The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Phoenix Survival LIVE!!

Episode Date: November 2, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I keep on moving forward, always getting closer, marching till it's over. And just like a soldier. I keep on moving forward. Always getting closer. I'm marching till it's over. I just don't know you better, always getting closer, watching to the table, I'm just like a soldier, I just don't know you better, always getting closer, watching to the table. It's ridiculous. Somehow I managed to remove every Ethernet cable that existed in the house. And it is now gone. So we all had Halloween two days ago. The traffic commander had Oogie Boogie, right? That's who he was dressed up. My son went as the Grinch. And on top of that, because we didn't plan anything this year, we dressed up as, air quotes, protective parents. And what does that mean? Yes, we were out in our gear. We had our carriers on. We had our pistols on our hips.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Of course, he added the gas mask for an even more dramatic effect. And I can tell you what, we actually had quite a few people love our costumes. And had an older gentleman ask, well, those are real, correct? Like, absolutely. I'm not going to walk outside with a play gun and ended up getting an invitation to supper sometime. I think he was happy to see that we were individuals carrying and not hesitating to look out for our family. So we went out trick or treating. Son was the Grinch. I had my gear on. My partner had his gear on. We were protective parents. And it was a learning curve. We were out for an hour and a half,
Starting point is 00:02:51 3.28 miles or something like that. I did track it. And I got to learn real quick the pros and cons to my vest. Now, my partner was thrilled that I had steel plates. And steel plates do have a lot more heft to them, a little more weight. And I would randomly feel a thump or what felt like a thump to my back. And I'd be like, can you wait till I embrace? And he goes, if you get shot, you're not going to embrace. Well, come find out he was hitting the back of my vest. And I'm laughing because he goes, wow, that actually, he punched it hard once that I think he may have hurt his hand. Now it didn't feel it on my end. And then another time he'd done something. I felt a little think,
Starting point is 00:03:37 and I turned around like, what did you do? Did you punch that? He goes, no, I hit it with my steel toe boot. So I can tell you this, steel plates are amazing for protection, but they are heavy. And so with my carry group, even though I bought one that fits my size, there's still adjustments I have to make. There are still things I have to change to fit to my form in which the weight's not going to sit a certain way. Now, those of you who are looking out at getting plates, do it. By all means, do it. Still, plates are much heavier, but they are going to be much cheaper. You have soft plates. I think there's even some new, what is it, certain types of plates now. They're more high-tech, but they get more expensive the lighter you go.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Right now, for us, it wasn't an investment in trying to get the best. I mean, the plates I got can take everything but a 30-06 round. So, I mean, I have some great plates. It's just the weight to them. I mean, I have some great plates. It's just the weight to them. And being that, as you see in my pictures I posted on my Instagram, my shoulders ended up being really catching the entire weight of that vest the whole time.
Starting point is 00:04:58 So I do have to adjust it on the sides. My friends at Practical Tactical said to bring my gear the next hike out so it can be adjusted as well. So maybe because they're one of them is still in active military. The other one was military as well. So it's one of those things where we have a community here who will help. Now my partner, he wears soft plates. He had the nice vests, definitely looked comfortable. It was much more comfortable looking than mine, but it was, it was interesting to see what better day to be able to go out in your getup. And people question it less than on Halloween. Now, mind you, we really did find out how many like-minded individuals we had in our neighborhood to the point that Chris was introducing us to everybody. And it was interesting. to say the least.
Starting point is 00:05:47 It was absolutely interesting. Let's see. If Element is going, you'll have to let me know, because I am... This is one of those apps that if I remove from the browser, I will lose all my audio. And I know that for sure, because I've done that while being on live with y'all.
Starting point is 00:06:12 So we have the election coming up. We have who knows what to happen next. And it is going to be interesting because we don't know what's going to happen. And I said it in the live yesterday for James. And our society, our entirety balances on the edge, on the tip of a needle. And it takes one thing to tumble the whole network, the whole society as a whole, whatever you want to call it. We pray for peace, but we prepare for war. And I'm not saying that we want to fight, but life is a fight as it is.
Starting point is 00:07:07 All of my life, I've had to fight for everything I have. I had to crawl and punch and kick and get my way up, right? Life is not just handed to you. I've never been one of those lucky individuals. And I'm sure most of you have never been that lucky. We all struggle on some way in some level that we think we get to a point that we are comfortable with. And complacency is our killer. And it's not to be negative. And it's not to be ugly. But that is life. Life is not always pretty and rainbow and sunshines. But I tell you what, when we do get those rainbows and sunshines, we appreciate them even more. We admire the sunsets and the sunrises.
Starting point is 00:08:04 and even though I get off on a little tirade, we do not know what's waiting around the corner. We have an idea. We have suspicions. We see the media headlines and them stating that National Guard is being called for civil unrest and this and that. You know what? I'm going to be honest with you. I am paying only a bit of attention of what's going on elsewhere. Enough so I'm aware, but more so what is going on here? What is going on in my neighborhood? What is going on in my household? Because when it comes down to it, and Western North Carolina, and the victims of Hurricane Helene in Tennessee and South Carolina,
Starting point is 00:08:54 and everywhere it's been hit can tell you, our government is not going to save you. save you. We've seen that personally. People who've been turned away from FEMA for gas heaters because they have electric, even though their heaters are destroyed or their heaters were gas and they're gone. Yeah, who is prepping for the 2024 election? Well, I agree. I agree. So here on Rumble, that's a great move. It will drive you crazy if you try to solve everything. I'm not trying to solve everything. I am just trying to figure out what I need to do for mine and my family. You know what I did? We let our freezer run all the way down. Money was tight. We got a moment where we got to put up a little bit more and I put off getting groceries to get
Starting point is 00:09:51 a little bit more money put up. And as y'all saw on my video on Tik TOK and Instagram, um, I put up months. I said, you know, a month's worth of meat. No, I've got months worth of meat in my freezer. I was looking at it and thinking, oh, it's about two months. No, no, no. I've got about three months worth of meat in the freezer, which is fine, which is perfect because I know my meals I can make from everything. I've got an inventory sheet running. I know how I can break it down into meals.
Starting point is 00:10:22 I know how much leftovers that will leave for my family. I know if I am to can some of that and butcher the chickens that I have in the backyard, I can put even more meat up and more food up for my family. Now, what does that mean for me now? Yes, I spent a good chunk of the $480, $400 on meat. I can now go top off on my canned goods and the little odds and ends that I need now. I have realized there are certain things that it is better to bulk up on and to put the extra work into putting away than it is to go out and buy things that are instantly fixed for you.
Starting point is 00:11:09 buy things that are instantly fixed for you. We have, I can't prep like other people can in their households. I can't just grab something off the shelf and put it away. And it's not that I can't, I can't because of food allergies. So I modify and I cook and I fit to my family's needs and health. and I cook and I fit to my family's needs and health. Does that mean I take a few extra steps? Absolutely. And I'm perfectly okay with that because I can tell you for a fact what is going into every meal I make for my family. I can tell you what every ingredient is. I can tell you what time it took for each of those. And I am okay with that because a little extra work on my end means my family is fed, they are healthy, and they are safe. It's a lot of extra work, but you know what? It's okay.
Starting point is 00:12:26 But you know what? It's okay. That being said, I actually, Pack Fresh USA is our sponsor here on PBN. And I am going to, after this, actually start putting up more in the Mylar bags. I have beans and rice, which I typically vacuum seal. They actually sent me some vacuum seal bags after I used up all the ones I had on the freezer. And I will be using those vacuum bags for some additional items as well. So it's great to have a company supporting us who fits within our means or in my household in our means. The next thing I have to do is I have to start canning. I have my pressure canner and my boil, my bath canner, and I've got to get both of those out and start doing that. And that's an all day thing. So prepping can be away food is more work.
Starting point is 00:13:06 And that is because, I mean, freezer space is limited. Frigerator space is limited. Pantry space can be limited. But I would rather have extra jars or extra Mylar bags of food in totes, have extra jars or extra Mylar bags of food in totes put away and under my kitchen, my, under my dining room table. I'd rather it be an eyesore that I know I can feed my family with than not to have it at all because of appearances or space. Space is relative. You can easily go vertical. Shelves, cabinets. I live in a small two-bedroom, one-and-a-half-bath duplex and I make prep and work. You limit yourself when it comes to prep andpping. Yes, space is a factor, but there's always a ways
Starting point is 00:14:08 and a means. You know what, James? I figured out what's going on. So the messages you send me through Skype are in popping up like 10 minutes after the fact. So when you state you didn't have audio, I think I was doubleicking everything because of that. It's delayed. So that's good to know on my end. So the election is coming up. You know what? Even regardless of the election, regardless of everything else, you should be putting things away. And you're going to laugh, but around this time, go to the Walmart clearance shelf. You'd be surprised the number of things that you would find that your family actually can use. There'd be camping every day.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Tractor supply is going to be having sales. They're going to be coming up on their markdowns. Yeah, for sure, it's always a doozy. But it's interesting to see where things are going. It's interesting to see people's mindsets. An election brings out a torrent of emotions among strangers. You'll have people who are in agreement because you're thinking like-minded. You're going to have people in uprage and anger because of difference of opinion.
Starting point is 00:15:40 And it is interesting to see because I can tell you this, I'll tell people and they don't like my political view or they don't like who I'm voting for. They love who I'm voting for. And I can tell you this. We can have a difference of opinion. It does not matter. I don't have to agree with who you're voting for. You don't have to agree with who I'm voting for.
Starting point is 00:16:02 But it is my opinion. We all have one. but it is my opinion we all have one i'm checking something see i am just jumping everywhere but i'm also seeing on our commercials and stuff. This is pretty cool. I'm digging this. I do like that I have the opportunity to be able to do this from my phone when my computer's not going to be doing right because after this, I'm going to go pick up an ethernet cable. I don't know how, out of all the stuff we had, there are no ethernet cables in existence in this house, and I know we had some. Ways the world, huh? Let's see.
Starting point is 00:17:01 But it goes to show PBN, we are branching out. What are we? We're the Prepper Broadcasting Network. So for those of you who are jumping in, who are not used to us, who are not a part of the network, check out I'm the host of Phoenix Survival, Jay Ferg. I'm going to repeat this. We have a network here, 15 hosts, shows every night, every day, and we're always branching out. Our network wants to bring people together. We want you to realize we all come from different walks of life. Hey, that num. And we want you to be a part of what we are. We have content. We have content. We have videos. We have a community chat in which we pass and share recipes and failures and completions and successes. And this is what we are. We're a community. We're thriving.
Starting point is 00:18:09 And we are trying to share it across the board. And we are going places. I mean, so for example, I recently had guests on my last weekend from Practical Tactical, Bruce and Rudy, and they have invited me to be a part of a local event here in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. They are doing it at their school in which they teach self-defense and shooting and everything. And I think they're capping it at 50 to 53 individuals and it is children-friendly. So anyone in this area who's interested, reach out, let us know. He's going to be getting me the stuff to put up the banner. It's going to be November 23rd around 11 o'clock, I believe is the time we spoke about. we will have a huge event and then we will have breakaway classes.
Starting point is 00:19:09 I will be leading the precker classes and getting the community interested. And it is something he is trying to turn into a monthly event for the locals to be able to reach out. And for people who want to learn about self-defense because Myrtle Beach, don't get me wrong, is a lot of people come here for tourists. People travel and visit, but the locals and a lot more people are actually moving here. To be able to have a community with a like-mindedness is a big thing. And that's something even James talks about is community, having a network, having people near you, being able to help each other in that direct community. And that's what Bruce and Rudy are
Starting point is 00:19:54 trying to do here in this area is bring people together, bring openness to fitness and self defense and all of the above. And it's just, it's great. I'm excited that I'm going to get to be a part of something and potentially reach out to more people and maybe bring more people to Prepper Broadcasting Network to bring people to see that we are more than just podcasts. We offer our talents, our skills, our wares, our coffee. Prepper Broadcasting Network also has disaster relief. Lord have mercy. Disaster coffee.
Starting point is 00:20:38 And it is phenomenal. Exactly. As James said here on Rumble, people are the most powerful prep of all. Problem is you don't realize it till you need them. We see so many people, I see so many people who believe that prepping, it's just them, the lone wolf, they'll do it by themselves. Just them, the lone wolf. They'll do it by themselves.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Man needs interaction. Man needs companionship. Man needs a community. I love that I have a partner that I can prep with, that I'm not doing it alone. I love that I have friends who prep, and I'm not doing it alone. I'm not saying trust every stranger out there. Most strangers you can't and that is the way of the world. But having a community of other individuals with like-mindedness, with skill sets, with abilities that you don't have really makes you grow because you can't do everything by yourself. You can't, not without some sort of extreme burnout, not without making a lapse in judgment and getting
Starting point is 00:21:52 hurt or wounded. And then, and then what, what do you do if you're the only person with a skill set that your family's dependent on? What happens when you get hurt or injured or worse, you die? What happens when you get hurt or injured or worse you die? What happens to them? Because you're not you're not looking out for their well-being By being a solo You have to realize your greatest weakness and what your weaknesses are And your biggest downfall will be you cannot do it alone Realize your greatest weakness and what your weaknesses are. And your biggest downfall will be you cannot do it alone.
Starting point is 00:22:31 You can do quite a bit alone. Don't get me wrong if it's just you. But if you have a support system, if you have a family, it makes you so much stronger, not only physically, but mentally as well. Have you ever, and the prime example is, have you ever been so depressed and so low and you started to recess and pull away from the world that you realized it was one person or a friend reaching out, hey, I'm not going to let you do this, or hey, I'm just checking on you, that really helped. That's what it is because we go through our own personal apocalypses. We go through heartache and heartbreak and failure and injury, and we have people we can count on to pick us up, to pull us out, to be there. And that's what community is about. Yeah, you don't have to get to know these people like on an extreme personal
Starting point is 00:23:36 level, but it's good to know there are people out there with the same mindset, with the same thought process, with similarities or a skill set. Well, you know, I think we all help each other with that. And truth be told, you've helped me with that, James. I mean, I've been through probably some of the biggest personal apocalypses in the world that I never thought could happen. And now here I am. I am prepping in a much more urban lifestyle than I've ever had before. I am growing as an individual. I am learning more skill sets. I am learning this whole comms thing. If it weren't for chin, I am learning more on that. I'm getting more people interested in that. Mesh static nodes are phenomenal. I've got my GMRS that I have to set up. I have to get that license. Luckily, I don't have to take a test for that.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I've got my ham radio, which I still need to take a test for, but it's, it's getting up there. It's realizing, especially after Prepper Camp, especially after Hurricane Helene, communication is a big deal. And that's something my partner and I, he and I have, we have sat there and talked about at length and figuring out what's going to work for where we're at. That's a big thing. Certain things sound great. Certain things look like they'll be great, but it may not be what's best for you and the region you're in. So I have multiple options,
Starting point is 00:25:17 multiple ways of being able to communicate here because just because one works doesn't mean the other will, or vice versa. You know, it's making sure, okay, so if this one doesn't work, we have this option. If this option doesn't work, we have this option, you know, having backups for your backups. Is it extra? Absolutely. Do I mind? Nope, not at all. Not at all. Nope, not at all. Not at all.
Starting point is 00:25:48 I'm loving this. I am absolutely loving that this is streaming on here from my phone with no issue. No issue at all. All right. Oh, nope, not trying to deafen y'all. I am going to go to a commercial break real quick so I can grab a drink. And then we will continue on on this Saturday morning Phoenix rant. I'll be right back. Food storage and preservation are at the heart of self-reliance.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Our sponsor, Pack Fresh USAUSA features made-in-America products. I shop for Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers for my home food storage. But they do all kinds of products. Go to and check out their Prepper University and order their box set of Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers. It's a 7-mil 100-pack of Mylar bags, oxygen absorbers. It's a 7 mil 100 pack of mylar bags, oxygen absorbers, labels, and even a food storage guide. All right. You know what, James? I may have to log back on
Starting point is 00:26:56 my computer. I'd like to put some of those little audio bits on there, or if I can get you to do that, that would be phenomenal because I do love playing your garden is the resistance. So hopefully this is marking our growth at PBN. We've been on air for years. As host, we've been on here. As a listener, I listened for years before I became a host. And PBN never ceases to amaze me at how we grow as a family, how we grow as a network.
Starting point is 00:27:38 And look at us now. We are finally reaching across. We should have been doing this. And we've been saying we were going to do it for a while now, for a few years, but now I have created, I have the TikTok, I have the Instagram. I'm trying to get set up on X, but for whatever reason, it would not let me. Years ago, I got rid of Twitter and now I'm trying to get an account put up on there, but it's given me issues. So if anyone has any tips on that, let me know because I'm not sure why it won't let me create one. But yeah, we're trying to reach out. And if
Starting point is 00:28:18 there are things that you as listeners, if you're brand new, if you've listened to our show before, if there is something you would like to see or hear from us, reach out to us. Let us know. I crochet. I make textiles. So that will be stuff that you'll see posts on. That will be stuff that you see. I've just recently finished a sweater for my son that I posted. And, you know, the cold is coming. It just because it was nice and warm all day on Halloween does not mean the cold isn't coming. It's going to get
Starting point is 00:28:57 cold. And with the election, it seems like it's going to be even colder just because everybody, It's going to be even colder just because everybody, we're all looking around us. If there is a skill set you want to learn, if there is a tip or trick you'd like to know about, reach out. We, sorry, it sounded like someone hit something in my yard. Let me see. Okay. It is, it's going to be interesting. It is going to be interesting. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:29:46 So, I had a question. To be interesting. So. I had a question. You know what. Let me ask Nub. That Nub. Hey garden girl. There's my people. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Yeah. So the only downside is is it doesn't stream right away to Spreaker, but that is fine. It will then air everywhere else. I do like us being live on here. But Fat Nubbin Garden Girl and James, what are you doing right now? Outside of everything that's going on with the election, what are you doing as far as your preps for your family now? Because mine is still food. We already see the cost of food just keeps going up. I've never thought I would see that the cheapest GV deli sandwich meat would go from three bucks to six dollars for just a small container. It is absurd how expensive food is getting. So that is why right now my main focus is putting away and having food for my family. You know, we had that whole mold issue, which the landlord said he came and fixed. I'm still
Starting point is 00:31:00 cleaning up things. And my concern is losing food because of something like that. So I'm going to an extra step and making sure everything's clean and everything's sealed and packaged. So our food does not get ruined. And garden girl, I need to get my hands on some of that sourdough starter years. I am so jealous of everything you've got going on. As far as your kitchen, it makes me hungry every time I see it. So what do you have going on for your preps? What is your focus right now? Like I said, outside of the election. focus right now. Like I said, outside of the election. Trying to put some money back into savings and also planting a winter garden. No, I think that's phenomenal. So I actually have Japanese wasabi in my garden and it says it does prefer a cooler climate. And we tried it during
Starting point is 00:32:03 the summer and it didn't which was funny though is I left it I didn't pull it out when I did everything else and it is now flourishing that we're probably going to have quite a bit of wasabi so that's that's interesting um I don't know it's just trying different things. My purslane actually went to seed and the seeds were sitting on top. I needed to do that yesterday and I forgot to. I've got to go get my, I've got to get a Ziploc baggie and do that after this show because I completely forgot. Oh, thank you. yeah so actually i forget now that i i'm so used to being at the computer to keep myself sitting down because i am a very active individual anyone who knows me personally knows that i am moving non-stop i cannot sit still i don't i'm not an idle individual that you know what i'm going to take you with me let's go outside and collect some pursing pursing seeds while I'm thinking about it because I'm going to tell you
Starting point is 00:33:12 right now as sure as the day gets long I'll forget as soon as this broadcast is over this is what it's like in the Jayford household. I am always moving, always doing something, cooking, cleaning, making something, putting something away. Actually, after this, I have a few more pine pumpkins. I did try to put some pine pumpkins up the other day. Unbeknownst to me, one of the pumpkins had gone bad. I had roasted it down, didn't think to try the meat first before I started putting both pumpkins together and puree in, and it was ruined. So I was devastated because I'm sorry, but I prefer pumpkin pie from an actual pumpkin than from a can. Oh, that's phenomenal. So that number states that he just finished getting his whole home battery backup finished.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Wonderful. Now, let me know if the audio gets worse. But I am out here looking at my purslane. All these have opened up and seeded. So now it is getting the seeds out which after i'll have to take a picture but it's interesting to see i wonder how much purslane is going to end up growing 28.6 kilowatts of battery that should last us a day without knowing the power went out.
Starting point is 00:34:45 That's phenomenal. If I could afford something like that, I would. Actually, I would be moved. That is our goal, is to get out of Myrtle Beach. The cost of living here has gotten so high, it's ridiculous. I'm actually getting quite a bit of seeds. Oh, I didn't see that. And they stick to everything. Okay so chickens in the backyard, small plant with the...
Starting point is 00:35:26 Oh no, it's too damp. Okay, so the dew is sticking to it. Yeah, personally went to seed, which is now stuck to my hands. Good. I'm glad to hear that going outside did not affect the audio. Now I have to figure out how to get, because it was still dewy. I get seeds stuck to my hand.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Actually got quite a few. So that is, and there was still even more seeds. I'll have to take pictures afterwards and post it, but purslane is an amazing plant that you can eat. Very nutritious, very good for you. Be careful though, false purslane can be dangerous. Did they? No, my chickens never started to lay. So because of that, that is why they're up for butchering. I have been told from a friend to up their protein, which I'm going to tell you right now,
Starting point is 00:36:33 we do have them on the highest protein we can get. On top of, I also feed them our meat scraps. I cooked a big ham a couple of weeks, not a couple of weeks, a week ago. They got all the leftover ham. You know, they get our scraps. We have a high protein diet already. So if there's scraps that we're not eating, they get it. They get the leftover meat so it's not like they're being depleted of protein in any way shape or form let's see so who knows you would have thought they would have started laying but at the same time that is meat for my freezer. That is meat in our bellies. So it is what it is. I would like to not butcher all eight. I want to butcher,
Starting point is 00:37:36 I'd like to leave two or three just to see, and we're going to move them around once we do that and and see how it goes but i've never had chickens who just never laid just never laid at all um i mean and i guess that's what i get for buying tractor supply chickens. I didn't think it through, never thought I would run into a situation in which I could, would have an animal who didn't do what they were needed for. So there's the good thing to chickens though, is if they don't lay, then you can always eat them. So we'll be, that's why I have to get the freezer emptied out a little bit because it's packed. And then that way I can have an entire weekend to,
Starting point is 00:38:31 because we were originally going to process them out this weekend, but I need an entire weekend to process out chickens and put them in a freezer. Yep. So as Nub says, I'm going to put that up there. Over the last few years, I've seen so many YouTube and podcast air quote preppers not being prepared. I think as a group, we need to go back to the basics. Absolutely. A hundred percent. And I think that's something that we're striving on here in our household is to, oh, I don't have tea. Sorry, distracted. You know, working on our basic skill sets for us, you know, being able to cook, to can, to how to butcher an animal, how to, sorry, you're going to hear water for a moment. I say that. Nope. Can't do it one handed. Nevermind. Um, we are trying to, you know, I'm all for, I don't know if you would call it prepping for me.
Starting point is 00:39:46 It's almost homemaking. But being able to stitch, being able to sew or repair clothing, being able to darn, being able to do your basic things around the house, I think is a huge thing. I see less people being able to cook. I see less people being able to know how to mend or resell on a button being able to do something as simple as starting a fire now i'm not into primitive but i want to learn more primitive absolutely so james has the best comment here a lot of answers we are looking for as a society we can only find by looking back and not looking forward absolutely i mean look at history in the sense that we have look at the settlers they did everything with their hands. Everything was worked for. It was built. It was created. If you didn't have it, you had to travel to barter and trade. There was a system to it.
Starting point is 00:41:05 in the chat so you can see, you know, preppers are always laminating emergency comms and one potential is a landline. You know what? I miss having a landline. I really do out here. It's stupid expensive here just for a landline, which is absurd. But being able to have communications and landlines are amazing way of communication because guess what if the power works the landline still works um i mean who didn't have that green rotary phone on their wall growing up and when the power went out your phone still worked i mean it's it's understanding what we had around us that we keep removing because you hear people say, oh, landlines are outdated. And guess what? No, they're not.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Landlines are phenomenal. I am a fan. But, you know, prepping isn't just for emergencies. It really is for life itself. It is for making sure that you can be taken care of, that you can look out for your family and your loved ones. It is making sure that when times do get tough, you don't have to worry about it. For me, prepping is not only a lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:42:34 It's not only comfort. Well, it is comfort. It is a safety net. It is a place that I know that my family is taken care of. Yep. So that says, I just watched a video from sensible prepper talking about his power outage in North Carolina. He did okay, but his biggest power source was a 3,500 watt gas generator alone with some Jackeries. You know, that is something that I was looking into getting was a little Jackery or a little power source, a solar generator for us. And it wasn't that my partner talked me out of it, but he said, you know, let's hold off.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Cause I do believe an additional power source is needed. Sorry. I was stepping into trying to graph. I don't know why I stuck that in there. Um, I do believe another power source is needed and it was a good thing we didn't because that same weekend that I had planned on ordering it, that little bit of money that I was going to spend went to my carrier. And so being able to do that is what really, really set things off. I'm glad I have the carrier. How does he not have a tri-fuel generator yet or some real solar panels?
Starting point is 00:44:14 Ah, I see what you're getting at. Okay. I don't know. But not everybody can afford that either. You know, not everybody has the financial means sorry sorry folks sorry sorry sorry um sorry did not mean to Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I did not mean to. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:11 So we're just going to pretend like that did not just happen oh my god I just made myself sick I had an absolute girly moment and um thought something was climbing across my hand and screamed like a little girl. I am so sorry. Well, I think we're about winding up the show after that. That was not my intentions. And that was embarrassing. Yep, yep, yep. Nothing like, yeah, I'm fine. Oh, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:45:59 So, Thadnum says, he makes enough from YouTube and affiliates. You know, I've looked into creating a YouTube channel. I've looked into doing it. But is that something that you as the listeners would even be interested in? Yeah, I'm okay. Batnov, I just had a moment that I will have to tell you off air, but I thought there was like a bug or something that touched my hand. So, okay. I had stepped near the back door, and I'm going to tell you right now, out here in South Carolina, we have this thing called a palmetto bug. Okay, for those of you who don't know what a palmetto bug, they call it a palmetto bug.
Starting point is 00:46:53 It is a giant roach, a giant cockroach, okay? Giant cockroach. Ugh, I hate roaches. And I mean, like when I say I hate roaches, I mean, I absolutely hate roaches. And I mean, like when I say I hate roaches, I mean, I absolutely hate roaches. It's, um, I grew up very poor. I have a whole thing about it. Okay. Never liked them. And I went to move something near the back and I thought it touched my hand and I screamed like a girl. It touched my hand and I screamed like a girl. So I'm back in the house.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Yeah, yeah. I'm fine with bugs outside. I just didn't want it on my hand and it was huge. Okay. Maybe I should not walk around with you listeners with me if something like that's going to happen. Oh, good gravy. Well, guess what? Our listeners went up now. Oh my God. That was fun. and affiliates, then yes, I would, I would invest in better quality stuff, but I don't, you know, here on PBN, we're not in it for the money.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Um, I do my little side hustle of crocheting and selling and sewing my dump pouches from camp, my bags, my crocheted wares like that. That is something I've done for years that I enjoy doing and I enjoy putting out. And that is something I will keep doing crocheting and spinning wool and being a fiber enthusiast is a part of my life, but so is every other aspect of it. Did I kill anyone's eardrums? I'm so sorry. James, are you still there? Did I lose you? All you can do is laugh at yourself. Look, life is going to be full of ups and downs. I have to wash my hands after that. Sorry. Life is going to be full of ups and downs. We're going to have the highs with the lows. We're going to have failures with successes.
Starting point is 00:49:13 And that's prepping. We're human. You know, we learn from our mistakes. We learn to make adjustments. We change things to fit our needs, like our camping equipment. We don't use the same camping equipment for the next 10 years unless it is shown that it's tried and true. We're always making sure that we improve ourselves. It's human nature. We always try to improve, whether it be our gear, whether it be ourselves, whether it be our lifestyle. Whether it be our gear, whether it be ourselves, whether it be our lifestyle, we're always doing what we can to improve, to make things better and to grow. And that's what we're here for at PBN. We want to see you grow.
Starting point is 00:49:55 We want to see you improve. We want to see you take those steps to make things better for yourself and your family. And we're going to keep pushing for that. I'm going to keep putting out content. I'm going to continue to post my podcast. I am going to continue all of it. What's stopping you from starting prepping? For those who are new, who are listening, what's stopping you? What is stopping you from making things better for yourself and your family? Is it because it's a little extra work? A little extra money?
Starting point is 00:50:42 Prepping doesn't have to be expensive. I'm not saying, you know, go out and buy the cheapest stuff. I'm saying though, you can start as simple as your pantry. You can start at the basics of something as simple as a small garden. Okay. So you live in a condo and you don't have a yard. You can do container gardening. There are inside grow lights. We're actually working on getting some so I can see what I can and can't grow inside the house. There are ways and means. You just have to be willing to put in the little bit of extra work it takes to make it happen.
Starting point is 00:51:20 To make it happen. Well PBN. I appreciate y'all. I think I'm going to call it. It has been an exciting morning. Between audio working and not working. And the fact that I can move around. I think James is right. It's very much a me thing because sitting still is not in me. So I like this. If there's anything in particular for you new listeners, for anyone, reach out to me. It's phoenix-survival at
Starting point is 00:52:06 Phoenix-survival at if you want to send me an email. If you want to reach out to me through Rumble, through PBN, through Insta or TikTok, reach out. Let me know if you have questions, concerns, or things you'd even like to hear on the show. I'm down. All right, folks. Yes, I am definitely a mobile caster. All right, folks. I appreciate you.
Starting point is 00:52:36 I hope you have a great Saturday morning, the rest of your day, and enjoy your weekend. Oh, and remember, tomorrow is the Family Feud for the Changing Earth podcast with Team Swenson versus Team Virgil. So check it out. As most of the hosts here are, we are voice actors for that audio drama. All right, folks, take care, have a good day, and enjoy the rest of your weekend. Put your hands up, put your hands up. If crawling for the scraps won't ever be enough. Put your hands up, put your hands up. We'll fight until we die. This ain't ever gonna stop.

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