The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN News: The stalk has no head it will produce no flour

Episode Date: October 29, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. You're going to have to back the stability here. Good day, PBN family. What is happening? We are here. We are live. This is the Prepper Broadcasting Network coming to you from numerous fields of fire. And we are broadcasting at Rumble, at X, and even behind enemy lines at YouTube. Until that comes to an end. Prepper Broadcasting Network is 15 hosts hosts daily podcasts incredible shows you see them uh sort of cycling through before your very eyes on the broadcast stream to one of my faithful
Starting point is 00:01:16 pbn listeners if you could grab a link from rumble or from twitter and throw it into element i couldn't get element to load for me this morning. So, you know, that was what it was. But I could use some help on that end. Because our folks in Element, you know we love you. So, again, 15 podcast hosts, more than 15 shows broadcast daily here at Prepper Broadcasting Network. Some of the shows are live, like one here pbn news hosted by me james walton the intrepid commander of the prepper broadcasting network and some of them are pre-recorded shows you can go to prepper
Starting point is 00:01:57 and see all of our shows that have been put up this week in subsequent weeks or everywhere you listen to podcasts, just search the Prepper Broadcasting Network and see what's what. Okay? So today I've got a bunch of things for you. I've got Bible verses. I've got Chinese nuclear warfare. I've got William Allingham.
Starting point is 00:02:24 And I'd like to do a show on a number of different things this morning um what's been on my mind and in watching the sort of lunacy of these last days of the election you know it's impossible for us not to talk about the election a little bit i will tell you the one thing that I think we do better than most everyone out there is when we talk about this kind of stuff, like when we're talking about the elections and politics and things that everybody's yakking about all the time,
Starting point is 00:02:58 I do think it's important that we give solutions. We have an entire segment on pbn news called one threat one solution and we got a good one today we got a really good one today um so what's what's come to mind i i spent the morning drinking some disaster coffee watching whoopi Goldberg, watching a little bit of Bill Maher, just watching sort of some of the high-level bishops. Yeah, that's a good way to look at it. Some of the high-level bishops of this whole movement. You know what I mean? of this whole movement. You know what I mean? This whole sort of insanity,
Starting point is 00:03:55 sort of this insane religion of the left wing. And in watching them, one thing kept coming to mind, and it was from the Bible, and it was Hosea 8-7. Hosea 8-7 is, you know, it's there all the time Morning, Jay Ferg in chat Phoenix Survival is with us, folks Saturday morning host Don't miss her Saturday morning 9 a.m.-ish And, man, tons of information coming from Phoenix Survival
Starting point is 00:04:19 Doing a very unique thing right now In sort of the urban survival struggle hosiah 8 7 is it's plays to today and particularly the political battle and the religious battle and in the cultural battle in the united states and it goes as follows. They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. The stalk has no head. It will produce no flower. Were it to yield grain, now listen to this one, foreigners would swallow it up. It's very interesting, right?
Starting point is 00:04:59 It gets more and more interesting by the day. For they sow the wind, they shall reap the whirlwind. I don't know. To me, it's just one of those things that it says a lot about a lot. You know what I mean? It says a lot about a lot. It just has everything to do with what we're seeing in the world today. I'm going over here checking out what's going on on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:05:27 And let's see. We'll put Jay Ferg up there in the chat on the live stream. I watch these guys. You know, the America that they wanted is here. You know what I mean? The America that a lot of these left-leaning lunatics have always wanted is here. You know what I mean? The America that a lot of these left-leaning lunatics have always wanted is here. It's here.
Starting point is 00:05:51 They've thrust the chaos and the insanity upon our lives. And it's kind of fun to watch. I'm not going to lie. It's kind of fun to watch them lose control of of of everything like like vastly losing control over all sorts of of themselves the screaming and the and the you know the hitlering and the tyranting and the and the despotting and so on man it's it's pretty interesting to watch it it may even be missed at some point it may even be missed in the future i don't know maybe maybe not but i i can't help but look at the situation in america right now look at what's happening in this world and not think to myself well when when biden won ish when biden
Starting point is 00:06:48 became president let's go with that we were we were really hurt you know what i mean it's a lot of people who are like not feeling good at all and i remember telling everybody here at pbn i said you know it's this is this is their turn now you. The one thing we can rest our hats on is that it's their turn. It's their turn at bat is exactly what I said. It's their at bat. last four years you know all through trump they were talking about these amazing and incredible things and wonderful and and once we get power we're going to get out from under this racist monstrous dictator and really show america what uh love is and what science means and what water is and what air is and what you know what i mean and how no one is illegal and how it all that kind we're looking around america and we're seeing a nation that has been crafted by almost four years of a puppeted government who has been yelling at the top of their lungs even while they've been in power about the despot that is donald trump jay fergan chad says it's heartbreaking To see the country this way
Starting point is 00:08:25 It is heartbreaking You know it is But you know the sun must go down In order for us to enjoy that great sunrise Jay Ferg that's all I can tell you You know It must rain for us to appreciate the sun I do feel
Starting point is 00:08:39 The tingle of an American revival In the future You know there was times when i would look at my kids sometimes i look at my kids and i get like a visions you know what i mean because my brain starts making radical calculations i don't know if yours works that way but i look at my boys and my brain starts to make calculations and lately i've been looking at them. For many years, I looked at my kids, and when they were younger, and I looked at them, and I would think, we may have to figure out a different way to live, a different way for their life to be than mine. And it's a
Starting point is 00:09:20 heartbreaking thing. But we have to consider survival, but we have to consider survival and we have to consider surviving America and we have to consider what all that looks like. You have to think in decades. You have to think, what's this going to look like in 5, 10 years, 10, 20 years? ago, three years ago, and I would say to myself, all right, we're probably going to have to create a radically different lifestyle than the one that they've grown up with. Lately, I've been looking at them and I've been panning out this sort of movement in the country. It's the movement. It's not Donald Trump, just so you know. It's many things. It's many factors in my brain. It's watching the alternative media. It's watching, you watching – one big thing that happened with the Washington Post is they didn't take sides again, just like the LA Times. The LA Times did not choose a candidate to get behind. The Washington Post did not choose a candidate to get behind. I know this probably seems like a one-off seems silly, but I just mark my words. OK, this is a big deal. You know, this is them. This is at least a news organization that is saying. And it's not for nothing. It's not like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:46 You see left-wingers do things all the time that are kind of like, they look really extreme, but it's zero-sum. You know what I mean? These people, LA Times, Washington Post, or Examiner, whichever one it was, is losing subscribers. They're losing money over this. So they're moving towards the idea of being news again, and they're losing subscriptions because of it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Again, my brain is full of data and information and headlines and podcasts and all kinds of stuff that formulates this sort of worldview that I bring to you guys on a daily basis. sort of worldview that I bring to you guys on a daily basis. And when I look at my kids now and I see, well, you know, what's the next five years, what's the next 10 years. And I think about Donald Trump and I think about like, I'll tell you one thing that just really blew me away the other day was the idea of, um, no income tax. I don't know if he could pull it off, but I just thought about I was talking to my wife about it. I said, can you imagine if the tariffs are as effective as Donald Trump thinks they could be? And, you know, why not? He had I mean, the tariffs are so effective that of all the things Biden and Kamala took away when they first came into office and they did a hell of a job. They didn't touch the tariffs on China, which is interesting.
Starting point is 00:12:13 So that means there's something to it. You know, it's not all. In other words, we can't afford to lose that money. Right. But I started thinking about it, started thinking about my sons getting their first paychecks. Remember when you got that first paycheck and even if your parents warned you about it you still weren't ready for it because in your head you were doing math all week you were like okay i worked 25 hours and uh you know whatever you made at the time like eight bucks an hour so i should wind up with x amount of dollars and then
Starting point is 00:12:40 you get your check and that that first that drop in your soul, right? When you're like, oh, my God, dad was right. Dad was right. The government's thieves. It'd be cool, you know, for the kids, for our children out there listening, our grandchildren, to never feel that. I heard a story yesterday, and then we'll get into One Threat, One Solution.
Starting point is 00:13:08 I know I'm rambling a bit. I heard a story. It was supposed to be good news. It was like positive news on FM radio. And I was like, you know what? I could use some positive news. I'll listen to it. It actually turned out to be
Starting point is 00:13:19 one of the most depressing things I heard all day. So here's what they give you with the positive news. A guy's outside pumping gas. He finds a $20 bill bill he walks into the store and he buys a 20 scratch off they didn't have the brand that he usually gets so he got another 20 scratch off he scratches the thing off he wins a million dollars right yay we're supposed to be happy he took the lump sum this is what the radio host tells you he took the lump sum and he wound up with $420,000
Starting point is 00:13:50 and now he's going to retire and he's going to do this and he's going to do that and yay everybody should be happy hold up rewind the man won a million dollars and the government swooped in and snatched 408.
Starting point is 00:14:09 No, is that right? $580,000. More than half of the man's winnings went to the government for no reason. Can you imagine? I mean, that is bananas. That's insane. The man finds a $20 bill. He gets a scratch off ticket, wins a million dollars. He's sitting there going, holy God, I got a million dollars. I'll take the lump sum. The government swoops in and goes, oh, really? Leaves him with 400. Look, I'd love to have $420,000 from a scratch off ticket. Don't get me wrong. I'd love to have $420,000 from a scratch-off ticket. Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 00:14:49 But what in the hell business is it of the government to reach into your pocket and take that kind of money? Oh, and by the way, it's not just lottery. Some of you out there may know you get a bonus from your job. You do a really great job. Here's a $20,000 bonus. Government gets his hand in there, takes half of that. You follow me? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I do know. You know, too. And that's why the time has come to vote, right? The time has come to vote. Let's get into one threat, one solution, folks. We got to. It's unnerving, but we got to see. national security the global conflict the defense intelligence agency reports that china's nuclear arsenal is expanding faster than earlier pentagon estimates with projections now exceeding a thousand nuclear warheads by 2030 up from a previous estimate of 500, the DIA describes this is the most rapid expansion and ambitious modernization of China's nuclear forces.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Likely driven by strategic competition with the U.S., China's advancements include a launch-on-warning system, enabling counter-strikes before an enemy's first strike detonates, as well as warheads capable of reaching the U.S. mainland. as well as warheads capable of reaching the U.S. mainland. Debrief. This isn't unexpected. This report has been widely shared among OSINT personalities and news outlets, but the same breaking news was reported October 2023, when the Pentagon also assessed that China would have more than 1,000 nuclear warheads by 2030. You know. Russia holds over 5 500 uss 5 000 um with 1300 more in waiting look i mean what the hell do you what always comes to mind when i read this first and foremost
Starting point is 00:16:58 is what the hell you're going to do with five thousand five thousand nuclear warheads you know what i mean? It's a wrap. You can't even get halfway through that, and you've killed everyone on the planet. So One Threat, One Solution, for those who are new, this segment is all about giving you news, and it's not fun, but it's out there, and it's stuff you should know about,
Starting point is 00:17:21 and then also giving you a solution. Today's solution is, actually actually it's 100% free, which is kind of cool. You go to Okay, that's our membership website, You can sign up for membership while you're there. It's very affordable. But what I want you to do is I want you to download. You're going to see when you go to a little bullseye on the right. Look down. It's a red bullseye on the right. It looks almost like a Target logo. There you're going to be able to get an e-book for free, 100%. No email sign-up. No need to sign-up for anything.
Starting point is 00:17:56 I don't want your email. I don't want your information. I don't want to sell your advertising information to Google. You're going to get a free e-book at It's called Nuclear War Prepared, Not Scared. And this book was written by myself and Dave Jones, the NBC guy who has 20 plus years in nuclear, biological and chemical warfare and security assessments in Iraq and a lifetime in the military, largely teaching nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare. There's a lot of resources out there. There's a lot of articles out there that tell you good things to do, and most of the time they're trying to sell you gas masks and potassium iodide pills.
Starting point is 00:18:41 This literally came from the hearts of dave jones and myself this book was written when russia rolled into ukraine and put the red line down in the sand that was if the west gets involved if the un gets involved they're gonna see something like they've never seen and dave jones and i and oh you know what else spawned this book was that horrendous psa put out by new york remember new york city or new york state it might have been put out of psa it was emergency management for new york city or new york state but they put out a psa and it was a lady and she was telling people if there's a nuclear strike get inside turn on the tv and wait and i i kid you not folks this is exactly the advice they were giving this is what this and and up until this moment
Starting point is 00:19:38 we're dealing with a potentially nuclear iran we're dealing with China, who's a little pissy. We're dealing with Russia, who is about as angry with us as possible. What would you do if nukes started popping off today? Do you have any idea? If you have no idea and you're scared, go to, get the book. If you're uninformed, if you're limited information on nuclear preparedness, it's not all about buying $500 gas masks. It's not all about having an underground bunker. As Dave Jones, the NBC guy, says, nuclear war is survivable. an all-out nuclear war where 5,000 warheads are in the sky at one time. But I'm talking about a limited nuclear strike,
Starting point is 00:20:30 which is likely what would happen if we ever got to that point. So, you know, get the book. Be prepared. It's not impossible. It's not expensive. It's not crazy. Get the facts.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Download the book. Enjoy yourself. Okay. When I say enjoy yourself, I want you to understand, if you live in peril and terror, then that's it. You know what I mean? That's what you're going to have. That's all you're going to have. You have to be prepared to enjoy your life this day and age.
Starting point is 00:21:14 On that note, we are in the midst of a challenge that I'd like you to join, if you haven't already, if you feel the desire to. Look, the weather's cooling down. It's a good time to turn the oven on. We started a few, I don't know, about a week ago, our daily bread challenge. Give us this day our daily bread. I've called it our daily bread challenge. We're looking to just bake for 30 days straight. Ideally bread.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Yeast risen bread. What do they call it? Quick breads. Things like that. Why? It's not because I want you to become a pastry chef. It's because I want you to get very comfortable with producing food in your house every day. And the thing about bread is it's flour, it's yeast, it's water, it's oil or butter or some kind of fat, and that's food production. And you get into it every day, and you come to realize, if I have a stockpile of yeast, if I have a stockpile of flour,
Starting point is 00:22:10 and even if that's it, you can make bread. Stockpile of yeast, stockpile of flour, or if you're really good at harvesting yeast and creating starters, then you have food. And I'm telling you right now, bread goes a long way. A lot of people don't use bread the way that my mother used bread growing up or my grandmother. But bread is sandwiches. Bread is a side dish, right? A loaf of bread, a single loaf of bread is a side dish with butter or jelly. It is a sandwich.
Starting point is 00:22:46 It is toast. It is French toast. When it starts to get hard, it becomes bread pudding. When it gets really hard, it becomes bread crumbs, which is the ultimate filler for meats and stretching meat, ground meat, ground venison, those kinds of things. It's a skill, man. It's a skill worth nurturing, and it's really not that tough you know i last night i did something i haven't been doing much of i whipped together a pizza homemade pizza there was a time in my life where i made pizza every week flour yeast olive oil
Starting point is 00:23:18 sugar you know in the yeast and water and salt um and i'd whip up a pizza in eight to ten minutes and then bake it you know what i mean and it's it's a skill that with practice you get really good at and last night i did it and i you know because of this challenge and i was like wow i forgot all about this man i forgot how number one how good the pizza can be number two how easy it is to make and how nice it is to pull a pizza out of the oven that you made. If that sounds incredibly foreign to you and impossible and strange, just begin the challenge. Our daily bread challenge, we're going to run all the way into Thanksgiving. We're going to end the challenge on Thanksgiving, and hopefully by then you'll have polished up your bread-making skills.
Starting point is 00:24:05 You put some fresh-made rolls out on the table that you baked yourself and feel really good about it. Because that's part of preparedness too, folks. You know what I mean? So I think we're going to wind this broadcast down with something you're likely to get nowhere else on a podcast. There are things here at PBN that you simply won't get anywhere else on the podcast. I mean, maybe several of them that you heard already. We do things here at PBN based on our individual takes on life and the things that we enjoy along with our preparedness along with you know everything i can assure you you will be better prepared if you listen to pbn and i can assure
Starting point is 00:24:50 you you'll get you there's nothing like pbn out there you know there are alternative right-wing media sources that do some things most of their preparedness comes by way of commercial right there's no network like ours. With the variety of hosts that we have. Spread across these United States. Even in Canada. And it's just you know. I'm blessed.
Starting point is 00:25:14 To be a part of it. Truly. So the way we're going to end the show today. I'm going to pull from a cookbook. That I wrote. Well I'm pulling a poem that was written by William Allingham. But I stole the first line in a cookbook that I wrote when I was about 20 years old or 22 or probably younger than 22, around 20 years old. It was called Seasons in the Valley.
Starting point is 00:25:41 And Seasons in the Valley was broken up into four seasons with seasonal food and local farms. And it was my chef days when I was just oozing all about local food and buying local and so on. And I broke the book down into seasons and I put quotes at the beginning of each season, each section of the book that was broken into the season. And for autumn i quoted the first two lines of this poem and i've been outside with my kids a lot lately looking at the trees and trying to get them to slow down and look at the trees and you know because this is the time for like the sky is gold and blue at the moment here you know what i mean it's red and gold and blue and it's beautiful. It's amazing, really. Autumn is one of those things for me that every year it comes along and it shakes me. You know what I mean? It's almost like God's hand. It says, just look,
Starting point is 00:26:36 slow down, look around, see what the hell's going on in this world around you, because you're rushing headlong to the casket, my son. And Autumn always does that for me. I always love it. So these two lines at the beginning of this sonnet have been in my head over and over again. And I said to myself, you know what? The PBN family, I think, would appreciate the Autumn Sonnet by William Allingham as
Starting point is 00:27:00 we go out today. Okay? Don't forget to visit and get your uh free copy of nuclear war prepared not scared and please support our sponsors folks i'm going to run an ad after this poem uh yeah so we appreciate you we thank you all of course the pbn family who have long listened to us and many of you out there who are new who are just hearing us for the first time since we're on this sort of stream fest now autumn's fire burns slowly along the woods and day by day the dead leaves fall and melt and night by night, the monitory blast wails in the keyhole, telling how it passed over empty fields or upland solitudes, or grim wide wave. And now the power is felt of melancholy, tender in its moods, than any joy indulgent summer dealt.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Dear friends, together in the glimmering eve, pensive and glad with tones that recognize the soft invisible dew in each one's eyes. It may be somewhat thus we shall have leave to walk with memory. When distant lies poor earth, where we were wont to live in grief. The Audemars Sonnet by William Allingham, ladies and gentlemen. I will talk to you soon, folks. Do appreciate you. Enjoy the rest of your day, and stay tuned to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, folks. See ya. EMP protection is on the minds of all Preppers, and since the massive geomagnetic storm back in May that brought the Northern Lights to Texas, more and more people are paying attention.
Starting point is 00:28:50 has some of the largest and most fortified EMP protection on the planet. 20-foot and 40-foot shipping containers built with copper beryllium gaskets for maximum protection. They also have five-foot workboxes that can be loaded with solar generators, solar panels, comms. Visit Wisconsin-built EMP protection.

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