The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN News: Quiet are the Lizards

Episode Date: November 15, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. Your path back to stability. Quiet are the lizards, PBN family. Welcome in. It's Friday. It's been a lot of noise. A lot of noise on a lot of different fronts. But I haven't heard a lot from people like Bill Gates. I haven't heard a lot from people like George Soros, who has to be licking his wounds. Right?
Starting point is 00:00:58 One day ago, Bill Gates comes out and says, The U.S. will experience another 2008-style financial crisis, but it can't predict when. There are things happening, but I think it's important to pay attention to the fact that a little quiet on the home front for the lizards. If you're new to the show welcome but I will tell you you gotta you gotta stay tuned if you're not sure who the lizards are right now you probably will know by the
Starting point is 00:01:34 end George Soros is the Bill Gates is you could argue you the Jeff Bezos is undoubtedly the Jeff Bezos is undoubtedly Jeff Bezos. Who's the man? Klaus Schwab. These are the lizards.
Starting point is 00:01:50 You know, these are the people who. Well, who want your liberties? They want you to eat what you know, the crickets and fight in the streets and know nothing and love it. Where is George? So the George Soros of the right? I'm just looking at Lizard News at the moment. I actually used to do a segment called Lizard News. Don't let George Soros' politics cloud Scott Besant's immense talent. I have no idea what any of that means.
Starting point is 00:02:26 BBC asked, oh, that's so old. George has been quiet, you know? Yeah. George has been mighty quiet. George Soros makes a strategic move 11 hours ago with a 6.25% stake in Smurf Fit West Rock PLC. New York Post says, sorry Soros, even Democratic voters rejected the soft on crime DAs. There's a bunch of things that you could say about the guy.
Starting point is 00:03:04 None of them good But one was the fact that he funded the campaigns For the DAs that destroyed The major cities in the country That's real He sent all kinds of money to DAs So that they could get In position to be
Starting point is 00:03:23 Just like they said, soft on crime So that people could get out of jail easier or not do jail time at all. And that's pretty clear. It's pretty easy to follow the money on that one. Now, the question is, in my opinion, there's no more anti-lizard president, probably never be another as anti-lizard president, anti-2030, anti-Great Reset, those kind of things, agenda 2030 rather, than Donald Trump, you know what I mean? He's piling freedoms back on the people, piling rights back, rights and responsibilities, by the way, back to the states, which is the way it should be. And that's that's the worst case scenario for the lizards, you know, for the little morning, Jay Ferd. The lizards want what they had, what they had back in 2020. A terrified public, taking shots, wearing masks, walking down aisles with arrows. You remember the arrows? You walk down the aisle, and you can't go down that aisle that way. Oh, no, no, no. That's what the lizards love. They love that. They have this like fantasy of a public, of a peasant class that just does what they want. So they want you to be free, and then there's people out there who don't. There's people out there who do not, and they would much rather you do exactly what they say, and without a doubt, they believe they know what's best for you. lizards it puts me it pushes me towards the topic of chickens and towards the topic of gardens
Starting point is 00:05:27 you know because i feel like if you believe and there are some of you out there i know personally who who are really into this you know one world government and and positions of high, high power and dark lizards behind the scenes, moving the arms of power. This is what I will tell you. This is why prepping is superior in terms of, you know, like the thing, the types of things you can get into to affect your well-being this day and age. When it comes to food storage, all aspects of food basically food storage food production foraging food your relationship with your food
Starting point is 00:06:13 i really do believe and you could correct me if i'm wrong in chat let me know but there is no better attack on the lizards that the average person can make, as far as I'm concerned. Seeking out food independence. Let's go with that. Whatever that looks like for you. There's no better move you can make. There's no better stand you can take against the lizards. It just is what it is. take against the lizards just is what it is you know it's this big chunk of power that you take back from them and you lock it away in the gun safe you know what i mean really i mean it's crazy
Starting point is 00:06:55 it's crazy and it's not just for those of you on small plots of land i know most people don't have a lot of land first of all you can keep chickens in a tiny backyard. You know what I mean? There are people, I've seen this. Never forget, like this, my chickens, the reason that all my chickens are dead right now is because my chickens roam the yard. You know what I mean? And they get jacked for it. They get eaten by owls and from the skies and from the lands and so on uh they get killed you know because they live a sort of hippie dippy waddle around the backyard look delicious
Starting point is 00:07:34 lifestyle and you know i buy a lot of chickens because of it i'll never change my son always tells me keep them in the coop just keep them in the coop just keep them in the coop you know life you know it's not my thing a lot of times they lose their life because i screw up in all honesty a lot of times i'll fall asleep without shutting the coop and then massacre so it's you know during the daytime is rarely the issue because we have pit bulls that roam the yard also and no chicken is as tasty as a pit bull is terrifying. I don't care if you're a fox, a coyote, a hawk, whatever. They don't make that move when the dogs are around. So a lot of times it's my fault. But anyway, I've seen this in several places. You go to a place, you go to someone's house that you know or something along
Starting point is 00:08:26 those lines and you see a chicken coop in the middle of the yard and you see you know i don't know three by three space or something like that four by four maybe a five by five space that these chickens spend their entire life they go up in the coop and they lay their eggs and they come down to the bottom and they pack around and there's nothing really there but dirt. And they eat, you know, the food that is given to them. Like this is the case for a lot of chickens. So it's not like you need acres for chickens to roam around. In fact, if you don't have a fenced in area and you think you're just going to have a field full of chickens like their best life in the sun. You're just feeding the wildlife your food. But even that, in terms of food independence,
Starting point is 00:09:14 just get outside of traditional supermarkets. Not for everything, just for things. Open those doors up. Open those channels up. Look for local farm deliveries. Look for CSAs, just for things. Open those doors up. Open those channels up. Look for local farm deliveries. Look for CSAs, shop farmers markets, and so on. And get with your neighbors. See what they do. You know, start a community garden.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Again, you don't have to wake up this weekend and dig your entire backyard up and say, Honey, we're going to grow all the food that we need. If you feel compelled and have at it, it's a bad time of the year to get started with that goal, but it's about options. It's about options, okay? That's what it's about. So, take advantage of it, you know what I mean? Because to me, you can talk about AR-15s, you can talk about drones, you can talk about tactical guys dressed up and doing all kinds of cool tactical drills with nods on and the whole nine yards, right? The greatest attack, the greatest move that can be made against the lizards and the ruling classes
Starting point is 00:10:28 is without a doubt food. Right? Jay Ferg's a perfect example. Jay Ferg's got like chickens at the side of her house. The side of a... I don't want to divulge all your personal information, but
Starting point is 00:10:44 you know, she's a perfect example. You know, it's up to the will of the person. If your will extends only to excuse, then you're probably not going to get it done, you know. But if you say to yourself, we're going to make this happen, we're going to figure it out, whatever it is, you'll get it done. Whatever. It's not that. At the end of the day, raising a half dozen chickens is, anybody can do it.
Starting point is 00:11:21 If I went out, I could have done this years ago. Maybe I should have. I don't know. I could go out in the spring and I could get a half dozen chicks and never deal with them again and tell my sons, this is your responsibility. Feed them, change them, raise them. When they're big enough, put them outside. You know what I mean? And you open the coop in the morning and you close it at night and make sure they're fed there'd be no issues they'd probably do a better job than me to be honest the chickens would likely be safer if my boys handled it than if i do because i'm a little lackadaisical and also a little free-spirited you know what i mean let them run let them hop
Starting point is 00:12:01 the fence and go explore my first batch i never let them get out of the yard because I was scared. But then my neighbor fell in love with them, my next-door neighbor. My next-door neighbor fell in love with this one batch of chickens. They would come over to her fence every morning. There's like a little space between our yards, you know, a little wooded area. They would cross the dangers like Crossy Road over there. You know what I mean? Hopefully there ain't no foxes.
Starting point is 00:12:27 They'd cross that area, and they'd go over to her, and she'd see them, and sometimes one of them would come to the front porch in the morning, and they'd feed it, and they loved it. I'm in the city, by the way. It's not allowed, but whatever happened. You know what I mean? What do you want me to ground them?
Starting point is 00:12:44 Leave this yard again you're grounded so yeah i get into that i get into that whole thing and i think about you know and the benefits not to go off on a tangent here but the benefits outweigh the chicken at the end of the day right like now we have this sort of relationship as neighbors where it's like you don't have to sit there and go oh i, I wonder if my neighbors don't like my chickens. No, they love them. They want to come over for dinner. And now I know that. You know what I mean? You will buy chickens. Your chickens will die. Doesn't matter what kind of care you take with them.
Starting point is 00:13:22 But anyway, to stand against the lizards um in a very big way you know is what it is food food food that's the beginning a lot of people say chickens are the gateway drug to prepping actually i could dig it i could dig it uh so there's a big story out there that's not making any news we're going to use a do it on our one threat one solution today it's not really a one threat one solution but the story is it's a big one
Starting point is 00:13:56 and maybe it'll get headline news maybe it won't I can't tell what. All right. One threat, one solution. PBN family. Today, it's brought to you by Axios, I guess. Whoever Axios is. MSM reposted the article. hours ago a story by barack ravid
Starting point is 00:14:29 i think i got that right officials say israel destroyed active nuclear weapons research facility in iran strike the israeli attack on iran in late october destroyed an active top secret nuclear weapons research facility in Parchin, according to three U.S. officials, one current Israeli official and one former Israeli official. The strike, which targeted a site previously reported to be
Starting point is 00:14:56 inactive, pardon me, significantly damaged Iran's effort over the past year to resume nuclear weapons research. Israeli and U.S. officials said, listen, we have to get back to celebration, PBN family. Okay. My fellow Americans, we have to get back to celebrating. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:18 The days of celebration have returned. I know it's been a while. We've had to fight. We've had to fight for a lot of things. We've had to keep our teeth gritted and bear it. But now is the time to remember to celebrate, okay?
Starting point is 00:15:34 It really is. It's a time for celebration. And this is one of those things. We're going to watch the fall of Iran. Not the fall of Iran. Maybe the fall of Iran. I don't know. We'll have to see.. We're going to watch the fall of Iran. Not the fall of Iran. Maybe the fall of Iran. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:47 We'll have to see. But we're going to watch the de-weaponization of Iran over these next four years. You know what I mean? They'll be stomped back into the tiny ember that they deserve to be instead of this raging flame that they are in the Middle East funding the genocide of Jewish people. For all the talk of genocide and Jews, you know what I mean? Genocide in Palestinians,
Starting point is 00:16:15 make no mistake about it, this giant oil-producing nation with the Air Force and so on, maybe not a good one, but whatever, has long been participating in a desired genocide of the jews and very clear about it very open about it you know the the lunatics who just lost the election never mention it but you know and and america helped fund it under joe biden who decided to send those hitlers a real hitlers now not kind, right, not the kind that say things that make you upset, but the ones that actually want to kill an entire race of people and are very open about it.
Starting point is 00:16:52 They don't hide it. You know what I mean? Want to kill all the Jews. Want to get them out of the Middle East, kill them all. That's the goal. And Joey Boy sent them billions of dollars in cash, just like his brother in arms-arms, Barack Obama, sent them billions of dollars in cash. And that was swiftly followed by terrorist activity. If you think it goes to the betterment of women and children, I read a story this morning.
Starting point is 00:17:16 The women are basically being sent away to re-education camps in Iran for not wearing hijab. Because the Muslims are compassionate over there in the middle east you know what i mean and very accepting and very tolerant they're almost just like christians where is it at i'll read it to you tehran announces a quote-unquote treatment clinic for women who defy hijab laws okay so you don't cover up your hair and uh yeah you can go to the re-education camp for a few weeks and we'll smack some i mean we'll talk some sense into you and that'll be that so this is important guys this is a good day you know iran with a nuclear weapon is good for no one and This is a phenomenal thing that has
Starting point is 00:18:07 happened. It should be spoke about. It should be touted. Iran always is denying we're not after a nuclear weapon. We do not want a nuclear weapon, sure. But for some reason, we're developing nuclear weapons. Yeah. Way to go. Way to go, Israel. They know what needs to be done. They know they're on the hit list. And that's why that facility went up in flames.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Pretty much it. That's pretty much the story. You know what I mean? So I want to read to you today. I'm going to read you a little something today. Okay? We used to read every day on here. And we stopped as things once again began to change.
Starting point is 00:19:04 I read Shakespeare, Khalil Gibran, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Alfred Tennyson, Miyamoto Musashi, you know, a lot, a lot of different stuff, the Bible. I'm going to tease today my new book, Let Your Heart Be Light. And the difference between rolling into this holiday season with Kamala having one compared to Trump having one like i wrote this book and the title came to me because i could tell that america needed just that right like there's no better phrase for what the average american person needs right now we have had a heavy heart for almost five years now.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Do you know what I mean? To some degree, maybe not all the time, but to some degree, you know, we've been carrying around the burden of tyranny for at least five years. Or almost five years. So when I started to write this little book, this little Christmas story, it sang to me, man. Let your heart be light. And through this holiday season, I encourage you to do just that. You know what I mean? I encourage you to think about that when you're around the family, around the Thanksgiving dinner table, around the Christmas tree, whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Think on that. Now is the time to take a deep breath and let your heart be light. The good times, the bad times come, the good times come too. What's the great line from True Romance? Clarence Worley's quote that he never says but is quoted saying by Alabama. That's the way it goes. But don't forget, it goes the other way too. All right, so let's get into it.
Starting point is 00:20:55 A little blip. How far do I want to go here? Oh, I can't go all the way down there. How many decades? All right, ready? Let's start it this from chapter whatever chapter jonah christ the savior is born is the name of the chapter every chapter in this book is lyrics from a christmas song okay i'll let you the reader figure out which song they're from but i thought it'd be fun. How many decades do
Starting point is 00:21:26 we get to build a home? Truly. To make it our own and to make it beautiful to our eyes. Why do we forget that our home is our refuge? There should be comforts for the heart, body, and mind. Jonah looked to his right to see the Christmas cross hanging next to the tree on the wall Tradition And that's when his eyes fell on Rose The woman was an angel in her own right That thick copper hair Jonah fell in love with was gathered up mostly in a large braid running down her back Thick strands fell to each side
Starting point is 00:22:02 And she pushed the rest of it up against his chest as she rested her head on him. She still wore a halo of grapevine holly and berry. She had abandoned the church dress for an oversized green sweater, adorned with a simple cursive Merry Christmas and a white Christmas tree. Her eyelids were heavy, and he knew she was ready for that generous elf to make his annual delivery. Then, Rose began to speak in a soft coo. A loving God, as we gather as a family on this Christmas Eve, we thank you for the love that binds us together.
Starting point is 00:22:43 on this Christmas Eve, we thank you for the love that binds us together. Then the couple finished the Christmas Eve prayer as one flesh. Bless each member of our family and fill our home with the warmth and joy. May the spirit of Christmas bring us closer to you and to one another. We ask your guidance and protection in the coming year. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. And that gives you a little peek, PBN family,
Starting point is 00:23:22 inside one of the characters of the story Let Your Heart Be Light, which will be out in probably about 15-ish days. It's not a big book. I like the Christmas stories to be small. I like them to be a refuge in the holiday season. Fires on. It's late or it's early. Coffee.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Little book. Watch the rainfall. Watch the snowfall. And. Little book. Watch the rainfall. Watch the snowfall. And read the story. Okay? There'll be more to come. Don't worry. I know it's a little off the reservation for what some of you prefer or are used to.
Starting point is 00:24:00 But this is part of the story, man. This is part of the story of PBN. We're 15 hosts. We have unique tastes and aspirations and so on and so forth. I hope you enjoyed today's show. Don't forget to support the amazing sponsors and visit Become a member this weekend. Don't let your foot ease up off the gas just because we had a win. Now more than ever, it's time to prep. You know, there's a window. And what I've learned over time
Starting point is 00:24:35 is the window may close one day, but it's more of a up and down thing. You know, sometimes that window for preparedness is big and wide and easy. Sometimes it starts to look like, oh, God, is it about to close on us? Are we about to be done? Are we about to go from preppers to survivors? We just never know, right? So go to, become a member today. And like I said, support our sponsors, man.
Starting point is 00:25:02 They're good people. Doing good things and funding this network. It's a big deal. Talk to you soon, guys. See ya. If I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments, is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prepper mind can dream up. recreation and whatever else your uh prepper mind can dream up has properties in texas new mexico colorado oklahoma arizona utah go to check out the properties use the promo code pbn and get a hundred dollars off your purchase EMP protection is on the mind.
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