The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News: Some Prices are More Equal Than Others!

Episode Date: July 10, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. Your path back to stability. Good day, PBN family. What is going on? It's hump day. Good morning to you, everybody. It is I Am Liberty show day. It has been an absolutely amazing week here at the Prepper Broadcasting Network. I hope you guys are caught up, up to date, or in the process of catching up. Monday night show, incredible. Dave Jones, the NBC guy, and myself on a long-form preparedness Q&A.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Then we had the Rising Republic. Pretty good PBN Daily News yesterday, if I don't say so myself. And like I said, I Am Liberty Show today. And then we're going to keep carrying on, man. Keep keeping on with Herbal Medicine for Preppers, the Gun Metal Armory. We got the Tool Man with Preparedness Weekly on Thursdays. Carl B. on Friday with the strange truth. Look, if you're new, this is a crazy lineup of people you've never heard of that are amazing. That's the PBN hosts. Saturday mornings, Phoenix Survival with Jay Ferg.
Starting point is 00:01:41 For those of you out there watching, listening, you know what? I'll give it a minute so we can get a couple more people in here, even though I know probably most will listen post-haste. Yesterday, I did one of these with my mic muted. Like, it was my first time. I'm not big on the video thing. I find it takes a lot. I got this Ace Ventura thing happening with the hair this morning and uh i don't know i've never seen the video really go crazy but i think it's fun to to to do this thing well in all honesty what's the reason i am doing it here's here's the 100 i'm moved by you guys okay i'm not crying i said niche i'm. I'm not crying yet.
Starting point is 00:02:28 I won't do a Glenn Beck on you, okay? Anyway, love Glenn Beck, though. Twitter. Twitter and Rumble, X and Rumble work together now. You can stream on both. You can stream live at will when you want to. No streaming software required. Direct from the laptop. And look, X is the stepchild of the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
Starting point is 00:02:52 That's what it is. X is the, it's like the overachieving, redheaded stepchild of PBN. We post our shows there. I've posted more content there this year than ever. And it keeps growing, man. You know what I mean? I mean, we're going to have 15,000 followers over there probably by the end of the summer. And you can't, like, I can't not be involved.
Starting point is 00:03:19 You know what I'm saying? So when I happened on here, sorry, and I saw what was going on over at X, and I said, oh, you can do live straight to X now. I'm not doing anything like that over there. I do Instagram live stuff. I obviously do live podcasts and membership podcasts and stuff like that, but I don't do anything like that at X. And I said, you know what?
Starting point is 00:03:42 Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's do it. Okay. So for those who are viewing, don't worry. Those of you who are podcast listeners, you will also get a peek at this. This is a game I'm going to play over the next, maybe, maybe till Friday. Okay. It's a game that I played with myself because i'm a little slow on the jump okay i have a bag here okay and it's filled of uh filled with all kinds of colors knit colors it's i mean just in and of itself it's colorful and beautiful right i received this bag the other day from jay fer, one of the hosts
Starting point is 00:04:25 here, the host of Phoenix Survival, and she had been warning me that something very fun was coming. And I have to say, when a bag like this shows up, yeah, you're right, something fun has come. My question to you out there is, what's in the bag? is what's in the bag? What's in the bag? PBN podcast audience, don't you worry. I'll get you pictures, maybe even video of the bag. You know what?
Starting point is 00:04:58 Maybe we'll turn the bag into the show picture today instead of me doing my crazy lizard retro wave PBN art that I've been doing lately, which I really love. I'm having fun with that. The episode show art for PBN Daily News has been like lizard-driven, dystopian, retro wave style stuff, which, you know, it fits with our our music it fits with that kind of stuff man it's been fun guys can i just tell you that real quick can i tell you that it's so hard not to take it for granted it's so hard not to take this life for granted man do you know that because i wake up and i walk down the steps of my house and I realize, like, I'm a writer and a podcaster and it's working. Like, what? I don't know. You know, I know I'm pretty easy guy to please, but come on, man. See, I spent years of my life in jobs that sucked, in jobs that are hard, you know what I mean,
Starting point is 00:06:06 and had dreams that fundamentally for me, like the idea of being a writer first and foremost was out the window because I'm a conservative guy. So I always assumed, you know, watching this sort of wokeness take over since 2009 or yeah, something like that. Like, there's no place for a best-selling author with my stance on a lot of things. So that dream just seemed crazy to me. You know, it always seemed like, that's never going to work. Thank you. Thank you, preppers. Preppers.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I mean, there's some people out there on the fringe that watch and listen and support and buy books and you know support our great sponsors um but fundamentally i'm indebted to the prepping community you know i'm not one of these people oh i like the word pepper bed we need to change a good word i don't know about that word i was talking to drew miller at fortitude ranch the other day not i wasn't at fortitude ranch but drew mill Miller of Fortitude Ranch. And he said something, and he's a very straightforward dude all the time. And we were talking in a meeting about things, and he was saying, we had someone in the meeting with the same concept, same idea, right?
Starting point is 00:07:22 I'm not a big fan of that word. I don't like that word. There's a lot of people like that. It's fine. It's their person. Whatever. It's same concept, same idea, right? I'm not a big fan of that word. I don't like that word. There's a lot of people like that. It's fine. It's their person. Whatever. It's America. You're allowed, right?
Starting point is 00:07:30 Drew Miller said, nothing else works. There's no other word that works. Prepping, prepper works. And I don't know. There's something to that. It wouldn't matter to me if it worked or didn't work. You have to understand. In my darkest hours, when I was struggling to jump from career into this career, there was one group of people who were there. There was one group of people, when I would release a book, who would buy it.
Starting point is 00:07:56 There was one group of people who would show up consistently time and time again to support me. And it was preppers. It wasn for old friends from high school there was no contingent of guys look james wrote a book let's see you know what i mean there was no that none of that family like very limited amounts of my family would would support and that kind of thing um it was you guys it was the preppers. So, you know, you go where you're supported, man. You go where people appreciate what you do if you're smart. You know, you can hack away for the rest of your life at your father trying to get him to appreciate what you did.
Starting point is 00:08:35 My dad has always been an over-the-top supporter and mother of everything I did. But, you know, you see people stuck in that rut. Like, one of these days, my, my, whatever, my grandpop is going to tell me he's proud of me. If that's your mission, go ahead. But I'll tell you right now, you definitely want to go to the people who support you. So the title of this PBN Daily News, we're going to touch on one threat, one solution, like we always do. But the title of this one in particular, it is called Some Prices Are More Equal Than Others. Some Prices Are More Equal Than Others comes from an article that I read
Starting point is 00:09:11 that speaks to sort of the digitized lizard-run government that exists or is trying to exist even above our own government, right? Like sort of this lizard-esque one world government. The article is written by a guy named Albert Fox Khan. Never heard of him. That doesn't mean anything. I'm going to do some research. He may be coming on PBN. Or somebody who knows a lot about this. If you're out there and you know of a person who's an expert on what's happening here, the article's called The Scary New Ways You're About to Get Overcharged for Everything. And it's, I mean, it fits. It fits perfectly into our lives.
Starting point is 00:10:00 But there's a section in this article that talks about algorithmic price, okay? And it's really interesting. He says, I say low-grade shock because at the time, personalized pricing discrimination was far less widespread and harmful than it is today. Coupon culture let companies sell the same product in the same store at the same time at different prices, but it gave customers agency. Algorithmic price discrimination, okay, this is a thing, takes away that choice. And methods to extract data to sort people into pricing groups are more invasive than you may realize. Take your last Uber trip. When you ordered that car,
Starting point is 00:10:45 you probably knew that the distance you were going and time of the day were price factors, as we've grown begrudgingly accustomed to the cold, extractive efficiency of surge pricing. But did you think about plugging in your phone before ordering the ride? If you did, it might have saved you a few bucks, because your battery level,
Starting point is 00:11:04 battery level, level is allegedly one of the factors uber uses to price your trip a charge that uber vigorously denies because and now listen those with less less battery left are more desperate and those whose phones are minutes away from dying won't hesitate to pay nearly any price where's the where's the one about my uh there's a paragraph that is essential i still remember the low-grade shock i felt a decade ago robinson patman no this is not it it goes deep into here you go Robinson Patman. No, this is not it. It goes deep into... Here you go.
Starting point is 00:11:50 What's far more disturbing is the rise of personalized pricing. Sounds nice, right? Personalized pricing. Wow, just for me. It's just for me. In the age of Uber choice, digital retail is practice of exploiting your own data to charge the precise price you're willing to pay, which might be different from that the guy next to you would pay. That's crazy. Personalized pricing not only bakes in bias
Starting point is 00:12:18 and can drive inflation, but creates a world where you never know when your apps are ripping you off. Now I'm on the verge of paying for anything on my phone or laptop, or now when I'm on the verge. I second-guess whether I'd be paying less if I was using someone else's account. Now, you know, on the face of it, that's creepy, right? Like, on the face of it, that's creepy. You read an article like that, and it's a long article. I really would love to get the whole whoever's into the tech and really the breakdown of that. I'd really be interested to talk to because that's one of those, you know, there are stories that come out daily.
Starting point is 00:12:57 There are stories that come out on a regular basis, and you read them, and you're like, that's scary right here and now. That problem could be cleared up. This seems to me to be the beginning of something that will really suck forever. You know what I mean? Well, maybe not forever, but as long as this sort of techno-monarchy exists, it will be, yeah, the reptilian techno-monarchy. How about that? What's most scary to people like us on the fringe, if you will, not necessarily on the fringe anymore, but I think will always be people who appreciate freedom, who want to say the words that they want
Starting point is 00:13:47 to say when they want to say them even if they're magical words that you're not allowed to say um people who enjoy freedom fundamentally in content creation and in real life are always sort of dancing around this blacklist. And we're always kind of wondering, like, you know, if you're smart, you've built a life where the blacklist doesn't affect you. You put people around you where you don't have to worry most of the time about, you know, being publicly blacklisted or personally, but whatever. But when it comes to pricing, we know for a fact, But when it comes to pricing, we know for a fact, and we know for a fact that you know what's coming.
Starting point is 00:14:32 You know what's coming. China, credit score, pricing. the good boosted individual who has followed the government party line and the reptilian technocratic tyranny, $3. $3 for him. But you, a lot of community strikes, you know? Don't like to follow the rules. Don't like to do the things that people tell you to do. Seems you're still driving a gas-powered vehicle, Mr. Walt.
Starting point is 00:15:08 So that weighs heavily on your personalized pricing, and I guess you're going to have to spend about $10 on that same item. That would never happen, James. You're talking conspiracy shit now. You're crazy. I know. I may be crazy. That might be true.
Starting point is 00:15:29 But that's going to happen. One threat, one solution, folks. Let's get into it. Thank you. All right, folks. We are going to the Gray Man Briefing. The big weekly wrap up here. There's a couple things I want to touch on. First of all, the fact that Burrell hit Texas and knocked 2.7 million households out.
Starting point is 00:16:04 3 million people almost, okay? Luckily, our very own Garden Girl, our very own Sarah Hathaway, and most others that I know who are PBN family down there in Texas weren't hit too hard. I talked to Sarah Hathaway from The Changing Earth, another amazing show. If you're into what's happening with the planet, if you're into what's happening with the planet, if you're into what's happening with the sun, not what Pete Buttigieg has to say about it,
Starting point is 00:16:34 but what's actually happening to the planet and the sun and so on, earthquakes, volcanoes, you know, all that, The Changing Earth podcast is essential. Changing Earth news, I should clip every week. The Changing Earth podcast is essential. Changing Earth news, I should clip every week and put it all over the internet. I mean, it's invaluable. Why am I not doing that? It's got to go in the book. Anyway, so, major incident preparedness earlier this evening, July 9th, right? So this this was just yesterday, parts of Nebraska and South Dakota suffered a 911 outage. We're seeing this all the time.
Starting point is 00:17:09 This is happening constantly, the 911 outages. Reports also indicate T-Mobile experienced a disruption preventing customers from calling 911. Some reports indicate service was restored in some areas, primarily South Dakota. The disruption may still be ongoing. Now, I was up last night when this came through, and unfortunately, you know, this is a thing that we see. We see it a lot. Pay attention. The 911 outage thing is a thing, and on top of that, the 911 efficiency is not there. The 911 proficiency is not there. I've told stories on my podcast about my own experience with that. And it's, you know, when preppers tell you,
Starting point is 00:17:54 you'll be on your own, you might be on your own already. You might be on your own already. And that's a terrifying thing to consider if you're not prepared for that, if you're not here, and if you don't truly take that to heart, you know? So for today's One Threat, One Solution, I think what you need to do is play a game today in your mind about what that looks like, you know? Consider what would I call 9-1-1 for? Medical emergency, crime, what would I call 911 for? My expectations would be that someone was coming to help, right? What would happen in a situation like that if you called 911 and no one came? What do you need to put in place from a preparedness standpoint to make sure that that's you know you can survive that think about it pbn family think about it okay uh for words
Starting point is 00:18:53 today we're going to read from the art of war short very short little snippet this is my copy of the art of war i hope you have a copy of the art of war there's so much knowledge in here you know that applies to so much. I'm going to read an excerpt today that really is preparedness-esque, but it focuses on war, but you'll get the gist of it, okay? Sun Tzu writes,
Starting point is 00:19:21 The Art of War teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy's not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him. Not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable. How do you feel about your position? Assailable, unassailable? How do you feel about your position? unassailable? How do you feel about your position? America has left itself, well, has let itself really fall off and lived, the American public at large, lived in this fantasy that the enemy
Starting point is 00:19:57 will never attack. The enemy is not planning on attacking. And even if the enemy does attack, And even if the enemy does attack, we'll be okay. It'll be like magic. All right, folks. Leave me a comment below. What's in the bag? Button, button, where's the button? I'll get you guys a picture for the podcast as well.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Yeah, what's in the bag? Figure it out. Figure it out and you'll wind up with something neat. I can tell you that much. All right? Very cool. Very cool. Thank you for the knit goodies, Jay Ferg.
Starting point is 00:20:36 And I think that's it for us, folks. I think that might be about it for us. We will see you tomorrow, likely. Can't make any promises. But you never, you know, I'll do my best. Do my best. Let's get these headphones off. PBN Family, don't miss the I Am Liberty show tonight, 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. I will be live, probably, most likely. Not sure what we're going to talk about yet, but, you know, every day is a new adventure. So I could do like a, I could do for sort of an off topic.
Starting point is 00:21:11 You know, one of those sort of off topic, maybe a rant. I don't know. We'll see. We'll see. It's going to be one extreme or the other. Books, reading, writing, arithmetic. I don't know. All right, folks, please do me a favor.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Support our great sponsors, man. They have been so good to us in more ways than one. I'll talk to you guys soon, all right? See ya. Who wants free ammo? Our new sponsor,, is a truly automated, set-it-and-forget-it ammo purchasing program. Pick your calibers, set-it-and-forget-it ammo purchasing program.
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