The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News: The Headless Nation

Episode Date: November 21, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. You're paying back the stability. Morning, everybody. It's still Nuke Week here at PBN Family. I'm sorry, at PBN. week here at pbn family i'm sorry at pbn uh we are sort of biting off the shark week and laughing about the fact that we are a headless nation in the midst of world war three russia has been shooting down missiles from the u.s and missiles now from the united kingdom i'm The United Kingdom, I'm sure they're thrilled. I'm sure they're just thrilled to be at it. And this is where we stand, folks. And, you know, what most what is most terrifying about it all is the fact that there's no one.
Starting point is 00:01:19 There's no one at the head of the great American eagle. I was walking to my car today thinking about this situation. There's no one at the head of the great American Eagle. I was walking to my car today thinking about this situation, thinking about how much I just want a president, like how much I'd like to have a president of the United States at a moment like this. Be nice, right? It'd be kind of cool. Have a have a president. We don't have a president. We don't have a president. We haven't had a president since they rousted him or ousted him, rather, with a coup situation. We haven't had a president.
Starting point is 00:01:53 I felt even though Kamala was so incredibly incompetent and still is, even though she's disappeared completely, that at least knowing Joe Biden was no longer the president, which he isn't, or at least in the sense that any decisions or any moves being made have nothing to do with him, I at least had the sense that, you know what, Kamala's got to do her best right now because she's running and she has to get in office. Now that that's over, though, we really have become a headless nation.
Starting point is 00:02:34 We truly are a headless nation in one of the most terrifying moments of all time. If I find the time today, I may write a few Congress people's persons and talk to them about the possibility of, I don't know, emergency powers to get a president, a seated president in. And I know it would be virtually impossible to get
Starting point is 00:03:02 Donald Trump put in early. But I guess we all are sitting in, you know, sort of with the same mindset. Like what to what lengths should we go as a nation, as a people, as a world to prevent the first nuclear weapon from detonating in a war since 1945? Morning, Jay Fergg Thanks for joining us today You know what I mean Like what lengths should we go to To avoid that Because as I mentioned Let's do the
Starting point is 00:03:35 Let's do the take This is from this morning The Russian military's claim To shot down two British made storm shadow missiles Though though details of where and when remain unspecified, escalating fears of an all out war. How many different countries missiles do you think Russia is going to shoot down or get shot with? They've already threatened the UK. We talked about this yesterday. Talked about the UK situation yesterday. this yesterday we talked about the uk situation yesterday i'm going to share my screen with you because um if you haven't heard the russians lost launched an intercontinental ballistic missile and icbm at ukraine and it hit today and it is the first ICBM that has hit ever.
Starting point is 00:04:26 I'd like to watch it with you. I haven't watched it yet. And since we have the ability to share screen, we're going to watch it together. Terrifying moment, nuclear capable Russian ICBM hits. Let's see how this looks. Can you guys see this? Yeah, you guys can see that pretty good. Like I said, I haven't watched it.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I don't know what it's going to look like, sound like. Oh, my God. You can hear it. You heard it. And there it is. That noise at the beginning was terrifying. Oh, is it another one? So, was it two? Three?
Starting point is 00:05:29 I'm confused about this footage here. The footage says, captures Russia's first use of a ballistic missile. I guess they have multiple warheads. Look at this thing, dude. You know, Dave Jones always says, when everyone's asleep, check out the night sky. Check out the, it looks like the sun might just be coming up. This is what we're doing to people. Okay? This is what's going on.
Starting point is 00:06:10 This is what we're doing to people. Garden Girl, sorry. Sorry to terrify everybody. I know it's scary stuff to see, but I thought we'd watch it together. I hadn't watched it. Can you imagine hearing that overhead? Yeah, that noise is crazy. That's a wild noise.
Starting point is 00:06:32 You know something's about to blow up. I had no idea ICBMs came in force. They say a single ICBM, but it looked like five. I mean, I guess there's multiple warheads on an ICBM? Let's do some Googling. How many warheads on an ICBM? One. However, each missile can carry up to 14. Okay. So this intercontinental ballistic missile, which, you know, this is like the thing that you always see in Prepperdom. You see like pictures of these.
Starting point is 00:07:07 In Prepperdom. So the peacekeeper. The US peacekeeper can carry 11 warheads. So this guy must have had 4 warheads on it. Obviously not nuclear. And uh. Yeah. Welcome to the next phase.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Of the Ukrainian Russian. Well welcome to the next phase of the Ukrainian-Russian Well, welcome to the next phase of World War III That's where we're at Right? If you don't look back in history and say These were the early days of World War III I don't know What else could we call it?
Starting point is 00:07:41 The NATO-Russian War, maybe Right? I guess you could get away with the NATO-Russian war for now. But then again, you've got North Korea. So how many, you got weapons stored in Belarus, you got Russia, you got North Korea engaged in combat with the Ukrainians who are being, who have been helped and funded and God only knows how many Americans and, you know other nato members are actually on the battlefield helping they wouldn't tell you you know what i mean nobody would tell you it's it's uh what's really going on the reason i want to show you the video is because there's so much information coming out now and i think we're about to reach a point where we're going to get avalanches of information on this because, well, both sides are kind of in that sort of situation, right? So when I see that happening in Ukraine and then I read this headline from Conflict Watcher, Ukrainian strikes decimate Russian air defense capabilities.
Starting point is 00:08:48 The Russians have experienced equipment losses numbering in the thousands of units, according to Ukrainian reports. One of the most notable categories of these losses surpassing 1,000 units is Russian air defense systems. See, it doesn't tell you where and how many and what were they defending. This is out an hour ago. I mean, it's just insane, like the amount of ratcheting up that has happened. Wow. One thousand and one days. This is defense of Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:09:19 So, you know, this has got to be biased. One thousand and one days of full scale invasion. One thousand and one destroyed Russian air defense systems. We continue the destruction of the enemy until victory comes. Well, that's the part that makes me nervous. Destruction of the Tors and Panzers S1 Russian scourge on drones and cruise missiles. S-1 Russian scourge on drones and cruise missiles. Ukraine's second most frequently targeted system is the 9K330 Tor available in M1 and M2 versions.
Starting point is 00:10:00 These missile systems are designed to combat cruise missiles or drones at a maximum distance of about 10 miles and an altitude of 6 miles up. The system's advantage is a large payload of 16 ready-to-launch missiles. Russia has lost at least 61 units of this system. no president, no vice president. I did a show called I Want a President maybe three months ago, and it was because we had no president. But at least we had a vice president, kind of. We had like a half a vice president. Now, where's she at? We have no – there's nothing. We are a headless nation.
Starting point is 00:10:41 We are in the throes of World War III, and we are a headless nation with are in in the throes of world war three and we are a headless nation with no leader no president why can't we put donald trump in early why why not well it doesn't it's not illegal it's not in there's no precedent there's no there's no precedent for uh russia than for Russia nuking the island of the United Kingdom either, right? We're moving into a time where we're going to see a lot of unprecedented things if we don't take some action pretty soon. You know what I mean? And we have an ocean between us.
Starting point is 00:11:24 We have two oceans between us in all the action, right? It's Europe that is going to feel the pain first. But it's also Europe who has really puffed out their chest. Oh, look at the breaker of the banksters in on Twitter. What is up, man? Thanks for joining us this morning. The king of the coin. Can we call you that?
Starting point is 00:11:48 The breaker of the banksters. The king of the coin. Yeah, I like that. We can go with that. For those of you who don't know, I'm not going to explain it. But suffice it to say, the king of the coin is with us. Yeah. Leadership. Immediately. You know what I mean? Suffice it to say, the king of the coin is with us. Yeah, leadership immediately.
Starting point is 00:12:08 You know what I mean? Immediate leadership action is required. Nobody's going to talk to Putin between now and Donald Trump getting into office. At the very least, the government itself should schedule talks. You know what i mean should schedule talks between the incumbent and putin it has to happen i mean it has to happen i invite him to mar-a-lago if i were trump to be honest something has to happen or these types of things are going to start to just work their way to the polish border or just usurp all of that and and wind up right at the doorstep of the french
Starting point is 00:12:51 or the british and we're going to look back and say man it would have been really cool if we stopped all that it'd been really nice you know maybe just to have two political leaders meet and talk about the fact that they're about to take the most drastic steps in all history. Right. The moment they shoot a nuke and we shoot a nuke and they shoot a nuke. That's it. It's history. We might be history. Yeah, well, there's no need for a one threat one solution on a day like today right no need to talk one threat one solution on a day like today let's do a quick commercial break we're not gonna have too long a show today and we'll come back and we'll talk about it we'll talk about you and uh you know what are you doing all the face of all of this nonsense? Because it's it's all too real.
Starting point is 00:13:47 And and to be honest, we should be worried about what we really should be worried about at a time like this is, you know, I hope I don't burn the turkey. Food storage and preservation are at the heart of self-reliance. Our sponsor, Pack Fresh USA features made in America products. I shop Pack Fresh USA dot com for mylar bags and oxygen absorbers for my home food storage. But they do all kinds of products. Go to and check out their Prepper University and order their box set of Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers. It's a 7-mil 100-pack of Mylar bags, oxygen absorbers, labels, and even a food storage guide.
Starting point is 00:14:30 If I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments, is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prepper mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase. Hello. Welcome to the podcast. Present your vaccine passport. Enter your social credit score.
Starting point is 00:15:32 And be sure you have enough remaining carbon credits to enjoy today's show. BBN family, your garden is the resistance. That's part of it, right? That's a little piece of the puzzle uh all of our sponsors are pieces of the puzzle though so at the end of the day folks you do have to segment this stuff off first and foremost from a mental health preparedness perspective you gotta you gotta be able to like draw the line push this nonsense out into left field and say okay we'll we'll deal with that when we deal with that but right now you know you have to have a life outside of the terror
Starting point is 00:16:17 and the election and this and that right all of it and you know and in that life that's where preparedness takes shape i mean it's good motivation right anybody who's not motivated right now to get started prepping storing food and figuring out how to prepare for nuclear fallout things like that you might as well just hang it up you might as well just say you you are at the will of whatever happens in the world. Like that's the deal. Because if you're not emboldened to act right now, I don't know. I don't know what to say about you. Seems weird.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Seems really weird to me that people could be walking around and just thinking like, let's just roll the dice again. Just roll the dice and see what happens today and into tomorrow and into the next day. No plans, no preparations, nothing. Well, the good news is we're just, what, four or five days out from the Ultimate Preppers Black Friday catalog. A lot of solutions in there you're going to see a lot of cool stuff in there man we've got awesome advertisers in there this year amazing things i just talked to uh i should probably give you the name i told them i'd
Starting point is 00:17:40 mention you on the air just out of kindness so so let me get it right. This is not necessarily a nuclear war prep, but it's sweet. It's very cool. It's a – sorry, I've got to scroll through my Instagram conversations here. It's called the Quench C 3.0. Quench C. Quench C 3.0. Quench C. The Quench C 3.0 is a desalinator pump, like a handheld desalinator pump, like something if you're coastal, if you're a coastal prepper or brackish prepper, perfect for the bug out bag very cool the sequencer 3.0 i'll probably put a link um in future casts i'm not doing it today but in the future really cool man like easy to operate tube in tube out you know the central portion of the pump is uh
Starting point is 00:18:42 where all the action happens. You know, one tube goes into the salt to the ocean. One goes, you know, into your cup and that water will have to be treated. Don't get me wrong. You're desalinating water. So you're not, not making the water a hundred percent safe to drink, but it's still awesome. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:19:03 I remember desalination used to be this problem that was impossible to figure out and very so expensive you can't imagine there's no way we could turn seawater into drinking water would never happen i mean that would be you know southern california would be a whole different place if we could figure out how to do this sort of in a large scale you know and you know it's weird man i've talked to so many companies that are doing crazy things If we could figure out how to do this at a large scale. You know what's weird, man? I've talked to so many companies that are doing crazy things, small scale, that would change everything if they could do them large scale. And they struggle to get funding.
Starting point is 00:19:40 They do business with the government, and it's horrible. I was talking to a guy a couple days ago, a solar guy, and he told me He did a deal with the government Wasn't even a big contract They gave him an 800 page contract To sign I don't even have an 800 page book I can't even Look at something that's 800 pages How many pages is the bible Like if if you can't, but that's government, baby, that's that's government. That's who's right now in control of keeping you safe in the face of all this chaos.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Probably the first step, or if you need to put yourself at ease or whatever it is, do a threat analysis of potential nuclear targets in your area, military bases, energy production, manufacturing, that kind of infrastructure. In a serious throwing multitudes of nuclear weapons situation, that's what you got to be worried about. In a long-term World War III situation, that's what you got to be worried about. In a long-term World War III situation, that's what you got to be worried about. There is, is I haven't been there in months. I think it's
Starting point is 00:21:06 It might,.net. I don't know. doesn't seem to be coming up. It's probably because there's so many people using it right now. Nukemap is up. It's Just type nukemap into Google. And what the nuke map allows you to do is to detonate nukes in your area so what you can do to really get some good intel on what things could
Starting point is 00:21:34 look like is take a russian nuke which they have them listed in the yield and so on do and conduct an air burst on the map well let's do it real. I didn't want to do this right now. This is not something I have a bunch of time to do at the moment. Hang on. I need to go close the back door. Okay. I'm gonna, what do I have to play for you? I was expecting to get back on and kind of sign off. We'll do a one threat, one solution real quick. Okay. Let me stop cam. Come back. I'll show you how to use nuke map and then send you on your way to worry. Hang on. For those of you in the listening land, you know what?
Starting point is 00:22:32 I might kill myself here. Wow, that sounds like that's not what I meant. I meant kill the video. Kill the video. PBN Family podcast listeners, if you're not watching us, you know, it's still something to do. Some of you, I mean, many of you probably already played with it, podcast listeners. Let's get the nuke map up. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Special thanks to Alex Wellerstein. Okay, we're in the Soho neighborhood, the East Village neighborhood, Hudson Square of New York. Okay, it's a good place to start. Can everyone see Nuke Map? Oh, no, it's way too small. Hold on. Let's get it bigger. Bang, there we go.
Starting point is 00:23:23 So, again, just search Nuke Map in Google and you can find this. You can take this dot and you can put it anywhere you like. Okay. You can go to the whole of the U.S. and slide this dot around. We can go to Philadelphia. Right. We can go to Atlantic City. We can go to Washington, D.C., which is probably a good spot to go, right? Where do you live?
Starting point is 00:23:49 Let's say you live in the surrounding area of Washington, right? Maybe you're in Alexandria. So what we're going to do now is we're going to go over to the right side, and we're going to find a preset. And what I like to look for in times like these, because I've done this many times, you could use the Tsar Bomba, a 50 megaton. That's not something that's going to be used in most cases, right? I like the B83. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:24:22 I'm sorry. The SS-4 Soviet missile. This is from the Cuban Missile Crisis. It's a two megaton bomb. Pretty small in terms of the largest of all. The largest in our arsenal currently is the B-83, which is 1.2 megatons. This is no joke. Don't get me wrong. You know what I mean? It's no joke. So let's smack this guy right here, okay? We want an airburst. We want to understand casualties. I'll show you the radioactive fallout because there will be none when we do an airburst, okay? because there will be none when we do an airburst, okay?
Starting point is 00:25:10 And then from here on, we detonate. I know, it's nerve-wracking, isn't it? And what you get here is a breakdown of a variety of things, right? So if you live in Alexandria and a, what was it, a 2.3 megaton airburst occurs, the fireball radius is going to basically incinerate all the cool stuff in the capital. The moderate blast damage is going to handle everything out here. handle everything out here. Thermal radiation is going to basically burn
Starting point is 00:25:48 and torch all kinds of stuff and people all the way out to here. It's a big problem. Light blast damage is no joke. They call it light blast damage, right? But there's going to be a lot of damage there
Starting point is 00:26:04 too. This gives you an idea of what you're working with You go up here and look at injuries So now you've got a million people injured In this area And don't forget you can't get in here This is all radiological And you know the whole thing About 800,000 people will die.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Now, okay, nuke bomb. I mean, nuke weapons bad. Scary, right? Nuclear weapons scary. We get that. What can you take from this? Well, there's a lot of things you can take from this, right? When you're doing your own threat analysis, trying to figure out what are we safe?
Starting point is 00:26:47 Are we not safe? Well, if you live in Fredericksburg, don't get me wrong. The I-95 corridor is smashed. There's problems, right? The whole the I-95 runs through here. So, you know, that's a big problem for everybody but in terms of like the the immediate effects like death by nuclear bomb you're good richmond charlottesville hampton now this norfolk area another good place to stick the stick the pin but back it all out and as i told you you can move this thing wherever you want
Starting point is 00:27:26 you can move the detonation wherever you want where do you live where's the nuke plants where's the military bases where's the infrastructure where's the manufacturing of weapons okay that's where something like this is gonna go right you detonate in philadelphia gonna be it's not like it's not gonna be well dave jones always says it'll be pandemonium but it just gives you an idea of the blast radius right it's all part of figuring out you know what the deal is what the real deal is for you obviously nothing's 100 but it's better than saying i don't know what's gonna happen and uh oh hey hey everybody how are you all right that's it for me today folks uh yeah i want a president again that's
Starting point is 00:28:24 what i'd like that's what i'd like for us to sit around the Thanksgiving table I'd like to say I'm grateful for the leader At the helm of the executive branch Who knows who he is knows what his name is And does something other than eat ice cream I don't think we're gonna get that Until January
Starting point is 00:28:41 But Yeah I hope you enjoyed this show today. And stay tuned, man. It's Thursday. The Toolman will be up. I owe you an anything but doom. That will be up today as well. Yeah, it's PBN, folks.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Go to if you haven't yet. Get Nuclear War prepared, not scared. The e-book. Print it. Store it. I'm getting tired of saying it, if you can't tell. Because there may come a time when that's not an option. All right? See you, folks.

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