The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN News: A Republic if you can keep it
Episode Date: November 11, 2024L2survive Coffee Can Heater@PBNLinks | Linktree...
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You're listening to PBN.
You're a path back to stability. the secret of happiness is freedom and a looping intro you're listening
to pbs we gotta kill that oh that looping feature is You're listening to PBS. We got to kill that.
Oh, that looping feature is brutal.
Why did they add that?
The secret of happiness is freedom.
And the secret of freedom is courage.
Thucydides, Athenian general and historian.
There are a lot of historians in the Roman times,
which is really probably, I guess, what we should thank,
who we should thank for all the written word
and all the history that we have today.
Welcome into PBN, folks.
It's Monday. Happy Monday to you.
It's Veterans Day. That's why I opened the show with that.
They are the cause. They are the upkeep, right? They are sort of the custodians of one such freedom, are the veterans. And it,
you know,
it just,
it's a thing that I am.
I've reached the age where I could never give that honor or I can never,
I can't do it.
I can't be a veteran.
You know what I mean?
At my age,
unless things go really bad in the world.
What's up,
Jay Fergie?
Good morning.
So it's one of those things.
Hey, garden girl, welcome in.
It's one of those things that I'm ever grateful for, you know.
And the older you get, the more you understand it,
the more you start to realize, like, it's not.
When I was young, I used to think of veterans equal war
in terms of, like, that's how they've kept us free.
And the more geopolitically inclined you become, the more you start to realize like, oh, it's the deterrent as much as anything else.
You know, it's the American military deterrent as much as anything else that keeps us safe.
So in other words, you think as a young man that going off to war,
like veterans, soldiers going off to war is what keeps us safe and keeps us free
and then you start to build this weird division in your head about those men who went to war and
those men who didn't and you know as and demands and receives respect around the world.
And it is the entirety of that fighting force that – I mean, you can't say that it's been 100% peaceful, but I'm telling you right now, it would be a very different world without the United States military.
I don't think you can comprehend the suffering on the world stage.
Well, just think for a minute, just for five minutes, some point today, sit down and really go over it in your head.
If Donald Trump came out his first day in office, signed an executive order, which he wouldn't do, but if he signed an executive order that would bring all U.S. military assets, troops, everything, bases shut down, all assets and military are to be brought back home.
And not to leave the U.S. borders and to defend the coast exclusively and maybe a little Navy around our Puerto Ricos and our Hawaii's and so on.
Imagine what the world would become.
What would happen to Israel?
What would happen to Ukraine?
What would happen to Taiwan?
What would happen in Africa?
You know what I mean?
The suffering, you can't even wrap your head around.
So never forget it.
It's good.
America is meant to be what people around the world aspire to.
And I think humanity requires something to aspire to.
Do you know what I mean? It requires it.
So we have to kind of be on top of our game at all times.
So we have to kind of be on top of our game at all times.
It's not good when the nation that you aspire to is all filled with depressed, obese people.
You know what I mean?
Then the nations and their people start looking to other places.
Where else should we?
What else should we aspire to?
Because the American way.
Seems kind of rough.
Suicides real high.
Drug use.
But it's just you know.
Is what it is.
It's an understanding of the day.
And we're going to have Dave Jones on at 7 p.m.
To talk. I don't know what we're going to talk. Yeah on at 7 p.m. to talk.
I don't know what we're going to talk.
Yeah, actually, he messaged me yesterday and he said, do you want a veteran on tonight?
And I said, of course, knowing he meant himself.
And he said 7 p.m. is what time he's available tonight. So our show will be early tonight, 7 p.m.
Join us.
tonight, so our show will be early tonight, 7 p.m.
Join us.
We'll be live here, broadcasting from all the usual, you know, suspected locations.
We have X, YouTube, Behind Enemy Lines at YouTube, Rumble, and this will all be merged into a podcast to go to our podcast listening audience afterward
i see we have several people in our element chat thank you for joining us in the element chat
if you're in the x chat room youtube rumble what's up lvive in the chat? If you're in any of those chat rooms, feel free to comment.
Get into the conversation.
We've got an interesting one-threat-one solution that we all want out of wars.
But there's a lot to tease out in society right now.
There's a lot that we have to figure out and some big stuff.
Hold on. a lot like there's a lot that we have to figure out and some big stuff you know uh hold on i got something here from u.s shortages um let's see
what do we got here average household size depends on what state you live in oh are you
feeling lucky here we go in in we have several rooms for those of you who don't know.
And this has become even better now.
Element has become all the more important.
I got an email message from a Lifetime member or a guy who jumped from regular membership to Lifetime membership.
And thank you, by the way, Jay.
Appreciate that.
And he sent me a message and he said, you know,
I get a lot of my news from PBN now because there's nothing else.
I don't trust anything on the mainstream.
Which is one of the, you know, we never set out to be that.
You got to understand.
But that's kind of been the story of my life, to be honest with you.
It's been what I've set out to be in this life and what I've been asked to become are two very different things, right?
And it's important in life to be prepared to answer that call.
You know what I mean?
You don't want to become a square peg, man. You want to be
able to answer the call of what your society needs, what your loved ones need, so on and so forth.
It just feels better. But anyway, what we've done sort of by accident...
Oh, wonderful. Good timing, HP. Thank you. What we've done sort of by accident is in becoming, trying to be as independent as possible, not from like a news perspective, but literally being able to keep the business doors open and not be censored and destroyed.
We created a bunch of chat rooms in an open source chat called Element.
And now we get all kinds of great information from our listeners there.
You know, awesome send from our hosts, awesome stuff.
And we have this sort of stream of news that we're not necessarily taking advantage of.
And one of the things that Jay said when he reached out to me would really peak my ears.
And I know, Jay Fer ferg you're going to hear
this loud and clear but it was just that idea that i think the the ball for news is kind of up
in the air right now and i say that not just because a listener emailed me about it but
because i'm in the same boat because i used to go to the drudge report all the time i used to wake up you know
drink coffee read a little bit of drudge read a little bit of michael snyder and the drug report's
dead it's totally compromised it's ruined so i don't know in 2025 we may be doing we may be in
into a new project
it's a very good chance
should we do
some sort of news
or media organization
I will tell you right now
you members
and you
you lifetime members
and you
and you regular members
you annual members
monthly members
you guys will undoubtedly carry over.
So don't worry about that.
I know you guys have invested in PBN.
You've invested, some of you, for five years or more.
If we expand into something like that, you guys will be taken care of.
So don't worry about that. But I got this before we get into the One Threat, One Solution,
this average grocery bill, and it is pretty astounding.
I can tell you right now it's way higher than my grocery bill.
The average grocery bill in my state is $280 per week,
weekly spent $280. It's Weekly spent, $280.
It's very high in Virginia, too, by the way.
It's one of the highest.
That is $280, right?
Can I read that?
Oh, it's $260.
I'm sorry.
$286 in Texas.
$298 in Cali, of course.
$288 in Washington.
The highest are Hawaii and Alaska, of course.
If you want cheap groceries, you go to Wisconsin, $2.21.
I could tell you right now I spend less than that weekly at the supermarket. But as I mentioned last week, I don't know if it was on the podcast or on the Trump membership thing.
If your weekly bill, one of the ways you can cut your weekly bills is by buying in bulk.
You save money that way, and then you peel away from that weekly grocery bill also.
Community cost of groceries reports.
We got a bunch of talk over on the USA shortages side about grocery bills and
cost of grocery.
It's a big deal.
People worried about it.
People are talking about it.
You know what I mean?
money rolling into holidays.
I think L2 survives this.
I think lifetime members should get a PBN challenge coin.
You know,
that's a good idea.
That's a damn good idea.
Let me see what I can do on that, L2 Survive.
You guys definitely have faced down the challenge.
Garden Girl says, I don't spend over $200 a week in Texas for a family of five.
I don't spend over $200 a week in Texas for a family of five. Impressive. Okay. I don't spend over $200 a week in Texas for
a family of five. What you eat and, and you know, what I always see on your page, uh, Garden Girl
is you guys cooking, you know, and if you don't think that cooking from scratch makes a difference
on your week to week bills, just, you know, Just price it. Just price it out. Price out a
pound of ground beef and then go see what pre-made food costs or the thing that I think where people
get in the most trouble is if they don't cook, then they buy some pre-made stuff, I guess, or they do the worst thing you could do to your money,
which is go out to eat.
You know, going out to eat now is like, it's so bad.
It's unbelievable, the money you have to spend to go out and eat.
And you get nothing.
In most places, you're getting crap in most places, like, you're getting crap
and spending so much money for it.
It's crazy.
Like, I remember eating some of the best tacos I ever had in my whole life
for, like, $2 each.
And you go on special days and get them for, like, $1 each.
You know what I mean?
What you pay for. My is probably is chipotle like and it sucks
because my kids absolutely love it but it's just one of those things where you go out and you're
like you leave and there's like a soreness in your heart because you can't as a chef and you
understand the cost of things and all that kind of stuff you're like
and my kids they don't get anything wacky really
so at the end of the day it's like i just spent 65 or whatever for rice beans and chicken and
guacamole handed to me by someone with an attitude you know you're like, how how can this be that much?
How can it cost so much? But, you know, it is what it is. Hopefully we see a leveling off.
Hopefully the Bidenomics start to taper under Donald Trump. I don't know. It's hard to imagine
the cost of things ever going down, but. Is what it is. Let's get the gray man brief up and do this crazy situation out of
taiwan um we'll talk about the one threat one solution of today this is a global conflict
supply chain issue that i don't even know if i have a solution for to be on well we always have
a solution but all right let's get into it Taiwan semiconductor manufacturing company the TC, as you will hear them referred to in here, the leading global contract chip maker, has announced it will cease.
It's big news.
It's good news for America, too, by the way.
But it will cease.
The leading global contract chip maker will cease manufacturing advanced AI chips.
So the 7 nanometer or smaller for Chinese clients starting November 11th,
That's today.
Hello today.
they're not going to make them anymore for China.
Taiwan is not going to make them anymore for China.
It's wild.
Right. Garden girl, fill me in, please, on the stop soldier suicide fundraiser run. I guess I'm way behind on that, but I can at least do the run part.
The decision aligns with the export restrictions from the u.s department of commerce see the u.s has such insane pool that they place these restrictions on their friends fundamentally
and then their enemies have to suffer you know taiwan understands we have to do what america says
if they don't want to sell on these trips to, we can't sell them to them or else they won't be there when China decides to send their naval fleet over for real.
The Department of Commerce specifically targeting chips for AI accelerators and GPUs.
The move follows reports of a TSMC manufactured chip in a Huawei AI processor raising concerns
over export control violations.
AI processor raising concerns over export control violations.
The TSMC has confirmed its commitment to complying with all legal and regulatory requirements.
Obviously, we have increasing tensions between China and Taiwan.
TSMC stock has dropped with its American depository receipts falling 1.9% to 197.26% in pre-market trading.
That sounds like I know what that means,
but I don't.
You know, it's a big deal.
AI technology
is a big thing,
and it's a race.
You know, and the moment
you fall behind on that race,
it's a problem.
Nub, L2 Survive talks about the Costco sirloin burgers frozen.
They used to be $18.
For a pack of 18 last week, it was $31.
He says, I sat there for at least five minutes looking at it.
Finally grabbed the pack.
He goes on to say, but it might be the last
time he buys them and you know yeah it's just a shift man you know it's what's important is
your desire and ability to adapt you know what i mean that's what makes the difference
really i mean just it is what it is the The world changes and we change our situation.
The only good thing about the meat price raise is you start looking local then.
There was a time when you would go to the supermarket and buy meat and be like,
ah, that's nice and cheap and it's fine.
Then you would go to a fancy market fancy market and go oh the locally raised
beef is insane god how can it cost so much when it all starts to cost actually you start looking
at the good stuff the top of the line locally raised stuff and go well five more bucks what
what the heck so such is the case bbn family we got some things to talk about um i've got
what i want to do my question to you guys is where do you go for news
so i'd love to hear from you on that one like what is your what is your one click for news
you know what do you do a google news feed do you go to x do you do? Do a Google News feed? Do you go to X? Do you go to what website do you go to when you want to get sort of that overview of news?
Like you wake up, it's a Monday, you're drinking coffee, you're trying to figure out how the week's going to go.
You want to see what China's doing, what Trump did, what happened in Russia, what happened down the street, what, you know, all that kind of stuff.
down the street, all that kind of stuff.
I would like to know from you, the listening audience,
sort of where you go for news.
Or have you abandoned it?
Have you said to yourself, you know what, screw this.
I'm tired of this stuff anyway.
I don't really want to focus on the news.
It's just a pain in the ass.
You know?
Very soon, in about what? See, Black Friday the almost the last day of the year this month but very soon a couple weeks we will be releasing once again our annual it's our
annual now because we've done it i don't even know how many years three four years our annual
black friday ultimate preppers black friday catalog we're gonna do another one so nub in Our annual Black Friday Ultimate Preppers Black Friday catalog.
We're going to do another one.
So Nub in chat says he listens to the Timcast for news.
Good source.
This is very interesting from Nub also.
Walmart and some other stores said that a Thanksgiving dinner this year will be the same as 2019 cost-wise.
That'll be interesting to see.
Yeah, the Preppers Ultimate Black Friday catalog will be out again this year.
I think I'm going to do a new release ugly Christmas sweater for you guys if I get time.
I'm designing the catalog right now.
So designing the sweater, you know,
that takes time.
S2 Underground, Suspicious Observers
from that nub, that's a great one.
The Suspicious Observer is a great example
of a
source I never see
sort of
coalesced with another.
Like, we have a lot of these news sources and cool news makers, I guess,
content creators, and I think we need sort of an umbrella for all of them.
You know?
And that may be the direction we're going in 2024 we'll see not podcast but news
media red beacon media uh yeah so what else what oh so yeah be excited get ready it's fun
nothing's better than the big catalog you receive from Sears when you were a little kid.
And that was exactly my motivation when we started the Prepper's Ultimate Black Friday Catalog because that's what it is.
It's a big old guy.
I just got Chin's top three emergency comms recommendations that's going to go into the catalog, three different products for that.
Tom's recommendations that's going to go into the catalog.
Three different products for that.
I reached out to a bunch of new people to put into the catalog this year also.
But I was perusing last year's, man.
It was awesome.
A lot of good stuff in there.
A lot of good stuff.
My new book will probably be, well, I don't know if it'll be ready. But the link will be in there.
Maybe for pre-order or something like that.
I don't know if it'll be ready, but the link will be in there, maybe for pre-order or something like that.
The next chapter in Christmas books from yours truly, of all things Christmas books.
It's called Let Your Heart Be Light, and I think you guys will absolutely love it. For those of you who take the time during the holiday season to sit back and enjoy,
Forward Observer is a great one for sure.
Never even heard of the Economic Ninja.
Yeah, good stuff, Nub. Thank you.
Good stuff.
While we're on the subject of L2 Survive,
in the podcast description,
I'm going to link to a video from L2 Survive. In the podcast description, I'm going to link to a video from L2 Survive YouTube
channel. And this is sort of an old staple, but it's probably one you want to sort of, you know,
refresh in your mind or take the time and do it if you've never done it before.
And it's a video DIY on a coffee can heater. We're heading into the cold months and L2 survive as a great video,
how to build out that simple,
coffee can heater,
You know,
there's a lot of weird off grid heating methods.
Some of them are exceptional and they seem like magic.
You know what I mean?
They're like, that'll never work
but like dave jones always says man you want to have as many ways to hit your home as possible
why not why not have the options i love having the tears and the options when it comes to
chaos and problems so look for that uh l2 survivor you could just go to l2 survive at
youtube and subscribe. Great videos.
I mean, I almost posted his latest video that came out two days ago, but I'm going to save that one.
It's a real-deal test on hand warmers.
How warm do the hand warmers go?
All right, L2 Survive.
Zahan on politics.
I like him.
I know he gets a lot of heat i like him i don't know if
he's right all the time or not peak prosperity is a good one too i never really i never really
go to peak prosperity on its own but i'm always like directed there i always find a link to an
article and i go that sounds like a good article. And boom, I'm at peak prosperity. Peak prosperity is...
Is he the one?
No, no, no.
He's not the one who does the Tyler Durden, right?
What else, folks?
Coffee can heater.
I think that's a wrap.
I don't think I'm going to read to you guys today.
I think that's a wrap.
I don't think I'm going to read to you guys today.
L2 Survive is now making a confession in chat that he...
I do appreciate all the recommendations, but how the hell do you read all this stuff on a day-to-day basis?
They are good, though. Thank you.
I think we need something that puts all this stuff together in one spot an aggregator if you will you know what i mean
an aggregator that has a few subheadings one of the best examples is future danger
and i'll probably work with the creator future dan future danger to get it all
ironed out i know there's too much going on, man. We got too much
going on all the damn time.
That's like, that's true.
For our, like, hashtag
to be your path back to stability,
we should
also have, like, a joking motto
and that one be
too damn much going
You know what I'm saying?
Three times speed.
That's good.
I'll take that.
That's definitely good.
All right, folks.
I think it's time to hit the high road.
I do appreciate you.
We'll be running some ads.
Chat, thanks so much, man. what would you say jay ferg before we hit the road
oh as far as the answer yeah well well i yeah it's further along now than it's ever been
uh phoenix i can promise you that much it's further along now than it's ever been and you know as i always told you
it's an inevitability these things they just take time you know it takes time it really does
projects i used to rush projects i used to rush books i used to rush things and i'd get them out
and i'd get them out with regrets and stuff like that, and I think it's better to take your time, better to take your time on the things you're passionate about
and want to present to the world, and, you know, once we do, once we do premiere it,
we'll definitely have to add the caveat that this would not have been possible without
the phoenix putting the fire under the
commander's ass on such a regular basis because that's the truth all right folks i'm out of here
you know if you're new like and subscribe do all those things if you're a podcast listener make
sure you subscribe to us don't just hope that you'll see our latest. We got podcasts every day. We got live streams now on X, Rumble, and behind enemy lines, even at YouTube.
Somehow we're still on YouTube.
I can't believe it.
They haven't yelled at us yet.
Yeah, that's it, man.
Support sponsors, all right?
Talk to you soon.
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