The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Power and The Path Back to Stability

Episode Date: January 10, 2025

PackFreshUSA Giveaway: Tango Survival: THE SOLO: One-Man 24+ Hour Survival Kit - LIMA TANGO SURVIVAL...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 you're listening to pbm you're paying back the stability here Good morning, folks. What is up? I'm a little bit behind today. Trying to manage these media websites is almost like digitized assault digitized assault like digital assault or something it's so bad when you go to like a new york post or where was that the daily mail uk website is like a hoax that's what it looks like to me it looks looks like a hoax. Like it looks like a joke. I had ads on every side of the picture and the headline and they're moving and they're going over the top of the picture and going over the headline.
Starting point is 00:01:17 And I'm looking at it like the only way, like the only way a normal person winds up with a website so bad, in other words, you're going to this website to see photos and to read words about photos and maybe even to see videos. The only way you wind up with a website that bad, it would have to be intentional unless you were a total moron. You know what I mean? Like you, you would have to sit down with a group of people and say like, all right, so we're going to put together a news website called a daily mail. How can we make the experience for the user at the Daily Mail.
Starting point is 00:02:07 The absolute worst. Like what is the worst experience you can have reading news off a website? It's showing up and not being able to read the news. 100%. And the way they do that is they put pop-ups and ads on this side and that in a video. And then you click the video and there's two minutes worth of ads before you get to see the video. And I'm sitting there on the website like you have to plan for this. Like you have to be intentional about making such a bad website. Either that or you're just a bunch of fools.
Starting point is 00:02:43 So I don't know what you guys are doing at the Daily Mail, but that's my take. Maybe time to reevaluate the website, okay? Nobody goes to the Daily Mail for ads, but that's what you get there. So suffice it to say we're here now. Morning, Jay Ferg in chat. What is up? Over there on Rumble. If you're a Rumble follower, I think we got like over 500 of you guys now.
Starting point is 00:03:12 There's a subscription option over there. It's like five bucks or whatever for the month. If you subscribe over there, I'll reach out to you through Rumble and I'll get you on as a PBN member because we have a $5 option on our membership website. So if you subscribe through Rumble, we'll just call that a membership, like a monthly $5 and take care of that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Yeah, we're going to get some snow snow too i brought this article up um the tragedy in in the west coast is unbelievable there's a part of me that looks at it and is like wow and there's a part of me that looks at it and is like particularly when when my son showed me the hollywood sign on fire i don't know it really just made me think of the old testament a lot you know it i mean i don't know call it what it is but it just made me look at that and say like old testament popped into my head like vengeful god you know like all the it's like the epicenter for agnostic god hating you know what i mean hollywood itself it's not i mean take it for what it is right it's not a
Starting point is 00:04:35 prescription i'm just saying that's jay ferg and chad says sodom and gomorrah it's a good way to look at it too um yeah ma'am so you, there's a bit of that sort of Old Testament vengeance from God that keeps resonating in my head watching this stuff. It's horrible. Sucks for the people involved. And, you know, I hope to never experience anything like it. But we're going to be inundated. You see, not the people as much, but the fallout of this is going to be this is climate change, and it's your fault. And this is the stuff you can't buy. This is the stuff you can't buy from these idiots. You can't buy the West Coast is on fire, and it's your fault for driving a vehicle and eating a steak. Right. Because that's the game that they will play with this.
Starting point is 00:05:33 This is climate change, the winds, all of it. It's all your fault. And I take a real issue with that. I take real issue with that because. For the last decade of my life alone i and every host on the prepper broadcasting network has been saying california's a basket case and it's run terribly i even have people who who host podcasts who lived in california and left listeners who lived in california and left for texas because it's terribly run. All across the nation, PBN family, we're seeing mediocrity and what happens when mediocrity is left unchecked. You know what I mean? Jay Fergie says the LA mayor was cutting funding to fire and fire hydrant checks.
Starting point is 00:06:25 I saw this yesterday. Again, it's just terrible management. It's mediocre people in high places with limited experience and no common sense. And you can run that experiment for a little while without it being too much of a problem. What most interests me about this homeless man with the, they say a flamethrower, but it was like a burn-zomatic and a, it was like a blowtorch, propane-fueled. look at the guy i can't tell they haven't put a name out yet of course i can't help but look at a guy like that pictured and and not think when did he come across the border you know what was
Starting point is 00:07:11 his mission what were his marching orders you know what i mean i know that's prejudice and all that kind of stuff but uh there are threats if you haven't noticed. And we got to figure out what they are. And I think. I don't think we can point. To greenhouse gases. For every threat that we face. As a nation going forward. The reason I brought this up.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Number one. You're going to be maligned. For being an American. Maligned for being a human on the planet Earth and destroying Gaia. And this is going to be one of the ways they do that, right? They're going to tell you it's climate change. Well, maybe not. Maybe it's the fact that L.A. in particular has had such an out-of-control homeless situation.
Starting point is 00:08:03 It's unfathomable. They had an outbreak of typhus like five years ago fleas you know i mean i don't have to go down the list you guys know what's going on over there not only that and you can look this up yourself i'm not going to do it for you but this has happened before this homeless people living in the woods starting fires, either intentionally or not, has happened in California before and has triggered wildfires before. running of a city and a county and a state. You can't have hundreds of thousands of unchecked people living in tents in the woods, boiling. They don't care about burn notices. I said this yesterday, by the way, before this even came out. They don't care about burn notices and when you can and can't, and they don't care about your city. Right?
Starting point is 00:09:09 You know, there's something to ownership. Ownership, taking ownership for America, taking ownership for the human race rather than blaming the human race for every problem. So I don't really want to go off on tangents regarding this. I'm not really that into the story. To me, it just speaks to sort of mediocrity reaching its limits, its breaking point. Crazy people running cities and states, the city of LA, the state, the county of LA, the state of California. Crazy people doing crazy things that people like me have been saying are crazy for years. The idea that anybody thought Newsom was going to run for president and somehow beat Donald Trump
Starting point is 00:10:06 is so hilarious and was hilarious to me from the get-go. But anyway, all of this stuff equates to this weird idea that we're all being faced with right now in different ways, which is putting the wrong person in the job and feeling real good about it because they look a certain way or are a certain gender. You know what I mean? The job has to get done. Like I said about the water, there are certain enrichment. There are certain jobs that have to get done. Not everybody's working checkout at Target. They screw up, the customer goes away happy because they got a little discount. You know what I mean? Half the merchandise is going out in people's pockets and backpacks anyway.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Now, I want to steer the ship into a more positive ground because over the last couple of days, I've received some – we receive emails a lot from our followers, members, listeners. members listeners and you know they're they're the reason we do this but what's most important is is the yield to me you know the yield to me is very important so i got a couple messages about the power of pbn from our listeners and our members um that i want to read to you guys. And I want you to understand like this path back to stability thing is real. We're living in instable times, right? Instable, non-stable. We're living through instability and it's showing up everywhere. We're living through instability, and it's showing up everywhere. You know what I mean? And preparedness is the way back. Being able to stand on your own two feet is the way back. with 13 inches of snow, caring for chickens, working, keeping things running here in southern Indiana. I went through our preparedness list nearly half a dozen times before the snow arrived. 13 inches turned into two feet in my little town. The highway was easily cleared within 10 hours, but getting through the driveway, not so much.
Starting point is 00:12:47 The realization that preparedness as a concept is only a journey, not a destination, is mind-blowing. There is no end. It's a moving goalpost from one event to the next. Each instance reveals another quote-unquote thing or process that could be and should be better. This is extreme preparedness insight from this guy, by the way. Really well done. Really well thought out. 100% on the mark too, by the way. My wins, food, water, shelter, animals included. Layered ways to heat that warms my heart Layered ways to heat warms my heart
Starting point is 00:13:29 Because the layering of preparedness is everything Layered ways to heat, cook And all the time in the world My losses Or my opportunities in the future It's a good way to look at it. More propane, more effective tools, better processes. Better processes for snow removal, question mark. Sounds weird. The realization that I needed more propane but isn't a grid-down SHGF
Starting point is 00:13:59 type of renewable resource is kind of mesmerizing. Being prepared and being self-sufficient shouldn't even be mentioned in the same breath if a person were to really contemplate the totality of possibilities so this is a long time member uh lifetime member actually now when i tell you guys the listening audience the the viewing audience that the this community here at prepper broadcasting network is different this is what i mean you know you can plug into any old prepping YouTube channel guy or whatever podcast. These people that listen here at PBN, they're just legit. It just is what it is. They're doing it.
Starting point is 00:14:53 You know what I mean? They're doing it like we're all doing it. They're honest, which is beautiful. You know, they're humble. They're thoughtful. We go to Prepper Camp. We meet these people in real time. And as a collective, the hosts gather together to discuss Prepper Camp,
Starting point is 00:15:17 both on the mic and off the mic, and to discuss our audience on the mic and off the mic. And we're blown away by you guys you know my my the best way to explain it is if you drop your wallet and 200 worth in cash billed out of it the person would find the wallet in the cash and return it to you as is without question any person at prepper camp like this is it was so funny to be boots on the ground at prepper camp for several years and then to see the business insider uh lady show up at prepper camp to do her little media thing and to put out an article about how prepper Camp was all white people with AR-15s. It was amazing. This was 2019, maybe 2020. And it spoke so much.
Starting point is 00:16:17 What's up, Jay Pine? It spoke so much to the tone deafness of the media, even that far back, that you could go to an event like that and see the kids running around playing and see the 60 plus courses people teaching tons of people how to be more self-reliant and independent and and come away with this idea come away with this paragraph about well what's really going on there is it's a bunch of white people and you know it's it was just crazy so it's important for me uh as the intrepid commander here that is what it is um to slow things down from time to time, slow all this, you know, the business sustainability of PBN, right?
Starting point is 00:17:13 Like we've got to make money. We've got to pay bills in order to stay on there. And to get back to like the guy I was when I was podcasting 10 years ago on a Friday night live with no intentions of it being a business, no intentions of anything and just meeting people, learning, being in the thick of this, getting my family prepared for right now, this moment in history is what I started 10 years ago and why I started it. So that things like this would happen around the nation and I would be able to go, we've got plans, we've got resources, we've got all the things that we need. You know what I mean? And a mentality as a family that this is good, what we're doing. Sorry, the disaster coffee is so on point it's unbelievable i'm drinking my favorite disaster coffee today tsunami um jay ferg in chat says she liked the review this morning on the members side and
Starting point is 00:18:20 it's almost kind of like she knew what I wanted to do today. I'm going to read you another testament. But I do want to show you family gear real quick. They're called bionic boomers. Seniors once riddled with debilitating arthritis pain. I can't turn that down. That's so loud. So, let me turn the volume off.
Starting point is 00:18:49 What is up, PBN family? I'm giving you a peek behind enemy lines here. So, this is the Lima Tango survival logo. And what I gave the members is, we do a segment called Family Gear for members, and it is a gear review that's what it is it's a gear review i never really did gear reviews on youtube or any outlet like that i've only recently started reviewing stuff here on this podcast um and then one day it kind of
Starting point is 00:19:16 hit me it was like i got all these people paying to support pbn paying members they the ones that deserve the full scale gear reviews my real you know full attention to certain pieces of gear so i started family gear to uh you know pbn family family gear what have you and so this guy for those of you who are members uh is waiting for you over at the membership website as you can see here and uh you know it is what it is what you will what you will take away from this review is that i give you my honest opinion on this thing you know the good the bad the ugly the the amazing there's a lot of good stuff going on with this bag ugly the the amazing there's a lot of good stuff going on with this bag this is a problem solver you know so yeah check it out if you're into that kind of thing
Starting point is 00:20:15 we had so much over there it's ridiculous like what we do at has become, it's become a standalone preparedness website that rivals, I'd say it rivals most preparedness websites that are out there, except ours is members only. But we have such content and such a breakdown of content now that like, I don't know, I'd say it rivals any prepping website out there, to be honest with you. And that's just our membership content alone. It has nothing to do with the podcasts fundamentally. So let's hear from another incredible PBN listener. Let me see where to start on this thing. I'm trying to keep anonymity here. Well, the reason I became a lifetime member is that I want you to succeed at this. That's one of these things you hear from somebody on a Friday morning. It's like, whoa, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:27 um, this is from a member who you probably will hear from eventually at some point, somebody who's really doing a lot of the things I've become a damn near expert on food preservation, canning, freeze drying, a garden efficient producer,
Starting point is 00:21:46 a long range multi Multi day backpacker And a lot more At least half of these skills I acquired from PBN within the last 10 years This is When you put out content daily When you have 15 people There was a time we had 20 different people putting content out of PBN.
Starting point is 00:22:11 When you dedicate yourself to that kind of thing, these kinds of messages, man, are like electric, you know. I owe PBN a lot more than the cost of the membership. I'd love to participate more in the future But for now it's not possible Thank you so much for all you and the hosts do This just is what it is folks You know It's It's important to add
Starting point is 00:22:40 You know The real life aspect to what we do here every day I don't want to promote anything It's important to add, you know, the real life aspect to what we do here every day. I don't want to promote anything. I have an SLNT dry bag here that I was going to promote. It's Friday. We've done a lot of promotion of products throughout the week. Do check out Lee Matango's Survival and consider membership so you can check out the full scale review. It's linked down below. You can check out the backpack. It's awesome. Like I said,
Starting point is 00:23:12 you don't get a lot of backpacks and you won't get a lot of backpack reviews from me because I'm not a big fan of what people put out. This is a different thing. This is a different thing. But suffice it to say, man, when we say your path back to stability, I'm looking around the nation. I'm seeing what people are hungry for right now. Right. They want to be self-sufficient to some degree. They want to be able to have solutions when the government comes on the TV and goes, we don't know what's going on. Things aren't working right. You know what I mean? This is what they want. This is what we provide. This is our community and so on. All right. So enjoy your weekend, folks. We're getting some snow over the overnight. We're going to have a blast. I'll talk to you guys soon. And, you know, go to PBN family dot com. Sign up this weekend. Become a member, right? Let's do some ads. Let's do some ads. We also got the great Pack Fresh USA giveaway going on. You guys really should take advantage of that because food storage is everything, man. And you're going to
Starting point is 00:24:36 get some great books, some of my great books sent to you as well. Talk to you soon, folks. Food storage and preservation are at the heart of self-reliance. Our sponsor, PacFreshUSA features made-in-America products. I shop for Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers for my home food storage. But they do all kinds of products.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Go to and check out their Prepper University and order their box set of Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers. It's a 7 mil 100 pack of Mylar bags, oxygen absorbers, labels, and even a food storage guide.

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