The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN News: WOWZAS

Episode Date: January 28, 2025

Home Security Superstore TANGO Grey Man Kit USA Giveaway Merch Store

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PABN. You will pay us back the stability here. Welcome in everybody, what is going on? Wowzes is what I have to say. I spent the last couple days kind of what is up Jay Ferg Kind of numb to the news a lot of it, you know what I mean? You got to take these breaks to central you take these breaks anymore from all aspects of the news But yesterday there was just this avalanche of stuff coming in and I was what definitely more intent on talking about the commander's challenge coming in February Talking about morning garden girl talking about our great interview last night with Richard Ramos parents on a mission
Starting point is 00:01:15 You got to check that one out if you didn't hear it some You know the big takeaway that I thought really stood out for the average parent was The big takeaway that I thought really stood out for the average parent was you bring a guy on like Richard Ramos to talk about parenting and better parenting. The way he articulated the need for that kind of training was it's not about turning bad parents into good parents. It's about making good parents better parents, like any other training you would take in life. good parents, better parents, like any other training you would take in life, right? And I think that really lends itself to our community here as preppers and survivalists and outdoorsmen and homesteaders and all that kind of, you
Starting point is 00:01:52 know, we do things to up our game not because we suck but because we want to get better. So great interview, check that one out,al. What I want to do today is step into the warp. I want to go into the chaos that is the news and talk about some of these things that have really happened over the last 24, 48 hours that are newsworthy. You know, the first of which you see behind me, the US border patrol agents exchange gunfire with drug cartel there was a chin as if he was reading my mind you know because he is fundamentally a brother from another mother and I bet you guys are missing him too I gotta get him on here more because the changing earth podcast is no more changing earth audio drama still with us but the podcast is no more. US Embassy Mexico issues security alert warning against travel in and around Reynosa.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Opposite McAllen, Texas due to the threat of gun battles and IEDs. So, you know, when I read the IEDs and I thought about to be heading tactics to the drug cartels and we know all about that stuff, you know, the fear and the sand, you know, I started to think we got to handle this thing. Well, first I started to think I can't believe we've got to this point. I can't believe we allowed this thing to grow just south of Texas and Pretended like it would never come to this right we played the pretend game that
Starting point is 00:03:35 Can I tell you something whenever you're playing the pretend you have to recognize when you're playing the pretend game sometimes you play the pretend Game in your relationships, right? Sometimes you play them with your kids, not the fun pretend game. You play it at your work. You know what? You have to know bullshit. And one of the biggest piles that we have had is this idea that Mexico will take care of their own country in the drug cartels and then number two, our border will keep the drug cartels and then number two, our border will keep the drug cartels out.
Starting point is 00:04:06 And with Trump making the decree of, you know, these guys are a terrorist organization and stopping immigration, it all affects the bottom line of these drug cartels and I don't know, you know, it feels like a Middle East to our southern border. That's what makes me most nervous. It feels like a Middle East to our southern border. And I really wish Shinebomb up there in Mexico would worry less about Donald Trump and more about the drug cartels.
Starting point is 00:04:37 That would be really nice. If the new president could stop worrying about what's going on north of her and worry much more about what's happening in her own country. That would make a huge difference. It would affect everything. In fact, it would affect relations in a very big way, with the US. So, big story. You know what I mean? This is... and it's expected, I mean, I don't know if you read, but it's expected that I think something like 10,000 troops are going down there. This was before this interaction.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Let me fact check that because I read that like, I don't know, last week. Trump rapidly fortifies us border with plans. Let me see if I can bring this one up for you. I don't know what this website's gonna look like guys. I cannot vouch for any news website until like I said it they're so bad with the with the ads. It's amazing to me that news websites exist I use them quite frankly for fodder for the show because I think a headline helps you know headlines are a thing but I mean this look at this look at the ad see the size of the ad hello seniors born 1941 1970
Starting point is 00:06:08 It's amazing to me put up with that But here it is Trump rapidly fortifies US border with plans for 10,000 troops immediate deportation of illegal crossers Like big deal. You know what I mean? You're gonna have a force remember this drug cartel thing is a business no matter how bloody and terrible it is It's their business and when you when you have ten thousand troops coming to the US border You got problems you got serious, and you got to be very careful. Do you know what I mean? you got to be very careful as the cartel because You know if you think Scheinbaum is gonna keep Donald Trump out of Mexico should things get hairy
Starting point is 00:06:50 But you see what worries me is it's the whole Middle East sort of situation. It's the It's the hydra of power right the hydra of power You know what the hydra is, right? They cut the head off and two more heads sprout. Like, that's what this drug cartel situation is down there. We've watched it happen, right? The larger cartels had been killed off, the leaders put in prison, that kind of stuff, and now it's splintered into multitudes. Now of course the United States is really good at pitting people against one another that they won against one another. I still think now watching Korea suffering the losses that they're suffering, North Korea,
Starting point is 00:07:38 I still think that there is, I don't want to say it's brilliance in stratagem by the US, but I still think there's a tinge of let's take Ukraine and let's take Russia and let's grind them against each other and let the Russians suffer the casualties and weaken them. And then you get an ally of Russia's like North Korea, who's always talking about war and we're going to do this and that and let's let's grind them down too. Meanwhile, you know, if every everybody talks about the United States as like we're stretched, we're so stretched, we're so what I know is, you know, one of our greatest enemies, so so called that shouldn't be that way, but it is that way right now. The other superpower outside of China has been fighting a war for years now.
Starting point is 00:08:32 And it's, you know, that's not just in headlines, like that's in resources, that's in men being lost, and if you combine the Russian losses with the birth rate in Russia, you know, the falling birth rates everywhere in the world, they're falling in Russia too. It's, you know, you're losing, you're losing the ability to build a fighting force. Just is what it is. You know what I mean? Just is what it is.
Starting point is 00:09:01 But this is one of those stories, man, that really caught my attention. Can we go through the news together with this? You're going to see a lot of this guy in the very near future. These headlines have changed dramatically over 24 hours. This was a massive story yesterday and the headline was basically China AI supremacy. Now, it was a little misleading, you know what I mean? Because it wasn't a it wasn't a Chinese It wasn't a Chinese AI supremacy from a you know from the standpoint that you would be like, oh no
Starting point is 00:09:47 What's going on did my camera go out or something I'm getting messages from my Yes, it did okay Sorry about that can you got you guys can still hear me right? Let me get the camera back online It seems to be online Anyhow, not sure what's going on with that, but we'll get it fixed. This guy popped up. Um, L2 Survive in chat says that's what caused the dump in the Dow yesterday. Yeah, that was interesting, right?
Starting point is 00:10:22 It was very interesting to see China and what what they put out essentially was a just as effective or so they say as effective as chat GBT but cheaper you know so I mean that's what we saw is sort of like capitalism at its core. You know what I mean? And But the way it was sold was like oh massive tech sort of upgrade and It kind of got everybody riled up a little bit Sorry, I'm restarting the The camera here. I hit something. I think I hit my USB here with this thing Okay, I think we're back online Let's see if we can't get this thing
Starting point is 00:11:16 And if not, we will just go audio not the end of the world, right? Oh, no, we're back How do I get back on here? Probably got to move from this camera back to the world, right? Oh no, we're back. How do I get back on here? Probably got to move from this camera back to this camera, right? Oh no. Well, not sure folks. We could be, oh, there he is. There he is. Hey camera.
Starting point is 00:11:41 You want to see some AI? Hey camera. Oh, I can't see my hand. Hey camera, come find to see some AI? Hey camera. Oh, I can't see my hand Hey camera come find me. There you go This camera sweet man. It's pretty cool, especially when it turns off randomly. I love that So what l2 survive in chat says is this this AI can be on only when it's needed so it uses less power it's open source though so everyone will be using code soon enough oh China with an open source AI that's interesting that is interesting Wow so that was one of those big stories that caught my eye a lot of these stories
Starting point is 00:12:21 have been lifted and moved the cartel story should be here, right? It's been knocked down really low, like over here to the left side. The other big story that really caught my eye is sort of the Rubio, the Marco Rubio Taliban battle that's ginning up. It's interesting. It's interesting. You know, the tal—what we learned from Sean Ryan about the Taliban—and I apologize for not getting the newsletter out this week—I'm going to get you two, okay? We're going to do two. One's going to come early because we have to stay up and up on that stuff. I can't even find it now. More stories about working Americans turning to food banks
Starting point is 00:13:06 as Fed inflation battle drags on. Shadow of evil. Vatican warns AI could undermine the foundations of society. In the Warhammer universe there is is a thing called the warp and it is essentially hell and great strides are made by mankind by entering the warp at their peril. There's a lot of weird parallels between technology and the war and it is you know, it is largely a technological advance in the warhammer world, too as Crazy as it is as dorky as warhammer is the parallels are wild. I Guess I got to look this thing up Yeah, I guess I have to look it up that went down quick
Starting point is 00:14:03 That went down real quick. Would you guys be interested in a headline-esque website like this one done by me and my fellow hosts? We've had talks about doing it for a long time. What I want is to be able to put an article up in front of you That is the article without all the nonsense Rubio Taliban, let's get to it You know, no matter what the Taliban is I've got a great prep for you in inside the cash But just understand this show is gonna be about this kind of talk
Starting point is 00:14:46 Okay, this kind of talk is what this show is gonna be Brian. I sure would what is up, man Good morning. I Really do apologize. Oh You're right l2 survive. You're right Yeah, that's a good call that's a good call I have thought about that L2 Survive says it's oh born to brap okay sorry man I try not to remember people's real names I do I mean I just do it's not because of anything you know it's just a weird thing in my head.
Starting point is 00:15:29 You are right, L2 Survive, it is called Future Danger, but Future Danger headlines, just like the Drudge headlines into the story itself. I don't even know if it would be legal, but what I would like to do is take the headline and the story and when you click the headline you get the story just in text and bold stuff that matters forget about pictures forget about Advertisements and all that kind of stuff because it's it's unbearable wait I'm gonna show you another story another example right here as I share this Marco Rubio Taliban number We got the same big gigantic ads we got you know fungus on the right side
Starting point is 00:16:06 The this is from the regtech times really Okay, maybe we need to go to a different website. Let's let's go pick another one I can't even read the guy's name looks like the the author's name looks like he fell onto the Keyboard before he started writing this story. The Sun from New York, the New York Sun. See this site looks okay. Of course I've got to allow them to do stuff to get their get their thing out of the way here. Not bad though this isn't bad. Oh, it went to a different window. Hang on. Marco Rubio largely has been, I think he's been instructed by Donald Trump to come out swinging.
Starting point is 00:17:01 That's what it looks like to me. It looks like Donald Trump said, we're not gonna feed this beast anymore. That is the Taliban. I could be wrong. The dark truth of it all is the Taliban has to be, this is the only thing I can think, the Taliban is our mercenary army in the Middle East, right? Chat, give me your thoughts on that. Like from the amount of money we send them, the things that they do over there, to me, it all kind of lines up as like the American mercs somewhat, you know, somewhat covert. But not really that covert, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:41 It's almost kind of like they're not, you of like they're not associated with us and they do give us problems, but at the same time, it's like I said, it's a lot like the cartels. We're going to pay off people to kill people. We're going to pay off people to do certain things. That's how this cartel thing is largely going to be managed. Yeah, like retirement, right? L2 survive, like retirement age stuff. But yeah, that's a good one. L2 survive says when you share your screen, the algorithm shows you, you know, all the things that they think you want to buy, or the things that you spend your time searching or reading on the internet.
Starting point is 00:18:30 The algorithm has one hell of a time with me, I can tell you that much. It's such a weird ride in my head. It can go multitudes of directions. So Rubio threatens to put very big bounty on Taliban leader after reports of Americans, more Americans than previously known being held in Afghanistan. I wonder, oh great, we have to enter our email. Okay, forget it. We're not digging into these articles anymore.
Starting point is 00:18:59 It's a nightmare. It really is. This is what I mean by, by, like they say like why alternative news? Why is alternative news getting such a big bump? Why? Who's gonna read this stuff? Who's gonna go through this nightmare? Largely what happened is Rubio came out and said you know, we need more cooperation out of the Taliban. And the same old story out of the Middle East. And he said that we're going to put a massive bounty on the leadership's head. And then the Taliban leadership said that, I mean, the Taliban leadership
Starting point is 00:19:41 fundamentally said that Jihad worked in Afghanistan. Using the sort of example of us being there for so long and then us leaving and then them rolling in and taking it back over. So all this kind of posturing and stuff is happening on the backs of the technological stuff, on the backs of the situations that Americans are facing For anybody who is on the fence about chickens, we're seeing record high egg prices again Record high egg prices become big Trump problem apparently Trump I have a plan
Starting point is 00:20:23 Okay Trump, I have a plan. Okay? I got a plan. All you have to do is convince all the states and all the counties and localities to allow people to have six hens in their backyard. Now the egg companies won't like that because they'll put them out of business, but it is what it is. It is what it is. There is no egg problem. Right?
Starting point is 00:20:44 It's a zoning issue. It's an animal control issue. It's a so twisted state level government issue that I can drive down the streets of my city 10,000 vape and tobacco and alcohol selling establishments on every corner, popping up left and right, across the street from each other in certain areas. What I can tell you is, everything that ushers people closer to self sufficiency. There's no way you can argue it in the world that we live in now right with what we have going on in this world now it's just seem so bonkers that anybody would even raise a finger to a family of four saying i'd like to have six chickens in the backyard in a coop. Right. in the backyard in a coop, right? We'll feed them, we'll harvest their eggs, we'll make sure that they're taken care of
Starting point is 00:21:48 and protected-ish. And what is the issue? What is the issue? We have dogs like crazy, so it's not that Americans are incapable, right? Thirty-four bucks for seven and a half dozen eggs from Sam's. Jay Ferg is giving us some pricing. Nine bucks for 24. Egg prices are absurd.
Starting point is 00:22:14 I wish the first lady would pick growing your own food for or homesteading. Wow. Not Melania Trump. That ain't happening. But that would be a good one. We need a good country first lady in there. Mm-hmm That would be good country not crunchy right Jay for not a crunchy first lady, but a country first lady Garden girl said so glad I freeze-dried eggs when they were 99 cents for 18
Starting point is 00:22:42 Look eggs are a thing for me folks. Like I don't know, I don't think there's like a large contingent of Americans that are like I love eggs and gotta have them. But that's, I love eggs and gotta have them. You know what I mean? Like I do. They're a staple of my diet. Multitudes. If I could tell the AI cameras that's staring down my soul, the eye of the warp that stands before me, to turn around, you could see the chickens. They're like right out this window. And they're laying. This happened. This is how this works. This is what I don't understand. You know, what I was most surprised about with keeping chickens is how easy.
Starting point is 00:23:23 It's just easy. It's just easy. It's just dead easy and it doesn't make any sense. I don't understand what the downside is. I don't understand what the zoning... if you don't have roosters. I mean I don't even hear the chickens. If the neighbors didn't see the chickens they'd have no idea I had chickens. It's just too easy and every time I see stories and headlines about egg prices and egg prices and egg prices and egg prices, right? I'm just like, what what are we doing? What's going on? This is a pretty easy problem to fix. And oh, by the way, like you don't even need everyone to have eggs.
Starting point is 00:24:10 You need like several people in a community to have eggs and then sell them at, at a real price that works instead of $9 for three. You know what I mean? It's crazy, man. Jay Ferg, the girls are not laying eggs. How weird is that? all three Maybe they sold you something other than chickens. Maybe they weren't I'm kidding
Starting point is 00:24:35 Yeah, that's good. That's a weird one. That's definitely a weird one. You think they're getting enough water food Sunlight, maybe you know what you're doing. I don't need to coach Jay Ferg on her chicken keeping. Yeah, it's probably time for a little cock-o-van. Well, not with hens, but this is a story I did not read yesterday, but I do want to read on there. We'll preface it, then we'll do DMG Media and its partners use cookies. We're gonna... Dude, I'm telling you, it's such a nightmare. FBI begins nuclear incident drill in New York amid fears of World War III. I saw this yesterday from the Daily Mail.
Starting point is 00:25:20 I was like, all this stuff I saw yesterday,. I was just like what has happened over the weekend But what I want to do first before that I want to get into our Segment inside the cache. I've got something very special man. This is not a piece of gear It's not a home security superstore number. It's Really a special thing. All right, so let's Let's get into it Not often will I present you with books
Starting point is 00:25:57 But this book right here was written by the father of the prepper broadcasting network this book right here prepperpper Survival Navigation, is a very important one, man. It's a very important one for a number of reasons. It was written by Walter Glenn Martin. Now, I thought I mirrored my screen so that you guys would be able to see this stuff. Written by the man Walter Glenn Martin, G-Man who created the Prepper Broadcasting Network, passed away I don't know four or five years ago now right. When I got this book, I got it early because G-Man and I were pretty close, I got an early copy, this is the same copy he gave me, sent me from the
Starting point is 00:26:42 publisher and he said look it over let me know what you think and I read the whole thing and What I found is His life was crazy in Terms of like this is why I always call him the real deal, you know Because it is it really is the real deal. He really was the real deal in terms of like a mountain man I'm like trying to like work my way up to something that he does in some senses in some sense I have
Starting point is 00:27:12 no desire to be a mountain man at all but like you know some of those things that he had embedded in him are skill sets and lifestyle stuff that we all here at PBN are striving for you know I didn't know that about him until I read the book He didn't he was never the type of guy who's like let me tell you all about myself. You know what I mean? I do miss G man. One of the things that would happen is we would call in when we were on blog talk radio Call in like 10 minutes early and then chit chat with G man, you know, and it was fun Sometimes he was like half in the bag He'd be ready to sit back and enjoy the show
Starting point is 00:27:52 But he was essentially the producer and would be there for the shows and work the back and and you know admirable of him to do it But this book right here the size of this book is one of the things that matters. Now this book as you can see has been through it largely. Why this book is all sort of flippy looking and looks like it's been used a lot is because it goes in my bug out bag. This is a bug out bag book which I didn't know existed until I got this book. I looked at this book, I read through this book, and it has great information on navigation, dead reckoning, the whole nine yards.
Starting point is 00:28:40 But what it also has is great information, almost like the second half, like the back half of this book is survival skills, you know, fundamentally. Survival skills with illustrated drawings. How to build a fire, other types of fire, how to light a fire, primitive igniters, water, bleeding, bone fractures, so it your source first aid bites and stings. It's a ton of stuff, man Just like a ton of stuff What I realized is because the book is this size Shunk I even got like a in my bug out bag
Starting point is 00:29:21 I have a pocket up against the main pocket like pretend I'm the backpack and the book just fits right in it Fits like about like that and I can't think of a better thing to have in a bug out bag man because in all honesty Everybody's weakness is navigation Unless you know it's not right. There's a small group of people out there probably that say like no, uh-uh but but but the vast majority of us people who live normal lives One of our great weaknesses is navigation. Why? Cuz who the hell's out
Starting point is 00:29:55 Practicing dead reckoning on the weekend. You know what I mean? It's just not a thing. It's not a thing that you do a lot You're not out with a compass You know look It's not a thing that you do a lot. You're not out with a compass. Uh, you know, look, you're not out with a compass and map finding your way through unknown woods on a regular basis. So the book to me said from this book, I get a reference, right? I get myself a reference for all survival skills, you know, all the, all the most important survival skills, the second half of the book and then I get a step by step
Starting point is 00:30:29 Reference for navigation and it just makes perfect sense. It makes absolute perfect sense You got your your compass breakdowns in here. It's great, man The camera is trying to find me is going to the wrong thing The top of graphical map reading Using the analog watch the shadow clock or sundial navigation at night He's even got a quote from the Count of Monte Cristo Finding north without a compass is a whole chapter It's good, man
Starting point is 00:31:03 terrain association It's good man. Terrain Association, handrails and catching points, like just the, you know, the core of navigation, particularly without a compass. It's a great book. Now I want to just turn the show off and read it. Exposure and Treatment While Navigating. Yeah, it's good stuff. So the prepper survival navigation by Walter Glenn Martin aka g-man the father of the prepper broadcasting network the man who made it a thing and he Yeah, man He put out a good book
Starting point is 00:31:42 You know some people write bunches of books He wrote that one book and that one book knocked it out of the park, fundamentally. In my opinion. In my humble opinion. Alright, let's shrink me back down. So the FBI begins nuclear drill in New York amid fears of World War III. I think it's something else, fundamentally. Now, I guess you could say World War III, whatever, whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:08 The Federal Bureau of Investigation said exercise includes military aircraft, personnel who will carry out scenario threats to be ready to, quote, respond to an event of a nuclear incident in the United States or overseas. The drills began Sunday, but the agency said the public may now see personnel practicing out in the opening. The exercise ends January 31st. The training will not pose risks to area residents. Please do not be alarmed. The FBI. While the FBI emphasized that the exercise poses no threat to the public, it comes a month after Vladimir Putin.
Starting point is 00:32:46 See, I don't know about Vladimir Putin. I think this goes back to the homeland attack. I really do. I don't think that the FBI and the US government and the military are as concerned about a nuclear weapon from Vladimir Putin hitting the United States, New York in particularly. Because remember there is a part of Vladimir that is bent on the preservation of Russia and if you want to assure the destruction of Russia then you nuke New York, right? Like what's the quickest way to incinerate Russia? Don't get any ideas, Ukraine. But the quickest way to do that would
Starting point is 00:33:32 be for Russia to shoot a nuclear weapon and to hit New York City, because then it's all hell. It's all hell raining down on that country. And maybe nuclear volleys and all that fun stuff. What I think has been going on with drones, what I think is going on with the FBI and nuclear incident drills and so on, has everything to do with terrorism. I really do. I think it's been far too quiet for far too long.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I think time is of the essence. It's just everything sort of lines up to me to look like if we're going to have a nuclear incident in this country, it's going to come from terrorists. It's just their bloody game. It just makes sense. You know what it's just their bloody game. It just makes sense. You know what I mean? And terrorists, fun and terrorist factions are largely the only groups that can get away
Starting point is 00:34:32 with nuclear weapons. Most every other nuclear armed entity will pay huge repercussions. Right? If you nuke the United States and you're another country, then we know where you're at and we know who to hit back. The problem is, if you're a small faction of cave-dwelling terrorists and Iran slips you a nuclear weapon, nuclear device, whatever, then it becomes real hard to retaliate. You know, it becomes really hard to retaliate unless you're brave enough to say, this is Iran's doing and they screwed us.
Starting point is 00:35:12 But, I don't know, as I mentioned guys, the news has been red hot. It's just what it is. I don't like to get on here and do these kind of shows where I'm talking about Just madness, you know any madness the whole time without solutions because I don't know, you know, it's It's a lot for the average person to deal with it really is it's a lot and We're in the business of kind of shaving off the a lot And we're in the business of kind of shaving off the a lot We want to make it so that you can stare into this void of
Starting point is 00:35:54 Nightmares that is the day-to-day news and go well the egg prices don't affect us, you know and Thankfully we're in a location that's far away from the battle of the Border Patrol and the US military and the cartels and you know all these sort of things that you put in place over time as a prepper are supposed to put you at ease. They're not supposed to make you more crazy. That's the whole thing. The big lie was that the preppers are the paranoid people in society. Now we have a mental health crisis all over the entire world. The only people that seem to have it together are those who put protections in place to
Starting point is 00:36:28 be prepared for a moment like this in history. That's the best promotion I can give in terms of listening to the Prep or Broadcasting Network and really taking this stuff seriously, really taking self-reliance and independence seriously. It's a big deal, you know Alright folks 40 minutes gods like Wednesday Stay tuned to the prepper broadcasting network. I will be back tomorrow with surviving America Please in the links down below support the sponsors. We've got Lima Tango survival incredible You want a rapid preparedness solution Lima Tango survival is the answer for that get the gear you need You heard me talking about my bug out bag get your get home bags get your bug out bags get your survival
Starting point is 00:37:18 Cache is taking care of over there at Lima tango survival comm We also link to the home security superstore down below. Great company, great viable and affordable security solutions. You know what I mean? The self-defense solution. The thing about the home security superstore is to me when I peruse their site, it's like one of the last things I see that you can go in there and be like, I can afford most of this stuff. Everything else is double the price of what it once was. You know what I mean? Um, and I also have a link down there to the giveaway.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Okay. To the giveaway for pack fresh USA. You want to rest your head, your little peace of mind this day and age, like DIY food storage, buying rice in bulk, packing it in mylar bags and five gallon buckets with oxygen absorbers. This is peace of mind and PackFresh USA creates the best, right? The best. They really do. Brian Isherwood, born to Braps says, this works better than Instagram Live. I'm glad to hear it. I probably will go Instagram Live I'm glad to hear it. I probably will go Instagram live after this though because I do feel like I got to reach out to them, too Oh
Starting point is 00:38:30 And I'm and that no YouTube YouTube channel l2 survive check him out subscribe give his video some likes got great video reviews and he's got an awesome Emergency supply charging station build on his YouTube channel right now Check it out that nub l2 survive That's it for me folks. I'm getting out of here I've spent I don't want to say too much time with you, but too much damn time with you All right
Starting point is 00:38:59 I'll see you guys soon look for clips from Richard Ramos and go back and listen to that show is great All right, or watch it. You can watch it here on rumble or YouTube or X whatever wherever you're watching this Because you know kids are the future man. Talk to you soon. All right Thanks for watching!

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