The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News - The Real Insurrection & Musashi
Episode Date: May 1, 2024The World of Ready
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We are your lizard overlords.
Stop listening to these preppers.
Eat your crickets.
Fight in the streets.
Own nothing.
And love it.
PBN Family In My Hands is the, uh, one of the anecdotes to the overlords, the lizard overlords.
One of the anecdotes to the overlords, the lizard overlords.
In my hands is a brilliantly colored and magnificently, I don't know, drawn copy of the world of Ready.
ISBN on the back.
You know, I stumbled into great people in order to make this book happen.
And sitting here holding this thing, man, is really cool.
This one was printed in Middletown, Delaware, funny enough.
That's very close to where I grew up.
Middletown, Delaware, 22 April 2024. A Walton Liberties book published by James Walton and Walton Liberty's LLC, February 2024.
PBN Family, this PBN Daily News is going to be, we're going to focus a lot on the concept of you.
A lot on the concept of being 100% sure about where you stand on certain issues
and how that affects the decisions you make in your life.
We get upset because we see tactics being used against us,
tactics being used against our kids,
tactics being used in a variety of ways that we don't like.
You'll never hear me say this as a piece of advice because I really don't buy it,
but I buy freedom more than my own opinion.
You'll never hear me say, now's the time to run away.
You'll never hear me say,
now's the time to move to a community
of like-minded individuals.
Why is that?
Well, it's dark, the reason I...
There's a lot of voices on the internet,
some of my favorites.
I listen to very few content creators
outside of PBN hosts. But some of my favorite in the prepping world all espouse the same concept of runaway.
Number one, to me, it's a surrender, and it's an egotistical surrender.
So there's ego involved when I tell you that I'm never going to give you the advice to run away.
I see people on the macro running to the United States. One of my favorite content creators, Chris Williamson, from the Modern Wisdom podcast.
I love the guy.
He does great stuff.
He's moved to Texas from the UK.
And if ever I get a chance to talk to Chris,
the first thing I'm going to tell him,
or one of the first things,
is you need to move back to the UK.
Because you're a powerful individual
with great influence.
And your people need you.
Do you understand?
Where the refugees come from.
Why the refugees are coming from.
The places they're coming from.
Is because they don't have strong leadership.
You know what I mean?
There's nobody there.
And the chances of that leadership getting stronger in time.
If all the men.
Of gumption.
You know what I mean?
If everybody who can
make a difference is running to America, so then you take it to the state level, and I see the same
thing. I see battles being fought within states. And personally, I don't like the concept of
everybody living in Idaho and in the great American redoubt, you know what I mean,
just waiting to be attacked. The dark part of the whole thing is this. It's freedom is,
the experiment of man and his freedom is more important than you and your family.
and his freedom is more important than you and your family.
That's it. That's the whole thing.
How did I come to that conclusion?
Because I came to that conclusion about my own family.
Now that might make you look at me a certain way.
You might look at me a certain way and say,
it's your duty to protect your family.
No shit, Sherlock. But in the grand scheme of things, no shit Sherlock but
in the grand scheme of things
can I really sit here and say
a zero risk
is the best thing for
what is probably
the greatest feat that mankind has ever come to,
has ever accomplished,
to have ventured into the idea that man should be free,
that man should govern himself,
to venture into that idea, to participate in that experiment,
and then to have it be so insanely successful.
Now, this is a way to take the climate change talk out of context
in a way that is not paralyzingly fearful.
But man's freedom gave way to prosperity so immense and so powerful that we've had to say, pump the brakes on prosperity.
That's literally what's happened.
With man governing himself at the controls of many different industries and governments around the world, we've had to say to ourselves, pump the brakes, because we are so incredibly effective that there are consequences on the entire planet.
Would we have gotten there with kings? Would we have gotten there with queens?
I don't know. Probably not.
Probably not because, you know,
the linchpin in man's freedom is his ability to become as successful as his drive allows,
particularly in America,
but in the Western world at large,
and in the Asian world, too, in a lot of places.
Western world at large, and in the Asian world too, in a lot of places.
So the idea that man should be free is worth fighting for and worth dying for.
I'll say it again, so as not to be taken out of context. The idea that man should be free, and man's freedom and liberty at large, and the fact that we are tasked with standing up and protecting freedoms given to
us by God, it's just more important than you think. Do you get it? It's worth dying for.
It's worth living for, and it's worth dying for. It's more important than you and your kids,
which is hard. It's a hard pill to swallow, right? I'm here because of my kids and my wife.
That's why I'm here and on this microphone.
But you have to understand there are things in the bigger picture.
But you have to understand there are things in the bigger picture.
I see battles being fought all over this country in states,
and there's a lot of people who are saying,
I'm leaving, I'm gone, I'm going.
And I can't fault you for it.
I'm just saying.
You're not leaving behind idiots only.
Your escape from New York is not... Now, I'll be honest. There are places.
If I woke up tomorrow and I was transferred into the body of a single mother in LA,
yeah, I'd get the hell out of there. If I woke up on the subway in New York City, yeah, I'd get the hell out of there. There are places.
Where the risk is such.
That it might be time to go.
But then again.
You know.
You are a part of the whole.
No man is an island unto himself.
As Don Juan said.
So. So, you know, in many ways, we look to this prepping community. You guys probably look to me for brilliant advice about putting things up, learning things, doing things, and so
on. And I give plenty of that advice. But I will tell you that there are weapons and tactics that can be
used right where you sit right now, even if you think your best bet is to get the hell away from
there, you know? And there's no denying that I wrote The World of Ready because it would be a
really cool book and a great way to introduce prepping at a very young age. But it's also a book that was designed to stand against the nonsense
that's being produced and sold widely at targets all across America.
I mean, you just go take a walk down the Target aisle,
and you can very easily see the path to Palestinian protesters
that are gay with blue hair. Like you can see how someone
can get so confused that they would stand locked arms with their own killers in Hamas and claim
that they're standing in a bigoted and evil nation. It's not that hard to understand.
There's no, there's not, it's not a condition. You know what I mean? It's not that hard to understand. There's no, there's not, it's not a condition.
You know what I mean?
It's not like a puzzle.
It's stupid people that don't have a lot of substance, that don't have a lot of character,
that don't have a lot of gray matter upstairs, don't spend a lot of time thinking.
They don't have good people around them to tell them, hey, you're being an idiot.
Don't you understand this? You're being an idiot. And you're not really making much of a difference.
In fact, you might be making things worse for the people of Gaza.
Right? How could they be making things worse for the people of Gaza? Real quick.
Well, now we want to learn more about Hamas. And the more you learn about Hamas, subsequently, the more you learn about Gazans.
And the more you learn about the Gazan acceptance and, you know, not just the acceptance, but also
the support. And it's dark, man. It's a dark world that most Americans can't even wrap their heads around.
It's hard to understand when you grow up where we grow up.
But anyway, all that to say,
I'm sitting here with a copy
of the beautifully illustrated world of Ready.
I'm going to show it off on Instagram today.
It's gorgeous.
We've got a bunch of copies to give away.
I definitely should do a PBN giveaway, huh?
Yeah, I should do a PBN giveaway.
Give me a day or two to figure that out.
This first batch of copies are almost all accounted for to various friends
and people who have pushed kids in the neighborhood.
No, not people who have pushed kids in the neighborhood.
People who have pushed the book for me.
And also children in my neighborhood, fundamentally.
Never forget, you know, in this digital world,
we often think there's a bunch of people out there we need to appease and people out there we need to help,
and people out there, there's also people right down the street.
One threat, one solution. Let's do it. I told you that today was going to be
a conversation much about you.
You know, very personal decisions.
This from the Gray Man Brief, the weekly bluff.
Nationwide communist organizations have aligned with the pro-Palestinian movement to promote a new variation of Nazi ideals.
Understand the guy writes these up, okay? So this ain't out of MSNBC.
The Revolutionary Communists of America, the RCA, have begun a countrywide propaganda campaign along with mass postering. What are they? What are they, an indie band? RCA, what are you, an indie 90s band?
That's what we used to do when we had a show.
When we had a show, when we rented out the rec center for $200 and got four bands to play with us,
we would conduct a mass postering in the area also, pre-social media.
Application of posters in public spaces.
The RCA says they—I wonder how many people are going to rip those posters down. Because these Nazi bastards had no problem gathering together to rip down the posters of the hostages, one of which we saw lately who was missing a hand, by the way, from your good friends at Hamas, you know, the ones you're standing in line for, the ones you're building pallet shelters for.
The RCA says they are a product of a new period of history.
We are the RCA.
We are an emerging generation of fighters born out of the decline of the 21st century American capitalism.
Now, just wrap your head around that statement for a moment.
capitalism. Now, just wrap your head around that statement for a moment. We are the emerging generation of fighters born out of the decline of 21st century American capitalism. Now,
they've already attacked ports. They've already attacked buildings, government buildings,
all the time, right? Just imagine if I were to stand at a podium and had a bunch of my friends and a
bunch of my listeners and a bunch of my people in the crowd, maybe ARs slung over shoulder and said,
we are a generation of fighters. Me looking the way I look and talking about the things that I talk about,
imagine me standing up at a podium and saying,
we are a product of a new period of history.
We are the emerging generation of fighters
born out of the decline of 21st century liberalism.
The RCA intends to form a communist party to overthrow the capitalist system and
replace the United States of America with a socialist federation of the Americas as part
of the World Socialist Federation. Now, these people, do you know what an insurrection means?
Have you any clue? Or do you just read it and see it? The word insurrection, what the January Sixers are sitting in jail for and have been jailed for is just that.
I mean, that's the definition, right, to replace the sitting government.
Now, this group is going to riot for the rest of the year.
This group will riot for the rest of the year.
year. This group will riot for the rest of the year. And then the government of this United States, the FBI, the justice system will look at me weird and people like us and say,
why do they get so crazy when we say that right-wing government,
non-government extremists or anti-government extremists are such a big threat?
extremists, our anti-government extremists are such a big threat.
These people are saying, attack the ports and attack commerce. We're communists. They're saying,
kill the Jews. Remember the seventh. We're Nazis. They're saying, well, maybe they're not saying we're Nazis, but they don't have to, right? They're saying we want to overthrow the United States government. We are fighters. We are a generation
of fighters and we want to overthrow the United States. These are not my words. I read it right
off verbatim, okay? And the Justice Department's sitting there with their hands in their pockets
waiting on the next white supremacist attack in America, waiting on the next Timothy. Where's
Timothy McVeigh number two? I know he's about to
pop out. It's like whack-a-mole over there at the FBI. He's going to pop out any moment.
We have to be prepared. So you're dealing with a fighting force
of losers and idiots who are willing to do crazy things for their cause, you know?
And they're right out front with their messaging.
There's no hiding it, right?
We want to overthrow the United States.
We want to create a communist regime of the Americas
where we can do everything that is always done in a communist regime.
A communist regime for the Americas includes take your home, take your money,
give it to people from the Americas, right? Wrap your head around that for a little while.
It's a new set of prioritizations. It's a new hierarchy built under a government like that,
and you're probably going to wind up at the bottom of that list for your voting record and possibly your genealogy.
Who knows?
So you have to find out where you stand.
You know, the one threat is this.
This is a real threat.
This is a real thing.
This is happening.
You have to understand this is happening.
The youth who have decided to give up the fight for their own personal success because they doubt themselves too strongly because they've had parents their whole life tell them that they're great and they're incredible and they're amazing.
And you know what kids know?
Kids know when you're lying to them.
Kids know when they're not great.
Kids know when they are great.
My son, both of my kids, they know.
This is one of the reasons why sports are important too, man.
They know when I'm horse shitting them.
They know when I'm telling them nonsense.
My son knows if he had a bad game at basketball and I come up to him after the game and say, Oh, man, good job.
Good work out there, dude.
He'll look at me and his eyes will say something very different than if he has a
great game, right? If he has a great game, scores a lot of points, good on defense, whatever,
or even my older son, you know, catches a couple of touchdowns, all that kind of stuff.
He comes out the field, hey man, you look good out there. I get two sets of eyes. I get one
set of eyes, which is you're being dad right now. You know, you're doing the dad thing.
You're doing the good dad thing.
You're telling me I did a good job, but I didn't score today.
I didn't do this today.
I made too many mistakes today.
They know.
And I really think this generation of stand around, you know, spend your afternoon in a tent drawing up the appropriate sign.
I think these people were coddled their whole life.
I think their parents told them, good job, great job,
and they're probably calling them up now and saying, good job, great job,
standing in the park calling for the death of the Jews.
I'm really proud of you.
And I think the parents hang up the phone and the kids go,
they're not proud of me, and I'm not doing a good job.
I really do believe that.
But they're in this sort of inertia, which is I have to become something of meaning.
I don't know.
So it all comes down to you.
Where do you stand?
What do you do?
You know?
It all comes down to you.
Where do you stand?
What do you do?
And if you're confronted by these people, this is the same idea of not running away. If you're confronted by these people, if you see these things popping up, free Gaza in your community, you've got to power wash it off.
Say, hey, I want this off of this electrical box.
I want this off of this building.
I want this covered up.
And listen, if you don't do it in a week, I'll take care of it.
Apply some pressure.
I don't want to see this IDF or terrorist bullshit in my neighborhood.
You take care of it or I'm going to take care of it.
And what I mean by that is, you know, pressure washer, spray paint, whatever it is.
You can't have this littering your communities and your neighborhoods.
And if you are confronted or even if you overhear people yakking about this stuff, you know? It's high time that you say something.
It's high time that at the very least you speak up.
And if you don't want to get into the Gaza and the who's right and who's wrong and who's...
You can always go here.
We've got plenty of problems in this country.
Don't you think we should spend some more time focusing on those problems?
Don't you think we should start talking about the poisoning, the mass poisoning that China
is conducting on our civilian population?
Don't you think we should talk about the veterans who are sitting in boxes, fully infested,
addicted to fentanyl also?
Don't you think we should talk about suicide rates among veterans? Don't you think we should talk about the absolute, I mean, probably one of the greatest arguments of communism,
or against communism or socialism, I guess, in the United States today, is the education system.
Shouldn't we talk about that? Shouldn't we talk about reading, writing, and arithmetic and how our kids are behind on all of it? Rather than concerning ourselves with
committing an October 7th every month? I don't know. It's time to choose. Looks like there's some turbulence up ahead. To continue down this.
We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
Your path, act as stability.
So we attended a massive celebration of Japanese samurai armor,
weapons, tools, history.
My kids and I last Friday was awesome here at the VMFA.
And one of the things we took home
was a copy of the Book of Five Rings
by Miyamoto Musashi,
the most deadly swordsman of all time.
Now I joke with my son and I call him Musashi, my older son,
because he is similar in mentality, right?
With that book came this really cool set of cards and a stand.
And all of it's like, don't know 50 100 cards probably
and it's a bunch of quotes from miyamoto musashi and you know you hear a lot of talking points
nowadays you don't realize how old they are you don't realize how old the knowledge is
that's popping up on youtube shorts and people are going oh what a great concept
i want to read you one of the cards it's's the first one I read out of the batch,
and I think it's one of the most important.
He says,
Today is victory over yourself of yesterday.
You've probably heard me say that.
Today is victory over yourself of yesterday.
Tomorrow is your victory over lesser men.
Hmm. Something to consider.
We're not even allowed to call people lesser anymore.
But there's a reality there, right?
Today is victory over yourself of yesterday.
That's routine, right?
By the way, I got to get you guys a routine.
It's a new month.
Don't hold your breath.
I'm just kidding. We will have a routine for routine. It's a new month. Don't hold your breath. I'm just kidding.
We will have a routine for everyone. It may be out today. The list of things to do today is not
tremendous. It's a big one, but we may have it out today, and it'll be available to all. It'll
probably go out in a mass email to the newsletter, so go sign up at Yeah. The victory over yourself is what you do every day.
Today is victory over yourself of yesterday. Tomorrow is your victory over lesser men.
Miyamoto Musashi. Have a good day, PBN family. I've given you 25 minutes of my soul.
Now I'm going to go jump on camera over at Instagram and show off the great new book.
Do me a favor. Buy some books. give them to people you care about with kids, buy some books, give them to
a local preschool or your kid's school, whatever it is. We want this thing to be big. We want this
thing to be the start of something. You know, the greatest thing that could happen with the
world of Ready for me is a bunch of uh lookalikes you know what i mean
i want homestead and harry out next by some author and i want a whole legion of these books
to drown out the erotica and the uh gender dysphoria titles that are populating elementary
school libraries across the nation.
Talk to you guys soon.
Hope you enjoy the show.
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