The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News - Question: Are cyberattacks a blessing in disguise?

Episode Date: April 18, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. You're playing back the stability. One big question for you this morning, PBN family, and we are here bright and early. This may be the first PBN Daily News in all of history that did not involve a coffee. Cough, no coffee. One big question for you this morning. Are cyber attacks a blessing? We'll get into that a little later in
Starting point is 00:00:54 details in our One Threat, One Solution, but I want you to roll that around in your mind this morning. It's clear that we've entered a phase in our society where cyber attacks are just You know, they're another thing we have to get used to Unlike sort of like street mobs and civil unrest
Starting point is 00:01:16 Things that we can handle with the police Without military I don't know that Or some kind of serious IT intervention, internet security, I don't know. These things are going to happen, right? Not every company is set up to deal with it. Not every state-level agency is set up to deal with it.
Starting point is 00:01:39 And when it comes to hacking, I don't even know if anybody's set up to deal with it, to be honest with you. It just seems like these guys are going to find a way. These countries are going to find a way. You know, you get cyberattacked by China all the time. It's just so weird that these things happen. They just happen. Oh, China's cyberattacking the border again.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Texas. Huh? What? War? Anything? I mean, I didn't make that up. That's the thing. Texas water overflow cyber attack. Russia. Oh, sorry. Russia. Got it wrong.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Russian-backed hacking group linked to cyber attack on Texas water tank 15 hours ago, right? This is not the one threat, one solution. It's another hacking situation I want to talk about that also happened yesterday. So it's important to understand, you know what I mean? These are things, these are things that are going to continue to happen. The Texas water facility resulted in a tank at the Texas water facility overflowing. these are things. These are things that are going to continue to happen. The Texas water facility resulted in a tank at the Texas water facility overflowing. This was identified by experts from the U.S. Cybersecurity Forum.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Mandiant. Mandiant. The Mandalorian. I don't know how to pronounce it. So we find ourselves in this situation, folks. This is life. What I always talk about is this is the chapter. It's this chapter.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Your life is broken up into chapters. It's not just one big beginning and one big ending. But there are chapters. And some chapters you read them and you're like, oh my God, this is the best chapter in my book. And then some chapters you're like, how long does this garbage chapter go on for? This chapter sucks. And in terms of cyber attack and civil unrest and all these sort of degrading societal indicators. Yeah, we're in it, baby.
Starting point is 00:03:48 We're in that chapter. But I ask you, are they a blessing in disguise? Because if nothing's secure and everything is being hacked in the digital world, well, it forces you like it's forced me to look around and go like, okay, how much time and how much investment
Starting point is 00:04:12 should we make in this digital world that is at the fingertips of any hacker? How much should we integrate with technology? And in a time like this, PBN family, we look out into the world. And I'm going to read to you something from Khalil Gibran, the great wordsmith about spring. Because you look outside and you go, you know, there's a lot of rewards out there, man. There's a lot of good stuff out there.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Maybe less time in front of the screen, more time out there. What do you think? Let's get into cyber attack number two on the day from our friends, the Gray Man Brief, One Threat, One Solution. Let's do it. gray man briefing sponsored not sponsored i mean aligned with i'll tell you what the gray man briefing um had looks like about 10 or 12 new people join their group over there just yesterday. People waking up. I get a lot of metrics of people waking up in different ways.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Where are we at? Las Vegas 911 service outage reported 1025 p.m. Update. Many parts of Nebraska are now reporting 911 outage, 1114 p.m. Update number three. Isolated 911 outages are being reported in Texas, Florida, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and Massachusetts. Debrief. We have only verified the outage in Texas, Nevada, South Dakota, and Nebraska.
Starting point is 00:06:08 The assumption is obviously a cyber attack. Please do not call 911 to verify if it functions. Just make sure you have direct phone numbers to your local emergency services. Update four. There are now reports that a fiber line was cut causing the outage. Seems convenient. I don't know how fiber lines work, so I might be wrong on it being a cyber attack.
Starting point is 00:06:33 But that's one hell of a line. That's one hell of a line running from Texas, Nevada, to South Dakota and Nebraska, right? Seems suspect to me. Not to mention that initial reports were massive, right? Where's the big report? Texas, Florida, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and Massachusetts. Florida, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:07:09 And then only Texas, Nevada, South Dakota, and Nebraska were verified. And then the very last thing, update four, there now reports that a fiber line was cut causing the outage. I don't know if I buy it. It sounds a lot like cyber attack to me. So one threat, one solution. This is something that I realized some time ago, which was sometimes you call 911, it doesn't pick up. Sometimes you call 911 and it doesn't pick up right away. Now, I haven't gone at it. I don't have stats for you personally,
Starting point is 00:07:43 but I have called 911 here. Thank God it wasn't for anybody I cared about, but I have called over serious problems. Car wrecks and never got through. I've called the non-emergency number before and not gotten through. Car was on fire, but I did call back and get someone. through car was on fire but i did call back and get someone um this is where not only you know we i like you like to jump into self-defense skills you like to jump into first aid skills and the like but this is where you need to have a game plan.
Starting point is 00:08:28 It's the pace of 9-1-1. That's what it is. You guys know pace. Primary, alternate, contingency, emergency. Oh, look, Chin just hit me with the 9-1-1 emergency service outages report. How about that? You need a pace plan for emergency services. Okay, primary, alternate, contingency, emergency.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Primary is 911. We have an emergency. Then you have to look over your area. You have to look over your area and answer these questions. Look over yourself, look over your skill set, and so on. What do I do if my child is injured severely, and I call 911 for an ambulance and nobody picks up? Or... Do people even know that noise anymore?
Starting point is 00:09:18 What do you do? You better have some kind of backup plan, you know, and I hope it's not go get the scalpel because that's the wrong plan. But there are urgent cares. There are emergency rooms, right? I don't know how far you are from those facilities. There are maybe there are people, capable people you could call to your home. Maybe you know someone, and this isn't a bad idea. I can't say that I have this
Starting point is 00:09:47 kind of connection, but maybe you know someone who is in the 911 fielding of calls, right? Or maybe you know someone who drives an ambulance for a living, or maybe you know a medic, or maybe, you know what I mean? So, and the same is true of violence and crime, right? You need a pace set up for that. Primary, alternate, contingency, emergency. 911 is not working. What's alternate? The P is not working.
Starting point is 00:10:16 It's time to go to the alternate. It's time to go to the contingency. It's time to go to the emergency, right? This is the state of affairs, folks. This is the state of affairs, folks. This is the state of affairs. All you need to do is open up a notebook, open up a document that you can print out and stick in your survival or prepping or emergency binder, and write down your primary, alternate, contingency, and emergency for each. primary, alternate, contingency, and emergency for each.
Starting point is 00:10:47 You know, if your alternate is the nearby hospital, call direct, write the number down, write the ER number down, you know, that kind of stuff. If your alternate or contingency is an urgent care, write the phone number down, directions, all that kind of stuff, and have that information there so you know. I turn to page 10 in my emergency binder. That way, even if the Internet's down, I can make a phone call. If the Internet's down and the phone lines are down, well, I've got directions. So that's it. That's it.
Starting point is 00:11:24 I wish I could tell you something better. I wish I could give you some news outside of be ready, be prepared. You know? I don't have any long pork stories for you today. I don't have any any SHTF chef for you this morning. I guess I could whip something up on the fly, but I'd rather not do that.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I'd rather not do that. Let me give you two quick updates, then we'll do our words segment. I've gotten some great information and some great books from Rick Austin that we're going to add to our new e-book that's about to come out. 100 books you must read to survive the collapse. Awesome collection of books. You guys are going to love it. It's going to be free.
Starting point is 00:12:18 We are going to harvest your e-mail. We're not going to harvest your organs, but we are going to harvest your e-mail. Many of you within the sound of my voice already have, already on the mailing list. So not going to be your organs but we are going to harvest your email many of you within the sound of my voice already have already on the mailing list so not going to be a big deal for you um all that said all that said we got some we got some real winners man i, it is turning into the ultimate sort of prepper library. So that update number one, I don't know, a couple weeks, something like that, turn around on that. Yesterday I received the, and the members, you guys saw it.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Sorry I didn't put up our member podcast yesterday, but you saw the cover. You saw the book itself. You saw the mock-up for the world of Ready. And that book is complete, baby. That book is finished. And the illustrator was a mad woman. She was an absolute superstar and created the world of already in a way that I couldn't even have imagined it. And now it comes down to us getting one of these books in the hands of every kid in America, if not the world, right? I mean, these books are preparedness manuals. They're fun preparedness manuals for children.
Starting point is 00:13:41 And I don't know, you know, you always feel like you could have done more in terms of society right you look around at society and it's like what's happening what should i have done i don't know what i do know is uh we can prepare these kids these kids can grow up in a world that is much more aware of self-reliance and independence and much more aware of emergency and disaster preparedness. And, you know, this concept of preparing for things like wildfires, which is what our first book is about, is a subject that I think any parent can understand and appreciate. You know, there's no partisan stuff. These aren't, this isn't a Tuttle Twins book. You know, we're not trying to convert any kid into any political ideology.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Not that I don't favor certain political ideologies. That just wasn't the goal of the book. The goal of the book was to be fun, colorful, crazy, magical, and give a kid something to do that could better prepare them for emergencies and disasters. And I'm telling you, we've achieved that in all the best ways. So that should be coming out by the end of the month. Any and all support and help you can give me with that in order to share it out to social media, in order to get it into the hands of your children's school or groups that your children participate in that have to
Starting point is 00:15:16 do with literature and books, reach out to me. Let me know. I'll get you some sort of an author's copy or something like that, if that will help, if that will facilitate, right? Because I really am interested in this thing spreading far and wide, you know? So let's do words, then I've got to hit the road. Looks like there's some turbulence up ahead. It's a good thing you found us. We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Your path, act as stability.
Starting point is 00:15:58 The dawn of spring has unfolded the garment concealed by the winter night, and the peach tree and the apple wear it, adorned as brides on the night of power the vines are awakened their tendrils entwined like the embrace of lovers streams run and leap among the rocks singing songs of reducing the flowers are bursting forth from the heart of nature as foam from the crest of sea waves this is from the crest of sea waves. This is from The Life of Love, and this is the section about spring. Come, my beloved, let me drink of the last rain's tears from Narcissus' cups and make full our spirits of the joyful songs of birds. Let us breathe the scent of the breeze
Starting point is 00:16:41 and sit by yonder rock where hides the violet and give and take of love's kisses. Breathe the scent of the breeze and sit by yonder rock where hides the violet. And give and take of love's kisses. Now remember, everything that Khalil Gibran talks about in that little section about spring is almost impossible to steal away from you. It is completely impossible to cyber attack that right you can't cyber attack spring and a sit on yonder rock to share love's kisses but these are the diamonds of life don't lose sight of that p PBN family and all this prepping that we do and all this concern that we have and all this worry in this world of hyper anxiety. Never forget that, you know, probably no more than 20 steps away from you is the real world.
Starting point is 00:17:42 is the real world. And it's a beautiful world right now. So get out in it, right? Take somebody. Take somebody with whom you can walk hand in hand and enjoy the spring, all right? Talk to you guys soon, folks. It's James Walton with PBN Daily News. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly
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