The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN News: Make the LIFE You Want
Episode Date: September 17, 2024The Commander's Preps
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Your path back to stability. Rain, midnight rain
Nothing but the wild rain
On this bleak hut and solitude and me
Remembering again that I shall die
And neither hear the rain nor give it thanks I kind of could say that I've been waiting for this rainy day
When the leaves are just starting to turn
I can't say that I had Edward Thompson's
1916 poem titled Rain
Planned for you
But I found that this man who was writing poetry in the trenches in 1916
created this simple and short reminder of the, you know, the precious reign. And more importantly
than that, the most important, Or at least one of the most important
Revelations that man can have
Which is death
Which is mortality
Which is time
It's like that
This is the one that you have to have
The sooner you can have it
The better your life's gonna be
And some people never have it. The better your life is going to be.
And some people never have it.
They never come to realize. That tomorrow is not promised.
They never come to realize.
That death stalks us at every turn.
They never come to realize.
That hidden up there in the corner of your room.
That you're sitting in now.
In your office.
In your bedroom.
In your kitchen.
In your dining room.
Your living room. Wherever you are listening to this podcast, right up there in the corner, like a cobweb, like an old cobweb that you can't seem to get rid of, is the cloak of
death himself, the Grim Reaper. And he's always right right there He's always breathing down your neck
Some people put it so far out of their mind
That they spend an entire lifetime
Wasting life
Wasting time
Never really
Ever considering what it is they should be doing
Or what they ought be doing
Or what they could be doing
With their 70 to 80 years
You know, average. Average. Average 70. I learned this
early. Wasn't a death. Wasn't anything like that. I had no, you know, super revelation moment where a train flew by my head
and I was barely grazed
by a bullet in warfare
none of that for me
I just had the revelation
early thinking through thinking
you know that old thing we used to do
two things
I used to do a lot of I still do
today actually but most people don't
being bored and thinking.
Except now boredom has to be forced, in all honesty.
So, you know, you have to be aware that this is your life, number one.
You have to be aware that this is your life.
It's not Donald Trump's life.
It's not the MSNBC host's life.
It's not Kamala Harris's life.
It's not your boss's life.
It's not your kid's life.
It's not your spouse's life.
It's your life, right?
You'll likely die alone,
and that'll be the end.
The chances that you'll die in the bed
holding your spouse's hand, right?
And them whispering all your good deeds in your ear
while you pass over to the other side painlessly
is not usually how it goes,
at least not in my experience.
No, it's horrible.
It's horrible, it's terrible,
and it often happens when you're alone.
And you know, you might even prefer it
to be able to face that part of your life alone.
So what you have to do is you have to wake up every day
and you have to go outside and you have to look up in the sky.
You have to wake up early enough to see have to go outside and you have to look up in the sky. You have to
wake up early enough to see either the sunrise or the morning itself so that you can appreciate
the fact that God paints you two incredible portraits each and every day. At least. You at
least get two incredible moments each and every day to marvel at the sky. It's birth and it's death.
And if nothing else, if you have no dollars, no cents,
no house, no clothes, nothing.
Hell, if you have no cell phone, you're probably better off, right?
If you have nothing,
then you know that you have the artwork of God
every morning, every night, every evening.
Let's go with that, right?
That's a given.
More and more, as I get older, I can't help but think, you know what I mean,
about how much control I have on my life
to either ruin it or make it exactly what I want it to be.
It's universal, too, by the way.
And it's probably been with you, but you didn't understand it all of your life.
You have it, too.
It's not easy.
It doesn't mean that it'll be easy to craft the
life that you want. It doesn't matter that, or it doesn't mean that it will be something that you
can do with a few key decisions. I've learned something this year. You know, it's something I
knew, but I've experienced it this year. And it is the adaptability, the necessity of adaptability in entrepreneurship.
Do you know what I mean?
Like, these are hard lessons to learn, and they're lessons that one must learn if you're going to be successful.
But they also hurt.
They hurt.
You know what I mean?
They hurt.
They affect things in your life. And you realize that
in moments like these, you either have to sit down, look at metrics, look at money,
look at things and say to yourself, this is changing.
What should I do? And not just what should I do, but what's the best thing to do? For me.
Not just what should I do, but what's the best thing to do?
For me.
For me.
I know it sounds like conceited or narcissistic or whatever it is, but people have to understand that you will break.
Ask any interrogator.
So you have to prop yourself up a little bit.
In other words, if you're going to take on extreme endeavors,
if you're going to take on a burden that is immense,
and listen, talk to Dave Jones.
If you're going to live the kind of life you want to live,
you're going to take on tremendous burdens
because the difference between a life
well lived and just a life is everything that happens after comfort, everything that happens
at the end of energy, everything that happens when you peel yourself off the floor, everything that happens when you tell yourself,
I can't do anything else. I don't have the strength to do more. I don't have the energy
to do more. I don't have the patience to do more. Once you hit the barrier of excuses and go through
that barrier, that's when you start making the life you want. Everything before that is you can just autopilot, right?
You've got this routine.
You've got this list of things you do.
Okay, now it's dinner time or whatever.
You do all that, a clear dish, whatever you're doing.
Whatever the thing is, right?
All that is just stuff that has to get done.
And you can live a life and enjoy a life of all the things that I have to get done in the day,
a little bit of time here to do maybe some free time stuff that I want to do,
and then off to bed and wake up the next day and start the whole thing again.
A life of experience, a life that is extraordinary, only happens after you hit the wall of excuses.
Everything after the wall of excuses is extraordinary.
That's what it is, in my experience.
I'll give you some examples so you know I'm not just spouting philosophical nonsense
I don't know that we'll even talk about preparedness today
It's a rainy day, it's lovely, the coffee's great
The lavender candle is tremendous
I had the window up listening to the rainfall, the wind blow
I got tremendous worries
I got all kinds of stuff to worry about right now
I got all kinds of concerns, personal, world, political,
everything, right? And all of that has to be brushed aside to enjoy the day. All of that has
to be forced into a certain hole in the brain so that the day can be enjoyed and that things can
be ticked off the list and the life can be lived. And we can also enjoy the coffee, enjoy the candle, enjoy the wind,
enjoy the rain. Duncan Trussell, a guy who most people listening probably wouldn't even
appreciate. I don't know if you'd like him or not. He's an acquired taste for sure,
but he's somebody who kind of resonated with me right off the bat.
I found him through Joe Rogan, you know, a decade ago
and really, like, always enjoyed his message.
Not all of it, you know, but a lot of it.
And he's not a very—I mean, he's a quotable guy,
but he's not a popular guy who gets quoted a lot.
I mean, he's a quotable guy, but he's not a popular guy who gets quoted a lot.
But he has a quote that I think is so important for this day and age and for people to understand.
And it all filters back to making the life and living the life you want to live.
Duncan Truss is a comedian, so you have to understand this is cynical and funny, right, the way he says it.
But he says some poor, some poor phoneless fool is probably sitting next to a waterfall somewhere,
totally unaware of how angry and scared he's supposed to be.
And if you get Duncan Truss, he's all wacky and wild, and he talks kind of high-pitched like this.
He's from North Carolina, and that's an amazing quote.
Some poor phoneless fool is probably sitting next to a waterfall somewhere, totally unaware of how angry and scared he's supposed to be.
We've all been in those positions.
If you're into bushcraft, if you're into camping, if you're into those kind of things, we've all spent time next to a body of water, totally disconnected from anything related to Trump, Biden, Harris, politics, the NFL, you know what I mean? All these sort of
ephemeral issues of the day.
The life that you want to make is on the other side of excuses.
The life that you want to live is well,
by the way, it's well within your grasp.
When I first started doing podcasts, and look, no matter what I ever tell you about doing podcasts,
no matter how this whole career of mine pans out, understand it's human nature to take things for granted.
My life has been incredible because of it.
Not just because of you guys and because of the network and our great hosts,
but, you know, the life that I live beyond that.
And I want you to understand it's not monetary, okay?
It's far from monetary.
It's about the life.
You know what I mean?
It's the quality of the life.
But when I started doing those podcasts,
there were nights when I did two podcasts after 9 o'clock, two hours.
And in those nights, I was working two jobs.
So I'd leave my first job about 3 o'clock p.m.
I had to be there at 6.
I'd leave around 2.30, 3 o'clock.
My next job would start about 4.
Okay? A lot of times I'd go to the gym between or I'd go to the pond down the street from my
other job, catch bass, go to work. And I'd be back to work, you know? And it depended on the night.
I might work till 9. I might work till 12. You know what I mean? I was a cook at a wine bar.
12, you know what I mean? I was a cook at a wine bar. I was new into Virginia only a couple years.
I had had some jobs. I had lost some jobs, and I was just working my ass off to pay the bills.
Had a new son, and I remember getting, it would be those nights, you know, where I would be up long beyond comfort,
long past excuses.
Oh, you're too tired, you do this, you do that.
And I'd be recording the live podcast for PBN,
and I'd knock the live podcast out on a Friday or a Wednesday.
I don't remember what it was.
I'd knock the live podcast out,
and then immediately after I'd record another 45 minutes to an hour for the
prepper podcast radio network and I'd send that off I was making no money zero dollars zero cents
no benefits I wasn't getting people weren't sending me stuff to review and nobody was
reaching out emailing me, going,
hey, you know, you're really changing my life, Mr. Walton.
You're really, you know what I mean?
Thank God there were no metrics to look at back then.
I probably would have quit altogether.
But maybe not.
Maybe not.
Because if I weren't up doing podcasts and I was up writing books,
or I was up early writing books,
or I was working out at 4 o'clock in the morning with Antoine,
my buddy Antoine, back in those days.
Because in order to make the life, you know,
you have to make time to make the life you want.
You have to find the will, find the patience to make the life you want. You have to find the will, find the patience to make the
life you want. I say patience because this is one of the core things about making the life you want.
You know, there are moments that happen in my week, sometimes almost daily, where I'm hit,
and I know you are too because you have kids, but you're hit with this very clear decision.
It's the end of the night. It's the end of the day.
It's been a long day.
You're sitting on the couch or in a chair or lying in bed or whatever it is,
and there's an opportunity to do one more thing with your kids,
or there's an opportunity to do one more thing with your spouse,
whatever it is, right?
Or even your dogs, for God's sake.
And you know it's there.
You know there's a little window, and you know that you're telling yourself you're dead, and you have no energy, and you have no patience, and you just say, I just should just rest, you know?
And you know, a lot of times, you probably should just rest, but never forget,
the time for rest will come, and you will have no option beyond
it. The time for a forever rest is at hand. You don't know when it's going to show up, right?
So I find myself in this situation all the time. And sometimes I make the right choice, sometimes I don't.
But I find myself in this situation.
Dad, I have a problem with this.
Dad, come watch this.
Dad, come see this, right?
Jimmy, come see this.
Jimmy, come upstairs.
Jimmy, this, that, right?
That's what my wife calls me.
And that's where life gets extraordinary.
That's where it gets extraordinary.
You can do a great job, you know, get a raise and all that kind of stuff at work, and that's great too.
There's nothing wrong with it.
But that's just life.
You know, the extraordinary stuff happens after life, and the extraordinary nothing wrong with it. But that's just life. You know, the extraordinary
stuff happens after life. And the extraordinary people just do it. They do extra. As Steve Harvey
used to say, in order to be extraordinary, you have to do extra. And the reason I bring it all
up is because you can, not only can you, I went on a tirade on Instagram
yesterday about this, not only can you make your own life, but we've reached a point now where we
have to make our own life. We have to make it now. We have to make our own life the way that we want
it. Why do we have to? Because the lizards have decided to make your life for you now.
That's the big difference.
This is the biggest difference of our time compared to any other,
is your life is going to be made up a certain way.
Your life is being transformed right now before your very eyes.
And you have a choice to either take control of it and craft it the way you want, or if you don't go that route, if you decide,
I don't want to get into all this prepping and survival, and I don't want to get into all this
stuff, I don't want to learn gardening, I don't want to, I all this stuff. I don't want to learn gardening. I don't care.
If you decide that self-reliance and independence,
even if you're not interested in preparing for emergencies and disasters,
but if you just decide that making more and owning more of the processes that make your life go round is not interesting enough for you,
then you're going to eat crickets and lab-grown
meat. That's it. You're going to eat crickets and lab-grown meat, and you're going to do
everything that everyone tells you to do, everything that's forced upon you, you'll
have to do, because you won't set up your alternative everything. You won't put in the work to build the life that you want.
And you just have to recognize that's where we're at.
There's no more coasting.
Like through the 90s, your parents or you or whoever coasted.
There was this coasting feeling.
There was this feeling that this is the routine, right?
This is the routine. We take the routine we take the kid to baseball he plays we we talk to
whoever we want on the phone as long as we want we come home maybe we do a little internet time
we do a little movie time we do a little family time we go to the supermarket we buy the food
that we want we know all the beef is beef we know all the chicken is chicken we know all the apples
are apples right we watch the news.
We know that they're somewhat telling us the truth to some degree.
All this stuff.
And all of it got corrupted.
All of it got corrupted.
Now you know already in your heart of hearts
that you're being socially engineered every day.
What should you do? What shouldn't you do? What should you do? What shouldn't you do?
What should you say? What shouldn't you say?
What should you buy? What shouldn't you buy?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe you shouldn't do that.
That doesn't seem very socially responsible.
What words should you use? What words shouldn't you use?
you would use. What's changed is not that the grocery store is deciding what products to put on the shelf to give you the selection that you desire. There are greater hands manipulating the
world now, right? There are greater organizations. There are greater,
what do they call them? Interlocking corporate directorships.
There are greater arms of influence that are deciding how your life should be lived. And I
really do think you're either going to take control of your life or someone else takes control of your life.
There is no middle ground anymore. There's no, I'm just going to do what I'm supposed to do and
be a good person and live a normal life. I don't think it's a possibility anymore.
Every bit of control that you grapple for is the freedom. It's your freedom.
This is what PBN membership's all about, man.
This is what it's all about.
You go to the membership website,, sign up today.
Sign up.
Don't waste your life.
Don't waste your time.
Yes, it's a very meager investment for most people, right?
If you can't afford $60 for the full year,
I've even given everyone a $5 option a month
because I want you to do well in this new world.
I want you to go there and see the articles I have about essential,
the videos, podcasts, all the above,
about essential homesteading tools.
What tools do you need to start taking this control of your life?
I put a great one up last week about the SHTF list,
SHTF chef's list of kitchen tools, you know, for scratch cooking.
You want to take control of life, man.
Stop eating out.
I went to a pizza shop
over the weekend. I sat down at the barstool. My wife ordered two pepperoni pizzas. One was
vegan because she can't do dairy, right? Two pizzas. They were big and they were good.
Two pizzas. They were big and they were good.
We also ordered a bottle of Coca-Cola, glass bottle, and a lemonade.
The lady took my card and swiped it.
And right before she swiped it, she told me the total of $78, and I almost fell out of the barstool.
I looked at my family, and the place was brand new and we were trying it out.
So I looked at my family, and very quickly in my my head once she said that number out loud for two pizzas i said we need to leave
and then i fought back that emotion for the experience and said well let's see what what
they got going on for 80 for two pizzas and a coke and a lemonade and you look the pizzas were big
it was good pizza. I'll
probably never go back. Right. Cause I don't have an $80 budget for two pizzas. I just don't have,
it's crazy. But it was just a reminder of like, this is the way the world's going.
You know, I can go make a pizza, probably not as good as theirs. Um, but I can go home and make a pizza for the cost of four cups of flour,
a package of yeast, you know, a $5 pack of pepperoni and a $5 pack of mozzarella cheese.
And it's not even hard. Maybe I'll put it up on the members side. Maybe I'll show you the IC's
olive oil heavy pizza dough recipe. But, you know, this is what I
mean. If you think one day you're going to wake up and be like, oh, everything's cheaper and
everything's better. It's not happening. It's never happened. We're never going to wake up
and be like, oh, the burgers at McDonald's are 10 cents again. This is not to deter you.
It's not to scare you. I know it can make you upset, particularly if you're one of the people
who are out there on the fringe. Fringe listeners to PBN are the type of people who are completely
unprepared, right? That's the fringe. The vast majority of you are prepared already, right?
majority of you are prepared already, right? Listen to the shows. Become a member.,
you know? And if you're into budget and if you're into saving money and you are a member,
then take advantage. This month we're doing lifetime memberships. We're only doing 25.
I don't know how many we have left. I think 15, maybe, probably less now. So take advantage of that.
You know, reach out, ask questions, go to, go to the contact form if you want to get a hold of me, or if you're an element, just reach out. I'm very accessible.
I might take a little bit to get back to you, but I'll get back to you and we'll figure out
what you want to figure out. You know?
These are serious times.
It just is what it is.
You know, if you want the whole thing,
I'll even do consultation with you if you want.
You know what I mean?
I legitimately want you guys to do well in this new world.
I want you to understand the world that you are living in and will be living in come
2030. And I want you to, when that time comes, say, I am so glad we did the things that we've done.
There are numerous people who have emailed me over the years, have said that exact thing now not to mention you know future
we have the pay we've created the path you know this is the path back to stability it just is
what it is you know but it's going to take everything you got okay it's going to take
everything you got join up today You'll get an email from me. Welcome in.
As I always say, the links and the things that you get
from the introductory email as a member that comes directly from me
is worth the cost of admission.
Literally worth the cost of admission.
literally literally cost the worth worth the cost of admission so you'll get your 60 value with that one email and the links therein between the membership discounts on various preparedness
items the spreadsheets and checklists that come along with it the the it's the bug out series the links are outrageous in the first email
right off the bat you get access to three courses right you get access to the forging course
you get access to the uh suburban relocation course which is i don't know that anybody else
has a course like that because nobody else has lived a life like I have lived in a suburban area and figured out the things that I've figured out over the years.
I don't think, anyway.
And then you have the security master class of myself and Dave Jones.
by the way, Dave Jones, what he did in the army, he walked around Iraq to all the major military bases and said, this is how we need to better secure them. So I think he's got a pretty
good handle on what you should do. Do yourself a favor, man. Invest in yourself. Invest in this
life that you want to live. And understand that either you're going to control it,
either you're going to build it out the way you want it,
or the powers that be are going to build it out for you.
That's the best I can do you, folks.
Support our great sponsor, Faraday Containers.
Please go check out their five-foot workboxes.
I'm not going to run their ad.
I'll just talk them up.
Their five-foot EMP-proof steel workboxes are incredible.
They are, it's a, basically an EMP-proof cache.
Insulated to protect anything you put in there from the power of an EMP-proof cache. Insulate it to protect anything you put in there from the power of an EMP.
You put electronics in there, solar generators in there, solar panels in there. It's big enough
that all this stuff can fit inside there. You'll still have plenty of room for comms gear and so
on. And should that EMP hit, as long as your Faraday box is closed and locked up, everything in there is safe.
It's a serious solution.
You know, it's more than a phone sleeve.
It's a serious solution for serious preppers.
Check them out,
I'll talk to you guys soon, folks.
We will be running a Disaster Coffee podcast today come hell or high water.
I know I've been threatening it for days.
But today's the day, okay?
I'll talk to you guys soon.
Thanks for everything.
Hey, grab life by the horns, okay?
You never know when it's going to be over.
Talk to you soon.
The Intrepid Commander.