The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News: What"s Next?

Episode Date: July 23, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to P.B.N. Your path back to stability. What up, PBN family? Welcome into Tuesday. I was sort of MIA yesterday for the PBN Daily News, but such is life. But such is life Welcome in Rumble Welcome out in any variant and variety of people Who will be watching this in multitudes of places I'm digging this whole stream all over the place thing It's funny
Starting point is 00:00:59 Sometimes I make these great big claims And then immediately go against them. I was talking to Drew Miller from the Collapse Survivor app in Fortitude Ranch. You should check out the Collapse Survivor app. Very cool survival simulations. And he was saying, James, do you think you're ever going to do video? Because I know you just do audio primarily, know for all the podcasts and stuff and I said nah uh it's a little bit too much work I really like doing the audio
Starting point is 00:01:30 and that turned into about I don't know seven or so successive video podcasts for these daily news bits but it's your guy's fault you know when you show up in the live chat and, you know, show up and view these things on Rumble and all that kind of stuff. It's fun, right? PBN audience has been growing too. That's a big deal to me. That's a big deal to me because we have 15 incredible hosts here, you know, that all deserve your attention at a time like this. That's all there is to it. And I've got a reliance in the chamber for next Sunday, so Stephen Menking will return. Today, with one of the more epic episode arts that I have worked alongside AI text-to-image generation to create, I wanted to ask the question, not in detail where we wind up an hour into this thing,
Starting point is 00:02:27 but I wanted to ask the question, what comes next, fundamentally? What's next? That's all that... Jay Ferg in the chat, what is up? That's all that really could come to me this morning. Getting back to you guys this morning. Hey. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:02:44 The mirror screws me up. These guys are great. Hey. Oh, sorry. The mirror screws me up. These guys are great, too. Check them out. They do clothing. They do comms, preps. Cool, cool company. Mad Gear, I think they're called. Mutually Assured Destruction.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Anyway. Anyway. All the news stories, you know, assassination stuff, Trump stuff, Middle East stuff, all the stuff, Harrison, Biden, all that, none of it was appealing on its own. So the question that popped into my head for today's show is what's next? What is next? What's coming next? I don't need these headphones, actually.
Starting point is 00:03:24 So what is next? What's coming next? I don't need these headphones, actually. So what does it look like between now and the—what's the rest of the year? Here we are, the 23rd of July, right? We know we have a political battle, at least in the short term, between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. It doesn't seem like the permanent situation. But I could be wrong. I didn't think Biden was going to drop out. I really didn't see that coming. The question that I have for anyone out there listening is,
Starting point is 00:03:54 who's running the nation? The question I would like to see addressed by Congress, answered by Congress to the American people, what I'd like to see Harris pop up on the television and say is, if our president, current president, is not fit enough to campaign in America, then how is he fit enough to run America? We all know he's not on both sides of the ball. He was thrown under the bus by his own people. So who's running the country? Who's running the country while we're at war with Russia, while we're whispering war with China,
Starting point is 00:04:37 and while we're both simultaneously at war with Israel and Palestine? Who's making the decisions? What's going on at the border? What's happening around the nation? Who's at the decisions what's going on at the border what's happening around the nation who who's who's at the helm the people voted even though they did a terrible job of it if you believe the outcome of the election they voted for this man he's not running the country and there's no way you could tell me he is running the country. Let me pop into the element chat real quick. Because I am live, though I didn't brief anybody. And I may start doing these live, the podcast as well as the rumble.
Starting point is 00:05:22 And there's one sole person who really drove me to consider doing the podcast live and the rumble stream live. And it was our dearest Volcana. Because I did a live on, was thatiday when the whole digitized world fell apart the whole digital world fell apart and what blew me away about that was crowd strike stocks took a tumble something that looked to me like the whole company would be destroyed you know what i mean stocks took a tumble hello everyone just throwing that in there anyway so heated political battle the face of it could change what does all that mean to you what should your summer look like you know when you ask what's next
Starting point is 00:06:05 You can often look at the bigger picture And say to yourself, okay, what's next on the world stage? What's going on with Russia and Ukraine? How's that going to end? What's going to happen over in the Middle East? What's going to happen in the Pacific? What's going to happen in Chicago? What's going to happen in D.C., right?
Starting point is 00:06:22 What's going to happen in my town? What's going to happen in D.C., right? What's going to happen in my town? What's going to happen with my whatever? Oh, Jay Ferg in chat has still not got back to work yet because of the fun on Friday. Oh, speaking of the fun on Friday, if you really want a bunch of high-quality PBN content that you don't get to see in the podcast, video content that I don't really do at all anymore, except for our members. Our membership's on discount right now. One of the best deals of the year. Came completely on the back of the chaos. It's a chaos discount. It's the Y2K24 discount. Friday, I said to myself, this is such a crazy story. We have all these planes down. We
Starting point is 00:07:05 have the healthcare system in a mishmash, which our chatter, our lone chatter, the host of Phoenix Survival on Saturday, she's in that world. You know what I mean? So it's still a mess. It's going to be a mess. I said to myself, now's the time to get people out there listening to PBN on as members because if you're going to focus on this stuff, if you're going to really get into prepping, then is the place for you. So go there,, sign up for a year membership. Use the code Y2K24. You get $10 off your membership.
Starting point is 00:07:44 It's a grand total of $50 for the year. You're crazy if you don't take advantage of that right now, if you haven't already. Many of you have, and I appreciate that. Some of you knew. But yeah, Rachel in the outdoors seems to be in our Element chat. Welcome. I don't know if she's listening to the show. I probably should give her a link to the show. That might be a nice thing to do. So you can listen to that sort of voice in your head that says, what's next? What are they going to do to me next? That's what a lot of times people like that, they get into that sort of mind frame. What's next means what are they going to do to me next? So rarely do we say to ourselves, what's next? What am I going to do next? What am I going to do next? In other words,
Starting point is 00:08:32 it's July. There's so much weather and so much time. And so, you know, before we even get into the fall, there's so much opportunity between now and then to affect your overall preparedness, to affect the quality of your life, so on and so forth. You know, one of the things that you have to do in chaos, and this is not as preppery as, say, growing a special fall garden or putting in a greenhouse or something like that. But one of the things I'd highly encourage you to do is update your day to day. like that. But one of the things I'd highly encourage you to do is update your day-to-day. Update and deal with your daily use items. I don't mean your EDC. I don't mean your cool prep or stuff. People have a tendency, myself included, to spend money on stuff that they rarely touch, but they think is going to solve a problem and neglect things that they touch every day.
Starting point is 00:09:33 I could tell you right now, like, you're living in a frustrating time. You're going to be moving into an even more frustrating time. A simple way to sort of carve the frustration out of your life is to figure out what do you touch every single day of your life? What are the tasks that you do every single day of your life? And which of those things have infrastructure or processes built into them that are failing you? Failing, failing you, whatever the situation.
Starting point is 00:10:02 We all have these things in our life, right? I used to have, here's an example i can't tell you how many years i had this little big plastic baby gate that i would lean up against my steps right to keep the dogs from going up and down the steps whenever they wanted because we have rugs up there you know dogs and rugs that's always great so that gate would fall and smack on the ground and fall and i would trip on it carrying kids up to bed and i mean probably two three years right this little plastic gate was a problem and the thousands of dollars that we spent on other things decorations hang a poster a clock this, buy a refrigerator, whatever. All the stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:49 And every day you would have this compounding sort of fury over a $40, $50 problem. You know what I mean? Max. We so often do that to ourselves, man. You know, I got to replace this thing. I got to replace this thing. I got to replace. And it's this thing you touch every day and you know you're going to go another
Starting point is 00:11:08 six months to a year never replacing that thing. Whatever it is, something wrong in the car, something in the bathroom, something, you know, something that you could do. You don't look at it as a prep, but I'm telling you right now, those problems, those daily problems that you just brush off, they're this compounding sort of fury that they cloud your mind, and then you got problems. So the long and short of it, what's next? Who knows what's next? I think you need to think about what's next for you fundamentally. I think you need to think about what matters to you in the short term, in the long term. I will tell you right here short term, in the long term. I will tell you right here and now, and you're going to hear this a lot.
Starting point is 00:11:48 You're probably going to get tired of hearing this. You need three months' worth of salvation. You need a three-month buffer. That's what you need. This is the first time in my 10-year span as a podcast host telling people to create a par level that's beyond two weeks. Because I never like to overwhelm people, but I really do think right now is the time. You should definitely look and work towards a three-month cushion in terms of preparedness from November to January, if not beyond.
Starting point is 00:12:23 But at least there, at least there. And everything that's in November to January, you need to wrap your head around that too. You need to think about that. Buy your cranberry sauce now. Buy your pumpkin, canned pumpkin now. Grow pumpkins for pumpkin pie this year, whatever it is. I don't know what it was, maybe three, four years ago, something like that. We were talking inflation. We were talking the price of turkeys. If you remember turkeys, there was like a worry about getting turkeys and the price of turkeys.
Starting point is 00:12:54 And we told the PBN audience, in fact, we did it last year with Christmas. Buy this stuff early. Buy the gifts for the family early. Do all the shopping that you can do early. Get this stuff done. Because it's not only just an inflation thing now. It's the idea that particularly if you're near a city or something along those lines, nobody's going down without a fight in the fall. I just don't see it happening.
Starting point is 00:13:28 happening. You're telling me that if Donald Trump wins the election, even as terrible a candidate as Kamala Harris is, which I mean, I would challenge you to find me a worst presidential candidate in the big two ever. I would challenge you. I don't think there's ever been a person like this in history. But you know, if Kamala Harris comes out on top or Donald Trump comes out on top, there's going to be problems. I mean, as far as, you know, whatever that looks like. That's the election preparedness campaign. That's what we've been spending our entire, I mean, almost a full year on in our mailing list. Our mailing list has been a collection of preparedness tips to get you ready for the fall season and whatever chaos could happen after the election. It's dominated by community preparedness, dominated by base level stuff with communications and food storage and all that.
Starting point is 00:14:25 You know, it's if you need something simple, something easily digestible, then just apply paste to all the things that you use on a day to day basis. Assure that the streams of food that come into your house, you know, people are always worried about food. that the streams of food that come into your house, you know, people are always worried about food. They're always concerned about moving away to a place where they can have access to more food or raise their own food or so on and so forth. And, you know, the idea of picking up out of a city and moving to a rural area and having a lot of success and working full-time and raising kids or whatever else it is that you do. That's no easy feat, man.
Starting point is 00:15:08 That's no easy feat. Just a bad fence. Just a bad, not even a bad fence in totality, like a bad portion of a fence, a bad staple, a loose staple, whatever the situation is, right? a bad nail, a rusted fence link, whatever it is, can destroy everything you've got in terms of poultry. You move out into a rural area, you're not familiar with the predation and things like that. Just one little problem in your fencing. like that, just one little problem in your fencing, one little, oh, I forgot to lock the coop door last night, can be your complete demise in terms of protein production. How do I know that? Because I don't live rurally, and I've had that happen here. I've had those things happen here.
Starting point is 00:15:58 You go to bed with chickens, you wake up with no chickens. It happens, man. So, and what scares me the most is people think that you plant a garden, you get chickens, and then you have food, right? You get a goat, you get whatever, and then you have food, and you're good. You've never, if you believe that, you've never raised a garden in your life. If you believe that, you never had a raccoon or a couple of foxes decimate your entire chicken flock. You know what I mean? Stuff goes sideways, especially when it's out there in nature. So you have to have a layered approach to food. You have to have the food that is produced. You should rely on and study the food that is being produced by Mother
Starting point is 00:16:52 Nature as we speak. There are numerous, Jay Ferg says it's work also, and yeah, on top of all that, it is definitely work. It's work after work. But there are numerous nuts and fruits that are growing in the tiny little sliver of woods behind my home that I don't do anything to. I don't do anything. I don't fertilize. I don't weed. Nothing. Why would you do that? Why would you weed and fertilize blackberries that grow naturally, you know what I mean, in your area or whatever native plants grow that produce food? You can introduce those natives. You might already have those natives. You can kill the competition for those native plants, But that should be something that you depend on.
Starting point is 00:17:46 You know that every year the forest grows back, so you should wrap your head around this concept that the forest is better than you are at growing food, and use it. You know, like the concept of, I'm going to dig up the ground, I'm going to lay wood chips, I'm going to spray, I'm going to put cardboard, I'm going to put weed barrier, I'm going to do up the ground. I'm going to lay wood chips. I'm going to spray. I'm going to put cardboard. I'm going to put weed barrier. I'm going to do all these magical things and raise a garden, and it's going to do great. I hope it does. Nothing's cooler or better than looking out and seeing people growing gardens in their front yards, in their side yards, in their back yards.
Starting point is 00:18:19 I love it. But it ain't easy, man. And the first go-around is really hard, you know. And and you got to learn about what grows and all that kind of stuff. Meanwhile, like the woods around you, they've been doing it forever. So rely on them. Rely on them. Give the trees and the plants that produce food and things that you need. Just help them with competition.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Make sure they don't get shaded out by other things or that kind of stuff. But largely, they'll survive on their own. That's what they've been doing out there long before you came along and like, I'm going to be a prepper. And then, of course, you need the foods. Well, you need the power of preservation. You need the power of preservation, the mentality, and the concepts therein. You need the power of preservation, the mentality and the concepts therein.
Starting point is 00:19:11 The charcuterie book is great, but I'm not going to get it down because that's more meat related. You have to be able to preserve, but you also just have to be able to shop effectively too. You have to be able to shop and manage your inventory. You know, like in all honesty, rice and pasta is going to sustain your family probably more than chickens and a garden in terms of sheer caloric intake. Do you know what I mean? Like having a robust, just a robust storage of rice
Starting point is 00:19:40 and different shapes of pasta, macaroni. That's calories. That's going to sustain. Now, if you have these other things, if you have fresh tomatoes and garlic and basil that you're growing and all of it can be tossed into your pasta, then, you know, jolly day. But you got to be real about this food thing, you know?
Starting point is 00:19:59 You got to get real about this food thing. It's one of the most important. It should be high on your sort of what's next docket you know so i do think that we'll see you know i do think we'll see some kind of weird situation at the dnc it just seems like it just seems like the convention will yield something weird i cannot imagine even though hollywood is donating tons of money to Kamala already, so maybe I can imagine her being the candidate and them being cool with it. Unless the fix is in completely already, and that's just what it is.
Starting point is 00:20:40 But we have a lot to contend with. You know, just Wednesday there's going to be a massive protest in D.C. from our pro-Palestinian friends, our pro-Palestinian buddies who have a plan to bus people in from all over the nation and surround the Capitol building to stand in solidarity with Hamas and the people who would like to behead and rape them. Seems reasonable, right? The fall will bring new challenges, folks. You will have personal challenges, you know, you'll have money challenges, you'll have strife, all these things. have money challenges, you'll have strife, all these things. I cannot impart upon you enough the value in a routine that helps you manage this, manage this, you know, all these things
Starting point is 00:21:35 that will incrementally give you the ability to deal with whatever happens come election time and beyond. It's one of those days where I look at the news and I say to myself, there's nothing worth talking about. Instead, everything is worth talking about and only one question exists and that is what's next. And I just want you to understand what next is a question for the world stage. What's Europe going to do? You know what I mean? Which What's Europe going to do? You know what I mean? Which way is Europe going to go?
Starting point is 00:22:07 I heard a guy talking about the UK being the first, and this was a wild point, but it was interesting to think about. The UK being the first predominantly Muslim nation that is nuclear armed. Think about that. Jay Fergan in chat said YouTube is covered in Kamala Harris ads. So she's probably the one then. She is probably the one. I don't even share this thing with YouTube, Jay Ferg, because they are... In terms of freedom and liberty, they are fundamentally a disgrace as far as I'm concerned. So what's next for you? What's next for you? You're moving, you're running, you're staying, you're going. What are you training? What are you learning? One of the most important preps for me day in
Starting point is 00:22:58 and day out is mental and physical fitness. Zero dollars, zero cents. You know, so many people lament the struggles of having money to buy food and to buy guns and to buy binoculars and optics and, you know, move. I can't afford to move. I can't afford to keep chickens. I can't. Well, you can run. You can do push-ups. You can do, you know, the funny thing about fitness is you can do push-ups You know the funny thing about fitness is You can do push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups And jump squats And become probably one of the most fit people there is It's just a matter of what you can endure up here I couldn't do it every day
Starting point is 00:23:36 But the reality is It's doable You don't need any money You don't need a gym You don't need a barbell You don't need a kettlebell One of't need a gym. You don't need a barbell. You don't need a kettlebell. One of my favorite things. You could go to a jungle gym and knock it out at four in the morning and be done. 8 p.m., 9 p.m., whatever. 100% free. Sit in the woods, close your eyes, deep breathe, completely free. in the woods, close your eyes, deep breathe, completely free. And if you don't think these are preps, if you don't think these two things wouldn't, you know, how to control your mind and your body, how to use your body and your mind to the fullest extent, if you don't think they're
Starting point is 00:24:15 preps, man, good luck out there. I appreciate everybody today, folks. I'm going to read to you for our words segment. I'm just doing a check real quick to make sure my people over at Element aren't waiting on me. Thank you guys for joining us over there. I guess for the podcast exclusive audience. We'll just start doing these live. Why not? Why not do the PBN Daily News live? I see a bunch of people stopping in and checking it out.
Starting point is 00:24:46 I'd do it around 8.30, 8, 8.30, something like that, 9 at the latest. I don't know. I guess I'd have to get a little more concrete for you. That would probably help. Let's go out with a bang. A very short little bit of prose from Darker Trails, my latest book. Fun. Fun little excursion into my mind if you ever want to punish yourself in such a way. So this is a very short little excerpt. I put some
Starting point is 00:25:15 quotes and stuff that I kind of live by. This is one of them. This is one of them that came from hanging out in the woods with my kids going to parks and places like that that we go to and they know really well some they know even better than me and um watching them walk the trails watching them walk trails that they've walked a million times that people have walked a million times and the fun that's still in those trails you know what i mean so we'll end with this a man should know many ways the fool knows them all to live well is to make old paths new. That's it. A man should know many ways.
Starting point is 00:26:08 The fool knows every way. And to live well. Is to make old paths new. It's all of life PBN family. Right there in those three sentences. If you could get into those three sentences. And dig out what that's all about. That sums up every day.
Starting point is 00:26:29 You've run into the fool, right? You understand that having limited, understanding limited ways through this life is dangerous. And you know the monotony of life, the beautiful monotony of life, if you can find a way to appreciate it and enjoy it, right? If you can find your way into the realm of gratitude to appreciate the peaceful monotony of life, the coffee, the quiet, the workload, you know, all the stuff. It's not Palestine right now over here, right? You don't have to worry about bombs coming down yet. Get prepared, folks. Go to Use the promo code Y2K24.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Y2K24. Get a discount on that PBN membership. Dig deep. Get to know us. Get into Element. All of the things. Thank you, many of you, for reaching out this weekend to join Element, to get into Element finally after putting it off
Starting point is 00:27:30 for a while. It's a great group over there, man. I don't know. Seems like a waste of time not to join. But anyway, that should do it. We're going to get out of here. I appreciate you. Adios. That wraps the RumbleStream podcast audience. You like the live? We can do the live. There's no point in me not doing it live. I do it pre-recorded, then I go back and put it up. We'll just do it live from now on.
Starting point is 00:28:03 If I'm capable of doing the video live, then I'm capable of doing the podcast live. You know? All right, folks. I do appreciate you guys. Support our sponsors. Get that Collapse Survivor app. I'm telling you, it's fun, man. You'll learn a lot.
Starting point is 00:28:18 It opens up a lot. The guy who writes the scenarios is really great at it. There's no denying that. Drew Miller does a hell of a job putting these scenarios together, and we have a killer earthquake scenario coming up very soon. All right? I'll see you guys. Thanks for everything.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Talk soon. Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid Commander, in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid Commander, and I'm holding the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, M.D. In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid.
Starting point is 00:28:55 You'll learn about assessment and stabilization. You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. Look, 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the Prepper's Medical Handbook today at Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgey.

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