The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN News LIVE: The Big Guy Pardons

Episode Date: December 2, 2024

Black Friday Catalog & Christ: Kettlebells & Christ - Welcome PBN Family...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. Your path back to stability. A whole hearing, about a 24-hour hiccup in a right-wing political operation. That is why we are here right now. And it's just an abuse of public resources and abuse of public time. We could be talking about health care. We could be talking about bringing down the cost of prescription drugs. We could be talking about abortion rights, civil rights, voting rights. But instead, we're talking about Hunter Biden's fake laptop story. You know what a zombie is? When a person dies and is buried, it seems a certain voodoo priest top story. Not knowing what they do, not caring. You mean like Democrats?
Starting point is 00:01:38 Welcome in, PBN family. It is PBN Daily News Live. The big guy pardons. The big guy pardons when he said he wasn't going to pardon. And imagine that, a Democrat lies, a politician lies. I want to thank Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for telling us, along with every major media outlet, that the Hunter laptop story was a lie and there was no need for investigation and it was a hoax turns out if it weren't for uh the big guy that yeah he'd be sitting in jail for quite some time so dad comes out and parted him that's not really you know the idea that he his dad pardoned him is not really that big of a story i feel like dads would pardon their sons even if they were crackhead criminals you know particularly if they were doing business alongside of them, which we know Joe Biden was, but nobody's going to report on it. No big deal.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Whatever. It's over. The age of hiding the truth and running from the truth is over. It really is. It may not be in full force yet. You may not see it completely yet, but you have to. You know, there's a time when things change and things have changed. You know, there's just no doubt about it.
Starting point is 00:02:56 It doesn't mean, you know, run to the finish line, throw your hands up in the air. We've done it. I tell you all the time, the battle for liberty and freedom is perennial. This is just a phase. Right. It's a segment of that fight. And what's up, Jay Ferg? Good morning to you. Good morning to you. We got a lot to cover today. I don't know where we want to begin. I don't want to spend a lot of time on that. I just wanted to open the show with it. It is very fitting that the presidency kind of it's sort of like the T.S. Elliott line, right? The Biden presidency ends not in a bang, but in a whimper. I even seen an audio clip.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I didn't verify it or, you know, do any backup. But I even seen a clip where Joe was on camera saying with a one-on-one interview where he was saying I won't pardon Hunter. So, you know, you watch it and it's just the perfect ending to this sort of
Starting point is 00:03:58 insane situation that we've been in all these years. You know what I mean? It just seems fitting. Busy morning for jay ferg we got a lot going on guys i hope you're prepared um black friday catalog still out there cyber monday deal still going strong black friday deal some of them are still going strong so in the description down below, check out that catalog.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Make sure you're not giving all your money to Jeff Bezos. Give a little bit to the Prepper Broadcasting Network and our friends and sponsors, right? No, no. You know what? Your chance to read the Christmas hook free is over. I don't think that lasted. It may be till today.
Starting point is 00:04:45 27, 28, 29. No, nope. I hope you took advantage of that. We've got something big happening on the fitness side. It's not for everybody. But everybody would benefit from it, I'll tell you that much. And that is, I guess I could show you. Should I bring it up here on the screen?
Starting point is 00:05:10 It's our Kettlebells in Christ routine for December. Okay, so last December, this was something we created. And it is kind of exactly what it sounds like. It's every day, well, it's weekdays. It's a weekday workout routine, all with kettlebells and then with scripture added also. And it's, you know, it's 20 hip hinges, 25 deadlifts, 50 swings. Five sets of 10. That's a lot. Five sets of 10. That's a lot.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Five sets of 10. You don't have to do five sets of 10 if you're new. Because 50 swings, five sets of 50 swings, that's 250 swings is a lot. You're going to feel that in the morning. You want to look at it? You want to get a peek? Let me see if I can present. If you're only listening, it is kind of exactly what it is. You know what I mean? It's a five-day-a-week. Give me a window to share here. It's a five-day-a-week thing.
Starting point is 00:06:21 How can you see this? Look pretty good. This is one of those opportunities so we do you know we do a lot of different stuff for our members um over this year the thing that we really the thing that we added and and in all honesty i kind of fell off on it the at the end of the year or the second half of the year um no it was more like the end of the year because the second half of the year. No, it was more like the end of the year because we were going strong until September, basically. We were doing monthly routines, and we're going to do those monthly routines again next year. I have a lot of them pre-built.
Starting point is 00:06:56 We'll just do the same ones we did because they were great. It all started here. It all started with this Kettlebells in Christ routine in December. Now, there's another sheet that I'm not going to show you, but it's available in the link down below in the show. So you can get it there. I emailed the whole mailing list last night. Garden Girl, what's up? I emailed the whole mailing list last night about Kettlebells in Christ, so it's available there. If you're not on the mailing list, you're crazy. You get a free book, right? So let's talk about this thing. You can get your hands on it many different ways. But today you start. Today is day one. So if you don't have a kettlebell, don't worry about it. Don't sweat it. It's day one. Don't say to yourself, I can't do the rest of the 20 days. No, you just go out and get one say to yourself i can't do the rest of the 20 days no you just go out and get one even if it takes you to the end of the week even if you got to
Starting point is 00:07:49 wait till payday go out and get one you can get one for like 25 bucks nowadays walmart it's not like when i started with kettlebells you had to order them online so if you're starting today it's 20 hip, and that's fundamentally a warm-up. It's just hinging at the hips, bending at the hips, not at the knees. 25 deadlifts. Really, this is all about the swings. Your 20 hip hinges is going to warm you up, warm your hips up, your core up for the kettlebell swing. Your 25 kettlebell deadlifts, sort of the same
Starting point is 00:08:26 thing. You know what I mean? Sort of the same thing. You're going to do that, right? What I will say is this is for a light kettlebell. So whatever that means to you, that could be 10 pounds, that could be 15, that could be 25, that could be 45. You're going to have a really tough time with anything over 25 pounds most people the vast majority of people myself included i don't know it would not be a good idea for me to do 250 swings with like a 60 pound werewolf kettlebell. Like I have be very, very bad idea.
Starting point is 00:09:08 I don't think I could do 50 swings with my 90 pound Bigfoot kettlebell. Or if I did, it'd be a one-time shot and that's it. You know, the thing about the swing, it's pretty low impact. Um, but I have been injured doing it.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Not bad. You know what I mean? Like short term because, and, and the, when you get injured doing swings, number one, if you don't know what you're doing, right. So watch a YouTube video, or if you're a member, just go to prep or fit and health at And we've got breakdowns on the whole thing. Actually, I think this, I think this routine link has a member video in it about doing a basic swing that i shared with everybody i'm pretty sure um but yeah you know it's all
Starting point is 00:09:57 back and low back and things like that so if you're if you're not careful it can go bad so you got to be careful about that. What else? So then we're going to roll next week. We're going to roll into some more stuff with kettlebells. Five sets, 10 reps each. Swings, you'll be a pro by next week with the swings. Overhead press, 10 squats, 10 curls. None of this stuff's really that difficult.
Starting point is 00:10:20 10 curls. None of this stuff's really that difficult. And once you, these first two weeks really are designed for you to get sort of comfortable with the kettlebell. You know what I mean? The core movement of the swing, get comfortable with that, do a lot of swings.
Starting point is 00:10:39 That's what you'll do the first 10 days. Once you get into the last two weeks, the last two weeks of kettlebells in Christ become... They will decide whether or not you want to do kettlebells or not. They'll make you decide this is
Starting point is 00:10:57 for me or this is not for me. Now, truth be told, man, it's almost an entire gym. The kettlebell itself is almost an entire gym. You can do cardio work that you wouldn't believe. You can do like real strength training with a kettlebell has horns you grab the horns and the goblet squat which is like a deep squat holding the kettlebell to your chest and overhead press with a heavy kettlebell like a 90 pound kettlebell that's a serious workout you know what i mean that's a serious strength workout you do multiple sets of that threes fives you know sixes eights whatever it is you can do you're gonna get strong like there's no getting around it it's not fun it's not the most uh
Starting point is 00:11:52 interesting and exciting thing to do over and over again but you get strong but in week Week three, okay? In week three, we're going to start doing things. Yeah, these are good. These are great fundamentals. The clean, just like a dumbbell clear, a barbell clean, except with the kettlebell. It's great. You've got the windmill. The windmill sounds stupid, but it's probably the, it's probably the best oblique exercise there is.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Okay. I don't think there's anything that I do. Russian twists, side plank, all that kind of stuff. I don't think there's anything that does, uh, the obliques the way that the windmill does the obliques,
Starting point is 00:12:41 you know? And then you got, uh, the rack and press. And then the last week of the month, the the obliques, you know? And then you got the rack and press. And then the last week of the month, the lead up to Christmas or Christmas week, you'll learn the Turkish getup. And I'll probably have to show off the Turkish getup so that you guys can get a feel for that.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Every day also comes with a different bit of scripture to read and to focus on. During your workout, after your workout, I particularly like to work out and then read the scripture and think about it that way. And that's kettlebells in Christ, guys. That's what it is. So, you know, it might sound like something that is the ultimate. It might sound like the worst thing in the world to do in December. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:26 I have no idea how you feel. I will tell you this, though. We are entering one of the most stressful times of the year. We are in it now. It's December 2nd. Do I have enough for gifts? Do I have enough to travel? Do I have enough for the tree? How am I going to afford the dinner?
Starting point is 00:13:44 I'm fighting with this one. I haven't talked to that one. I don't like this one. I got to see that one. I don't want to see all the stress. All of the stress hits this time of year. Sleep and physical fitness are the two powerhouses for dealing with stress i don't have a scientific studies i didn't poll a thousand people i but my wife and i um well my wife lives a pretty stressful life i can't say that my life is super stressful, but there are bouts of heavy stress. And it's all mitigated by those two. Well, there's one other thing too, but it's mostly mitigated by those two things. You know what I mean? Mostly mitigated by plenty of sleep, get to bed, get to bed early,
Starting point is 00:14:41 Get to bed early Sleep Get good sleep And work out You know, burn off the energy Burn off that energy That gets funneled into stressing out Me, I'm a nervous energy guy You know, Jay Ferg knows the deal
Starting point is 00:14:56 She's like that too She's a nervous energy You're a bounce You gotta do something And this is one of the most stressful times of the year You know, so keep that in mind. Kettlebells in Christ was put together a year ago so that I could get more people more physically fit that listen to PBN. That was my number one motivation.
Starting point is 00:15:17 And I said, you know, it's December. If we're going to do a routine, we might as well fold the word in with it. And that made sense. You know, that made sense to me. Listen, I try to do this. I try to keep that. I put this into my show notes so that we can do this more regularly. But if you've got comments and you'd like to call into the show, we're going to start doing the call in number again.
Starting point is 00:15:43 I haven't done it in some time. I open up the call-in number and then things either get crazy and I forget to announce it or I don't talk about it or whatever the situation is. 804-7171. You call in. I will take your calls here on the show. 804-7171. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to do it by memory. 804-767-7171. Super easy number. I picked an easy number for that reason. 804-767-7171. Don't text me. You know what I mean? It's literally for the voice. It's literally for that. Like you can, this is a thing that is lacking. The call-in thing is kind of lacking in content on a whole nowadays. I listen to old talk radio. I don't really listen to much new talk radio, but I listen to old talk radio. And't really listen to much new talk radio but i listen to old talk radio and i think the call-in is so great we've never been able to really hit it with
Starting point is 00:16:51 the call in the way i would like here at pbn um and i i just think there's something about it and it's something here with the pbn listeners too You guys add so much because you're so smart. And you guys do all the stuff that we're talking about doing. And, you know, the one thing about preppers is the parts of your brain that you engage, the types of news that you read when you're a prepper makes you an interesting person to talk to most of the time anyway. a prepper makes you an interesting person to talk to most of the time anyway because you're geopolitical you're market driven you're natural living driven homesteading right all that kind of stuff a little bit political all those things kind of make up a person who decides who looks at the whole map and goes i think i I better prepare. Like all this stuff is looking weird. So, you know, it is what it is, but maybe not today, but in the future,
Starting point is 00:17:51 804-767-7171. I don't know how long I'll be on much longer. I'll start announcing the number at the beginning of the show. 804-767-7171. I'll give you guys questions, too. We'll make it fun. We'll do questions and that kind of thing. Because you are what's missing.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Do you know what I mean? Like, quite frankly. You are what's missing. The voice. I went on. The only thing that's comparable. Sorry, I'm scrolling through something right now. The only thing that's comparable, remotely comparable is.
Starting point is 00:18:32 The and it's it's pretty bad. The only thing that's remotely comparable is the Twitter spaces. But I was on a Twitter space the other night. I didn't say anything. I was just there. And it was unbelievable. I mean, it was like, I think half the people talking were half in the bag. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:18:53 It was late. And I was like, you know what I mean? It wasn't the right thing. Everything else is text. Everything else is comment, text comments. The real interaction comes from the phone calls, comes from, you know, and again, like I said at the beginning of the show, the truth is shining through now more than ever. And I think people, I think there's a real valuable, you know, spot for real people's voices and opinions on a show like ours. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:24 So move on. Should we do a one threat, one solution? I have been so bad with these guys. You know that I have been just awful with the one threat, one solution. I don't even know what's going on with the gray man brief. I haven't checked it out in.
Starting point is 00:19:37 I don't even know how long we could talk about this. This is of interesting helps yeah we'll do a one threat one solution let's do it let's bring in the the music and we'll talk uh car thefts in atlanta georgia vehicle thefts at hartsfield jackson atlanta international airport have increased in 2024 with 300 plus vehicles reported stolen from the airport parking decks compared to just 95 in 2023 uh here's the deal guys this is the one threat thieves are using key fob reprogramming which allows them to duplicate keys within minutes using devices purchased online additionally they often employ tailgating following closely behind other vehicles to exit parking decks without being detected by security barriers. Debrief in response to the rise in thefts, airport authorities and law enforcement have increased police patrols.
Starting point is 00:20:58 The technology, the technology, the technology, folks. the technology the technology folks you know uh a lot of our friends i guess we could call them friends because they're not necessarily sponsors at the moment but places like slnt mission darkness uh these guys make reliable key fob emp proof rfid blocking little pouches, you know, and you can put that thing on your key whenever you're carrying it. You can put that thing on your key when you're driving. I think if the key wasn't attached to a key ring, you know, and you know, what's going to wind up happening is this RFID protection is going to go on everything. It's going to go over key fobs, all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:45 But the reality is we're not there yet. And thieves are ruthless. Criminals are ruthless. I don't know how else to tell it to you. You know what I mean? These guys are ruthless. They don't care. Yeah, it's bad, man.
Starting point is 00:22:03 It's not a good thing. uh yeah it's bad man it's not a good thing i cannot you know i hope we get to see a world where um you know we see law and order once again be nice our buddy l2 survive or that nub l2 over at YouTube has a WL, WULCAE graphene heated jacket review, 238 views. Let's get him up to a thousand views or something, guys. He's got a great product here. I have been wearing a heated jacket myself and I'm telling you there's something to it. Um, there's pros and cons. There's definitely something that carrying one of the biggest benefits you don't even think about it but one of the biggest benefits of wearing one of these heated jackets is carrying a like a usb power bank right here or here right so now you have a power bank with you all the time also built-in charger all that kind of stuff. So check out L2 Survive at YouTube.
Starting point is 00:23:07 L2 Survive over at YouTube. Awesome stuff. Reviews, Back to Eden Garden stuff. Really cool YouTube channel. Check them out. The heated jacket is a thing, man. It's not bad at all. I've been threatening to do a family gear membership piece on mine and i will i will today's pretty
Starting point is 00:23:27 cold maybe i'll do it today cool stuff cool technology even though you're heated though i did notice when i'm sitting still even with the heated jacket on you still get pretty cold you could still get cold and all you know you have like an isolated heat source so there's pros and cons to it but it's it's sweet and the and the coat that i got in particular is it's not just cool because of that like it's a really well done coat we'll look at that on the family gear side of things i owe you guys a family gear over on the membership side if you want to become a member, promo code Black Friday today. Promo code Black Friday today. I know it's Cyber Monday, but the code's Black Friday.
Starting point is 00:24:13 And you get 25% off., promo code Black Friday. Start your membership. Get 25% off the year membership. Crazy savings, like $45 or something. Crazy savings for a year membership. It's crazy savings, like $45 or something. Crazy savings for a year membership. Everybody over here in Twitter, I think it's like nine people or something,
Starting point is 00:24:33 small, hardly anybody today, over in Twitter, all of you guys, go sign up. What are you waiting for? You know what I mean? Don't be silly. Oh, and the 25% off deal also is applicable Black Friday, same promo code to you members who want to go Don't be silly. Oh, and the 25% off deal also is applicable. Black Friday, same promo code to you. Members who want to go lifetime.
Starting point is 00:24:54 You want to stop paying every year to be a member here at PBN and get access to the content and be part of the club. One-time payment, 25% off. Yeah. Lifetime membership. All you got to do is reach out to me or you can use the link to the Black Friday catalog down below and go that way. Okay? What else, folks? What else do I have on the docket here?
Starting point is 00:25:17 I think we're going to leave it at that. I'll leave you with a Thucydides quote because it's sitting here in my show notes from a previous show. And I think it's pretty good. I think it's sitting here in my show notes from a previous show and i think it's pretty good i think it's pretty good thucydides says and he's a general and a philosopher you know one of those guys the secret of happiness is freedom and the secret of freedom is courage. We've seen that. Have we not seen that in the last few months? All right, folks, visit our great sponsors. Please support the sponsors. They are one of the big economic engines here at PBN.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Don't forget to share and spread the word for this thing. Let everybody know. Listen to PBN. They got tons of they got uh tons of different hosts tons of great content this is what we do right the link in the show descriptions down below you will find the kettlebells in christ routine both the workout and the scripture you will also find the black friday catalog which most of the deals are going to run all through today. Great stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Solar generators, medical kits, backup antibiotics, desalination pumps, all the PBN host books. Some amazing Black Friday deals from Amazon. You want to start canning? Got a really cool electric canner in there, man. It's top notch. Very cool. I like the idea of the beginner canner popping on the electric canner because it's got a thermostat. You know, it's a little easier than throwing it on the stovetop.
Starting point is 00:27:00 But anyhow, appreciate you guys. We'll be on tonight. I don't know what we'll be doing tonight, but Preppers Live will be on tonight. We'll be live here at X on, you know, Rumble, behind enemy lines at YouTube. We're still up on YouTube. I can't believe we're still up on YouTube. I'm amazed. Something's changing. Something in the wind.
Starting point is 00:27:22 All right, folks. I'll talk to you guys soon. See you.

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