The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN News: Crushing Your Survival Instinct

Episode Date: September 12, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. You're paying back the stability. Happy Thursday, PBN family. Another day in this wild American system of ours. The democratic republic that is America. Here we sit. And us, this fringe group that's growing day in and day out, that's recruiting by way of efficacy, right? The prepping movement is recruiting people just by the sheer fact that what's happening in the world can only be dealt with in one way.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Truthfully, for the average man and woman, there's only one way to deal with the current situation in the world, and it's prep. That's it. Homesteading, off-grid living, preparedness for disasters and emergencies, growing your own food, self-reliance and independence. It all fits underneath the umbrella of prepping. It's all been cast into history by preppers who were willing to, you know, take the beating. Take the beating.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Take the mockery. Take the confused looks. Take the self-righteous indignation that people would say. Things like, oh, you're paranoid. You're crazy. That'll never happen. That could never happen. I ask you now in 2024, what could never happen?
Starting point is 00:02:01 There's almost nothing you can say in 2024. You know what I mean, in terms of disasters and emergencies on our planet, that you could say that could never happen and everyone in a room would go, yeah, that probably could never happen. Right? We even have conversations in Congress about aliens now. We even have conversations in Congress about aliens now. The world is speeding towards its demise thanks to, well, according to NPR this morning. You guys have to listen to NPR and VPN news and stuff. It's not that you have to listen to it to learn anything, but you have to listen to it to understand the minds of these people. I'm driving my son to school. He's laughing,
Starting point is 00:02:53 listening to it. I'm laughing, listening to it because first of all, they're trying to create synthetic chocolate by roasting sunflower seeds and what was it? Cashews or something like that and combining them through a mechanical process and an extruder and all these machines, right? Because they're doing this segment on what we eat, how what we eat affects the climate. And I'm sitting there with my 8-year-old, and he's listening to this and laughing, and I'm listening to this and laughing because we have brains still. still. Their answer to cocoa. Their answer to cocoa and the fact that cocoa all comes from one region, which what do you think happens when the cocoa doesn't come from that region anymore? In other words, synthetic chocolate gets so good that, oh, you know what? We don't even need the cocoa beans anymore. It's better for the environment. What happens to all those farmers, anymore. It's better for the environment. What happens to all those farmers, businesses,
Starting point is 00:03:51 exporters, importers? What happens to them all? What happens to the indigenous peoples? Liberals, they love them, indigenous peoples. What happens to the indigenous peoples when you destroy their business with synthetic chocolate. Don't you think there's people eating and surviving off of the growth, the massive exportation of cocoa beans? And you know what they say, which is hilarious to me every time I hear it is, it takes so much water. It takes so much water to grow cocoa beans. It takes so much water for irrigation. It takes so much water. It takes so much water for irrigation. It takes so much water. It takes so much water. It's literally the most abundant resource on the planet.
Starting point is 00:04:33 It's 75% of the planet's surface covered in water. Then they found an ocean underground that they think might be even more. And we're sitting here going, that takes so much water to produce cocoa beans and coffee and grapes and all the things that make life wonderful. We should just do it all in the lab. Because labs take no energy. Labs take no water. They're actually resource vacuums.
Starting point is 00:05:13 There's no resources whatsoever needed to create your synthetic meat, synthetic beef, synthetic soy, which, by the way, synthetic soy products now are linked to all kinds of colon cancer. I almost read the article in the air yesterday on surviving America, but I decided against it. But it's big news. Imagine that, right? The same group that looks at you and says, you know, eating Cheetos is really bad. That's highly processed foods. We'll go home and eat a, you know, whatever, a Tofurky and think that that's fine. They're doing a good thing and that should be great for their body. think that that's fine. They're doing a good thing and that should be great for their body.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Insanity. Insanity. I need a break from the insanity. Okay. That's what this is. This is a time for me to talk about it, to wrap a bit with you guys. We are live. We are live. You can call in if you'd like. Let me make sure I've got my call in open. Yeah. You can call in if you like, because we're going to talk about crushing your survival instinct today. It's very interesting to me that this is a thing, but it is a thing. Let me get in the element chat room real quick. I'm not sure if anybody's up there or not. I think about a lot of things involved in this. You know, the biggest one, the most standout, and what I'm saying when I mean they're trying to crush your survival instinct is they want you, they want that nagging feeling of survival and of threat and of looming danger and of, you know, all the sort of signals and signs, situational awareness. They want all of that to disappear. And instead,
Starting point is 00:06:54 they just want you to go, oh, no, the government will take care of everything. Good morning, garden girl. Live in chat with a Q at the end, my fault. and girl. Live in chat with a Q at the end. My fault. They want you to forget all about that. The biggest one of them all is my son. My son actually spurred, my older son spurred this topic in me today because he came to me this morning and he said, and we already reported on this, but whatever. He's 13, so it always interests me what interests him. And listen, kids think about active shooters. They think about mass shootings in schools. They really do. I hear it from both of my kids. You know what I mean? They worry about it. He comes to me and he says, oh, they passed a law in Tennessee that lets the faculty and the
Starting point is 00:07:43 teachers carry concealed now. And, you know, you have your thoughts in your head and you have the things in your head that you think and all that kind of stuff. And all I told him was, you know, you guys are the most important thing and the most precious thing. You are the future. You should be protected with firearms. If there's a threat, you should be protected with firearms. I mean, it's basics 101. Everything else that's valuable, and I said this on Instagram one time, and people went absolutely ballistic. I said we protect gold with guns, we protect politicians with guns, and then we tell ourselves that there's some better way to protect the kids. No.
Starting point is 00:08:28 You protect what's valuable with firearms. That's it. So I have to listen to Democrats get up on the television, get up on Twitter, send me text messages. I don't even know how they got my number and say, we need more tax money for the children. We need more tax money for the schools. We need more tax money for the schools. We need more tax money for this. We need after school programs. We need to, we care about our kids.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Okay, prove it. Show me. We care about our kids and our teachers. Well, if you were a teacher, shouldn't you have the right to carry a firearm to work In case some lunatic transgender decides to come into the school and shoot it up? Yeah, I said it I said some lunatic transgender I don't know if you've been, you know, taking tallies
Starting point is 00:09:17 But it's a thing It is a thing We can't say you just pulled that out of thin air No, it's a thing, it's happened Right? It is a thing. We can't say you just pulled that out of thin air. No, it's a thing. It's happened. Right? It's part of the mass confusion, woke mind virus that's spreading all over the place. It is what it is. It just is what it is.
Starting point is 00:09:37 So I thought to myself, you know, they've brainwashed teachers into believing that they should negate their survival instinct. They've brainwashed teachers into believing that they should negate their survival instinct, that they should quiet the anxiety in their head each and every day they go into school and say, and just pray on the way in. God, please don't let anybody come in and shoot me because I'm completely unarmed. The best I got is a desk, right, or a letter opener. It's the best I got. And then I got to sit there in my locked classroom and pray he doesn't shoot his way in and kill all the kids I care about and just sit there like a fox in a den with beagles outside of the den, you know what I mean, and a guy with a shotgun. That's the option for the teachers they love so much. That's what they've decided is the
Starting point is 00:10:24 best course of action, right? You just sit there in your little den and protect your cubs and wait for the guy to break in and shoot you all. That's it. That's the good idea. And what we'll give you, the little fodder that we'll give you is guns are bad. Which brings me to my next example of how they want to crush your survival instinct. In 2020, we saw the largest influx of African-Americans and women buying firearms. After the riots, through the summer of 2020 into the fall, despite what everybody posting the black square on their social
Starting point is 00:11:05 media and telling you that they're for the cause and what was his name? I forgot about him already. George Floyd was a martyr, all that. Despite all that, record numbers of black people and women went out and bought guns because Because that's where the rubber meets the road, folks. It was beautiful. It was one of the beautiful headlines of 2020. There were very few. That was one of the beautiful headlines of 2020 for me, was to see record numbers of black people and women going out and buying guns and saying, well, I better protect myself because there ain't nobody coming out of the sky to protect me. Right? It's a wonderful thing. Second Amendment at work, freedom at work, liberty at work, the Bill of Rights at work.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I am afraid for my safety. My survival instincts are telling me, you know what, I better do a better job at protecting myself, I'm going to go get a gun. I'm going to go get the greatest force multiplier available to mankind, to the average man, to the common man, and in particular to women. And what do they tell you? You don't need your guns.
Starting point is 00:12:26 What do you need guns for? We have police, and we have the largest military on the planet. So the last thing you need to worry about is having a gun. That's it. You don't need to worry about having a gun. Call 911. Call 911. The next time you see something weird happening or terrible happening, call 911 and see if you even get through. Call 911. The next time you see something weird happening or terrible happening,
Starting point is 00:12:48 call 911 and see if you even get through. Oh, the cops are going to appear out of nowhere, right? They're going to materialize at your front door the moment someone's trying to kick it in. See, there's a concerted effort to beat back your survival instinct It's real It's real And it's because people are naive People with a platform tend to be naive And they have an agenda
Starting point is 00:13:18 And I also think they're manipulated their whole lives, right? Garden Girl on chat says she's thinking about getting a CCL. Yeah, it's a great feeling. It really is. It's a great feeling. It's a wonderful feeling when you're dealing with a nation like ours where we have gangs cropping up everywhere, shootings. The idea that the crime is down is so hilarious. It's so hilarious. The idea that the statistics, I'm supposed to believe statistics that the crime
Starting point is 00:13:58 is down, it's just hilarious to me. I could be wrong. I could be wrong. to me. I could be wrong. I could be wrong. The problem is I don't trust people. The problem is I don't trust the people who run the cities. The problem is I know, right? The problem is I know. I'll make a video, Garden Girl. I carry a great weapon that I think you would like to carry. I carry a great weapon that I think you would like to carry. I'll put a members video up on my concealed carry. It's a great gun. It's a great gun for all. It's a firearm of color that is great for all.
Starting point is 00:14:44 How about that? No, but really truly i'll make a video on it i don't usually i'm not one of these prepper guys who like pulls his gun out every chance he gets you know that sort of fake ass bravado about how dangerous they are oh man that's the worst isn't it i'll show well this is what i'll do if anything and they pull the glock out and you're like oh yeah i bet i bet you're just gonna haul off and shoot everybody who pisses you off and they live like on the tip top of the rocky mountains it's hilarious but anyway i so rarely ever show off my guns not for any any tactical, op-sec reasons.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Just there's no reason. There's no reason for me to make 20 videos on my handgun. It's a very simple gun. You know what I mean? A very simple gun does what it's supposed to do. Reliable, efficient, effective. It just is what it is. And affordable, by the way.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Affordable. I don't have tens of thousands of dollars to put doodads all over the game. I got this little, I took these off and modified this. I ain't got money for that, man. I need a weapon that works out of the box, fits for what I need it to do, carries well because I actually carry a gun every day, right?
Starting point is 00:16:02 And then I'm good. So, Garden Girl, I'll show that off to you in the very near, maybe today. It's a nice day. I got to go outside anyway and do some Instagram after this. The Instagram folks probably like, dude, where you been? So keep that in mind feel your instincts out okay seriously feel your instincts out let them speak let them tell you what's what you feel things are not right you feel something's not going on remember you have hundreds of thousands of years of that skill set working all the time in your body. Peace is brand new. Peace is brand new. It's brand new in America.
Starting point is 00:16:56 It's brand new all over the world. This is a shiny new thing that we think is supposed to exist all the time everywhere. Us spoiled Americans and Europeans and so on and so forth are so used to peace just for a few decades, right? We're so accustomed to things, peaceful things. Oh, I'm going to go out. And we're going to go out in the middle of the night and walk from bar to bar and nothing's ever going to happen. And we're going to have these big events and nobody's going to, right?
Starting point is 00:17:23 And every nation's going to keep their stupid mouth shut and Americans are going to prosper forever. Peace is so new. Never forget it. When you wake up in the morning, you're piloting the body of the most effective and efficient survivor on the planet. That's what you're piloting. Make no mistake about it.
Starting point is 00:17:51 When my kids would get scared of aliens or monsters or robots and AI and whatever kind of stuff that they were thinking about, I would always say nothing is going to out kill us. There's no other species. We will kill each other. But there is no species going to pop up and out murder human beings. We are the most efficient survivors, the most adaptable survivors, and the most ruthless killers of other species there is, and even of ourselves. This is who we
Starting point is 00:18:33 are. There are other great things about us. I'm not saying this at the detriment of humanity. I'm just saying there's a piece of us that kills better than everything in the universe, I have no doubt about it, okay? Just is what it is. You know, this could go long. When they created Doomsday in the DC Comics universe, the way that they created Doomsday, who killed Superman, well, they killed each other. The way they created Doomsday who killed Superman well they killed each other the way they created Doomsday the Kryptonians actually created and the way they created him was they put him on this harsh planet that nothing could survive
Starting point is 00:19:13 they'd make him in a lab they'd put him on this harsh planet and he would die and then they would remake him from the same sort of genes and put him on that planet he'd live a little longer and then they would remake him from the same sort of genes and put him on that planet. He'd live a little longer, and then he'd die. And they did that over and over again until this thing evolved to become basically invincible. That's us.
Starting point is 00:19:39 That's how humanity became to be what it is. We lost a lot of people. We almost went extinct probably several times. We had to fight gigantic beasts. We had to fight gigantic beasts to survive. We had to kill gigantic beasts to eat. We had to develop weapons and tools and so on and so forth. We had to develop relationships with the wolf
Starting point is 00:20:05 and all these things we went through to dominate the planet. You get my drift? This is what you are. This is what you come from. You don't come from diversity class. You know what I mean? So keep that in mind.
Starting point is 00:20:24 And when you feel people trying to downplay your survival instinct, when you see news that's telling you, or when you see a mayor come out in Aurora and say, well, it's not that big a deal. It's only a couple apartment complexes that are infested with Venezuelan gangs where they run up the steps with AK-47s and AR-15s. It's only a couple apartments. That's when you have to tell yourself,
Starting point is 00:20:46 this guy's an idiot. This guy's an idiot. He's not going to protect me from anything. And let that survival instinct move you in the direction that it's been moved you and your generations of yous forever. Right? So if you're feeling the tug of get the concealed carry, get the concealed carry. It's exactly what happened to me. I've told the story a million
Starting point is 00:21:11 times. I'm going too long already, so I'm not going to tell it today. That tug of you're not safe and there's a way you can be safe, and these are the steps to get there. Once that thing starts pulling on you, you got to let it take you. It's not a whim. Don't you understand? This is built into you for longer than you can comprehend. You can't comprehend how many of your generations had to suffer and die and kill to get here, to get you here in this time. They didn't deliver you here in this time to put a blindfold on and get yourself killed by some third world gang member. Right?
Starting point is 00:22:00 So listen to that survival instinct, PBN Family. Okay? It's legitimate. And listen, if that instinct's telling you go to and sign up for membership, do that too. Do that too. Get the benefits. Get the spreadsheets. Get the series.
Starting point is 00:22:28 I posted a great video yesterday, I'm sorry, podcast yesterday on the SHTF Chefs Essential Kitchen Tools. And if you don't understand the fundamental importance when it comes to preparedness and self-reliance of cooking from scratch, start getting it. Start understanding. This is a huge thing. It's incredible. It's massive. There's a link in the description down below if you want to sign up. Members, enjoy that podcast. It's direct from all my training and even my home cooking experience. And also, members, don't forget, September. We got a few more left. It's been a big hit. The lifetime memberships. All right. Lifetime memberships available for members. Reach out. I send an email out. I'll send another one out. You reply to that email if you're a member and we'll get you in. We'll get you in for lifetime.
Starting point is 00:23:23 What else, folks? I had a big one Threat, One Solution I was going to do today, but then I went on this massive rant. You know what? I think I have to talk about this. I do. I think I still have to talk about it. It's just going to be one of those days. One Threat, One Solution, folks, it appears the people who are consistently wrong have been wrong again. Direct from the Gray Man briefing, current events, government oversight. Direct from the Gray Man briefing, current events, government oversight. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the U.S. Department of Justice had used a flawed interpretation of the obstruction statute when charging January 6th defendants.
Starting point is 00:24:23 You understand what January 6th is going to look like when looking back, right? Do you understand? See, fundamentally, what your instincts tell you most of the time, when you see right and you see wrong and you see the way things are going to be perceived, they're not going to look back and say what the party line is now. They're not going to look back on January 6th and say, wow, that was the greatest attack on democracy ever. Those people were monsters. They're going to watch the videos of those people walking through the halls of the Capitol, walking, just walking around. Not only walking around, but walking within the ropes. Not even stepping out. If you're going in like kick a kick a thing over and walk outside
Starting point is 00:25:08 the road just walking through looking yeah they took some pictures at pelosi's desk who i mean who's pelosi right who's pelosi does she work for the american people she worked for china who she worked for so the supreme court which is basically our last hope as far as I can tell, allegedly obstructed and influenced or impeded an official proceeding. That's what they said. A flawed interpretation of the obstruction statute when charging the January 6th defendants, which allegedly obstructed, influenced, or impeded an official proceeding. Right? That sounds like an amendment. That sounds like a few parts of an amendment to me. What's that, number eight? Is that number eight? Yeah, you can't punish people just because you're mad at them to the extent of your anger. That's not how our justice system works. And it's important
Starting point is 00:26:21 that you understand that this is happening because there's a lot of talk about justice and injustice in the United States right now. There's a lot of talk about two-level justice, lawfare, and so on. The Supreme Court has come out and said, look, man, this is cruel and unusual punishment. First of all, you used snake-like tactics to get it to happen because you wanted to rule and you wanted to use prejudice against these people, period. 133 cases have been adjudicated and approximately 100 cases have had obstruction charges dropped by Biden, by the way. obstruction charges dropped by Biden, by the way. Biden DOJ dropped nearly half of pending obstruction charges for Jan 6 defendants after Supreme Court ruling. It's a big deal. It's a big deal, folks. It is a very big deal. You need to take these sorts of victories and marinate in them for a moment because it can feel hopeless out there.
Starting point is 00:27:26 It can feel hopeless out there. And I wonder how this would all play out if everyone decided that these were the worst people in the world and they should be locked away for 20 years for walking through the Capitol building against the rules, right? For what do they call it? Trespassing or parading or something along those lines?
Starting point is 00:27:52 I think that's it for me, folks. I do appreciate you. It's Thursday. The Toolman should be on later. Tons of stuff, you know. Go to Take advantage of those membership benefits. Go to Take advantage of those membership benefits. Go to
Starting point is 00:28:08 Get caught up or anywhere podcasts can be listened to and get caught up on Dave Jones' tips, the great shows of the week. I mean, it's been an amazing week here at PBN. Prepper Camp is fast approaching. If you're going to be there, 12 noon at the Disaster Coffee booth on Saturday, bring your tinfoil hat, win prizes, or try to win prizes anyway.
Starting point is 00:28:33 And I'll talk to you folks soon, all right? Adios. EMP protection is on the minds of all preppers. And since the massive geomagnetic storm back in May that brought the Northern Lights to Texas, more and more people are paying attention. has some of the largest and most fortified EMP protection on the planet. 20-foot and 40-foot shipping containers built with copper beryllium gaskets for maximum protection. beryllium gaskets for maximum protection. They also have five-foot workboxes that can be loaded with solar generators,
Starting point is 00:29:10 solar panels, comms. Visit Wisconsin-built EMP protection.

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