The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN News: America Overwhelmed

Episode Date: October 3, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are your lizard overlords. Stop listening to these preppers. Eat your crickets. Fight in the streets. Own nothing. And love it. What?
Starting point is 00:00:38 How much more can America deal with? PBN family, welcome in. We've hit a point here. And it's the point in which we're dealing with all the things that are happening in our country. And I'm asking myself, where's the hard limit for the American people, the American infrastructure, the American spirit? Simply with the strike, the port strike, I was at Sam's Club yesterday. I put a video out for our members. Guys, I didn't really even consider Lifetime membership as a viable option
Starting point is 00:01:26 From the get-go And so many people are into it So now that we've stopped doing it I've been getting a stream of emails From people who didn't make the cut-off And we've got some figuring to do on that I did not I never imagined it being such a desirable thing. You know what I mean? And that changes the game a little bit for me in terms of offering.
Starting point is 00:02:04 It was all about how I'm going to survive and deal with a porch strike. What it is I'm going to do. What my family and I will do. I went to Sam's Club yesterday. In that video I mentioned the fact that I'm not at all concerned with stocking up. Stockpiling. Buying things even though I already have things. You know what I mean? There's sort of this like weird stigma around preppers, like when something bad happens, you should already be ready, you should have everything you need, there's no need to go out and get anything else yeah as if somehow we don't face
Starting point is 00:02:46 the attrition our resources don't face the attrition that everyone else's resources face which is always weird to me you know what i mean it's like yeah we have stuff and we use our stuff and and the stuff then goes away you know and whether we make that stuff or buy that stuff, we still need to replace it. So what really was surprising is that Wednesday morning, Wednesday morning, sorry, my dog is locked onto something. I don't know what it is. Wednesday morning, place is packed, 10 o'clock. Absolutely packed. morning, place is packed, 10 o'clock, absolutely packed, and that let me know that people understood
Starting point is 00:03:30 what was going on, you know, it wasn't restaurants, it wasn't people buying takeout containers, it was a whole host of other things, like it was people buying food, canned goods, paper products Toilet paper, the whole thing The whole shebang, right? We're dealing with that, we're dealing with this Situation in North Carolina which I do believe is going to be Years Upon years
Starting point is 00:04:02 Until things get back to normal there, if they ever return to normal. We have, of course, the election situation. Kamala Harris is our current president. And I say that not that I think that solves anything at all, but it's a shadow that people won't shine light onto right the mainstream media won't come out and say biden dropped out as the candidate because he was too old and he's also too old to govern so kamala harris is now our acting president you can't say that because everything bad that happens between now and then, starting with this port situation, falls on her shoulders.
Starting point is 00:04:48 And then all of a sudden she has a resume suddenly, and it's not a good one. So we can't speak of the truth. And the American people get that. And I could go down line for line and talk about all the crazy things that American people are thinking about dealing with. So on and so forth. To me, you know, this October 7th thing is looming. I really, I got another report from the Gray Man Brief.
Starting point is 00:05:14 The FBI, it's not anything secret. It's public. But the FBI said that America continues to be under threat. And that we, like I said at the beginning of the week, you know, we really need to pay attention to our local areas right now. We need to pay attention to your proximity to Jewish community centers, synagogues, that kind of thing. You need to pay attention to, you know, your sort of plan of operation on the 7th and the 8th. Like where are you going to be, where are your kids going to be, those kinds of things. Because, you know, the radical Muslim terrorists are getting smacked around and it's really hard for me to imagine a situation where nothing happens.
Starting point is 00:06:04 where nothing happens. Nothing happens anywhere in our country. You follow me? It could very well be the situation. I'd love for it to be the situation. I had high hopes of myself getting deep into my own local intelligence and sharing those things with you. It's just been a hell of a week. It's been a hell of a week because of so many things compounded onto,
Starting point is 00:06:32 some good and some bad, just overwhelming in general. And I can't help but, you know, remark on the fact that America's seemingly overwhelmed as we speak. Think about it. America's seemingly overwhelmed as we speak. Think about it. Right? America is seemingly overwhelmed right now.
Starting point is 00:06:58 It's hard for me to comprehend how our nation would even respond to a massive attack on the 7th. It's hard for me to even comprehend how the nation would respond post-election if we see civil unrest in many major U.S. cities. It's hard for me to understand how that, mixed with terrorism, mixed with, you know, how many steps are we away from a point where people are just like, oh my God, this is too much to deal with. So, what does that look like for you? The overwhelm of life affects me for sure. There's a big reason why I find myself turning away from a lot of media lately.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Like a lot of politically driven media. Sorry. Dogs. Seeing people. They don't usually bargain. People. It's kind of strange. But anyway, I listen to less and less and watch less and less stuff that has anything to do with what I'm talking about right now. It's almost sort of like, like I grimace at it. You know, typically, I enjoy listening to some conservative talk, I enjoy listening to news stuff, I even enjoy listening to self-improvement stuff, you know, I even enjoy listening to self-improvement stuff, you know, Chris Williamson, Joe Rogan. And all of it is a big turnoff right now for me. Anything like that is just largely a turnoff for me at the moment.
Starting point is 00:08:44 I just, I don't need another set of problems to fix or to think about Or to concern myself with And it It brings me to The concept of Going to another universe It brings me to this concept It brings me to like Having a hobby That puts you outside of
Starting point is 00:09:04 I don't know why my dogs are on 10,000 right now. I do know one thing, though. It's like the Amazon in my backyard. It rained like you wouldn't even believe. And there are mosquitoes everywhere. But anyway, the importance of having a hobby outside of this The importance of having hobbies outside of the news And politics
Starting point is 00:09:32 I think a lot of people We're seeing the symptoms We're seeing the insanity You know, you ask yourself How are people so crazy? I think people are getting so crazy Because they live this This becomes their hobby Their hobby, you ask yourself, like, how are people so crazy? I think people are getting so crazy because they live this. This becomes their hobby.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Their hobby, you know, their work life and their professional life is one thing. Their family life is one thing. And their hobby becomes Fox News. Their hobby becomes Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, left versus right, conservative. You know, politics, news, terror, the end times, so on and so forth. This becomes your hobby because you get excited about it. It's excitable, right? Oh, this is exciting.
Starting point is 00:10:10 There's competition here. There's aggression here. There's a lot here. Stuff to be done. Differences to be made. And I think what we're forgetting in all of this is that as human beings, we need to be transported to something different entirely. You know, fishing is always perfect for this for me. It's always one of my favorite things.
Starting point is 00:10:40 You get out on the creek, you can focus entirely on what you're doing there. I think there's a lot of people in this country who live boring lives, and because of their work and family life, what they're left with after that is, quite frankly, this political sparring match that we conduct ourselves in on Twitter and various other social networks. And, you know, I'm going to be right today. And that's going to be my treat to myself is I'm going to be right.
Starting point is 00:11:14 I told you all that Donald Trump was no good. And I'm going to prove it today. I have fallen into the chagrin of many. But it is what it is. And I know why now. I didn't know why at first. I have fallen into the science fiction grimdark universe of Warhammer 40,000. It started about three months ago or something like that, three or four months
Starting point is 00:11:46 ago. And I've fallen hard and I've fallen into the lore and I've fallen into this. I mean, this is a it has to be the most immersive and gigantic science fiction world there is. It's universes in size and libraries worth of lore and things like that and and at first it was just really cool and i was like you know this is just fun and i i have a neighbor who was into it we decided to sort of jump into it together sort of nurse our inner nerdling as hard as possible um and you know it was it was a revelation for me at the moment of like, you know, doing what you want to do, doing the things that you want to do and kind of worrying less and less about other people's feelings about it. You know, like who cares what anyone thinks about how I want to spend my free time so long as it's safe and I'm not hurting anybody, right? And I know it's like an old adage, but a lot of people suffer a life of, well, many men lead lives of quiet desperation.
Starting point is 00:12:58 And the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. And a lot of that has to do with the fact that most of us never really do the things we want to do. And most of the time, it's because we're worried about what people are going to say. So I was kind of wrapped up in that I was kind of, you know, interested in this whole thing and learning about the factions and so on. And you know, I'm pretty artistic guy. So the idea of painting these things is cool. It's a cool way to spend some downtime. And now, after months of really getting into it and playing it a little bit and painting a little bit and all that kind of stuff,
Starting point is 00:13:36 the punchline, of course, is that there's a whole woke takeover situation in the Warhammer universe also which is really funny i i went there for an escape and i found myself fighting the same battles but what i've come to realize now is uh this is a tool of the for dealing with the overwhelm the warhammer universe is a place where i can go that has nothing. There is no Donald Trump there. You follow me? There is no, there's no Donald Trump there. You know, there's no Kamala Harris there. There's no Joe Biden there. There's no, there's nothing there. I draw, um, I draw political and prepping sort of concepts from almost everything that I read in a day.
Starting point is 00:14:40 And the beauty of Warhammer is when you're reading about a giant planet that's full of alien life, and all the alien life wants to do is consume, there's nothing to draw there. You know, there's no inspiration to draw from. And that's an important thing, man. That's a very important thing. And it doesn't have to be, you know, that in particular or something nerdy. It just, it is what it is. It's a, it's an escape and we all need it We all need it in this time of overwhelm
Starting point is 00:15:11 Because it's very easy to wake up And from the time the sun goes up to the time we pass out To be looking into our phones at the conditions of the day The situations and conditions of the day Now for some of the more self-reliant out there, you guys know that the act of making bread and the act of hammering metal, woodworking, gardening, preserving food, cooking, all of the above, you know, these serve as an escape as well. All of the above, these serve as an escape as well.
Starting point is 00:15:51 The point of this podcast today is to just remind you that there's much more to this life. Reward yourself with things that are above and beyond why we are prepping. See, the why of prepping is what people can get addicted to. It's like, tell me more scary things to motivate me. It's to get above the why we are prepping and to get above the political. And fundamentally, this perpetual scan from coast to coast of the United States, this sort of overwatch that we all participate in or to some degree are forced to participate in because of our phones and our connection to news. connection to news. There's no need for you to know what's happening coast to coast in the country every single day and every single moment of your life. There's just no need for it. It doesn't do you any good. It does you no good to know every single day, every single hour of your life, that there's an injustice or violence or danger or threat that exists, you know, far away from your home. It doesn't even do you any good to know there's a threat that exists close to your home.
Starting point is 00:17:10 And a plan to, once you've established your position and are approving upon it daily per the NBC guy, your ship is in the right direction. You know, you may anchor to anxiety and depression. People talk about the health crisis, the mental health crisis in the United States I tell you The media plays an enormous role In the mental health crisis in the United States You can't tell me otherwise You can't tell me that it's good for your mental health To be bombarded with stories that are bad
Starting point is 00:17:58 Stories that are depressing Stories that are terrible Situations that are unfolding Political injustices and terror that are happening all the time. And you're presented with this stuff every day of your life, sometimes all day. No solution is given to you whatsoever, right? And you are just perpetually put in this situation where your mind is going, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. And if you expect me to believe that that's good for your mental health, then, you know, I just don't buy it. It's true, ignorance is bliss. There's no
Starting point is 00:18:39 getting around that. Not knowing anything is a way to deal with it. But I think ignorance is bliss, but ignorance is also surprise death, right? So if you're completely ignorant to all the threats, you'll never prepare for anything you'll likely be taking advantage of. We're living in an age of information, so you're going to be inundated with something Guard yourself against it for sure And understand This world is yours fundamentally And you know what you need to spend your time doing more of And you know what you need to spend your time doing less of
Starting point is 00:19:20 To help yourself You have to be strong for everyone You can't be beaten to death and overwhelmed by 12 noon. You know what I mean? Because you've spent the whole morning worrying. Worrying about the things that could be and the things that you can't do and the things that you should do and won't do and so on. And then, of course, news stories piled on top of that. I told Dave Jones that in October, I wanted to do a daily bread challenge. Now, there's just simply too much going on and we're going to move it maybe to the 15th of the month. But I want to conduct a daily
Starting point is 00:20:03 bread challenge. And it is exactly what it sounds like. I want to conduct a daily bread challenge, and it is exactly what it sounds like. I want to challenge the listeners here at the Prepper Broadcasting Network to bake bread every day. Does it sound overwhelming? To bake bread is probably a 30 to 45 minute round trip. Depending on how big your loaf is, the cooking time might be longer. I can make a bread dough in about 8 minutes. I can make a pizza in about 10 minutes, ready for the oven. You know what I mean? You could do the same.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Once you get some practice under your belt. It's fundamentally inspired by Maria making bread every day. You could do the same once you get some practice under your belt. I was fundamentally inspired by Maria making bread every day. And thinking to myself, you know, not only is this a skill, you do it for 30 days. You make bread for 30 days, you're going to own that skill. You get that? You make bread every day for 30 days, you're going to own the bread making process. You're going to be able to say, I know how to do this, I can do this anytime.
Starting point is 00:21:13 I know every intimate detail about it now. I know the best ways to do it, the best types of dough that I'm good at using and cooking and making. I know which bread pans I should use if I'm going to use a pan, so on and so forth, right? You'll own that skill. And I think also while you knead the dough, should you knead it, I'd highly recommend you knead it yourself. While you knead the dough and while you bake the bread, you're going to come to realize that this is an escape.
Starting point is 00:21:45 This is the kind of escape that doesn't have to involve news. It doesn't have to involve politics and such. I cut a sirloin tip up into steaks yesterday and into roast. I've never done that before. I've done a lot of butchering. I've done a lot of breaking down. When Dave Jones and I and the Breaker, the Banksters and the crew, when we get cuts, halves of animal, some people get a half of a cow in a box. Some people get a quarter of a pig in a box. And it's already cut up and everything.
Starting point is 00:22:20 When I get a half of a pig, I take home a half of a pig. And I hang it from my shed and i cut it up into everything that i want in fact i think i still owe the members i still have great footage of breaking down a whole hog that i don't think i put out but yesterday i did something similar with a sirloin tip but not a of the animal's leg that can be cut down into sirloin steaks and roasts and bits and other things. And it was one of those relaxing moments. I'm going to put that video out for the membership so you guys can see how to do that. You know, the value there is that a sirloin tip at sam's club costs about 50 bucks and there was a time when that seemed insane i remember when you could buy a strip steak a
Starting point is 00:23:13 whole strip loin or a ribeye for about 50 bucks to 80 bucks those days are gone but what you can do um is you could turn 50 bucks into, I think I got about 10 steaks, something along those lines out of it. I got a nice big roast. I got some smaller cuts of meat cut across the grain, nice and tender. I got a lot of scrap that I can use to make a really good beef broth out of, you know, to cook that roast in. I can probably dice some of that stuff up even for a beef stew, stew meat. And, you know, if you look at the cost of steaks nowadays, you can easily say you can find what a deal that is, you know, to be able to break that tip down.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I imagine if you got a package of three sirloin steaks or four sirloin steaks, you'd probably be in the $20 range, right? This sirloin tip cost me $50 total. And it was an escape. Again, it was an escape. You know what I mean? It was, it was separate myself from the overwhelm of the overworld. Make sure you have your escapes, BBM family. Okay. You know, you, people think when I run ads for that I'm telling you to build a homestead in Arizona. Maybe not, you know, maybe I'm'm maybe what you do with that land is you turn it into a hunting camp, you know, a hunting camp in Colorado. And that becomes your escape. You know, hunting season is coming. Bow and arrow shooting is firing up. Scouting, all these things
Starting point is 00:25:00 are amazing escapes from the 24-7 news cycle that convinces you that the only thing there is in this world is problems and there's next to nothing you can do about it except fight with your neighbor. I'll talk to you soon, PBN family. Thank you.

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