attacking NATO and is attacking you know one attack on NATO is an attack
on all now the problem with NATO lately and I don't know what's going on in the background but
it doesn't seem and at least we're not being made aware of it and we should be it doesn't seem like we're talking about these things
I'm not getting any news stories about Joe Biden met with Macron and met with the you know the
David Cameron and none of this stuff none all we get the general public is stories like these all the french are
going to send soldiers all the polish might say they're sending weapons and you can
there's a tint of desperation in nato right now and i don't know what it is i don't know
you know i'm not on the ground over there i don't know and i don't spend a ton of time
reading up on the conditions it seems to me me like Russia has gotten what it wants,
and it's keeping it. And I don't think we're going to do much about it. I don't think there's much
we can do about it. And even if we gave it back, how many men have been lost? How many people have
left the nation for good? Look, you can't have countries like Russia invade a nation and take half of it and say, done.
But at the same time, man, at a time like this, the United States has to be better strategically.
And they have to understand that the threat they're facing is China.
Internally, externally, infrastructurally, cyber warfare, the whole nine yards.
And they need Russia as an ally.
What better ally to have against China than the next door neighbor, the nuclear armed next door neighbor, right?
I mean, it's largely why relations are probably so hard to affect in a positive way.
China, there's no way China would want to see Russia be buddy-buddy with us.
Just is what it is, folks. Just is what it is. So, I don't know. I'm thinking a more non-traditional layout for PBN Daily News today.
That's kind of a one-threat, one-solution right there.
I don't want to go into any more threats because I've already hit you with enough doom and gloom to give you heart palpitations.
Up at, the website the website
i made an improvement that has been a long time in in the making our search bar font has been set
to translucent transparent um since we started the website i didn't know what was wrong with it
i couldn't figure it out um but I finally got it fixed.
So now at, you can go search your favorite shows.
You can go search specific topics.
I didn't really realize that it hadn't been working,
and then once I realized it wasn't working, I couldn't figure out how to fix it.
So, the search bar,
you can now see what you're searching.
So have fun with that.
You know, we've got 5,000 shows here at PBN.
It's absolutely outrageous, the amount of shows we have.
Everything you could want to prep, think about prepping, so on and so forth.
You know, you have to take action at this point.
There's really no option.
Do you know what I mean?
There are going to be things that happen, and you have to be ready for them.
Whatever that looks like for you.
You know, if you like to listen to us from time to time, that's fine.
If you're a diehard, we love you.
We appreciate you.
We do our best to bring you information on how to be prepared for these things.
You know?
Right now, in my heart of hearts,
Right now, in my heart of hearts, really to me it seems like food production is very important.
It seems to me like legal protection is very important.
I talked about this years ago.
I talked about this back, the attacks on Americans.
You know, if we're slowly slipping into this phase of American history where we have to deal with the problems on the streets. And fundamentally, that's what it feels like to me more than anything,
is the public decided, or some small group of idiots and politicians in the public
decided we'll defund the police because they're mean and racist.
And they didn't look two steps ahead to see that, oh, once we defund the police,
oh, not only that, we'll defund the police, we'll allow homeless everywhere, we will have no solution for the crazy people of our society whatsoever, we'll just let them wander around.
And they couldn't see two moves ahead that that means that, well, then all that's left is for the American people to do their lives and figure out how to deal with them.
And some of those cases are going to go nuclear, right?
Like Mr. Penny on the subway, right, who's now going to be probably carted off to jail for killing the insane black dude who was accosting everybody on the subway.
insane black dude who was accosting everybody on the subway because his mayor and his governor and so on and so forth the leadership of the state left it up to the average person to deal with
the threats and to me that's what it looks like guys so you know there's a tap out time period
where it's like we're staying home now we going to stay home until they get this under control. If they don't get this under control, then we'll take things even further. your life. And if you get caught in, if you get caught up in dealing with one of these
refuse, then you have to, you know, you have to protect yourself and your family.
And that's from a training and fundamental standpoint, but it's also from a legalese
standpoint, guys. You know what I mean? Food production on property,
self-defense protection and training,
and I think most important of all
for those of you out there who have
the means and the capability,
you have to spread the word.
We have to empower the average American
so that they don't think they're trapped in this nation.
They don't think that they're trapped in a situation where they're helpless.
They have to see what other humans like them are capable of.
Small plots.
See, this is why, to me, suburban and small land prepping and homesteading
is so important. You know, like I, like as much as anybody else, I like to watch videos.
I don't really watch that many videos like this actually, but I can appreciate a guy with 30
acres who, you know, homeschools the kids and walks around his property with them and lives
that life that's cool that's good um but you don't you don't 360 million americans can't live that
way do you know what i mean 300 million people are never going to live that way
so the importance of people doing things in small spaces doing things in suburban areas
is it's just it's everything right now because we have to give people the confidence and the
awakening so that they can realize oh okay i thought my backyard was too small to grow these
things and raise these things and i never thought myself capable of this kind of stuff,
but now I know I am capable.
PBN Family is going to be a distressing show tonight, okay?
I want to talk about America under attack.
I want to talk about America under attack. I want to talk about the timeline. I want to talk about the attacks. I want to talk about the things that are happening in our nation right now.
people who are doing these things that seem uncoordinated.
Maybe they aren't coordinated.
Maybe they won't be coordinated.
But maybe they are.
Maybe we're testing.
Maybe our enemies are testing a number of different things right now.
We just don't know.
But one thing I do know is that no one has the balls to tell you your nation is under attack and the war is in the United States of America mainland.
Now, defining that war, hammering that war down, saying, aha, it's China, aha, it's Russia, aha, it's radical Islam.
This is asymmetric stuff, man.
You know what I mean?
There's a good chance everybody's vying for different things.
Everybody's taking different steps.
But it all funnels down to you having to deal with it. So I want to talk about that tonight on the I Am Liberty Show, okay? I'll be live 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Don't miss
the I Am Liberty Show. New preppers, take me up on what I talked about at the beginning of the
podcast. Go to and sign up up when you get your introductory email written by me.
Let me know that you're new, and I'll get you on the horn.
And we'll have a quick call, just a quick call, and work a path out, right?
Work your path to stability out.
It's the best I can do for you.
You know what I mean?
I'll talk to you guys soon, all right? Stay safe. Prep on. You's the best I can do for you. You know what I mean? I'll talk to you guys soon. All right.
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