The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN News: The Enemy Will Know

Episode Date: January 13, 2025


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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBM. You will pay us back for stability here. We do not know what our chances of survival are. We fight as if they were zero. We do not know what we are facing, so we fight as if it was the dark gods themselves. No one will remember us now, and we may never be buried beneath Titan. So we will build our own memorial here. The chapter might lose us, and the Imperium might never know we existed. But the enemy, the enemy will know.
Starting point is 00:01:08 The enemy will remember. We were hurt so badly that it will never forget us until the stars burn out and the Emperor vanquishes it at the end of time. Welcome in, PBN family. Welcome in to PBN News. The Enemy Will Know is the title of today's show, The Enemy Will Know. Morning, Jay Ferg. Thank you for joining us live. I do appreciate all of you out there joining us live. The podcast audience, thank you so much for sticking with us through this changeover to video streaming and all this other stuff that we're doing. If not for the
Starting point is 00:01:52 longstanding audio PBN family contingent, we wouldn't be here today. So appreciate you. Demons. Demons are on my mind today, folks. And that's why I read you that quote. Uh, that quote is not from some glorious sort of historical rendition, some biblical or religious, uh, tablet. It's straight out of the most dorkiest thing in the world warhammer 40 000 from a faction known as the grey knights who are basically the the uh the ultimate in demon hunters there's a lot of parallels man um in that world and in our world
Starting point is 00:02:45 in that world and in our world naturally. I mean, it was born out of this world, but what's really interesting to me lately is this sort of idea of demons, this idea of demons and their potential to manipulate our world. If you told me three, four years ago, I would be talking about demons on a live podcast. I would have laughed at you, you know? But the behavior of mankind,
Starting point is 00:03:17 some behaviors you see maybe are access to like videos of people doing things you can't even fathom. The torture and the murder and the things that are done to children in our society. I used to think that demons were metaphorical. You know what I mean? Sort of a metaphorical way to explain our bad behavior. I don't think so anymore, you know? Nor do I think they are, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:51 hoof-tapping creatures that you might find in a basement somewhere with a blade and horns coming out of their head. It's a lot different than that. When I was very young, I went to a movie with my father, The Dragon, the Bruce Lee story. My phone needs to be turned up a little louder. I can hardly hear people bothering me in the middle of the live show. Let me turn the volume up a little more. So in that movie, Bruce Lee's face is off with these sort of samurai demons. And my father, like all people, had his own demons to work through, just like me, just like you, right? And he explained that to me because I kind of couldn't understand it.
Starting point is 00:04:43 You know what I mean? I was very young. I think it came out in 93. So I would have been, uh, four, seven years old, something like that.
Starting point is 00:04:50 And so, you know, you, you watch that sort of thing and you understand that like a man has issues. That's like what you walk away with at seven years old. And the other thing that my dad said is that if you don't handle your demons then they get passed on and he even told me that that's what happened to bruce lee's son brandon lee who was killed filming i don't know if that was true or not
Starting point is 00:05:19 but it was something that i thought was interesting to think about. Now I look around the world and I see it more clearly than ever. Whether it's energies, whether it's things we can't see, whether it's something within our own mind, a battle within our own soul. It's very clear to me that every person walking around in this world has sort of like piggyback, is piggybacked by a demon. You know what I mean? And when you get, it's this never-ending battle, right? It's like this never-ending fight. really interesting to me lately though is that my proximity to god depends like it really shapes the armor i have against my own demons you follow me like it is a real thing without a doubt
Starting point is 00:06:22 A real thing without a doubt. And my faith in God is what also makes my vision of demons clearer. I think that has a lot to do with it. I think it's hard to have an immense faith in good and not consider the evil. You know what I mean? Not see the evil more clearly, not understand that the good is here for a reason and it is to combat that evil. But what is most interesting and what stands out the most to me lately is the more I hear the Bible, the more I read the Bible, the more I pray, literally the stronger I get when it comes to dealing with temptation.
Starting point is 00:07:13 And that's a big deal, man. It's not a little thing. I don't know if this has been your experience, but this has been my experience. There is armor there. There is protection there, and it says so in the pages. But it's not even the, you know how sometimes you go through rough times and you read particular passages in the Bible, you know what I mean? Like, I need some strength, so I'm going to read these particular passages for inspiration but it seems to me that it's like just the muttering of the text itself is almost armor you know like it's it's not even necessarily um reading or listening to certain passages. It's literally the word itself.
Starting point is 00:08:10 It's all of that that's mixed up into my world that has created this sort of focus on understanding that we are all at war, whether we admit it or not. Whether we admit it or not, whether we're too embarrassed to believe it or to say it out loud or whatever the situation is, it's a real thing. And when you're at your weakest, you know, you can feel it. And when you're closest to God, you can feel that strength, too. This is just what's on my mind today.
Starting point is 00:08:40 You know, this is not the only thing I want to talk about. I am writing an article uh a solo article not for not for anyone but it's an article about preppers as um the savior here not the savior but you know what's the actual title let me give you because i thought about it and put up put together a good title it's probably worth reading it to you i'm a little behind today the morning was wild so the title of the article is no fema no insurance preppers are america's answer to disaster and uh that's what's interesting about that is this is a solo article that I'm going to write, not on commission. And I'm going to spread it out to everybody and share it to all
Starting point is 00:09:32 our various audiences on social media, you guys, everybody, some of you, you know, some a lot of it overlaps, but that's the thing. There's a lot riding on this one. It's just a strike out into another world. I don't write a lot of articles and put them out in hopes that they will do what I need them to do. A lot of times I'm paid. Most of the time I'm paid to write articles for different outlets. But this one, and the reason this one, is because I think it's a message that America needs. I think America needs the message right now that all of these fake little layers of protection that we assumed, they don't really exist. Or they don't exist at all in the way that you were brought up to believe. You know, you were brought up to believe.
Starting point is 00:10:24 all in the way that you were brought up to believe you know you were brought up to believe that what was most amazing about the fires in california is that the insurance companies looked at the situation in california that was total mismanagement but of course the government the liberal government would deny it and denied everything and will deny everything until they can no longer deny it till the proof till the hollywood sign is on fire right but they denied it and it cost the people their insurance policies now a lot of people are going to say all the insurance companies big bad monster and they should have never dropped them no matter what right then they go out of business then you still don't have insurance then you know what i mean it doesn't matter you can't uh there's no way you can beat a state that's run so poorly
Starting point is 00:11:17 like i can't even believe these people can get in california that they can get car insurance with the amount of thefts and break-ins the cars and shatter the windows and all that kind. I can't believe they can get car insurance. And I do think that insurance is going to become a thing that you either have a massive premium to pay in order to have it. to pay in order to have it or you have to relocate you know what i mean because as i mentioned for years these enclaves of liberalism are going to just continue to fall apart until you know until they oh man perfect segue excuse me perfect segue until they just, you know, become the dust and no one's going to insure dust and tell you it's a mansion. Right. have built sort of the infrastructure you need to take control of your life and to stay alive in these situations and to rebound from these situations and all that kind of stuff. Like, you have to become the thing you depend on.
Starting point is 00:12:37 And we have to get rid of the illusions of FEMA. We have to get rid of the illusions of the government, like the government's going to show up and give you a new house. It's not going to happen. We have to get rid of the illusions of the government, like the government's going to show up and give you a new house. It's not going to happen. And you have to get away from the illusions of insurance as well. For years, I've heard, I don't usually represent it this way, but for years, I've heard other preppers, great people, talk about prepping as insurance.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Prepping is an insurance policy, right? L2 survive in chat. Garden girl in chat across multitudes of platforms. L2 survive. Your timing couldn't be better. Link down in the YouTube description and in the podcast description. You guys are going to find a link to an amazing YouTube video. If you are listening to me and going, prepping is the thing. If you're listening to me, L2 Survive throws the classic Reagan line in. The most terrifying thing a person can hear
Starting point is 00:13:35 is I'm from the government and I'm here to help. But L2 Survive put out a great YouTube video about a website called Prepper Shows USA, I think it is. I don't know the website. Go watch the video. The link is in the description. Go watch the video because it is your link to some real-life interactions with preppers in and around your area. Some real-life courses with real people. You can ask questions, raise hands. Largely, that website is a collection of all the Prepper shows that are happening in the U.S., and there's a lot now. And they're awesome.
Starting point is 00:14:16 They're well worth it. You know what I mean? They're well worth the time, particularly those that are outdoors primarily. I mean, they're really good. Prepper shows, I haven't gone to a really, really a bad prepper show. Some of them that are indoors are a little table-y. You know what I mean? They can be a little table-y.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Like, oh, my God, how much prepper stuff are you going to put in my face? It's fine. You know what I mean? It is what it is. But the classes are always good and and i mean i've gone to shows in virginia shows in utah shows in north carolina they're they're good man the the the context in the classes is almost always done really well and i've walked away from every prep or show i've ever gone to with real, real change in mind. You know what I mean? Like real changes that need to be made
Starting point is 00:15:10 in my preparedness lifestyle or my lifestyle in general. And I think that to me, that's always kind of the metric for a good course. Like when you go to a good course, um, I, I always think the metric of a good course is when your your mind shifts a bit you know what i mean like you you have this moment where you're like whoa that's a wholesale change for the better to me that's a good course um so check it out l2 survive youtube channel it's his newest video up there. You'll see it. And it's a good one. Get to know that website, man.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I'm telling you. And get to know that nub over at L2 Survive. I mean, he brings the thunder every video. It's good stuff. If you're into preparedness and gear and, you know, that kind of stuff. I think it's time to see what's inside the cash today, folks. Yeah, let's do it. I got a really cool one for you. Many of you may know these things. Some of you may not. Um, but we're going to have a whole hearted discussion on sort of food rations. Okay. Inside the cash today.
Starting point is 00:16:33 rations, okay? Inside the cash today. The new Millennium Bar. I got to get my camera mirrored, huh? We're going to have to mirror the new Millennium Bar. Oh, I grabbed the worst flavor, though. My least favorite flavor of Millennium Bars. Orange. Coconut coconut it's a winner it's probably my favorite uh these guys are i mean they look like bars they look like something that'd be tasty they're they're not bad certain flavors are better than others like i said uh what they are though is their massive amounts of calories one bar 410 calories i pulled this from my lima tango survival backpack here the solo if you are a member oh my god i'm not ripping that patch off i was going to show you the patch that thing's on there for life um they put food rations in their solo bag this one in particular has 1200 calories and they come from these, right?
Starting point is 00:17:27 I'm sorry, 1,600 calories, 410. 410 per bar, and these are largely flour, sugar, fat. Because this is not like, this is a survival food ration, and they're flavoring. There is five grams of protein in this little guy, though. Where does that come from? I wonder where that comes from. Whole wheat flour, maybe? Corn starch.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Coconut. Oh, maybe the coconut, actually. They've all got a little coconut in them. Not bad, though. This is a low-sodium option, too. Pretty cool. There's a lot of good survival food rations out there. The Mayday rations are good.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Uh, but what you need to know about these is you can also make them. Okay. So you can get your hands on good survival food rations, throw them in backpacks and have an answer for that kind of emergency situation, but you can also make them. There's a lot of good recipes out there. I think if you search my name, James Walton, and survival ration in Google, you'll get a recipe from me that's available to all, not just members.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Oh, and by the way, members, the backpack is completely reviewed in Family Gear, our latest Family Gear up there on the membership website,, if you want to check that out. But, yeah, food rations, it's a good thing to have. Good thing to have, particularly if you're out in the woods. I like the quick and easy foods out in the woods. I like the quick and easy foods out in the woods.
Starting point is 00:19:16 You watch those videos of people who are cooking ribeyes and slicing garlic and all that kind of stuff, and that's cool. If you have that kind of time, that's cool. There's nothing wrong with that, and I think it's kind of fun to cook at camp but if i'm out fishing like legitimately out in the woods with a purpose not just like going to set up a campsite and stare up at the sky all day um that's the kind of stuff i want you know what i mean really like i don't want to prepare anything pemmican give me the ration whatever it is like i want to catch a trout you know what i mean that's where i'm at mentally you know i want to put a caddis fly right on the top water and watch it drift and get hit. And that's what I want to do.
Starting point is 00:19:52 You know, I don't want to sit down and fillet a side of char and cook it up in a can and make a fire and cook it up in a skillet and put chopped fresh parsley on top. You know, it's fine but when you're out and you're you know you're hoofing it or you're waiting in the water it's like give me give me something that's going to take this ache in my stomach away and give me back my focus on what i'm trying to do here because what i'm trying to do in the mountains of virginia is not easy you know especially when you're trying to catch native trout so yeah food rations enjoy them matter of fact podcast is out definitely get into that today folks awesome uh you can find all of our podcasts i have not committed yet oh oops i have
Starting point is 00:20:46 not committed yet to uh putting these things up uh in terms of like getting all the podcasts onto youtube and rumble there's no auto publish um in all honesty rumble like the audience is great i enjoy the audience but i don't know what how much better it would be if i started putting those shows up on rumble that don't go live youtube you know what i mean the investment in youtube is just I don't I don't see the benefit there for us. Maybe I'm wrong. Things are changing. You know, I listen to the oh, there's a female cardinal out the window. Still snow on the ground here in Richmond, Virginia. It's amazing. Where's Big Daddy at? Oh, took off.
Starting point is 00:21:40 I love to see the cardinals in the snow. The cardinals in the snow is that's winter, man Cardinals in the snow is, that's winter, man. You know what I mean? That's the real deal. Jay Ferg made some beef stew at home. Can it up. Can it up. Look, whenever you're making chilies,
Starting point is 00:21:57 I'm going to tell you something that I have been threatening to do and haven't done, but I really need to get on it. And you should too. Double batch. All too. Double batch. All right. Double batch. So you make your chili with a pound of beef, pound of turkey, whatever it is you make, make it with two pounds, double everything, feed the family, take the leftovers, put them into cans, can them, you know what I mean? Pressure can them, get a recipe, make sure you do it right.
Starting point is 00:22:25 The right pressure, the right time, all that. And then, you know, it becomes this thing where. In no time, you're going to wind up with all kinds of food in the pantry in no time because you have to cook every day, you know? I mean, if you've committed to that, I hope you cook regularly. All right, folks, speaking of cook, I haven't eaten a thing yet today. I hope you cook regularly. All right, folks. Speaking of cook, I haven't eaten a thing yet today. I'm pretty hungry. What else must I talk about today?
Starting point is 00:22:56 Got some cool stuff coming, guys. Oh, is there some cool stuff coming? I took this at the end of the year. I was getting hit with all these different companies, all these new people, all these new products, books, that kind of stuff. And I just – my head was like, I got to get – I got to find a balance here between making money with these businesses and also getting all this cool stuff in front of the audience. So you're going to hear about a lot of new companies and a lot of new books. in front of the audience. So you're going to hear about a lot of new companies and a lot of new books. Yeah, sure. I can show you everything that I get emailed to me, but everything takes time and time is money. That's just what it is. You know, to be completely clear, like when I'm working, I'm working. There's a bunch of things that have to get taken care of so that we can
Starting point is 00:23:41 continue doing what we do. I can continue being me and all that kind of stuff. Like everything takes money. So I tried to draw this balance here and it's working. Like a lot of people are, are, um, taking advantage of our ability to show off what they're doing here on the show. So you're going to hear from a lot of brands. You're going to hear from a lot of different, um, authors and things like that. And there's some cool stuff coming. There's definitely some cool stuff coming. What I need you guys to do, because yesterday I busied my morning with white rice and Mylar bags from Pack Fresh USA. If you're on Instagram or our email list, you'll probably wind up seeing a picture of it. Oh, actually, you know what? I may throw some visuals into the article I'm writing too.
Starting point is 00:24:29 But we're doing a big giveaway for Pack Fresh USA. There's a link down in the show descriptions, direct link to Pack Fresh USA. I appreciate many of you who have gotten to the website and made purchases. Thank you. In order to enter website and made purchases. Thank you. In order to enter, you're going to get this thing. I'm going to send you exactly what they sent me because it's such a great kit. It's just laden with oxygen absorbers, Mylar bags of multiple sizes. They're the awesome Mylar bags that open at the bottom.
Starting point is 00:25:02 So you don't seal the top. You seal the bottom, right? Very seal the top you seal the bottom right very cool comes with a sealer i piled all my rice in i had about i don't know i'd say i was working out of the bag a little bit cheating so i probably had about 45 pounds of white rice into mylar bags one gallon 1000 cc oxygen absorber into the bag boom heat sealed up with their little mini sealer it's good the mini pack fresh usa sealer is good um but i've spent my food storage career using my wife's hair straightener and the plate on the hair straightener is way bigger than the plate on the little mini if you don't have anything it's sweet and it'll get the job got
Starting point is 00:25:45 the job done fine but the big hair straightener is kind of nice to be honest so use that link get to it man make a purchase over there at pack fresh usa through the link you get entered into the giveaway. I got tons of great books. I got my own books. I got great books that I want to send you. I got hand-crocheted lizards by our very own Jay Ferg. And, of course, I'm going to buy the winner one of those great big Mylar kits so that they can pack up food storage. Because, look, in all honesty, food storage is a massive difference maker.
Starting point is 00:26:32 You know what I mean? Massive. My son would be laughing so hard. Both my kids would be laughing so hard if they caught me saying that word. I don't know if that resonates with you, but whatever. If they caught me saying that word, I know. I don't know if that resonates with you, but whatever. All that said, I think that's about it, folks. Yeah, we'll get into Green Tips Surplus dot com tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:27:01 We do owe you one more look at those guys and all the cool surplus stuff they got over there. Other than that, man, I think that's it. i did get a show from nell douglas hogan you got a great show from jay ferg from over the weekend we got an incredible reliance from stephen menking if you're into that definitely check go to get caught up on the shows okay get caught up on the podcasts get into this prepping thing in 2025 there ain't no insurance there ain't no fema there's no special money coming your way when disaster strikes just ask the people in north carolina they'll tell you all about it you know largely forgotten right and now the hollywood big mouths are uh upset so the north caroline and the north carolinians up there in appalachia are going to be like you know even further forgotten so it is what it is man this is the reality
Starting point is 00:27:53 this is uh surviving america you know and we are your path back to stability here at the prepper broadcasting network but you got to do the work. We can tell you what to do. We can talk about ideas and brands and stuff to buy and stuff to do and all that kind of stuff all day and night. But you got to get to it, man. You got to make it happen. All right. So we will talk to you guys soon.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Tomorrow is Tuesday. I'll be back with PBN Daily News. Support the podcast. Support the sponsors. You know, do all the stuff, man, please. It is imperative, you know. All right. I'll talk to you guys soon.
Starting point is 00:28:33 See you.

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