The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN EMP Alert: 6 Solar Flares to Hit Earth Starting TODAY

Episode Date: May 10, 2024

Suspicious Observer No Grid Survival Projectshttps://offgridsurvivalproject......

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Starting point is 00:00:00 P.B.N. Family, welcome in. This is not a P.B.N. Daily News. This is based on the incoming audio audio based on the news background music i'm reporting to you on six solar flares six solar flares that have burst out the sun and become coronal mass ejections that are going to make contact, that are going to hit the earth over. And the effects, you know, the effects are going to be long and enduring. Could be happening now. Could be happening as soon as noon, the first wave.
Starting point is 00:00:59 And could carry on for a week. Up to five days we could be seeing the effects of this. Now, the Suspicious Observer should not be a foreign name to you guys if you listen to the Changing Earth podcast. All of our information, everything you're going to hear from the Prepper Broadcasting Network hosts over the next few days about this situation. next few days about this situation and probably all that you hear from most everyone over the next few days on this topic is going to come from the suspicious observer because he's the guy who does the sun talk he's the guy who studies the sun and what's happening with the sun and most often reports on these events now I didn't really talk about it yesterday. The back channel was starting to light up about it. I saw it yesterday. It was four, four solar flares, pretty sizable
Starting point is 00:01:53 with a chance, pretty high in chance to hit Earth. Things happened in the back channel and elsewhere that have led me to bring this to you this morning. One of the things was Sarah's response yesterday. Sarah's response yesterday was pretty big time. She was pretty surprised in the suspicious observer's own response. So this is the son guy. he's not the prepper guy but this is the sun guy and he's got a concern about the emp and that kind of stuff and the effects that it could have all over the world if it's big enough not this one in particular he doesn't think this is a world killer but he does based on the percentages and things a lot i'll
Starting point is 00:02:44 put the video down below so you can watch it but based on the percentages and things, I'll put the video down below so you can watch it, but based on the percentages, he thinks that there could be some outages, there could be some problems, so it's important, you know, if Sarah says it's a big deal, that's when I go, oh, okay, this is not normal, because this guy does videos all the time, she reports on the videos, he does the videos all the time she reports on the videos he does the videos all the time and it's just you know this is his thing is what he does it's like us talking about prepping right sarah says she's never heard him talk like this oh that that piques my interest a bit right i've had a pretty busy morning running around i get a text from none other than the godfather of prepping himself rick austin he
Starting point is 00:03:29 sends me a link to a new video that is up the ante on these solar flares from four to six and shows that the earth is in the direct path we're gonna get hit you know what i mean we are going to be hit by this stuff the The effects are going to be felt. Probably not in a major way, but maybe in a major way. And depending on your region, like I said, there's a high likelihood that there could be regional effects. For those of you who are unawares, you know, these kinds of solar storms and the effects that they can have on the planet vary. What I often worry about is the satellites themselves. But the subsequent EMP effects from the coronal mass ejections can do all kinds of things to the planet. It can affect
Starting point is 00:04:20 cell service. It can affect electricity. It can affect all kinds of electronics. it can affect electricity it can affect all kinds of electronics it can affect people like it can it can quite literally affect the way that people behave so we have to be real about all this and understand that we can see some things and you know what's most dangerous about it is these storms are going to affect us over a five-day span at least. And, you know, it's a very strange time in the world as is, right? The other thing that it can affect is the quartz. These electromagnetic pulses that come from CMEs crashing into the magnetosphere, if I'm getting all that right. Makes me sound smarter than I am.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Can affect the quartz in the ground. Literally affect the quartz in the ground. And the quartz in the ground can break and crunch and crack under these electromagnetic pulse waves. And what happens when the quartz is affected underground you hear sarah talk about this all the time is an uptick in earthquakes this is why there are earthquakes at after solar flare big powerful solar flares hitting the earth it's because it affects the quartz in the ground and if the quartz in the ground you know shatters and leaves space then then you have a situation, and you just imagine it like, you know, the soil in the ground is made up of all kinds of stuff. Some of the stuff in the ground is quartz, and it's affected greatly by the EMP.
Starting point is 00:05:59 And, you know, when that quartz is affected, it creates that space and creates that movement. So don't be surprised if you live in an area where there are earthquakes. Don't be surprised if we see some shaking over the next few days. Don't be surprised if we hear more stories out of New York about, whoa, weird, another earthquake in New York, right? It's hard to imagine that the sun can be linked to earthquakes here on the planet Earth, but it's, I mean, I wrote an article about it for Mira Safety a couple years ago. It was all about that. It was all about the CMEs, subsequent EMP, and the effect of the EMP on the quartz in the ground and how that creates earthquakes. It's a real thing.
Starting point is 00:06:49 And I have a feeling we're going to see just how real it is from subsequent waves of EMP, or I'm sorry, CME hitting us, coronal mass ejection hitting us over the next few days. See, this is a weird one because we always worry about the big one, the big CMEs hitting us, hitting us hard, hitting us dead on and lights out. What's weird about this one, and you'll see it in the video, is the way that waves are going to hit us. So it's going to be 1, 2, 3, 4, and he's even saying 5, 6 unless they run into each other en route. 1, 2, 3, 4, and he's even saying 5, 6, unless they run into each other en route. Now they could form Voltron altogether maybe, I don't know, and hit us with one big one, but it looks to me like it's going to be waves and waves and waves,
Starting point is 00:07:40 and that's a lot for the planet's atmosphere to deal with, you know what I mean? And magnetic field to deal with. So the truth of the matter is, nobody really knows what the hell is going to happen. Just yesterday I showed the hosts my SLNT dry bag. My SLNT dry, you remember SLNT, our sponsor, from last year I think. We're actually working on getting them back.
Starting point is 00:08:04 We did pretty well for them. We did pretty well for them. We did pretty well for them. I was surprised they did not return because we made a lot of sales thanks to you guys. So that puts me at ease a little bit, knowing that we made as many sales as we did, almost 100 sales in a three-month period for those guys, which is a lot considering the type of product they're selling In the size of our audience That means a lot of you out there have Something you can put some stuff into
Starting point is 00:08:35 My SLNT dry bag always has A GMRS car radio in it And two Baofeng radios in it They just stay in there. That's just something that I do. The charging bases, all that kind of stuff just stays in there. We may have to do a little dressing, a little window dressing of the old Titan solar generator. See, the Titan solar generator, though, is covered in metal already.
Starting point is 00:09:10 But any other Faraday options you can come up with, now would be a good time to consider that, right? Now would be a pretty damn good time to consider that. Backup cell phones, those kinds of things, anything electronic that you're going to depend on. If you can wrap that gas generator up, or even just the electronics, the precautions that you take now could make a huge difference. But hopefully, like I always talk about, you've taken these precautions already because preparedness is your lifestyle, right?
Starting point is 00:09:52 This is a situation, especially regionally, where you get a lot of benefits from something like an EMP shield. Really. You know, having something like an EMP shield If the whole world doesn't go dark But there are regional Regional power surges The EMP shield can do a lot to protect your Most precious
Starting point is 00:10:19 Infrastructure right The electric system in your home Maybe the HVAC systems, those kinds of things. So if you've outfitted your home with one of those, that's a good deal, especially for a situation like this, for a sort of like a low to mid range or, or I see, I don't know how to, I don't know how to gauge it. I'm going off of his percentages. We'll call it a mid rangerange solar storm, you know. But see, the problem I have with saying mid-range is to have Rick and to have Sarah talking to me the way they're talking to me, it's very different than, it seems much different than just mid-range.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And I think it has to do with the margin of error that exists when measuring the sun spitting stuff at us from so far away. So what can I say, PBN family? You know, a couple weeks ago, I talked about what if tomorrow was the last day. And this was right as Iran was attacking Israel. When Iran was unleashing a variety, which has disappeared in the whole story of everything that's happened, right? While Iran was unleashing its barrages on Israel, I was talking about how quickly prepping can come to an end. And it's funny, from my side of things, you know, when you have an event that's happening or close to happening, same day that I'm talking
Starting point is 00:12:04 about it. There's no more time for me to tell you to get this book. And get that book. Or take this action. Or buy this product. Or support our sponsor. Because they'll get you more prepared. Like I don't have any more time to help you.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Do you know what I mean? Time's up. In other words. If. And I don't. I don't. Personally. I don't have a feeling. Like this is going to be a world-changing situation. There is a part of me, though, that feels like regionally it could be an issue.
Starting point is 00:12:35 You know, something similar to what happened up in Canada. You know, depending on where it hits and how bad and how hard it hits. Depending on where it hits and how bad and how hard it hits. So, I don't have the ability though, if this is sort of a massive thing that affects everything. Affects shipping, affects electricity and all that. You just have to wrap your head around the fact that this prepping thing is finite. It comes to an end. There could come an instance where it comes to an end and then it's over.
Starting point is 00:13:12 And then everything you've done up until now is what you are. Everything you've done up until now and everything you haven't done, right? Right? It is my honor to have written the book No Grid Survival Projects. I mean that. I mean that. It's one of the projects I'm most proud of being a part of. And it's because it's so full of solutions for situations just like this.
Starting point is 00:13:46 And what's really scary for a guy like me is when I can't say, hey, buy the book because it may not come to your house. You know what I mean? I mean, we don't know what will be affected, maybe nothing. Maybe some things, maybe certain areas. But what is alarming is when you spend a lot of your time saying, get my book, No Grid Survival Projects. There's a link in the show description. And listen, a lot, a lot, a lot of you guys have that book.
Starting point is 00:14:15 And I know a lot of you understand the value of that book. And I appreciate that. But I'm telling you right now, the time could come when that book is no longer going to ship. You're no longer going to have the ability to get your hands on that book. And the reason that book is so important is because it's tailored to creating a life, a good life off grid. It's tailored to preparing you for the worst case scenario and helping you thrive in an off-grid world. And I'm telling you right now, the grid is in the crosshairs of so many things. This is just one example of that.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Another popular thing that I've said for years now is war equals off-grid. said for years now is war equals off-grid. And that's because I believe that cyber attacks will shut the grid down, if not regionally, in the whole of the United States. Because China's already in there. The FBI's come out and said it. And that says nothing of the people who are coming over the border right now with their caches of tools and their backpacks, right? And what they're going to do to the power grid. You see what I'm saying? And then we have our own domestic terrorists. God only knows, you know, what they're cooking up right now in the name of Palestine and genderqueer communities.
Starting point is 00:15:49 The crosshair is on the grid. And if you want to sleep at night, if you want to feel good about what happens should that grid go down, I'm telling you, this is a really great way to assure you at least have the DIY information to affect your life. You know what I mean? In a no-grid situation. If I were you, PBN family, I would subscribe to the Suspicious Observer. I'll put that link down below in the show notes also. Suspicious Observer, I'll put that link down below in the show notes also. I'd highly recommend that you keep your wits about you over these next five days.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Consider your EMP preparedness levels. If there's a thing that you want to be able to do post-EMP, it needs to be protected. If that's listening into comms, if that's calling out to people, if that's being able to move your vehicle, if that's, you know what I mean, all those kinds of things, you better make sure that those areas of your life are fortified. It's too late to order EMP cloth if you don't have it. It's too late to order EMP cloth If you don't have it It's too late to order EMP protection If you don't have it I mean you might be
Starting point is 00:17:10 That might not be true actually You might be able to rush You might be able to rush deliver it to you So it could be It could be something worth having You know I don't know what the shipping is on SLNT stuff I need to get AV on the phone and talk to them and see.
Starting point is 00:17:28 See what they can rush ship to people. If you want to get one of those great generator bags that cover your entire solar or your entire generator. They have solar panel bags. They have all kinds of great stuff. And they're not the only ones. You know, there's a lot of companies out there. In fact, funny enough, we're going to have... Is that the 20th or the 13th?
Starting point is 00:17:49 No, on the 20th we're going to have Mission Darkness CEO on to talk EMP protection. Hopefully that interview ain't too late. It'd be a shame to talk about EMP protection while we're licking our wounds from a regionally destructive electromagnetic pulse that rocked the planet with earthquakes and shut the electricity off to major metropolitan areas around the globe. PBN family, I'm not looking to incite you. I'm not looking to terrify you. I'm bringing you the news that was given to me by people that are my friends that i trust okay and then i watched a video myself and i you know got the reporting the same video that i watched i'm gonna give to you to watch in the link down below if you haven't seen it yet and all i want you to know is rick austin don't text me on
Starting point is 00:18:43 a friday and say tell people something's coming. And Sarah Hathaway almost never freaks out over what's going on with the sun because she's got her eyes on it all the time. So when I get to when I get to people deeply embedded in the prepping world who are not hysterics. Right. I know a lot of preppers who are hysterical every day. They're worried something's going to happen, right? But these people are not hysterical. I got to tell you, and I got to let you know, the threat is legitimate. And if you haven't taken action to protect yourself and your family from an EMP, you might be limited on time. Okay? So do what you can now. Top off your resources
Starting point is 00:19:28 and buckle up and pay attention. All right? Focus. Pay attention. Listen to the forward, not to the forward observer, but to the suspicious observer
Starting point is 00:19:37 and, you know, prep on. Talk to you soon, PBN family. Be safe out there.

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