The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News: The World of Ready and Risotto

Episode Date: April 23, 2024

No Grid Survival Projects

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. Your path back to stability. April 28th, PBN Family 2024, a day that will live in infamy. No, probably not. But April 28th, this Sunday, please, please, get out. Well, you don't really have to get out. Just get on your phone. Open up Amazon and search The World of Ready by James Walton. Currently, if I search The World of Ready, the book doesn't come up.
Starting point is 00:00:59 You have to type in James Walton in order to get it. That'll change as it is purchased en masse. But I need you to get your copy of The World of Ready. Everybody knows a kid. Everybody, you know what I mean? Get your copy, please. Share this book around with everyone and let them know. There are different things that kids can spend their time learning, right? The world of Ready is absolutely gorgeous. I mean, it really is. The illustrator that I ran into,
Starting point is 00:01:32 I don't even know if I could ever have her on the show, but I'd love to. She did such an amazing job. And Evelyn Wesley, who has done so much art for me in my life personally, I, you know, it should be a compliment to say I expected no less than what she gave me, because, I don't know, you know, all my life. She illustrated the Christmas hook, the sketched black and white version of the Christmas hook. Evelyn did and brought my ideas from that story to life. She brought my town, which I grew up into life, in the Christmas hook.
Starting point is 00:02:13 And she brought Uta to life. She brought Kit to life and the characters and the story and the world of Ready itself. And then Alicia, the illustrator who put sort of the computer animation, took our ideas, put them into computer animation so that they could be, or digital, I don't know what it's called, digital animation. Just really, just head down, just detail, detail, detail, detail, detail, and created a world that is, it's what I wanted. You know what I mean? I don't know how else to say it. It's the world that I wanted, you know? And yeah, so April 28th, The World of Ready is out. Book one. Book one. And Uta and Kit will teach Mallory and Conrad how to create a go bag to be prepared to evacuate from wildfires. Well, let me read you the actual breakdown because that's fun. It's very short and to the point.
Starting point is 00:03:14 I'd say ideally four to six, four to eight, three to six, maybe if you like to read to your kids. I'd read a book like this to my kids from the time they were babies. So I put baby to eight. After about eight, I don't know if the world of Ready is going to work. It is a fantastical sort of environment, so maybe.
Starting point is 00:03:38 My kids are Vikings, so it's hard. But who knows? I haven't even seen them with their hands on it yet. And the physical copies, we're going to have them at Prepper Camp, of course. When wildfires threaten young Mallory and Conrad's home, they discover a strange gift and embark on a journey to the world of Reddy. There they meet the creature Uda, who teaches them all about preparedness.
Starting point is 00:04:06 So, yeah yeah get yours I do appreciate it I'm going to push it every time you hear me this week I'm going to be pushing the world of ready and probably subsequent times in the weeks to come for those of you who are unawares the better a book performs
Starting point is 00:04:21 you know in the early stages the better it will basically be set up to perform later. Look, a lot of things, guys, like these podcasts, I don't get too ate up on performance. Well, my performance, but I don't get too ate up on how many downloads we're going to get on it. We do more promotion of PBN now than we ever have on a daily basis. And that's a good thing because our hosts are amazing. I do want the world of Ready to perform well. I want it to sell a lot and I want it to wind up in the hands of a lot of kids. And like magic, as fate would have it, as God would lay it before me at my feet as a reminder this week of what the mission is here with the world of Ready. I wake up this morning and what's sitting in front of me is an article from Fast Company. There's a revolution happening in children's book publishing.
Starting point is 00:05:27 You can thank the book bands. There's an image of three books that kids would never read. They're so huge on fire. Publishers are fighting back on book bands. Now listen to this. Flooding the market with books representing diverse points of view. So, right off the bat, you know what they mean by diverse points of view is young kids learning how to shoot and handle firearms effectively.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Young kids learning how to prepare for wildfires, disasters, emergencies, collapse of society, nuclear war, right? There's probably another, a whole wave of books being produced. The diverse idea of, you know, falling in love and following the word of God. This is what they mean, right? Let's read on just to verify. Elizabeth Segrin writes, Nicholas Smith knows a thing or two about book bans. The illustrators created five picture books over the last three years. Now, these are picture books,
Starting point is 00:06:29 okay? Four of which have been yanked off library shelves. There's I Am Ruby Bridges, about the civil rights icon, That Flag, about the Confederate flag, Born on the Water, which explores slavery, and The Artivist, which features a child supporting trans kids. Picture book. Picture book. Tell me why a kid needs a picture book about supporting trans kids. Why? Now listen. If the kids can read, if the kids can do math up to their grade level, if the kids are going to school, if the schools are filled with teachers who can do the job well, if we're meeting the base requirements for education,
Starting point is 00:07:15 then maybe we can talk about picture books featuring children supporting trans kids. You do realize, and they don't seem to realize this, and I think in all honesty, I said it weeks ago and I'm going to have to say it again and keep saying it, I think the generation that is in their activist phase, in their, you know, Nazi phase, if you will, I don't know how else to describe what's happening across the country and on the campuses of the United States, but apparently this generation has what can only be described as a Nazi phase, right? Hey, you guys want to get together and talk about killing
Starting point is 00:07:57 off all the Jews this weekend? Yeah, I'll be there again. Sure. Imagine you walked into a protest and you were like, look, I really just want this killing to stop. I'm really, you know, I'm just against the killing altogether. I don't like the war that's happening over there. I want it to end. It breaks my heart that what happened to the Israelis, it breaks my heart what happened to the Gazan and is happening to the Gazan kids and innocents. And imagine you show up to this protest and you're like, you know what, I'm going to do something for these people and try to make this war come to an end. And you roll up in that war and you hear people chanting about,
Starting point is 00:08:34 you know, let's make sure that what happened on October 7th happens every day. You start hearing people chanting death to america what blows my mind guys is not that that couldn't happen to a person it's not that that you couldn't say to yourself i'm gonna go be a steward of this situation i'm'm going to go protest for these people who don't have a voice over there in Gaza, right? It's not that you couldn't do that. What blows my mind is that you walk into this hellstorm of hatred and murder and Nazism, which is what it is. Why is my microphone set to? I am so sorry, guys. Why is my microphone set to... I am so sorry, guys.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I had my microphone set too far, and I was yelling into it. What blows my mind is that you can walk into that nightmare, leave out of that nightmare, and then say to yourself, all right, guys, I'll be back next weekend, okay?
Starting point is 00:09:47 I'll see you at the next rally. Death to the Jews, death to America. Peace. Got to go to work. How does that work? How does that work? Do you know what I mean? There's only one group of people that would work with.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Well, maybe two, Jews and white people probably. But just imagine for a second, you take, let's make it personal because this is how, how insane this, this generation has become. That's out here activizing and, and mating, courting with their stupid professors. Imagine you were like, we're going to go to a pro-Trump rally, right? They're having a pro-Trump rally or they're having a pro-conservative rally or a pro-life rally, whatever. Some kind of rally that you would be interested in. And you're like, yeah, I'm going to go to this rally, man. It's going to be a real cool rally, right?
Starting point is 00:10:38 And by the way, I'm stealing this point a little bit from Douglas Murray. I heard him talking about this and I thought it was a great parallel. So you go into this rally, right? And you walk up and you're like, you know what, man? I got my placard. I got my signage. Maybe even a chant or two.
Starting point is 00:10:55 I'll participate in, you know, America the Beautiful, whatever. We'll sing it. And you walk up into that rally, right? And amongst the things that the group is chanting, they begin to chant for the death of all black people. Just imagine. You're out there.
Starting point is 00:11:16 You say, hey, man, nice hat. I love your shirt. Man, you know, we're going to take the country back. We're going to get things fixed around here. We'll get this inflation down. Get back the oil. Drill in for oil, you know, stop all these wars. And then all of a sudden, in tandem, you see the group start chanting, chanting, you know, send all the black people back to Africa or whatever. Death to all the blacks.
Starting point is 00:11:43 First of all, anybody in their right mind is going to be like, okay, honey, I'm going to go pull the car around. This is not what I thought we were getting into. It's time to get the hell out of here, right? Anybody in their right mind. Now, what is even more insane to me is that they walk away from a – to walk away from that and then say, I'll see you guys next week. I'll be back.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Huh? I'll be back next week. I got a banger for you next week, another chant. You're going to love it. and then to create a whole entire attacks on the economy of the United States under the guise of this. Just imagine. Imagine you were sitting there and you heard something like that at a protest. Everybody had red MAGA hats on.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Death to the black people. Get the car. We're out of here. Get the car we're out of here get the car call the cops get the vehicle it's time to go we've we've tread into a nightmare here and we've got to get out this happens every day in america now death to jews genocide whatever doesn't matter it's all justified they don't care the young kids are out there doing their chants, super gluing the ATM shut. You didn't hear about Rhode Island? In Rhode Island, they super glued the ATM shut on April 15th in order to stymie the economy. On April 15th, the United States was attacked by Palestinians, either in name or in support.
Starting point is 00:13:25 OK, that's what happened. Ports. It's just what happened. They were open about it. It's not like I'm a commentator or some doofus in front of a microphone. I am some doofus in front of a microphone, but I'm not making some bold claim. I'm not going like, wow, that's revolutionary thinking. The Palestinian cause attacked the United States of America on April 15th.
Starting point is 00:13:50 No, they said we have to stop and interrupt and disrupt the economy of the United States of America. And they laid about exactly how they would do it. I wrote a whole, I mean, I did a whole podcast on it last week. And that's what happened. Not a peep. Cops standing around. Maybe we'll lock a couple of them up and let them out tonight. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:14 So fundamentally, guys, the generation that is leading the activism right now, I don't know what the demographic is, 16 to 25. I don't know, 18 to 25, whatever. Particularly in big cities and around universities, they're Nazis now. I mean, I don't know how else to, I don't know how else to describe them, you know. There were Nazis that caught babies on bayonets, and then there were Nazis who ate dinner with their families at the dinner table and, you know, hailed Hitler. There are different degrees, right? There are different degrees. But everybody was complicit. And what the hell's happening all over the country
Starting point is 00:14:59 right now? Everyone is complicit in the Nazi street street takeover the united states and so many people for so long you would get people in a corner and you would say what could you imagine if you were around when the nazis showed up oh i'd kick those nazi heads in mostly the people who would say those kinds of things would be people on the left who have now transformed into the Nazis, which is, you know, just speaks to the old adage, you become what you despise, right? Where is that from? Who wrote that? It's Shakespeare, isn't it? It's got to be. You become what you despise. Who wrote it? You become the thing that you hate. On Reddit, it says, what does it mean to become what you hate?
Starting point is 00:15:47 From Reddit Carl Young. Oh, that's great. What does it mean? What does it mean? It means Columbia University. That's what it means. The danger of becoming what you despise. What's the origin?
Starting point is 00:16:01 Origin. Sorry, I'm doing a little on the fly Just out of curiosity Frederick Nietzsche Is that true? That's funny Frederick Nietzsche of all people That which kills you makes you stronger He who can eliminate all monsters
Starting point is 00:16:19 And even those who know How little it takes to make us happy One must still have chaos There are no facts, only interpretations I don't know how little it takes to make us happy. One must still have chaos. There are no facts, only interpretations. You're a white woman. It's madness and love. Convictions are more dangerous than... Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truths than lies.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Wow. Holy moly. Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truths than lies. That we live in the age of conviction, right? He cannot obey himself. No, no one can construe. The price is too high. Okay, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:56 So, back to the book. Back to the book banning. Book bans aren't new. The practice is centuries old, but over the past four years, right-wing organizations have been on a crusade to remove books from school libraries and classrooms. Now, if I wrote a book called Carter and His Many Guns, that wouldn't make it into school. Right? If I wrote a book that was all about Jacob's first rifle, and it was a simple, like, a Ruger 22, and it was, oh, look.
Starting point is 00:17:32 For Jacob's birthday, his daddy, who is a mean and nasty Republican with a beard, gave Jacob a.22 rifle to shoot. Jacob is eight years old, and he can't wait to shoot his new rifle, but first he must learn how to handle it safely and which parts of the rifle are which and how it works. Do you think that would be a banned book? Last school year, these groups challenged more than 3,000 titles. That's scary in and of itself, right? 3,000 titles.
Starting point is 00:18:12 The top reasons for contesting books is that they deal with LGBT, no, LGB, and so on. I don't say LGBTQ and all that. I'm not going to say it. It's LBG. That's what you got. Okay? Pick one. Shine a light on racism as someone who...
Starting point is 00:18:32 Who's out there banning books on racism, by the way? I have heard none of this. I've never heard... I've heard tons of people go up in school boards and read straight-up pornographic erotica to the school board, and then they get all red in the face, and you need to stop reading that out loud. It's making me uncomfortable, even though it's sitting in the school library.
Starting point is 00:18:52 But I've never heard anybody say, this book about fighting racism has got to go. In many cases, librarians don't even bother buying them because they know parents will contest them. Well, that's your fault for being weak. They don't even have a chance to be banned, quote he says. That's your fault. If you believe in something, I mean, what are you going to say? How far would the world come if they said, well, I better not do that or something? I mean, it's like a fundamental thing in life that you have to learn. Oh, I better not buy that,
Starting point is 00:19:23 or I better not wear that, or I better not do that, or people might say something. Come on, guys. Where's your convictions? All right, so what's the goal here? The goal is interesting. The goal is, from what I read earlier, is to publish even more books on these subjects. Our books are about people. Here we go. Of the 4,500 kids' books that came out in 1994, only 8% were by or about BIPOC people. I don't know what that means. Too many acronyms.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Our books are about people who have been omitted from history. So this wave of book bans is familiar to us, he says. The groups ban books under the guise of protecting children, but it's more insidious than that. They're using well-worn playbook for erasing communities of color and LGB. Are you at all, anybody in the sound of my voice is concerned with erasing communities of color? No, really. You're listening to the wrong podcast. One part of the playbook is for conservative groups to arm parents with tools to march into schools and challenge books. For instance, they can
Starting point is 00:20:39 print out a report about Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye, which contains a list of concerns, inflammatory, racial, and religious commentary, sexual activities, including sexual assault Now, don't you remember? And it's happening right now, and it's happened in many books, particularly in 2020. How many books were modified? How many books were taken off the shelves? Roald Dahl was attacked? Remember? These guys don't remember that.
Starting point is 00:21:11 See, if you wrote an article like this and you did it well, you would have to say, now, it's true that we've been on the side of book modification and book banning as well. But they're playing a different game, guys. They're playing a sort of low-vibration game, right? Anyway, even big publishing houses are reckoning with book bans. HarperCollins, for instance, one of the top four publishers in the world, has had dozens of its books in its catalog. This includes classics like Harper's To Kill a Mockingbird, two more recent titles like The Undefeated. Thomas, who oversees all children's books published at HarperCollins, is alarmed about how pervasive the current book bans are. It's a real sobering moment for me. Book bans and challenges ebb and flow,
Starting point is 00:22:02 but it's never been as pronounced as it is right now. It's just relentless. Oh, I love that word. As a, oh, wait, wait, here's my favorite. At a systemic level, if a sentence starts out like that, you know you're in trouble. At a systemic level, this means hiring editors and acquiring manuscripts from writers who come from a wide range of communities. Yeah, yeah, I'd love that. I would. I would love that. I would love to ever be considered by editors in any major publication anywhere, right? You see, as preppers and as, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:44 God-fearing preppers, freedom-loving preppers, American-loving preppers, when you hear people talk about diversity and inclusion, you understand that's a conversation that is—you're not a part of that. You're just not a part of that. So Harper & Collins is doing their best okay they've released several new imprints to focus on the underrepresented versify alida and heart drum which is devoted to native voices we want to create a space space within these imprints for creators to feel supported we want to make sure that there are books for every kid out there. I had no idea there was an issue with books for kids out there. The book bans just reinforce their sense of isolation and marginalization. Find me, and then I'm going to finish up on this because I'm going long on this.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I'm sorry. Find me one kid whose life has been just totally ruined because a book has been banned. In America, our children suffer with terrible reading. The reading levels in America are incredible. And a lot of that has to do with the fact that kids aren't allowed to read what they want to read, and they don't want to read
Starting point is 00:24:13 the books that HarperCollins are going to put out. You know what I mean? I remember, guys. I remember, okay? I remember being a kid. I remember the difference between reading what they told me to read and reading what I wanted, guys. I remember, okay? I remember being a kid. I remember the difference between reading what they told me to read and reading what I wanted to read. I had a buddy who used to put a book inside of the book we were reading so he could read what he wanted to read in English.
Starting point is 00:24:35 And he actually got a detention for doing that, for reading and reading. And we would always laugh about that. Mike got a detention for reading and reading. You understand that? Reading class, truly, a more beneficial reading class would not be, all right, everybody, take out the same book, let's read it and discuss it. A reading class would be a 45-minute block of read whatever you want to read. Bring in your comics, bring in your graphic novels, bring in your picture books,
Starting point is 00:25:02 bring in your whatever, whatever it is you want to read like i had another friend dave dave would read cover to cover didn't matter how many pages cover to cover civil war i'm talking i'm talking sixth grade you know what i mean like sixth seventh grade i was hanging out with dave still he was like a fourth grade friend or something like that dave would recover, you give him a book, The Biggest Addiction, or he'd read it cover to cover, Civil War, everything. He didn't care. Everything about the Civil War this kid was in love with. And then you give him a book about like, you know, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe or whatever. I don't give a shit. I don't want to read it. So you get, you know, reading class should be read what you're reading.
Starting point is 00:25:42 So, you know, reading class should be read what you're reading. When I was in fifth grade, way too young, when I was in fifth grade, I took The Fun House to school. My mother gave me The Fun House by Dean Kuntz. And I started reading The Fun House, and I said, this book's amazing. This is amazing. And I read, from fifth grade on, I read everything, basically everything Dean Kuntz ever wrote. And the amount of reading I did, the pages that I covered reading Dean Kuntz books, and what it did for my reading and my writing, was formative.
Starting point is 00:26:17 And it literally led to my career. Other than that, The Lord of the Flies and The Phantom Tollbooth are the only two books I can even remember remotely caring about reading in school. Yeah. The kids do not need a massive publishing overhaul to push books on them they don't like. You know, we don't need, the thrift stores don't need any more books that suck. And it's just funny to me, PBN family, that that article comes out the week that my book is to be published. So, you know, I don't know. It is what it is. Let's spread the world of Ready series far and wide and teach our kids something. Teach our kids something that is
Starting point is 00:27:00 valuable. Not that your kids don't know. I mean, I hope they know. But it's always nice to have a reinforcement, you know. These are picture books, fundamentally, with a little bit of writing. Not very challenging writing. Like I said, we're talking about four to six, four to eight, depending on what your kid reads and how into reading he is or she is. But they're all going to have very important things in them okay let me get off of this let me get off of this topic i beat it to death for 26 minutes holy god it's like doing a podcast a day when i do pbn daily news it's time one threat one solution I probably mentioned this already. This is a threat worth mentioning over and over again. This brought to you by the Gray Man Briefing,
Starting point is 00:27:57 a tremendous thing that's happening in the world and a tremendous threat that you can't even believe. And you put the news on and they're telling you about banned books that suck anyway. And they're telling you about Donald Trump falling asleep in the courtroom. In other words, these are the most important things. Oh, and the Israelis should all be killed. Ah, hey, hoorah. On April 18th, the director of the FBI again warned that China has the ability to physically wreak havoc on our critical infrastructure at a time of its choosing. Now, what's interesting about this quote is it's physically. I don't know exactly what that means. what that means. It says via pre-existing breaches into U.S. information systems,
Starting point is 00:28:52 the director said the Chinese Communist Party government is targeting infrastructure in an effort to induce panic. Now, this is the craziest part, and is waiting for, quote, for just the right moment to deal a devastating blow. just the right moment to deal a devastating blow. What do you think that right moment is, folks? That's Taiwan. The comments came during a 2024 Vanderbilt summit on modern conflict and emerging threats. The director previously warned, this guy's probably fired by now, isn't he? The director of the FBI to actually bring about a conversation about real threats in the world other than white supremacy.
Starting point is 00:29:27 There has been far too little public focus on the fact that the People's Republic of China hackers are targeting our critical infrastructure, our water treatment plants, our electrical grid, our oil and natural gas pipelines, our transportation systems, and the risks that possess, the risks that poses to every American requires our attention now. It's real. It's real. All right, I don't need to go into that one. War equals off-grid. War equals off-grid. I'll put it in the show description again.
Starting point is 00:30:07 I'll put the, many of you bought it last time I put it in there. I put the No Grid Survival Projects book link in there. Again, authored, partially authored by myself. In fact, the author, the other guy who wrote it, or one of the other guys who wrote it with me, reached out for an interview the other day.
Starting point is 00:30:23 It was hilarious. We're going to have him on. We don't know each other, the four people who authored the book. We were brought together by a company who really knows their stuff. And he reaches out and says, hey, I wrote this book, No Grid Survival Project. No, you don't say. So we'll probably have him on it. It's an amazing book, guys. And when I read this stuff, I harp on it because it's the most direct answer to the problem. Build your infrastructure. I do apologize.
Starting point is 00:30:57 We did not do nearly as many off-grid projects this month on the routine as I would have liked. We really fundamentally got one out of four to the members. Now the month's not over, so maybe I can slip my check valve water pump in there. You guys good over here? What am I hearing? Oh, the little terror, the little terror, the The little puggle is up. The frug. I'm sorry. The frug is up. So be prepared. Be prepared for life off grid. Okay. Now, before we head out, I want to do an SHTF Chef.
Starting point is 00:31:41 I want to talk to you about creamy, cheesy, truffly risotto. Now that is a delicious cut of long pork. I want to thank Voice Mod, by the way. They're so much damn fun. Yesterday, I broke out the Arborio rice. Do you guys know how to use Arborio rice? The starchy short grain Arborio rice comes vac sealed usually when you buy it. It's a great shelf stable product. God only knows how long it would last just the way it is packaged.
Starting point is 00:32:21 I mean it's literally when you buy Arborio rice, most of the time, it comes in a box and is vac sealed. And what you do with it, you can make a great rice pudding with it, by the way. Man, it's been a while since I had a good rice pudding. You make something delicious called risotto. It's an Italian dish. It's an Italian creamy rice dish. And what risotto represents really is a vehicle. So it's a vehicle for flavors. Fundamentally, a risotto is diced onion in olive oil. Coat the onion, sweat the onion, we would call it, which is when you cook an onion on low heat, not to brown it, but to make it translucent.
Starting point is 00:33:07 That's a process called sweating. You can do it with all vegetables. Pardon me. Then you add your rice directly to the oil and warm it and coat it with the oil and toast it a little bit. You're not changing the color of it. To that short grain rice, you begin to add warm stock of your choosing. Yesterday, I made a risotto. I used warm chicken
Starting point is 00:33:33 stock by the ladle, right? So a couple ladles to start. And the key to a good risotto is the continuous stirring of this rice. It's counterintuitive to steaming rice, right? You are agitating this short grain rice to make it creamy. And it will release starch and release starch and release starch. And you will continue to add warm stock as it's absorbed, warm stock and stir and stir and stir until your rice basically gets to the point where it's nearly al dente. And at that point, you can add whatever you want. I mean, a risotto can be whatever you want. It's a great vehicle for all kinds of herbs, different types of cheeses,
Starting point is 00:34:18 different types of vegetables. It's wonderful. It's one of those things that you can really do whatever you want. You know, you can make a lobster and asparagus risotto. You can make a goat cheese and spring onion risotto. Oh, that would be good. Yesterday, in the fall, you can make like a butternut squash risotto with Chinese five spice. You can, whatever you want to do. It's really up to you.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Yesterday, I made my favorite risotto. And I was thinking of you guys the whole time. Well, the whole time I was eating it anyway. I took some baby Bella mushrooms. Diced those up. Pretty big. I like big chunks of mushroom. diced those up pretty big. I like big chunks of mushroom. Um, sauteed them in a pan in olive oil,
Starting point is 00:35:15 broke, you know, until they were nice and soft. Maybe took on a little color. I added some fresh thyme to the pan, took it off the heat. Then as my risotto was being stirred and the stock added to it, and when I tasted it, it was creamy and just about al dente. I added the olive oil that I sautéed it in, the thyme, the mushrooms, everything, boom, dumped right into the rice. Then I took frozen peas, and I put about a handful of frozen peas into the pot. So now I got this delicious, creamy risotto. I seasoned it with salt and pepper. Now it's al dente. The peas are warming up. The mushrooms are giving off all their flavor. And at the very end, to make it amazing, I topped a little, I don't know, a few seconds drizzle of white truffle oil into the risotto, took it off the heat, stirred that in, let it sit, you know, let it, let it sit for just a moment.
Starting point is 00:36:11 And then, uh, I shaved a tremendous amount of Parmesan cheese into it and folded all that in. And that's it, man. That's a risotto. It's an amazing side dish, typically. I usually don't eat risotto like a side dish. I'll eat it as a main, you know? I think it's just fine as a main, but a lot of times you have like a little risotto with chicken breast on top, whatever. But Arborio rice is an amazing short grain rice that you should store in your pantry that can change things up for you tremendously. And like I said, if you have cheese, if you can make cheese, if you can store cheese, wax-covered cheese lasts like six months, probably much longer. But, you know, probably indefinite, to be honest with you. Wax-covered wheel of cheese or even a hardened Parmesan cheese in an area that is pretty low moisture,
Starting point is 00:37:08 they're designed to last. So as long as you have something like that, okay, now we can add cheese to our short-grain rice and make a risotto whenever. Oh, and by the way, don't be a snob with your stock. Sure, you can go out there and slaughter three chickens, butcher them, roast the bones, and make a stock if you want. Or, like I do, just store, I don't know, four to five large-sized powdered bouillon containers. Containers of powdered bouillon. Powdered bouillon is never going bad. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:37:45 It's mostly salt.illon is never going bad. You know what I mean? It's mostly salt. It's never going bad. And you put it into water, boom, make chicken broth, and use that for whatever you want to use it for. All right? Okay, PBN family, with that, I'm calling it a day. Great event over at the Collapse Survivor app just finished up. You may want to check that app out if you're into that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:38:08 It's been a lot of fun. They are a sponsor here at the Prepper Broadcasting Network, so at least check them out. We've got a great sponsor en route. A couple days, maybe a week at the most. I've been using their product. It answers a big prepper question. Solves a big prepper problem. You're going to love it. All right. So,
Starting point is 00:38:34 that's it for me. Thanks for watching PBN Daily News. April 28th, the world of ready is out. Talk to you soon. Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid Commander, and I'm holding the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, MD. In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You'll learn about assessment and stabilization. You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. Look, 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the Prepper's Medical Handbook today at Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy.

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