The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News: The Year is 2021...
Episode Date: March 21, 2024
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Your path back to stability. The year is 2021.
November 24th, a Wednesday.
Two men gather chains in the city hall of New York
Preparing to hoist a box that will cover, enclose, and eventually take away
A statue of Thomas Jefferson
Many of you have forgotten about the removal of the statue of Thomas Jefferson. Many of you have forgotten about the removal of the statue of Thomas Jefferson,
which in 2021, the society, particularly certain segments of the society,
had riled themselves up to such a fever
that articles like this one could be written in CNN.
that articles like this one could be written in CNN.
Several cities have made moves to remove controversial statues tied to Confederate symbols and leaders connected to slavery.
Now remember that this great enlightenment, if you want to call it that,
this great enlightenment came from the death of a criminal who once held, unjust as it was, the death.
George Floyd, who once held a knife to a pregnant woman's belly.
You know, good guy.
had worked the society up into such a fever that one lifetime politician by the name of Adrian Adams had pushed the issue of removing Thomas Jefferson statue from the City Hall in New York City
that sat there for almost 200 years.
Her comments are interesting to say the least.
Thomas Jefferson was a slave holder who owned over 600 human beings.
Councilmember Adrian Adams, co-chair of the Black, Latino, and Asian Caucus.
Are the Asians still a member of that caucus? I don't know.
Said in a presentation last month, it makes me deeply
uncomfortable. This is the most important line in all that she says. This is the most important line.
It makes me deeply uncomfortable. What do I always talk to you about, PVN family? The dangers of
comfort and convenience, right? It makes me deeply uncomfortable knowing
that we sit in the presence of a statue that pays homage to a slaveholder who fundamentally
believed that people who looked like me were inherently inferior, lacked intelligence,
and were not worthy of freedom or right. And those words and the words of others were enough to remove one of the great men of history.
Arguably, I don't know, how do you rate the founding fathers fundamentally?
The man who sat down by candlelight in the mid-1700s, right,
or late Lages Ladder 1700s,
and wrote the Declaration of Independence.
Certainly it was read by others and amended to some degree,
but this is the guy who sat down and wrote it.
This is the guy who paved the way for what is America today.
Now, the reason I bring this up is because I want you all to understand in this moment
where so much seems unjust and the idiots seem to have full control of the soapbox and the megaphones.
This story is a reminder of how the lens that we see history through
gets clearer and clearer the further we get from the event.
So this is not even three years old.
But when you look, I guarantee you, many of the people who have worked up into such a fever look back on this now, some three years later, and go, what?
Like, what did we think that was going to do? Look at New York City less than three years later and tell me, did the removal of Thomas Jefferson make Adrian Adams a better politician?
Did it make the people of her, of Queens, live a better life?
Queens, live a better life?
She's a three-term chairperson of the Queens Community Board.
New York City Council person.
I mean, is life in New York better?
Was her decision and her—in other words, did this affect her performance in any way?
Did she become a new woman? I never remember her, after the statue coming down, writing a great paper about how her productivity and her mood and her everything has been boosted,
and life in the 28th District has gotten so much better because we've taken this man,
so much better because we've taken this man, Thomas Jefferson's statue, from looming over top of me and reminding me that life as a—because what does a looming statue of Thomas Jefferson
really remind you of? Why do we put these statues up? If you're honest about it, right? If you see
everything through the lens of race, I can't help you read more. Read, read, read more, particularly about the British history
and their history with slavery, and read a few books about the Civil War and wrap your head
around the horrors that one of the most brutal wars, you know, civil wars in history wrought in order to keep this country together
and end slavery for good in the United States. You know, just get acquainted with these things.
But I never remember reading anything incredible about what difference any of this has made in the years to come. But it is apparent that
the lens gets clearer, the fever goes away, as we get further removed from these idiotic actions
that have had no effect whatsoever. You know, here in Richmond, Virginia,
You know, here in Richmond, Virginia, we destroyed Monument Avenue, which had beautiful statues of people who were linked to the Civil War.
So we could make believe that, I don't know, they didn't exist, the Civil War didn't exist.
One of the great sort of, I mean, what is it?
Obviously it was a war.
Obviously a lot of people died.
But it was something, right?
I don't know if I, I didn't think about this enough to bring it to you today this way.
It was more than a war, right?
It was a nation working through several issues, several fundamental issues, slavery being the biggest for sure.
And what was on the other side was what we have today, which is incredible.
Do you know what I mean?
But we destroyed Monument Avenue because of the same sort of looming, scary looming statues of white people who've done bad things in their past in hopes that it would change things for the better somehow. then our mayor proposes some massive, like, 10-acre span slavery museum
to be the center point of Richmond City,
effectively creating Slave City.
You know what I mean?
Come to Richmond, see Slave City.
The museum of all things slavery.
The museum of all things slavery. Now, I'll tell you, a Richmond City Historical Museum would be awesome. That I'd love to see. A sizable portion could be definitely dedicated to the things that we as a society seem to love to beat ourselves half to death over.
seem to love to beat ourselves half to death over. But this idea that, you know, we took Thomas Jefferson's statue out of City Hall, drove it to a natural history museum or historical
society, and hid it in a box to improve something. To me, it was laughable and deplorable back then,
but now looking forward and being reminded of it,
I was reminded of this event due to something I was listening to
on the way to dropping the kids off at school.
And I was reminded of it, and I said, you know, wow.
I was reminded of it and I said, you know, wow, even to me, the sheer mongoloidal effort that brings man like this in a box and hide him away is just amazing some
three years later, not even three years later. And you look at New York City now and you say to
yourself, well, thank God the ghost of Thomas Jefferson has left this city. Because now, now we have something to be excited about, huh?
Now we have much to report now that we got that lunatic out of there.
PBN family, the whole of this point is very simple.
People are dumber now than they've been in a long time.
And I don't mean that in a scathing way.
Like, I don't mean that in a joking way.
I don't mean that in the comedic realm.
It's not meant to be that way.
It's not meant even to be as—it's not even meant to be—to victimize a person.
People are dumber now than they ever were.
people are dumber now than they ever were.
I think they come from dumb parents,
and they come out of school systems that are failures,
and no one ever really grabs a hold of them and says,
you know, you're the luckiest person in the world,
live in the greatest nation in the world.
No one gets their talents in them to give them an appreciation for what it is. But even an appreciation of this nation is not enough. Look, people are dumb.
I'm sorry. I don't know what to tell you. But it's clear to me when you see what we're fighting for with all our might,
when you see what were the crosses that we're willing to sacrifice ourselves on,
the hills that we're willing to die on in this day and age,
you see the great movements that will define an era, right?
The great movements out there here and now that will define an era.
I want to pee in the ladies' room.
Damn it.
And you realize that this is a population of people that education, I think, and parenting at large have failed them.
I really do.
I really do.
That's what I see.
And those are the only conclusions I can come to when I watch what's happening.
We're going to look back on it.
The further we get from the statue hiding and all that,
the more we're going to look down at this point in history and say,
wow, wow, we thought that was going to do something,
to change something. We allowed that to happen. That was allowed to happen.
And all of this will be swiftly followed by what all of this is swiftly followed by
throughout history. Statues go missing, statues go away, statues get crumbled,
ideas that have floated a society forever get crumbled
rebellions come murder in the streets i mean it's you know is what it is right now um and then when
you look back on history you say how could a society be so dumb to have fallen for that
and then you realize because the society was dumb they were literally dumb
look because the society was dumb. They were literally dumb. Listen, let's quote from the man himself.
Now, what am I saying? Anyway, what's the solution, right? Because there's no point in
calling a bunch of people dumb and not giving them a solution. We have to, maybe it's not reading, maybe it's not,
oh, there has to be a place in our society for understanding our incredible history.
There has to be a place in society for understanding Western civilization and the
greatness of it. While you, see, I don't understand how you can live enveloped in the greatness of Western civilization
with all the accoutrement, all the comfort, all the convenience of Western civilization,
and at the same time, all the protections, and at the same time,
sit there on your cell phone and talk about how terrible it is and what the hell it is to live here and how much we need to change it.
It doesn't even make any sense to me, you know?
It makes zero sense to me.
And I think it's just because people, you know, we don't have
we don't have impassioned history teachers
to teach about the greatness of America.
I was lucky enough to have one at an early age.
Just one.
Only one that I can remember.
Mr. Carter, funny enough.
PBN family might.
My favorite history teacher of all time who really taught me about the greatness of America was named Mr. Carter.
And he never crossed my mind once in the naming of my
own son, or maybe he did. I don't know. Maybe he did, and I didn't even know it. Anyhow,
there has to be a place for us to be honest and to read and to learn and to watch. And I think,
you know, maybe Hollywood has a hand in it. Maybe, you know, all of society has a responsibility to say, look, we can get rebellious and we can get silly and we can have our protests about the pebble in the land of milk and honey for a reason. You know?
And it's not... It didn't come easy.
I can tell you that much.
It did not come easy.
So, at the very least,
and I think we all would do better
with this piece of advice, myself included.
You know, I'm not saying that I stand on a...
You know, like I'm some brilliant genius or anything.
I think we'd all do better to study the people that we really hate or that we really
foist our hatred upon. I think this iteration of society would do really well if they wake up in the morning incensed and just have to tweet out about where slavery is today, how slavery was ended,
where slavery was ended, how early slavery was ended, you know, what sort of sacrifices were
made all around the world so that slavery could be ended in the Western, you know, civilization.
And understanding that it is far from over in the African continent,
an understanding that it's far from over in China and other places in the world.
All of this should be a part of that argument.
All of this should be up inside of the brain of a woman like Adrienne who decides one day that she can't stand to have this man staring down upon her,
even though he is just made of plaster, because he held views of his time.
And actually, he stood against slavery in a time when almost no one did.
You know, he was an abolitionist, fundamentally.
And you say, how could...
I don't want to go into that.
You know?
Whenever any form of government
becomes destructive of these ends,
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,
it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it
and to institute new government.
Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.
Just a few words from the racist himself, Thomas Jefferson.
One threat, one solution, PBN family. Let's do it. I'm going to blow your mind with this story because it's blown my mind in every sense of the word.
Wild, wild stuff here.
Federal court.
Now, this is not one of those stories that you necessarily are against.
But it is so damn curious.
Federal court rules illegal immigrants have same Second Amendment rights to carry as lawful u.s
citizens federal court rules illegal immigrants have same second amendment rights to carry as
lawful u.s citizens on march 15th the federal judge issued a ruling on the u.s verse heriberto
carbaja flores by dismissing a case against an illegal immigrant
who was charged with possessing a firearm and ammunition
despite being in the country illegally.
The court cited 18 U.S.C. 922G5
explaining that a ban on illegal immigrants owning guns
violates the Second Amendment.
Now, the decision's focal point was on the term the people,
which have constitutional rights and who it applies to.
It appears that illegal immigrants who have started a life, laid roots, gotten a job,
or have otherwise been nonviolent have all U.S. constitutional rights inferred.
Do you feel like you have all constitutional rights inferred lately?
Do you?
Do you feel like you have all constitutional rights inferred?
Need we go over the amendments?
I don't have enough time to do a show that's two hours long to go line by line on our constitutional rights and discuss, you know, which ones have been taken from me.
Or you. Or groups at large.
PBN family, the Second Amendment is a beautiful thing.
But this is a very curious thing.
A federal judge issued this ruling. Now,
I don't even know. It's so crazy. I don't even know if it'll stand for very long.
If you cross the border and lay roots some way, got a job, been nonviolent, then what? You get the rights of an American citizen.
And maybe this story, I wouldn't even care about this story so much if I wasn't so concerned about my own rights as an American citizen.
If I wasn't worried about being attacked, surveilled, controlled, demonized, vilified, all of the above,
for my beliefs and my choices,
then maybe I wouldn't even care about a story like this.
But it is one of those things.
And what is the solution to something like this? We're calling it one threat,
one solution. Of course, the big threat here, you know what the big threat is, right?
The big threat is a ban on illegal immigrants owning guns violates the Second Amendment. Okay,
this tells every illegal immigrant, and not all of them are going to be like
the type of person you want carrying a firearm,
by the way. Right? In other words, if you're a felon in the United States and we've convicted
you, then we said, you know, this guy's a felon. He made some serious errors in judgment, may have
affected other people's lives severely. You don't get to have a gun. A lot of Second Amendment guys don't appreciate that,
but whatever. That's the rule of the land, and I'm sure it saved people's lives.
The big problem with this is nobody knows who you are when you cross that border with no identification. You give a fake name,
you become, you know, whatever it is in purgatory here in America that you become,
the American purgatory of citizenship and non-citizenship,
you could have been a murderer in your home country. You could have been a thrice convicted felon who took off to
come to America to seek quote-unquote asylum from your own wrongdoings. And our government not only
is going to let you in willy-nilly, but is also going to say, oh, what is that? What do you got
there? Nine millimeter? Okay, well, that's fine. You know, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness,
okay, well, it's fine.
You know, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, baby.
Bill of Rights.
What do you want me to... Meanwhile, if I get up here on this microphone
and say things that enough people don't agree with
and that rile people up enough,
I could have someone come to my door
and start saying the red flag word.
Oh, I don't know.
Red flag.
He talks a lot about January 6th.
Red flag.
Red flag. Red flag He talks a lot about January 6th Red flag Red flag
Take all his weapons
Civil unrest
I think it's just the threat
I think the
The true
Crux of a story like this
Is just a reminder of
You know
The fact that
The threats are increasing
And you need to act accordingly of the fact that the threats are increasing.
And you need to act accordingly.
More than acting accordingly,
you definitely need to sit down and really think.
I know it's a lost art,
but you need to sit down and really think.
Thomas Jefferson moved the capital of Virginia from Williamsburg
To Richmond
He was a man who said he couldn't live without books
He was always reading, always studying
You know what I mean
And he thought about his position
A lot
The position of the capital
And he said to himself, you know,
inland is better. Inland is safer from the rising waters and from attacks and from so on and so
forth. So he moved his position. He thought about his position, then he moved his position.
Now, in all honesty, Richmond was burned to
cinders later in the Civil War, so maybe it wasn't the best position of all, but, you
know, you're fighting the Union Army and losing a lot. It's time for you to consider all that.
And when I say position, I don't just mean where your home is, where you live, where you do your life, but how and when and why. It's a time of great thought, PBN family. We got to figure out if we are where
we want to be through this thing. We also have to figure out not just if you are where you want to
be, because everybody wants to be somewhere else nowadays, right? But what are your convictions in a time like this?
What are you here for?
Truly, what are you here for in this time, in this moment in history?
What are you here to do?
Because people have different convictions.
There are many people out there who are completely okay with,
I'm here to do whatever it takes to protect me and mine.
And listen, that's righteous enough, if you ask me.
But there's also people out there who are here to defend what is good and what is true.
And I think it's important to understand, you know, where do you want to be to do that?
What position do you want to take to be able to do that? We cannot let fools,
lifetime career politicians, make the decisions.
Uneducated, on top of that, make the decisions to do things
that have no effect on a society or only negative effects on a society.
Like the woman we talked about at the beginning of the show,
we can't allow these people to run roughshod over the cities of America forever. You will know them by their works, huh? Check out the cities. Check out who's been running
the cities. You will know them by their works. Think it over, man. The power of thinking,
right? This is our gift. This is our gift from God. This
is our big brain. This is our big capacity, right? We can think. So that's all I got for you today.
No extras. No extras today. I do appreciate you. I thank you for all your support, folks. Visit Become a member today.
Don't delay.
I put an amazing podcast up yesterday about a water system that you can build.
And you may even have several pieces of it already in your home.
If you heard the story about the EPA yesterday and you got all nervous,
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It sounds crazy. It sounds like it can't be real.
It's actually very simple
and a prep that you may want to consider.
Okay? The world is changing.
We must be adapting.
Talk soon, PBN family.
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