The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News: The Shuffle and The Hustle

Episode Date: August 23, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to P.B.N. You're paying back the stability. The Shuffle and the Hustle. What is up, folks? Welcome in. PBN Live. PBN Live mornings. Wow. This whole thing started with live evenings. I think it was like 8, 9, 8 p.m. Eastern or something like that. PBN was primarily live shows at night. The world is shuffling, PBN family. That's the deal.
Starting point is 00:01:03 I'll explain this shuffle a little more in detail. Today I will be working on a new sub stack for everyone. There is a link in the show description if you're interested in reading my sub stack. What is my sub stack? It's me. It's a place where I can write exactly the way I want to write. And that might sound funny to you because you say, James, you're a writer. You know, when you're writing to sell things like books, then you have to always keep your audience in mind, in the back of your mind, right? When you're writing for freelance clients, oftentimes you're in a framework, right? What I wanted to do with Surviving America as the podcast and as the
Starting point is 00:01:58 as the sub stack itself is to create essays and things like that that are just me, just American experience, the life of one American man through youth and so on. I mean, that's what it is. And it's more important now than ever, and one of the reasons why I wanted to do it is because I've been just like you, maybe more so. I don't know. But I just have grown tired of the doom. I still have to shout it from the mountaintops. I still have to make sure that everyone is preparing for it because that's my job.
Starting point is 00:02:43 But at the same time, it's like, well, I've not just grown tired of the doom. I've grown tired of the philosophy. I've grown tired of the manosphere. I've grown tired of a lot of things that really used to excite me. You know, I open up YouTube in the evening, like if I have work to do or something like that to do outside or whatever. And I just can't find anything I want to listen to because it's all built around these sort of things that I'm not particularly excited about. Divisive, you know, divisive or advice, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:20 and all that stuff to me is just, I don't know. I was never a big reader of nonfiction. You know what I mean? I think it's one of the reasons I always loved poetry so much, you know, because it gave you an escape, but it also showed you the heights of what people are capable of when they're thinking and writing and metaphoring and personifying and all that kind of stuff. And I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:49 It just seems like, I don't know, instinct. Yesterday, Chin said something profound to me. Over the years, and I don't know if he's gotten just more comfortable with me and stuff like that. For those of you who don't know, Chin from Sunday Night with Sarah on the Changing Earth podcast and myself, we've been buds and interacted for a long time. We met at Prepper Camp. He heard my voice and, first of all, was brave enough to walk up to me and say,
Starting point is 00:04:26 Are you James Walton? Which this day and age seems like heretical behavior. Right? Can you imagine walking up to someone you don't know and saying they sound like someone else? Can you imagine the lawsuits, the Me Too, any number of hashtags that could be thrown at you. I don't know if Chin was always this way. But in the last year, year and a half, I do for a fact know that he's been reading the Bible more.
Starting point is 00:05:00 And that can have a profound effect on you from a literary standpoint because it is incredibly poetic. You know what I mean? The Bible, even if you were cynical enough to say this has nothing to do with anything and it's just stories, you still have to appreciate the Bible for the poetry in it, right? And if not, then you're just bullshitting yourself. You're just praying atheism is the right answer,
Starting point is 00:05:26 and you've put up a guard so strong and so thick that you're bullshitting yourself and everyone around you. But he said a lot of profound things. In this portion of our relationship and in the past, he either hadn't been primed to do so, or, you know, like I said, it's a comfort level thing, too. You don't just meet somebody and start waxing prophetic to them. But yesterday he sends me a message and the message
Starting point is 00:05:52 says, I find it interesting that the universe has told you that liberty has ended and it's time to save America. And what he meant by that is I Am Liberty is coming to an end, and the new podcast will be called Surviving America. And I didn't even think about it that way. Fundamentally, I just kind of go off instinct with a lot of things, particularly in business and particularly in my own creative endeavors. Good morning, Garden Girl and Nub and Hatter. Welcome into the show, guys.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Wonderful to have you. Bill O'Reilly. I never really watched O'Reilly. But I did say that exact thing today in the car ride, which is funny, by myself. I started recording the show on the car ride home from dropping my kids off at school, or my oldest at school. And I was like 25, 30 seconds into a concept
Starting point is 00:06:53 recording it while driving, and I said that exact phrase, F it, we'll do it live. And that's what I did. That's exactly what I did. You guys let me know. The morning is a different time than the evening. So Garden Girl, Nub, Hatter, Mad Dog.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Who else do I get in these morning shows? Nothing is worse when you have a great following of people than when you leave someone out. There's nothing worse. You know what I mean mean and it doesn't happen because and i just want you to know if you've ever been left out on on like one of those kinds of comments um life is difficult and busy and stuff like that never take it personally and know that for me there are few errors few errors greater than when I gather together a group of people,
Starting point is 00:07:47 like if I'm talking about the hosts or if I'm talking about the listeners, and I say, you know, it's so great to have all these regular listeners like that, that, that, that, that, and I leave somebody out who's there all the time. It's the worst. But anyhow, if you guys are so inclined, I'm not going to do it today because it's the end of the week. It's been a hell of a week. It's great.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Great. Wonderful. We could do call-in in the mornings, and that could be fun. We could do call-in in the mornings if it's easier. He says, are you feeling lucky? Yeah, lucky. Lucky is the unsung hero here at PBN. the mornings if it's easier or he says are you feeling lucky yeah lucky lucky is one lucky is the unsung hero here at pbn uh lucky is particularly the unsung hero of the element universe the
Starting point is 00:08:33 element multiverse this dude single-handedly floats the the at least the political economical and warfare uh portions of the Element chat room, which you all should be in. If you're not in it, you're missing out. But Are You Feeling Lucky finds great stories, amazing stories, and puts them in here. And what's amazing about Lucky's resolve is he'll put an incredible story in here and nobody will say anything.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Even sometimes I'll read them and be like, that's a crazy story and move on with my day, you know? So he is a bit of a thankless dude. You know what I mean? We, we, uh, owe a lot more to Lucky than I know I give him. So I guess that means I owe you something Lucky. So, but anyhow, we can do, uh, we can do call-ins on the morning shows. We can bust out the number. I can open Skype. You guys can sound off on a variety of different things. That would be pretty fun to do. I never had much luck in the evenings.
Starting point is 00:09:37 I know people can be wiped out in the evenings. Or maybe they're not working, so they're less inclined to call. But maybe when you're bored at work, you're like, I'd do anything but work right now. Why not call in? Why not waste company time and phone in? So the shuffle and the hustle is on my mind this morning. I was thinking about, I was talking to my parents about, who have recently moved to Virginia, about how when families move and communities
Starting point is 00:10:05 break up, you know, it has a profound effect. And my dad was saying, yeah, but, you know, it's not like it used to be. People have to move. You know, there are people in cities like New York and Philadelphia, they have no choice. You know, we didn't really have it like that growing up. We didn't have it like that growing up where you had to leave an area because the taxes went so high, the price of housing went so high, the crime went so bad, right? fundamentally could be going through sort of a shuffling phase where people are moving, almost sort of like a pioneering age or like a neo-pioneering age where people are not necessarily moving to homesteads exclusively, but just a fundamental migration around the nation to safer, better places. And in those safer, better places, I don't know, I see a lot of hope in that. I see a lot in the future of America.
Starting point is 00:11:09 I really do. I find it very hard to believe that the age of screens and screen addiction and screen attention is going to be generation after generation after generation. I find it really hard to believe. You know, like my kids have spent a lot of time on screens and I find it hard to believe that they're going to find a wife and they're going to have their own kids and they're going to say, what we should do is have even more screen time. You know what I mean? It's just one of those things. I don't know. And when I think about what that means, then, you know, once you because I look at the revolutionary sort of screen time situation as and it's not the only thing, by the way, but it's a big thing. the way but it's a big thing it's one of the reasons why we are so isolated because it is so comfortable to be isolated it is so wonderful to be able to customize whatever it is you want to
Starting point is 00:12:11 research watch do see like there is a fundamental joy and power in screen time whatever it might be you know never before have we had so much choice so much ability to do whatever the hell we want to do. And as humans always do, we just overshot the goal. You know what I mean? We overshoot the goal. That's what we do. That's what humans fundamentally do.
Starting point is 00:12:42 You know what I mean? If you look at history, throughout history, it's like this is what we, even with good intentions, we overshoot the goal. And sometimes it doesn't work, right? Garden Girl says we left the melting pot of California five years ago for Texas. Kids have a much more diverse group of friends here than they ever did in Cali. Our quality of life is so much better. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Like I said, you have two, three generations in one spot, and you start thinking this is the way life's going to be forever. And then when you shake things up like I did, you feel bad about it. You know? That nub is the best. That nub says, with the new show, I hope you don't break the tradition of naming a show than never getting around to talking about that topic. That's been the key to my success as a podcaster, that nub. But, you know, the truth of the matter is I am talking about the shuffle right now, so maybe I'm in trouble. I don't know. I have you know, the truth of the matter is I am talking about the shuffle right now. So maybe I'm in trouble.
Starting point is 00:13:46 I don't know. I have to imagine though, with age, I won't get more focused. I'll probably get less focused. So I think I'll be able to hold that. I think I'll be able to hold that flag for you going into, um,
Starting point is 00:14:01 but like I said, when you do the shuffle, when you, when you move away, uh, you do feel bad about it. And you live in this sort of fantasy world where you're like, I was supposed to live there. And because my mom lived there, my dad lived there, and their mom and dad lived there, and maybe their mom and dad lived there. So three generations means you're supposed to have your kids there and their kids there.
Starting point is 00:14:24 And for the rest of time, you're supposed to live in that one place. What I've watched, particularly in the neighborhood I grew up in, is places die. They die. You know? People move out. People move in. Resources get diverted. Governments, you know, focus moves from one place to another,
Starting point is 00:14:47 and places just die. And then, you know, the liberals move in and buy the cheap property. The liberals and the gays move in and buy the cheap property and fight the war to bring that area back. That, I mean, you know, it sounds like a joke, but it's kind of what happens. And then they bring the neighborhood back and then they get accused of gentrifying and gentrification, which is always funny, right? I don't know. I'm just rapping with you about the shuffle. Okay. It's been a great week, guys. You know, I don't even know if I'm going to do a one threat, one solution. I've done no research on it. I have no, no reason to get worked up about
Starting point is 00:15:33 another thing. You know what I mean? However, I do want to talk about the hustle because the hustle is strong and the DNC was the height of the hustle. You know, it was the height of the whole ride. After I quit the podcast this morning and said I'm going to go live the whole ride home, I listened to NPR, you know, just orgasmically talk about the DNC and how diverse it was and how different it was compared to the RNC. You know, which is an amazing thing to say out loud you know it's it's the the only the the rnc is the only meeting of people that you can poo poo for it being exclusively one race and it wasn't exclusively one race but it doesn't even have to be it can just be dominated by whites right like oh so many white people on the stage. I mean, it's fundamentally what I heard the whole ride home, right? That's really what it is. What I heard the whole ride home was the DNC was so diverse,
Starting point is 00:16:38 it is a picture of what America is and should be, unlike the Republicans, unlike the RNC, you know? Unlike the RNC, which was predominantly white. Ugh. I don't know, that stuff, I don't know how most people don't hear that and go like, that's a really weird way to look at it.
Starting point is 00:17:01 You know? Like, that's a really strange way to look at it. But that's exactly the line that really strange way to look at it. But that's exactly the line that I heard all morning. That's the line that you're going to hear all day today, if you listen to anything about it. And that is the hustle, folks. That is the hustle. The hustle is everything we can do to help you understand that despite all your instincts, all your common sense, everything you know to be true, everything you have known to be true up until a month ago, Kamala Harris is the most intriguing, successful, incredible, integral American
Starting point is 00:17:44 in history. And we must vote for it to save the world. Despite everything you know to the contrary, that's the hustle. The hustle is on. It is on full scale. Anyone who disagrees with it is going to get sued and silenced and law fared into a corner. I had no idea that RFK had been sued so dramatically by the DNC. RFK Jr. has been so screwed by the DNC that it's hard to believe.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I mean, they've attacked him. They've attacked him so un... I just had no idea. I thought they would like... I just figured they left the guy alone. You know what I mean? But it's true. All the way back to February 10th, 2024, Democrats go on attack against RFK Jr. in Swing State.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Yeah, they've been attacking him early on. Amazing to me. I didn't know. In all honesty, I hadn't been paying attention to the guy. I was much more worried that somehow they were going to convince America that Kamala Harris was the one. I was waiting for the Democrats who believe that democracy is so important, you know, to say we need, I really thought that there would be a large coalition of Democrats that would say we need to have another primary. and maybe that maybe i'm just like gullible but to me to me like if you say a thing your whole campaign we must save democracy from the evil donald trump and then you appoint a dictator you appoint a tyrant as a presidential candidate, right? You just appoint her. This is your choice. Isn't democracy beautiful, Democrats? Here is your candidate. Did you vote for her?
Starting point is 00:19:53 Not one vote. Never had a chance to say whether or not I wanted Kamala to run or not run. Nobody had the option. But in the spirit of democracy, the Democrats just said, here's your girl. Here's your gal. Good luck. And out of one side of their mouth, they can do something and say something like that. And then on the other side, they could say Donald Trump is a clear danger to democracy. It's like I told you, that these psychopaths are like a kid on the schoolyard that'll punch you
Starting point is 00:20:30 and then tell the teacher that you punched them. Like, that's what they are. Like, they're the kid on the schoolyard that'll kick you in the balls and tell the teacher, you can't kick me in the ball while you're bent over in pain.
Starting point is 00:20:44 We don't even have to vote for her. No one else has yet. Yeah, no one's cast a single vote for her. That's amazing. The pro-democracy party, the Democratic Party, foisted someone upon the people. And then the people are so stupid that they're going to actually vote. The greatest thing that you could do as a Democrat is vote for Donald Trump. And you should say, I despise Donald Trump. Listen to me, Democrats. Show this to your Democrat friends. This is very important. You should carry on with your hatred
Starting point is 00:21:17 and your message. I hate Donald Trump. I hate the way he is. I hate the way he acts. I hate his policies, whatever. But this is a message to the Democrats that you will not destroy and basically remove my ability to vote for the presidential candidate, because that's worse. Nub says, it would be amazing if Trump and RFK were in charge of the CIA. Oh, my God. Imagine the things RFK Jr. would freaking find out if he really started digging around in the CIA.
Starting point is 00:21:55 He might meet the killers of his family face-to-face. Oh, man, a Prep and Patriot pops in. What is up? We were discussing phoning in Prep and Patriot in future morning shows since we're doing more morning lives. Wouldn't mind some callers. So that's my two cents, folks, the shuffle and the hustle. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:22:17 It is what we're living through fundamentally this day and age. And if you're smart enough like the people in chat to be prepared for it all, then, you know, you can watch the shuffle and the hustle. If you're new to it, you know, get to work. Get to work. Let's see. What else? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I think that's about it, folks. I'm pretty hungry. I haven't ate breakfast yet It's almost 10 o'clock eastern I got these wonderful Gigantic brown and white Chicken eggs out in the coop waiting for me My dad gave me a bag of Jalapeno peppers fresh out of the garden
Starting point is 00:22:59 It's about to go down The coffee's still great That's about to go down. The coffee's still great. That's about it. By the way, I guess we need to announce this eventually, and we're days away. The Disaster Coffee website has been down for some time. I don't know, maybe a few weeks. It fundamentally took a back seat.
Starting point is 00:23:29 We've got a big announcement to make, and it's going to happen September 1st, okay? Let's leave it at that. Enjoy your weekend, folks. Carl B. will be up at noon. Great show. Let's see what Carl's talking about. Real quick, last thing. See what Carl's talking about, then I'm seriously getting off.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Most of the time, I've already listened to Carl B. at this point. One of the perks of being... Ooh, what's that? I like contact forms. One of the perks of being... The Intrepid Commander! you get to listen to Carl B. at a time. Updates on Russia-China, heirloom seeds failing, and other strange news.
Starting point is 00:24:10 It's going to be a good one. I'll tell you what. That sounds so exciting. I'll post it right now. Forget about waiting until noon. I'll post it right now for you. I'll help you get through your Friday. Enjoy the weekend, folks.
Starting point is 00:24:24 It's James Walton with the Prepper Broadcasting Network. I'll talk to you soon. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments? is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prep or mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase.

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