The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News: The Food Storage Secret

Episode Date: August 13, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBM. You're playing back the stability here. Good day, PBN family. What is happening? Tuesday after a long Monday, a long journey in tonight, long day's journey in tonight. We got the whole Elon Musk, Donald Trump interview recorded, available for you here on PBN. Don't know if that's something we were supposed to do, not supposed to do, whatever. But it's there if you want to go hear it. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:01:00 I want to talk to you about the food storage secret today on PBN Daily News. I want to talk to you about the one threat, one solution that affected last night's interview between Elon and Donald Trump. I want to talk to you about fasting. We're still doing our fast this weekend. Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and then Monday night for Preppers Live. Dave Jones, myself, and Ben the Breaker of the Bankers are going to do the fast cast. The fast cast. 72 hours in. feeling it, right? Feeling it. It's like going Ultra Instinct for those Dragon Ball Z fans out there, all six of you.
Starting point is 00:01:52 It's like going Ultra Instinct. So, you know, we're always trying to push you. That's one of the things we do here at PBN. We do our entertainment, and we do our bitching and moaning, and we do our preparedness updates and talks and all that kind of stuff. But we also like to push you. That's the point of our membership, largely. Go to, check it out. See what we have to offer.
Starting point is 00:02:19 What I have come to notice, though, is that there are very hard limits in the prepping and survival world. There are some very hard limits, you know. There are people out there who love to read about it, think about it, watch videos about it, and unfortunately for them that seems to be about as far as it goes, you know. A lot of you out there, you're deeply entrenched in it. That's why I love my audience here at PBN. But I mean, I'm always touching with, you know, rubbing, what do they call it? Rubbing. Now it sounds X-rated. Rubbing elbows. I'm always rubbing elbows with a variety of audiences anymore. And I noticed that there's a distinct difference between the preppers and the rest of the world and those who wish to be preppers, right?
Starting point is 00:03:13 The preppers do it. The preppers are the doers. That's what it is. There's a group of people out there. There's a large group of people out there who want to be prepared. And they like the idea of it and so on and so forth. But then, you know, the real preppers are the people who do it. We're the people who do it. You know, day in and day out, year after year, so on and so forth. I was running yesterday with my dogs, and I was thinking, would it be worth putting out a manual?
Starting point is 00:03:40 Not a manual. A manual on how a civilian, prepper, warrior, lifetime, whatever, is created. You know what I mean? No military background. None of that. Just how my journey fundamentally, how you take the average person and put them on a course of self-sufficiency, self-defense, self-actualization, right? And really turn them into something like a lifetime warrior-minded individual. I don't know. It's just routine fundamentally, but there are things that you do. You know, there are things that you do, things that you don't do.
Starting point is 00:04:34 So I'm going to give you the food storage secret, okay? Many of you who have food storage, many of you who have been at it for years, you already know this. You may know this and you may not take advantage of it, though. You may know this, and you may take it for granted. When you buy, it's like anything else, right? Buy low, sell high, right? Buy low, eat high. Food storage is the same way, man. You know, you buy, if you buy rice, if you bought rice a year ago, if you bought rice a year and a half ago, if you bought beans, if you bought popcorn, if you bought whatever,
Starting point is 00:05:16 whatever kind of food storage item you bought, you bought it years ago. Even canned soup, for God's sake. Canned meats. You look at the headlines. You understand what's going on at the supermarket. You look at the headlines, you understand what's going on at the supermarket, you see people are struggling, right? Oh my God, I can't believe the price of goods. One of the benefits of food storage, the secret really of food storage, is that you are supposed to eat it. You're supposed to eat it, and when you eat rice that you have stored
Starting point is 00:05:43 and packed away, you are eating rice at the price that you purchased it at rather than having to go out and purchase it at a much higher price i don't think i have any right i don't have any 20 a bag rice anymore but there was a time when you know rice was getting rice the price of rice was going up, as it has gone up. The price of flour, these things have gone up over the years, and I was eating these staples
Starting point is 00:06:14 because they were food storage at a much lower price. When you bucket up food, you're not... This is the great lie. The great lie that's been propagated not by lizards and not by governments. The great lie—and I'm just going to be real with you right now, and it's going to hurt some people's feelings.
Starting point is 00:06:35 The great lie that's been propagated by the unprepared who are insecure about their situation. I've dealt with these people my whole life. No, I'm sorry. Since I've been a prepper. My whole prepper life. There are people out there who aren't prepared, who should be,
Starting point is 00:06:58 and this has happened over the last 10 years, if not more. They know they should be better prepared. You come into their sphere of influence and say, I am prepared. And they say, you're a lunatic. Why are you doing all that? What's the point of all that? Why would you do all that? Right? The why people, the paranoia people, the people who call you names. Fundamentally, the lies about and the misinformation or disinformation largely comes from that crowd.
Starting point is 00:07:32 It largely comes from that crowd, which is a dissipating crowd as reality becomes impossible to hide. That's where that stuff comes from. You know, you bucket up, oh, they got their food, they got their food bucketed up for 25 years from now. Who wants to eat 25-year-old food? No, we don't eat 25-year-old food, dummy. What we do is we eat through, we rotate stock.
Starting point is 00:07:57 It's very simple. Ask anyone who manages food, anyone who manages inventory anywhere. If you're doing food storage right, you're rotating through your stock. Should something go terribly wrong, yeah, then you got food for 25 years. Way better than not. But again, these are points not worth arguing. These are points that people create to make themselves feel better because they know they're behind the eight ball, right? And I'm sure it's scary. I mean, could you imagine being unprepared at a time like this? Having no extra food,
Starting point is 00:08:31 no extra water, no food in the backyard, right? The Swiss chard is popping. The butternut squash are popping. I knocked one off yesterday like an idiot. The butternut squash are popping. The pawpaws are about ready. the broccoli, I don't know, it's not looking great. But you know, all those things are happening out in the garden. And just, you know, imagine, I found muscadine grapes the other day, muscadine, just out walking in the woods. And just imagine all the skills and all the things that you've done over all these years having none of them, having nothing, having just believing that you can go from paycheck to paycheck or you have a bank account that's comfortably full,
Starting point is 00:09:16 and you'll just depend on the world doing what it's supposed to do, being what it's supposed to be. And that's your plan. And then it all starts to fall apart. And you start to see the arms of government encroaching, right? The talons of government gripping. And we have to discuss the talons of government today on One Threat, One Solution. Let's get to it.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Now, while Twitter is festooned with radicals of all shapes and sizes. It gives everyone a platform to speak fundamentally, for the most part, you know? I don't really feel like going into who and what I follow and what it's all about, but suffice it to say there's a lot of scary stuff on Twitter. The one threat, one solution today comes from... It comes direct from Donald Trump. It comes direct from Elon Musk. Actually, it comes from the Gray Man Brief, to be honest with you. The European Union's Internal Market Commissioner issued a warning to Elon Musk of his alleged legal obligations under the EU's Digital Services Act to prevent hate
Starting point is 00:10:46 speech on X. So what they were getting at, if you didn't, you probably didn't follow this story, but what they were getting at was Elon was saying, we have to figure out immigration in the UK. This is what happens when you don't figure out immigration in the UK. Three girls being stabbed and killed and I think, what was it, 12 in total, 13 in total stabbed and hurt by a Rwandan national, you know, who we know very little about still. The actions of that person have ignited a fire that is hard to put out now, right, as both Muslim and white British are fighting. And now there's a third faction, the anti-racists. They got their checks, I guess, from the British government in their signage. So they're out there in the streets, too, basically telling the people of Britain to commit suicide nationally and give the nation over to Muslims who would like to stab their daughters. Well, they're not having it. They shouldn't have it. The news media, the worthless news media, fundamentally told everyone that it was the misinformation
Starting point is 00:12:18 and disinformation on the internet that started all this because they said that it was a migrant. the internet that started all this because they said that it was a migrant. And I can tell you right now, you go sit down next to your average Brit in a pub and ask them, would you have been less upset about the three girls murdered at the end of a knife if you knew it was a Rwandan national instead of an illegal migrant? They don't care. Don't you understand? This is years in the making. This is Jan 6th again. After January 6th happened, I got on and did a long show about it, January 7th, and said, what you saw yesterday is years and years of people being told their shit and being stepped on and pushed aside and silenced and censored and so on. You know, there are repercussions.
Starting point is 00:13:14 You can't just do that to a group of people. Call them deplorables. Tell them they're maggots. Tell them they're this. Tell them they're that. Tell them their leadership and the people they look up to are shit. You can't do that. I mean, you can do it, but cities will burn.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Things will happen that you don't want to have. You look and go, oh, my God, I can't believe. I can't believe they didn't just sit there and take it. I can't believe they didn't just let their— Remember, this is not the first time little girls have been killed by Muslims in the UK. Little girls were blown up in an Ariana Grande concert, I think, in 2017. Everybody's got limits, you know what I mean? But because Elon was speaking up about it, the European Union's internal market commissioner issued him a warning and said that he has legal obligations under the EU's Digital
Starting point is 00:14:06 Service Act to prevent hate speech on his platform. And they were not happy at all about the Donald Trump interview on his platform either. There were a lot of people not happy about that. Before his interview with the former president, the former president, Musk and Trump held an interview on X Spaces Audio, yada, yada, yada. The EU warned of potential consequences if these regulations are violated in response. Musk posted a meme suggesting he would disregard the warning.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Then something interesting happened, okay? So he largely, like most Americans, when the Brits started saying, you know, we're going to cross the pond and extradite over hate speech. I talked about this yesterday. He just laughed at them like we all did. And then something really strange happened. and then something really strange happened the biggest event on his platform the big one of the biggest events of his life largely probably um kit was set to kick off at 8 and all of a sudden on twitter there was a massive ddos cyber attack that prevented the interview from happening oh yeah in case you weren't, in case you weren't trying to get in.
Starting point is 00:15:27 That happened. That happened. When I first got to the interview, the attack was so bad that there was 400,000 people, just barely 400,000 people in there listening, which sounds like a lot, but that's nothing for Elon Musk and Donald Trump. I logged in. I couldn't get in. I logged in. I got in. It was silent. I logged in. At one point I got in. There was music.
Starting point is 00:15:53 And then finally around 8.30, 8.40, I got in. We recorded the whole thing, if you want to hear it. Do you think that's a coin-ka-dink? What do you think? Do you think that's a coin, Kedink? What do you think? So the talents of government are, oh, they're sharp and, oh, they're powerful right here and now. But we're going to see a deflation in government power over the next decade or two.
Starting point is 00:16:21 You won't even believe it. We are. We're going to see that. We're going to see that because the age of rearing children in front of mainstream media is over. It's over. Generations of people are not going to come up in front of CBS and ABC and NBC News every night. They're going to be raised in a TikTok world, in in an instagram world in a uh world where their parents listen to podcasts over news and they're going to be you know they're going to really understand the government is too damn big and needs to be made smaller there's going to be
Starting point is 00:16:56 very few brainwashed people out there who grow up even if their parents tell them that it's all good to their face it's going to be real hard to convince people that the government is doing a great job and we need more government and more government spending to make life better. What else, PBN family? What else do we got on the docket? I don't know. I think that might be it. That's the one threat. So that's the one threat, right?
Starting point is 00:17:24 The one threat is the governments will target people. We know that. The governments will use everything to target people. I think the solution on your end is to support those people who are being targeted by the government. It's that and it's also to be aware that the government is massive and it needs to be trimmed. It needs about a 50% reduction probably, you know. And nobody in government wants to hear that. That's the problem. You start saying stuff like that, you get disappeared digitally. But it is what it is. We don't need a violent revolution in this country And that's mainly because
Starting point is 00:18:08 The opposition is not really that strong They just accumulated massive amounts of power Over a long period of time You know, you could argue that from the 60s to the 2010s, they accumulated massive amounts of power that is now starting to fall like sand between their fingers. You know, their news media apparatus is crumbled, and they need to find a whole new way to brainwash people.
Starting point is 00:18:46 The campuses have imploded with anti-Semitism and racism. Can you imagine? Can you imagine the arbiters of anti-racism, anti-fascism, have allowed the campuses to fall into complete disarray where Jews are targeted, kill the Jews from the river to the sea, and so on and so forth. So it goes back to the old adage, the king has no clothes, right? The king has no clothes. You're going to see the radicals, whether Donald Trump gets an office or not,
Starting point is 00:19:21 you're going to see the radicals in Congress removed. Ilhan Omar is on her way out. I tell you that right now. The tide is turning. Okay? Do your part. I say do your part. Years ago, what I thought do your part meant is call your congressman.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Tell him you could do that. That's fine. But what do your part actually means is to power yourself, strengthen yourself, fortify yourself through self-reliance and independence. That's what it means. You can be so powerful once you become independent of systems to some degree. It's not about 100%. Start your side hustle. Start that business you've always wanted to start and understand that, oh, I can set my income up this way. And now all of a sudden, I'm a little more protected.
Starting point is 00:20:15 I'm able to stand on my own two feet a little longer in times like these because all of it, all of our problems, because all of it, all of our problems, go back to one thing, our fear of the truth, our fear to say aloud the things that we know to be true. But once you get self-sufficient, self-reliant to some degree, once you feel comfortable that you've prepared yourself to weather the storms,
Starting point is 00:20:46 you won't even be able to hold that truth back. All right? Talk to you soon, PBN family. Looks like there's some turbulence up ahead. It's a good thing you found us. We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Your path to stability. Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency?
Starting point is 00:21:20 This is the Intrepid Commander, and I'm holding the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, MD. In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You'll learn about assessment and stabilization. You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home look 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in america get the prepper's medical handbook today at again that's the prepper's medical handbook by william w forgy

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