The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PHOENIX SURVIVAL

Episode Date: May 4, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. You're playing back the stability. I keep on moving forward. Always getting closer. March until it's over. And just like a soldier. I keep on moving forward Always getting closer I'm marching till it's over And just like a soldier
Starting point is 00:00:56 I keep on moving forward Always getting closer March until it's over And just like a soldier Always getting closer. Watching tickets everywhere. I'm dressed like a stranger. I keep on looking for a word. Always getting closer. Watching tickets everywhere.
Starting point is 00:01:18 It's ridiculous. Good morning, PBN. It is great to have you here on this Saturday morning, May 4th of 2024. That is right. How is everybody doing? I do see Pappy here in the chat. My early morning partner. Oh, what? I jumped chat rooms. So if you are listening live, jump over to, join the live, join the chat. I promise you the chat is half of the podcast. So what is going on in this world but chaos, mess, and everything else. So if anyone listened or watched the live yesterday i was on the show with the matter of facts boys andrew and phil they are talking about they were talking about how to define and balance and breaking up the monotony of everything else that's going on around you and to decompress and de-stress
Starting point is 00:02:21 and how different was and all three of us were I think the extremes on every end for the personality types um both Phil and I are very type a personalities who we both feel like we have to constantly constantly be doing something and Andrew Bobo is definitely one who doesn't mind because he is also a second shift worker who doesn't mind sitting down and relaxing so he has to get himself the motivation get up the difference between me and Phil is I need out of the house at the end of the day I need some human interaction I need to go walk in I need to be out and move in. Him, he's worked all day, he's ready to sit down and relax or try to. So we both are opposites on that that spectrum. But today, today folks. So I did do a quick TikTok live this morning. I was just showing some of the growth of the garden. I do need to put that up on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I have my drop bags, which I need to look. You know what? I'm just going to do this. This is why I have sticky notes here. I need to write this down. If I don't hit all of the equipment and the process. And write this down because I say it while I'm on the line with you, and then I forget what it was I was actually going to do. So let's do, I also want to pull a... Okay, and then I have some hard stuff to talk about, I guess, or stuff you may or may not want to hear,
Starting point is 00:04:05 and if you don't like it, turn it off. All right, what did I say? Oh, drop bags. Pappy, I hope you're helping me, because we both know butterflies are strong in this household. All right. which I'll probably do this after the podcast. All right, so Title IX. I know some of us had heard this. What is Title IX, right? Title IX is the most commonly used name for the landmark federal civil rights in the united states that was enacted as part of the education amendments of 1972 it prohibits sex based discrimination in any school or any other education program that receives funding
Starting point is 00:04:59 from the federal government okay so what does that mean in simple terms? It prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex and education programs and activities, right? I said that. The thing is, is what does it mean for you? Well, that means anybody can do, Well, that means anybody can do... Let me rephrase this in the right way, because it's the fact that this removed... Basically, what's happening now is there's more liberties amongst sexes being able to do anything, essentially. So now, what does that mean? That means the laws in those 10 states that had put into place to protect women and girls from having boys coming into their bathroom at school or in certain places is now no longer a safe place. That means boys can be in the changing area for the girls. They can be in the changing area for the girls. They can be in the bathrooms.
Starting point is 00:06:05 And honestly, it is concerning as a parent, as a woman, that something like that can be allowed. So it really changes how much people have as far as rights on, I get it is, you know, trying to keep people from being discriminated based on sex, but at the same time, women should have their own spaces. Men should have their own spaces. It's just that simple. No one should be allowed to encumber and take away that safety that was there. Now you're going to have to deal with more issues of sexual harassment, less than equal. They're trying to make it equal treatment, but things are not equal between a male and a female. Biologically, physically, hormonal, men are stronger than women. They are.
Starting point is 00:07:09 They're built differently. I'm not saying that women are weak by any means, but women are strong in their own ways. Men are much stronger physically. They are. That's just how they're made. they are. That's just how they're made. You know, so you are putting women in some dangerous situations. This is their way of trying to ugh, you know what? I don't even want to talk about this anymore. I know that sounds horrible. Do your research, folks. Look it up. Look how Title IX or what title nine meant and now that the fact that title nine has been was it title nine is now abolished title nine protected people from
Starting point is 00:07:53 being it yeah let me pull this up I'm not saying Title IX was a bad thing Title IX you know just the fact that Title IX was done the way it was and what does that mean and how it will affect you look into it folks
Starting point is 00:08:22 please do not do not, do not just take things for face value from folks. Do your research. Because right now, I'm flustered with the whole thing that I'm getting distracted. It's just, look into it, okay? Look into it. What else is going on in the world that we are seeing is, you know what, let me just pull this up. Protesting at the universities, right? So, on the live yesterday, one of the listeners, Kyle Wilson, or Kyle from YouTube, something like that, sorry. I just remembered seeing the name on there.
Starting point is 00:09:10 like that. Sorry. I just remembered seeing the name on there. Uh, he, he mentioned that there are some protests happening in the South, Ole Miss, Alabama, and LSU, but they're not going as well, which I'm not surprised because in the South, we don't handle protests in the same, especially in Mississippi. I lived there for 10 years. Now there are some things about that state I could tell you I think are a little backwards, but in the grand scheme of things, Mississippi is all for the rights of the individual and the gun holder. So when BLM was going through, when you had all these crazy protests that were shutting down the freeways in Tennessee that nearly killed a child who was in an ambulance, Mississippi does not put up with it. They do not. And the cops have, I've seen cops tell protesters, if you get in this road and you get hit, we will not stop the driver.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Hey, good morning, Silver Streak. How are you? 18 years for me. 18 years for what, Pappy? Oh, Mississippi. Yes. Don't get me wrong. I like Mississippi. There are certain parts of it that are beautiful some of the laws and the way that they protect the people there absolutely back 110 percent there are other things in that state that yeah a little less desirable but and it's just the way the laws and things work so I am seeing here police make arrest at NYU in the new school. Arrest from campus demonstrations are racking up. What happens next? These are just headlines, okay? What people do not realize, these young folks, and if you're a younger folk, individual, a college student,
Starting point is 00:10:59 whatever, listen up, please, please. You want to be pro-Palestine. You want to stop this. But do you not realize what you are doing? These chants that these people are saying are calling for terrorism. They're not just being pro-Palestine. They're being pro-Hamas. Do you even know what Hamas is? Do you know who they are and what they stand for? Do you not realize what you are calling for? What you are demanding and how you are treating the Israelites and the Jews? Do you not realize that you are making Hitler one of the proudest people in his grave? Think about that. You call all these people Nazisis you call all these people these horrible things and you demand all of these things on american soil and mistreat your own american brother and
Starting point is 00:11:54 sister for what your 10 minutes of fame you won't let uh social media and any sort of media crews in there because why you're afraid they're going to see your face but you think if taken over a part of a college campus and destroying that that you're making a a message no you're showing people how liberal and how bad things have gotten you you are you are making things impossible for everybody else who is just trying to do, get an education and do right by themselves. But then these kids are so upset when they get banned, when they're getting suspended, expelled, they're losing their grants, they're losing their scholarships. What did you expect? that everything was going to be oh rainbows and
Starting point is 00:12:47 flowers and sunshines and kumbaya you're no better than the idiots who have glued their hands to the concrete i'm sorry i'm not sorry sorry it is going to be a harsh one today i'm sorry pappy if you need to derail me please beautiful land and that was about it you're right Mississippi is beautiful it's very flat though so I'm used to the foothills in the Ozarks so it is very flat for me but yes some great hunting in Mississippi hello folks in the chat it's great to see you Matt Dog Dog, Cats Kill Frank, Silver Streak, and Pappy are my four today.
Starting point is 00:13:32 But that's the problem. These kids think that if they act in an extreme way that it is going to gain attention. You're not. You are not. You are hurting yourself. going to gain attention. You're not. You are not. You are hurting yourself. You are hurting the people around you. For what? Do you not realize the actions, what you are called for, is treasonous? I don't think these people realize. You've gotten so into your blue-haired, warped freaking mindset of pronouns and he, they, them, its.
Starting point is 00:14:14 No one cares. Mental illness has taken a high point with this behavior. Grow up. The world is not all sunshine and butterflies. I am sorry. I am so sorry that you are so overly cuddled and protected that you think that is what the world is. I am so sorry that you don't realize the world is hard. It is nasty. It is not easy. And we all struggle. There are going to be things in this world that none of us like.
Starting point is 00:14:51 But there are things in this world that are going to happen that are out of our control. And how we react to it makes the difference. So if you want to sit there and kick and scream and break federal laws and act like a child, then understand you will get the consequences for your behavior. If you want to handle things like an adult and understand there are things out of your control, things go a lot better. I'm not saying back the government on everything.
Starting point is 00:15:22 But I'm saying what these kids are doing is absurd. We should be back in Israel. That is my opinion. It states it. That is the Holy Land. That is not a country we need to ever turn our backs on. And this younger generation has no clue what they're doing to themselves. It's probably a good James James isn't live right now. I didn't mean to go that dark on you. It's just, it's, I'm doing a Phil rant. Sorry, Phil, I took that from you.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Y'all, be proactive in your life, okay? If you don't like something, change something different. You know, for me, I don't like how food prices keep going up. I don't like something, you change something different. You know, for me, I don't like how food prices keep going up. I don't. And it's not going down any time sooner. Our rent's increasing again.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Can you believe that? Again. Woo! And what are we doing? I don't like that food's gone up, so I'm gardening again. I don't like how much it costs for eggs and other things that shouldn't be as expensive as they are, so I have chickens again. I have an overabundance of certain vegetables in my garden that we won't eat in a single use, so I will be canning again. I buy meat in bulk so I can freeze and dehydrate and put up again because those are things I can do to offset everything
Starting point is 00:16:56 else in my life. I save money by doing this. Yes it takes a little bit of my time, but I'm okay with allocating time to something that is going to be a benefit to my family, a benefit to our needs, a benefit to saving money and the overall cost of things. I am taking the time to realize, okay, we're going through all of our clothes, minimizing, selling, what have you, decreasing, so we have less to have to worry about because overabundance is a bad thing sometimes, especially depending on what it is. what it is. Being able to say I can do this myself makes a difference. So, you know, I can make my own textiles. I can crochet. I am sewing. I am doing what I need to for my family. What are you doing? Doing what I need to for my family. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:18:09 What have you chose to do to help with your family? I know most of my listeners, I do believe, garden or are starting to garden. I want to try making sourdough, so I'm going to be doing a starter soon. Watching Garden Girl and Jay Bendy, watching them make stuff has really pushed what I want to do. And folks, if you are not in the chat, please sign up, reach out to myself, reach out to James, reach out to whomever in the network, and we can get you added to these rooms. We have things like the live chat, we have the open chat. We have the PBN family cookbook in which we share recipes. We have projects and homesteading and everything else. I mean, it is something you want to be a part of. These are people with like-minded ideas and we all come from different
Starting point is 00:19:02 walks of life. Think of it this way. Even if you're not 100% on board, maybe something on here might catch your attention. That's why we have as many hosts as we do. We have 15 different hosts, all from different parts of the world, different parts of life, and we are just all in the same area where we want to be self-sufficient, where we care for our fellow brothers and sisters and want to be more. It's just what we are. Let's see. Pappy, how about you real quick what anything you want to share that's going on over in your your neck of the woods that a listener might be able to jump on board with
Starting point is 00:20:03 i don't know if y'all can hear my son is in the background with his Miss Rachel program on YouTube and is just enjoying away on that. How about you, Mad Dog or Silver Streak? What is currently going on with new projects for y'all? I need to make this lighter because I did not mean to go on such a heavy rant I found some books I really want. Speaking of books, if you have not already, please go over to Prepper and Broadcast and, uh, or That is for members. Go to Prepper Broadcast and check us out on Instagram, Rumble, wherever you'd like to listen to us.
Starting point is 00:21:06 But check us out, especially on Instagram. Go to our page because The World of Ready is out. Okay, what is The World of Ready? The World of Ready is a book that is showing preparedness to children. It is not to be scary. Okay, you know what? Let me read this on the back. When wildfires threaten young Mallory and Conrad's home,
Starting point is 00:21:29 they discover a strange gift and embark on a journey to the world of ready. There they meet a creature, Ooda, who teaches them about preparedness and how to build a go bag. All right, this is kid friendly. This is sweet. We've read through it. Why not show that preparedness does not have to be scary for any person in the family?
Starting point is 00:21:52 I have three older children myself who I've raised in preparedness and they do not find it scary. They find it as a part of their life. So those moments that seem like they could be scary, it gives them that sense of peace. This book helps introduces that to your children. For those of you who don't know where to begin, who want it to be one thing,
Starting point is 00:22:14 preparedness is not age-specific. Preparedness can go all the way down to your littles, and this book right here is a great start. I love it. James, you did amazing with that so i'm giving you a shout out check it out it is on amazon i believe hold on let me pull up amazon so i can tell you it is the world of ready book one go bags. There are to be more. Okay. This book is amazing. Uh, if you have prime, it is $9.99. I think it's maybe also if you don't have prime,
Starting point is 00:22:57 I think it's around $10, but it's definitely worth getting. It's worth looking. It was written by James Walton, illustrated by Alicia Erling and Evelyn Wesley. Look into it. It's a great book, especially if you're not sure where to start. You want it family friendly. It's a great beginning. I promise y'all, it's a great beginning. Let's see. You know what? Let me go to a quick commercial break, grab some more water, and I will be right back. On the brink of blackouts again, as power demand reached an all-time record high overnight, slivers of the Golden State plunged into darkness. Some says it's expected to continue with stage six growing blackouts. He scheduled outage on Thursday, but the one that happened Sunday, it wasn't scheduled, it was unexpected, and it lasted longer than a day. Point Zero Energy has given me the American-tested, American-assembled, reliable solar backup that I've been looking for.
Starting point is 00:24:03 reliable solar backup that I've been looking for. Their Titan solar generator is American ingenuity at its finest, with a removable, expandable lithium-ion battery, 2,000-watt hour, 3,000-watt high-efficiency inverter. So what does all that mean to you? It means that Titan can charge your smartphone for 88 hours, your laptop for 35 hours, a CPAP for 108 hours, your refrigerator for 26.8 hours.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Get to today for the all-American solution to backup power. Hello, welcome to the podcast. Present your vaccine passport. enter your social credit score and be sure you have enough remaining carbon credits to enjoy today's show PBN Family Your garden is the resistance That's right Your garden is the resistance Resistance. That's right.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Your garden is the resistance. Can you believe that? Everything that we do as preppers is always going to be questioned. It's going to be a threat or something along some sort of lines. Self-sufficiency is key. Being able to grow and do for yourself is paramount you you need to be able to do these things whether it be knowing how to start a plants, how to fish, hunt, sew, all of these things are important. Now, what makes the difference is how important each one is to you. Yep, you hear that?
Starting point is 00:26:01 I don't know if y'all can hear him in the background, but hey, I can hear him singing away. I don't know if y'all can hear him in the background, but I can hear him singing away. But it just goes to show things... Things make a difference. Is my volume too loud? I just realized my microphone is reading some crazy readings. That's because it's picking up the music in the background. I did not realize it was, is it that loud Pappy? I'm just now realizing that it's moving based on the background
Starting point is 00:26:33 oh no yeah so I mean okay Yeah, so, I mean, okay. Sorry, I'm just tickled at watching this, and I believe it's picking up everything in the background. I may have to, does that help? No, that does not help. Okay. All right, regardless, being able to know what it is you want to do for your family. Again, we always hear, I don't know where to start.
Starting point is 00:27:13 I have a friend who wants to learn to can and she wants to do all these things, but she doesn't know where to start. And I told her, let's get the supplies first of what it is. Something simple. If you want to make jelly, if you want to can soup, whatever. Let's get those first, okay? I have the pressure canner. Let's get your jars that you want. And let's figure out what it is you want to make first. And we'll handle one thing at a time.
Starting point is 00:27:37 You get one thing down, you like it. Alright, you keep doing that. Great. Then you get to the next thing. Oh, I want to do this. Perfect. Let's start here. Always start from the beginning. Always. Well, I'm not sure how to do this. Alright, let's look up recipes. Let's look up the jar and cookbook. That one has some amazing recipes in there. Nothing wrong with that. Works phenomenal. Sorry folks, I am. So I know I spoke to y'all before when I found that electric chicken coop door. I didn't
Starting point is 00:28:14 need one. I did just make a wooden one. I've got to put the latch on there so I can lock it at night. But I found a two-in-one portable camp and stove and propane oven. Two burner stove top. With adjustable fire, thermometer, wind panel, and regulator for traveling and tailgating. This is what I want. That's $199. So what's that mean? It means I will be saving up for this.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I like this. I want to try it. I think it would be something that works great when the power goes out here, because guess what? Our fireplace has been removed. So what does that mean for us? That means that we have no heat source or cooking source indoors. It would be outside, but during hurricane season, it's not always the safest so we shall see we shall see all right not me sorry i'm everywhere today folks it's just a little rant kind of it's upsetting because this is not what we want for our children and our children are the ones who will have to deal with this so we are the ones who have to make sure we give our children
Starting point is 00:29:33 a solid background a solid foundation and i say this every time but it's so true i have I have four children. Four. I have a teenager who thinks he knows everything and can take on the world. And maybe he can. And maybe he will eventually know everything. I have two young daughters, both preteens, who one has her head about her better than anyone else I've ever seen and another one who has the strongest back. And I hope for the best for each of those older three children because they are going to deal with the times of now. They are going to live through this right now.
Starting point is 00:30:28 My youngest is so small that everything that happens within the next five years, unless something terribly dramatic happens, they will not impact him the same. they will not impact him the same. So all we can do is keep teaching our children to be prepared. Keep giving them that foundation, even though they're going to hit a point where, oh, whatever mom, whatever dad, I don't care. You know, like you know everything. And we don't. I don't know everything.
Starting point is 00:31:07 But I do my damnedest to learn as much as i can for my kids and for my family and that's all we can do give them that foundation give them that that hope that we keep alive in ourselves in them. So I keep gardening. I keep my chickens. I keep sewing. I keep taking time to take my children on walks and we talk about the animals, the flora and the fauna. We go to the beach. We talk about things there. We go fishing. We keep ourselves involved in everything around us so that we can keep our children's children involved and enlightened with what is going around them. with what is going around them. Parenting is never idle. Learning is never idle.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Being involved in both of these is a big deal. Sorry, y'all, I couldn't hear. Peppy, is it really bad or mad dog? I know y'all are in here. Let's see. Let's see. What is something good that's going on in the world? Let's take a quick peek. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:32:51 they're making it a whole Biden versus Trump now with the college protest versus Hamas and Israel we are dealing with our own issues in America we are dealing with an influx of refugees coming in, taking over people are getting hurt, people are losing homes, all because people who are not born here or going about it the legal way now have more rights than we do as an individual. I was trying to go to a happy route, but let's just be honest. This is what today is, sorry.
Starting point is 00:34:06 We are dealing with our own mini-terrorism in our own country with these protests of Hamas, pro-Hamas, pro-Palestine individuals on college campuses that are attacking and hurting the Jewish community, anyone from Israel, anyone who seems like they are pro-Israel. So, we are witnessing some terrible things, right? Or the start of some potentially terrible, terrible things. And these are all bad things. Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to downplay it. Why is this not motivation enough? Yes, it is not affecting you directly, right? But what do you do when it does? Now, at the moment, this is all at college campuses. But what about for the people who live around those college campuses?
Starting point is 00:34:54 Or those people who are trying to go back to school? Or are going to school and it does affect them? What would be something you tell them? What would be a message you give to these people who we are standing on the sidelines watching? What is something you would tell them when they ask why? I don't know the why. I don't understand their why. Not the people who are asking, the people who are doing this. I don't understand what you think this is going to achieve.
Starting point is 00:35:31 We're almost like 1970s, right? With the Vietnam. Oh no, not 70s, sorry. You get what I'm trying to get at. I just... What do you do for those people? How are they supposed to prepare? Do we tell them to make sure to stay strapped?
Starting point is 00:35:54 What would your advice be, Pappy or whomever, to these listeners who may be a part of this? Keep your head up. listeners who may be a part of this keep your head up as you see actions are being taken to stop what they're doing but it does affect you i don't know how far in life it is affecting you but it does we are also seeing uh what's the federal law of anti-antisemitic language. It is now a federal offense to say anything negative in an anti-Semitic way. I mean, all sorts of things are happening. What can we do? We stay ready. Keep prepping. Make sure you have plenty of water put up.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Make sure you have plenty of food in the house. Make sure you have a way to cook. Store that food properly. Make sure you have emergency bags and bandages and food, not food, medical care and everything else. Because when it comes down to it yes we are watching this from the sidelines yes it seems like it's nothing except for the people it does affect right what happens when those people take it too far and they try to prevent people or you know transports coming in and out with food and everything else. You have to be ready for anything that can be thrown your way. You know, the people who are trying to go onto campus who say that they haven't had any issues and nobody has attacked them.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Make sure you're still carrying a first aid or a trauma kit i would highly recommend anywhere you go for anybody you have that on you because anything can happen at any point in time i'm i don't want you to be afraid i don't and this is not trying to fear mongol this is not fear porn i want you to understand that preparedness you can be prepared for anything at any point in time i think everybody should have a small ivac um should maybe have a small trauma kit in their car a few extra bottles of water um i always keep nabs in my vehicle it's just a habit for me because i travel a lot i have children so making sure I have food and water or a snack to get us by in case I break down a first aid kit because
Starting point is 00:38:32 guess what boo-boos happen accidents happen people fall they scrape their knees they trip they whatever it happens so it's not me trying to tell you to be prepared because, oh, extreme such and such could happen. No, it's being prepared because any minor accident can happen. A fender bender. I had a friend who sent me one and she was all shaken up. It's a good idea to have these things on you. My girls, my son, they carry little kits in their bag because guess what? Paper cut, whatever. Someone falls, at least then they have it. Accidents do happen. Minor things happen, but it doesn't mean you can't be prepared for it. I mean, someone's going to be doing something and they accidentally cut their finger with their knife. Well, that's bleeding. All right, let's wrap it up, put a bandage on it, and you're good.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Instead of having it bleed everywhere, trying to find a band-aid. My biggest piece to these people is keep your head up. The people who are around this who see it and just see chaos. Keep your head up. Keep pushing forward. Carry your first aid kit. Carry your IFACs. Carry whatever it is you think you may need for your own safety and protection because it's what it's going to take. It's kind of like I told James James and Andrew, not James, Phil and Andrew last night on the show. Alright, so I always
Starting point is 00:40:12 carry if I'm going out. I actually got a date where I didn't have my son with me. He stayed home with dad so I could get some grocery shopping done. Because it just happened to be during nap time. I pull up to Kroger and there's a, I say a young mom, she's probably my age, and she has two small children with her and she's trying to load them into a car and she's got a cart full of things. And I decide, you know what, I can't in good conscience leave her standing there loading two littles by herself and not keep an eye out for her. So I walked around to the front of my car and I leaned up against the hood and I said, I hope you don't mind.
Starting point is 00:40:56 I'm just going to stand here until you get your babies loaded. Just because there's been a lot going on here. Even in Myrtle Beach, there's been a lot of incidents. And she said, oh, thank you. I appreciate it. Normally I'm carrying. And today I just had to get out of the house real quick. And normally I send one child, my older child to climb over, but there's something in the
Starting point is 00:41:20 way. I said, you don't have to explain it. I understand. I just want you to know, I would feel safer knowing you get in both. I understand on the strap because I lifted up you know part of my shirt and she saw I'm carrying two just so she felt understood that hey I respect that I'm a carrier too and she said thank you I appreciate you so much because normally I have a certain way I load my daughter or my children in so we don't have to worry about someone trying to come up and grab one of my babies and but today for whatever reason I
Starting point is 00:41:52 put something here and it's blocked it so I have to put them in individually and I was like I completely get it I'm just happy you didn't mind me standing here for the safety of your kids and that's that's what our whole interaction was because it was important to me that her and her babies were okay her and her babies were safe and because I would want someone to do the same for me and mine my children because I know what it's like to have several littles and to be trying to get them in the vehicle with as little issues as possible because my biggest fear was I've I've had someone approach and act like they were going to take my son not with me but with my my in-laws my biggest fear was what happens if someone walks up and grabs my all three kids and runs in different directions how do you handle that luckily I have children who are very understanding of how mommy's brain works and paying attention that when someone's
Starting point is 00:43:00 walking up or when I'm loading them into the car. We have a method for this. So be kind to one another. Look out for each other because I mean that little bit of me just standing there those extra few minutes. I mean the mom was thanking me like absolutely and I told her it wasn't a big deal because for me I would want someone to have our back you're not going to see that much in life but we could do that be cognizant be kind keep preparing keep prepping keep doing what you need to do to take care of your family I think I'm gonna leave it on this note. Tried it and did a little happier. We are going to see a lot more madness come out of the world. I know it and you know it.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Just kind of like the whole shirt that James has is let's be the calm within the chaos. We're going to have our moments where we're upset and we watch it and we shake our head, we're going to have our moments where we're upset and we watch it and we shake our head. But let that be your reminder of why we prepare and why we prep. It's not just for the chaos, though. It's for everything. The hurricanes, the tornadoes, the storms that are hitting everywhere. Are you, have you seen what's going on in the South and the Midwest? This is, this is what happens. This is why we prep prep we want to be able to give ourselves the security blanket because in a blink of an eye a tornado or storm can take it away this is why we make sure each of our kids and ourselves have emergency bags this is why i threw all the storm drills
Starting point is 00:44:43 and everything with my kids made them put on their backpacks when bad weather hit. Because that could be their lifeline. That could be the difference between a little bit of comfort and calm and all of the chaos. So I do appreciate everybody taking the time today. I apologize for the rant. But again, I'm sorry and not sorry at the same time. I hope everyone has an amazing weekend. Get out there, have fun, enjoy the beautiful weather if
Starting point is 00:45:14 you have it. If you have the rain, enjoy being inside. Get some preps done inside. Pick up some projects. Share with us on PBN. I would love to see what you have going on in your home what is new what you're thinking about doing come join pbn join the family join the network become a member look into the books look at what we do because i promise you you could pull that into your life there's a lot that we do and you do that we'd love to learn from each other. So, all right, listeners, I appreciate it. I hope you have an amazing weekend. Let's hope next week goes better and we won't have another mini rant on hand, but I appreciate it. Everyone take care and have a great weekend. And it's left, left, left, right, left So put your hands up, put your hands up
Starting point is 00:46:07 If crawling for the scraps won't ever be enough Put your hands up, put your hands up The mountains on the wall, this ain't ever gonna stop Put your hands up, put your hands up If crawling for the scraps won't ever be enough Put your hands up, put your hands up Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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