The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN News: Gold & Silver

Episode Date: September 6, 2024 World of Ready

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBM. You're playing back the stability. Well, Friday is upon us, folks. What is up? What is up? Clearing throats, drinking coffees, enjoying what is the end of the week And lead up to a big weekend There is Strange Truth Strange Truth is available 12pm today, don't miss it
Starting point is 00:00:57 It's the Orwellian take of Carl B You're gonna love it Like you love them all You know what I mean? It's been a dynamic week here at PBN. We need to give a round of applause collectively. I should have got some round of applause
Starting point is 00:01:14 audio available. We need to give a legitimate round of applause to Dave Jones, the NBC guy, for his tips. They're awesome. He may have added to my workload going forward because I might have to keep these tips going. Seriously. And I'm not going to do them in my voice. I'm going to do them in different voices. But I really do love it. I think it's essential for a network like ours. Right? Why not? 365 tips?
Starting point is 00:01:47 It's not a lot. I mean, it sounds like a lot. You might listen to it and go like, damn, sounds like a lot. Or maybe we do five days a week. I don't know. He's doing a great job. They're awesome. It's really added a layer to what we do here at PBN.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Go back and listen to them. what we do here at PBN. Go back and listen to them. I've learned a lot in the prepping world. I've studied a lot of people and a lot of things and so on. There's books that have really changed my mind view and my world view. Physical experience doing things in the prepping and survival and outdoors and tactical world, hunting, all that, have had the most impact overall. But some of the biggest changes and probably some of the most important life decisions when it comes to prepping that I've made come from Dave Jones. You know, he said things that are just, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:55 sometimes people say things that are so real and so true that it's like, this changes everything. And he's done that to me on a bunch of occasions. And I've taken heed. You know, I've taken heed. I'd highly recommend you do the same. Enjoy those tips. Very cool.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Very cool stuff. I want to talk to you guys about gold and silver today. I want to talk to you about it all together. The whole shebang. We got some tough news, some One Threat, One Solution stuff. I've got the weekly wrap-up from the Gray Man briefing. They are the company responsible, essentially, for our One Threat, One Solution. Check them out if you're into that.
Starting point is 00:03:38 If you want threat alerts, they do a good job. They're not a sponsor per se, but we just work with them. They do a good job. They let us talk about what their intel, essentially. A lot of you guys, now I get my news from a bunch of different places, but a lot of you guys often applaud PBN for being first. And it's not my goal to be first. You ought to understand. I'm not that kind of a guy. I don't see news. I got to not my goal to be first. You got to understand.
Starting point is 00:04:05 I'm not that kind of a guy. I don't see news. I got to hop on and talk about it. But it just seems that whatever it is that myself and the hosts consume in a day, we're just ahead. It's not, you know what I mean? Well, I'm not a former intelligence NCO. You know what I mean? I don't have any of those cool skills, but whatever we are, whatever it is, we're consuming
Starting point is 00:04:31 the collection of it. And a lot of times we're consuming each other. That sounds cannibalistic, but that's exactly what's happening. A lot of times we're sharing stories in the background. And we're just ahead. You know, I've had, that has been one of the most common emails that I've gotten this year. You know, we get a lot of emails and I should read them online more, I mean on the air more.
Starting point is 00:04:58 We've gotten more emails this year than ever before from grateful, grateful listeners. People who have listened to us for a year, two years, four years, whatever, and have made changes, done things with their life. They're entering this period just like we're all entering this period in history, and they feel way better. And who the hell wouldn't?
Starting point is 00:05:23 I always talk about it, right? Imagine waking up being unprepared right now. Terrifying. Just being some guy who codes in New York City in a loft, paying $5,000 a month to survive and eat ramen noodles and thinking to yourself, I have no food. The water system here could be compromised and then I have to drink out of the Hudson. And the water system here could be compromised and then I have to drink out of the Hudson. Don't sound like a good plan, right? So, yeah, I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:05:56 You know, send those emails. They don't have to be books. You don't have to write us paragraphs. You know what I mean? You want to send us a two-line email, we appreciate what you do. You know, it goes a long way, particularly for the hosts. You know know the hosts get to hear that kind of stuff it's a big deal um i'm not even looking at the chat room right now i do apologize okay we are live we are live we are like gold and silver.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Gold and silver, folks, you know, let's have a real conversation about this. I'm going to try to do it efficiently, but I want to talk to you about it because it's a big deal. There's always this sort of nagging thing about precious metals in the mind of the preppers, right? I should have precious metal, good for this, good for that. You know, I should have gold, I should have silver. I'm going to tell you right off the top, if you're a regular person,
Starting point is 00:06:50 if you're a middle class, lower middle class, upper middle class person, forget about gold. Just forget about it. Seriously. Forget about it. Number one, if you're valuable, if your skill sets are valuable, will be post-collapse valuable, SHTF valuable,
Starting point is 00:07:14 and you know if they are or not. I mean, I can explain that, but that's another show for another day. You're going to get the gold. The gold will go to people like you because people will need to people like you. Because people will need to learn things. People will need things, right?
Starting point is 00:07:34 Taking right now, let me get spot price up here. Because I actually haven't. I don't watch gold. Gold is, it doesn't make sense to me. In the conversation of gold and silver for prepping, it doesn't make sense to me. In the conversation of gold and silver for prepping, it doesn't make sense to me. Retirement, IRAs, investment, that's a different thing. But if we're talking about, no, Silvertown. If we're talking about, where is my Silvertown website?
Starting point is 00:08:07 What is going on, JM Bullion? Can you back up off the market a little bit, buddy? I hate the internet that it's been sold. The internet's been sold, so even if you search for something, you still have to go through three people who are paying to be featured. All right, so gold's down 50 cents today, but it's $2,521 an ounce. Silver's 28. These are two different universes,
Starting point is 00:08:38 and you have to understand this, you know? You have to understand this. In other words, I can get things for 28 dollars one ounce of silver you know what i mean i can go to a guy and say hey bag me up you know 250 pound bags of uh that field corn and i'll give you an ounce of silver you know what i mean he's making a little more i mean you think you get that cracked corn. And I'll give you an ounce of silver. You know what I mean? He's making a little more. I mean you get that cracked corn for like.
Starting point is 00:09:09 12 bucks nowadays. But just one example. You know. If I need animal feed. If I need medicine. If I need basically anything. And I have an ounce of gold. What.
Starting point is 00:09:24 The only thing that can happen to you is you can either pull the gold coin out and shoot the guy in the face and take what you want while he stares down at the gleaming gold piece, which I would not advise. But that's one option. The other option is to pay $2,500 for everything you need. Now, I know you can get quarter ounce.
Starting point is 00:09:46 I know you can get tenth ounce and so on. But a tenth ounce of gold, a tenth ounce of gold, you're talking $200, $250. You know what I'm saying? It doesn't make sense to me. It's too valuable. If you're going to rebuild a society and you've got a lot of cash, yeah, sure. Invest in gold. And then you can buy houses post-SHTF with gold.
Starting point is 00:10:17 You can buy, you know what I mean, big stuff. Makes sense. But if you're going to be surviving, or not even post-collapse, if you want to bring precious metals back into the market, which I would like to do, like I see no reason why we can't do everything. I see no reason why people can't take silver, gold, cash, crypto. Why not? You take cash, you're going to the bank anyway, right? We have technology
Starting point is 00:10:50 sufficient to scan your silver and go, that's silver. I mean, I know either we do or we can make it tomorrow. You know what I'm saying? You make your bank run with your cash and your gold chips and your gold nuggets and your silver coins, and that's what you do. And the society then has adaptability, right? Has the most effective and necessary element of survival, which is adaptability. The dollar is sinking. Well, that's okay. Here's the silver price, right? I want to tell you a story, though. So long story short, man, if you're a prepper, you're interested in silver silver. I took silver to buy meat.
Starting point is 00:11:46 I bought pig off of Dave Jones with silver last year. If you want to utilize it, like if your game plan is to actually use this stuff, silver is the way to go. If you've got big money, if you've got deep pockets and you're a deep pocket sort of prepper and you've got the bunkers and you've got the gold bars and all that kind of stuff, here's a piece of advice. Go to
Starting point is 00:12:17 Get yourself one of those 40-foot EMP-proof shipping containers. Dude, I wish I had the cash for one of these things. Yeah, 40-foot EMP-proof shipping container. You could park a vehicle in it. You might be able to fit two vehicles in it. I don't know, 40 feet? Yeah, you should be able to do that. Throw your comms in there.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Throw your tractor in there. Throw all your electronics that you need in that thing. Hell, you could turn that Faraday container into a well-lit office and have the entire office be EMP-proof and lock it up and leave at the end of the night and know that while you're asleep, even if an EMP goes off, that whole thing is protected. If you're a gold guy, you could probably get your hands on one of those.
Starting point is 00:13:09 You know, that might even be a good place to store your gold. If you're a silver guy, which I'd recommend, I'd still go to and check out their work boxes. Their work boxes are no joke. They're five feet long, completely and check out their work boxes. Their work boxes are no joke. They're five feet long, completely EMP proof, large enough to hold solar generators and solar panels. I think you know the value in that, right? You know the value in having a backup solar generator that's EMP proof
Starting point is 00:13:39 and being able to say, you know, 10 seconds after, 60 seconds, what's the book called? I don't even know. You can pull that thing out and you're generating power again. And everything else that's in there you can power up. I went to a new silver and gold buyer yesterday. This is really the meat of what I wanted to discuss with you. I wanted to get sort of the idea of gold and silver out and let you understand that utility is all in silver. Utility and gold, I don't see it. I don't understand how it would work. It seems to be more of an argument. And in an SHTF world, if you're making purchases, the last thing you want
Starting point is 00:14:21 is an argument. You want to say, I've got X amount of dollars in silver, and I want this, this, and this. And then you can maybe, you know, back and forth it a little bit. But with gold, you need change, you need this, you need all kinds of stuff. And then you're running around, like, let's say you take an ounce of silver, or gold, rather, to buy something for 50 bucks, and then you get change in precious metals maybe in silver well now everybody who works there everybody who was part of that transaction and maybe even some people that guy decides he wants the radio um while you're on your way out or away from the barter situation knows that you've got all that money in your pocket. They didn't know coming in, but they know leaving what you got.
Starting point is 00:15:11 So why not just take all that back plus what you got for it? Not a fan. Dave Jones and I have both recommended to you that you should know where to go to sell silver. Do you know what I mean? Like you should know where to go. You should right now, should you need to sell silver or gold, should you need to buy silver and gold, you should go. Because if you buy silver online, you got to pay cash.
Starting point is 00:15:37 I mean you got to pay shipping. That's an issue. You know, you're getting less for your money. So keep that in mind. The place I used to go to, I'm not sure if they're open anymore. I didn't have a whole lot of time. And I went to visit a new guy. And I actually took him some things to sell. Because that's the best way to figure out what you're dealing with. You know? The best way to figure out if a person is legit is not to hand the money and say thanks for the silver i mean you can get an idea of what he's doing with spot price and how much he's charging people but what you really get
Starting point is 00:16:15 when you really get to know about a guy is when you lay silver in front of him and say you know what do you give me for it how much below spotty giving me how much over spotty given me what he told me was interesting smart very interesting basically and and look this guy's probably part hustler so you got to understand that right he works in physical silver so there's probably a little hustle in his game, though he didn't bat an eye when I took my wares. So I didn't feel like he was hustling me too bad. Long story short, I didn't sell him anything because the price wasn't good enough. But one of the reasons he claimed that the price wasn't good enough is he said, right now the market of silver is flooded. Right now I'm
Starting point is 00:17:01 getting tons of silver because the price is high. People want to sell. That's something to keep in mind. And hopefully you bought silver a long time ago, years ago when it was 18 an ounce. You know what I mean? And you have some of that, built some of that wealth. Maybe you did, maybe you didn't. What you need to understand is when the market price is high, when the spot price is high, a lot of people are selling. A lot of silver's hitting the market. This is what the guy told me. Now, I will test his theory. I will test
Starting point is 00:17:37 his theory. I will watch the price of silver. It may, I don't know. It may not. It may go down. It may not. But I'll watch it. You know, I'll see what's what. And when it goes down, I'll go back to him. We'll see what he has to say. You need, even if it's not a person that, like this, neither of these locations are people I would go to in times of crisis and expect something amazing to happen. You know what I mean? But you need to know a person who sells silver, and you need a relationship with them so you know whereabouts you are if you want to sell silver or if you want to buy silver. Right? Right? Another piece of Jones wisdom is you never want too many firsts. And in a collapsed situation,
Starting point is 00:18:31 there's going to be a lot of firsts already. But you never want too many firsts. You don't want to be in a position where you're doing things for the first time all the time. You don't want to go to a guy with silver who you never sold for, and this is the first time you're going to do business with him and he's going to run roughshod over you and give you pennies because he knows you need it. He knows you're, you know what I mean? All that kind of stuff. You want to walk in and say, look, dude, this is the price you've always given me, right? This is the price you've always, what are you trying to do here? So build those relationships. Relationships are key in the prepping You can't get away from it
Starting point is 00:19:06 This is why the lone wolf mentality is a failure You know what I mean So my thoughts on silver and gold folks Wow We are 19 minutes in already Well it's a Friday Let's do a little one threat one solution It's a lot
Starting point is 00:19:23 I don't even know which one I want to hone in on. But let's do it. One Threat, One Solution. Some of these stories are really interesting, man, and we deserve more than just a little. I'll tell you the biggest. This is terrifying. I didn't even read this one.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Jesus. You know, so much is happening across this country. I've never seen anything like it. Never. The biggest threat that I want to talk to you about today is the creation of Palestine Action U.S. A pro-Palestinian extremist organization known as Palestine Action U.S. is rebranded. Previously, the group planned a coordinated protest, sit-ins, encampments, autonomous direct actions, vandalism, flyering, graffiti, disabling equipment. One-third of their protests became riots. The group first emerged a year ago in October, which is very interesting.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Right? What do you mean? How did Palestine action appear in October? Now listen. The group has issued a declaration that they will shift from passive protests and escalate to militant activity. Game over. Where's DHS?
Starting point is 00:21:24 Find everyone, FBI, find them all, arrest them, throw them in jail. This is treason. The group has issued a declaration that they will shift from passive protests to escalate to militant activity. And in the August 28th announcement, they said, we are transitioning Palestine Action U.S. into what it has become through necessity, a militant front against the U.S.-NATO-Zionist axis of imperialism. How could we have only solidarity with the people whose suffering and death are required by our American way with a K of living?
Starting point is 00:22:03 It's not enough. We have long exhausted the passive solidarity movement framework, in a year, by the way. The Palestinian insurgency launched on October 7th put the question of revolutionary anti-imperialist struggle back on the table, and the way forward is clear. It is our duty, people in the imperial core, to open a new front against the U.S. empire.
Starting point is 00:22:25 What are we doing here, folks? They're still going. To build the international popular cradle over the resistance, empires do not just collapse on their own. If victory over imperialism is possible, it would be because struggles against it have erupted all across the world, including here in the core. The new group, now pay attention to this, Unity of Fields, further pledged they would besiege the White House, encouraging supporters to surround with armed forces in order to capture or force the president to surrender to their demands. What the cuss are we doing, Joe Biden? Hey, time to get off the beach, buddy.
Starting point is 00:23:03 You have no president. I told you just weeks ago there's no president. None. What's happening? I've read 50,000 stories about things that don't matter this week. I'm just reading this just now. Do you understand what this is? Look.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Do you understand what this is? Look, the greatest struggle for you, listen to me, listen to me. Got to be careful because they will come arrest me. There's no doubt about it. The greatest struggle for you, though, going forward is going to be fighting back your desire to be violent. Should things be wonky in the fall with votes and things look weird and things don't look right? And we start from some illegals got in and voted and some more dead people voted and, you know, all this kind of stuff, which may be not right. It was a razor thin margin. But Kamala, the greatest woman of all time, came out on top. The real struggle that Americans are going to have, and then, you know, if unity of fields starts blowing people up,
Starting point is 00:24:18 car bombing, being militant, surrounding the White House with weapons, it's going to be real hard. It's going to be real hard in your quiet moments for you not to be sitting there going like, I guess I should call my buddies up. You know what I mean? You can't be surrounded by evil people with evil intent, and the only people the police expect to do the right thing is you. The only people the Department of Justice likes to focus on and tell you are the greatest threat to American democracy are white supremacist nationalists or the militias. nationalists or the militias. You know, the militias are the people who, I mean, I imagine the ranks are swelling as we speak, but they're the people who will defend against this kind of stuff should it get completely out of control,
Starting point is 00:25:15 and they'll likely be locked up. Now, if that wasn't enough, if that wasn't enough for you, in San Diego, you know, good old California, illegal immigrants have begun targeting public school bus stops. While the intent is unknown, news reports use such terms as attempted hijacking. But immigrants may be looking for free transportation. In a recent incident, school buses were blocked and surrounded by the immigrants, but parents waiting with children at the bus stops helped drivers escape.
Starting point is 00:25:47 What? Authorities have advised drivers to drive past bus stops with immigrants and told parents, please stay vigilant, and if the bus drives by, please follow the bus to the next pickup with your child. Dude, Americans will not live this way. Do you understand? They will not live this way. Yeah, in California, New York City, people will put up with stuff because they've been beaten into submission. This is not going to fly in Mississippi. Do you understand?
Starting point is 00:26:23 This is not going to fly in a variety of states and locations. There will be blood. You have to understand that. You can't abandon people. You can't abandon tax-paying, God-fearing Americans. Defund the police. Send all your National Guard resources to the subways of New York
Starting point is 00:26:51 because they can't get the job done there. I can't even imagine what this nation will look like in four years if Kamala gets in. I can't even fathom it. And I have not hammered down my own personal action plan for that. But it's definitely a next level preparedness.
Starting point is 00:27:16 And to be honest with you, it's going to require numbers. It's going to require numbers. It's going to require numbers. Like, if you don't have numbers, you're going to need numbers. And it's not going to be because you're a prepper and you want to do mag stuff. You're going to need numbers to get around this nation, to manage the violence in this nation.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Because Unity of Fields, Unity of Fields, formerly the American-Palestinian suicide bombers institution, those guys, they're terrorists in the United States right now. That's what they are. And they're admitting it.
Starting point is 00:28:02 And what are you? I drive a truck. I'm a coordinator of some kind. I'm a dad. I'm a mom. I'm an American citizen. That's what I am. I'm an American citizen that's been told for years and years and years, nobody needs a weapon of war in this country. I can tell you one thing. You're never going to affect the Second Amendment in a big way if we have gangs of illegal immigrants taking over swaths of towns and growing unification of radical Muslim causes who are claiming openly, we're going to get militant.
Starting point is 00:28:52 What do you think that's going to do? More guns, more bullets. God, I love the Second Amendment. You have any idea where this country would be without the Second Amendment? You have any idea? If these losers were allowed to steal away from us the right to keep and bear arms, it'd be over already. It'd be over already. New York would have fallen, right? Probably the entirety of the state. I mean, if what's allowed to happen without arrests is not a clear enough sign to every American in the country, no matter what you feel, no matter how you feel after the latest school shooting, right?
Starting point is 00:29:34 Terrible, horrible, nightmarish situation. distinction between psychopath shooting up school and psychopath leadership sentencing me and my family to death or violence or, you know, exacting death on someone, which I don't want that. I'm not the type of guy who carries a gun because he's ready to shoot somebody. If the world were peaceable, if there were adults running the country and in Senate and Congress as a whole, I'd have no problem not carrying a gun. I'd still own guns, but I'd have no problem not carrying a gun. I carry a gun because I lack the confidence in the societal structures to keep myself and my family safe. And it should be that way. Probably should be that way. But I'd have no problem if we lived in a nice, peaceful society not carrying a weapon.
Starting point is 00:30:36 I don't do it to feel cool. I don't do it to— I do it because in 2017, radical Muslims smashed into the London Bridge, ran people over, hopped out with machetes and kitchen knives and started stabbing people to death. They cornered people in stores and stabbed them to death. And I said to myself, well, now I carry a gun every day. That's all. Now I carry a gun because I know I'm not going to be stabbed to death by Muslims Radicalized Muslims are not going to Hobble into a store smelling terrible
Starting point is 00:31:11 And stab me and my family to death in the corner It's not going to happen Pretty straightforward Prepare yourself folks So much is changing, so much is changing. So much is happening. You have to understand the world is different. The world is different, and I really do believe that us, the prepared,
Starting point is 00:31:34 will lead the way in showing people how to survive America, how to survive this version of America. If you're not a part of that coalition, I'd highly recommend you dig as deep as possible into the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Get to know our great hosts. Listen to our shows. Listen to the tips.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Join the Element chat room. Go to this weekend and become a member. This weekend. It's Friday. It's payday. It'll cost you $60 to become a member. As a member, you're not going to go at it alone anymore.
Starting point is 00:32:10 You're going to have the PBN network of people on the Element chat room and everything else that we do as a collective. You're going to have access to the hosts. You're going to have really good access to me. And of course, access to tons of preparedness information. If you've been listening, I don't know. You probably should. I have to assume that if you've been listening and you have the money to make this
Starting point is 00:32:41 happen, it's never going to happen. It's just not in the cards for you. You're just not interested in it. Because I can't, you know, there used to be a time where I would say, like, you know, it's not that bad yet. It's hard for people to see. Hard for people to understand how bad it could get, you know. But when you hear me reading this stuff on the air
Starting point is 00:33:03 about illegal immigrants waiting at bus stops, what, surrounding school buses? It's time for a change, folks. The real change will come from the prepping community. The real change will come from our infectious way of life bleeding out into the society. And more and more people going, you know what? I think I'm going to carry guns and raise chickens. Because that's the crux of it all, you know?
Starting point is 00:33:41 It'll never happen in Texas. I promise you that. And there's a reason for it. All right, folks, Join up this weekend. Don't wait so much there. You know, your Preparedness Master schedule is worth the cost of entry, to be honest. Map out your entire year of preparedness so that you're not just listening to somebody and getting excited and doing a thing.
Starting point is 00:34:05 No, you've got a plan, right? Come on. It's the best we can do for you, right? Leading the horse to water. I will see you guys. Hey, 12 o'clock. Don't miss Carl B. doing his thing, The Strange Truth, okay? Big weekend here at the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Yeah, I do appreciate you all, honestly. Oh, and big thanks to all you Lifetime members. Holy macaroni, we got Lifetime members. Yeah, it's a good thing. CU members take it to the next level. And look, for every Lif lifetime member that shows up, I get to send out their final bill to PBN. Infinitum.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Talk to you guys soon, all right? No ads. Let's do the old PBN outro, huh? Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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