The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News: Prepared Not Scared March 15th 2024
Episode Date: March 15, 2024
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You're listening to PBN.
Your path back to stability. Happy Friday, PBN family.
Welcome in.
Tis PBN Daily News.
It's Friday.
We made it.
We made it another one.
We made it another one. We got, I don't know, we got stories, you know what I mean? We got things going on.
Former Air Force nuclear missile operations officer on Twitter yesterday thought it a good idea to say,
We could vaporize 45 million Russians in an hour's time if Putin wants, you know, that whole thing, the whole back and forth thing.
And it got me to thinking about, you know, how much influence does social media really have in things that matter. In other words, I guess the big question is,
if social media can start and sustain a culture war,
can it start and sustain a nuclear one, right?
In other words, if we have the leadership of the United States poking and prodding at Putin,
and then you have all these talking heads and ex-military and ex-this and ex-that on ex,
poking and prodding.
I don't know. How does that end?
How does this story end, PBN family?
That's fundamentally the question.
There's great influence in social media you better believe
it you know it's not just funny videos amazing things happen over there it's been lucrative for
me there's no denying that you know the amount of people you have follow you and the influence
that you have in your given field is a thing it has an effect. Yeah. That's the deal. So all that aside, and don't forget
nuclear war prepared, not scared. All right,, go get it. This is our olive
branch to all. It's a free PDF. We don't take your email and hide it and hold on to it
so we can send you a Mountain House ads for affiliate income, okay?
We don't take any information from you at all.
You go to, you get the e-book,
Nuclear War Prepared, Not Scared, and you read it.
And it's written not by a missile and nuclear operations officer.
It's written by a major in the Army, okay?
A guy who taught nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare for, you know, a couple decades.
Nothing big.
Well, actually, if you count civilian, then it's even longer, right?
So, you know, we didn't put that thing out.
I just want you all to understand we didn't put that thing out for sales.
We didn't put that thing out for accolades.
We didn't put that thing out for people to write us emails and say what great people we are.
Dave Jones and I sat down and talked about the fact that, you know, two years ago now, Putin was invading Ukraine.
And he was saying NATO better not get involved or the nukes are coming.
Now, he hasn't been true to his word with that.
But we were concerned.
And we knew that there was no information coming out of our government that was going to help the American people get prepared for that.
So we said, look, the best we can do.
What's the best that we can do?
We can take your unbelievable knowledge.
We can put it into 16 or some odd questions to be answered.
And we can create this document for people to read.
Nuclear war prepared, not scared.
document for people to read. Nuclear War Prepared, Not Scared. If you read it and you fall in love with it and you feel like, wow, I'm so glad I got this book for free, become a member. Yeah,
just become a member. It's not a big deal. It's not a big investment. There's a ton of
information there, nuclear preparedness and otherwise, that you can take advantage of.
nuclear preparedness and otherwise that you can take advantage of.
You know, we have our annual preparedness master schedule over there.
We have the Ultimate Preppers Group Calorie Homestead Spreadsheet,
which is, I mean, that thing right there is probably worth the cost of admission.
We have the food storage calories per five-gallon bucket sheet that I did the math and wrote up for you guys.
This was just,
it just is exactly what it says. You know, you have a five gallon bucket of rice and next to it,
you have a five gallon bucket of flour and next to it, you, what does all that mean? Calorie wise?
I did the math and got all the calories together for you so that you can look at your food storage and say, okay, here's where I'm at with calories. Divide it by your family, you know, multiply the number of people in your family by
two, which is 2,000 calories per person, and then divide all of your food into that number.
How many days of food do you got? How many weeks get access to you know prepper fit and health bushcraft for preppers the cubicle
escape plan podcast hammer talk the bug out series the growing list of membership discounts
the self-reliance courses which are free to you members right strategic relocation for suburban survival
free go go do it today 21st century home security with dave jones the nbc guy free go do it today
become a forager today three separate courses you can take them all today if you're a member
you could take them free it's 60 bucks for the year okay 60 bucks five bucks a month five bucks a month to become a
member here at pbn you get access to all that and our you know how many pages of membership content
do we have we have i don't know you know we've got 46 pages but i don't count 46 pages because
we got nuked by youtube and they took some of our videos away.
So probably 20, 25 pages, something like that.
We just released a DIY off-grid air conditioner build that I think is pretty cool.
Our members march routine breakdown podcast.
The hydroponic setup I'm using right now to grow kale on my front porch.
You know, a lot of stuff. Some more intimate stuff. A Rifle Dream,
which is a podcast that I only shared with members. Gorilla Tactics, DIY Food Security Network,
the full broadcast of that, which is our latest course. Tons of stuff, man. Shortages, what to
really stock up on from January 23rd.
World War of Attrition.
I don't even remember what that podcast was about,
but it was only for our members.
Oh, my 30-year soup for food storage recipe.
You want to can up some soup over the weekend that'll last for 30 years?
I got a recipe for you, and it's a good one, man.
So yeah, you know, do what you will.
Do what you will.
If this is a big deal, you're in the right place, okay? You're surrounded by the right people.
Carl B will be on later today and he's going to be doing his thing. He's got another unbelievable show for you. Carl B is just, you know, he's one of those guys, man. He just, I don't know how to explain it.
You know, you find certain people in a life
that you probably would have never run into otherwise,
and they become these incredible people.
Let's cue it up.
I'm trying to see the full title here.
Details and Activity.
You can actually hear the intro music.
The coolest intro music of all, man.
I'm looking for the full title of this thing.
Carl B. is a writer,
so he makes these titles on podcasts that are immense.
This is the best I can get you.
The Strange Truth, Nuclear War Soon.
Another episode of The Strange Truth.
A deep analysis of the dot, dot, dot.
So, he says this one is a deep analysis
Of whether we will have to deal with a nuclear war soon
That was his personal message to me
You know
Maybe I was meant to do this primer
With the nuclear war stuff
I don't know
I think it's time
PBN family
Do we get into one threat, one solution.
What do you say?
Let me bring the gray man brief up.
And let's do this thing, shall we?
You know, the real pain in my ass when it comes to the one threat, one solution is some days things are so big that one threat just doesn't seem enough.
And that's today's Gray Man Brief FYSA summary of recent developments.
There's a lot. There's a lot.
There's a lot here, you know.
The one that I want to talk about is the U.S. national debt is rising $1 trillion every 100 days.
Wrap your head around that real quick, you know.
Like there was a time when the U.S.
I don't even want to go down that path.
$1 trillion every 100 days do you have any idea what you can fix on in the nation on the planet with one trillion dollars one time this is not one billion this is one trillion right
let me let me just it's good to go with these.
Crazy facts about $1 trillion.
Yeah, there you go.
There are some of these things that are so... I don't know if I'm going to get into it right.
But there are some of these things that tell you
the difference between a billion and a trillion.
You could buy a $1,000 iPhone for 1 billion people with a trillion dollars.
Then that makes sense because it's 1,000 billions, right?
Over 4 million average homes in the U.S. could be purchased if you had a total of $1 trillion.
So we have a housing crisis in the U.S., right?
We have a housing crisis because people with trillions of dollars keep buying all the damn houses.
There are currently only 16 countries in the entire world with GDP over $1 trillion.
They're cool, but I like the ones where they tell you
if you had a billion dollars, you could stack it in your hand
and it would go a certain amount high,
and then if you had a trillion dollars, it would go to the sun.
They're good.
Oh, here it is.
The AI got it for me.
If you were to stack One trillion one dollar bills
The pie would reach nearly from the earth
To the sun
Imagine a military jet flying at the speed of sound
Unspooling a roll of dollar bills
Behind it
It would take 14 years
Flying at that speed
The speed of sound for that jet to reel out $1 trillion.
We're doing that every 100 days.
The dollar, there's no way the dollar can survive that.
This is the alternative everything concept.
This is the self-reliance and independence concept.
This is when it does finally break.
Or if we don't, we have to,
I warn you about this all the time,
we have to stop waiting for the big snap.
We have to understand that things could creep.
The creep we could be in right now
Gas prices going back up
It's all in a whisper
Because they can't say it out loud
Because Biden is the greatest president ever
Inflation is creeping back up
Gas prices creeping back up
You know they have to whisper it
Everybody's working and making a million dollars a year
Thanks to Joe Biden.
Gas prices are creeping inflation. You know what I mean? I believe that what will get most people
is the creep. I do believe that. I think that's where we're at. I think we might ward off the
World War III nuclear warfare nightmare.
I don't think we're going to ward off some form of World War III.
I mean, we're kind of in a form of World War III already, right?
But I do think it is this creeping invasion, this creeping treason.
Remember I told you months ago, treason, bring him up on treason, bring Biden up on
treason, treason, treason, treason. Now we know. We're hearing reports now that he sold, you know,
atomic energy secrets to China. You didn't hear it? You'll hear about it. Give it time. It'll be
everywhere. Oh, everybody have their hand over their mouth. Oh my God, I don't believe it. Not
Joe. All the, you know, the creeping invasion,
the creeping violence, the creeping crime, the creeping prices of survival, the creeping price
of survival, the creeping price of what they call the cost of living, right? This sort of creep
is what's being used to crush America and the West in large part.
It really is.
It's a creeping attack.
It's not a Pearl Harbor.
It's a creeping attack.
You know what I mean?
So what you have to do is you have to recognize that there are clouds on the horizon.
And they're moving very, very slowly, you know?
And now's the time to get your house in order.
Now's the time to make sure that you're producing some kind of food.
Now's the time to get yourself in a situation where you know
if tomorrow all the good things that we love about society were gone,
or if all of a sudden you find yourself in a bracket
where, oh, the income that I have doesn't line up
with the things I need to pay and the things I need to survive,
that you can say, well, that's okay,
because we've got other options, right?
Whatever they look like.
They might look like a garden.
They might look like chickens.
They might look like goats.
They might look like a relationship with farmers at your local farmer's market.
Stop with the excuses.
I don't have enough room to grow a garden.
You don't need to have enough room to grow a garden.
You need to know if you don't have enough room to grow a garden
and you think that's a good move for where we're at.
And on top of that, you decide, you know, therefore I have no options.
Just go to a farmer's market, man.
They're everywhere.
Get on a mailing list.
Get on a calling list.
Get a business card.
Get a phone number.
Be clear with them.
I want to buy my produce from you.
I want to be a part of your farm.
I want to invest in your farm, maybe.
Whatever it is. Develop that relationship now
You know what I mean?
And then you're in good shape
Enough of the nonsense guys
If you're all out there with your binoculars
Looking off into the distance
For that mushroom cloud
Then you're not going to realize
That the tendrils and the vines
of this slow, slogging attack
on America and the West
has wrapped itself around your legs already
and now you're stuck.
Now you're trapped
and you're getting pulled down into the bog.
And it keeps rising and rising and rising.
All because what?
Because you were looking for the Hollywood prepper scenario.
You were looking for the big apocalyptic jump off.
One foot in front of the other.
If you put one foot in front of the other
from now until the end of the year,
you will be a completely different person.
You will be on a totally different plane of preparedness. If you
listen to us here at PBN, become a PBN member, follow the PBN routines month to month, and listen,
for all of you out there who are angry at yourself for not following the routines, I haven't touched
the PBN routine in the last two days. I missed everything. It's not about being perfect. It's
about going after it when you can do it.
It's about giving it your best shot.
Your best shot doesn't mean perfect.
But if you do those things,
if you follow the guidance,
if you fill out the spreadsheets that we offer you,
if you do these things, man,
you will be ready.
If not ready, you will be prepared to survive the worst of it.
You understand? It's just a matter of resource and training and positioning.
It's not to say that you can survive everything forever,
but I guarantee you when the rest of the world is panicking and freaking out,
you won't be.
So, you know, ask yourself what you want out of your life.
What do you want to do? What do you want to be? What do you want to have?
You know, things could certainly get better.
Don't underestimate American ingenuity.
Don't underestimate America ever in our ability to
change the entire world. You cannot underestimate that. You know, we took our foot off the gas
pedal and let the lunatics in the colleges take control of the country for a mere four years.
They've banned the police, broken the border. I mean, what they've done is monumental, largely.
broken the border. I mean, what they've done is monumental, largely.
They've had a lot of help, but never underestimate the power of the driven American and freedom at its, you know, at its highest RPMs. You know, scientists out of, shoot, I forget. It wasn't
American scientists, but it was scientists nonetheless. Or it could have been.
Anyway, you've been worried about microplastics, nanoplastics, right?
Let me bring this story up real quick because it's worth talking about.
What are we going to do about microplastics?
We've been worried about it.
We've been thinking to ourselves, there's no way we're going to be able to deal with this problem. We're all going to die. Everyone's going to die. The whole thing,
everyone's dead. Because that's the way we get, right? We're like, oh, there's problems,
and it's over for us. We get stuck in this idea. Is this the story? Scientists can now remove microplastics from our water with 94% efficiency.
Do you understand?
It's like that.
That's what science and technology...
That's why people should be most pissed about what's happening in colleges.
Trans this, trans that, kill the Jews, you know, all this kind of nonsense
that's being yelled out by the youth of America today, they're making mistakes that they're going
to look back upon and go, oh, it was an idiot. They're also sort of emboldening some of the
most evil people in our society right now, which is different than it was before.
in our society right now, which is different than it was before.
But at the end of the day, the real cost and what we really have to be worried about is research, researchers at universities.
All of this brush fire of culture has to keep its distance from the people who do the things
that change the course of humanity, that sustain humanity.
University of Waterloo researchers have created a new technology that can remove harmful microplastics from contaminated water with 94% efficiency.
Do you understand the gravity of something like that?
First of all, to recognize this is what humanity does now.
We're really good at it. It's not always great. It's what humanity does now. We're really good at it.
It's not always great. It's not always perfect, but we're really good at going,
this is a serious problem. And then researchers and scientists go,
okay, well, let's figure out how to fix it. And then quicker and quicker and quicker, we go,
okay, we got it. We could do it. Rationally designed plastics
not only can be a part of the solution
to reduce climate change,
but can have a positive impact
to the economic development.
No, that's not what I wanted to read you.
Using a process called thermal decomposition,
the researchers converted epoxy
into activated carbon,
a material capable of removing nanoplastics.
Did I just see out of the corner of my eye?
That was so weird.
I was looking out in my backyard and I swore I saw something jump the fence.
I thought it was some sort of predator.
The researchers then used the activated carbon to treat the water contaminated by nanoplastics
after producing nanoplastics from the polyethylene terephthalate,
a form of polyester often used in plastic water bottles and clothing, such as fleece.
These tiny contaminants, the 94% removal efficiency of the nanoplastics was achieved
by physically trapping the nanoplastics in the porous structure of the waste plastic which generated activated carbon.
So, you know, it's a water filter. It's an activated charcoal water filter.
It's just a better one. You know, build a better mousetrap. You know the deal.
All right, folks. I got to go talk to Instagram next. I got to talk to members today.
We got all kinds of stuff to do today,
and I still have a ton of writing work to get done,
so I'm going to get out of here.
I'll leave you with something.
I'll leave you with a little something.
Yeah, a little something to consider.
A little section on words, okay?
How about that?
We'll do a little section on words.
You'll enjoy it.
It comes from one relatively well-known writer.
He wrote a few things of note.
His name is William Shakespeare.
Looks like there's some turbulence up ahead.
It's a good thing you found us.
We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. To grunt and sweat under a weary life, but that the dread of something after death,
the undiscovered country from whose born no traveler returns,
puzzles the will and makes us rather bear those ills we have
than fly to others we know not of.
Doth conscience make cowards of us all?
Enjoy your day, PBN family.
Read your Shakespeare, huh?
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Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy.