The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News Resurrection, Cyber Attacks on US Water Systems March 20th, 2024

Episode Date: March 20, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. Your path back to stability. What of your resurrection, PBN family? Welcome in. It is the spring season. It is the rebirth. It is the celebration of Easter, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in our lives. Timeless sacrifice and resurrection. Celebration of Easter, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in our lives, timeless sacrifice and resurrection. And I ask you, what chapter are you in in your life? What are you going to do with your resurrection?
Starting point is 00:01:00 When you rise from the ashes of what you are now, what is it that you want to become? You see, resurrection is fundamental in life, the recreation of oneself. You think you're always going to be the person that you are today. You tend to think that your life is going to be the same as it always has been, right? Even though you've gone through tremendous change in your own life and so on and so forth. What I challenge you to do is to begin to craft that next chapter of your life because no matter how much you think you're the same person you're always going to be, no matter how much you think you're always going to struggle with those same problems
Starting point is 00:01:41 that you've always struggled with, you're never going to figure a way out of this situation. Your spouse is always going to treat you this way. Your kids are always going to treat you that way. Your boss is always going to treat you this way. Everything changes. Everything changes. Every chapter in your life has a beginning and an ending. And this time of the year is a time for you to say, you know, what do I want to be?
Starting point is 00:02:09 What do I want to do with my time on this earth? And to start taking those steps. Taking those steps. Some chapters in life we are able to craft from beginning to end. Right? Some chapters in life we can demand an ending. Some things in life are out of our control, and those dark chapters can go on and on and on and on,
Starting point is 00:02:40 seemingly unending chapters. You know? And you're wondering, God, I hope this next paragraph is the last paragraph. This chapter sucks! But when it comes to your resurrection, when it comes to being the person you want to be day in and day out, doing the things you want to do, creating life, you know, using the compass of your desires to change the direction of your life, man, that's doable. That's doable.
Starting point is 00:03:07 And you just have to come to the conclusion that you're going to do it. And no better time to make those changes than right here and now. Do you know what I mean? Now, I try, I for a long time have thought that I could lay the information at your feet and you'd take it and run with it. But I realize that preparedness is much like fitness. There are some of you out there who excel. There are some of you out there who excel at both. But many of you out there struggle to get that one foot in front of the other, to get that motivation, to make that motivation, turn that motivation and that information into real success, right? That's why we decided to create the routines for 2024,
Starting point is 00:03:55 to give you a guideline of things that you can do each and every day if you can compel yourself to do it. But I know so many people and I hear so many people talk about how life, this is the way life is. This is the way it's always going to be. This is who I am. And I just want you to understand, there have been iterations of James Walton over the years. So different from each other. Priorities so drastically changed. other, priorities so drastically changed, lifestyle so drastically changed, that I'm not telling you something that I read somewhere or I heard on a podcast. I'm
Starting point is 00:04:35 telling you things that have happened in my real life, you know? You make choices, you see the world for what it is, and preppers are better at that than anyone. You have got a better grip on this life than anyone around you in most cases. It's a holistic approach to looking at the world, and preppers just have a better point of view. They have a better vision. You know what I mean? I mean, the nature of what you do, the nature of what you learn about and read about, it covers all bases. And it's largely solution-based.
Starting point is 00:05:13 That's the difference. You know, if you're a commentator, then you're looking for things to commentate on. And your commentary becomes the goal. and your commentary becomes the goal. If you're a prepper, you're looking most of the time at what is coming over the horizon and then acting. And we're going to talk about that today on One Threat, One Solution. So let's go there with the Gray Man Brief. Let's get into it.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Brought to you by the Gray Man Briefing. National Security Bluff, National Security Advisor and EPA warn of urgent significant cyber threats to the U.S. water sector. This is real. These things that once used to be the highlights in the headlines of prepper fiction, prepper blogs, and so on, they're here. The White House's National Security Advisor and the Environmental Protection Agency issued a letter to all U.S. state governors to warn infrastructure industry heads of a, quote, urgent need to safeguard water sector critical infrastructure against cyber threats. Urgent need. The EPA advised that disabling cyber attacks are striking water and wastewater systems throughout the United States. I need to read that again. The EPA advised that, quote, disabling cyber attacks are striking water
Starting point is 00:07:03 and wastewater systems throughout the United States, saying, quote, these attacks carried out by countries and criminals have the potential to disrupt the critical lifeline of clean and safe drinking water, as well as impose significant costs on affected communities. DPA has launched a task force to, quote, identify the most significant vulnerabilities of water systems to cyber attacks. It's a lot. The letter highlighted Iran, China, and other state, non-state actors as posing, quote, significant risk that cyber attacks pose for mission-critical water utility operations. Vault Typhoon is mentioned.
Starting point is 00:07:43 The People's Republic of China state-sponsored cyber group. Listen, I don't say these things to get you all crazy. When I tell you war equals off-grid, it's because war is going to equal off-grid. When I tell you that we are at war with China, when I tell you that we're in World War III, I don't—I'm not rich, okay? I'm not sensational. I'm not looking for a deal with the, you know, cumulus radio to get on the air and say wild stuff, man, and garner the attention. Do you know what I mean? Like, we are a successful podcast network. There's no denying that. Podcasting is hard to do consistently and
Starting point is 00:08:34 hard to be successful at. We're doing it. But I don't drive a Ferrari, man. I'm not out here bringing these things to light for likes and clicks. I'm not even on YouTube. Every once in a while, I'll throw something up on YouTube. I tried to live stream over on YouTube a few, what was it, last weekend? Zero views. It's so insane. I'll go live stream on Rumble like we are right now, thousands of views. You understand? The reason I'm bringing this stuff up is because there's time. There's time. First of all, when it comes to water, water is this thing that is like mysterious and mystical, but really easy to solve. Really easy. Like, really not that tough to solve your water woes. And it's a collection. It's a collective. Just like we did our Food
Starting point is 00:09:36 Security Network masterclass. I hope you were there. That was a culmination of, I don't know, probably 10, I think it was 20 different systems to bring food into the home. That's a lot. That's a lot of options. Treat water the same way. You should largely treat everything the same way in preparedness, you know, from the simplest to the most difficult, as many systems, as many options as humanly possible that you can manage effectively and that serve your needs and employ them. You know what I mean? If the tap goes off tomorrow, what do you do? Where are you at?
Starting point is 00:10:22 You need to sit down. If you do nothing else today relating to your preparedness, simply ask yourself. I might run this as a poll up on Twitter. If your tap water went off today, where would you be? Because I can tell you right now, if your tap water goes off, if the tap water is compromised in your area and you're in a suburb or something like that and you're stuck at work and you realize, oh man, the tap water's off. Like if you can't leave your job to go buy water,
Starting point is 00:10:52 if you can't run out and grab bottled water because you have none at home, you're probably not going to find water. This happened in Philly not long ago. There was a chemical spill. The water wasn't even affected, but there was a chemical spill in the water in the Delaware River. I think it was last year around this time, actually. All the water was gone.
Starting point is 00:11:15 There's no water to be had. Everywhere. I mean, all over the Philadelphia region, the water was bought out. All over the Philadelphia region, the water was bought out. So imagine what happens if a cyber attack takes down the water for two weeks. Two weeks. That's nothing. You understand?
Starting point is 00:11:37 That is nothing. But I'm telling you right now, that could happen tomorrow. It's currently happening. It's just not at the point where it's taking down water. What really bothers me and what really makes me nervous is, are people paying close enough attention to know that it is or isn't happening? In other words, if the water systems in your area were tainted, are people paying enough attention to catch it? That's what I think about. But look, at the very least, stack cases of water in the house.
Starting point is 00:12:23 This is the best deal in the world right now. It's an insane deal. You could go get a 40-bottle case of water at Sam's Club for $3.25. Okay? So for $3.25, imagine what you could get done with a $20 bill. Okay? So for $3.25, imagine what you could get done with a $20 bill. Okay? With a $20 bill, you can get yourself somewhere in the ballpark of a week's worth of water probably for your family. Fresh, bottled water ready to go.
Starting point is 00:13:01 And that's good. But you shouldn't stop there. You know what I mean? Also, by the way, if there's an opportunity to sell water That's how you do it You get 40 bottles for $3 Charge a dollar a bottle You do the math It's a lot of profit
Starting point is 00:13:16 So That's merely the beginning Water comes pouring out of the sky several times a month in most places. You have to catch it. This is a non-negotiable. If you live in a place that says you can't have rain barrels because you're HOA or you can't have rain barrels because the state government says so, you have to fight the government.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Remember the Beastie Boys? You have got to fight for your right to party, PBN family. Come on now. You know what I mean? What is this nonsense? Well, I'm not allowed. Says who? And why? Why am I not allowed? Why would I not be allowed? Please tell me why. And, you know, we're also quickly approaching a time where, how do I put this? Let's just say these types of rules and regulations are going to be less a priority for the people who might seek out those with water barrels. In other words, if the conditions get worse in the nation, the guy whose job it is to check for water barrels, rain barrels, he's probably going to have bigger fish to fry. Do you understand?
Starting point is 00:14:44 Do with that what you will. We're OPSEC. We're covert, right? You can build. Let me just say this. You can build a large storage chest and just happen to place that large storage chest near a downspout. And that large storage chest can hold all your gardening tools, your hoses,
Starting point is 00:15:12 your various landscaping accoutrement. Maybe even you put bags of soil in there. Maybe it's big enough to hold a rain barrel, but since you're not allowed to have one, you wouldn't put one in there, right? You certainly wouldn't run the downspout into a rain barrel inside of that large chest that you use to hold all of your landscaping stuff, right? You wouldn't do that because it's illegal. But you could build a big chest big enough to hold a rain barrel on the backside of your home. And if you happen to put it by a downspout,
Starting point is 00:15:45 then that's just where you decided to build it. Do you understand what I'm saying? We have to get a bit courageous, PBN family. We can't holler that the state is out of control. The state is out of control. And you know what? I'm just going to tweet about it. I'm going to glue my hands to the roadways.
Starting point is 00:16:13 That'll teach them. So, one threat, one solution. This is what we're dealing with, PBN family. You're dealing with a situation where the water systems are facing cyber attacks. And it's not like, oh, God, who is it? Remember, like years ago, it'd be like, oh, there's this weird group out of Russia and I don't know who they are. But now it's like Iran is attacking the United States water system. Hello. Iran is attacking the United States water system. Iran is shooting drone attacks at the Navy. Iran, aka the Houthis, hit Israel with a cruise missile yesterday. You didn't hear it? Cruise missile, okay? Let me give you the details on that one before we get into words today we're not doing
Starting point is 00:17:06 any shtf chef i don't have i don't know it's not there for me today cruise missile hootie news week no i don't want to read this one i read this one already i want something new give me some new information idf admits this is a weird way to phrase it it's a very weird way to phrase this I want something new. Give me some new information. IDF admits—this is a weird way to phrase it. This is a very weird way to phrase this. IDF admits to Houthis penetrating Eilat missile defense for the first time. The IDF late Tuesday night admitted for the first time that the Iranian-backed Houthis, Iran, in Yemen,
Starting point is 00:17:45 have penetrated the country's missile air defense. According to the IDF, reports of an unidentified object landing north of Eilat on Sunday night referred to a cruise missile which came from the direction of the Red Sea. Hello. Hello. Wake up. This is real, right? This is not which bathroom can I go in. This is real. This is cruise missiles hitting a nation, hitting an ally. And I guess we're just going to, you know, sit around on our hands. So Iran's attacking infrastructure and nations at large. China is attacking the American water system through cyber attacks. This is not conspiracy. The group has been identified.
Starting point is 00:18:38 They are part of the Chinese Communist Republic of shit pile. This is what's happening. this republic of shit pile. This is what's happening. Headlines. All it seems to be is headlines. I feel like it's just going to be headlines when they invade through the southern border. You know? It's just going to be no action,
Starting point is 00:19:01 no military action, it's just going to be another headline another day. just going to be no action, no military action. It's just going to be another headline another day. Today, tanks landed in Tijuana or some coastal portion. Tijuana is not really coastal, but today, Chinese tanks crossed the border with the United States and killed many border patrol members. Or maybe it'll be a group affiliated with China. Chinese-backed. Well, that's what's happening with fentanyl, right? Chinese-backed drug cartels are bringing fentanyl across the... You see, I always lived this sort of mentality that was like, you know, at least we have our military. At least we have our military.
Starting point is 00:19:46 You know, the government is overtaxing us, overburdening us, putting us in great danger all the time. But at least when things break out like the things that are breaking out around the world now, at least we have our military. You know, at least if a little rebel group like the Houthis are destroying transport and shipping and raising the cost of living for people all over the world, at least I know that the United States Navy is going to get out there, the United States Air Force is going to get out there, and they are going to obliterate. I'm not seeing enough obliteration. So now I'm pissed off more than I was before. Because now I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:20:23 If you tax me to death and you lie to me and tell me it's all for the military, and then when it comes time for the military to do what the military does, they don't even do what they're supposed to do. The only military action that I've seen is they sent the troops down to Texas
Starting point is 00:20:42 to attack tech. Now they're trying to get under Texas's skin and tell them that they can't arrest and deport migrants. That's a federal affair. That's hilarious. If I were the governor of Texas, I'd fall out of my chair laughing and say, arrest three times as many today. That's what I would do. Arrest 10 times as many and deport 10 times as many as we did yesterday and send a print out to joe biden hey joe here you go as soon as you send me a solution i'll stop arresting and deporting as soon as you come visit the border as soon as you walk over to that encampment just across the border that encampment of young Chinese men, and ask them what their hopes and dreams are
Starting point is 00:21:27 in their future in America, we're going to keep arresting and we're going to keep deporting to protect the people in this country. That's what I would do if I was governor of Texas. You could write me in if you want. I'll move to Texas. It'd be fun.
Starting point is 00:21:47 So, water. Water. Where's the water? Where's the local water resources? Are you catching rainwater? Do you have a filter capable of taking rainwater and turning it into something you can actually eat, or drink, rather?
Starting point is 00:22:03 What do you got? Do you know the 6-8-8-6 rule? What's the 6-8-8-6 rule what's the 6-8-8-6 rule do you know i've written about it many times i've talked about it many times i don't know that i've heard it anywhere else represented this way it's just kind of a little moniker that i've made up to remember it six drops of eight percent bleach unscented per gallon of water. Eight drops of 6% bleach unscented per gallon of water. The 6-8-8-6 rule. What kind of bleach do you have?
Starting point is 00:22:39 Can you take your water that you've sourced from a creek, that you've filtered, that you've sourced from a rain barrel, that you've filtered, and be sure that it's safe either by boiling or by use of the 6-8-8-6 rule. You can do a lot more. You can be, you know, the thing about water is with very few steps, you can be very self-sufficient. Do you know what I mean? It's just a matter of taking those steps and not being bullied into submission by your HOA.
Starting point is 00:23:08 You're not allowed to have a rain barrel, okay, buddy? Says who and what if I do, right? It's really that simple. All right, let's get into words, PBN family. We've got a big one today. Looks like there's some turbulence up ahead to continue found us we are the prepper broadcasting network your path act as stability today we're reading a poem called In Your Time. And In Your Time touches on a lot of things, man.
Starting point is 00:23:46 It really does. It touches on just life. You know, the quality of life, the dangers of life, what it is to live a life in your time. You're here to be forgotten. That's number one. Don't walk with your head too high, lest the wetted hand of clock cut it off.
Starting point is 00:24:08 In your time, you might stand for something. Stand against the crooked looks on a frayed high wire. Above a spiked pit, you might stand for liberty. While the crowd breathes fire, you might do the right thing when it hurts. Rose petals and silk linens, but you use Jacob's pillow. What was Jacob's pillow, everyone? For those of you who are non-religious, he slept on a rock before he fought with God. Soft hair like stems of lavender, you might deny the temptation to replace it with discipline.
Starting point is 00:24:46 In your time, you might take the hand of a woman. Ah, what power. For one woman, you can collect the stars, shake them in a mason jar, and pour them back into the night sky, writing her dreams into the cosmos. Together, you might sand the sharp edges of suffering, the only true equality of outcome. Beware of the slanted man. His gait is strange, knees in his thighs, his eyes are backwards in
Starting point is 00:25:18 his head. With a golden rod, he turns over stones looking for another dime. Goldenrod, he turns over stones looking for another dime. In your time, you might bless the world with a child. A crime! But who else might save the future? Don't forget you're here to be forgotten. In your time, you might stare into a dark room with the moon aloft, the competing breaths of your children and your wife, your family tucked safely in bed. You might feel the security and civility gifted to you
Starting point is 00:25:51 from a forgotten man's time, from a forgotten man's blood. Blood on copper, blood on iron, blood on steel, blood on lead. In your time, you might find that all of life can be seen in a dark room wrapped in warm blankets. That is In Your Time, written by me, from my book, Darker Trails. I really don't care if you buy it or not, to be honest with you. I'm very proud of that book. It's a beautiful thing. I'll talk to you guys soon. Listen, tonight, we really will have Drew Miller from Fortitude Ranch and the Collapse Survivor app on with us tonight.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Yeah, you're going to get another beating about the head and neck over H5N1, Fortitude Ranch, and the Collapse Survivor app, amongst other things. I hope you've downloaded it. I hope you're getting ready for the next scenario because I know I am. All right, I'll talk to you guys soon.
Starting point is 00:27:01 It's James Walton with PBN Daily News. Your path back to stability. Quick question. When's the last time you practiced with your firearm? My last trip to the local gun range cost me over $200. It's time to add the iTarget Pro to your firearms training routine. iTarget uses an app that runs on your phone and a laser bullet that goes into your own firearm. Right now, save 10% with the offer code PREPPER when you purchase the iTarget Pro system at
Starting point is 00:27:35 This is the perfect dry fire tool for our monthly training routines. That's the letter I,, offer code PREPPER.

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