The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN News: A Compulsive Nation

Episode Date: November 14, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. Your path back to stability. Welcome in PBN family, what is up? No video today, okay? Oh no, God in heaven, no vid- Heh heh. You know, the lighting and the hair and what do I shirt? What do I have on all that kind of shit? Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Not for me, man. There's a reason I love the podcast thing. I'm not giving up on it. Don't get me wrong, but it's just let's take a day off of the video. Let's take one day off of the video, maybe two days off, maybe a week off. Maybe. One day off of the video, maybe two days off, maybe a week off, maybe. I'm here to report on a compulsive nation this morning.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Yeah, it's out of left field. It's not a big story. Some days I look for the big story. I go for the big story. What's going on with it? What do you know? What's the angle? story what's going on with it what you know what what's the angle and then some days because i am who i am i gotta talk about what i'm thinking feeling seeing i'm gonna see a lot of this we already see a lot of this
Starting point is 00:01:42 what i mean by this is compulsive behavior this. What I mean by this is compulsive behavior. Compulsive behavior dominates your life, my life, most people's lives these days. And it's tethered to the lifestyle that we all live. And you have to be in sort of the same way that I was talking about liberty as the perennial battle, you have to fight for your peace. You have to fight for your inner peace too. I wake up every day, and one of the things that I always say in my head is it's time to battle. It's time to go to war. It's time to go step into battle.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Because if you understand what's going on in life, you are in a war day in and day out. You know what I mean? And there are little fights that you have to win each and every day. The first, of course, being getting out of bed. I got to find the will and the determination to get out of bed and do this. I've got a job to do. I've got these responsibilities, those responsibilities.
Starting point is 00:02:52 And if you want to have a life that is exciting and fun and something you look forward to. And you're going to fight little battles all day long. and you're going to fight little battles all day long. How you deal with the pee on the kitchen floor from your dog because you didn't let him out last night before bed or whatever. How you deal with the mess that was left from your family in the kitchen the night before. How you deal with all these little battles. You wind up with choices. You wind up face-to-face with choices.
Starting point is 00:03:28 The guy who pulls onto the highway in front of you and he's going 20 miles an hour. And how am I going to deal with this? What am I going to do? My kids are in the car. Should I just give him the finger and start shouting expletives, beeping the horn? I'm not saying there's a right or wrong way to do it.
Starting point is 00:03:55 I'm just saying the way that you do it begins to craft the kind of life that you live day in and day out. One of the greatest examples of compulsive behavior is the road rage. You know what I mean? It's the road rage. The road rage is the purest example of sort of the compulsion taking over. And when you think about it, it makes perfect sense because you forced yourself to do this thing. Most people, right, force themselves to do this thing that they don't really want to do. But they know they have to do it. There's no way around it, but they have to do it for eight hours a day. They're probably around people they don't really like. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:04:38 They're probably around people they don't really want to be around. And they have to do it, you know? Morning, Jay Ferg, Garden Girl. Thanks for joining me this morning in the chat room. Appreciate it. And they force themselves to do this thing. And then after eight hours and a lunch break and everything, it's on to road. And there's one thing standing between you, right?
Starting point is 00:04:57 Between you and home. Between you and after eight hours being able to finally exhale. That's what it feels like when you work eight hours at a job you don't like. It feels like you're holding your breath for eight hours, and you can walk through the threshold of your home and finally take a breath out. And, you know, it not only feels like that, sometimes it is like that. Because tip number one, okay, if you are living the life that I'm explaining, there's a good chance that you are living on shallow breath. This is a real thing, okay?
Starting point is 00:05:39 And this happens to people all the time. It happened to me two, three days ago. This happens to people all the time. It happened to me two, three days ago. You can get excited. You can get nervous. You can get depressed. You can get scared, whatever. If you feel your body's tense and you know you're going through a rough day, there's a good chance that you are breathing like shit,
Starting point is 00:06:00 like you are just taking shallow, rapid breaths. And over time, man know i'm talking hours a day's time it will affect everything about your mood and body and everything and when you're at a job that you hate i know from a lot of experience you rarely stop and take in a deep breath and think about your breathing, right? It's for real. Like just all the way. And the only way you can, how do you take a deep breath?
Starting point is 00:06:32 I didn't learn how to take a deep breath from a yoga instructor. I learned how to take a deep breath from my jujitsu coach, right? The only way to take a deep breath is to let out a all the air in your lungs see when you're stuck in the pattern of like short and shallow breaths it's because you're not breathing out it's not because you're not breathing in deeply and that's where people get freaked out because when you're in panic and chaotic mode in a work day and i got a meeting in five minutes i'm not ready for it. I got to answer this email and this guy's calling out.
Starting point is 00:07:08 When you're breathing shallowly all the time, this is what you're like. You're like panting. You know what I mean? You're not breathing out. So then you panic because you say, I'm a mess. Let me take a deep breath. And you go to take a deep breath and you realize you can't really breathe in that deep anymore. And then you start thinking to yourself, oh, shit, I'm having a panic attack now.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Right. Or something along those lines. But what the reality is. Most of the time, you're not breathing out. And in order to take a deep breath, you have to breathe the air out first, all the way out. I used to play a game when I was a little kid where I would try to breathe all the air out that I could possibly breathe out. And oftentimes it would make me cough. And then I would try to breathe all the air in that I could possibly breathe in. And eventually that would make me cough too.
Starting point is 00:08:06 This is the benefit of school. This is what you learn at school. You don't actually learn anything valuable, but you learn these kinds of things to bide your time before you can get the hell home and play with your friends where you really learn what life is all about. Playing with your friends in the streets and getting in fights and, and warring factions in the neighborhood is actually where you learn what life
Starting point is 00:08:28 is all about. In school, you just learn how to count so that later in life you can count all the reasons you want to quit. You know what I mean? I'm just being very cynical about school right now. I'm kidding. No,
Starting point is 00:08:42 I, I know people who've done amazing things in school and it's all come down to effort. You know, I was a guy who just puttered out on effort with school and I and I played into this game where I didn't care. And I school sucked in the school I went to sucked and the teachers were no good. And really, fundamentally, it was a big excuse for me trying to not do what i'm supposed to do in school basically so anyway you wind up in this sort of situation where you're panting and you're screaming at people on the highway and in order to endure all of this in order to deal with all of this uh you fold in the compulsive behavior you bite the nails you bite the lip right you tap you you my
Starting point is 00:09:28 my lay i'm a bounce i'm a bouncy guy you know what i mean at work i'd always be bouncing it's warehouse safety meetings i'd be conducting safety meetings and before it was my turn to talk i'm bouncing not nervous i'm just so full of energy we're all so full of energy And I'll say it like my father said it My father rarely got mad at me Rarely You know I got mad at my kids way more than my dad ever got mad at me He just didn't really get mad at me that much
Starting point is 00:09:56 You know But one time he got kind of tired of me pissing and moaning about school Like oh I don't want to go to school Oh I don't want to go All the time. Because I hated school so much. But newsflash, everybody hates school, right? That's what I always tell my kid.
Starting point is 00:10:11 I want to go to a different school. I don't want to go to school. Like, everybody hates school. No schools. You're never going to walk into a school and be like, holy, I'm at school. It's so fun. But my dad told me, what's so hard? You go and you sit down.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I got to get up. I got to climb the ladders, paint roofs, paint walls, go outside, paint windows, you know, carry paint up ladder. The only time he ever really said anything like this to me. You go in, sit down. That's cool. Go in, sit down. And to him the physical labor was You know something to be moaned Not the going in and sitting down Looking at a book And I got the message You know I stopped bitching about it around him But uh The go in and sit down part Is actually part of the problem
Starting point is 00:10:55 Your body is gonna burn up That energy one way or another It's going to try To utilize the energy that you have. And if your whole day is sit down. Then guess what? It's going to all of that's going to come out in compulsive behavior. All that's going to come out in your road rage, in your, you know, whatever kind of body, weird body behavior you have.
Starting point is 00:11:22 You know, employees playing with your hair, pulling your hair, pulling this biting this whatever it is right we all have weird stuff picking your nose these are compulsions and uh what's most devious is now we have a compulsive box that we carry around every day with compulsion apps in it. You know what I mean? Like compulsion apps. There is nothing more compulsive than YouTube shorts and TikTok. Like it is the height of compulsion. It's the swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe.
Starting point is 00:12:02 It's funny. Let me get a little funny. Swipe, swipe. Oh, that's cool. Let me get a little cool. Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe. It's funny. Let me get a little funny. Swipe, swipe. Oh, that's cool. Let me get a little cool. Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe. And you're just burning through. There's a very easy way. If I'm saying all this and you're saying to yourself, no, no, no, that's not me. I do a little TikTok and I do a little road raging, but that's not me. Okay. Why am I bringing all this up anyway?
Starting point is 00:12:28 Because you want to have fundamentally what you're losing, what we're all losing is our ability to recognize what's happening in the here and now. Right? We are because of our therapized society right because therapy is everywhere you need therapy everybody on earth needs therapy you need therapy in the morning
Starting point is 00:12:54 in the afternoon in the evening you need therapy therapy therapy call somebody go see somebody text somebody talk to an ai therapist. You need therapy. Therapy is fundamentally, and it has its place. I went to a therapy session one or two times or something like that. That's a whole other story I don't want to get into right now. It's kind of funny. But anyway, therapy is in large part a focus on the past, which is probably the most dangerous water to tread. large part of focus on the past which is probably the most dangerous water to tread if you're trying to find peace in life one of the most dangerous things you can do is spend time in the past if you spend time in the past it's so rare that you pull out anything of use
Starting point is 00:13:40 any kind of gem you know i'm talking about history you study history that's a different thing i'm talking about your past because the big bright lights in your past are almost always the traumas right what terrible thing happened to me well it was so bad oh it was a crazy pal i can't believe she did that i'll never forgive her i can't believe he i can't and it was so bad i can't believe i that the real the real bad ones are when you say I can't believe I did right that's the one that really crushes you you go back and think about like why the why did I do that to that person what was I thinking so to tread in the past it reminds me of like uh running through hell it's like a trip through hell you know what I mean and if you're treading
Starting point is 00:14:25 through the past, you need to look at it that way. You're in the fiery pits of hell. And the best thing you can do is get the hell out of there quickly. So if you don't spend time in the past, there's a good chance you spend most of your time in the future. What am I going to do this weekend? What are we going to do this weekend? I'm going to do this weekend i'm going to save money i'm going to buy this thing in a few months we're going to have christmas what am i going to get for christmas what does wife want what the kids want what do i want to ask santa for for christmas right i want to have a christmas party i want to have a new year's party i want to go thanksgiving's coming up let's go i need to get to turkey i need to get this let me write list. Let me write a list for the future.
Starting point is 00:15:05 List, list, list. Lists for the future. Thoughts for the future. Pay attention to the future, future, future. Everything's going on in the future. And whether you're imbalanced in the past or the future, you're sacrificing the present. And I really think that the more we spend in the past or the future,
Starting point is 00:15:30 the more compulsive we become. Now, we have a lot of forces working against us. You have to understand the forces working against you, right? Because everything that you buy, every ad that you see and everything that you buy is either about your past or your future. And why is that? Why is that? Because you can hardly buy anything. There's hardly anything that you can buy that will affect your present. You know
Starting point is 00:16:08 what I'm saying? Like, it's really hard to buy something that will affect your appreciation for the present. That's the beautiful thing about the present, is that you don't need anything to enjoy it. You know what I mean? Now, your present could suck. Could have made some bad decisions. You could be living in a tiny little apartment in Manhattan, wishing you were on 45 acres somewhere else. You could be living, you know, who knows? The depths of despair that the average American can live through are pretty impressive. And there's a lot of people living really suck lives.
Starting point is 00:16:46 I'd never deny you that. And I'd never deny anyone the escape of thinking of the past, living in the future, scrolling compulsively through the internet to deal with the suck of life. Because there's always suck. You know what I mean? This is what it is. The true test, and it's also the cure, is sitting. It sucks so much, the answer.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Sucks so much that I don't talk about it a whole lot because even I don't like it. Even I don't like it. The cure for a compulsive nation is so simple that it sucks. And the process sucks. It's not fun. But it is to sit in silence. And it's one of the most challenging things a human being can do this day and age. And I mean sit in silence and do nothing.
Starting point is 00:18:00 It doesn't mean that you have to clear your mind and meditate and not think about anything. That's impossible. But it means exactly what I said. You find a place to sit and you sit there. You leave the phone somewhere else. You don't turn the TV on. You don't interact with dogs.
Starting point is 00:18:23 You don't, you know what I mean? You do something to keep your hands busy. None of that. No books. No, no kind of, uh, titillation whatsoever. Today, I'm going to sit for two and a half minutes. And I'm just going to sit here. The only thing you should focus on other than sitting is make sure you're not panting. Make sure you're not sitting there like your dog after a run. Right? Take some deep breaths.
Starting point is 00:19:05 A great metric is to see just how hellacious it is to sit still for three minutes. Like if the very thought of sitting still for three minutes with nothing on TV, no phones, no distractions, no stimulation, is like murder, then you know how important it is for you to sit still. You know what I mean? Like I said, it's very lackluster because the problems are terrifying. Right?
Starting point is 00:19:36 The phone. I talked to a dentist the other day. The dentist said, everyone bites their fingernails now. I never saw this before. From. Like seven years old. Up to 17 years old. Every kid who comes in the pediatric dentist.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Bites their fingernails. And she said. She was like. I can't make assumptions. I have to assume. She was at the very least a very involved mother because she was telling me how she cuts the son's fingernail. I cut his fingernails.
Starting point is 00:20:15 She gave me a list of things that she does for her son to make sure that he's taking care of his teeth. Now, she's a dentist, of course, but it's know, it's a rare thing this day and age, you know? It's a rare thing. Jay Ferg in chat says she does it. She sits there, chills out, enjoys life actually happening instead of what happened or what could happen. You can enjoy life just happening.
Starting point is 00:20:43 You know what I mean? It's so, I mean, it's's a practice it's just a practice it's a skill like anything else you know if you literally you listen to this show because you want to get excited about like homesteading and survival skills i just understand this is just like that it's just like that slowing down a little bit i'm from the northeast guys you understand i am from the northeast of the country okay all we do is aggro all we do is yell and fight and pick on each other this is the northeast is it's a brutal place and maybe maybe not so much anymore. I don't know. I mean, I still run into people when I go up there and it's like a reminder. Like, you ain't in the South no more, homeboy.
Starting point is 00:21:31 And you go, oh, yeah, I forgot. I forgot this is fast. You know what? Everything's fast. Come on. You're wasting my time. That's what it is up there. It's like you can't even understand the road rage.
Starting point is 00:21:44 It's life rage. It even understand the road rage it's life rage it's not even road like the way you feel on the road when you got road rage you know when someone behind you or someone in front of you is driving too slow that's everywhere you go everything you do like god forbid you get in a line at the supermarket that ain't moving god forbid you're going down an aisle and there's somebody walking slower than you and And I lived like years like this, man, just just charged up everywhere I went, speeding everywhere I went. You know what I mean? And fishing fundamentally saved me. My father taking me fishing or, you know, that relationship really. It added a layer to my life that was different than that.
Starting point is 00:22:25 that relationship really it added a layer to my life that was different than that that probably playing guitar too you know that guitar is one of those things where you can silence the past and the future and just be you know what i mean but life is tough you know uh but we try to cover it all up with like drinking and smoking and sex and drugs and drugs are death now i mean you can't mess around with drugs it's a different game it's really poor timing that we went through this massive sort of like we should make everything legal in the country and and it put people in this gray area where they were like, I want to try some drugs. They don't seem so bad. Joe Rogan says that drugs aren't all that bad. And then the whole line of whole lines of drugs now are poisoned with fentanyl and people are just dying.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Mass. You know what I mean? But all those things, you know, a guy who really changed me, and I have to mention him, it goes by the name of Sad Guru, okay? And Sad Guru is an Indian dude who is, what is he called? What are they called? I can't think about it.
Starting point is 00:23:47 I don't know. I don't feel like wasting your time or mine to think about it, but he's on YouTube. You can find him. You can listen to him talk about stuff like this all the time. He talks about all of this kind of stuff. And one of the things he said that it was so pro, he said a lot of profound stuff, you know, but a lot of it's just getting out of your own way. You know, it's just get out of your own damn way. And your brain is powerful and you don't know how to use it.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Those are kind of like his core beliefs. But one of the things he always says is that we are like chemical people now. Like we've got to this point in life where we're chemically where we need chemicals to do almost everything in life. You want to wake up? You need chemicals, right? Caffeines, energy drinks, whatever. You want to be happy? You need chemical. Give me a pill, right? You want to get stronger? You need chemicals. All your food has chemicals in it. You want to make love, you need chemicals. Everything is chemicals. You follow me? And he laments the fact that the human being is just awash in chemicals all the time.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Like the average person needs chemicals to do almost everything. Ready for bedtime? Oh, no, I'm not ready for bed. I sat too much today. Or I didn't do enough physical activity. So now I can't fall asleep. I can't wake up. I can't fall asleep. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:25:08 Chemicals, chemicals, chemicals. Which leads me to sort of my final point in all of this. And look, I'm not sorry. I'm definitely not sorry that this might not be the show you want i don't wake up every day to do the show that you want if i was fixated on the trending topics i'd be talking about trump's you know cabinet appointments right now i'd be telling him i don't know about marco rubio i think tulsi gabbard's a bad pick i don't think I really I don't like Tulsi Gabbard at National Intelligence. That doesn't add up to me.
Starting point is 00:25:47 I know there's better people than that. Right. I'd take Mike Shelby from the Ford Observer and National Intelligence before I put Tulsi Gabbard in there. Most people don't even know who he is, but he's just better qualified. There's a lot of better qualified people. And that's a big deal. But whatever. people um and that's a big deal but whatever you know if i was doing if i was into doing the shows that people wanted me to do then it would be a different show or if i was into doing the shows
Starting point is 00:26:12 that would be very popular and make me a lot of money then it would be a different show but this is an issue you know you're seeing the height of compulsiveness from the left right now the left is turned into what the hell did i just do the left is turned into like conspiracy theorists now right they're like everything they laughed at us about made fun of us about four years ago or up you know the whole entire time up until now basically is happening on their side, right? And one of the things I think we all have to understand about our lives is that all this stimulation in our life leads to aggravation. It's just what it is. I found this out very easily by working from home. You start working from home, you have two boys, you put headphones on because you have to write, you know what I mean? And
Starting point is 00:27:12 maybe you're going to drown them out a little bit. And you put some music on and they got TV on and maybe they are playing a video game. And then you know all this stimulation you're trying to focus if if you're overstimulated you explode your anger boils up so fast you get so upset you get so annoyed by everything because it's just loud it's just loud shit all the time something is going on you know what i mean like i don't people sleep with the TV on and the fans on. You know what I mean? Like, the constant noise in life. If you're one of those constant noise in life people, I'm telling you, you need to take some time and start sitting quietly.
Starting point is 00:28:00 You really do. You're overly stimulated and aggravated. And every littleated and every little thing every little thing will piss you off and you're you're on a trajectory to being pissed off day and night and aggravated right or some form of chemical or addiction that will help you deal with it so we sit all day we eat our nails off, we get angry, you know. And fundamentally, I think it has to do with an exhaustion, but not an exhaustion of the physical body. It's an exhaustion of the mind. Because I said this years ago because I felt this, you know, I don't say these things just because I like I said it because I felt it.
Starting point is 00:28:41 I felt that by 10 o'clock in the morning, like it's 9.30, you know, I'm getting there. By about 10 o'clock, I'm as stimulated as a human should be. And then the rest of the day is like, you're just fighting through it. You're looking at your phone to get a little dopamine hit, a little energy to get through it. You're looking, you're, you're, because if you wake up like five, six o'clock and you're me or, or you're, you know, whatever you're into, chances are you're in that phone. You're looking at news. Oh my God, I can't believe what happened. Oh my, oh, look at this sale. Oh, very excited.
Starting point is 00:29:18 You know what? Maybe I'll pick that up real quick. And you're already like firing up the freaking engine. You know what I mean? And then you're over there making the the freaking engine you know what i mean and then you're over there making the coffee but the caffeine in the body and now you're by oh now we're really firing up right now maybe you got some commuting to do some kid dropping off and you're listening to the radio or you're listening to me or you're listening to a podcast right and
Starting point is 00:29:38 now you're oh i'm even more fired up now and i think by the time 10 you get into work you got to deal with the work shit and by time 10 o'clock rolls around i think the average person is about about as you just think about like pioneering age colonial america right 1950s america for heaven's sake you get a week's worth of stimulation in four hours you know what i mean compared to to like a week's worth of stimulation in four hours. You know what I mean? Compared to like a week's worth of stimulation in 1950 is equivalent to like 6 to 10 o'clock a.m., I think, for the average person. Between what goes in the ears, what goes in the eyes,
Starting point is 00:30:21 what happens in the brain, the things that you're thinking about, worried about, concerned about, you know, all of that, man. That's the soup. That the average American is living in. That's a compulsive nation. And the reason I bring a show like this up is because we are living in one of those radical news times. There's so much going on. There's always something to think about. What's Trump done?
Starting point is 00:30:50 What are the crazy left-wingers doing? What are the crazy right-wingers doing? Everybody's thinking tomorrow what's going to happen. And yes, I should have voted. I shouldn't have. I didn't know what to do. Everybody is firing on all eight cylinders. And now is the time.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Plus, we're moving into the holidays, you know, the holidays. You know, my dad would be sick every holiday season. Sometimes he was sick. Sometimes he was hungover. But it was bad. You know what I mean? Like at least one day out of that holiday season, it would all collapse on the man. And it was because of the stress of it all, man. It was because of the, how am I going to get this? He, when the kid wants this, how am I going to get enough money? How could I do it? How could I figure it out? She wants this. He wants that. You know, I got to get the turkey money, the tree money to this. turkey money to tree money to this now is the time start small you don't have to pray you don't have to hum you don't have to do no mantra i do a mantra i meditate i know christians don't like it
Starting point is 00:31:59 it doesn't matter to me you know if i get up there and God says, dude, what was with all the meditation? What was with all the meditation? You wore a cross. You claim to be a Christian. What was with all the meditating and the home Namasiva? I don't know. It worked. That's what it was with it.
Starting point is 00:32:17 It worked. It calmed me down. You know what I mean? And it made me clear headed. And to be honest with you, you're going gonna sit down and read a bible which is really a good a good practice is to sit down and read the bible to calm everything down to slow everything down i need that calm you know what i mean that's why i work out too you know you gotta work out because i'm i'm built with this energy like i wake up with this aj ferg understands you wake up with a certain amount of energy oh i'm i'm built with this energy like i wake up with this jay ferg understands you wake
Starting point is 00:32:45 up with a certain amount of energy oh i'm gonna sit down and write books all day and do a podcast sitting you know you got to burn through that energy so now's the time and like i tell you just like live with liberty i'm telling you uh this is a practice jay ferg if you do the depression era christmas podcast i will love it it would be so great you would be great too because you get it you know what i mean it's it's one of those podcasts you gotta you have to come up a certain way to number one appreciate it and number two, really get it. I loved when you were doing those Depression-era recipes, too. I thought that was really awesome. Sit quietly, PBN family.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Start small, okay? Relax. But don't relax with your phone because you're really not relaxing then. You know? Relax. Sit quietly. Lay quietly. your phone because then you're really not relaxing then you know relax sit quietly lay quietly two minutes at a time whatever three minutes bump it up to five bump it up to ten and before long you'll be doing weird things like sitting still for 10 minutes at a time and i'm telling you right now if you can sit without anything going on for 10 minutes at a time. And I'm telling you right now, if you can sit without anything going on for 10 minutes at a time,
Starting point is 00:34:11 you're doing something that is probably, it's probably equivalent to like a half marathon, I'd say, from the mental perspective, this day and age. To be able to sit quietly in your home, no stimulation, in a dark room or a bright room and not watching something, but just sitting there with yourself. You're doing something, man, this day and age. And you'll see the benefits. I'm all riled up. It's been a Riley kind of month so far, and I need it. And that's why I brought it to your attention today.
Starting point is 00:34:46 I need it myself. It's in my book every day. It. All right. As fun as this show was, it has to come to an end. It's 30 minutes long. Good God in heaven. Why is why is this live streaming?
Starting point is 00:35:02 I think it's because chat helps. I don't know. But these shows are so much more i used to be able to do a pbn daily news in like 15 minutes in and out i don't know it's not a bad thing just surprising you know go to folks become a member join the pbn family exclusive membership website we got all kinds of cool stuff over there i'm considering doing the political trump pick overview on that side i also got some new intel on the understanding the left the the trump opposition force which i think i may i may do a part two to my part one because it's a lot of good info and you have to understand, you know, what's what's happening, like what forces are aligning against him and against you.
Starting point is 00:35:53 People are real mad if you voted Donald Trump. You know, there's people out there who would probably like to kill you because you voted for the person they don't like. And we just have to be aware of where they are, how much and power they have what what their real true intentions are it look it's reality oh you're being extreme no real okay and don't forget to support our great sponsors folks i'm gonna end it like dave jones and tell you to prep on and sit still for a little bit in between. All right. Talk to you soon, folks. See you.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Food storage and preservation are at the heart of self-reliance. Our sponsor, Pack Fresh USA, features made-in-America products. I shop for mylar bags and oxygen absorbers for my home food storage. But they do all kinds of products. Go to and check out their Prepper University and order their box set of Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers. It's a 7 mil 100 pack of Mylar bags, oxygen absorbers, labels, and even a food storage guide.

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