The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN News: Prepper Events

Episode Date: September 9, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBM. Your path back to stability. Back into it, PBN family. Whoa. I didn't say a word on this network all weekend. You know? Right up top. Listen. weekend, you know, right up top. Listen, you have got to listen to the Dave Jones preparedness tips for the month of September. I mean, he is executing in a big way. I'm trying to turn the
Starting point is 00:00:57 microphone on my, I mean, the volume on my microphone up. Big announcement. big big big big big Today Is back Okay Some of you out there have been asking When can I get my When can I get the goods When can I get the goods
Starting point is 00:01:17 There's a lot of goods available At It's kind of been a footnote for a little while. I don't have to talk. Listen to the podcast later today. Okay? is back today. It's been closed for a little while.
Starting point is 00:01:37 It's back in a big way. The full story will be available later today on PBN. I know that's a tall order because today is a massive day on PBN. Massive. We got a special guest on today's show. It's going to be on around the 20-minute mark. We're talking prepper events. We've got Jeremy from Fail State, which is a company you may never have heard of before.
Starting point is 00:02:05 It was a company I found on Instagram. They're doing some really cool stuff with training. And the branding is beautiful. The guys are great, knowledgeable, know their stuff. You're going to get to meet Fail State tonight on PBN. It may be an answer you're looking for. But it's a good group of guys who want to get people in the United States and abroad prepared for the real world. Remember the real world? The real one? Not the one that exists on CNN.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Not the one that exists in various insundry media outlets where they tell you that things are this way even though though you're looking at them and you're knowing, you know, they're that way. Yeah, it's the, the media has become the cheating husband. You know what I mean? The cheating husband that the wife walks in on and the husband says, who are you going to believe me or your own eyes? Right? That's the media now. Much worse, though. Really treasonous, actually. Treasonous. In another time, in another, maybe in another place, in another nation, dark, dark things would happen to those editors up there at the top. You know what I mean? It'd be a dark time for them. They'd likely be drug around town behind a wagon by the foot, you know, tied like to a foot to the back of the wagon while the horse draws them through the city or the town.
Starting point is 00:03:48 in my opinion you know well i mean too and i know it's a sore topic right now because we had a school shooting followed by a sniper attack in kentucky whatever um and i know that like everything gun in the minds of the useful idiots is inextricably tied right right? It's like, well, gun, if it's good gun news or bad gun news, it doesn't matter, all guns are evil, and if they weren't around, if we could snap our fingers and make them all go away, no one would ever die again, right? Go check out the stats in the UK about knife attacks and stabbings and rapings at knife point and see how different it is. You know, the fundamental difference, the biggest difference, I think,
Starting point is 00:04:29 at least one of the biggest differences would be how many women could be assaulted. Women would be much easier to assault, much easier to rape if there were no guns. You would know. You pull up on a woman nowadays, you don't know. There might be a snum-nosed revolver in that nice Michael Kors bag, right? You don't know. There's a woman who, where did I hear about that this morning? A road rage incident, guy pulls over the car, comes to the lady's car door, tries to start opening it.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Right. So she shoots him. He dies. And now it's a thing. You know, who's who's at fault here? I mean, as far as I'm concerned, I don't I don't see how the woman could be at fault. I don't understand how the woman could be at fault. What are you trying to get in the car for? You know, there's never a situation where you need to get into someone else's car when you're pissed off like that. Unless you're going to do them harm, right? And what's a woman supposed to do? Well, maybe I'll roll the window down
Starting point is 00:05:36 so he can pull me out of the car by my hair. Here's what it is, folks. Anyhow, it's 2024, baby. It's Surviving America 2024. It's a wild ride. We're here to talk prepper events today. I wanted to let you guys know about Up and running is what it is.
Starting point is 00:06:07 It's the best coffee on planet Earth. It will perfume your entire mailbox. For those of you who don't know, we've been in business since 2019. Well, 2020, really. And it kind of went on a little bit of a hiatus. I was running it by myself. And I didn't really have the time to do much with it over the last 365 days. So it went dark. It went quiet.
Starting point is 00:06:30 We got some new stuff coming. New offerings. Really cool stuff. Tea. Jay Ferg from Phoenix Survival got us into the world of tea now. So I don't know. I don't know what you drink. I don't know if you're a Black Rifle person or a local coffee drinker. I drink a few different kinds of coffee besides disaster coffee. But it's a magic thing. You know, now is the time.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Now is the time for that warm beverage, baby. So when I started out going to prepper events, you know, I didn't know what I was getting into. I stepped into this world as much a greenhorn as you could be. And I enjoyed it. You know, it was fun. I was learning new stuff. I was meeting new people. It was a good time. And I did some standing around in some convention centers behind tables thinking that this is the way to, you know, make my podcast popular, become Rush Limbaugh or something like that. Something to that effect, right?
Starting point is 00:07:43 I wasn't really intent on being him. I wasn't a huge Rush guy, but for the sake of the story. At one of the first Prepper events I ever attended, I met Dave Jones, the NBC guy. So it was likely one of the most important events in my adult life. You know what I mean? Now there's a good chance we would have met at another one, but this one was important.
Starting point is 00:08:09 This one was where I learned a lot of things from Dave's class. I took Dave's class. And it was like NBC stuff. There was EMP stuff in it. There was nuclear stuff in it. There was movement and tactics stuff in it it was a game changer for me it really was he showed off his emp uh trash can long before anybody was doing uh you know faraday bags and like our great new sponsor man
Starting point is 00:08:40 that five foot fortified emp proofbox, steel workbox, baby. Before anybody was creating stuff like that. Anyhow, Check them out. Get yourself one of those 5-foot workboxes. Your EMP plan can exist in one of those boxes in its entirety. Backup power, communications, everything. iPad with your survival documentation on it,
Starting point is 00:09:07 your PDFs, whatever you want to do. Electronic, you know, drones, all the stuff. These boxes are huge. There's going to be one at Prepper Camp, so if you go in, you'll be able to see it. And I'm going to raffle that thing off. It's going to be a giveaway item. So yeah, wrap your head around this. You know what I'm saying? Wrap a head around it because it's a big deal. It's a big deal. The Faraday thing is a big deal. But anyway, Dave Jones showed off his Dave Jones showed off his Faraday trash can. And I have several of those now because I, not for Faraday purposes, but for feed. Yeah, the metal feed container is essential, guys.
Starting point is 00:09:54 It's essential. I had to make the jump because about a year ago, or maybe more, I built a new shed, and inside that shed, I was storing my food. And what I also was storing was some mice, and they were loving life. They were loving life, and they were loving the cracked corn, and they were loving the feed. And it really messed me up for a minute there. So we had to make the jump to galvanized steel or whatever it is. I don't know what they are.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Aluminized steel or whatever it is. I don't know what they are. Anyhow. We would later run into each other in Utah at PrepperCon 2018. Okay? PrepperCon 2018. Really fun. Really fun.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I went there with the Bunker Days guys. I haven't heard from them guys in a while. I've got to reach out to them. Let me put that on the magic list here. Bunker days. For those of you who don't know, my entire existence depends on this magic book. Everything that goes into it happens. Everything that doesn't go into it doesn't happen, in most cases. It's essential to the survival of all of my businesses and my life in general. The planner, man. the planner is all.
Starting point is 00:11:09 So PrepperCon is no longer. It's no more. They don't do that anymore. It was really fun. They had a prepper fashion show. They had all kinds of crazy. It was still when 2018 was still when prepping was this fringe kind of funny kind of mockery. You know what I mean? Like, let's go see what the freaks are up to. They're throwing axes. They got tanks in there. They got a fashion show with guys in ghillie suits.
Starting point is 00:11:34 You know what I mean? It was like that. Then in 2019, I went to prepper camp. And I saw The vast difference In what a prepper show should be What a prepper event could be and should be I shared a Camping spot with Jay Ferg and her father
Starting point is 00:11:59 And it was right on the lake And I was catching bass off of that little lake. It was fun. I was teaching a class my first time there, my first year there, how to start a podcast, funny enough. And it was pretty well-received, actually. I didn't think it would do well, but it did pretty good. How to start a podcast, man, it was fun.
Starting point is 00:12:20 And I enjoyed it, you know what I mean? I enjoyed that first year at Prepper Camp. I was trying to figure out, like, what is this thing? What's going on here? Like, what is it? And as the weekend went on, I started to realize, like, this is how you do it. And now there are many shows.
Starting point is 00:12:39 You know, you've got to look for, like, self-reliance. You've got to look for, what's the other one? The Thrival is Fair out there in the West. Oh, you know what? I've got to tell you about the one out in the West that that nub told me about in our chat room. Where's it at? Hey, Garden Girl, thanks for joining me this morning. Oh, let's see.
Starting point is 00:13:03 We're going into our Element chat room. We're going into our, chat room we're going into our see we have a whole prepper events section in our uh element chat i always tell you to join it i always tell you to join live i always tell you to join our element chat it's not because um there's something to sell over there i'm trying to you know what? It's just, it's a massive resource. Prepper events, prepper events, world events. U.S. political events. U.S. shortages, that's a good one. Health events.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Where the prepper events at? That nub over the weekend told me about the event he's going to be at. Long-time listener here at PBN, by the way. New lifetime member as well. Don't forget about your lifetime membership members. All through the month of September, we're offering lifetime membership to our members at a great price, one payment, and you're done. You're done forever. price one payment and you're done you're done forever it's the least i can do for you guys who fund this network and make everything possible did someone delete the prepper events room prepper related events here we go uh that dub says for those in the American redoubt, I will have a booth at the Panhandle Preparedness Expo 2024, Sandpoint, Idaho, October 5th and 6th, 2024.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Check it out. They're popping up all over the country. This is a good thing. Tennessee has the Self-Reliance Festival, I think. And there's like a Self-Reliance Expo. There's a Thrivalist Fair out west. I think the Thrivalist, no, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:54 I don't know where all of them are, okay? And the reason I don't know where all of them are is because one, for me right now in my life, one is essential, and it's Prepper Camp. And it is the meeting place for all of us. It is the one Prepper event to rule them all, in my opinion. People have gone to Ohio to the, what's that one called? The survivalist boot camp or something I don't know what that one is called
Starting point is 00:15:30 That's a cool one too Look, every one of these events is good Every one of these events has merit I've looked them over, I know people have gone to them But the Orchard Lake campground Where Prepper Camp is held is the whole nine yards. It's everything. I mean, and the people who come, the whole of the PBN listenership, those of you who do come, the PBN hosts that are there.
Starting point is 00:16:01 For me, there's nothing like it. And we have that amazing event every year. And if you're coming, you better bring the thunder. The tinfoil hat contest. Oh, yes. The tinfoil hat contest. It's an exceptional event for only the most, only the classiest of survivalists participate in the tinfoil hat contest. And it is exactly what it sounds like, by the way. It is exactly what it sounds like.
Starting point is 00:16:35 It's make a tinfoil hat, come to the booth at 12 p.m. on Saturday, prance around in your tinfoil hat, and we choose a winner. And listen, as much as I love you all, you cannot slouch in the tinfoil hat contest. Okay? You cannot slouch.
Starting point is 00:17:04 The year before last, we had a little girl show up who was basically a lizard, a little lizard woman wrapped in tinfoil tutus and hats. She even made a tinfoil hat for her pet lizard, okay? It was the most incredible thing of all, okay? Then the following year, the winner shows up with a PBN radio tower made out of tinfoil attached to her head that is running to a ham radio with the PBN logo on it. It is no joke, okay? It is no joke. Don't miss it, folks.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Don't miss it. I think our guest is upon us. Rick Austin, how are you? I'm doing all right. How are you doing? I'm doing great, man. You sound great. You are live.
Starting point is 00:17:56 We were just talking about the tinfoil hat contest before you came on. I'm good. I wanted to get the skinny on you as far as how much time people have left to buy tickets for Prepper Camp and, you know, what you're excited about this year. Tomorrow night at midnight, ticket sales end. So on the famous date of September 11th, there will be no more ticket sales for Prepper Camp 2024.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Wow. So you got the rest of today and the rest of tomorrow to get tickets if you don't have them, because after that, they're gone. And we're there. Yeah, we're there again. We made it there again. Well, you made it there again. We don't do nothing but plan until Thursday.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Then we all show up. But you've been rocking since what? Since October of last year, right? Yep, yep. And Thanksgiving tickets went on sale. The day after Thanksgiving on Black Friday, the tickets went on sale for this year. So, yeah, we've went on sale for this year. So, yeah, we've been selling a lot of tickets.
Starting point is 00:19:17 And we've got people coming from all over the country, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, I think, too. Wow. Wow, that's a thing now. That's an annual thing now. I remember the year the people from Germany came, I was floored. Yeah. And now it's just every year we're like pulling from different places in the world stage.
Starting point is 00:19:33 It's amazing, man. What floors me is when people from Seattle come. Yeah. And it's like they can't talk about preparedness stuff and the things that we talk about at Prepper Camp where they live and work. It's kind of like a safe space for Preppers and conservatives. Yeah, for sure. What floors me about the Seattle folks is when they come to Prepper Camp, they spend the whole weekend with us and then they actually fly back that's what floors me i don't think i could i don't think i could go back after a weekend like that you know unless i was putting a for sale maybe they're maybe they're preparing to go someplace else but uh they're trying to get their ducks in a row beforehand i sure hope so
Starting point is 00:20:21 for their sake but uh yep So what else do we got? I saw there's a big, gigantic event in D.C. on Sunday that Brad was going to be at. Is he still coming? Yeah. Yeah, he's – in fact, he was going to bring his whole family again this year. but Brad from Five Times August who has now been literally all over the world since he came to his first Prepper camp three years ago
Starting point is 00:20:52 and he's doing work with Dr. Ben Carson doing kids shows, music for kids shows and stuff, I mean it's just he's an incredible talent and he's been, you know, he's been blessed because I think because he's been willing to stand out, speak up, and
Starting point is 00:21:11 say what was right. So I think, you know, God has blessed the man. He's been all over the world, and he's coming to Prepper Camp on Friday and going to play the Saturday night gig that he's been doing for the last couple of years.
Starting point is 00:21:30 It's a party. It should be great. Yeah. What was amazing to me is I just looked down the row, and there's Sarah Hathaway and her family, like, singing the words and mouthing every single word. They knew every word to every song. But yeah, so he's going to be there Saturday,
Starting point is 00:21:51 and then he has to fly out Sunday morning to get to Washington, D.C. Man, busy man, busy man. Yeah, that's a good time. Those Saturday night parties, the award ceremonies, the live music, and even the video nights, like the movie nights, they are sort of the unsung fun at Prepper Camp. You know what I mean? There are things that happen each and every night outside the classes
Starting point is 00:22:15 and outside the brotherhood that are cool, too. It's good that you guys do that. And we're going to have more demonstrations this year. In fact, one that I'm excited about and have been wanting to have for years is we're going to, at 8 o'clock at night on Friday night, we're going to have a night vision and thermal demonstration where you can actually look through the stuff and see how it works and what it does and the ups and downs and sideways of of all that stuff so that's pretty cool oh that's a great idea yeah that's a great idea that's fun stuff that's a game changer man first time you put those yep
Starting point is 00:22:57 and if you use the ir lasers force multiplier. I mean, unbelievable. I've been, I mean, I always have because I've got 130 animals on my farm. I've always got issues with rodents stealing my fruit, you know, raccoons, possums, and raccoons being a problem potentially for my chickens and stuff. So my chicken coop is 33 yards from my window, my bedroom window. So we've got motion sensor alarms everywhere. And, um, I've been using thermal the last year and I will tell you, it, it makes a huge difference because as soon as you turn a light on, they're gone. But, um, you, you use thermal, they have no idea and um it's it's the
Starting point is 00:23:49 it's the old saying i think the snipers you know from from a place you cannot see comes a comes something you will not hear by the time it hits them they're're out. I mean, I've got rats I've shot with that thing, which is pretty a small little target that moves pretty quick. But it has been really, really helpful, so I can't say enough good things about it. Plus, I'm doing my setting up a rifle predators class on Friday night, too, setting up a rifle predators class on on friday night too so people can kind of that need to figure out what's what to run and how to run it um whether that's four-legged or two-legged predators we'll be talking about that stuff too that's uh that that's what it is i mean that's
Starting point is 00:24:39 the standout for prepper camp the the list of of is so crazy. Every single year, it's like, God, it's not just a master class. It's like a collection of master classes. It's so many good classes every single year. I don't even think I've ever been to one of your classes. I got to make it a point to get to one of yours this year. Well, you've never been to one of your classes. I've got to make it a point to get to one of yours this year. Well, you've never been to any of my classes? I don't think I ever have. Oh, wow. You're missing all the fun.
Starting point is 00:25:12 You're missing all the fun. Well, there's so many, man. I mean, it's crazy how many people I go see. And I've got a little window. You know, I've got to do coffee and that stuff. Yeah, I know. Yep, absolutely. At least you've got Phil and, you know, Andrew to help you out.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Yeah, we've got help this year for sure. We got a couple of new classes that we just added that I'm really excited about. We've got using consumer drones for post-disaster. And so we're having somebody do basically a class each of the three days on how to use a drone tactically. I mean, look at what's going on right now in the Ukraine and Russia. It's all drones. Ukrainians are using off-the-shelf consumer drones, and they can see where they are. They can find them on thermal. They can find them on night vision.
Starting point is 00:26:03 They can get high-definition camera images on their little little keypad for the thing and they can drop payloads i know they're amazing who's doing mesh tastic i see we got a mesh tastic class that's gonna be doing it chin's doing it oh chin is doing it. Oh, Chin is doing it. He told me that. Oh, my God. I gotta go see Chin. He got me started on all that crazy Meshtastic business. That's great. That's phenomenal. I just saw a video last night where somebody's using Meshtastic to get warned for perimeter alarms. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:44 That's cool. Yeah, it's That's cool. Yeah. It's a phenomenal technology. There's a guy there who does the 3D printing. You know him. He's usually in, like, flip-flops. I'm drawing a blank on his name. I worked with him.
Starting point is 00:27:00 He's a good guy. At Prepper Camp? Yeah, he's always at Prepper Camp. I don't know if he teaches a class or not, but he's always in the market, I mean, in the vendor row. And last year he was selling some 3D printed stuff and some comm stuff. I think he does solar or, yeah, I think he does solar maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Anyway. I don't know. I don't know. You know, there's 2,000 people there. Yeah, I don't know. I have to keep track of these two. If I told you his name you would know but i'm drawing a blank i haven't talked to him in months can't wait to see him but uh he has a
Starting point is 00:27:31 sort of a mesh tastic setup with with a drone it's like a drone uh a drone network like a mesh network he puts up in the air with drones he's been playing with he's been playing with that for like two years he brought a prototype last year. And I was like, man, you've got to put it up. Let's try it. So I'm going to bring my – oh, and you know what? I think Phil's bringing – I think Phil's bringing a GMRS radio base station. Yeah, he's going to do some GMRS stuff for the whole area and get people on it,
Starting point is 00:28:04 for the whole area and get people on it, which is great because we, you know, we, my group and the CERT group that I have for our county are all doing GMRS. Oh, nice. And Mesh-tastic. So, you know, we're basically our community emergency response team is all using that stuff. And, yeah, really excited about what it can do for us and and we're even tied into the sheriff's department with it so he's kind of um he's he's looking to us realizing that they got an incident i mean look what just happened in tennessee um you know somebody somebody shot a bunch of people and now you know there's a huge manhunt for this
Starting point is 00:28:49 guy that sucks resources away from you know doing other stuff so if somebody wants to do some nefarious something they um all they need is to to do something over here on the right-hand side, and then the left-hand side is uncovered. So the nice thing about the community emergency response team is we can be first responders when our other first responders are involved, which we're seeing potentially a civil war going on here. Seeing potentially a civil war going on here, just stuff with all of the illegal aliens around everywhere, every city, every town is a border town now,
Starting point is 00:29:40 and there just isn't enough law enforcement to be able to handle that. And I'm not saying that what we're doing is law enforcement, but when there's an incident like a shooting or something, you know, we can be there to help out. Or at least we know. I mean, we were following just last night, my group was following a pack of coyotes going through the county so that people with farms, and there's a lot of them out here, could see where they were and be prepared when they were coming their direction. Yeah, they're coyotes today, and who knows what they might be tomorrow. That's good practice, though, for sure. Well, coyotes can really ruin your whole operation, man, if you're raising particularly small animals. Oh, yeah, absolutely. And it's, you know, I mean, every once in a while I get the libtards that respond to my coyote den video, and they're like,
Starting point is 00:30:31 oh, they're just God's creatures. You know, they deserve to live. What gives your livestock more preference over them? And I said, have you ever seen what it looks like when a coyote takes down a goat or a sheep? They literally eat the organs first while the animal's still alive and just, you know, in shock. I mean, it's just so, I have no compassion for that animal whatsoever. They've got supermarket superiority.
Starting point is 00:31:07 That's what they've got going on. They don't understand if you eat all the goats, or if the coyotes eat all the goats and all the chickens, then you don't eat. Right. That concept is lost on them. Here's what it is.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I digress. We've got some really other neat classes we've got something i've wanted for a while is is a knife class you know what's the difference between the different types of steel and what do you use it for what are the different types of blades and what do you use that for and and you know a different edge and different shapes of knives i mean they all have different uses. And, you know, if you're like me, one knife fits all, but it doesn't really. Is the blacksmith doing that class?
Starting point is 00:31:54 No, no. The guy who owns Ridge Runner Blades is doing that class. Oh, Ridge Runner Blades is dangerous. That's a dangerous booth. I try to pop in and pop out of there. You get lost in there. You've got a walking cane self-defense class. Yeah, that's an unsung hero.
Starting point is 00:32:14 The beauty of it. That's an unsung hero of the self-defense. And they're making some really cool ones now. They're making some canes that are purpose-built for self-defense. I like that. Yeah. Well, you know, the thing is you can get in anywhere with it. You get past TSA with it.
Starting point is 00:32:31 As long as it doesn't have a blade in it, you know, that's not a good thing. But if you know how to defend yourself, that's something you can be carrying around all the time, whether you need it or not. I see Sarah's back with avoiding abduction. That's getting to be a bigger and a bigger class, man. That's a huge one now with what's going on. Man, I just looked at her PowerPoint presentation
Starting point is 00:32:56 because she just sent it to me like two days ago. And I'm like, man, the statistics are unbelievable. I had no idea. It's like 99% of people who are abducted are either women or girls. Oh, sure. Or children. I mean, that's what, yeah. It's a business.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Exactly. And 80% of them are never found again. Exactly, and 80% of them are never found again. So, you know, I just don't like Jane going anyplace by herself, you know, to some shopping center because that's just, and they're everywhere now, you know. The coyotes, the genie coyotes are everywhere. So, you know, and she's got some really good common sense things and some other things that you just don't think about and uh yeah one of her slides she says you know when in doubt grip it and rip it like okay i told jane that and she says well that's probably why Brock's such an easygoing guy, her husband. I love Brock, man.
Starting point is 00:34:08 He's one of my favorites. Firearms for women, too? That's a nice class. Yep, yep. That's the ultimate leverage point for women, right? Get the gun in their pocketbook, get the gun in their holster, because that makes all the difference. As Jane pointed out to me you know women are built different than men and usually male instructors don't um kind of understand
Starting point is 00:34:36 the the mechanics that need to be different in that respect so um so it's great because we've got you know nicole um wallace teaching that class and um yeah she's good at it she's good at it yeah i'm telling you i get somebody somebody is teaching how to turn your neighbors into preppers somebody is oh yeah i know that guy he's a little crazy it'll probably be pretty good, though. Yeah, that would be a fun class. That's a good one. That's a good one. I'm glad we're doing that.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Glad you're doing it. It happens. It's not that hard. It's a lot easier now. I have a lot more meaningful conversations moving in that direction with neighbors now than ever before. Compared to when I first wrote the book about it, it's way easier now. Thanks to COVID, thanks to BLM, thanks to all of that.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Yeah, people are waking up. People are like, we've got to do something different here. This ain't working. And you've got the seer class back again. That's great. Yep. We've got a butchering class too where we're going to have a camera over the guy's shoulder, and he's going to show you how to turn a hog side into all the different cuts of meat,
Starting point is 00:35:55 which really can relate to all the other stuff, too, and the different knives you need to use for what. So, yeah, he's going to do that all three days, and he's bringing the um the three different uh half hogs with him and um and that's as soon as he's done with that that's going on the grill at um at pork chops little uh little grill oh nice is it the uh yeah i have a good idea who's doing that one this urban brake contact class looks cool. That's a new one this year, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:36:28 Was that there last year? Yeah, it's how to get out of a vehicle and get it to safety when you're being fired upon, which could easily happen if you're in, you know, a mob-type situation. Sure. Sure. Yeah. I mean, of course, you know, invasion-type stuff, just because I see that on the horizon. Oh, definitely. Trying to prepare the preparedness community to be aware of all that stuff. One of my recommendations every year, and unless I took it myself,
Starting point is 00:37:24 One of my recommendations every year, and unless I took it myself, and since I'm so good friends with her, I don't know that I would have took the class on its own standing there. And this is why I always bring it up, because you can see it on the list of classes, and you might think, eh, no, no, no. You have got to go to utilizing fibers for homesteading and survival. fibers for homesteading and survival like everybody even if all you do is perimeter walks with the thermal and the and the ar and that's you know that's sort of your niche in the prepping world or in your prepping group i think everybody needs to see how you take a spindle and turn it into a hat because jordan makes it so jordan's class makes you leave that
Starting point is 00:38:07 class and go oh i could do that and that's the craziest part about her class you go into her class and you're like well let's check this out this is interesting and and hers is the type of class you walk out of there and you go you know i think i could do that if i had to do that from start to finish from from she takes it from like fur to you know a hat and step by step and you're like wow i could i think i could pull that off and that's pretty cool which maybe which may be a skill we need to bring back oh it's gonna happen definitely is i mean we are right now we're just kind of content with the Chinese sweatshops producing all our clothes, and that's not a long-term solution or a morally sound solution, right? Even if the Chinese just say, just shut off the switch and say, you're cut off, you know, just as simple as that. Yeah. Now we don't have any of those goods coming in there. You're cut off. You know, just as simple as that.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Now we don't have any of those goods coming in there. You know, I used to be scared of that, and now I look at that as like, what an opportunity it would be. Like there'd be an ugly span of time, but what an opportunity it would be for America to answer that call, you know what I mean? And figure it out. But what are, yeah. And, and all the little cottage industries that would, that would pop up, you know, just like, just like utilizing fibers, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:40 for just like a Jordan's class. I mean, if you have that skill, now you are a value to the community. And, um, you know, if we get back to bartering or whatever it happens to be, you know, whatever it is, whether it's silver or other goods, it's good to have those kind of skills that are going to be in demand. Oh, no doubt about it. No doubt about it, man. Yeah, it's going to be a big year. Dave Jones is back this year.
Starting point is 00:40:07 That's going to be huge. Dave Jones, yeah, NBC. Yeah, his presentation is, yeah, that's great. It's hard. And I didn't realize, I had no clue how educated that guy, I mean, he's just kind of not unassuming, you know, and how educated that guy is and how much experience he's had and how he went from an NCO to a major, which is pretty unusual in and of itself to go from a, you know, non-commissioned officer to an officer and how he kind of moved up the ranks and the stuff that he
Starting point is 00:40:46 knew in the nuclear biological and chemical weapons area and it wasn't until I actually read, I was looking for bio information and I read the bio in his book and I'm like holy crap, this guy's done some stuff
Starting point is 00:41:03 this guy knows what he's doing Dave needs and we're working on it together and I'm like, holy crap, this guy's done some stuff. This guy knows what he's doing. Yeah, Dave needs a, and we're working on it together, but Dave needs a legitimate biography. Like, he's the type of guy who we can't let him disappear off the face of this earth without his story being told. He's running something right now on our network that is uncanny. He's doing Prepper Tips one for every day of the week all month well good and i mean it's it's great it's great but yeah his story's crazy and
Starting point is 00:41:32 the army side of of dave jones is like just one piece of the puzzle he's done all kinds of crazy stuff yeah we're carpooling we're gonna have a a blast. Yeah. Is it just you and Dave? Oh, yeah. It's just me and Dave. Dave and his family? No, no. It's just the boys. Good. Good. It's fun. We have a riot. We've done it probably, I think we've done it three years out of the six that I've come, or the five that I've come.
Starting point is 00:42:01 So are you driving or is he driving? Usually he drives down i drive back oh so whosever card is gonna smell like coffee on the way down i bet oh yeah definitely that's a guarantee yeah but we have a blast man it's like it's like uh it's like going to a music festival it sort of reminds me of like when i was younger i'd go to oz fest we'd go to oz fest and on the ride to oz fest we'd be all hyped up that's what it reminds me of. Like when I was younger, I'd go to Oz Fest. We'd go to Oz Fest and on the ride to Oz Fest, we'd be all hyped up. That's what it's like for us
Starting point is 00:42:28 when we're driving to Prepper Camp. It's about to go down. Yeah, it's a good time. But, uh... So, tomorrow night, last chance for romance. Last chance for tickets, yeah. Man, guys gotta get on it
Starting point is 00:42:43 if you're not coming. And look, if you're sitting there grinding your fist into the table because you didn't get it done this year, remember what Rick said at the beginning of the broadcast. Black Friday, which is three months away, they'll be selling next year. Next year we'll go on sale. And it'll be the cheapest they come, right? Was it like $45, Rick?
Starting point is 00:43:04 Something like that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like half price or something like that, yeah. We need to understand the number of people and get a handle on what we're doing before I get all these classes scheduled and everything else. So that kind of gives us, since we have a lot of history, gives us an idea of how many we'll end up with at the end. So we know how to kind of schedule classes and where they're going to be
Starting point is 00:43:37 and that kind of stuff. So that's good for us and it's good for the people that buy them early because they get a significant discount. That's the deal us, and it's good for the people that buy them early because they get a significant discount. That's the deal of the century. To spend three days at Prepper Camp for $45, it's just you can't beat that, in my opinion. Jane did an analysis one time of what single survival classes cost for like three days. And they're like anywhere from $250 to $700. And, you know, ours is less than $100 for 64 classes.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Oh, yeah, it's crazy. It's crazy. And you can, for $45, there's some online classes you can't even take. Lots of them. You can't even afford an online course for $45. You're right. And it's way more than classes. The classes are great, but the camaraderie, the family, the reunion.
Starting point is 00:44:40 A lot of the hosts call it the reunion now. The reunion elements are just unbeatable. You know what I mean? Because you will see people you saw the year before. You will meet new people. It's much more than just show up and sit in classes. It's a whole culture. And it gets better every year, man.
Starting point is 00:45:00 You guys are doing an incredible job year over year since I've started coming. I'm just a vessel to make all this stuff happen. Most of the good stuff that happens there is not on my shoulders. That's the Lord's doing. And it's just good people who want to give back and teach, and everybody learns a lot and has a good time, and they've got stuff to share with their groups back home when they get back home. Yeah, it's a beautiful thing, man. All right, folks, you've got until tomorrow night if you want to come.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Prepper's camp this year, and it's right around the corner. I mean, what are we, two and a half weeks out, and we'll be down there doing our thing. So don't miss out. 27th, 28th, and 29th, yep. 27th, 28th, 29th, September, on the lake, the mist rising in the morning. Oh, it's a beautiful time. And I'm lucky because I get to wake up and I'm the first guy with coffee
Starting point is 00:46:08 every day I gotta make an early bird special someday for those crazy people like me who are up super early alright Rick well I appreciate you coming on man best of luck I don't know that we need it I think we do have the oversight
Starting point is 00:46:24 of the Lord Almighty. And on top of that, we have some of the best people in the country who are going to be there with us. And you're at the helm. So, you know, what else do we need? Well, good weather. Oh, that's true. But we've done it in bad weather, too. Oh, we have.
Starting point is 00:46:43 We've done it in bad weather, too. Oh, we have. We've done it in bad weather, too. You get it. I mean, I've seen days and mornings where there's been people that have been drenched, but they have their ponchos with them, and everybody's smiling. Oh, yeah. The disposition is crazy, for sure. Always positive. All right, sir.
Starting point is 00:47:05 I appreciate you. PBN family, we will talk soon. Tons of show today. Matter of fact, there's a Disaster Coffee podcast coming out. There's a show tonight, Preppers Live. Don't miss it with the guys from Fail State. Big day. All right.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Talk to you folks soon. Adios.

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