The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN News: Mobile Chaos

Episode Date: November 1, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. You're paying back the stability here. Good day, folks. What is happening? A little late on the stream today. uh we're entitling this one or titling this one mobile chaos because this is the first time i have done a mobile stream on our new live streaming setup and i wanted to test it out with you on a friday see what's what um comment in the chat room if you can or cannot hear me if you cannot hear me you're not going to get that message so let me know in chat if you can hear me. If you cannot hear me, you're not going to get that message. So let me know in chat if you can hear me. It's a picturesque day here in Richmond, Virginia. You're listening to James Walton with the Prepper Broadcasting Network. We are a 15 host podcast network. We have a tremendous amount of personalities here at PBN all across the country fundamentally.
Starting point is 00:01:30 the country fundamentally. We will be running a live election night show through these channels and to our podcast audience if you're interested in such a thing. I think a lot of people have this sort of election night and subsequent months ahead on their mind. Last night was Halloween. As I told you this week, tremendous time to invest in that social capital, man, to get the people around you to better know you. There's really no need to make an attempt at changing them politically. There's really no need to make an attempt at changing them politically. There's really no need to make an attempt at manipulating them. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:02:10 What's the point? Morning, Jay Ferg. Can you hear me pretty well? I'm on my cell phone. I'm testing this out for you, actually. I wanted to see, can Jay Ferg get away with knocking this thing out on her cell phone? So hopefully you can hear me. I wanted to see Ken J. Fern get away with knocking this thing out on her cell phone. So hopefully you can hear me.
Starting point is 00:02:50 It's a good time, like I said, to get to know the people around you because people around you know, clearly concerns about what's coming, what could come. Let me say what could come. There's a lot I'm seeing a lot of stuff, particularly on X with. It's hard to tell anything about anything anymore. You don't know what's real when you look at it, but there's a lot of weird stuff happening with elections already, with ballots, with all kinds of stuff. Voting machines. I've seen a guy pressing on Donald Trump's name on the voting machine, and he couldn't select it. I don't know if these things are real.
Starting point is 00:03:25 You're going to see stuff you don't know if it's real or not okay this is what i want you to understand our goal our fundamental goal has to be uh our fundamental goal first and foremost has to be transitioning power like the united states right that has to be the goal of the election States, right? That has to be the goal of the election. Once you get away from the election, no matter how it went, then we can discuss how to follow up, right? Oh, that's good. Good to know, Jay Ferg. Thank you for the intel on the voice. Yeah, I'm outside, so I got a lot of noise i got crickets out already i got highways and byways and all that kind of stuff but um as long as it's not choppy and bad matter of fact i probably shouldn't get all which is the election on getting it done, getting it done peacefully, getting it done
Starting point is 00:04:29 thoroughly, getting it done as best as possible. You know, the way that, that America is supposed to do things, never forget. One of the things that sets us apart is our elections. If there are problems, then they have to be dealt with And I think The best way to handle that is later In other words We can't be a part Of the spiraling chaos
Starting point is 00:04:55 In the first few weeks You know what I mean Text dad says he's got bad Internet connection He can see the text, but here see nothing Okay It should be good. Give it a minute maybe it's um I just switched from wi-fi to my
Starting point is 00:05:17 uh regular cell signal, so I Appreciate the intel Text dad good year 1986 I'm getting rained on a little Bit too that might have you know that Jay Ferg says it cut out for a say yeah
Starting point is 00:05:34 That's what it was it was I switched off My Wi-Fi because I was moving away From my Wi-Fi I maybe I should have kept it on anyway I Look I told you it'd be a little bit of Mobile chaos that's what we're going to deal with here. One of the things that I think you guys are going to, would benefit from tremendously is having confidence in at least a handful of people around you. Confidence in at least a handful of people around you.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Having confidence in sharing information, having conversations, talking about how the things are going. And I can't implore enough, like once the vote is done. Once you've voted, once the nation has voted, once all of that stuff is in the bag probably a good time to get out of the national news and focus on the local you always have to remember like whatever news is coming in during election time a certain we don't know the size but a certain amount of that news is manipulated by our enemies, foreign and domestic. Right. You have to understand that. Like when you see a damning piece of content on social media, you have to look at it and you have to say to yourself, this could be true. This could be AI generated or this could be direct from the the X farms that they they have and other social media farms that they have in North Korea, China, Russia.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Like that's what these things could be, too. Once the national is taken care of, it's time to focus on the local. What you don't want to do is wind up getting all wrapped up in some riot that's happening in Chicago during the weeks after the election and not be paying attention to the threats in your own area. Like, oh my God, I can't believe what's happening in California. First of all, you should believe anything is happening in California. California is about as lost a region can get in the United States of America. It's damaged almost beyond repair. I do think it'll be repopulated by the red in another 50 years or something. I think they'll run most everyone out of the state.
Starting point is 00:08:09 And then, you know, like a wave of normal people will flow into it because it is such a beautiful place, assuming they can maintain it. But then again, there are natural features that make up California that are up to God to maintain and not Gavin Newsom. Wake up, California, that are up to God to maintain and not Gavin Newsom. So people, folks, you know, as we mentioned earlier in the month and subsequent months before or previous months, rather. Three months, three month par level. And you want to go you want to you want something that'll help you sleep at night, three month par level. That's what you should be going for. You should be looking at your situation and saying, if things go crazy Saturday after the election, because you know, it's like election night. There might be a little bit of crazy, but I think it'll be relatively calm unless, of course, we have a landslide win by donald trump if we have if
Starting point is 00:09:07 donald trump wins michigan or pennsylvania um then you need to buckle up you know what i mean you need to be prepared you need to understand that whatever these crazy people are going to do, they're going to do. You're also not in this alone. In other words, a lot of police. Now, there's nothing keeping the police from disbanding. I guess that if the threat's large enough, the police likely could reach a point where they say, I'm going to lose my job over what I have to do tonight. So adios. Who knows? You don't know. What I do know is if it's small and it's isolated, that police are ready. Police are ready to do what they need to do.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And they will do what they need to do. Because if they did it in 2020, they're going to do it in 2024. they did it in 2020 they're gonna do it in 2024 because remember in 2020 they were the the police were worse criminals than george floyd in the year 2020 you could take george floyd and put him on a justice scale and put three cops on the justice scale. And the average American who was sort of blindsided by all that would say, I'll take George Floyd as the hero in the story. Right? That was the condition of the police then. I think it has changed. I do think it has changed.
Starting point is 00:10:42 And I do. I know in my area, and you should know in your area also like you should know locally there's such an emphasis on national news and international news and world news and all this kind of stuff like area intel is vital and a very simple bit of area intel is to look at how the police department in your area performs or has performed in the past with riots and such like what do they do what do they do during riots were they were they seeding land to these people were they giving you know giving space to these people? Were they giving, you know, giving space to these people? Were they letting them run roughshod over, over the whole area? I know here in Richmond, we have a very, we have a process
Starting point is 00:11:31 for dealing with the rioters that I think works really well. I'm not going to say it because I don't know if, you know, I'm good at pattern recognition. You know what I'm saying? So I see, seen exactly what the strategy was, and I think it's a good strategy. I think it's a good strategy. I don't think that these are well-endured people. The underlying threat, of course, is what the enemy will do. The underlying threat is that at the helm of these riots this time will be free Palestine. You understand?
Starting point is 00:12:09 So in other words, in 2020, it was Black Lives Matter. Hardly black. The crowds were hardly black, but it was a Black Lives Matter sort of movement. Right? Antifa. This go around, it will be that. But I really do think at the helm of it all, Free Palestine has made the in-route,
Starting point is 00:12:30 and I think they are the dominant force in the protest. Well, they are currently across the country, the dominant force in riots and protests. You know what I mean? So we have to be real about that. We have to understand what that means. In other words, in 2020, you had the Black Lives Matter crowds, the Antifa crowds, the Antifa people, they wanted to hurt people, it seemed like, but it was isolated.
Starting point is 00:12:57 And you also had people in the Black Lives Matter and Antifa crowds who were there to get some duffel bags full of shoes and TVs and stuff, right? So understanding all that, that's a very different dynamic than what's hiding in the free Palestine riots. You know what's hiding in the free Palestine riots. You know what it is. It's radical Islam. Call it like it is. Don't be afraid to call it like it is what's hiding is radical islam and we don't know when it rears its head you know we we know it will surface you know what i mean it has radical islam has no problem surfacing in some of the biggest venues biggest cities in our nation we've seen it the question is is that election night you know
Starting point is 00:13:46 what i mean is that is is the donald trump victory enough for those guys to say well let's put on a nice big coat let's wade deep into this uh riot and then let's pop out and start making a serious wave of casualties with AK-47s, right? Or let's pop off some cops who are standing there in riot gear and go out in a blaze of jihadist glory in the face of a Donald Trump victory. I don't know. But what I do know is the head of the serpent has changed. You know what I mean? Where it was once Black Lives Matter, it is now a free Palestine movement, a movement that is, for all intents and purposes, much more of a life and death movement. There was sort of an idea that cops were killing bunches and bunches of black people. Let me go back to, let me go back to wifi.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Cause some people seem to be hearing me and some people don't seem to be hearing. Very strange. Very strange. Certainly this movement about what is legitimately tens of thousands of people being killed in a place far from here. So, you know, can you say there's more skin in the game? Can you say there's more propensity for violence? Can you say there's more propensity for destruction? One thing that the left seems to like to do is ratchet up the desperation.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Right? One thing they like to do is ratchet up desperation. They like their protests to mean something. They like their protests to set aside the rules and the civil sort of the civility of it all
Starting point is 00:15:54 because they are a by any means necessary group. Do you know what I'm saying? They're a by any means necessary sort of operation. You know what I'm saying? They're a by any means necessary sort of operation. This is what I fear could be in the streets. What I fear could be in the streets is a by any means necessary group that's also peppered with radical Islamists who come packing heat in some cities. So this is why one of the most important things you can do, first of all, of course, is to be prepared to be home safe. In the face of all of this, vote early, first of all, vote early unless you're doing, you know, Intel, like if you want to get out there and see what's going on in the voting booths when it's busy, that's a different thing.
Starting point is 00:16:43 want to get out there and see what's going on in the voting booths when it's busy that's a different thing but you know be one of the first people in line if you haven't voted earlier yet right if you haven't voted and you want to vote on the day i like to go on the day i'm one of those guys you know um i'll be there probably first thing one of the actually i usually send my wife first we might go together this year because our kids are of age, but we're there first thing. You know what I mean? We're there to vote first thing in the morning. There's no, from a personal safety perspective,
Starting point is 00:17:13 there's nothing to worry about. Everybody's sleeping. It's 6, 7, 6.30 in the morning, whatever time the polls open here. We're there, we're voted, we're home. We got our sticker and we're done long before anything can go crazy right this has to be priority one before any heroic stand you know what i mean that that's happening
Starting point is 00:17:33 in your head get the vote in get yourself home safe and then you can you know do whatever it is you have planned to do in terms of monitoring the situation whatever whatever. Don't be around voting booths and voting areas if you're not working for the, or volunteering, you know? Just don't even put yourself in that position. It's going to look bad. It's only going to look bad. Like, if you pull up with a big MAGA flag and sit in the parking lot of the voting booth the whole day
Starting point is 00:18:01 because you're monitoring democracy, like, it's not doing any good you know what i'm saying so get in there get your voting get out get home and then like i said once votes start coming in once it really starts to settle in the evening you want to watch for a landslide from trump you want to watch for a serious victory from Trump. I do believe that's what's going to happen. I could be wrong. I never could have imagined Joe Biden winning last time, but I think this is even worse. And I think, uh, it's just far too much. I think it's far too much lying. And I think it's far too much demonizing that, that, you know, has no backing, right?
Starting point is 00:18:45 Like to call the average American who attended a Donald Trump rally a Nazi and to call the Madison Square Garden situation a Nazi, it's too much – there's no substance to it. You know what I mean? At least back then they had January 6th and they could say, look what Donald Trump did. He's such a monster and he brought this on the nation. He tried to overthrow, you know, whatever. It's been a long time. It's been a very long time. And it's been four years of slinging hate in one direction while putting out yard signs that say we love all.
Starting point is 00:19:23 I think people are hip to that. I really do. I think a I think people are hip to that. I really do. I think a lot of people are hip to that. I think people have gotten to know the candidates really well. Um, Donald Trump and JD Vance. I think they've, they there's a lot of opportunity to get to know these guys really well. You know,
Starting point is 00:19:39 they're out on the trail all the time. They've done multiple two and three hour long podcasts with multiple podcast hosts. And that those things make a difference. You know, then you look at the other lady who should be a master of speaking, right? She's a vice president. She's one step down from the, well, actually she probably is the president right now for all intents and purposes and we've heard very little from her you know she claims to be very busy but her schedule is available and it seems as though she's not busy at all and it just seems to me that the american people want uh someone to make deals for them. They want life to get better. They want work to get done. They want wars to end. And I think the manufactured fear for Donald Trump isn't going to outweigh the necessity to have real, smart, effective people, competent people, right? High level people. Like we took four years of mediocrity for sort of the cultural push to see
Starting point is 00:20:54 what that would, would, would land us. You know what I mean? To see what sort of cultural equity and all that kind of stuff would, would land us and we would net us. And it, you know, it didn't work fundamentally. It didn't work. We're in a world war. We're in a world war.
Starting point is 00:21:13 No matter how you slice it, right? We're in a world war. We've committed hundreds of billions of dollars to a world war. We don't know what's going to happen with china right but none of it's good and everybody in their heart of hearts knows that kamala harris is not going to go talk to these guys and do anything anything what what what would she what could she say what would she do so i do think that the and and also I've been around the country a bit lately, at least the east side of it. And I'm overwhelmed by the amount of Trump signs that I've seen too, which is surprising.
Starting point is 00:21:58 So it is my estimation that we will see Trump win, and I think he will win big on election night. I know a lot of people don't agree with that. That's not the point. The point is you need to understand that if that happens, you have to go local. You have to make the transition from national news, as fun as it will be to watch people from CNN deal with all that. You have to transition from national news as fun as it will be to watch people from cnn um deal with all that you have to switch from national news to local news you will have to get on local social networks find your police social media account right and find emergency services social network account now if you have a scanner use it a radio program and all those kinds of things an app that can listen to scanners those things exist download them now get them prepped for that night because
Starting point is 00:22:53 if it's a landslide victory there's going to be riots it's a guarantee you know it's going to happen there's going to be people who come out on the streets and and they might even not even have ill intent it might just be an opportunity you know riots are opportunity don't ever forget it in our country riots are opportunity to go out and get free stuff so we have to be aware of that um and you know if it if it gets real bad the next thing you have to be prepared for is sticking around, sticking around at the house a while. You may have to call teachers. You may have to arrange tutors or something along those lines and stay home. What we have to do if things get out of control is we have to start to develop a picture of what the opposing team is up to in other words riots might be on the menu but car bombings might be on the menu too you know who knows we just don't know but you know that there are people who've been or who are planning
Starting point is 00:23:58 for this people who hate this guy people who would have loved to see him dead shot and uh that's just the reality man to go blindly back into society and just assume everything's going to be the same and donald trump's president the most hated man in history it seems like is irresponsible so we've got to get a read on it. We've got to get another thing you can do. Is and I haven't done this myself, I should have. Is you can sign up. To be a part of some of these free Palestine groups. You can sign up to be a part of these groups that protest regularly in your area. protest regularly in your area. And you may be able to catch wind of some things that seem not right. Messages within forums, messages within groups. And you might be able to look at that and say, okay, this is not going to go well. Glean what you can glean. And be prepared to
Starting point is 00:25:02 stick around and stay home. Have the food, have the water, have the connections with the community and your neighbors. And it may even be worth sitting down with them election night and saying, what's our phone tree look like if people start pouring into our town? What's our game plan
Starting point is 00:25:23 if they start pouring into the neighborhood with with kill trump signs or or save democracy signs you know what i mean you know your situation better than i can ever know it but um we're running out of time for for these types of preparations you know there is a chance that it's a very quiet evening also never never forget that i if it's a landslide victory for Trump, I have a hard time believing that. But maybe in your part of the woods, you know, people will have to be motivated. Harris, I think a lot of the people who are legitimately concerned about Donald Trump's attack on democracy and manipulated by the media to believe it, I think they have a lot of interesting thoughts about democracy now, given that they weren't able to vote for a candidate. Never forget it, right? The greatest attack on democracy was undoubtedly, it wasn't January 6th, attack on democracy was undoubtedly wasn't january 6th it was undoubtedly when the democrat party decided that the candidate was kamala harris and no one gets a say in it that's that's a coup
Starting point is 00:26:37 well all right pbn family i thank you guys There's a lot of you out there listening. Thanks so much. Yeah, that sounds good, Garden Girl. That sounds really good. That's perfect. Yeah, Texas should be okay. I'm going to step away from the microphone, folks, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the day. Stay tuned to the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Carl B. will be up later today, actually in an
Starting point is 00:27:11 hour. I hope this wasn't too bad. It was a bit of an experiment today on the cell phone. But visit over the weekend if you are vested in getting prepared and become a member here at pbn it's very affordable and and you get a ton of information about what to stockpile how to stockpile in fact over at pbn family um i have an entire election preparedness article that's linked in the show description. So check it out or go to and look it up. There's free books over there. There's a newsletter that'll give you access to a bunch of, well, access to a book about books, actually. If you sign up for a newsletter, I usually only send out like one a week, one to two a week max. Right. And your gift for signing up is it's an incredible read.
Starting point is 00:28:12 It's the 50 books you need to survive doomsday. Right. And those books were chosen by myself and many other hosts, Rick Austin and a few other people to really help the average American build out a, you know, a real preparedness library for hard times. You need those hard copy books. All right. So visit Subscribe to us here wherever you're listening. You know, so much more for you to learn and hear from us at the prepper broadcasting network all right we appreciate you thanks so much everybody in chad jayford garden girl i hope the texas guys started getting better sound quality as the show went on and uh i'll talk to you guys soon see ya

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