The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN News: All About Fire

Episode Date: January 24, 2025


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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Payday N. You're going to have back the stability here. I Late to the party pbm family little late if you are part of the instagram contingent and you saw me already today I Want to talk fire today I may talk cameras a little bit today. I spent the majority of my morning when I should have been broadcasting, playing around with this new camera. Once we get it rocking, it's going to be great. It was an investment.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Let's go with that. It was an investment let's go with that it was an investment and uh We're missing an an integral piece of the puzzle to get it to work properly Which is in route. So it'll give you a better look at if we're gonna do This focus on gear and things like that I don't mind being whited out and blurry and all that kind of stuff Um, but but if i'm gonna take this gear thing seriously showing you what's what where to get what how to get what?
Starting point is 00:01:32 um And it makes sense, you know, this thing has serious capability. You'll see it. It's fun It's fun. We should have some fun, right? Should we have some fun? You want to hear something fun? Maybe not fun. You want to hear something that you haven't heard in a while? You've heard a lot of things that you haven't heard in a while in this country. We're three days into a Trump presidency,
Starting point is 00:01:55 and a lot has changed. I haven't heard anything about this, though. It feels so foreign to me to read something like this and to think that this could actually work. The nation could be made better by people doing their jobs. This is from the Grey Man Brief, an alert service if you're interested. Check them out, the gray man griefing. The gray man griefing. Wow. The gray man griefing. FISA, major crime, border security, January 2023, 20 through the 23. ICE arrested, you ready for this? 460 illegal immigrants with criminal histories involving sexual assault domestic violence drug offenses and weapons crimes
Starting point is 00:02:50 arrests occurred nationwide in Illinois, Utah California Minnesota, New York, Florida and Maryland. How come they didn't get anybody out of Virginia? What's going on? This is big guys 480 Jay furry in the house. What is up? No camera today have camera troubles 460 illegal immigrants arrested These are the people that you know those on the other side would like you to think we need to protect. Sexual assault, domestic violence, drug offenses, and weapons crimes.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Nationals from countries like Afghanistan, Angola, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hond Honduras Mexico, Nicaragua Senegal and Venezuela Separately 1000 US Army and 500 US Marine active duty troops have been deployed to the southern border to augment another 2200 active duty troops 10,000 additional troops are planned to deploy You know, it's just weird It's one of the reasons I wanted to talk about fire today and fire making because you know
Starting point is 00:04:19 These sorts of things that just make sense are really nice when it seems chaotic Do you know what I mean? Like these kinds of things that just make sense. They just make sense Like say, oh my god, there's a bunch of bad guys Streaming into the nation. What should we do? Let's put good guys with guns there. Oh You can't do that. Oh, no, you can never do that We spent the last four years, like every common sense thing you could throw at a wall would bounce off.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Oh, no, no, no. And to be honest, I was lighting the fire this morning early, 5 AM. It's like 10 degrees out. And this is uncommon for us here in Virginia, but 10 degrees out, maybe nine. And I'm lighting a fire, and I'm just overwhelmed because it's one of those things that once you own it,
Starting point is 00:05:19 you know that you have this technology that has been used for a very long time to heat, to cook, to sanitize. I mean, to do all kinds of things, to heat metal, to bend metal, to bend wood, to close wounds even. Not a fun thing, I imagine, but to close wounds even Not not a fun thing I imagine but to close wounds And it occurred to me that you know, this is one of those basic skills that people don't really get and
Starting point is 00:05:55 The reason they don't get it is because they don't do it and They assume that and and the other thing is because flame is cooler than fire Right like like making a flame is cooler than sustaining a fire If you watch bushcraft content if you watch survival content hunting camping that kind of stuff The focus is on how the fire is started. Do you know what I mean? What people suck at is the sustaining aspect of fire. Well, some people suck at
Starting point is 00:06:34 starting fires too, but what really matters is sustaining the fire, building the fire properly and sustaining the fire, having the fuel to sustain it, having the patience to sustain it, right? And then having the ability to manage it if it starts to go out or if something happens where it starts to smother and all these kinds of things can happen, right? Until you get that well-established bed of coals under your fire where it's like, you know, I could cook an elephant in here now Over the last couple years two three years something like that. I've heard more than a handful of grown-ups Adults men and women tell me that they go out back to their fire pit and they can't make a fire
Starting point is 00:07:24 you know, I'm like they use all kinds of different methods and go out back to their fire pit and they can't make a fire. They use all kinds of different methods, and they struggle, and then they just give up. They're like, yeah, we got a little flame going, and it went out, and we worked on it, worked on it, worked on it, and then we just gave up. And that's a crazy thing man, that's a crazy thing because You know, this is human. This is human technology. It's like the earliest human technology
Starting point is 00:07:52 You know what I mean? Like it's one of the first and most important things I'm putting up on our screen right now a kit from our sponsor Lima Tango survival It's a $25 kit. Oh my god. You guys could buy that I'm putting up on our screen right now a kit from our sponsor Lima Tango survival It's a $25 kit. Oh my god. You guys could buy all of them. Why don't you buy all of them? Do me a favor. I don't ask this ever Why don't you buy every fire starter that's in stock? There's plenty of you out there listening. It looks like there's only 18 of these left
Starting point is 00:08:26 Why don't we make their day today and just buy them all? 18 of you buy a firestarter 25 bucks. It's really cool. I have one right next to me and my favorite thing and this might surprise you But my favorite thing in the whole firestarter kit is this cool little Lima tango big lighter I love it why do I love it because I'm beyond the point in my life with making fire where I have to prove something to myself through friction you know what I mean if you've been making fires a long time and practicing bushcraft and playing with ferro rods There was a long time man where I was always starting fires with ferro rods ferro rods ferro rods ferro rods ferro I was showing my kids how to do it all that kind of stuff
Starting point is 00:09:17 And then I got to a point where it was like I can start a fire with the ferro rod I can start a fire with the ferro rod. I can start a fire with char cloth and a An ember a single ember and a bird's nest and all that kind of stuff. They got feel good about it You know, I know I could do it and then it's like give me a badass lighter as number one Right as numero uno, what do you want? You want a badass light the only thing better than than a big lighter is a butane lighter. The butane lighters are so sweet Sure, I'd love I
Starting point is 00:09:55 Don't think my I don't think my youngest could pull it off yet but I'd love I'd love for everyone in my house to be able to start a light a fire with a ferrocerium rod if they needed to want in my house to be able to start a fire with a ferrocerium rod if they needed to. But what's ideal is for everyone to know where the butane lighters are with the long. I've showed them to you here. I could show them to you again, but they're nothing special.
Starting point is 00:10:16 They're cheap butane lighters with a long barrel on them. And they shoot fire out with tremendous force and Like that that's the fire starting implement that you should have packed and that you should use matches are the second All of that has to fail Before you pull out a ferro rod just keep that in mind when you're packing up bug out bags and you know Get home bags and whatever Maybe you know cash home bags and whatever. Maybe you know cash is fire kits and cash is at your alternate locations bug out location
Starting point is 00:10:51 whatever. Just remember like go through the things that work first before you get to the survivalist thing. Go through the Zippo lighter go through the butane lighter go through the Bic lighter go through the matches the storm-proof matches way before you wind up scraping ferrocerium off of a With a with a the 90 degree spine of your bushcraft knife Don't start there But all that said
Starting point is 00:11:24 Should you need a kit Should you need a kit Should you need a kit to get it done? This guy's pretty sweet You guys familiar with fat wood? So this is that that real? resinous Estringent smelling pine wood right it can be shaved down and lit with a lighter or
Starting point is 00:11:48 Shade down and struck with the ferro sirium rod right Jute twine another great one for catching sparks This is probably the best product in These are worth their weight in gold in my opinion and in fact Jay Ferg made something similar These are worth their weight in gold in my opinion and in fact Jay Ferg made something similar Uh as her prepper tip of the day, and I also have a video version of that for the members It's something that I use constantly and it's it's wax So these cotton discs are covered in wax
Starting point is 00:12:26 Which means not only are they highly effective at starting fire, but they're also waterproof to a point It comes with six inches of fire tape. I've never actually used fire tape never fire cube not something I've used Little metal I this is really quality because it's a it's an all metal pencil sharpener or Tinder shaver right and look you could probably get away with using that fat wood I think this is fat wood right here in this image it's got a cool little ferro rod it's not a bad ferro rod it wouldn't be my first choice of ferro rod but for this kit it's small enough it fits in there and that's kind of what's important. We got tin foil if we need to start fire in a wet area
Starting point is 00:13:08 It gives us a dry, you know a dry area to start it and the fire plugs are great There's a lot of cool stuff Fire in emergency Fire in the worst-case scenario quick fire Quickly effectively right the fire starter kit here by Lima Tango it's a big one man this is one of those things at 25 bucks that is well worth it it's well it's small the container is great the container is sturdy waterproof it has a great snap on it well maybe it's
Starting point is 00:13:42 not necessarily waterproof actually it probably is waterproof the way it clamps down. It's pretty tightly sealed. It's, what is it, about 3 by, maybe about 4 by 3 inches. Probably about 4 by 3 inches. So you can stick this thing anywhere, man. You got those of you out there who wear like tactical pants, this will fit in every pocket forget a backpack or whatever else it easily would fit into one of those but also fit into a
Starting point is 00:14:13 Into your pants pocket, you know, and then you got fire the other cool thing about fire kits man you buy them for kids, right you give your kids fire kits and Not only is it like, you know now they got many different ways to make fire, but they got something to play with. You go camping, you go out in the woods, you go out and play at the fire pit, whatever it is you do. And now you got something for them to play in. What's up fire wolf The the fire wolf the the Forge man himself is upon us
Starting point is 00:14:49 He says add an SOS pad and a jet lighter I think that's what we were talking about earlier with the With the butane lighter. I do love those butane lighters. Look at that PBN logo, New York City in the background can you imagine if two years go by, and we keep deporting monsters and kicking them out of the country, the rapists and the robbers and the murderers, and the people to the left are going to fight for, and the cities become something magnificent again. Can you imagine, like, I'm gonna take the kids to New York?
Starting point is 00:15:30 I mean, there'll always be crime, it's always gonna be an issue, but like... Ah... To be... You know, I grew up around Philly, went to Philly a lot, and to be in a city is really kind of nice. It is kind of cool. It's kind of cool to be in the aorta of civilization, you know what I mean? Where the life is just pumping through it at a rapid pace, right? Good circulation in the city. So how do you get that sort of sustaining fire? You know, maybe I'll maybe I'll find a picture of a log cabin. We got it we got to represent with the
Starting point is 00:16:15 you know pictures and stuff because I'm not I'm not on there. What's this? Bushcraft Wild. Let's see what they got. I'm going to see if I can. No, no pictures. I'm going to see if I can find you a good picture of a log cabin fire lay. It's not the only one. I mean, it's not the only thing. Here's a great one.
Starting point is 00:16:35 This looks like something I made myself here. I'll share this with you. The thing about it is, again, it goes back to the concept of when it comes to fire, unless you're playing around with, let's try something new with fire, when it comes to fire, get the fire going. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:01 Get the fire going. That's what people want. We're hungry. We're cold. It's dark. Whatever the situation is Like get the fire going. That's what people want. We're hungry. We're cold It's dark. Whatever the situation is get the fire going. This is the Lincoln log That's what this is. It's super simple the Lincoln log I've done a lot of fire lace stuff. I've done a lot of fire starter stuff uh This build right here, which is as simple as it gets the only thing I do differently is
Starting point is 00:17:26 It I use the larger fuel at the bottom of the fire. Whereas this is all kind of like arguably kindling size fuel I Use much larger fuel at the bottom, you know, I'll use like You know large split wood like you would put in a fireplace at the bottom. And Lincoln Log build it the same way. It's called the Log Cabin Fire Lay, but build it the same way. And what I love about this fire lay is you take all your small sticks, dry bark, whatever kind of stuff you're gonna start the initial fire with and
Starting point is 00:18:10 Stick it right in the house. It goes right in the living room and Then you set the living room on fire and I'm telling you man it always works because the The smaller fuel up top starts to burn pretty quickly Because the smaller fuel up top starts to burn pretty quickly. The interior of all of that Lincoln log wood burns and starts to fall inside. And it just becomes one of those things where it's like, how many? Oh, and the other great thing is the airflow.
Starting point is 00:18:41 If you look at the front, like where the guy's hands are, you look at where the guy's hands are, you can see the airflow. If you look at the front, like where the guy's hands are, you look at where the guy's hands are, you can see the bottom and all the little slits up the sides all provide airflow. I think that the airflow in this fire lay is probably one of the biggest reasons it works so well. But also the fact that you hit the you hit the fuel on all kinds of different sides. I keep kindling to the side of this fire lay and as that fire in the center starts to die out, I just add more kindling to it if it starts to die out. And it's I mean it's hard to mess out. And it's, I mean, it's hard to mess up. It's fundamentally almost impossible to mess up if you set it up right, if your fuel's dry. It's one of
Starting point is 00:19:31 these things you can set and forget. Like you can start this fire and run away, walk away. Like I've done it in a variety of places. This is the one. If you have, like if you're one of these people that when I said I talked to a handful of places. This is the one. Like, if you're one of these people that, when I said, I talked to a handful of grownups and they don't know how to make a fire, and you blushed, you know what I mean? If you got all rosy in the cheeks and warm, try this.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Try this. Get yourself, I don't know, get yourself. I don't know get yourself a Nice pile of dry sticks You know Tave Canterbury says pencil sized I say like Pencil sized all the way up to the big giant magic marker you can buy sized. And I lay those things in the middle, TP style, lean them up.
Starting point is 00:20:33 The other thing that you can do that's really cool is you can cover the top of this. Not cover it, but you can lay a few larger pieces of kindling over the top of it too once it gets going. But anyhow, lay that stuff in there teepee style or leaning to one side. Just make sure that there's airflow. And then boom, start your fire.
Starting point is 00:20:54 If you've got the Lima Tango kit, you take one of those disks, one of those wax covered disks, light it, and then use another stick or your knife to slide that pad that's on fire up underneath those sticks and that little that little cotton pad covered in wax is Everything you need to get this fire going. So like I said, so long as you're kindling and your fuel is dry That thing's gonna go and it's gonna go full-time And once it gets rocking I to go and it's going to go full time.
Starting point is 00:21:25 And once it gets rocking, I think where most people screw things up when it comes to fire is you've got to leave it alone. You got to let it be. You'll get some big flames that'll come out the top of that thing, right? And those flames will start to die down a little bit. Fire's not going out. The initial burn off is happening The the the fuel the larger fuel is catching fire and all that But those big large flames will start to go down
Starting point is 00:21:57 And what guys do most of the time? Is there like or kids is there like let's throw more stuff in there yeah we need more sticks we need leaves we need what that dry whatever we can find and this is how you smother your fire there's a certain point in building and sustaining a fire it kind of like it's the kick back and relax moment it's not the kick back and relax moment that the fires established full force and Now you can really leave it for a while, but this is a kickback moment and and let nature work Right. This is you got to sit back. You got to leave the damn thing alone and
Starting point is 00:22:47 Let everything catch and let the cold start to form. Don't move things around. Definitely don't cover things up. Don't panic. Don't start shoving stuff down in the middle because the fire is not as big as it was. I'm telling you this from experience. You know how many fires I smothered when I started making fire? I was like, oh no, it's dying down. Let's throw a bunch of shit in it.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Dead. Start back, back to the beginning. And what I came to realize that one of the most important things you can do when making fire is once you get it to this stage, you got to leave it alone. You got to look at LA. Like fire doesn't need our help all the time. You know what I mean? We help it along a little bit. But once it gets rocking, it'll be just fine. It doesn't need you to consistently throw in more things and more tinder and more... You're right. So you just
Starting point is 00:23:38 leave it be, let it rock. And then from there, you know, it begins to build, like I said, that giant bed of coals. And once you get that glowing bed of coals, I'm the type of guy that, once I get a fire that's really well established, it hurts me to put it out. Physically, it's like, oh, I don't want to do it. When you get that really well-established fire going and it's warm around the campfire Or the fire pit outside at you. You're just like the last thing I want to do is spoil this
Starting point is 00:24:16 I want this thing to just rock Because it's here now. It's a real fire like it's a warming fire. It's a cooking fire. It's a drying fire It's all capable of it's capable of all these things now, like it's a warming fire, it's a cooking fire, it's a drying fire, it's all capable of all these things now. Until then, it's not, right? It's a water boiling fire, it's capable. And I hate putting them out. I really do. Listen, if you're not...
Starting point is 00:24:41 If your Firecraft game isn't up to par, I would highly recommend you get started in the ASAP not because not because you're gonna be outside living around the fire and That's gonna be your only heat source You know what I mean? like if you're stuck in the woods and And you're living by fire and like a frame that you built with your folding back. Oh Everything's gone wrong for you. So many things have gone wrong for you. You've lost count
Starting point is 00:25:14 right, like the your it shouldn't be oh My god, there's a calamity honey Let's run to the woods and build an a frame or or a lean-to and house the family in it. This is not prepping. This is video game stuff. And you're going to die. You know what I'm saying? It's going to be miserable.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Still, you're human. And your red flower is part of your whole thing. Did you see Jungle Book, the live action? When they called the fire the red flower. I like that. So whether in fire pit or fireplace or grill or campsite or whatever it is, like start making fires you know what I mean it's been shown I talked about this on surviving America on
Starting point is 00:26:10 Wednesday that splitting wood raises testosterone gentlemen paying attention get yourself some wood rounds split them sit them out in the Sun keep them dry so that you have the ability to you know make a fire when you want to make a fire And you could play around with the great with the ferro-serum rods You can play around with the bow drills and all that kind of stuff. It's fun But also get real good at making fire with matches and lighters and and know that if you're canoeing in November October and your family all fall in the water and it's 40 degrees out like they want a fire now
Starting point is 00:26:57 they don't want you to go well let's gather up these grasses and let's search around for some fluffy what are they called bull rush no what am I thinking you know the fluffy seed tops out of this the spiny what the hell is that thing called I don't I don't have my forge head on let's gather all these things perfectly and put an ember inside of the bird's nest and blow it into a flame and you know what I mean it's like we're cold we're getting hypothermic make a fire fast get good at that all right PBN family it's been cold these last few days so naturally I've been drawn to fire use the link down below to the Lima tango fire kit okay there's 18 units
Starting point is 00:27:42 left 18 brave souls out there 25 bucks get yourself a Lima tango kit sell out the inventory Give the guy a good day. He would love it. He would love I'd love to get a call from him telling that well You know sold all 18 of our fire kits Why not? Why not? It's cool. If you don't want one if you have one buy it for your kid. Give it to your kid here Here's your fire kit play with it. Go go burn your fingers off. Go catch your hair on fire. Don't tell mom. Let's get All right, Oh
Starting point is 00:28:15 Cat tails would have been a great Substitute Jay Ferg that's not what I was thinking though. I was thinking of burdock. Is that what it is burdock burdock top Yeah burdock burdock puts off the men's it's like something out of Mario burdocks got that crazy spiky plant with the beautiful purple like filament flowers and Once it gets dry it starts to were old and go to seed it puts off that great Cotton II kind of fluff but to your point. Yeah Cattails would be great, too All right, folks. I will talk to you later. I can't believe it's Thursday already. It's crazy. All right
Starting point is 00:28:59 Visit PBN family comm and become a member today right sign up for membership great way to support the network and you will have a Just a treasure trove of prepping knowledge and information Over there at PBN family calm. I'll talk to you guys soon. Enjoy the outro. I switched it up a little bit I know Jay Ferg is gonna enjoy it. All right. See you guys.

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