The Prepper Broadcasting Network - People with Supplies vs Those Without

Episode Date: November 19, 2023

Discussing the collapse. What happens when those without go up against those who still have? After chapter 27 of the novel Virgis....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 3, 2, 1, GO! survive, and thrive. And now, here's your hosts, Sarah F. Hathaway and Chen Gibson. Chapter 27. Cole enjoyed the evening of downtime with Nicolton, Bingham, and Bennett. They talked of simpler times and battles fought on foreign soil. It was late the next afternoon before all the trucks were finally loaded, and they were on the road back home. Alex is hilarious, Monroe commented with a chuckle. That man's got jokes, Virgis Chappie agreed. What were you and Bennett talking about anyway, Monroe wondered. He's a friend of Nicolton's from back in Basic.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Nicolton went private defense contractor, but Bennett stayed in. He actually lived in Kingman for a while, Cole informed them. Seems like Alex and Nickleton aren't so sure about the new system. What did Bennett have to say, Monroe queried. I gotta tell you boys, I envy him a little. He has the ability to blindly follow orders and trust his superiors. He thinks everything will be restored once the disaster is over, and we have to do what it takes to restore order, Cole recounted the man's words. A by-the-book man, Chappie wondered. Question is, who wrote the book?
Starting point is 00:01:43 Because the people certainly didn't vote for it, Monroe added. Look, guys, is that smoke on the horizon? Cole wondered, pointing out the window. Sure is, Chappie agreed. Rydell's up here. Ask him what's going on, Monroe suggested as they approached a slender young man with black hair. Pulling up next to the man while rolling down his window, Cole asked, Pulling up next to the man while rolling down his window, Cole asked, What happened? The bandits came back, Rydell explained. Cole could see the bags under his eyes.
Starting point is 00:02:12 The young man was exhausted. Curious about the integrity of the leadership, Cole asked, Is Barry okay? Yes, sir, Rydell answered, looking out at the burning buildings. But they hit us hard. Looks like it, Cole agreed. Is he at the hardware store? Sure is. Wow, what's left of it. Thanks, Rydell, Cole told him. Monroe pressed the gas on the truck, asking Cole, do you want to stop by there? Cole was concerned. Too much of the town had burned. Do it, he answered. Monroe just wants to make
Starting point is 00:02:46 sure Ginger is okay, Chappie jested. Monroe replied honestly, I'm a bit concerned. Oh man, it's worse than I thought, he exclaimed as he drove up to the store. They blew off half the building, Chappie exclaimed in awe. Monroe brought the vehicle to a stop and the men jumped out, approaching a small group of people standing in front of the building. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes, Barry bellowed, watching the men approach. The bandits had to be watching or someone is informing them. They knew a large part of our force was absent, Cole explained his observations. My thoughts exactly. We're gathering all the supplies and storing them in the bank building across the street. We can use the vault
Starting point is 00:03:32 there, Barry informed him. Good thinking. Is everyone accounted for, Monroe wondered. We lost two guards, but all the civilians are fine, Barry replied. Losing one is too many, but at least the civilians are okay. I'm going to drop off these supplies and check on my house. Let's get together tomorrow to talk strategy and see if we can send out a tracking team. Cole was infuriated by this attack. It would severely affect the long-term survivability of this community. Sounds good, Barry agreed as they left. They headed back
Starting point is 00:04:06 to the truck. Turning the key, Monroe looked to Cole, declaring, maybe Bennett was right, Virgis. If we had a force here to protect these people, maybe those fighters would still be alive. Can people really be left to their own demise right now? The settlers didn't have a force to protect them and they survived, Chappie argued. They were free to make their own choices, Cole added. Monroe shook his head at them, explaining, the settlers were used to surviving with much less. These people went from being couch potatoes
Starting point is 00:04:39 to being self-reliant homesteaders. Some people won't be able to adjust and will continue to take advantage of those who can. I see what you're saying, but arresting criminals is one thing. Arresting people because they lost their home is another. What about the people who didn't? Is it fair to allow them to live in chaos? If the refugees were left to their own means, they would trounce the landowners' properties, Monroe argued. How do you know, Chappie wondered. Look what happened here today.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I'm just saying, order does have to be maintained. Monroe explained his thought pattern. I don't think any of us have a solution, Cole admitted sadly. And I don't think any of us really know what side to stand on, Monroe added, pulling the truck to a stop. Isn't that the truth, Cole agreed. We'll worry about sorting that out tomorrow. But let's get this stuff unloaded right now.
Starting point is 00:05:37 What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments? Your cheap is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prep or mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase. Hello and welcome back to the Changing Earth Podcast. This is episode number 424, season 15, episode 27. You just heard chapter 27 of Virgis.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Hey, Chin, what's up? Chin's up. Hey, man. Crazy change in Earth times right now. Just got me all stoked. So, all right, I got the deal of the century going
Starting point is 00:06:37 right now on my books for Christmas time. So, if you listen to my podcast, haven't ordered my book set yet. I have a few of them left, haven't ordered my book set yet. I have a few of them left and I'm selling the whole set for $100 right now. Autographed?
Starting point is 00:06:56 Autographed. Yes, sir. It doesn't say Christmas special or anything. It's just marked down over there on my lowly old website. So like I say, if you haven't gotten a set yet, now's the time I got a few left.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Um, and then once, you know, I probably won't be able to get an order in before Christmas. So if you want a set, uh, get on over there to my website and order your set.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Well, just think of it as preparation for some of the changing earth news that you have, right? Yes. We have some blues towards us. So get your set now. Have it stored up and ready and start reading once you're snowed in. You want me to do the time traveler stuff that I found? All right. Well, we can put that out there and then we can watch it together and to do the time traveler stuff that I found. All right. Well, we can put that out there.
Starting point is 00:07:47 And then we can watch it together and see if the time traveler is right. Also got the Changing Earth merchandise over there. If you want that before Christmas, you better get your orders in as well. I'm getting mine in this week. So Changing Earth merch. We got the sweatshirts are just bomb. I need another one. Hint, hint.
Starting point is 00:08:10 If somebody wants to get me another one. I got the Knees Not Nuts shirt over there. You can bam get one of those. That'll just be great for whenever I'm out teaching classes. And then...
Starting point is 00:08:26 You could do a moral patch. What? Knees Not Nuts would be a funny moral patch. Right? Oh, I'll have to get in touch with Tim on that one. And then I'm thinking next weekend we do the blooper
Starting point is 00:08:41 episode since we got the holiday and everything. We'll just have some laughs and some fun. And so I'll see who I can get rounded up to come on that show. Maybe we can get Yuri on the show. Get TJ over here. Get... Senior Turkey. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Exactly. So, yeah. So the book sets, Hunter box, change your earth merch in April. I'm going to be out at the Patriot conference in, um, Indiana,
Starting point is 00:09:15 Indiana, Illinois, Indiana, Illinois. Sorry. It's in Illinois. So if you're following me on Facebook, you can, uh, I know the worst Facebook
Starting point is 00:09:28 um but I'll put it up on my Twitter too and you'll see uh um newsletters stuff like that's coming but I will be out there in April um it's gonna be fun to do another event this year so uh Patriot Conference in Illinois if you're up north and you haven't seen my classes yet, come on out. Is TJ going to be there? I don't know if I'm going to be there. He's back on the street, man. He's doing roundups.
Starting point is 00:09:58 We'll see if I can get him to get off work for it. I guess retirement didn't go very well for him. I was giving him a hard time what's up suzy homemaker so uh he uh he went back to work put a uniform back on and back out on the street so we'll see um if he can make it hopefully i'm gonna be in his neck the woods. I think it's only like a few hours from his house. So, yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:10:27 So that's big news. And, of course, I'll be announcing that as we go. But the biggest things right now. Sheila Whipp. Yeah, I know. Dude, you should have seen him when I gave him that. So I gave TJ a whip at Prepper Camp. And he gets a hold of it.
Starting point is 00:10:46 I put a paper plate up on the tree for him. He just whips it off the tree, smacks it out of the air. I'm like, dude, he did get bit. I guess we didn't hear about that around the campground. Right? Crazy guy with a whip. He's up there, man. He's gone loco.
Starting point is 00:11:09 So. crazy guy with a whip. He's up there, man. He's gone loco. Big shout out to L. Douglas Hogan. He does a great job as Swenson. He writes some spectacular books himself. That's some fun stories. Great stories. His O-Taker books. He does some phenomenal...
Starting point is 00:11:23 He also writes westerns, too he's done he's done a bit so yeah um speaking of i'm almost done uh i just finished getting uh episode 11 done so episode 12 will be done we'll be putting out the next block of the changing earth audio drama before too long so um that'll be a nice holiday nothing says holidays like the changing earth audio drama so that's the i don't even think it's like a holiday time for them maybe yeah no, no. The end of the season three is. Anyway, okay. So we played Chapter 27 of Urges today. They returned home from Vegas.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Home fires were still burning. That's a good thing, right? Yeah, no, no. That's not a good thing. So the marauders knew that a large portion of their force was gone and took advantage of it and um oh like we were talking in the green room and this is going to be a very much a recurring theme of Virgis is those with supplies versus those without. Because, you know, that's what's happening. Like in Somalia right now, like 500,000 people are displaced because of the flooding over there.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Like that's a serious amount of people on the move, you know. amount of people on the move, you know? So it can overwhelm any kind of infrastructure really, really fast. So it comes down to the conversation between Monroe and Cole about, you know, do people need to be controlled by a strong government in these types of situations, or can they literally recover on their own? And I don't know. Tough one. It is.
Starting point is 00:13:33 It's almost case by case. It is. You definitely need the sheepdogs out there in full force if you're going to do it on your own, because somebody's got to be watching out for... Like a regional, like if you have a regional natural event and what town kind of recovers better than the other town, you know?
Starting point is 00:14:02 It's all who had a stronger community, a network of sheepdogs and hardworking people just to bring that back. Right. And like, uh, for example, Acapulco, it just got hit,
Starting point is 00:14:18 you know, like it's the military rebuilding their stuff there. And for the hotel owners and the civilians are like, well, whatever, you know, figure it out. So, rebuilding their stuff there and for the hotel owners and the civilians they're like well whatever you know figure it out so um it kind of seems like the world's getting tapped out on resources to give each other and because so many huge events are happening right yeah so that's that's kind of a scary thought in and of itself it's the slow frog right i always
Starting point is 00:14:47 think like oh it happened it could happen all at once and then you know you're just in it but it's like it's been the slow turn up of like okay more disasters more disasters more hits more hits more hits and how do you you can like You could turn around and hear another of it. It's like another something to deal with. Right. And how long can you just like deal with these long-term happenings over and over and over and over and over again? There's another storm hit in the UK. I mean, they're just getting battered lately.
Starting point is 00:15:25 So it's definitely a conversation worth having. UK. I mean, they're just getting battered lately. So, it's definitely a conversation worth having. And remember back, Selko was real big. He was in the Bosnian War. And he talks about like,
Starting point is 00:15:40 okay, so you can survive in your little corner. You've got your stuff. and you can make it. But, like, what do you do when 250 people show up on your front yard? You know. His book is, man, the whole thing, talking about surviving through the war, it was crazy. The things that you have to think about doing. Man, that was a book.
Starting point is 00:16:06 It's a read. Yeah, such a brain exercise. Definitely his story just leaves me thinking all the time about like, okay, is any town really ready for this? Is anybody really, really ready for this? No. No. really really ready for this no no we're way too busy with technology like just worried about like
Starting point is 00:16:31 uh that's funny i hope my one of my big things now is is backups to my technology backups to my technology. Right. Like cell phone to radio to these off-grid texting systems. I'm going deep into rabbit holes with all this stuff. I got into radio
Starting point is 00:16:57 because of cell phone crap. And now I don't even think the radio is my best. I'm like, I'm looking for two is one three is better right we're gonna have to do a show on just that just your rabbit hole findings lately but but everything is like you know it's like you know a little solar a little gas a little propane a little this a little that little wood you know it's wood. I'm trying to build as many fail-safes
Starting point is 00:17:28 as possible. It's crazy. I remember back days when I was just going to work like a little grasshopper. Right. Friday nights, not worry about a thing. Watch the
Starting point is 00:17:44 Facebook. Yeah. No, it is. And just with everything as far as, like, the potential poll switch and what's going on with the earth, what our crazy, you know, governments are doing, with just everything that's on the table. It's easy to just be like, well, I just don't want to pay attention to it. And I want to stick my head in the sand, you know?
Starting point is 00:18:13 Um, but the reality is learning all those skills is really what could be what saves you in the end um yeah especially you know with all the skills now because well you know i know well i mean we both you and i have both moved to new states literally in different environments and trying to learn how to to to live and trying to learn how to live in those and off those environments. It's a challenge. It is. I mean, if you've got to pick up and go mid-swing, it's going to be hard.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Yeah, it's a lot of experimentation. Let's see what works, what doesn't work. Talk to your neighbor to see what they found works. Right. That worked for you. Because the less wheels you have to invent yourself the better but not everything works for everybody the same way so yeah it's been years in for us i mean trying to get this garden situation squared away and everything different states topsoil the region that you're in and then um all the different i mean i was so versed in wild forageables um in california and it's just so different here um that it's like goodness gracious
Starting point is 00:19:32 you know yeah garden girl agrees after four years still in the same boat i know so and it is all about that it's about talking to your neighbors oh you know they they put salt in the soil to help with their potato production and stuff down here and um different things like that that we didn't really have to think about there so um you're absolutely right on that point and that's a lot of times talking about it too so you know it's not like you're yeah it's a good way to build up a friendship exactly and like get to know people um i do that on my walk all the time whenever i see gardeners out i'm like hey gonna pick your brain you know
Starting point is 00:20:09 don't mind my giant german shepherd but uh yeah here goes that lady again oh my goodness i'm like always picking everybody's brain though but man you learn so much and then watching when they plant and what goes down like my peach tree literally blooms in april okay that is weird as somebody who came from the midwest you know um it's just way early so um you literally have to just start thinking about things at different times of the season than you did before. And so, yeah, if you have to pick up and move mid-swing, my best advice would be the Audubon puts out a really, really good book on regional plants and things like that. I would pick up an Audubon book for both your area and surrounding areas, as many as you can collect, basically, in areas you think you might go.
Starting point is 00:21:10 And then Native American, there's a lot of Native, the regional tribes have books on what their ancestors did. Those books are great for if you had to just learn to survive in that area all of a sudden well that was a rabbit hole yeah right yeah but um back to the skills learning skills which you can do like especially from a female point of view okay like, it has to be very clear that I can defend myself and that I'm useful, you know, as a thinker, as somebody who can help you survive this situation.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Um, you know, there's a different aspect that women have to think about than guys do, you know? And, um, so that's why I really, really encourage talking with Sarah. the person's going to know.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Well, hey. Sarah's the brain. Yeah, we want her on our team. It's an aura projection, right? I mean, it is. It's like, you know, I will just that Wolverine protect that, you know uh i will fight till i am dead so i it's just not an easy target um because there's many more easy targets out there but you also don't want to be arrogant and cocky and get yourself in trouble just because of that yeah right yeah so
Starting point is 00:22:39 there's a lot of uh the lord has taught me a lot of humility that comes along with being a confident powerhouse type person, right? That, oh boy, I've almost learned to think before I speak. And the other thing is listen, right? Yes. People love to talk about themselves. Yeah, exactly. And not listen to the other person, what talk about themselves. Yeah, exactly. And not listen to the other person, what they're saying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:09 So typically, if you can get somebody talking, you can learn a lot about what their group is doing or what, you know, just if you can just get somebody talking about just anything, you're going to learn a lot of background instead of uh filling it up and filling their ears up with information right oh what you're gonna say right exactly you're not learning anything if you're just saying it what's in your head yep so i mean it could be like the best way to draw water out of the earth in your location or the best time to plant like you were just saying or when you know yeah yeah when to pick certain plants predator for your chickens in in that neck of the woods yeah i mean i was out walking the dog friday night saturday and i heard the coyotes just whooping it up man i was like they've been all over out here, too. Like, all over.
Starting point is 00:24:07 I hadn't heard them that much. There was a lot of talking going on out there. I've been finding a lot of scat, like, right at the end of the driveway. Like, really? Just letting us know you're here, you know? Because they do that. Like, a domestic dog will always go off trail, but a coyote is going to go right on the trail
Starting point is 00:24:28 to show you it's my territory. Yeah. You know? So that, and I've been up against the gophers. Oh, God, the gophers. Oh, yeah. So as far as it goes, though, think defense. The bigger your group is, the better.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Right. Because then you can strengthen numbers. Again, I was saying you can't be arrogant and stuff. Why? Because you can always lose to the law of large numbers. It's not Hollywood. You're not Jean-Cclaude van damme you're not going to be able to to you know or whatever jet lee yeah exactly you will fall to the law of large numbers um unless you have superior firepower and you know that can be taxed as well by large numbers. If large numbers are working smartly.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Mm-hmm. Exactly. Good job. Yeah. And then we were talking, you know, in the green room, like, okay, so everybody's like, well, I'm going to protect my stuff. I'm going to be out there with my guns a-blazin', blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Really? You know, you're just going to slaughter 50 people in your front yard?
Starting point is 00:25:46 I said Sarah, a gif of a guy in his double barrel shotgun. Right? Yeah. You know, people with supplies versus those without. And, yeah, the gun's going to be the answer. You know, I just don't see it. just don't see it i don't know i don't know it's just uh it's gonna be tough man it will be put to the test uh as far as like that's why i do so many shows on values because it's gonna come down to your values being tested no matter what they're all being tested right now
Starting point is 00:26:26 let alone then you know so um but defense think defense think you know taking care of your family and um bugging out is always an option you know if you leave before the fight starts, that's when you're going to survive. So think about food for the move. Ration bars, rice, peanut butter, sprouts, forageables, things like that, that you can eat along the way, that are easy to carry, that you can, you know, live off of for a while. And then train, train, train, man. I still train four days a week, you you know i'm not going to any school right now i'm not but i'm still training my body four days a week to make sure i'm ready to go
Starting point is 00:27:12 make sure my punches are sharp i'm quick just a while what's that we we see those garage pictures every once in a while yeah still going still going. Still going. Yeah, it turned cold out there now, so you got to get warmed up a little bit more. You don't have to worry about muscles stretching as much, but you do have to make sure they get good and warmed up before you go. I've been thinking about doing a weekly program of what I do to share with everybody. So, but some of them are specific, like injury specific, you know, things that I'm working on.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Because I'm not a young person anymore. And I got some aches and pains and things that have to be strengthened. Both things. After you're already like sore the next day. Yep. It's like, I was just doing this. After you're already sore the next day. Yep. I was just doing this. No big deal. Yeah, no. Big deal. Yep.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I haven't been really crazy on doctors lately. If I can take care of it myself, then game on. Yeah. I had another thought. Multiple baskets for your eggs. Yeah. I had another thought. Multiple baskets for your eggs. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:29 So you don't want to have every, like, so you got a great house with a great setup, but you have a house fire, or you have a home invasion, or you have this or that. You might want to spread stuff out. Yeah, where are you going? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Right. And, you know, whether it be, you know, a a friend's house family member's house or vacation property or whatever your thing is um you might want to spread some of your goods around that's a good idea always a good idea gotta have a plan b c d like yeah in motion luckily i got you know good friends all over the place but you know um i've tried to start local groups and it always seems like we have way too many chiefs and not enough indians you know so um haven't really found anything that goes in sync and that's why i say humans are mostly an adaptive species you know we wait for something to happen and then go oh yeah we got to adjust to this right so i'm not really surprised that
Starting point is 00:29:33 people aren't like proactively thinking about things because you know their life is full of run to get your coffee or whatever um first world problems we can imagine we have as us cushy victimized Americans, you know. Oh, so pampered. Life is good, man, if we can just keep it this way. And keep the corruption out. That's the thing. When life gets too good, people get too comfy, and then they quit looking at who's in charge and then start getting taken advantage of,
Starting point is 00:30:08 and that's unfortunately what happened. You know. Got to keep virtues alive, whether that's through God or nature's God. You got to keep virtue alive or it doesn't work. So, but unfortunately, when it it comes down i don't have an answer to what to do when there's supplies versus those who don't have supplies i mean there's going to be hungry people how can your heart not go out for you know kids that are starving i mean but then you're giving
Starting point is 00:30:46 up your whole food supply to them and your family or your little right community and then as that parent who's watching somebody else's kids eat and yours aren't what aren't you gonna do to make sure that you yours can get through you know know? So it's going to be, going to be a test for sure. Get right in your own heart and your own community and, and do the best you can. It's, it's again,
Starting point is 00:31:15 like our first bullet point was prepare the community, right? The more everybody prepared, the less people are going to be starving and looking for handouts or demanding handouts you know food banks might be a great place to get involved with i know we have a big one here in lyndale and uh that might be a great place to kind of get involved with for starting uh you know real preparedness journey for the community. And then, of course, they have, like, the local CERT stuff. But, you know, I'd really rather stay, like, away from the government.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Well, yeah, I've been trying to figure out how to get involved in my local community. Because I really think that's, I think people like us need to be involved in, like you were, because some kind of outreach to nurture the proper mindset. You know what I mean? Right. Right. And then the other thing is, too, if you're near a big city, you've got to get the hell away from there. Yeah. I mean, you got to have someplace you're going to go where you're going to team up with somebody that's not near a big city.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Cause you know, I just don't think like they're going to be pouring out of there and they're going to be like, Oh, the country people have the few, the food. And that's when, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:44 there's going to be big problems. Well, you know, I moved from a decent-sized city, not a huge city, but a decent-sized city to very rural, right? Mm-hmm. And it's not like Midwest, like, that rural, but it's pretty rural. And there's still drug problems, right? Yep. And all the crime that's involved with the drug issues. Yep.
Starting point is 00:33:11 And there's been talk, and it's been talk that I've heard from legit sources and multiple sources, that cities are busing homeless people out to our neck of the woods huh yeah right yeah here you go survive in nature well i mean them yeah in the little town instead like small towns like around me but um yeah so they they they take them out of a bigger city and you know medium-sized city and drop them off in these little rural towns that's crazy yeah and i thought a friend told me about it and then i heard some other people of status in the community talk about it. You're like, it's really happening. Yeah, when you hear it from multiple sources.
Starting point is 00:34:16 So, you know, I don't know how you're going to get away from all the issues. Our sheriffs would be like, get the hell out of here. Actually, it was a talk. So I joined a hunt club out here, right? One of the sheriff's second command. I forget what he was called. So the sheriff couldn't make it. So they came and did a talk
Starting point is 00:34:39 at the club, just like a community outreach. So they came and talked and he mentioned it. Crazy. The talk that one of the cities around here was busting people out. Oh, I know what city it is, I bet. Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Yeah, I do. Oh, man. So that's interesting, right? So I'm just saying the more we can get our neighbors and, you know, townspeople all together and thinking on the same page, the less it'll be easier to deal with this. Some kind of a plan, right? And I'm sure they have it. I'm sure every city has written it written into their bylaws. So maybe I'll do a little research on that and figure out, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:26 what, uh, talking to a word for it. He was like civil, remember civil defense. Yeah. Civil defense. Yep.
Starting point is 00:35:34 It used to be like a big thing. They used to be like bunkers and all the high schools. And yeah, my son was on the civil air patrol. Yeah. So it's like, why that needs to be a thing again right you know yeah get people involved it's volunteer i mean you're paying for whatever but the it costs the government nominal
Starting point is 00:35:53 and it gets the people involved in oh no then you weren't you the one who put up the thing about they're shutting down the whole ham civil ham radio it was uh the marines of the navy were i think the marines were shutting down they had like a um a broadcasting where you could talk because i know like you could talk to this the space station if you want um if it flies overhead occasionally you can talk with them and get like points and stuff if you do contesting. But the Marines had a station where you could talk to them. So they're shutting that down. Which makes me think, another rabbit hole, but it makes me think they're pulling in on all the Marine ball
Starting point is 00:36:39 and the ham station. Why are they starting to pull back on all this fringy stuff, you know? What's going on? Right. Garden Girl was asking us, what do you consider near a city? And so I was saying, you know, 40-minute drive is still a walkable distance. Once that city starts emptying out, then they'll just start expanding from that city. Like I need further than a gas tank away.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Yep. Yeah. Because that's still an easy drive. Yeah. People in the car and run out of gas. So what cars, you know, 20, 25 miles to the gallon kind of an average some get better some get worse yeah so if he's 25 miles to the gallon and 20 so that's 400 500 miles right yeah right that's about how far you can go yeah and one take a guess yeah yeah so do i you know i'm
Starting point is 00:37:47 a couple hours away from dallas yeah i'm like an hour and a half say shreveport i don't really think would come this direction but dallas yeah yeah you're pretty close to uh... You can stare back with a tank. Yeah, easily. Yeah, we do it all the time when we have to take people to the airport and stuff. It's still pretty darn close. I will say that we're also by a smaller town as well.
Starting point is 00:38:23 That's still a pretty big city though. You know. So. I'm kind of like triangle between three. Decent sized cities. Mm-hmm. So. Not huge.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Medium sized. Yeah. Definitely have to think about that because when you have large crowds coming out of those types of cities. East coast, on the two coasts, it's hard to get 500 miles away
Starting point is 00:38:55 from a city. Especially on the east coast. You really can't. That's why I didn't move to like... To your advantage. That's why everybody has some pounds. like to your advantage try you know that's why everybody has some mountains yeah i was thinking about moving to uh knoxville right knoxville yeah yeah and i was like man that is right at the pass of the mountains like somewhere to happen
Starting point is 00:39:17 east coast and they were just pouring through that's where it would happen so i was like nope not doing that. I don't really know, you know, where the best place is. And that's why I'm saying, like, there's not an easy solution to this problem. No. At all. This is just doing a thought experiment so we can understand, like, there might be a time when it's like, okay, I'm just leaving my house because there's nothing we can do and i want to keep my family alive move into a new town or a new location the odd man out for a long time right and if you do leave now you've left and you're like, you know, on your own.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Now you're one of the ones who doesn't have coming against those who do. I mean, I had a career in the building industry, right? Yep. And then I moved here and I was having a hard time finding people to build my house because i didn't i didn't have a network of people like i did in my previous situation exactly and you i mean it wasn't really that far it's not like you moved from california to texas you know oh no i'm one state away yeah exactly so yeah i know it does it takes a long time and even like uh even when I was back in Cali, I went to high school for just a little bit with a lot of the people in the town where I lived. And there was still the old townies that all went to high school together and everything.
Starting point is 00:40:58 I kind of fit in there. I mean, my husband totally did. And then there was the newbie newbies. I mean, my husband totally did, but like, and then there was like the newbie newbies, you know? So, uh, yeah. I grew up, I lived out of town. Like I had to be bused in. So there was like the townie kids. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:41:17 This was a tiny little. Right. There was a townie. And then there was the country kids. Yep. On the bus. Yeah. The country kids. Yep.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Garden Girl says most won't even have a full tank this is true this is true that's why i say like uh 40 minutes is still even walking you know you can walk that and not not too bad of a time so at least you know they were coming if they're on foot though if like you were scouting properly and stuff so hopefully they're tired hopefully all right let's jump into some changing earth news like i say there's not an easy answer here go ahead and uh um throw it at me as far as it goes because we're gonna be like i say this is gonna be a conversation that comes up up quite a few times. So join us in the thought process. All right, here we go.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Let that music. All right. So luckily the sun has been pretty chill because our planet is like so vulnerable to a CME right now. It's not even funny, but God continues to bless us with his grace. And we had some M class flaring. Those were not earthbound. We are expecting one CME on the way from Thursday's eruption. It shouldn't be too dramatic on our planet,
Starting point is 00:42:45 but we've seen things having a much bigger effect than people thought they would. So we're going to keep eyes on that. But also we're keeping eyes on the sun because there are some active regions that are coming in. It's an extremely low level of activity because the earth is turning into, or I mean the sun is going into one of its active periods,
Starting point is 00:43:11 and it's been an extremely low level active period. So that is saving us down here on planet Earth, guys, literally. Big news is Iceland, right? literally uh big news is iceland right so they have uh gridvic uh totally evacuated now uh the roads are literally cracking apart uh buildings are cracking um so they are expecting this volcanic activity to happen any day they're in iceland and what that's going to look like, nobody really knows if it's going to like annihilate the town or if it'll go on the other side. So they just don't know what to do and how much lava is going to come and what that looks like. So. All right. So let's jump into it. all right so let's jump into it november 13th of 2023 there was 369 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a 6.1 in papua new guinea um i-10 was shut down in downtown la from
Starting point is 00:44:16 a fire that started from homeless camps so it was one of the biggest shutdowns they've ever had to do of I-10 and it was due to the homeless problem. We had I-40 and the Appalachian Trail both shut down because of fires in North Carolina. Yeah, you did. That's coming up. Yup.
Starting point is 00:44:41 UK was hit by storm Debbie. Came in 70 mile an hour winds they had tornado warnings uh flooding again they are just getting water logged over there uh somalia like i was saying at the beginning of the show um it's killed more than 30 people in flooding and has displaced 500,000 plus people. That's a lot. Yeah, to be on the move. So prayers out to everybody over there.
Starting point is 00:45:15 And then, you know, there you go. 500,000 people on the move because of flooding. Crazy. The United States, central Kansas, was hit with a 4.0 earthquake. Mount Etna started explosively erupting in Italy. And Oahu is still dealing with their wildfire issues, burning down some of their critical forests there. So that sucks.
Starting point is 00:45:42 November 14th of 2023, there was 381 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger the biggest of which was a 6.1 in the south indian ocean um there was also a really big earthquake that affected sri lanka southeast of colombo and johannesburg in south africa was hit with a severe hailstorm they had roofs collapsing, flooding, lots of vehicle damage, and it was very odd for them to have golf ball-sized hail there. So another storm of the century type situation. November 15th, there was 287 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, the biggest of which was a 5.7 in Indonesia.
Starting point is 00:46:32 There was a 3.6 earthquake in Illinois, in north central Illinois, in Putnam County. So that was kind of big news. I guess it happened. I don't know how many people actually felt it. Doug said he didn't feel it. So I was like, did you feel the earthquake? He's like, no.
Starting point is 00:46:53 I'm like, okay, whatever. It's probably sleeping. So Vietnam was hit with extreme flooding. Thousands of homes underwater there. There was another flooding event on the northern China and North Korean border. Vietnam was hit with extreme flooding, thousands of homes underwater there. There was another flooding event on the northern China and North Korean border. And then in the United States, in Washington State, in the southern end, there's farmers that were dealing with the severe rain and hail there.
Starting point is 00:47:24 They were trying to harvest crops, and the rain and hail did not do great things for them. The 16th of November, there was 406 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, the biggest of which was a 5.0 in northern Indonesia. The United States, South Florida, 100,000 people were without power. They had massive amounts of flooding and high winds. And the rain started and they just really haven't stopped over there so they've been dealing with a lot of flooding in southern florida wahoo fires have reached 2,500 acres they are not contained at all bedford county washington the matts creek fire has gotten really big 2,750 acres in that one and they did declare a state of emergency in Virginia due to the amount of wildfires burning there when you look at it comparatively to like what happens in California
Starting point is 00:48:12 you know for somebody who's been dealing with California wildfires for years it's like super tiny numbers but when you think about like the size of the state compared to California, well, then I guess it makes sense. So the fires are burning there in Virginia. November 17th, there was 430 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, the biggest of which was a 6.7 that shook the Philippines and South Mindano. Lots of damage occurred there. Seven people at least have been
Starting point is 00:48:47 killed from that earthquake and did not do great things for the Philippines. Florida was targeted by two storms that hit. The rain just kept coming for them. And then there was a couple of tropical cyclones that were potentially forming out in the caribbean and they're like wow this is super crazy because our hurricane season should be over but um it it uh was looking like it was going to stir up a little bit in queenland queensland australia the gold coast was hit by a wall of hail that just came through, did some massive damage over there. And the Matts Creek fire there in Virginia grew to 5,148 acres. On the 18th of November, there was 325 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 5.5 in Papua New Guinea.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Jamaica was hit by a tropical depression, causing flooding and massive landslides there. Kenya was hit with more flooding in Mombasa. Dozens of people died in that event. There was a 3.6 earthquake in West Texas and they were still assessing the damages in the Philippines from the earthquake that hit there. They had shopping centers that collapsed. Lots of like cranes in the city, things like that came down, just massive amounts of property damage from that earthquake. And then Dubai was hit with another severe storm.
Starting point is 00:50:16 They had to cancel all their flights. They're having flooding issues and whatnot over there. November 19th, there was 336 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger. That is today, by the way. We are on a moderate alert for earthquake activity, the biggest of which today was a 6.0 in Japan. There was flash flooding in the Dominican Republic due to tropical rains there. California and the United States, we've been seeing some heavy storms off the coast, and Santa Cruz County has issued a flood advisory.
Starting point is 00:50:48 The Horn of Africa was hit with the worst flooding it's seen in a century. 130 people killed, and that came right on the heels of that hailstorm. Cyclone Midhilly hit Bangladesh. Seven people died in that event. And Siberia was hit with a hurricane siberia was hit with a hurricane siberia was hit with a hurricane okay hurricanes are warm water and siberia was hit with one okay that's just that just shouldn't go to all the beaches isn't it what siberia that's where all the beach resorts are yes isn't it yeah that's where everybody
Starting point is 00:51:27 goes on tropical vacations no it's like freezing and you know that's where on the kebchaka peninsula that's where the vague volcanoes are erupting right now um the wind was going at 38 meters per second three people died because of those hurricane force winds. And then Bulgaria was hit by a severe storm. Two people died there. They've had massive amounts of power outages, wind, hail, wind, rain, and snow associated with that storm. And then the North Carolina wildfires, they attribute it to a crash that happened in I-40. It grew to 1,200 acres in just two days. So, man, East Coast, quit starting those fires out there, guys. As far as volcanic activity on our planet right now,
Starting point is 00:52:16 there are 25 volcanoes actively erupting. That's actually down four from last week. That's into kind of average moderate level. There are 12 showing activity. That's up one from last week. That's pretty low number. There are 32 showing unrest. That's up two from last week.
Starting point is 00:52:36 But again, I mean, that's a pretty moderate number. So it's not looking too intense as far as our volcano watch goes, except for the activity in Iceland. And then also Campi Flegri that's in Italy, the super volcano, is still on the watch list. So we're going to stay on alert over that one. As far as wildfires in the United States, we're at a preparedness level of one. There are 42,724 acres on fire from 34 major active fires. In Virginia, 14,161 acres are on fire. This is from nine fires. Four of them are contained. In Kentucky, there are 5,557 acres on fire. This is coming from three major fires. There was like just 16 new ones and then 26 contained fires.
Starting point is 00:53:32 So it's been pretty interesting to watch the activity there in Kentucky because it's like, how are all these little fires starting? It's got to be either storms that are rolling through. I just don't have an answer for that. to be either storms that are rolling through um i just don't have an answer for that and then west virginia there are 5193 acres on fire this is coming from 18 fires and two of them are contained so east coast is just whooping the west coast which is it's been that way for a little while it's very unusual to see it that way as well. So I don't know. They were talking about like a drought in Tennessee and fires burning there. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:54:08 California is leaving. Right. They're taking it all with them. Yeah. I mean, California is just getting hit by rain right now. So that's the scoop over there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:23 So I found this. I don't know. It's goofy. I like watching like prophetic stuff. So I always write it down and see what's going to happen. So this is the time traveler. And he's supposed to be this real life time traveler, whatever. It's on TikTok even, which is is well but um anyway uh so there's some prediction that yeah exactly thank
Starting point is 00:54:52 you garden girl you guys got to get over to the chat if you're not over in the chat um funny stuff and i love having you guys over there um so cool to be able to interact as we're doing the show um so november 30th is our first date to watch for 2023 they're supposed to be flooding that destroys honolulu so we're gonna put that i mean that's like 11 days away so if you got plans to go to honolulu you better bring your rain jacket um december 19th of 2023 there is supposed to be a new type of storm that forms and it's the severe lightning mixed with the hail storm so we'll see if that actually happens because we've had some severe hail storms i mean i wouldn't be surprised by that one uh jan 2nd, 2024, the largest blizzard in United States history is supposed to hit 130 inches of snow in eight days. So we'll see if that's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:55:57 It's snow. Right. January 29th, 2024, extreme heat wave hits. Category five and six hurricanes affect U.S., Mexico, and South America. So that would be a hurricane in the middle of the wintertime. So, yeah, we could definitely. Oh, right. Yeah, we could definitely back check that one.
Starting point is 00:56:21 February 17th of 2024, an f6 tornado is supposed to hit houston and have a 17 mile wide swath so we can definitely check that one as well mark houston problem right yeah there was just those ones down uh by san antonio there was a whole bunch down there. But I don't know. Florida's been having them too lately. So anyway, I mean, we can check all this stuff. It's going to be coming up. The hot and the cold weather, you know?
Starting point is 00:56:55 Right. Yeah, the mix. Smashing into each other. Yeah. March 20th of 2024, mile-high dust storm that is in the mid east of the united states lasts for months from missouri to north carolina great and then april 2nd 2024 massive earthquake nickname big john which i found kind of amusing, given my books, shakes San Andreas and makes ruins of San Francisco and L.A.,
Starting point is 00:57:31 and the mega tsunami finishes the job. So that would definitely be a little ironic, given my books as well. So, yeah, I'm putting them on my calendar. I'm going to follow it and see. We could do like a little bet. I could give away books, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:52 we could do like a little, uh, who calls it, who doesn't. Right. Of squares. Do like brackets for like, uh,
Starting point is 00:58:01 yeah. Tournaments, basketball tournaments. Right. That's what I'm saying. Oh yeah, which one do you think is actually going to happen and which one's not? And then we can do the prize giveaway for whoever hits
Starting point is 00:58:14 the most after April 2nd. Hopefully they weren't from LA or San Francisco who wins. That'd be sick. This is no longer there to mail the books to right i know wouldn't be able to find the address so no i'm just kidding hopefully everything is okay like i love you guys like i know there's good people everywhere and so yeah but uh that's all i got um i've really had a big uptick of the worldwide listeners and visitors on my website so to all of you all over the world thank you for checking out
Starting point is 00:58:55 changing earth podcast come by to check out the website uh books are you know i got the biggest sale that i've basically ever done you You get all 10 books for $100. So it's like 10 bucks a book. It's just phenomenal. So get over there. Pick it up. If you want to get a set, you want to give one as a gift, And until next time, remember, dream.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Survive. Thrive. And until next time, remember, dream, survive, thrive. Thank you for joining Sarah and Chen for this episode of the Changing Earth podcast. Don't forget to pick up your copy of Day After Disaster, Without Land, The Walls of Freedom, Battle for the South, Dark Days in Denver, and The Endless Night at If you love the Changing Earth series and podcasts, become a supporter while you're there.

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