The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News: Strike in Russia and US Policing

Episode Date: June 10, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. Your path back to stability. Good day, PBN family. Tis Monday. Tis Monday. The sun is hitting the solar panels. The.0 energy generator is powering up. And we're here with you. Good to be with you. Friday. I think it was the last time
Starting point is 00:00:47 I was behind the microphone. I don't think I was behind this microphone right here since Wednesday. Yeah, I've always told you to. It's like my strange addiction type of thing with podcasting. It's a therapy type of thing with podcasting. Tonight Preppers Live, we're going to be doing Reddit Q&A I haven't been over there on the Reddit Preppers Website we'll give them their due It's a cool community over there We'll answer some of those
Starting point is 00:01:14 Questions I just feel like you know Utilizing that part of my brain tonight Not necessarily reporting and all that kind of stuff God knows there's enough to talk about I mean we do have the first strike within the borders of Russia, I think, as far as I know, using Western weapons. They haven't, you know, they haven't said that they're using Western weapons, of course, but
Starting point is 00:01:39 let's look at the timeline. This time last week, the United Kingdom was saying, hmm, should we allow Ukraine to use Western weapons for direct attack in Russia? We'll think about it. Then the French came. Oh, we'll think about it. Then the United States came. And they all wound up saying yes. And then, you know, a day later, a couple days later, airstrike in Russia.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Bollongrad, I can't remember the name of it. I don't have the story in front of me. In the northeast of the nation, on the border with Ukraine. The, you know, it's still going. You know what I mean? This war is far from over, folks. It doesn't matter which side you think is winning or not. I'm telling you right now, this thing is far from over. No one wants to come to the table and have a talk. Zelensky,
Starting point is 00:02:33 you know, Voldemort Zelensky, he who shall not be named. He's intent. He's intent on killing every last Ukrainian man in order to, you know, fight off Putin. And, you know, in some ways you look at it and you say that's a valiant effort. And then in other ways you wonder, you question, you know. You know he'll meet just a miserable end should he be captured. You know, he'd probably be better to commit suicide if he were to be captured, because that's a rough way to go. Hey, buddy. Link comes cruising over. So today, what I want to talk about, I mean, look, that's big news. That is something to consider that, you know, war equals off-grid, yada, yada, yada, get yourself in order.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Get yourself in order. You know, what do you think that looks like? You know, I think it's a balance between your skill sets, your survival skill sets, whether you're urban or suburban or rural. Of course, the resources that you have on hand. And Dave Jones, the NBC guy, said over the weekend in our chats, he said, basically what it comes down to is how much food can you produce in a day. He just threw that into the host chat. And I said, my reply was not enough.
Starting point is 00:04:03 And I think that's where we all are, and we all should be striving there. Striving rather to increase what we're capable of day by day. Understanding seasonality and understanding the importance of putting food away and all that kind of stuff, right? There's a balance, you know? We're in a time right now where you can feel like I'm cranking. You know what I mean? Let's say you got some animals.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Let's say you got some gardens. Let's say you got some perennial foods and some forest around you. You can feel like, man, we're really cranking. Get back to me in March. Get back to me in March. You know what I mean? When nothing is growing Unless you got a greenhouse You know all that kind of stuff
Starting point is 00:04:47 Right So The steps that we must take You know the steps that we must take I haven't talked about it in a while For me When there's wars And rumors of wars
Starting point is 00:05:03 And we're going to talk about law and order in the country here a little bit on One Threat, One Solution. When there's all this stuff going on and I feel drastically overwhelmed, which if you don't feel overwhelmed, I don't know. I don't know. Stop taking the medications. You don't need them. I don't care what your therapist says.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Get off the medications. You're supposed to feel things in life. You're supposed to cry, you know what I mean? Be happy and so on, right? Don't strive for the life of apathy. But when I get to that point, I like to go back to the base level preparedness. You know, check on my water. Check on my food.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Right now I have a broken rain barrel. It needs to be fixed. It's been broken for about a week, two weeks. Things have got to be repaired. It's 55 gallons of water, just waste, you know. So you check on your water, you check on your food, you check on your backup power, right? You've got battery banks and so on and all that kind of stuff probably in your house, but are they charged? Lights go out tomorrow, you're going to be kicking yourself. I don't have all this stuff and none of it's ready.
Starting point is 00:06:03 go out tomorrow, you're going to be kicking yourself that I don't have all this stuff and none of it's ready. So backup power, security, first aid, communications, evacuation, you know, all these things. Just look at your buckets. Look at what you can do to affect those little buckets and understand like every investment you make in time, money, skill, whatever, that's the cushion that you and your family will land on. All the other stuff is whatever. You know, what if this and what if that and nuclear bombs and all this other worrying and thinking and contemplating.
Starting point is 00:06:47 all this other worrying and thinking and contemplating, what will matter if things get totally out of control will be that base level of preparedness. That's what you and your family will land on, you know, in times of crisis. So, and there's much more to prepping than that, but I find it's good to go back to that when things get crazy. You know, am I on target? Am I, you know, have I been spending way too much time looking at night vision and thermal vision and maybe other accoutrement for some kind of firearm? Because you can do as much mental damage to yourself by being, by distracting yourself from the reality, particularly if you're like i spent all my time looking at gun accessories and i got you know all i have is tap water tap goes out i'm screwed right you're gonna be worried the more you read stories about water systems being hacked
Starting point is 00:07:38 and so on and so forth you're gonna be worried but it is what what it is. Lean on the base. Build the base. Lean on the base. Stand on the base. Be the base. That is what your family will rely on in the dark times. You know, one threat, one solution, PBN family. Let's do it. I'm reading you this law and order brief from the Gray Man Brief because it's diverse. It is. It's truly diverse. It's an interesting situation. There's good news in here and there's bad news in here, you know? I mean, I'll give you the police, but it's a move in the right direction. The Chicago Police Department administration announced that officers will be asked to work additional overtime hours and will have their scheduled days off. Requests, requested holidays canceled. The mayor of Chicago said there are historic trends of violence during Chicago's summer months persist. They're threatening.
Starting point is 00:09:02 That makes no sense. persist, they're threatening. That makes no sense. Said there are, quote, historic trends of violence during Chicago's summer months persist, they are threatening. I don't know. The police superintendent advised that they will be judicious in canceling days off and will provide advanced notice. Look, this is the most interesting thing to me right now. This really is. I was a little young when Stop and Frisk happened in New York. I was way too young to see sort of the crime disappear in the 70s. Now I want to see what they do.
Starting point is 00:09:37 How do you go from defund the police and empower criminals to getting things back in order? And I'm very happy to see it in Chicago. We all should be happy to see it. Like I said, it's tough and sucks for the officers. I hope they get double time and all that. But at the same time, it's a push in the right direction. It's not somebody going, systemic racism is the reason that the blacks are killing themselves.
Starting point is 00:10:02 You know what I mean? I know that sounds unfavorable, but it is what it is. I've lived through that. That I have lived through. The idea of pushing blame off on people. In Akron, Ohio, the police department SWAT unit discovered they had been sold and had been wearing counterfeit body armor plates made in China. The department of the DHS is investigating the incident
Starting point is 00:10:26 and advises the plates do not meet current standards. Hmm, Chinese body armor. Be very careful. Who would you want to wear body armor made by? Your enemy? This is just another one of those Chinese. Yeah, take our medicine. That's really good for you. Here you go. Here's your enemy. This is just another one of those Chinese, yeah, take our medicine. That's really good for you. Here you go. Here's your antibiotics. I don't know if you heard my story about India last week, but if not, go back and listen. India Pharma, you can find it on PBN
Starting point is 00:10:56 Daily News. It's good news. There is some good news out there. I mean, this is more interesting stuff. I mean, you don't get this kind of news in terms of law and order. I particularly don't from the Gray Man Brief, but it's unbiased in NY. No, it's not unbiased. I'm sorry. In NYC, in New York City, New York, there are plans to build a new training facility, 225 million public safety academy. The facility will centralize training for various city enforcement agencies, including Department of Corrections, probation, sanitation and parks. Mayor Eric Adams announced that the facility aims to improve coordination and operational efficiency across agencies. The facility is already being dubbed the new cop city. See, this is what you want to read.
Starting point is 00:11:45 You want to read that. You want to read that the lunatics and the Antifa pukes are getting upset. Oh, no, they're going to build another cop city in New York. They're going to train the police. Wait, I thought you wanted police better trained. No, well, yeah, but then I don't get to put my blue eyeshadow on and go out in the streets. The facility is already being called the new cop city
Starting point is 00:12:05 and will likely draw in protests and riots. No. I think that has to stop being a thing. Oh, they're just going to riot if we do that. No, they're not. No, they're not because they're going to get thrown in prison, right? Isn't that the way it's supposed to work? You could protest,
Starting point is 00:12:20 but you can't throw Molotov cocktails into the construction area. Protest? But you can't throw Molotov cocktails into the construction area. Boston, the mayor supporting efforts to disband the violent gang member database. A tracking system used by Boston police to identify members of gangs. The mayor also supports a list of do not prosecute crimes. So Boston, Boston, who is the mayor in Boston? An idiot. Let's see. Let's get the name of an idiot real quick. I don't know who it is. Boston mayor. Mayor with an E. Oh, it's Michelle Wu. You never remember Michelle Wu. She is an idiot, in my opinion. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. She's had a long history of ruining everything.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Michelle Wu, you're going to destroy the state. You're going to follow in the failed footsteps of every big city in the West Coast. Let's put together a list of do not prosecute crimes and email to all the criminals and tell the gang members that we're not going to keep a database of who they are either, you know. And then the stupid mayor will stand up into microphone and say, I feel so there's such a tragedy that that young girl was beaten and raped and thrown into a trash can and set on fire. We need these injustices to stop. It's white privilege. It's done it.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Yeah, those are the types of things that happen. What else? There is a police sergeant who beat up a sex offender. The police sergeant observed the sexual assault and intervened by attacking the sex offender. observed the sexual assault and intervened by attacking the sex offender. He was off duty. He beat some dude up for assaulting a woman. Didn't kill him. I don't think. Police sergeant has been sentenced to six months in prison, locked up with felons, one of which killed a police officer and another who beheaded a man. All the best. All the best for our police here in America.
Starting point is 00:14:25 We love them. The 18-year police veteran was convicted of a misdemeanor assault. Misdemeanor assault now. This might sound familiar if you paid any attention to the Donald Trump case. He's a first-time offender with no criminal record. The charges stem from an incident at a bar where a young woman was sexually assaulted by the quote-unquote victim. The police sergeant observed the sexual assault and intervened by attacking the sex offender.
Starting point is 00:14:51 In court, the sergeant reportedly showed no remorse for attacking the guy who was assaulting a woman. Where's the remorse? Oh, you know what? You know what, Your Honor? I should have sat there and let him grope her. You know what? I should have just waited until he was through raping her and then called the police, even though I am the police.
Starting point is 00:15:09 The sergeant claims his arrest and sentencing appear to be retribution due to his past actions as a whistleblower exposing corruption. So, yeah, yeah, political posturing. But it is good to see that, you know, in some ways, there are states, there are cities around America right now who are on the opposite side of the spectrum. The defunding of police, the less police, that's dying. That's dying out. And why is that dying out? Because of the results.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Because the crime and the murder and such are so bad that people have tapped out. Period. Now, from a personal level, you need, it's just really this simple, guys. You know, you need representation. If you're in Boston, dude, you're in for hell.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Those two maneuvers that your mayor just made, they're opening the seals of hell in a city. If you wanted a plan to open the seals of hell in a city, that's what you would do. You would say, you know, we're going to get rid of this gang member database. We don't need to pay attention to the gangs. And then we're going to create a list of do not prosecute crimes that bad guys can get away with. Who are these people? What it all comes down to is, and I'm going to push this for the rest of the year,
Starting point is 00:16:39 maybe for the rest of my life. You need a lawyer on speed dial, right? Years ago I talked about this, but I never found the right solution until recently. I never trusted anybody until I met Ken over at Protect With Bear. And now I know the guy, I know the company, I can trust it, you know what I mean? And now it's part of our plan. And I want it to be part of your plan. You go to and click on Protect with Bear. These guys are not a sponsor. It is a commission-based situation. So if you sign up, I get some money in all transparency. But my wife and myself are card-carrying members of Protect With Bear. If we're ever in an altercation like that,
Starting point is 00:17:28 where we have to use force or deadly force, then the first phone call we make will be to that 24-7 lawyer hotline to get our defense taken care of. And again, for $145 a year, you will have your defense taken care of in totality. I mean, it's a no-brainer, in my opinion. The link will be down below, Protect with Bear. We're going to read these civil unrest things for the rest of the year.
Starting point is 00:17:58 They're going to get worse, the riots, you know, all that kind of stuff. So prime yourself. It's what's coming. And on top of it all, guys, just like the sergeant we talked about, this is an age of lawfare. You know, if you think that everybody is going to be looked at through the same lens, you know, some people are going to get beaten. They're going to pull a gun out and they're going to shoot somebody. And the system is going to work the way the system is supposed to, justice will be blind. But if you're leaving a Trump rally in October with a MAGA hat on and they look back at your search history and through your phone and all,
Starting point is 00:18:37 you know, whatever your situation is and find out that you're one of these heinous Trump supporter, right-winger, prepper, survivalist, conspiratorial bad guys. Then, yeah, it's going to affect what happens to you. Get a good lawyer. Make sure you have a good lawyer. And Protected Bear does that for you. So I'm going to read to you a little. Something very short.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Very short and to the point, and then we're going to call it a day here on PBN Daily News, I'll be back with you at 9 p.m. tonight as we do our, you know, we do our QA with Reddit, see what's going on over with the Reddit community, what kind of questions are on people's mind, see what's going on over with the Reddit community, what kind of questions are on people's mind. It's very interesting because they, you know, it's just always going on. The evolution of what's important in prepping and survival and all that kind of stuff, it's cool. So the power of God, what is that?
Starting point is 00:19:44 How does that play into all of this? Many people have subscribed to this idea of leave me alone, let me do what I want. They think that's fundamentally what freedom's all about. Leave me alone, let me live the way I want, do what I want. It's okay, but I don't necessarily buy it. You can't forego your responsibilities as a citizen of the greatest nation on the planet. You can't forego your responsibilities to protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And as far as your relationship with God goes, you know, there's work to be done there too.
Starting point is 00:20:27 So, I don't know. What I do know is this. Because our will is not tested by our spirituality, we are losing both. I want you to think about that, okay? Because our will is not tested by our spirituality, we are losing both. So in other words, we live a life that is cushy and easy, and you know, to be a follower of God is as simple as saying, oh, I'm a follower of God. You know what I mean? There needs to be struggles.
Starting point is 00:21:11 There needs to be tests of your dedication and so on. I find it, and you're going to say ho-hum, but I find it important to make my spirituality part of my routine. Because that tests my will. Then all of a sudden I have to say, am I going to have time for this? I have to make time for this. You know what I mean? Because our will is not tested by our spirituality, we are losing both our will and our connection with God.
Starting point is 00:21:42 All right? Beware of comfort, PBN family. Get out there, do some work. Get fit. Get prepared. I will talk to you tonight, all right? Adios, muchachos. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network,
Starting point is 00:21:56 where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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