The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News: We are Becoming Human Again
Episode Date: March 28, 2024
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You're listening to PBN.
You're paying back the stability. Happy Thursday, everyone.
PBN Daily News.
It's James Walton with you again.
We have, uh, well, I'm going to try to keep it pretty quick.
Pretty quick.
I got a 20-minute time window here to pop this one out,
and I'm already on take two, so we'll see how that goes.
We've got an I Am Liberty show marathon over at Rumble today.
Ben the Breaker of the Banksters was on yesterday.
The I Am Liberty show to catch up with.
I did a show on SHTF infrastructure, which is top five, top ten topics for really establishing that base of preparedness.
I don't want to talk about that this morning.
the importance, the necessity of your base level of preparedness and how, you know, whatever your dreams are,
whatever your hopes are, whatever your goals are,
you have to realize, and many of you have, that's why you're here,
this base level of preparedness is an essential to living life now.
And that might be depressing to you.
You might say to yourself, why is it this way?
Why has the world changed so much?
I can't—the power of the 100-year amnesia is astounding, okay?
For those of you who don't know about my concept of 100-year amnesia,
it's just that.
For those of you who don't know about my concept of 100-year amnesia, it's just that. It's just how we lost grips with what we are so effectively in 100 years.
The base level of preparedness that I'm talking about, your ability to self-sustain,
your sort of forward motion and self-sufficiency, learning skills, producing food, you know, all those things.
This is life on planet Earth for humans, right?
This is life since the Neolithic period for humans.
We get lost in this,
and we look at what's happening right now at the personal level,
right? Oh, I guess I got to put up extra food. I guess I should grow gardens. And we look at this stuff as though it's a sort of a metric for collapse, or it's a metric for failure,
or it's a metric for life not being as good as it was in the 90s
or something like that, right?
But the truth of the matter is, number one,
growing your own food, raising animals, doing those things,
being more self-sufficient and more effective as an individual,
that's way better than sitting on the couch and watching TV.
You know what I mean?
And having everything delivered to you via Amazon or whatever. It's a better quality of life.
The automated, convenient, comfortable lifestyle can take you only so far. And from what I see,
it takes you, if you overindulge in it, it takes you right to a bottle of pills or a bottle of booze or whatever. I know not everyone has the critic, the relentless and
vicious critic in their mind the way that I do. You know, someone who just crushes your soul
if you're not living up to expectations.
And I don't know, apparently some people couldn't handle it even if they had it, right?
They try to quiet it down again with something from some bottle or some baggie or some pill or whatever.
But what I'm trying to convey this morning, PBN family, is that, you know, you feel like putting up extra.
You feel like owning firearms.
You feel like training with firearms.
You feel like urban homesteading, rural homesteading, whatever it is you're doing, saving water, storing extra water, storing extra medications.
You feel like all this stuff is a departure from the greatest version of what we are.
You feel like society is falling apart because you have to do these things.
I've been at it for over a decade now, and I'll tell you, doing these things is human.
This is the pinnacle of humanity.
It's not to get to a point where we need nothing to survive and we depend solely on everyone else to provide us the things we need. Please supermarket, give me all the food. Please
pharmaceutical, give me all the drugs. Please, right, please police, come and save me, please fire company, save my house,
all these things are great and wonderful.
But if you want to venture forward in a world that is changing rapidly and radically,
and if you want to have a voice, and if you want to have big goals,
and if you want to make big change, And if you want to have big goals. And if you want to make big change.
And if you want to live a happy life.
You have to establish.
The base.
That every human has established throughout history.
And when you look at it that way.
You realize it's what you're doing.
What we're all relearning and redoing.
It's just what humans have been doing
forever. You know, it's not as cataclysmic as you think. It's actually better. It's way better.
There's an epidemic of obesity in the nation. Children, parents, the whole lineage, fat,
fattened on foods from the supermarket, convenient, easy to eat, easy to chew, right?
Sugared up, salted up foods.
Nothing wrong with it.
I eat my share.
But what's better? Obesity and type 2 diabetes or, you know, a lifestyle where you're, you know, physically the way, take away the World War III potential,
take away the, you know, divisiveness in the nation,
take away all the threats that could potentially exist or already exist.
Take it all away.
And just picture yourself at a table,
and you've got a sheet of paper in front of you,
and you have, you know, two options.
And all you have to do is check a box to get the option you want.
Would you want the best food that you could grow?
Would you want to grow your vegetables and your fruits?
Would you want to get your eggs from a chicken coop, your milk from a dairy cow local, or
a goat in your backyard? Would you want to be a warrior
who is physically fit and capable and knows how to use firearms to protect yourself and your family?
Would you want to be able to hunt for your own food, to catch fish, know how to fillet them and,
you know, cook them, freeze them, whatever you want to do? Would you want to know how to preserve food, canned food?
Or would you check the box that says work eight hours a day, sit on the couch, and have everything delivered to me
and put as much salt and sugar in my mouth as possible to help me deal with a meaningless life.
No disasters, no SHTF, nothing.
Just those two choices.
That's all we're doing.
That's all we're doing.
We're taking the path that makes the most sense and has the most reward.
Now, it's true that there's work attributed with it,
most sense and has the most reward. Now it's true that there's work attributed with it. And it's true that the world is, you know, understanding a lot of people are doing this, making this choice
now, and they're not going to make it easy. They're not going to make it easy on us, which is why you
need to get started now. And that's our story for One Threat, One Solution. Let's get into it.
Brought to you by the Great Man Brief, This is One Thread, One Solution. The federal government is surveilling and generating profiles for citizens in a portal operated by the Domestic Security Alliance Council, DSAC.
Never heard of them.
Never heard of them until this morning.
The effort is a collaborative campaign tool used by the Department of Homeland Security.
Remember we talked about Mayorkas?
He's hard at work, not protecting the security of the nation, just targeting me and you.
Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Office of Private Sector, the private sector-centric campaign.
The private sector-centric campaign is claimed to be an effort to encourage participating companies to, quote, this is a quote now from DSAC, monitor their employees and report those who oppose firearm restrictions, lockdowns, vaccine mandates, or supportenture, Big Lots, Basf, BASF, Republic Services, AEO Incorporated, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, News Corp., Westin Solutions, MGM Resorts, Beacon Capital Partners, Standard Industries, Greenbrier, Dominion Energy.
They control my power bank of america barclays american express mastercard united airlines
boeing general electric city bank coca-cola federal express and walmart
as contributing profile information to the portal used to label and investigate citizens as
extremist this is where we're at this is where we're at. This is where we're at.
It is high time.
You don't have to get necessarily involved in politics,
but I want you to understand something.
It's about turnover at this point.
It's about radical amounts of turnover.
And I would almost venture,
if you have a representative in
the government today, now this is very personal, first of all, and this takes a little bit of
research, but not a lot. If you have a representative in government, locally, whatever,
and they've been in there a while, I almost would vote anyone in over them.
in there a while, I almost would vote anyone in over them. But it is a time of turnover for the government. It is a time where you have to get involved in the vote. You have to know what you're
voting for, and you have to be smart about it. You have to be smart about it. You know, you have to
take your head out of the red and blue paradigm and really consider who you're going to vote for and what they're going to stand for.
Now, it's true, right? You take a great risk in voting blue anytime anymore because, look, they are the ones establishing these programs.
You didn't hear anything about extremism having anything to do with bombing abortion clinics or, right?
I'm sorry, bombing anti-abortion clinics, right?
So any sort of radical behavior on the left wing, on the left side of things,
is never brought up when it comes to domestic extremism.
Now, I'm, you know, preaching to the choir, right? Because if you tally up the damage
done by extremists who don't like vaccines and don't like lockdowns, they don't like their
American people, their American citizenry locked down by the government. Can you imagine a more extreme idea?
They want border security. They want the security. They want security at their border. They want their border to be a place that terrorists can't just walk over. Now, that's an extremist ideology
that needs to be investigated. So the one solution here, first and foremost, in order to be able to do anything to make any change to have any effect, you have to be prepared.
You have to be prepared at the level of self-sustaining.
And that's number one.
But beyond that, you have to get involved.
I would say if you have an old hack per Republican in office,
we've got to start looking at these.
Like, this made its way through Congress somehow.
This became a thing.
And the people on board right now, no matter how much you like them,
they watched it.
They found out about it.
They heard about it long before you. You know, long before you, there was a Domestic Security Alliance Council created. Why? Did you vote for it? Did
you ask for it? Of course you didn't. And then at some point, it became important for that office,
with the help of the FBI, to monitor their employee or to create the sort of dictates that
would allow them to monitor employees and report those who oppose firearms restrictions. In other
words, the Second Amendment, lockdowns, vaccine mandates, or support of border security,
You know, the real solution to this is for all Americans to get on this boat, which is not hard, right? have to understand, and most of you do understand, how run-of-the-mill and how basic survival instinct would tell you, yes, I support the Second Amendment. I stand against firearm restrictions.
Yes, the lockdowns almost destroyed the whole economy. I do stand against lockdowns.
stand against lockdowns. Yes, people have been dying from the COVID vaccine, and it was forced upon us, and it was forced in a way, and those who didn't take it were demonized. This is a
pandemic of the unvaccinated, remember? You're going to go home unvaccinated, and you're going
to kill your family. You're going to kill your grandmother, your mother if you don't get vaccinated.
We're going to give you a cheeseburger.
All right.
You get the hint, right?
It's time for massive turnover.
It's happening already without us.
Never forget, you know, in another decade, the people who are top of the headlines in the political space, the majority of them will be dead.
Biden, Trump, you know, a lot of the old leadership, McConell's out anyway, but these guys are ancient.
And we need to pay much more attention to what's coming up and the types of people that are going into office because they're the ones that are going to make the future. Donald Trump is a stopgap between total collapse and
us sustaining some semblance of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. If I had it my way,
I'd fire anyone who attacked the Second Amendment. I'd fire anyone immediately. Like I talked about the other day,
it'd be a public Democratic vote.
If the DSAC appears and says that we want to attack your Second Amendment,
well, then the people at large vote.
The whole nation.
Ballot initiative.
Do you want this organization
that you didn't vote for from the get-go
to exist and to monitor you
over your Second Amendment beliefs,
over the security of your nation?
No, I do not.
Boom, the whole thing's disbanded.
Everybody loses their job.
The organizers are punished.
What's the big deal about that?
You know, life is all about choices and consequences.
All right, let's knock out the SHTF chef real quick.
And we'll call it a day, PBF family.
Now that is a delicious cut of long pork.
We need a little more volume on this segment, don't we?
Do we or don't we?
Okay. I was eating a seasoning the other day, and it was great.
It was not one I made.
It was one that I purchased, and it reminded me of something we used to make in a restaurant called 821.
And it was a smoked sea salt.
And it was a smoked sea salt.
Smoking salt and having containers of smoked salt gives you the ability to create things like dry rubs and seasonings of your own that add that smoky flavor.
You know, and this can be really beneficial on days where you don't want to run a smoker. This can be really beneficial on days when you don't have time to smoke something, but you want a good smoky flavor.
You know, like a good chili powder-based seasoning with smoked salt in it is,
I mean, that can be astounding.
You can use that directly on meats and fish.
You can use it in soups, in chilies.
fish. You can use it in soups, in chilies. So the smoking of salt, the best way to smoke salt is in a clean, a very clean smoker. The salt will take on the flavor of what it is you put in there
and what's been in there. So you got to know that. And it's a long process, whether hot or cold
smoking. You want to give about eight to ten
hours of smoke okay you can put the salt in this in a flat sheet pan you can put it in a
well i just put it in a sheet pan honestly and spread it all out let it sit in that smoke for
like i said eight to ten hours and uh that's it. That's it. And the power of this salt to affect how your food tastes is serious.
Don't underestimate seasonings.
Don't underestimate herbs.
Smoke yourself some salt this weekend, okay?
I'll talk to you guys soon.
That is all I got for you today.
All right.
It's PBN Daily News.
I thank you.
Stay tuned for the Thursday night shows.
Yada, yada, yada.
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Get a piece of this earth.
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